PAGE SIX TIrE CANADIAN STATERMAK ~flWMA?,fl7TT.T.U! 'rrnTP~flAV APRTT. i Sf1, - i Q25 YOUR REXA LL~ SOLINA OLD BILL SAYS: ~IUK ~FFKb .IG B RGAI S t1 met a man the other day at STOR OFERS BIG A RGIN SMiss Nora Werry. Kedron, visited whosee ouse I hadl left a sample at Mr. S. E. Werry's. package of cereal a week or se, Mrs. A. L. Pascoe is visitîng friends earlier. Well, 1 said, how'd you hli Toronto and Pickering. like it? ,oh," hie said, "ail right. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Reynolds spent Where can 1 buy it? the wife SPECIAL We Meet Ail Prices the weekend with Toronto friends. wants it for the kids." Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Pascoe. Brook- A food lubricant does not per- EASTER VALUES ]aVx$10 in. visited at Mrs. R. J. McKes- mit the body to retain food long ELIABEH RDE ~ MthBais Ie. 5e sock's. enough to do harm. ELZBT RDNM0 als3Is 5 Mr. Stanley Webber and Mr. Hor-- - TOILET SETS 2*0 Diehlor Beazene, lb ... 39e ton, Columbus, visited at Mr. H. E.1 Yuî ieLx Formalin, lb....... 25e HELEA RBINSEINMessrs Livingstone Miller and Anail year round muffin and TOELETA RSE T INIsaac Hardy recently made a trp t bekat eeltatpooe EASTER NOVELTIES beafatewburgatprmoe 2.~~~~O ~~Plans are being made for our Sun- aclrcmpein ___________________ y Sile 'nChukle iday Sehool Anniversary on May 26 Priced for Daily Use 55cMela Fce ower c t $1OOMr. and Mrs. Chas. Mackey. PICKERING MILLS 55e Melba Perfurne Brooklin, visited Miss Mary Hogarth LA E TChildren Like It! and Mrs. R. Pascoe. PICKERING, ONT. Both for 55c Mn. Will Bentham, Thornhill, -_____________ Rexali Mint Flavored Man.. and Mr. Bert Bent.ham. Un- D ISCO VERY _ _ _ _ _ ion, visited Messrs Chas. and Frank MILK 0F MAGNESIA Shortridge on Sunday. Mr. Bruce and Miss Evelyn Tink,I SALEM i y sg tNOW 25c - 50c - 75c Mr. Tom and Misses Helen and Mur- iel ake spet Sndaywit Mr.and Mrs. J. Irwin ia visiting friends in Deckle Edge Prints FREE with KOLYNOS Mrs. Maurice Baker. Concord. Trnoti ek Co fo tAT NO EXTRA COST thur Drew. Mr. and Mrs. Qoron Drew Mrs. L. Squair was a Toronto visit- Tooth Paste - 43c and baby boy, Oshawa, called on or on Wednesday week. eNow science gives us Speedy Service Mrs. John Pascoe on Sunday aften- Mr. and Mrs. S. Buttery and chil- TilyrLnss-heatst Deelpig193 Page Mickey Mouse Book, I noon. Mrs. Pascoe is stili confined dren were Sunday guests with his TilyrLnss-heatst DeelPritg 'to her bed at Mr. H. E. Tink's. brother, Town. discovery i reducing I>nlring IR F E The misslonary program on Sun- Miss Gladys Cann, Toronto, spent eye-srain and fatigue. IfEnaigMR OR F E day afterTloon was in charge of Mns. the weekend at home and attended youwer lase, et~ itColoring ith every purchase of $1 box Roy Langmaid who read an intereat- service on Sunday also Mr. L. Annis yoh ewithllyeeses . 8lHouuServic GARDENIA FACE POWDER ing poem. Mrs. Jack Yellowlees and of Toronto. the wihTiyelen«. H ur ervcewe will give free a îoveîy Miss Gladys favored with a vocal Sympathy is extended to Mrs. H. duet and Mrs. S. E. Werry gave the Jacks mn the death of lier brother Te ilbigyuaDRESSING MIRROR missionary story. Mr. R. Moffatt, who passed away new and noticeahie eye May meeting of the Women's In- recentîy in the West. cofr.stitute was held in the Sunday achool Mis ilrdCni, ngvle comforChas. mith, residifteng o mmittee s.accompanlied lier cousin, Miss Ella We wll e gad t shw J IRY O V I L L has. Smthpreidin. CmmiteeCollacott from Toronto and spent the you how TUiiyer Lenses are ao anuedta h oodtet differentfrom ordinarylensea. WHEN WE TEST EVES IT IS DONE PROPERLY PHONE 78 !ment for scarlet fever would be given weekend at the Colacott home. in each of the achools. Rev .A. M. Wooten conducted the Good attendance at League on afternoon serivce and deluvered a 'Monday night, program being in fine sermon from the text -And the charge of 3rd Vice- President. Mr. Lord turneci and looked upon Peter". _____________________________________________ Ge orge Werry. Devotional was tak- Y. P. L. meeting Weânesday even- 'I5*en by Mr. Peney Westlake topic ing was oee by the President wth HEJ Z D M O STR TIO I MAPLE GROVE - War?' was given by Mr. E. R. Tay- ening exercises, Miss M. CollacottL on;or readinga by Miss Ileen Balson , Mssonary Vice, took charge of the S Mr. Fred Twist, Toronto, spent. and Mr. George Werry; a piano duet program: bible readings, Mr. R. HEINZ EM ONLT ATIONSunday with lis mother, Mrs. L. Gy Miss Grace Yellowlees and Mr. Cale; topic, Mrs. E. Doidge; readinL,. Tw ist. George Werry. Contest on current by Mrs. Perey Carm, Mr. L. Squia; Miss Mildred Snowden spent the events was enjoyed. and Misa L. Welsh; piano solo. Miss Ail this iweek at Harry Alin's, Miss Roberts, Dietitian frorn the j weelcenci with Miss Doris Grooms, Roll cali was an exchange of seeds M. Honey; and vocal select- Heinz Kitehens, willilbe with us. Let hier prepare you samples of Toronto. and slips, Miss Ruth McKessock ions, Mr. S. Elcombe; missioary col- our delicious lines. Here are a few at very special prices. Misses Ruth Ferguson and Norma leader of group 6, took charge of the lection was taken. Attendance 22. Dunford, Oshawa, spent the week- program. Mrs. John Kivell gave an The funeral of the late Mrs. J. HEINZ READY-TO-SERVE SOUPS end with Miss Jean Stevens. interesting reading on gandens and Rutledge took place froin the f amily The sympathy of this comxnunity gardening; Miss Helen Baker gave residence on Wednesday last and was Bean Chckenwit Rie, Vgetble Bee Brth, is extended to Mr. and Mns. J. H. two vocal solos accompanied by Miss attended by a large circle of rela- Bea, Cickn ithRic, egeabl, eefBroh, Aldread in the ls of Rosa, one of Ileen Balson: Miss Edna Reynolds, tives and friends. Many beautiful Mok Trle hce wt odes cth the twins. Hampton, gave a report of the Hort- floral offerings expressed esteemn and Mock TurieChiken with Noo~es SctchIcultural convention in Toronto and sympathy. Rev. A. S. Kerr assist.ed Mn. and Mrs. John Hopps and two also some pointers on the choosing b n .Pitn odce h Brth Oio, xtil 1 o. inchildren. Miss Ruth Armsrn o seeds and plants for our gandenn. service, Mn. Kerr speaking 'eny ten- foir 27c - $1.55 per dozen. R. N., and friend, Toro tno png of uieweeendwih Trono, which was very helpful. Mrs. A. L. derly of the life of deceasd and jf Heiz omao etcup 8 z.bot1e...2 oi 25 Sathe Moekndto Mn. and Mrs. Pascoe gave a reading on conditionsth length of years she had ben oz.canSchol eprt EsterExas, in the West. A dainty lunch was spared to give loving Chnistian cun- Heinz Tomato Juice, 16 oz a colRpr atrEan. served by group 6 and a social time sel and guidance to the daughters of 4IV-Philip Ayling 66, Albert Both- enjoyed. May meeting will be elect- the home. Much sympathy is ex- 4foi' 25c; $1.20 cloz. ;well 65, Walter Polly 64. ion of officers. AIl ladies are asked tend^.d to the bereaved family. Sr. III1-George Wright 68, Phyllis to come and join neady for the elec- Heinz Oven Baked Beans, with tomato Trimble 66. Eleanor HaIynol 63. t.on sauce, 18 oz. tin .................. 2 foi' 23c Jr. III-Margaret Campbell' 69, Fotball boys held a ve ry suc- Roy Bothwell 65, Kenneth Coyne 62, cessful card party in the hall Fni- KENDAL Heinz Cookeci Spaghetti, 17 oz. tin..2 for~ 23c Kathleen Alldread, abs., Lllian dayý evening when everyone had a Snowxden. abs. jolly time. Miss Ruth McKessock M.andi Mrs. John Patton andi Roy! Sr. II-Marion Foley 79, Dorothy won the ladies' prise. Mr. A. L. Pas- spent Sunday un Mllbrook. HAWVES' Canned Tomatoes. 3 for 25c Snowden 78, Bullue Polly 76, Barbara coe won the prize for the men and Mn. and Mrs. Cecul Deb1ble visiteci FLOOR GLOSS A Coyne 76, Gabriel Kovace 62. Mn. Hilton Tink got the consolation Mr. and Mrs. N. Skeldung, Leskard. No Rubbing, Dnies in ylmer Pumpkin, tin7 . .10c Jr. Il-Pearl Collacutt 81, Lloyd prise . A dainty lunch was served Mn. and Mrs. George Smith, Stark- 20 miutesTonkin 68, Reggue Evans 65. by the committee. The boys helti ville. vsited with ha s sster, Mrs. 2 mut 5e Slîced rîneapple, lst-Audrey Gneenham 87, LenoreI election of officens: Hon. Pres- CclGa Regular 59c Collacutt 81, Billie Tonkin 73. Stew- IMn. Thos. Baker, Mr. Frank Mason: CclGas Special - Pint - 49c No. 2 tin........... 10c art Jauwie 63, Pnesident-Percy Dew*ell; ViCe-Pres. Mr. Win. Patterson bas had hic- Sr Pr.-Norman Tabb, hon.; John -Sam Dewell; Sec. Tneas.-Wesley coughs for a week and is in a ser- Morton, hon.I Yellowlee-s: Captain-Gordon Wiî- ious condition. Int. Pr-Doris Stevens, hon.; bur: Manager-Jack Reynolds; Field' Mrs. Lunn, Mrs. Jas. Hoyes moth- SC)A P SOAI Wriglht, pass; Clarence Aldread, to league-Anthur Blanchard, Gor- Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Glass, Mn. anti or29 i pass. don Wilbur: Refrealiment Comn.- Mrs. Milton Robinson visited Mr. W. COMPXS [ ,, FLAKESI2 ý Hon. 75 and over; Pass 60 to 75; Mrs. John Kivell, Mrs. Jack Rey- Hallowell, Starkville. YOUTHL halesCltesLat on Pr. namnes In onden of menit. nolds, Ileen Balson, Margaret Scott; Mn, and Mrs. Milton Robinson. W. L. Lycett, teacher. Collection Com-Evenett Vice. Wes- Mrs. M. Sopen anti Miss Bernice W. . Lcet, tachr.ley Werny, Will Baker, Roy'Lang- Lanstaff spent Sunday in Toronto. FOR OOD RID Y FR SH FSH maiti. Practise wiii be in achool Owing to considerable sickness in I AY1 yard on Monday and Thunsday the comrnunity thene was not a large HA D nghts. congregation out Sunday monning Field__________-_Red___________________ -____________.4 A high-class program was given in but those who wene out heard a Churcli service next Sunday wiiIthe Sunday school room Wednes- splendid Temperance sermon by Mn. be a 3 . i. Secia Eatenmusc.Iay evening when the young people's Lewis of Toronto. &EE sociepy h.lti their annalcncert. Mn. and Mrs. Joseph Austin and H a rry 11 M G rocerMnEgetWihanMs.Rd, Rev. W. Rackham matie a veny ef- Mn. John Armstrong, Welcome. Mrs. Toronto, visited their father, Mn. J. ficient chairman anti every nme Moore, Rosemount, and Mn. and Phone J186 or' 121 Bowmanville Wright. nme r.A.J ihl n r .Ne Mn. J Gilbnk ha been . was well neceiveti and much enjoyed. r.A.J ihl n n .Nc ____ his brother, Mn. W. E. Gilbank, Bow Vo cal solos by Mns. John Baker, Mn. hols, Wesle3rville. w'ene visitons at manville. James McMaster accompanieti by Mn. L. D. Belî's. Misa Annie McMaster, Zion. and by Mn Blake Alexander is under the Mn. A. McNel iis seriousy ill with Mn. Sam Castle, Maple Grove; vocal docton's cane anti Jackson Peacock, a pneumonia, Miss Clank,,R.,N., New- desb Misses Ileen Balson and pupil o! Kendal School anti son o! castle. is in attendance. Muriel Baker and by Misa Alice Mn. Vernon Peacock. Elizabethviîle, .. N w T fle a S itsMn. anti Mns. Stanley Wooîîings, Ashton anti Mn. John Slemon, En- has had to have medical attention New aff ta S its Beatrice anti Norman, Toronto, vis- niskillen; selections by Solina girls to a fingen for a felon. ited at Mn. H. Ashton's. quartette andi Enniskillen maIe League on Thursday niglit was ini Mrs. W. Kilburn anti Mns. Frank quartette; Mn. George Wenny favoneti The Last W ord inl Taylor, Oshawvisiteti the formeras with Piano solos anti Misses Helen rjsister, Ms ei Crosaman. n Muriel Baker with piano duets; Mn. Norman Hall, Miss Benyl Hall neadings wene given by Mns. Will j aster Wear Mn. Earl Kennedy anti Miss Doneen Leask. Misses Eva Johns anti Mar- I These Jacket Frocks bave just an- Kennedy, Oshawa, Sundayeti at Mn.gatSotanievRckmni rved in time for Easter. 0f course, D. Graham's. a humorous dialogue wus put on by if they are in navy blue, thîs spring's Miss Francis Hockîn, Mn. Bob Bez- Muriel Baker anti Mn. George Werry. * S favorite colon. Sizes 14 to 20. zant, Oshawa, Mn, Fred Cowling anti At the close lunch was serveti the Il marty stled.sonFred Purle HlI, n. SuartMisses Ileen Balson, Evelyn Tink antid S martly tyledHon, e viait eil Mr. cNe art ententainer a daia social tim e enioy- i The Evlyn Shop a~Hoe i sM. . el'. a nt i J.r. R.iî cCuloce79 Elin Miss TMurphyPho1e 50 Mn1.9F.5k Asrt- M issnary omi-n as rmito 75 Bi Giry66,Bo ,.,fij4s U!ý2, Mrs. Arthur Ormiston, Oshawa,wanieyedeeibMsesM ie Township o! Clarke, which in- Mn. Gordon Sizer anti Miss Patricia anti Elsie Moore. A splendid adi- cludes Orono anti sevenai union Chevrolet S Shields, London ,England, have been du-cas on "The New Earth". was given schools. willi take pant in the nextPota vsiting at Mn. Edwin Ormiston's.. by Mn. Menwin Hobbs; chorfs "Vic- Durham County Musical Festival Pnic ] O Itory" was sung by the girls after helti in Pou-t Hope In May, whlch Oldsniobile 1 ET ER~ U LIY Mn. anti Mns. Carl Avery anti fam- which the Misses Moore favoneti with goes to show that the musical train- COL. SETTE QUA ITY ily, Raglan; Mn. John Ormniston, a piano duet. A veny pnetty anti ef- lng in the sohools open to the Young IOshawa; Mn. anti Mns. Everett Or- fective Pageant "The Unshadowed students o! t.oday is away aheati and Phones: 1 SET ER VALUE Imiston and Miss Jula, Bowmanvllle, Cross" was given by fifteen Young beyond anythlng dreameti o! In the _______________________ were guests at Mn. J. Ormiston's. ladies in costume. early days. Easter Sale of Silver DON'T MISS THESE UNUSUAL SAVINGS 30% OFF REGULAR PICE 3 Piece Tea Sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $13.50 Flower Baskets S3.49 Bread Trays .. ........$1.49 Baskets .1 3.25 4 Part Relish . .. . . 6 3 Piece Tea Sets, with Tray . , ...... .....$99 Cake Plates SI.49 to $2.00 Bread Trays, large -..17 3 Piece Cheese and Relish Set, 10" Plate ..... .. 1.69 Salad Bowl, Cut Glass, with Wooden Knife and Fork ... $ 1.98 ALL SILVER IS ELECTRO PLATE ON COPPER James »Marri ,Jeweier Phone 463 Bowmanvle A moideîful assortment of fine quality Easter Flowers - Easter Lilies 1 andi other blooming plants in gî'eat pr'ofusion. AIl at veîry îeasonable prices. Delivery can be made to any address in Canada and otheî' countries. W. Es GROVES KINGSWAY FLOWER SHOP P. 0. Box 163 BOWMAqNVILLE Phone 72 Spring Specials Easter Hats 5 Dozen additional Sample Spring Hais - You would pay $2.98 to S3.98 in the negulan way. Your (hoice $L2 Smyrna Rugs il Nei Spring designs and colorings, in high class quality, revers- Pric S ecwno $1998 to $5099 New Curtain Nets Newv designs ai big savings. Wr know you cani duplicate these values anywhene. Pnice per yard..1 0t 9? Grass Rugs For Ponch, Bednoom on Summen Coi -29 t* ,098 tage, in ail the popular sizes NELSQN'S charge o! Miss Nellie Hill. Bible Langataf! anti Wilma Carson; a ncading was given by Marguerite Bell neatiing "For Folks wili Talk' was anti a splendid topic by Nellie Hill. given by Miss Bernice Langstaff andi A detWhre the River Shannon the community there was not a large Flo-W-s" was-sung by Misses Bernuce a gaine conducteti by Alma Bell. Saves You* Money on a Good Used Car BIG SPRING SALE 60 CARS TO CHOOSE FROM D ALL MAKES Lowest Prices la Ontario NTEE WITH EVERY USED CAR OVER $100. LL AND SEE THEM TO-DAY. y NI~ho1Chevrolet Trucki JRTICE and BOWMANVILLE Bowmanville 124r34 or Oshawa 601J. mffl PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOMMMMLE. THURSDAY. APRIL 18th. 1935 . 01-- King Street Bowmanville