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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 May 1935, p. 10

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PAGE TEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. THURSDAY, MAY 2nd. 1935 N EWmVALI yars the Do' R pý,-b.n.kyTe buld o will must grow anîd endure Dodge is tht' climax of mentî better and better 1" Tht' Dodge all'steel body of latest in all.steel safety cor descendant of tht' irsi all'ste' tht' Dodge coupe of 1922! Dodge Hydraulie Brakesa J E Agt' ideal bas been an years of manufacturing experience. Scientific re- well that Dodge good' distribution of 'weight produces the' amazing corn- e. This New -Value fort of the' Airglide Ride. Patented Floating aly years of "building Power engine anountings banish engine vibration. It is natural t00 for you to expect a hundred f to-day. although the' ouher featu res maki ng for econo My, sufety, counfort 'nstruction, is a true and long life in tbis New-Value Dodge. Look for ~eI body ever bujît - themn and yoiu will find them. Compare Dodge ruthlessly with the other cars in ils price class - are the result of many and heyond.. . Ihen drive the Nei*.Valîîe Dodge. $87 FOR MODEL 'ID% DELIVERI --BOWMAIN 1EIC 1mi 7- COUPE D IN - !ILLE, - DODGE & DeSOTO DEALER W e Je C* 81 S KING STREET, BOWMANVILLE Sof Ikey; Mary Lane as the Irish S R N E MSCCER CLUB MAKES :1 NEWTON VILLE G reat talent was shown in the now open in---<b players, but the success of the play SPORT NEWVS PLANS FOR SEASON Fai ii«MiAd-s0rgydutor. _________ ------__ A meeting of Bowmanville Mis Aic directed the play. Between the BUSINESS SCHOOLS LEAF'S KID INFIELD occepriFootball Club hasehofd Mr Wm. Couch, Newcastle, visit- music andi candies were sold which elar tewa fr rdutin onalAl tat he homes ff ed his son, Mr. John Couch. reaUized $9.75. Cleland Lane sang elar te ayfr rauaio O EXPERTSI DonP.ald AllTronoante whenlecioplanshal wforck In the Autumn and a position1 the coigseason were dis- Mis. .PSrensM. and Torto J.visied. wo selei guns.Tehalwa.pack-r through our Employmnent Bureau. cussed and officers were el- hrpaetM.sd rsJ.R .mnybigtrdawy Atr Enter any day. No forced vaca- First Night Bail Gamne Slated For ected. The club officiaIs for Rowe. the play members of t.he caste were tions. Full partieulars supplied. Fleet St. Stadium Wednesday, 1935 will be: President-Geo.. Miss Isabel Laing visited friends banqueted by Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Write W. R. Shaw, Registrar, Jn 6h-Er okMks W. James: Vice-Presidents-- in Detroit during Easter holidays. Thompson. Dept. -x-2, Bay & Charles Streets Jn 6h-ErokMes James Coyle, Dr. C. W. Slemon, Misses Mabel Wallace and Laurna Mr. Wm. Laing auctioned off a Toronto. 10-4 Brilliant Comnebaek Dr. J. C. Devitt; Coach-J. Pearce visited Mr. and Mrs. Herb. quilt, gift of the Women's Insti- ____Matthews: Trainer-Geo. W. Alexander, Maple. tue to the Park Committee. Dr. Graham. 'he local club hopes Mr. Harry Stone and daughter. tButier was the buyer at $4.00. Al- - Basebaîl critics are about readyr to f ield one of the stgst Miss Ethel. Toronto. visited Mr. and together the committee realized taward Isaac Morgan Boone, pop- elvnrnishso ti Mrs. F. Law. about $72.00. ula maagr o th Trono BI e sumrmer. and are opîi.mistic Mr. Richrs:h Sr., Montreal, is i bail Club. the "Miracle Man" tîtie ta hywilb ete- '.,isting his far.41Y here. E P Yaogtheenia nt"ALaba Ike" eea tain the Trophy won last yesr. Mr. and Mrs.- George Campbell, NEWTONVILLE SCHOOL REPORT alon theTornto eafs0f a~t ea-Newtonville. are sending 29 entries son and won the Play-off sertes for to the Durham Musical Festival.: Report of S. S. No. 4, Clarke. for BO T Ethe right to represent the Interna- ________________ Th:s includes Lake Shore and Port Easter examinations; marks denote B O T TLColmbu E th Amr- Bil agel rsetdWe regret *n epot tat ev. Sr. IV - Margaret Denaultt 76, PA4RA DE2 SisCoubso interetd Thrr- Walace. our esteemed and Walter Fal'75. Wsnda McKay '75, f irst weeks of a new sýeason, Boone With Gold Engraved Watch beio-.'ed pw-*or, has announced his Mar- Denault 67. is uvsettlng the experts with a kid ,___res:gr.ation after th:rteen years on J.1-enCmbl 7 ae infield that has played sensationalî At a very pleasant informai din- Jr.r.:L IrV-J. als ean7, ampenellMi7îson 73, barcuinthernkfi rst ig aoundrte ner. helci in the Hotel Genosha, Osh- Mrs. M~hl Zeaiar.d is xisiting Florence Burley 69, Betty StapletonI Çhp:it~od axa.on Saturday evenirng the of- hr M ý,. u-i ure. . 69. Nelli:Meneely 67. George Pet.h- circue. ralvnk C rminckonfi hpteOsaa oke lu r n. Ïealwaus' LTurnericul 3 Hanle onthrd xeagearund21Oshawa "'Majors". If the Ontariîo Young People Present Successful McGsheýy 71, Coouh ch 4 onald1 4 v 4 ~ ~babv of the foursome, having Just Hce'Ascainsc : od-Pa Aud!rey Burley 64, Floyd Milîson 64. celebrated his eighteeiith birthday. clare the 'Majors" as this seasons On Thir.nday evening. April l8th. Jr. 11-Helen Snell 71. Laurna, Defensively this kd" fuoe champions of the Junior -A" O. H. the Park crniittc,ç. pre.se-nted their Pearce 69. Kathleen Randaîl 68, Al- have soun togreat odvanta en A race. then no doubt civic officiais play- Headstrong Joan." in thefrd eknp6,MioBrc58 their hittîng has been timely and ýwa Hoten eyfittbngrecntin. eeiu' jhll-on . ; p"- II-Bruce Denault 82, Rowland verx' effective. Ohw okyCu fiesdcd didl.v aken by Elsie- Wallace, whiie Burlev 80, Stewart MacDonald 79. General Manager Arthur Leman ed to wait no longer to show the Jack ber husband. was well takeri Keith Burley 77, Eric Buriey 74,1 has announced the first floodlight boys how much they appreciated bv McGrceýor Jones. Miss Helen Amny MacDonald 68, Lloyd Burley basbal gmeoftht sasn a tt'their efforts and success of thie Past Darl;ngtron was the' sweet and wîn- 65 Junc Ware 63, Isabelle Bruce 54. basbal gae f te sasn a th! eason. Each lad, including Bill soern Atra, and the hero of the play, I (Namnes in order of meit- Maple Leaf Stadum has been sched- 'Ba«gneli of Bowmanville. received a' Dîck %ka:-;played by Elme'r Pollard. Gordon McKay thon), Mary Bur- uled for Wednesday evening. June handsome engraved Gold Watham Grandmnothr'r was playtd hy Mrm. ie' 'on>, John Meneely (hon)., 26th. wth the Rochester Red Wings Watch. Savery; Laurence Savery teok the Dorothv MacDonald thon), Bill ga ppoition. h ' sownTdagt ___________P_ art of Father. the merchant; the Coucb. Evelyn W'heeler. Tae il bKte olowngTu di hurnorous side of the' play ws.s ably Pr-Bud Joncs (hion), Elgin Sav'- TH NK OL ! on the evening of July 2nd with:K N A takenby Mr. Geo. Campbell as Aby. civ thon), Pst Ware <hlon>, Doreen _____ofOr_______________th_______s salesmian: Er Walkey Burley t 'hon>. George Gibbs, Dick Marnedscous so mers re- Earl Cook, native of Lemonville, as Ikex'. bis son; and Mrs. Cleland MacDonald. btledscoes of emki p m Ontario, is destined te make the r Miss Maggie Stewart visited Mrs. Lane as .e.i.the' young sweetheart L. T. Savery, teacher. bootis ast eekinrepos grade as a Pitching member of thei H Kiîvey, Kurby. tow our ppeal. toer Toronto Basebal Club this season. Miss Jean Stewart, Oshawa, spent1 Now f ar oter ustoers Aller a season with the' Beckle3 e ss thm.* urill kindly give us their co- Club n West Virginia, where he was ae ssr J h no Pt nset ~ d~ A I opeatonan pu Oitthir sent on option by the Leafs. Cook the' weekend at Gravenhurst. IN THE LIM and DJISTAN T i PiST "empties" this week we'Ul makie lbas corne back and his f irst aPpear- Mr. Percy Gilroy was a weekend a real dlean uit - and every- ance in Albany wa.s a high-class visit.or with Mr. Anson Gilroy. bd Il be's happngy inan oerformance throughout. Miss Katie Stewart snd Mr. Neul' TWENTY-FIVE VEARS AGO Lsob-nBwavle pi erstanngODila- Officiai list of home gamnes for the Stewart spent a day in Toronto. ______n omavllApi ticipation. Phn 0.TrnoBsbl lbdrn h r n r.RyMrea'3Gth, Gertrude Jane Loscombe, dau- Phon 703 Toonto Bafea folubdrngte M. sr. o ecead Frn The Bowmanville News, ghteî' of the late Mr. Charles R. B owman ille mothofMayollows-Opening day Miss Jean Mercer spent Sunday in MyGh 90Lsob. -tarting at 3 p. m.Al g Troo. Deacon-In Daulington, April 30. Maywil tan a 3o'lc games In Rev. 'nos. Wallace on Sunday Mr. W. J. Jones is home f rom his Wm. Deacon. sged 90 years. Da ryMy il tatat3 'lokwith first morning delivered a splendid sermon ranch at Rtossencoîl. Alta. GyAtH ponMa', Dausy, D fr ame of scheduied double-headers on "Burning Hearta". Mr. James McLean left Saturday: daughter of Mr. and Mus. W. H W. H. BETTLES at 2 p. m. Mrs. A. Jackson and Mr. and Mrs.1 to spend the' commeg season on hîs 1Gay. aged 16 years.H PrpitrSyracuse at Torouto-May 2. May Wnî. Jackson and family visted Mrs. f arm at Iuina, Alta.i Phone 446 oranl 3. Max' 4. Wm. Honey Milligan. Lieut. G. J. Rowe and Sergt. F. H. FIFTY VEARS Ac.O Albay atToroto-Mi' 6 t1 Miss Dorothy Swarbrick, Toronto, Morris are selected members of the'___ _____________________ anes. May' 7, May' 8. is holidaying with her parents. Mr.1 Bislei' teani who go to, England iii From The Statesman, May 1, 1885 ____________ -___---Nexwark at Toronlo-Max' 9, May: and Mrs. James Swarbrick. ' June. 10. Mav 1l. r.JhOsonan agtr e.G ntw 6 Rev. C. R. Spencer was in Bright- Balimore at Toronto - May' 13, Miss Stella Little and Mr. Wm. Ms onObreadducti, Gt.Gatws6 years old onr )n on Wednesday attendlrîg a meet- lax' 14, May' 15. May' 16.' Morlev. Newcastle, altendied the1 Miss.Della Osborne, lef t Mondax' on Moiday. Ht' ueceix'ed inany tokens 0f Nrîhuber- Roch'steri ai Toronito--May 18, Young Peoples meeting ThursdayavsutohronM.F..Obon,<1eîu. and ofndh Derani o hihle snihAlbert Lea, Minn. At Qiueýen's Unli%,ersiti', Kingston, m-ldan u'a.fxhc et May' 20, May 21, May 22.iih. Bowunanx'ille Rifle Assocuationi cl- J. J. Ahtuuuî soun of Beni. Ashton. uu'i ean - - __ Buffîalo at Toronto..-Maî' 23, May Mr. George Clau'k while motoring ected these officers for 1910: Presu (-, hbas w»uî a $50 scholarsbip: 24 uîîoriiing anîd afternioon gaunes, frorn Torontoe arly Saturday morn- dent-Majior W. C. King; Secretaix' Rex'. Aulan R. Liuîlon, B. A.. Oronole u ~ av 25. ic had his car burnit at Crooked'-Marku.s 'Roenigk: Treasurer-F J. 1 lia-s also had rconft'ru'd on hlm the' Special iiargarn h'aî ~ -Ma'3.Cu'eek Corner. Mitela oot a 1 Mitchell: Range Com.-C. H. A.nd- 1 degree of B.D-3'leo of Divîi- Julic 1. Mr. auîd Mrs. Milton Robinson ersoui. Lieut. F. H. Morris. F. HilL. ityI. ____ ______spent Sunday in Toronto. Miss Freda' John Mor-ris. J. B. Mitchell, Loti Mr. Will Hughes, youuîgest son of EXCU RSIONS - __ la be hliai_ t h Tapson. Mi'. Johun Hugt.hes. ciîu'txvruglît, is n ___________________________ Bil, wihoms e etn ho meayngaItht Newcastle: Miss Eckhart, Phoenix, meunbeu' of No. 3 Colnpanîx' 901h TO ALL STATIONS IN Trobnto ithhoe rrnedbrn Arizona,. us visiting Miss Florenice Winitpeg Bat.taliî,uî. Ht' us one 0fl Bellwfld.the slîarp-slîoot'u's and us always on1 WES ERNCAN DA uyAt a Quart.eî'lx . Official Board' Oroullo: Orono Basebaîl ofilcers the' adx'ance giuau'd. reiugheld in Kendal United ar'e: Hon. Pres.-W. Armîstrong: Tiri" en cutlemîen wxho havebe Goiî Die:Church Wednesday nîght. Rex'. Thos. Pit'5.-We-,. Thoruilon: Vice Pes.- studeuit.s iii Dr. Hiliers offi.e. have Daihx' May 1.5 to 28 B E A LL Wallace teuîdered bis resugnation and J. R. Cooper; Sec.-Trea. Dr-)i. N. donc thenîselves credit at. Trinilx' Retuirn Liiniit: 30 <ays; will conclude hîs îhirteenlh xear un CO1x'lle: Captain-H. R i cr k a b y; Medical scilool. viz: Mu'. C. E. Stýat- - -Nea tonvulle circuit on July lst. bas'- Maixawei'H. H. Reid. The cellar cx' pamssed bis finial wvith fiî'st class One Cent Per Mile ]B A T£S 11c9at'cepte<t a calI 10 Greenbauîk excavation for A. J. Staples' nex ',' onors: Mr. H. C. Phillips bis Priuîx- Good in C'oaches ont>, Circuit. resicdence s completed sndthie stone'ary %xsith second class iloiors; ,ai dr uîasons au'e now ait work. 1Mu'. B. Laninîlman bis fiu'st year's Sleeping Car Privileges 'MAD>E IN 150W'MANVILLE On Thuisday uîîght Ketical Younîg1 Hanmpton: Owing to the' recexit exauination xs'th first casas honors. Peoiple euterîained tht' Kirbx-Les- washou thie counicil bias decided to Eufield: Dr'. Brai'. Toronto, has Passage Tickets also on sale by kard League and spent an enjoy- install a corrugated steel tube 42" been visiting at hisfahrs Mr goo inable ie together. There wsas s large in iauileter and sixîx' feet lonîg Johnathsn Bray' Mr. Thornton. a) tourist sleeping cars at approxi- S. J. Jackman & Son atteuidance and a splendid programn across the Scugog R.oad at Mr. of Clarke. has mox'ed 10 Mu'.Jno mately Il'ut per mile, plus reg- mit oui bx' Kirby-Leskard League. Clarke's blacksmith shop. Vrtue's farm xslîich hie has renîed. ular berth fart'. Our bats gave excellent satis- Meeting was opend bx' Kendal Presu- Cadmuls: Sheds of the' Presbyter- Orono: Mr. and Mrs. Rîch. Brown.; b) parlor and standard sle"ping faction last year. Corne out leuil. Miss Dorolhy McMullen, and ian church were taken downrr andi re- Sr., celebratedi their golden wedding, cae.ls t approximator1 C t r and pick out your own bat- prayer bx' Rex'. Thos. Wallace; Mr. moved 10 tht' ne's site aI Nestleton on Aprul 251h. 'shen a goodlx' num- fare. large collection te choose from. H-arrv Davex', Pies. Leskard League Station. ber of friends called 10 congratu - then presented this program: scrip- Birth-s: Walker-In Bowmanville. late the' aged couple. Mr. Browsn topovers granted aI Port Arthur, FIRST CLASS BATS titre lesson. Sîd Rutherford; recitat- May' 4th. to Mr. and Mrs. Claude 'sa.% presented 'silh a golti headed )nt.andall tatons esttherof.ion. Mldred Allîn: Trombone solo. Percy Waiker. a son. cane and pair of gold rimnxed spec- for hl orsoftbail Charlev Gay;: piano solo. Jim Po's- Wright-In Cartwright. May' 2, to! tacles. and Mrs. Bro'sn with twsor pUll part4culars from any agent ers: topic, Lloyd TrulI: negnro trio: Mr. and Mrs. Norman E. Wright, a golti rings andi a pair of gold specs.' UP O $.00reading. Marian McKelvey: duet, daughter 'Helen Marguerite>. I Enlerpi-ise: Mr. Victor White has Can din P ciIC U O $< Rena Bail and EUla Muir; solo, Mrs. Deaths: Jordan-In Bowmanville,I been seriously il PHONE 80acif Shackelton; Mr. Wallace and Mr. J. April 28th, Elizabeth Heard, beloved Births: Ga-f at-In Danlington, on 18-3J. Mellor then t00k charge of recre- wife of Mr. Wm. H. Jordan, aged April lSth, the 'site of Mr, Joseph 183i aio.3 ,,ears.r Garfat. of a son.j She Played 0 rgan at 75 Years Takes Kruschen to Keep Rbeumatism Away Writing la tell how she keeps ber activitx', Ibis 'sonderful old woman st ates :- "Mx' hands were becom.ing s0 crippled that 1 had to give up piano and organ plaxing-and al.most en- tirelx' gave up knitting. I have been using Kruschen SalIs for nearli' two Years. and am very pleased with the' 1 resuît.. Last Augusî I playeti two church servics on the' organ, andi hope to do so again thi.s August. MN' filîgers arc uîearly slraight, andi OtutIe stîPple. and I arn 75. I have rts"oInnendî'd Kî'xîsclli SaIts Vo lituîx ilpt' ....." A.A.C. Tt' six uîîuuiî'rul saîts 0f Kruschen lus' tdiu't't eff't uu;îioilthe' 'shole b M, îîeîuî le" t rîl izi ng luric aciti, 1ui9 ouder. anid so Iprt'veiit Constilpa- t uou. t.leu'ebx clîecking tht' further fOruuliu tuuu of îuu'uc acid a.nd other bodYIx' Oisotis wlîiich undermine tht' heîlt1î. Bring Your job printing to The Statesman office. If you have anything to buy or sel lse a Small Want Advt. Trinity Sunday School Anni.ver- i arY Will be held on Sunday, May 5th when a former popular pastor, Rex. J. U. Robins. Listowel, wifl ipreach. LOW FARES KJNG'S SIL VER J UBJLEE, Fare and One-Quarter FOR THE ROUND TRIP Tickets good going from noon Frlday, May 3rd, until 2 p. m., Monday, May 6th. Return linit 10 leave destination flot later than nndnight, Tuesday, May 7th. MINIMUM SPECIAL FARE Aduits - 50e Children - 25e Full information f rom any agent Canadian Pacific 18-1 C. H. Tuck, Opt. Eyesight Specialiat Author of: Optometry Feature Service The Child and its Development Specializing exclusively in muscle anomalies, eyesight and 5lasses. Phone for appointment 1516 Disney Bldg. Opp. P. O. Oshawa, Ont. Royal Theatre BOWMANVILLE Thurs. - Fri. - Sat.- May 2 - 3 - 4 -U COMWEDY STARS ~qc g binging rou the grdnd, humon chorocters of Herry Leon Wilsons fanms book with CHARLES LAUGHTON MARY *OLAND CHARLIE RUGGLES Z A SU PITT S Roland Yourng . iIloe FHyom Oljeci.d by Leo McCurer Comedy - Cartoon - News Matinee Saturday at 2.30 p. m. Mo nday - Tuesday - Wednesday - May 6 - 7 - 8 HE COULD COMMAND ;r~ REGIMENT . .. BUT SHE, COMMANDED HIMI .~,: i 't The melody of ber baby laugbter was more ta him than the blare of martial music and his greaitest victory was when he ýwon ber loveI 'OeSHIRLEY TEMPLE""' LIONEL BARRYMORE '754LI1TfLE COLONE A B. G. Do. Sylva Productfon with EVELYN VENAILE - JOHN LODGE and BLLi.ROBINSON oI,1Gre7] Di,.d.ed b)r David butierc66 based «1:111hhostory by \,CIirox 1 bbeAnnie F lows johnstonM. Cartoon and News Matine Monday at 2 and 4 p. nm. and Wednesday 2.30 p. mi. Thurs. - Fri. - Sat.- May 9 - 10 - Il BEHOLD MY WIFE I Comedy New~s Mlatinee Saturday at 2.30 p. m. COMING EVENTS: "CLIVE 0F INDIA" l'Mississippi" "LADDIE' '*A GIRL 0F THE LJMBERLOST" ir la r i. a I. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THIYRSDAY, MAY 2nd. 1935 PAGS TEN

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