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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 May 1935, p. 1

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£ 'oh- With WhiCh Is Incorporated The Bownanville News VOLUME 81 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 2nd, 1935 NUMBER18 Lions Club is Formed in Bowmanville Dr.W .H. Birks Elected First President New Service Club Organiz- ed on Friday - WilI Car- ry on Community Service, Work in Town Dr. W. H. Birks, Medical Off icer o! Health for Bownlanvifle is char- ter president o! the Lions Club, new service club which was organized in Bowmanville on Friday night. The Lions organization, has some 2700 clubs in North America and is com- posed chiefly of the younger men in business and professional life of a towfl. Its activities are chie! ly of a community improvement nature. Mr. Vernon LaChance, organizer for Lions International, had been in town some days prepariflg for the organization meeting which was held at Balmoral Hotel and was nuite largely attended. A number of Port Hope Lions were in attendance to give the local club a boost on its way. The charter off icers are: Presi-1 dent. Dr. W. H. Birks; lst Ilice- President. C. H. Dudley; 2nd Vice- President, Aubrey J. Smith; 3rd Vice-President, Alex McGregor; Sec- retary, Chas. D. Searle; Treasurer, F. Jamieson; Directors. 2 years, Dr. R. E. Dinniwell, J. O'Neill; di-' rectors. 1 year, W. H. Hill. P. R. Cowling; Lion Tamer, Edsall (Bll) Oliver; Tail Twister, Stuart R. James. The f irst meeting of the Club will be' held at the Balmoral Hotel on TIues-day. May 7t.h at 6.15 p. mi.. and t.hereafter on the 2nd and 4th Mon- days o! each nnnth at the sanie time. Charter Night will probably be on Monday. May 27th. Among those who spoke f rom Port Hope were Secretary, Ralph Hodg- son: President C. M. Thompson, Art Smith. Rupert Clark. Eric Os- .-OUvad and Bll Giddy. Charter members of the club willl be pubished next week. Mr. LaChance outiined the aims andi objects o! the Lions. These amnis and objects may be summed up in the slogan represent- lng the f irst letters of Lionism- Loyalt.y, Integrity. Oneness. Noble- ness. Initiative, Success and Menit; and also in the Lions Cod~e of Ethics which reads as follows: Lions Club Objeets 1. To create and f oster a spirit o! 'generous consideration" among the peoples of the .orld through a study of the problenis of internat- <ional relationships froni the stand- point of business and professional ethics. 2. To promote the theory and practice of thre principles of good goverument and good citizenship. 3. To take an active interest in the civic, commercial, social and moral welf are of the community. 4. To unite the menibers in the bonds o! friendship, good fellonrshlp and mutual understand.ing. 5. To provide a forum for the f ull and f ree discussion of ail matters of public interest. partisan politics and sectarian religion alone ex- cepted. 6. To encourage efficiency and promnote hlgh ethical standards in business and professions; provided that no club shaîl hold out as one o! its objects fimandiaI benefits to its members. POST OFFICE HALF HOLIDAY During the months of May to Novemiber. inclusive. the Bowman- ville Post Office staff will observe the Wednesday afternoon hall holi- day. HEADS LIONS CLUB Dr. W. H. Blrks Medical Officer o! Health for 'Bowmanvllle who, was elected Char- ter President o! the newly organized Lions Club at the organ.lzation metlng held at Balmoral Hotel on Frday. TRAINING SCHOOL OBSERVES JUBILEE PUBLIC 15 INVITED The Boys of thre Ontario Tradning School will observe the King's Jubilee with special ceremonies on Monday even- ing. A parade will be held at 7.30 p. m. led by the Can- adian Legion Band, and fol- lowed by the planting of mem- orial trees and an address by Mayor Ross Strike. Another feature of the program will be a Jubilee bonfire and f ire- works. Superintendent A. R. Virgin cordially invites the citizens of Bowmanville and district to join the staff and boys in this observation of this Jubilee celebration. KING AND QUEEN CELEBRATE SILVER JUBILEE Parade and Thanksgiving Service to Mark King's Jubilee in Bowmanville Mrs. John Hamlyn celebrated herTusa.Mylt te nua 84th birthday on April 26th when Nu rses' raduation Exercises of a number of friends caUled to offer f.b'towanville Hospital will be held congratulations and Join her in a mS in Trinity Church auditorium. The social cup o! tea. She was the re- speaker will be Dr. Grant L. Bird o! cipient of a number o! gifts, flow- Oshawa, former District Governor o! ers, etc.. also many cards and let- nMdvM 6hThi a a h hle Empire wiUl join in a ings of thousands of loyal subjects Rotary. May l2th is Hospital Day ters from distant !riends. Glad to i Mna, a th herM-,dyth h on his f irst outing following his when the Hospital Dollar Fund wil know Mrs. Hanilyn is enjoying good Jesties the King and Queen will cel- great series of thanksgiving events. very serious illness a little over two be featured. Donations may be sent health and was bright and cheerful ebrate the 25th anniversary of their.1I n the above picture Their Majesties years ago. Other pictures o! Their to the Secretary-Treasurer, C. H. for this happy event. Accession to the Throne. On that1 are seen acknowledging- the greet-1 Majesties appear on pages 3 and 9. Mason. Record List of Entries Received for LESPONSBRACHICKT CouflLy Music Festival at Port Hope SPONSBOR CRIKE Mr. rankWelhman sio- jLegion Cricket Club Will Be Organ- Mr.Frak elama, Nt-ODDFELLOWS HELD ized, and ï&4egon WiIl Sponsor ed Toronto Teacher, Will ANNUAL SERVICE Formation of Cricket Clubs Be djuicaor t PrtAttended St. Andrew's Presbyterian Britain's great summrer 'sport- Hoeon May 15-16-17 Church on Sunday and Heard Cricket-is to have its "innings" in Hope Bowmanville if plans sponsored by Clcse to three hundred entries Impressive Sermon by Rev. the Canadian Legion come te, fruit- Music Festival which will be helc< W. G. Blake ion. on Friday night the Branch have been received by Secretary E.i decided to forni a cricket club in the -i. Summers, for the fourth Durnaîin lrneNgtigl oie~ Legion, te meet Oshawa and Port! n the United Church. Port Hope on 0. F. helcb their annual Church par- omateis.f tad ameons the ot May 15th. l6th and 17th. Each year fraino ei mn h ot the number o! entries bas shown a ade on Sunday, when the largest lo! the town. marked increase and a pleasing fea- turnout in years joined with the The meeting held in St. John Par- ture this year is that there is only congregation o! St. Andrew's Presby- ish Hall also witnessed the installat- one las inwhih n enry as eenterin Curc atitsmoringserice ion o! President Bert Parker and the one las inwhih n enry hs ben erin Curc at ts ornng ervce.new 1935 officers. Past President R. made. The Lodge marched to the church,. M. Cotton, J. P.. conducted the in- Through thse co-operation o! Mr. hae twsntdta eea opn J. S. Atkinson, Director o! the Can- hae by thse legion Band and stallation ceremonies. adian Bureau for the Advancement under the direction o! Noble Grand ies In Canada were glving their em- o! Music, Mr. Frank Welsxnan, Tor-' Jack Emmerson. ployees a holiday for the King's Jub- onto, has been obtained to act as At the church, Rev. W. G. Blake, ilee and at tee same time were giv- Adjudicator. Mr. Welsman is one of the minister conduoted, the service lng their employees their f ull days the leadlng piano teachers in Can- and preached an eloquent and im- wages. This will bc brought tathee ada and is an &Il round orchestra pressive sermon f romn the texts, Luke attention o! local industries with thee ian, having been conductor o! the 10 - 29, "And who is my nelghbor", suggestion that they mark the Jub- Toronto Symphony Orchestra for and Matt. 23:8, "For one is your ilee in a like marier. years. He is aLço a choir master and Master. even Christ". The annual Newcastle Church Church organist and knows voices At the conclusion o! the service parade will be held on May l9th at and singing. Mrs. Jessie White, the Lodge marched down Church St. St. George's Church with Rev. F. Toronto. who has been present at te Silver to Klng and thence ta, Tem- H. Mason as preacher. the three prevîous performancs will erance te tee Cenotaph where a Ail returned men are asked te f on again act as Festival Secretary. Thse beautiful floral tribute was placed at the Public School Grounds on efficient manner with which the on the monument in memory o! Monday for the Jubilee parade. programmes were staged indicates lodge members who servea In the Dress will be berets and medals and Mrs. White's much appreciated abil- Great War. the tume 10.15 a. mi. ifÂ.Y Memership tickets at fifty cents are avalable this year.* These act as a pass to ail competitive pro- grammes, but are not good for the final concert which will be twenty~- five cents to ail. To a non-mnem- ber the total admission for ail the competitions would be one dollar. You are therefore, encouraged to support the Association with your much needed memnbershiP. Mr. A. E. Fulford, Port Hope. is chairman o! the ticket committee and will be glad to furnish you with your meni- bership ticket. The following per- sons have taken charge o! this work in their respective districts: Mms. E. Robb. Orono: Mrs. G. Campbell, Newtonville; Miss H. A. Mason, New- castle. and Mr. J. H. Johnston, Bow- manville. You are requested to reserve the above dates for this very Interest- ing and worthy project. A copy o! the programme wll appear in ail county papems durlng the week prev- ious to the Festival. CULTURAL GROUF PROVIDES INTERESTING PROGRAM AT TRINITY YOUNG PEOPLE Trinity Y. P. S had a very inter- estlng prograi, on Monday even- ing in charge o! the Cultural Group led by Clare Allin. Bert Mutton sang a solo. Toplc was "Acqulring your Own Library" en which Miss Gert- rude Hamley read a splendid paper. Miss Muriel Moare read a short poem "Don't Fret"; Miss Jean Wight sang a solo. Clare Alun led in games and meeting closed by forming Frlendshlp Circle and slng i n g Good-nlght round. Meeting next Monday nlght is wth-drawn. Meet- ing f or May l3th wlll be ln charge of Miss Martha Serrels and group, at whlch there wlll be presented a one-act play by the Boys' Training School.1 Our idn IT is very meet, right, and our bounden duty that we shouid gixre thanks unto Thee, O Lord, Holy Father, Almighty, Everlasting God, for that Thou wast pieased as on this day to set Thy servant our Sov- ereign Lord, King George, upon the Throne of this Realm and has pro- fited him in days of sickness and of health throughout his reign of five and twenty years. FOR the exampie of unceasing Fservice set by him and by our gracious Queen Mary; for strength and steadfastness bestowed on him and for the love and loyaity borne to him by a great family of peopies and in ail parts of the world, we iaud and magnify Thy glorious -Name. Rev.E.F. Armstrong Choice of Rotary Club as President for 1935-36 Term WOMEN'S INSTITUTE 1 HELD SUPPER MEET Make Plans for District Meeting i Parish Hall on May 3lst April meeting o! the Women's In- stitute was held in St. John's Parisht Hall on Friday and was !ollowed by a supper. Mms. Fred Baker,. Presi- dent, announced the next meeting1 would be at Mms. W. B. Pollard's oni May l'7th. As the West Durham District Annual would be held in St. John's Hall on May 31st. A nom- inating comnittee was appointed as follows-Mrs. Frank Jackman, Mrs. Agnes Wrenn and Mms. J. Thlckson. Mms. Frank Jackman, convener, pre- sided for tee program when instru- mental trios were given by Betty Bettles. Albert and Leslie Darch; solos by Miss Aileen Wight; read- lngs, Mms. Lawrence Goddard; vocal duet, Misses Jean and Aileen Wight, with their mother, Mms. C. A. Wignt as accompanist; Mrs. A. L. Nichols gave a spendld talk on "Education as a factor in Home-making". Mms. J. Thidlkson c6ntiýbuted a -short paper on "The Value o! Music in the Home". Programn concluded Iwith a piano solo by Mrs. Edwin IWood. ~ti~n W E bless Thee for increase in the knowledge of Thy marvellous works, in caie for those who suifer from sickness or the lack of work, in desire that ai] men everywhere may live in peace and enjoy the fruits of their labor. FOR these and ail Thy mercies Fvouchsafed to us, O Father, Ai- mighty, we yield Thee unfeigned thanks; through Jesus Christ our Lord, to whom with Thee in the Unity of the Holy Spirit be ail hon- our and glory now and for everi- more. This is the Officiai Jubilee Prayer which wiIl be heard in churches throughout the Empire. Pastor of Trinity Church Will Take Over Duties on July 1st-Tribute Is Paid to Late W. E. Groves Rev. E. F. (Edge) Armstrong, Pas- ter of Trinity United Church, be- came l2th President o! Bovamanville Rotary Club at the election o! a President andi directors on Friday. Mr. Armstrong, despite bis unwill- ingness te take the office was per- suaded to carry it out by the very strong urgings of the club mem- bers with whoin he iases popular. Assisting him te.rough the year which commences July lst, will be Fred Cryderman, this year's Presi- dent, who automaticaily becomes vice-president, and the following directers. J. E. Cunningham, W. L. Elliott. F. C. Hoar, Geo. W. James, F. O. McIlveen, W. R. Strike. A large portion o! the meeting was taken up with the balloting for di- rectors and president at which Juim Devitt and Fred Vanstene were scru- tineers. During the counting of tee balots, Rev. Mr. Armstrong teok. the op- portunity o! paylng tribute te the sterling qualities of the late W. E. Groves. a beloved Rotarlan, whc had died since the Club last met. Mr. Graves. lie said, was a gentleman o! te ad school. Hie led a life of honor. o! service andI o! integrlty, and be lias left an impress upon te town that will live for many years. Mr. Groves. the speaker added, had a great breadth o! mind and a warn heart. He impressed the children, and all he met with bis love o! hu- manity. He loved the beauty o! na- ture, in literature, and in humanlty. His character was like the aroma o! the f lowers amid which he work- eci. He pledged bis life ta Whig Ideals, and net only pledged limi self ta these ideals, but practise them. Eis body 15 now laid away, Mr. Armstrong said, but his spirit has found a new resurrection in the spring l! e araund us. As a club we must try ta carry on tee ideals of this fine man, carry on happy in mind that we have had the prlv- ilege and honor o! knowing and working wite Bill Graves. the true gentleman. During the meeting Past Presi- dent% Tommy Ross and Jlm Devitt were presented with bouquets on the occasion o! their having celebrate< a birthday recently, the presentat- ions being madle by Past President Dave Morrison. This week's meeting of tee club will be at tee Boys Training School at 6.15 P. nm. and wLll take the forn o! a Father and Son Night. Faster Hewltt o! General Motars Hockey Broadcast fame wlll be the* guest speaker. The club wi11 be guests on May 9th o! the Cobourg Club at thelr annual lnter-city Ladies Nlght in St. Peter's Hall, Cobourg. Past Presi- dent Oea. Chase gave particulaxî af tels event. Visiters at tihe Club Frlday in- cluded Frank James and John Fer. guson o! thse Oshawa Club. Presi dent Fred Cryderman preslded.a the meeting. PRESENT MRS.-J. C. BELL WITH A HANDSOME BATON At its regular band practice on Monday niglit. Mrs. J. Clark Bell, Associate, Band- master was presented with a handsome ebony and gold baton. suitably inscribed in re- cognition of her efforts in the band's behaîf. The address was made by President Wilfrid Carruthers and Mr. Gilbert Jones made the presentation. At the request of the band Mrs. Bell oonducted the band in their County Music Festival test piece "Lutspiel". The in- scription reads "Presented te Marie Clark Bell by the Can- adian Legion Band, Bowman- ville." .S r ;t e d b. A5 n- Rev. E. F. Armstrong Minister o! Trlnlty United Church wha, was elected President o! Bow- manville Rotary Club at thse election held on Friday. Mr. Arnmstrong w111 take over his duties on July lst. Impressive Ce r emno ny to Take Place at H ig h School Grounds on Mon- day - WiIl Plant Memn- orial Trees Their Majesties the King anid Queen, will be honored in Bowman- v Ille on the occasion of their Silver Jubilee on Monday, as arrangements are now complete for a recognition of this event. in keeping with similar observances throughout the world's largest Empire. With the approval and co-oper- ation of the Town Council a service of thanksgiving will be held on Mon- day at the High School Grounds. The observance however will get under way on F'rlday of this week, when special exercises at the Public and High Schools will mark the oc- casion. At the Public School. Rev. George Ma-con will address the as- sembled chidren on the school grounds at 3.15 p. m. and parents of the children are cordlally invited ta join in these exercises. At the High School, similar exer- cises will be observed, and the speak- er will be Principal L. W. Dippeli, whose years in the service of the King in the Army particulary fits him te speak on this accasion. On Sunday sl)ecial services will be held in the Churches. It is expected that the special prayer, as printed on this page, will be used at ail ser- vices. Ministers are planning te, take as the theme of one of their sermons. the King's Jubilee. On Monday, the Town Couneil, Public and High School cbildren, boys of the Ontario Training Sehool, f iremen, fraternal organi za ti o ns and others wlll formi up at 10.15 a. m. at the Public School grounds In readiness to marals, headed by the Legion Band at 10,30 a. mi. The parade will proceed to the High School Grounds where a special ser- vice of Thanksgiving will be held. Progranis vill be provided for this event The Canadian Legion Band will provide music and O Canada and Land- of Hope and Glory will be sung Trees will be planted in mem- ory of the event. and His Worshlp, Mayor W. Ross Strike wlll deliver the address. It is hoped that every loyal citizen of the Empire, resident in BOW- manville will join with the Mother Country and its wide flung Com- monwealth of Nations., in paying 5tribute to Their Majesties on the rtwenty-fifth anniversary of their *accession to the Throne. Merchants are asked te decorate their store fronts with f lags and s buntlng. Arrangements are belng made by the Mayor to have the col- ored street llghts turned on during *the even.ing. Citizens in general are aiso asked by Mayor Strike to de- corate their homes so that the spirit of the event will be as widely ob- served as Is possible. e As given elsewhere there will be 1L a celebration at the Training School 0 in the evening. n >f MAPLE LEAF MISSION BAND ýe Maple Leaf Mission Band met in sthe Prlmnary room of St. Paul's d church Monday afternoon. Meeting n opened with caU ta worship and a ilprayer by Effie Harris; solos by Vers i-Ruiter and Catherine Colville; read,- -ing by Helen Pingle; memory verses ywere repeated. Watch Tower was ;a read by Violet MeAllister, Dorothy :- Sellers, Vera Ruiter and Elleen h Stephens. Mrs. F. Williams rea.d a -story. d r. ROTARY PRESIDENT 1 ity.

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