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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 May 1935, p. 7

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PAGE SEVEN nnz rwArA? SATESA. B OWMANVILLE. THUTRSDAY, MAY 3tb, 1935 e&ni R hýrC> &a1OBITUARY PHON 5 3Mis. Henrietta Heal, Toronto Many old friends in Bowmanvile Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Webster spent Mr. Herman Lapp, London. was GETS 20 YEAR PIN wll be sorry to learn of the deatb ýÉthe weekend with relatives at Lind- guest of Mr. 8tuart R. -James over of Henirietta Heal, formerly Henri- Say. the holiday. r----------1 etta Hambly, who died at ber home Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Dumas and Miss Ruth James spent the week- 1 nday iay 7th. Toroentoeon1.Mrs- f amily spent the weekend with fri- cnd with lier cousin, Miss Margaret HalwMay 2born atthed aedf n1.Bow- endsat ilto. A Wods, oroto.manville, but for the past 30 years Miss Margaret Patte, Oshawa, is Mr. anld Mrs. A. E. Day and Mr. . as llved in Toronto. Survivitig are reCOVering nicely f rom an operation Jack Bruce, Kingston, were guests liber husband, Fred R., a confection- iOsaaHospital.oMs.WC.hign. er; one son, Harold, the Canadiafl Miss E. E. Haycraf t visited ber Reserve June 21st, for Lions Club passenger agent for the Pennylvan- sister-in-law. Mrs. W. J. Haycraf t. Boxing and Wrestling Show. Can- .f ia railroad; one brother, Ed. of Tor- Oshawa, on Sunday. ada's best athietes will take part. onto, and two eisters, one In Port Miss Mary Young, R. N., Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Orvile Henderson. Elgin and the other in South Dakota. and mother, have been visiting Mr. Toronto, were weekend guests of his Funeral services were beld at the T. C. and Miss F. M. Jewell. parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Hend- h orne of ber son, 28 Boutsead Ave., Be sure of a seat. Buy your ticket erson. on Tbursday and interment took MissHarrett artett.Toroto.place in Prospect Cemetery. Mrs. now for the Lions Club Boxing and MisHrit atetToot.H lwsammb fthHlcet Wrestling Show on June 21st. spent the weekend with bier uncle hr oCrit Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Joint spent and yunt, Mr. John and Miss Eva [ChrboChit the weekend with ber parents, Mr. Hlyr and Mrs. Geo. Allin, Lindsay. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McFeeters. Sarah Jane Beckel, Taunton Tbree bours O! terrific tbrills. Toronto, visited bis aunt, Mrs. S. J. Do'tmis heLinsClbWrestling Honey who recently f el and fract- Tbe death of Sarah Jane Beckel, aond Bmins howLion une sta ured bier shoulder. widow of the late William Beckel, ayl o'xin hwo uk 1ta Mr. Bertrum Preszcator, Exeter. Wî~Hsa occurred at the foiaily residence, Malr Jack cauh. fre Ontario. bas been visiting bis cou-WalcH.S w Darlington township on Sunday, teller of the Bowmanville Branch of sins. Mrs. Frank Thomas and Mrs. A recent issue of The Wlngf oot May 26tb. Mrs. Beckel was in ber th BnkofMotral hs ee vs-Wm . Cowle, for a week. Clan contains the following inter- 74tb year. iting bere the past two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Henderson estiflg write-up of a native son o Brnt Enfie6, S ariJno, n Oc the and Mr. and Mrs. Orville Hender- Bowmfanville and brother 0f rstoe2th18,SraJneTrn Mrs. Emily Curtis attended * son, Toronto. visited the f ormers D. R. Morrison, Concession St.: Beckel, lived for many years in the thneloTe M s William ierck sia daughter. Mrs. Gordlon A. Drew. Wallace H. Shaw, well known townsbip andier passing bas oc- th lteMr. ilia BklDar- Oshawa. through the Goodyear plants as casioned regret on the part o! re- lington, Who was buried at Zion. ' Miss E. M. Werry, Travellers' Aid. Wally Shaw, General Inspector of latives and many friends. Mr. and Mrs. R. Mlntosh. theirWetTonoiin inpg - Division B. was presented witb bis She was a member of Zion United two sons Bobbie and Donald, and Vs ooti nWnie r 20-year pin on April 17, 1935. Harley Church and a active worker in th4 Miss Lilias Crawford. Toronto, conv- enigthoiion dlgt. C.eT.iU. Alîman, Division Foreman. !astenied Women's Institute and Ladies' Ald ed Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Watson over Conentaiontas tee ith frr he pinlon Wally's coat and on be- and ber kindly disposition and un- the holiday. bakaefins alf of the company congratulated assuming manners won for her0 Misses Margaret Foster. Vera Hall., akae red.hum on bis long and faithful service wide circle of friends. Edna Emmerson and Helen Wbart- Mr. and Mrs. George Stacey. Mrs. ta Goodyear. She is survived by three daugb. man. Toronto, were guests o! Miss John Johns. Mr. George Johns, Rag- The foremen o! Division B. who ters. Mr. H. Gifford, Taunton; Mis. Mildred Lawrie andi Mrs. J. N. Law- an. Mr. and Mrs. Raymnond Wharf. were also assembeld in Mr. Allman's Blanche Thorne. at home: Mrs Oshawa. were Sunday visitors with office at. tbe presentation, gave Fred Wilson, Newcastle; one son rie on SundaY. Mrs. Frank Thomas and Mrs. Win. Waîîy a Dunhill pipe as a token o! Garnet V.,- Beckel, Taunton, a sis. Cowle, Liberty St. their esteem for him. ter, Mr. L. Shepherd. Toronto. an( _______________________ Rev. and Mrs. A. J. G. Carscad- Wally tbanked thein and express- two brothers, Frank and Willian den, Mr. Ivan Carscadden, Miss ed tbe hope that hie would see many Thorne. bothý of Toronto. Editb Carscadden. Miss Bertha Don- more years in Goodyear. Tha funeral was held froin he P inea )le caster, Toronto. and Mrs. Alvin Per- Wally Shaw was born in Bow- late residence Darlington. on Tues ikins and daughter. Barabara. Bar- manville in 1882. but spent bis earl- d y a h2t. Rev. W. Rackbanr rie were guests o! Mrs. F. H. Morris, ier years on telephone work in Man- o! Hampltonconducted the servicu Elgin Street. inuac.adabo toba. Ha started wtb Goodyar ai Intarment was made in Zion Canm W lé AJ. Stanley LoveIl sacretary o! tbe tbe Bourmanville plant on April 7.' etery. thar o! A. E. LovelI, Oshawa, diad twenty years of service witb the suddenhy on Tuesday at bis home i n company. His first job was tire Mrs. Geo. R. Suggitt, Pineapples are most Pentiful London, Ont. Mr. Lovaîl. wbo rose building and he bas hehd various Lumsden, Sask. f rom errand boy to secretary o! the positions in Division B since, so that and at their best this weak. Company, was a prominent figure today thera is probably no one bat Aftar an illness of only one wee in church, wehf are and civic activit- today thera is probabîr no one bat- Mrs. Margaret Suggitt, 71, wif e c We advise buying large pine- ies in the western Ontario city. ter accjuaintad witb the work of the Gao. R. Suggitt, died Friday, Apr Mr. Markus L. R.oenigk. wbo bas entire division. 26tb, at Lumnsden, Sask. Mrs. Sug applas. They will provide a been manager of a brancb o! the ________________ gitt was born at Janetville daugi Royal Bank in Vancouver, B. C.. for - ter o! John Reil. For sevan yeai larger proportion of fruit, and saveral years bas been trans!ei'Tad to Friday night is baing observed t prviusto ber marriaga she wE wil povemoe eonmicl.If Toronto whera hae bas already as: the Rotary Club as "Father andI organist and choir leader o! t] wil prve oreecoomial.If sumed important duties in the Sup-t Daugbter Nigbt-' at the Balmoral Methodist Cburch and Sunda ervisor's Department. He spent the Hotal. Scbool in Janatville. She wasa you want to get more for your weekend with bis fathar. Mr. Jules Miss M. G. B. Wardar bas comn- active Sunday School workeri moey bylarger pineapples. Roanigk and Mr. and Mrs. T. H. pleted ber fourtb yaar at University Blackstock and Valentia. Mr. an Knigbt. of Toronto and is home for a shortMr.Sgttmvd esto ui There's a faderaI lection coming holiday. den, Sask. !rom Niagara Falls1 We Delivar on your streat 50 be sure your naine is on the \vot- Mr. M1anson Comstock attended1 1909. TuedayandFriaY. ers' list. Ctizens who have reacbed, the convention in Toronto this week Funeral services wara conduct( each usaan idy the aga o! 21 years sinca last voters' *o! the Canadian Retail Coal A-by ev. P. I. Thacker at the Luni list was publisbed. or who bave mov- sociation. den United Churcb. Interment w Free Delivary Anytinie. ed into tbis district witbin tbree' Don't miss the graatast gathering made in Lumsden Cemetery. SI Imonths should appear before Geo. 1o! Boxing and Wrestling stars ever leaves bier busband. one son Jac PHONE 59W. Garnett. Revising Officer, wbo is - toapa nBwavlea h t Kenville, Man.; two daughte: iat T. A. Dustans Store to-day 'Lions Club Show, June 21st. Mrs. J. C. ChambresnB ___________Thursday). and Mrs. H. J. Benftett Pilot But brache o tb Aglian Wrestling draws the biggest crowd Sask.: one brother, Jas. Reh: T weIve branhhes of theeA ngl i o! fans o! any sport in T o nt ex Lum sden; and tw o sisters, M rs. J.I fa t ougPo!l' soito ntecp oky hr'lb eea Mounteer, Mitchell, Ont., andM Il Deanery o Northumfberland an bouts at the Lions Club show, Juna ereBcn Yslni ih I FRUIT MERHANT Durhamn will converge on Bowman- 21st. Gog ao.Yslni ib Bowmanville ville tonight for the annual Ascen- The engagement is announced o! sion Day Service in St. John's 'Molly, onîr daughter o! Mrs. SimP- Mr. Ken Belcb. Kingston,.1. 1Churcb. The services will coin- son, Toronto, and tha late David joined the staff o! Jury & Love' mence at 9 p. in. D. S T. and the1 Burke Simpson, K. C. o! Bowman- Drug Store. Mr. Paul Pickard 1. _______preacher will be Rev. A. J. Jackson, 1 ville to Henry Martyn, eldest son o! joined the Liggtt Chain o! Dr ractor o! St. Hilda's, iFairbank, and Mr. and Mrs. William Robert Estaîl Stores in Toronto. former Chaphain o! the Deanery A. o! Montreal. The marriage wil taka The many friands o! Mss. F. Y. P. A. Local counicil hera. place in Trinity Collage Chapel on Souch, Orono. çw-il ha pleased fn.F rFollowing the Public meeting on June l5tb. _____ learn that she is convalascing att Sunday nigbt Mayor James SirP- - home o! baer daugbter after an c f&4 son, Mss. Simpson and thair daugh- aTBOMNILEPC ration in Toronto Hospital. ter Maxine Toronto, and other FIS1O MNVLEPC Dr. G. C. Bonnycastle. P. D. guests eeetrandathhoef G. M. o! Ontario District, was t of r antrtainoedrt therhome-f 1. guest speaker ast week at Oro fiton and son Ronald. Mayor Simp- WOLF CUBS Lodge A F. & A. M., speaking son provad bimsal! a genial guest B. H. Mortlock -Felhowraft Degrea". CCC and an accomplisbed singer as walh Cubinaster.4 Mrs. W. C. Ives. Bowmanvihle. M ,as an able speaker, as ha f avourad Cîîff. Hall sin Bdsertyo! sh the gather ing wttw vol olos Acting Cubmatr Presbytery o! the United Chui ~~ AIVfrI bis daugbter accompanyigo3h ~ eta Pulic W. M. S. visited Pickering Miss' ~ ~d~C f~ ,piano. School - Tuesdays Band on Friday evaning, whan1 St. 1John's A. Y. . .elde i at 7.30 p. m. ladies o! the congragation were ~ ?C.T parisb Hall on Monday night, wben First Bowmanviîle Pack o! Wolf dren saveral interasting storiesi arrangements for tonight's Deanery Cubs beld its regular weekly meet- taugbt thein some new songs. If yo wantto mke cetain service were complated.' Wbile the ing on Tuesday nigbt in tha Publice ______________ tha your chtto dren' eahis local meetings are closed. the Sebool Gymnasiuin. The main fea- prt oper cprotaet eadthats brancb, about 40 strong visited Hohy ture o! the meeting was tha opening C U C E threre npo uelcoeand ts- Trinity, Oshawa branch on Wednes- o! a pariod o! signalling training __________________ easegers lukin in our day nigbt, and enjoyed a splendid h, was conductedi by William ' eas grm lrkngin3'U~ program. On June l4th, the branc James. ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIJ hmask u to look vrou will journay to Cobourg wbere Mrs. During the meeting Jimmy South- CHURCR plumbing and insPeet the F. A. Dilling and B. H. MortlockaywsoralinutdsaTn- RvW.GBaeMntr dranag ofyou hoe. t's wrnrepaset te banc inthederpad. repeating the Scout law and Miss Louise Osborne, Organis a health measure >'ou should finals o! the Deanery Debating Con- promise. and taking bis oatb o! ah- Sunday. June 2nd: il a. m.-' flot negleet. test. legiance to the organization. A Sovereignty o! God; 7 p. m-' __________Dean Hodgson o! the White Rosa tgames perîod f ollowed. Free Will o! Man; 2.30 p. m.-S flService Station reports sales o! The list o! applications for Camp, day Scbool. B EiR T cGu1tta Percha tires exceptlonally which will ha mun froin July 18th Vo goo tis prng Den ad a e-Juy 2th icluiv, re omngin 0ST PAULS UITED CHUflTITnrC mi Whn eFor Quick Test Eyes £ v îl Service SAVEsYO MO EYPhone Done *78 Properly S R E O W L QUALITY AND MINIMUM PRICES ALWAYS Beecham's Pis ......... 22c - 39c1 IPANA îTOOTH PASTE............ 39c Bromo Seltzer...... 23c - 44c - 87c IRONIZED YEAST .......... 89c COLGATE'S TOOTH PASTE......... 19c - 33c JAD CARTER'S Condensed Salts ............ 55c Little Liver Pis ........ 22c - 69c KCOLYNOS ENO'S TOOTH PASTE......... 32c - 43c FRUIT SALTS.......... 47c - 79c LISTERINE........ 25c - 49c - 89c GILLETTE BLUE BLADES......... 25c - 50 Mecca Ointment..19c - 37c - 69c HIND'S Honey and Alniond Cream 23c - 43c Pond'& Creams...... 29c - 55c - 89c Leave Films Here - Ask About Our Free Enlargement 0f fer Sunday, June 2nd: Holness Meet- ing at i1 a. m.; Sunday Sebool at 2.30 P. rn.; Salvation Meeting at 7 p. mn. Previous to regular evenlng meeting thera wilh be a slng-song beginning at 7 P. m. Some old fav- orites wihl be sung. Corne and sing your favorite hymn. A baarty weh- coma tco ail. TRINITY UNITED CHURCUR Rev. E. F. Armstrong, Pastor Francis Sutt on, Mus. Bac.. Organlst and Choir Leader Sunday, June 2nd: il a. m.-Rev. Dr. Lorne McTavisb o! Oshawa will praacb; Sunday School will meet a!- ter the second bymn; 7 P. m .-Pev . P. L. Juil o! Brooklin will preacb. You are cordially lnvited te thase services. ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHUBCIR Rev. C. R. Spencer. M. A., Rector Mrs. J. A. Gunn, Organlst Juna 2nd, Sunday after Ascension: Holy Communion i1 a. mn., Preacher, Capt. Casay. Fild Secretary of the Churcb Amy; Sunday School at 10.30 a. rn.; Evenlng Prayer 7 p. Mn., Preacher. Rev. Canon H. F. D. Woodcock, Rector o! Christ Cburcb, Deer Park. 4 is- IValue Demonstration Week DARGAINS At Harry .AIIin's Corner Crocery AYLMER CHOICE No. 3 SIFIED PEAS, reg. 15c .. 2 for 25e Crosse and Blackwell TOMATO SOtTP.... 4 for 23e ROBIN HOOD CHINA OATS, reg. 35ce ..... SPECIAL 31e Hillcrest Brand SHORTENING, reg. 13c ...... 2 for 23e ROBIN HOOD CHINA QATS, reg. 25c..... SPECIAL 22e CHOCOLATE MARSHMALLOW BISCUITS ... ..2 ibs. 25c TIGER BRAND SALMON, taîl tins ............. ......... 2e EGO PRESERVER.. . . ....Small tins 13e; Large 20c SpRATT'S pUppy OVALS....... .......... ........ lb. 15e Cherry Jam 40 oz. jar, regular 30e Special 27C Choice Quality PLUMS, tin -Marmalade 40 oz. jar, reg. -30e Special 23e AYLMER OHOICE No. 4 Peas Speclal ioc IUPPERED Herring Reguflar 10e tin Special 3 - 25 CROSEan-BLC--L Value Demonstration Weelc Bargains ïTomato Ju ice FUL--PEP CHICK STARTER AND GROWING MASHi Special 5-23Cl Harry Allia FIELD GRAINS - GARDEN SEEDS - BOX PLANTS FRESH FISH FRIDAY Phone 186 or 121 BowmanviUle "i.-' onto, watb Mr. and 'Mss. A. E. Bull- s jMr. Lewis Burnatt, Mrs. Wanna-( _______________1 makar, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tamblyn,i HAMPTOIN jIM.n Ms .W ur, Mss. B.1 g I Ferguson, Miss E. Cryderman, Miss ____________________ tE. Love, Mr. Harry Cowling, Tor-1 Miss Helena White, Toronto pn ot.1 the weekand witb Mrs. aespnt no W. C. T. U. County Convention Recent Visitors: Mr. and Mss. will be held at Hlampton on June Fred Wilson, Miss Pearl Wilbur, 5th. Toronto, guests at Mr. S. Kersey's. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Horn are on .. Mrs. Harrison and farnily, Tor- a motor trip te Montreal. Mr. Wal- onto, at Mr. E. Wilbur's...Mss. lace Horn, M. A., will return witb Clatworthy and Miss Ruby Clat- them. wortby, at Fanalon Falls.. Mr. and Young People's meeting on Thurs- Mrs. R. H. Reynolds and f amily, day night was taken by Nora Horn Mr. J. Brownlow, Toronto, witb Miss owing to the illness o! thse Vice- Edna Reynolds... Mr. and Mss. J. President. Prograin: Davotional by Williams with bis sister, Mss. A. Marjoria Pascoe; topic presented by Paters. Mr. Paul Williamns, Port Rev. W. Rackham; vocal duat by Perry, Mr. and Mss. E. Woods and Lottie Horn and Ruth Johns. mily at Mr. S. Williams' Mr. Cryderman f amily hald a small fClarence Crydarman at Mr. A. B. reunion on May 24th at Mrs. John Cryderman's, . Miss Laura Virtue, Cowling's, those present were* Mr Mr. Fred Billett, Miss Wilma Pow- and Mss. W. Burnett, Stouffville, Iel,* Mrs. AuU, Miss Vera Aull, Tor- I. Well chosen summer furniture to add to your warm nweather enjoyment, at decidediy smali expense. Our complete stocks invite you. The latest designs in comfortable g1i de rs now available. Model illustrated$117 SPECIAL CLEARING 0F Barrymore RUGS Seamed Axrmin- 215 ster, 69 x9 ..$2.5 New Seamiess C;7 Axzr Sup Spe4 ett ... Mr. and Mss. V. Pbasey and baby Gwenytbe, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wood, Orono, Miss Hazel Wood and Mr. George Crowther, Newcastle, at Mr. J. L. Johns'. W. M. S. met at the home o! Mrs. M. Curtis, Tuasday 21st, with Pres- ident Mrs. A. E. Blllett presiding. Meeting opened with the hyrnn, 'oh Worship the King" and prayer by Mrs. Billett. Mrs. A. Paters re- ported tbe Presbyterial at Tyrone. Mrs. H. Wilcox took charge o! the prograin. Mrs. W. W. Horn read the scripture, Matt. 5:1-16; Devotional leaflet was read by Mrs. H. Salter; Miss L. Reynolds gave a talk on the hast chapter o! tha study book, "Lift Up Your Eyas"; Mrs. W. Wilbur and Mrs. T. Salter sang a duet 'q corne to the Garden Alone"; Miss Ruby Clatworthy gave a piano solo. Mrs. Bilhett closed the meeting with thse Benediction. Complete assortment of Deek and Lawn Chairs, s tr on g frames, new colors, adJustàble deck chair 15 as ho n ... .. .. WEEK-END SPECIL Lawn Settees, regular $1.25 Cah fS . . ..79C 30 % tO 50 % REDUCTION PASSED ON TO YOU Famous Waysagiess stock offered at the greatest savings in our history. Limited quantities on these items. iins, 6 9 x 9 IW & q" -8"«JD a m a sk inster Mats, 27" x 50" c filled dais ... .... $I195spring ______________ mattress and Waysagless s pring. Ail standard sizes. While they last, regul ar $29.50 combination. Sale Price.. Casb$ 15.75 Way Sagless ~<y Studio Couches Newr covers, new de- signs, ail with muner- spr1ing mattresses. With wardrobe compartment if desired. One of a kind only. Reg. $27.50 value,' as illustrated. $19095 F. F. MORRIS CO* Phono 10 - Fw'niture - Funeral Directors m in 1 mmý mmomwp- ... 1 loc MtCornùcks PEACH BISCUITS 2 Ibs. 25e I ý7

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