PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STA7MSMAN, EQWMANVILL. THtTRDAY, JUNE 6th, 1935 as a purposeless, soulless machine, Busiess irecory Sunday Sehool wernay have good reason ta !ear, btibY a changed attitude of imind, we could get the point of view LEGAL puErOLosPeR, that God is as a Father ta THE HLY SIRITuswhat a different place this world M. G. V. GOuLD, B.A., LL.B (PeiitecOst Lesson) wudb o sPu el sta Barrister, Solicitor, Notary tfosrmanlY ohpe ned o ! fear- Phone 351 Sunday, June 9th ingfthe ay, herbeganstadlv b o e. Royal Bank Building, Bowmanville ifaprocing the futurn o ie oe. W. R. STRIKE by the Spirit of God. they are the Instead 0f trs'ing ta impose his will BareSolicitorfo Nnk o tra Lesson Passage: John 16:7-11; will for him. By this attitude o! olictor forank o!ontea91 Romans 8: 10-17, 26, 27. trust he had an experience of son- Bowmanville, Ontario Could we but stand within the hpacaoparadlentotatlofn ome. __________________ gol:eTetof srnnsae pphnaosed no a vn oe L. C. MS ON, . A We could interpret ail this Se may we becorme heirs ef God, and Boarserublicitortc.doubt and strife, Noar Pblc Ec.And for each mystery could find Our PraYer Life, 26. 27 Law In ail its branches the key, This relationship off sonspad Office immediately east of Royal But not today. fahrodi ta ned bypraer Theatre. Then be content, peer heart; Bt e ow not ho t-ie ypray s w Phne: ffce68: om 53. God*s Plans like liles Pure and ought.. Our prayers are crude.i white untold; blundering expressions of our spirit- We must not tear their close- ua1eie.BtQdi o ugn DENTAL shut leaves apart; our prayers bY our grammar or rhe- Time will reveal the calyxes of toric or skill in weaving in scriptural DR. J. C. DEVITT gold allusions. Godse h eie f Assstnt D. . W Sssn Ad if, through patient toil, we hehatWealavdeper de- Graduate of Royal Dental College. reach the land sies han.We an puthne word Toronto. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. Whr tired feet with sandals Whence comne these yearnings and» Bowmanville. Office heurs 9 a. m. losdmyrs desires af ter goodness? That is t6 p. m. daily except Sunday. When we shahl clearly know and , God's Spirit at work within us. Phn 0 os hn 8.understand. When we pray it. is God's Spirit act- Phne90 Hus pon 23 Our hearts will gladly say, ually at work within us adors- X-Ry Euipen inOffce. 'Qd knew the best."i cerest desires are our real prayers.I Th loral Test, 7-11 !Our actual prayer is net what we FUNERAL DIRECTOR i say with aur lips in public, butewhatI FUNERAL DIRECTOR To many people, unfortunately te we secretly desire in ou Cw ears FUNEAL IRECORS many Christians even, the doctrine If that secret desire is in accord SUerany hRer, ny ay off the Holy Spirit is vague and un- wth the will of Qed, the Spirit et Servce, ny ourany ay. reat. yet a realization of this truth Qed will help us te Malte that pray- F. F. MORRIS CO. fills lite with a new meaning and er corne true, whether it be uttered Modern Motor Equipment purpose. There is a power at work or unexpressed. When we pray 'nel Ambulance and Invalid Car inl the hearts and wills et men that: are flot oîfering petitions te a dis- Caîl Phone 10 or 34, they teel is net themselves. It 's tant deity: Geds Spirit is present Assistant, 573 Qed at work in the world. It is the! wthin us while we pray, helping us BOWMANVILLE Spirit ef Qed at work in the spirits1 as we pray. ef men. Christ spoke ot it as theî Comforter. the word sugstingi Questions for Discussion & MIH strengthening rather than conseling. 1. How far do we knew Our-1 NORTHCUTT&SMT How May we receive thîs power in selves? our individual lives? The best 2. Sheuld we re-t until we tind Complete Funeral Service starting place is with eur sins. A, inner peace? Modern Ecuipment- AmbulanceI moral check-up off ourselves w'ill 3. Hwdees Qed guide us? A. W. G. Northeutt- Aubrey Smith show us if we are truthtul or un- 4. How may fear be replaced. by Phone Days 58 truthtul. kind or unk:r.d. diligent or taith? Nights, Sundays or HolidaYS lazy, un.-selitst or selffîsh. Convict- 5. How May we have reality in Phone 523 or 276. 'on of s.n îeads ro surrender et sin prayer? and -he d ro:r.g off the positive virtue :nz. ead off ,he former -wronr,. Then :r.a ysero~swa,'te Hoy p~it OBEDIENCE TO LAW MUSIC v:1w~s a l:t T1e Holy Spirit FRANCIS SU-TTON, MLs.Eac. F.C.C.o. carn-- rerna:n :in a huuman spirit From Christian Science Monitor) A. Tr. C. M. dilo.a 4 Îaovfh r.nse:ous sin. When In the fextbook off Christian Sci- Singing. V:cr. nard Orgar. C 'w:-ý;*h e:hy.scer ence. -Sciernce and Health with Key1 Privatle or cl lssc.i. - 5 ý * e re :iv:ne on a low te the Scriptures" by Mary Bakerj Pupils prepared for a:: exarninatior.s. f :' e. Hl--seaching and ex- Eddy. we find an illuminating para- Phone 42, Bowmanville & - ' emn. Aftr-r Christ graph in which the ;vriter places 0-f. , fr,:mý'er w.r. r. e-ffoUo r flunderstanding and demonstrationof, __________________________ - -n:; r.~kd tei~the divin e Principle underlying the j ..,, of Chrs:t and Mrst Commandment et the Mesaic RICHARD FOUNTAfIN I e * t' :. * nern. lis Decalogue. Thou shait have no o~ s.r. n. was fl- rther gods betore me," as the sum- Bandmnaster Canadian Legion Band frnum bonum of human action. She Teacher et Cornet. Trurn-pet, A4 Unified Lite, 10-13 say.s (P.340): "'he divine Principle, Baritone, etc. n c, 4 rxpér.ened an. inner of the First Commandment bases 25 %-ears professional expericnce. orf.' 'z :ht and wreng the Science et being, by îvhich m;an Open for pupils new. p!wv1:fr- ar.d dFalh. For Idemonýtrateshath hoiesan Residence: Opposite Tow~n Hall, rnan.r.. o-,;.z . t.eç has been a pro- lite eternal. One intînite Qed, good. Temperance Street. Bowmanvile. ingr-d c:-. .1 war 'Inithe seul. The ]unifies men and nations; censtitutes ____________________________messause et Chrî-t is that thi.s innr I the bretherheed off man; ends ivars: contîucî may cea. e and that goed- ftult ils the Serierure, 'Love thy SHO R PARSness may have victory. Our trouble neîghbor as thyseît'; annihilates pa. SHOEREP IRSi., that we have been living dividedI gan and Chrisýtian idolatry-whar- R. PAW SON lives. wanting te be free te enjoylever is wrong in social. civil, crim- the pleastires et sin for a season but J mat, political, and religieus codes: Boot and Shoe Repatring hoping ultimately te, be on the idej ecualizes the sexe'.; annuls the cîîrse Soles sewn on by Goodyear Stltchlng off right. Christ tells u.s that wei on rnan. and leaves riothing that can cannot serve Qed and mammon at si suffer, bc punished or destroy- Machine. Pices reasonable. the samne tîme, but that if we unre - I d.1 King Street East - Bowmanvllle servedly yield our wlls te Qed, the Conformity te the Cemmandment, ___________________________desýire forr cii will cease and th e "Tho hl have ne ether gods be- powcre, ft temptation will be ever-i fore me," in individual lives, and its TRESURR'SSAL jcorne. It i*s a stupendous dlaim but t ultilîment in daily affairs, !erwards, TREAS RER'SSALE if demcnstrahiy woîks. How much iLs establishment in the lite et na- 0F LA DFO AX S vain struggle aga nst the lusts o the fions. This Commandment e ab- only knew thaf hy let ing the Spirit human conscîeusness, and ne prob-, Town of Bowmanville, et Qed contrel their lives, the vic- lem is tee gîcat te be selved by .the, County of Durham I tory o.,er temptatien and sin wiîî simple stirituat rule ot obedience te ____If we live by the Spirit, we Principle. Mses brought this truth - ~lire abundantly, with a plus et be- tetepole: and sfep by step as 'e Wt: ig. theywere obedient te the teachings By vrtu ofa wrrat isuedby ýf lh,*,rleader, they learned the the Mayor of the Town et Bowman- osi ihGd14sfhuaenavrn ville bearing date et the llth day Our choice is between selt-will instructed by divine or spiritual law, o! March. 1935, sale et lands in ar- and Qeds will. A young peusen may and the rich reward et ebedience ta rears et taxes in the Towrn o Bow- make a declaration et spiritual in- the laiv et geed. manville will bc held in the Council dependence. asserting hîs right te i r Chambers in the Tewn Hall, Bow- lire his own lite and be master et manville, at the heur et two 'cleck his tate and captain et his seul. Mr. and Mrs. A. Bate, Lindsay, in heattmnon n he îgth ayThar niay appear heroic at tîrst but celebrated the 45th wedding anni- c on Juth 195 ufe the egtaxes and ifdees net stand up against the vrsary on May 28th. Mm. Bate was ii costs are îeoner paid. Notice is tests ot lite. The bctteî' way is te a native o! Port Hope. hercby giron that the lisýt et lands make Qodas will the rule et one's lite Douglas' Egyptian Liniment is es- for sale for arrears et taxes is be- and by ebedience te hbis wiîî dis- perially recommended for spider, or lng published in the Ontario Qaz- covr 'r ow lie leads. Sonship de- isfectin fcassof and ette on the 6th day et April, on the pends ulpon obedience and trust, net aslinseso .1ý crsan 4th day ef May, and on the 1sf day upon crced, coloî or caste. Jesus slns o June. and that copies off the sald had te - tell hi.s teltow ceunitrymen - llst may be had at my office. that being born a Jew did net nec- Treasurer's Office, this lth day essaril3- mean senship, but only do- THIS IS A RA] e! April, 1935. ing the will off Qed coutd give as- A. J.LYLE. surance off sonshîp. If ail comes - 15-13 . Tr LY easre i bout by seeking te discerer Qoda ... -- 15-13Treaurer 1)1111 orir 1 lises au:d living on the - .-- _________busis off daily ebedience. We admit reuîdily ûiiugh that. an overruling . .. providence has decided our nation- j~0 t ;aL r lil vt, race. sex, complexion and dis- C. H.Tuck)csiionbut are we ready te let the 1 pirit et Qed guide us in the con- * Eyesight Specialist huct ofet ach day. in the trivialities M uther of: anud routinheet ea(h day? If ire U Optometry Feature Service lu uist Qed in everythiing. he leads ris - The Child and Its and,'. ie have the experience et son- .- Development shiti. Escape from Fear. 15-17 Frfinlte dim etofhi-tory. teais 1, - it cursed niankinci. There have hi eii tears off others and tears et suif. A miluitex imbebas cendîîcted u:i ' fori- an yeau s says that u( r u, eonetf ihethree chiet preb- insus ith i ch lie lhas te deal. A utir e look ipon lte lniverse PA1NS-VRIS S E£ L dà LIEVIE IV :US IA K SO)LE FLO-GLAZE AGENTS IN BOWM'mNVILLE PIame 34 «Mg 20" Bownislle Ldta4 SUf$f$C4 LrrrLE children, tired with play and nearly ready for bed. should have igbt. *nour- ishing, easih- dige--ted foods for their evening meal. Kellogg's Corn Flakes. eaten before bedtinse. help eidren sleep. Scientific tests conducted in a large university have proven this. Children who had Kelloggs for supper slept 3047 more soundly than those who ate heavier food@. Kellogg's restore energy 'wihout overloading aniali stomachs. They're pleasant, appetizing. Children love their crispness and delicious flavor. Ail grocers seil Kellogg's Corn Flakes. Ready to serve froni the WAXTITE bag in- side the red-and-green pack- age. Economiceal. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. CORN FLAKES A pleasant niedicene for children Kt.C. R. Spencer. r-t'c.t(r OetSt Jehus .nd Rir~l l'ý,11n ofNerihumîs- erai:d . iDrurlian. i. i chaurge' se :e .%V11110 It' t tertakimîs <~ss'". . EA. Sltnî-ý t N5 v B. ,Tt'ings 'e Wàs ed , ey. A J Jà,7ksý. M. A_ ffrn'.t-rcua cd r e'~ ' urr 110 r.t of :ho "A Y. P. He is . -M:r. Jacksc:: Preaàc?,e<ff.0 n t.he I :heine of seso a~ a:sfor Ad e are o,'ne-ese :e,-7e th:ncs the ft:.gnal rds et Chris: beffore his ascension mbt Heaver.. The speaker urzed his 1 youthful congreg-a-t:on. as memibers1 off a powerful church organizatien1 te go out ameng the Youth o! the worid and witness to the lufe et Christ as was recognized in the teaching et the church year, from h is birth at Christ mas, through his through his lite te, service, te his) meditation in Lent te his ageny, su!- fering and death et the Cross, te his glorieus resurrection, and culminat- ing in his ascension into heaven. The officiaI welcome te the visit- ing young people was extended dur- ing the service by Rev. C. R. Spen- cer. Mrs. J. A. Gunn presided at the organ, and a quartette represent- ative e! the splendid feeling between the churches in Bowmanville pro- vîded the o!fertory number. The quartette was composed o! members et the United, Presbyterian, Roman Cathehic and Anglican churches, and were Hubert Hooper, Newton Hackney, Frank Tighe and Albert Culley. Fellowing the service a reception seas held in the Parish Hall, when President Eric Celwell et the local branch extended a welcomne on be- haIt e! the hest A. Y. P. A.. Mr. Keith Long, President off the Dean- ery Local Council and Rev. Bruce Jennings. chaplain, expressed the appreciation et the visitors to the local branch. A feature of the ev- ening was the presentation et beautiful prayer books te Miss Doris Hancock, secretary et the Local Ceuncil and Mr. Jack Mitchell, a miember o! the council, and both et Port Hope who are te be married on June l2th. The social committee et the Bow- nmanville branch îînder Miss Jean Bîough served cet!e sandwiches and cake. F.ALSEHOODt "He who is false te his felIlow-man ----vi-...c1%False-dealinrxLtrarels! a - -h-rt ator. and if is excellent for drîng ' as-eln trvsasht worms troni the system. road. and is surel3' detected."-Wil - liani Penn. Ready-maide Medicine.-Yeu need : The Pamnpered hypocrite may ne physician fer ordinary ilîs when have a tleîrery pathsvay here. but he Yeu have at hand a bottlceto Dr. cannet tererer break the Golden rhomas' Eclecîric Oul. Fer coughs. Ruile and escape the penalty due."1- colds, sure throat, brenchial troubles,1 Mary Baker Eddy. .r is invaluable: fer scalds. burns. j Falseheed always endeavors te bruises. sprains ît is unsurpassed:1 copy the mien and attitude et vhile for cuits. sûres and the like ui t t-ith.'-Dr. Johinsen. s an unquiestienable healeî'. It 1I"The tirst great reqrîisite is ab- needs ne testinmenial other- than- the soîrîte sincerity. Falsehood and dis- use. and thaf irill satisfy anyone as : guise are miseries and misery-mak- to it.s effectiveness. cris '.-Celeridge. ,BBIT ROUND-UP IN SASKATCHEWAN Here*s a îvestern iabbit hunt at have become pests. Drives haveý pictures portray the before and af- Coronacb, Sask., near tihe interna- been winter and sprlng sport, wlth ter eftect. tional border, where fthe animaIs1 an average of 310 bagged. These 't TLea at isBs TWO HUNDRED AT A. Y. P. A. SERVICE ON ASCENSION DAY 'Practicaliv Esver3y Parish hINorths- umberiand and Durhamî Reprr- sented atI nspiring Gathrrisix Witness:ng to t li't ,' : 1i Christ a-:d tht' chlirtîll- sai'e 175 e:ît > of tht!ît~î.. e Anglican YeIling lN"i,-. ss,,:a ion tfthe' Deaîîerv t o ttîîi:f l.-- n d alw Duirham,. e pî iitt :î:slpiriiîaAscn';àiî t pý'jv-' Sz. jeiîls Ciiiuh-l on lîrdî ii t . C'rolip.5s 'erî ' itt't : i SI. -Mark's am", st. John, ', l'eout Hope. St. peters. Cb Uit l aftel. Coîbeti me, Brîi h t nu. C- ttot Per--rosvii Qre5 Laid:g, 1îwoeîl Beelý'eY and Bsiavle hoi I A. Y. . A. choir nut'îîîbtlî,; fetl t.h . n ytock part iin the' service. Ontario's Highways are NOT Speedways! SESLS SPEED which leaves terrible injurie: of people, police and courts against ail reckless drivers. They wiIl be deait with ruthlessly . .. to make Ontario's highways safe for everyone. In seif-defence you are wise to fight the temp- tation to speed ... especially at night. Make sure that your brakes, Iights and tires are efficient. Cultivate a definite sense of responsibility towards pedestrians and other drivers. It is the only wise course. UT US BETIER TO BE SAFE... THAN SORRY MOTOR VEHICLES BRANCH ONTARIO DEPARIMENT OF HIGHWAYS O NTARI O THIS MUST STOP-! In Ontario, during 1934, there were nearly 10,000 auto- 512 people were killed 8,990 people were injured ;.a considerable increase over 1933. It must be evident tail rhinking people that this musit stop. Ho n.TB M en, BUY COAL NOW. Lowest Sumnier Prices It sit Pa'y ou to put in your next Winter's coal now. Pries are noiv at thieir lowest. And of course you'II wint the l'est coai - Blue Coal. And remember Shep- p2r<l(i GI are for lumber and building an~i d ti have a fine stock of best field seeds. %V'e hav'e this meek received a carload of Sait whlch wil bc soid at eceptioally ow prices. Buy early because at these prices it 'ton't Iast long. Sheppard & Ciii Lumber Co. PHONE 13 LEMJTED BOWMALNVflI Specializing exclusîvely ln mnusce anomalies, eyesîght Phonp for appointinen i "ilti Di"nes l!dIg. Opl. PC Oshawa, Ont. TEAa p 1