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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Jun 1935, p. 3

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-- ~EA?.T AJ17TLE. THTTRSDAY. JUNE 6th. 1935 PAGE THRSE TENTH ANNIVERSARY 0F UNITED CHURCH WILL BE CELEBRATED Maple Leaf Gardens To Be Scene of Impressive Service on %4 June lth Monday next. June lûth, marks the end of the f irst decade of church union in Canada. On June 10. 1925, the Unted Church of Canada was inaugurated. Writing of the ten years that have passed, Principal Edmund H. Oliver of Saskatoon says that the Unitedi Church's f irst ach- ievement is its survival. Consider- ing the vastness of the venture of union, this may be taken as a dis- tinct achievement. Then, too. the United Church has grown in unity and f ellowship, and its membership has increased from 600,522 to 687,- 973. Since the general union, 642 home mission f ields have been merged or re-arranged, 460 have come Up tW self-support, 151 have been discon- tinued because of changing condi- tions in the localities served, 398 have been accepted which were for- merly self-supporting, mainly in the dried-out area. and 291 new fijelds have been opened. This makes a decrease of 605 home missions, and in itself is highly significant. Having developed its working or- ganization. the United Church maY be exPected to show even greater missionary achievement in the next ten years. Meanwhile the United churches of this district are holding their celebrations and taking a thankoffering. Seulement Comnmittee 0f Quinte Conference Makes Pastoral Changes ~I7 which provoked lively discussion vvomefl s Inlstitutes; and mnany intere:tlflg topies wr brought before the members. (Coninue fro pag 1,Mrs. G. E. Pritchard sang two1 CovetontinuedTfromtopage 1 talselectiorYs which were very muchr conenio inToono;ad bytha apprcciated. Mrs. Edwin Wood was1 expenses should bepi he the accompanist for ail the soloists.1 branch. In some centres funds for Mrs. A. Davis. Lakefield, reported this purpose are raised bY means 0f a social evening or a tea. the doings at Provincial Convention1 Miss E. A. Slicter of the Institutes and Federated Board Meetings, Branh, orono, n a addessex-concluding with a very f itting poem Bancn he Torontoi an addrms,-o n "What is a Homne?" plaile ths ea Inyitth e progrms A letter was read f rom Miss Edna1 cmiedthis edtanar b te rt- ofHoag. Orono. who represented Westj change, we must aiso change, since Dshrt co sIsiue at the aroAi- to think of ourselves as "a laist cen-scut ursClega e, Gulpharhioutr-1 tury woman" is stagnant and not clua olgGep.Seot progressive. She announced that lined the programn and expressed short courses wil no longer be of thanks for the privilege. twoweeks duatin, bt fo no Mrs. W. Hall gave much pleasure longer than three to f ive days. ousheselect b ectn ahm A prograrn o! interest which she orosslcin on Women.1 suggested ls that of loalladr Mrs. Roy Langmaid, Solina. new-i shipin loting nuriton leaderg lyelected President. was introduced1 health and other projectsEach oteadnc by heriig1 branch chooses one delegate who President, Mrs. F. Ferguson, and was has a natural aptitude for one of given a rousinrg greetlng. Replying these subJects, and in this county seslctc h eryspoto eight delegates wil meet. one f rom aVotembetaksmvery .s.J each branch. in a central place tekon tan secoded by Mrs. F. when an instructor f rom the De-Thomson a acoded the retir- partment wiil be present to give hmsnwaacod teri- themn valuable information along ing President, Mrs. Poster Fergu- these lines. The local leaders wil son, for her splendid services. Mrs. then return to their branch and S. E. Werry moved and Mrs. Thick- coach others. son seconded a vote of thanks to Mrs. W. B. Polard, Secretary Trea- In the housing plan, particularly, surer. Both macle suitable replies. refinishing and reconditioniflg of Ms .R opradMs .E old furniture will be important. The Werr we Re aoper nd dleas. toE Home Con! erence in Housing. theruswees apnRtep eayesmet- simply the rearranging in somethTrsesadRepysme- one's home of furniture into a prac- ing at Millbrook on June th. tical and b)ecoming position. Home- After some discussion the ex- making, Miss Slicter. declared. is change visits between branch in- just as important as agriculture. Stitues will cease for one year. The ciuilt competition, unfortun- Next annual meeting will be held ately having onily three entries due at Hampton. to misinforination, was won by the Moved by Mrs. J. R. Cooper and Victorian branch, showing a beauti- seconded by Mrs. L. Buckley that f ul qufit in the star pattern and in- Conveners for Communit.y Work be tricately quilted. aprointed as follows: Health and The Quest4ofl Drawer was con- Child Welfare-Mrs. F. Gilbert, R. îducted by Mrs. Davis of Lakefield R. 2 Burketon; Education-Mrs. J. THE CANADIAN STATI Ministerial transfers were an- nounced Saturday at the concluding sessions o! the Bay of Quinte Con- ference o! the United Church o! Canada, in St. Andrew's Church. Peterboro. arasfolw:Ble Transfers aea olw:Ble ville Presbytery-G. W. Gardiner to Adolphustown, G. T. McKenzie Wo Bath, S. L. Osborne to Bay, Ronald Vatcher Wo Coo Hill, H. F. Saunders to Consecon, M. C. Fisher to Enter- prise, C. j. . Gall to Finton and, Cloyne. Fred Hlorton to Foxboro'. T. E. Kennedy to Madoc, E. S. Bar- ton to Morven, E. F. Swayne to Newburgh. J. C. Lowrie to Queens- boro'. J. E. Beckel to Rawdon. J. C. McKee to Welington, H. A. Turner to West Huntingdon, W. S. smart Wo Yarker. Cobourg Presbytery-H.- W. Bromi- wich, superannuated, faut will supplY Wo Centreton: Roy H. Rickard to Coiborne, C. H. Reddick to Seymour, H. L. Partridge. Coiborne. superan- nuated for one year. Kingston Presbytery-L. B. Smithi to Addison, J. T. Conn to Arden and Mounitain Grove, F. E. Mallot Wo Brockville. A. E. Oliver to Escott, V. E. Zufelt to Zion, Kingston; A. S. Doggett to Lyn, R. A. Camneron to parharo; H. W. Street without charge at own request; L. S. Wight superannuated for one year. Peterboro' PresbyterY-M. C . Par to George Street, Peterboro'; George S Easton to Trinity, Peterboro'. Îi*.indsay Presbytery-R. H. White- side to Coboconlc and Bury's Green, O. G. Taylor to Coboconk and BurY's Green, William Sterling Wo Fenelon Falls, Thomas Wallace to Green- bank. H. S. Hillis to Little Britain, G. A. Damson to Minden-Carnavon. D. M. Stinson to Oakwood. F. C. McTavish tW Omemee.v i ct o ri a Road charge to be supplied. Oshawa Presbyter-H. S. Mutton to Greenwood. E. L. Beech and Charles R. Wragg to Newtonville: R. J. McCoi'mick Wo King Street, Osh- ftwa; F. M. Wootton, superannuated. but will supply to Northminster. Oshawa; F. G. Joblin to Scugog; A'- bert Street charge. Oshawa. to be supplied; James El! ord and R. A. Delve superannuated for one year. Renfrew Presbytery-R. J. MÀer- rlam to Bathurst and Maberly; Preston C. Brown to Calabogie: Pak- eniham charge settlement pending;: j. P. Falconer superannuated for one year. Followng ministers are leaving the Bay o! Quinte. Conference: R. Lorne McTavlsh O! Oshawa to Hamn- ilton, G. W. W. Rivers to Bolton, W. E. Donnelly to Winnipeg. C. W. Bishop tW Fergils, J. E. Graham to Kirklalld Lake, J. E. j. Millyard to London. At a solemn service which brought Wc a conclusion eleventh annual Bay o! Quinte Conference on Sunday, three young men were ordained min- isters o! the gospel: Preston Charles Brown, B. A..o! Millbrook. a grad- uate o! IUniversity o! Toronto: Charles Robert Wragg, BBA.. B.D.. o! NewtoIlville, and Horatio Todd. B.A.. o! Kingston, both graduates o! Queen's Unùi-erstb. ReV. Messrs- Brown1 and Todd wili take charg' at Calabogie and Kingston, andàRev. Mr. Wragg will assist at Newtonv'ille United Church. Rev. Dr. James Semple o! Belle- ville. Confererice President,' officiat- ed, assisted by Rev. James Beckel o! Napanee. Conference Secretary, and Rev. A. J. Wlson o! Napanee. Rev. Walter E. Donnelly o! Brock- ville, preachlng the sermon, declared the Church must challenge the race prejudices and the slums o! the present-.daY world. The ,Church must also challenge the "Out- of - date model T. economnic system o! to-day," he said. WRITES EMPIRE DAY RISTORY A copy o! the Hamiltonl SpectatOr to hand contaifla complete and in- teresting story o! --The Genesis o! Empire Day" wntten by Coi. Chas. R. oCcullough, Hamilton, outstand- lng Canadan and native son Of BOWmnville. Empire Day Was foulided in Hamtilton by Clementifla p'essenden. The inspiration came f rom the founder's granddaughter. at six years in 1896, belng present at an ainivenie.ry o! Stoney Creek battle wheil the child o! United Em- pire Loyalt descelit was madle an honoi'arY mnember o! the Wentworth Historical Society. The chld was 80o happy at recelvlflg the badge that hem grandxnither was lnspied to in- augurate a day when ail Chlldrefl once a year in Canada shouid be able to 910W .wth patriotlC enthtis- lasM. n ruuuuucu R. Cooper, Orono; Canadian Indus- dian rope trick, in which Fred Hoar; ENFIELD COUPLE CELEBRATE AllIFod Mad tries and Agriculture-Mr. J. C.ad Fred Vanstone did their best to 43rd WEDDING ANNIVEILSAEY Ai OD va e Hancock, Newcastle; Peace-Mr.sehwi was done by standinglu Foster Ferguson, Blackstock; Can- within a couple o! feet, but the; Saturday, May 5th, was a gala Her 111 adianization-Mrs. A. W. Annis, Ty- had no luck. Throughout his clever day for Mr. and Mrs. George Ormis--___ rone; Home Economics-Mis L. entertaiximent Mr. Giordmaine kept ton. En!ield, for on that evening b cdt Reynolds, Hamptini; Legislative and uP a steady line of chatter which their relatives, numbering about fif Caused b cdt Community Activities-Mrs. Geo. was not only amusing but aptly f it- ty. gave them a genuine surprise on Corrected by Kruschen Proutt. Nestieton. ting for such an occasion. their forty-third wedding annver- I isol fartp sth ef cs Newly elected officers are: Presi- Another interesting feature o! the sary. Mr. and Mrs. George Ormis-o,"wit s nufarseo.paIUsesfat dent-Mrs. Roy Langmaid, Solina; evening was the surprise presenta- ton. their son, Frank, and M. Or-on"wieanue. Iws uer First Vice-Mrs. J. Thickson, Bow'- tion to Miss Una Allin ,daughter o! miston's sister, Miss Nancy, were ing f rom over-acidlty and flatul- manville; Second Vice-Mrs. A. W. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Alun a bride o! waiting the arrivai o! their son, ence to such an extent that I was Annis, Tyrone; Secreta.ry-Treasurerthswe.T th strains o! the Harold, who lives on the homestead compieteiy 111. I couldn't talce food. -Mrs. W. B. PoUlard, Bowmanville; wedding march played by Dave nearby, and who had made plans WhnIatal ocdmsi Federated Representative-Mrs. Fos- Morrison, the bride and groom com- to take them ail to Oshawa, when take soxnething, I would be wretch- ter Ferguson, Blackstock; Auditors plete wlth ail the accoutrements o! other cars begari to arrive.' Coi- edly ill. I have now taken Kruschen -Mrs. B. M. Warnlca and Mrs. F. that important ceremony slowly pletely non-plussed, Mr. and Mrs. for 12 months, and I have no doubt Jackman, Bowmanville. marched in the room. The bride was Ommiston did not even then under- that it has righted my digestive A hearty vote of thanks was ac- portrayed by Barbara Rehder, and stand until further cars began to systeni. I a&m now quite fit and able corded the Bowmanviile Branch for the groom by Ruth Cryderman, arrive. It was lndeed a genuine to work with vigor again."-Nurse the generous entertainment accord- whiîe Mary Jewell acted as intro- surprise, but they rose nobly Wo the E. S. ed the visitors which was moved bY ducer and Margaret Armstrong, di- occasion. anld welcomed ail most Indigestion is caused by a f ailure Mrs. J. R. Cooper and seconded bY rector o! ceremonies. A gaily de- hospitalably to their home. in the f 10w o! the gastrlc or digest- Mrs. . A.Van amp.corated wagon, complete wlth a As the evening festivities wore. ive juices. As a resuit, your food, huge basket full of gifts, was pre- on1, Mr. Fred Ashtoni, Toronto, as-isedo inasmltd you sented to the bride-to-be, who a- sumed the role o! chaiman, and in seystem sipy ollcts andfrm entsci R otary C lub though taken completely by surprise a na n unru speech. made posn. T e i neit fet o mah cank gtespeh fth room o! foty-th e rido! thethe six minerai saits in Kruschen la (Continued f rom page 1) t theconlusongroohmseondnewst tyle Aladdin apradof heto promote the healthy flow o! the were in the form o! classified ad- pottholuion o the prograd by t e m-asbstylntia pure o!mon, a c- vital juices o! the body. As You vertisements, and each Rotarian gician oeatDe itt (rsm. .Hn opne by the fe-alicitati ure f ons o! ail continue with the "iittle daily dose," whose name was mentioned was Mimico) on behal.! o! the ladies present. Mr. Ormiston responded,iteursheegarndomee fined a dime for attempting to getexnedtte lbave thanking them for the good wishes, elimiflatior o! ail waste matter ev- some file publicity, which netted o!precia etinef o the spiendivoe assuring themn that both he and Mrs. ery day. And that means a com- the treasurY close tii $2.00.eigsntanmt. Ormiston appreciated deeply the Petentoidgso. Helen Willilams, gold medalist at enn'setotinnri.ur which had been done them. the recent County Music Festival, Adding a few words to the vote o! Aksocial time was enjoyed and a de- provided an excellent piano number, thanks President Agnes V anstone licious and abundarit lunch served Luella Hepburn, Mr. and Mrs. Roy and Margaret Alin with Rotarian returned the gavel to President as midnight approached. Hepburn, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hep- A. R. Virgin as accompanist render- Crydermnan who again expressed the Among those present were: Mr. burn and Joyce, Mr. and Mrs. Clan- ed a splendid vocal solo. 'pleasure of the club in having the and Mrs. Joe Ashton, Misses June, ence Vice and Murray. ail o! Ked- The main portion o! the enter- daughters as guests and hoped that Grace and Lillian Ashton, Detroit, ron, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ormiston, taininent was provided by John it would become an annual a!! air. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ashton, Jean, Mr. and Mns. Edwin Ornnston and Giordmaiile, well known Toronto During the evening. little three A My and Jack, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Keith, Mr. and Mrs. Hoskin Sinith magician, who provided a show o! and hal! year old Nanette Smith, Densem, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. E. and Glen, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Or- unusual interest. He appeared twice daughter of Provincial Constable Pascoe, Brooklin; Mrs. Grace Faulk- miston, f rom the local community; on the program and each time pro- and Mrs. W. E. Smith, was awarded ner and Billy, Mr. Levi Niddery, Miss Mrs.. Arthur Ormiston, Miss Verna vided a haîf hour o! magic, mystery the prize for being the youngest Lena Niddery, Toronto: Mr. and Ormiston, Oshawa; and Mr. and and mirth that kept his audience in daughter present. Guests at the Mrs Will Avery. Raglan; Mrs Mrs. Harold Oniniston,- (son), and an xtrmel hapymood. His club included Don Christian o! Osh- CleKsaeMrs.JhCoileter three children, Merle, Lois and tricks were exceedingly clever, par- awa Rotary Club and George W. Mrs. Levi Niddery, Hiamrpton; Mr. Ivan, deariy loved grandchlldren, ticularly a number called the In- Garnett of the Port Hope Club. and Mrs. William Hepburn, Miss. who reside on the homestead.

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