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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Jun 1935, p. 7

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PAGE SEVEN THE CANADIAN STATESMA:N, BOWMANVILLE, THISDAY, JUNE 6th, 1935 Mrs. Charlotte Sander& who spent the wlnter here is vlsitlng her sis- ter, Mrs. Crawford, Detroit. ýýýÀ Annual Plants boxes 25c Asters Clarkiaa Ageratum Cosmos Larkspur White Alyssum Calendula Lobelia and many others. Kingsway Flower Shop Our Popular WEEK - END S PE CIA L At 25c Choice of Fruit and Nut Cake Walnut Cake Date Cake or Cherry Cake witb Special Raisin Loaf Both for 25c OTHER SPECIALS Roiled Oat, Jim Dan- dy, Sugar, and Hermait Cookies 15e doz. Mother's Cookies Special 10e doz. Try our Orange Flavored Layer Cake. Public School Board (Continued fîom page Il 1V $1150 per year, whicb amnount he received last year In salary a4d .bonus. C. R. Dudley, Secretary, was granted a bonus of $50 o compen- sate for extra work, making bis sal- ary $200. Hooper Bros. were granted $5.00 eacb for caring for the scbool rinki and looking after the school after bours. Principal Jobnston reported that the agricultural plot on Wellington Street, tended by thp scholars was in excelent condition, and present- ed accounts whicb brougbt te to- tal amnount expended up o $100,1 wbicb is offset by the governinent grant.1 Watch for this Special on Saturday to greet the merry month of June. Delicious Ice Cream by Neilson with added fruits, nuts and syrups. Try it. PRIDE 0F JUNE SUNDAE OnIy 10c Make your meals more enjoyable with our two finest breads Watson's BUTTERCRUST Watson's CRACKED WHEAT Only the very best of ingredients go into their making. W atson's LUNCH ROOM PHONE 97 BOWMANVILLE LIONSq UB F IIRST thing in teIOnn Mother to hurry &long the break- fas»t . . . Kiddies to bc washed 9and modecready for sho loge hol taas wichkecP the hot water faucet inconstant e nd ..It» convenieflce for dish wash- ngand for laundry work ad for one thing and another ail through water bottle is suddcnly and imntantly aceded. Ia a wondcrful thing ln summer, and in winter it gaves f uel. Take the coils out of your furnace now and have ths money-BavCf and labor-maver installedl DON'T DELAY PHONE TODAY THE RYDRO SHOP PHONE 192 F RE E INSTALLATION OF , HEATER s1h,.o nidsar utlle o wv '3 Big IceCream-Special1 WEDDING ilee o! The Presbyterlan Cburcb ln Canada: il a. M.-"Tbe Lion of the Covenant"; 7 P. m.-"ýTbe Burning Bush": 10 a. m-Sundav Scbool. Coverly-]Fllntoff n - -1 A-a ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH A pretty June wedding was sol- Rev. C. R. Spencer, M.A., Rector prnnized at the home o! Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Flintof!, Harmony, on Mrs. J. A. Gunn, Organist Saturday, wben their daughter, Whitcunday, June 9tb. Centenary Margaret Pearl, becarne the bride o! Services: 8 a. m.-Holy Communion; Mr. Stanley Coverly, Ebenezer. Rev. il a. m.-Con!irmation Service and W. C. Smith performed the cere- dedication o! new Memnorlal Window, mony. Given in marriage by ber Preacher. Rt. Rev. A. R. Beverly, father, the bride entered the living D. D., Suffiagai' Bisbop o! Toronto; îoom, taking ber place undei an 7 u. m.-E"enlng Prayer. preacber, arcb prettily decorated wtb white Rev. R. J. Sbires, M.A., B.D., former lilacs and f erns, wtb a touch of rector. plnk, and iooked very winsome in TRNT UITDC RU ber gown of cream crepe, and car- RNT UIEDCUC rying pnk and white carnatiorfs. Rev. E. P. Armstrong, Pastor Rer brldesmaid, Mise Leona Flin- Francis Sutton. Mus. Bac., Organlst of!, sister o! the bride, wore white and Choir Leader crepe and cairied lily o! the valley. Sunday, June 9tb, Tentb Anniver- Mr. George Coverly was bis brotb- sary o! Cburcb 'Union: il a. m.- er's gSoooimiOn. Followlflg the cer- "A Dynamlc Fellowsblp"; Sunday emony a receptiofi was beld with Sebool will meet alter the second only the immediate famlly ln at- bymn; 7 p. m.-"Vital Enthuiasal." tendance. The table was artistlcally Every United Cbuîch inembe- and arranged in plnk and white and adherent la urged Vo attern4 these was centred wtb the bride's cake. services. A tbank-offering will be Many lovely tulips, lilacs and other taken as an expression of àur grat- flowers adorned the home. LaVer ini tude and loyalty. Con,, and bring the evening thxe youn.g. couple lef t your f rienda. A coîc'ual welcome Vo by motor f or Head Lake Vo apend a everybody. short holiday at the summer home- of the brlde's uncle, Mr. Will Mich- Rev. Canon H. F. D. Woodcock, ael, Toronto, the bride going awaY rector of CbrIsV Cburcb, Toronto, In a navy costume wth matchlng was the special preacher at St. accemsries. The young couple will John's Anglican Ch reh, Bunday ev- reslde near Eenezer. exiInu. LOCAL & PERSONAL 1 TYRONE i Mr. F. Butters, Toronto, vislted Mrs. Bowstead, Toronto, is visit- his niece, Miss Carnie Lathrope. ing Miss L. Penfound. Sergt. Leoriard Pattrick, Belleville, Ms usl iruMs h visited bis father, Mr. tieo. Pattrický dore Down, Mr. Wm. Staples visited on Sunday in Toronto. Mr. Edward Virtue visited bis Mr. MacColins, Northumberland, daughter, Mrs. T. Fincfley, Thorn- England, spent the weekeiid wth biSB hill.- aunt, Mms. J. R. Nichoilib. Congratulations to Mr. Artbur Mrs. Soper, Ottawa, is vlslting ber Spicer and Miss RUby Virtue on daugbter, Miss E. Soper, as guest of their marriage. Mrs. H. Foster, Wellington St. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Turner, Mark- Miss Irene I. Bragg, Toronto, harn, Miss Vera Turner and f riend, spent the weekend at ber brot.ber's, Toronto, spent-Sunday at Mr. Floyd Mr. Irwin R. Bragg, Providence. Dudley's. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. C. Wood and on Wednesday eveflifg a league son Jackie, Detroit, Mich.. are guests garne of football was played-between of bis sister, Mrs. S. G. Chartran. Enfliskillen and Tyrone here; the Mr. nd Ms. ordo MeLanscore resulted in a tie 1-1. Mr. nd Ms. ordo MeLan, Mrs.. Donald Davey and Master Uxbridge, Mr. Henry Sarnells, Black- Ray spent Saturday at Mr. Wm. stock, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. E. El- Ltî',Ohwadatne i liott.anne Litle's birtbday Party. Miss Annie Mountjoy, who has Mr. and Mrs. W. Srith, Toronto, been convalescîng at ber sister's, and Miss Refla Farrell, Bowman- Mrs. J. E. Elliott, has returned Vo ville, spent Sunday wit.h their par- Toronto. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Byron Farrell. Mr. F. Morley Vanstone has pass- Mrs. R. Mccullough. Mrs. A. W. ed his fourtb year Commerce and Annis. Mrs. L. Hooper, Mrs. A. W. Finance exams at the University of Clemens and Mrs. R. Hodgson at- Toronto. tended the District meeting of Wo- Mrs. W. J. Hall and Barry, Mi- mens Institute inl Bowna.nville. mico. Mr. Jas. Devitt, Toronto, spent Mr5. A. W. Annis, Mr. Lorne An- the weekencl with Dr. and Mrs. j. nis, accompanied by Mr. Levi Annis, C. Devitt. Toronto, and Miss Adelaide Annis. Mrs. H. R. Crabb, Mr. A. Forte Oshawa, attended the wedding of and Jacqueline, Silmcoe, vlslted on Miss Jean Thornpson at Port Hope Sudywlt the re' o,).on Saturday. H.unda hefomr' Ii The ciosiflg prograrrn at League on Mrs. Geo. Ingham, Miss Madelon Thursday eveninz was given by the and Mr. Stewart Gilgour, Peterboro, parents as f ollows: A splendid topic were Sunday guests of Mr. and M by Mrs. Russell Wright; reading by B. E. Ingham. Mrs. Robt. Hodgsofl; vocal duet by Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Brent; reading. Mrs. J. Batten is making a satis- Mr,. L. Tboinpson; vocal duet by factory recovery f rom a serlous op- Mrs. J. Dudley and Mrs. F. Dud- eration at the Salvation Army Hos- ley; readlng by Mrs. S. Hoar. A de- pital in Toronto. licious lunch was served at the close. Mr. Harold V. Slemon, University _________________ of Toronto, and son of Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Slemon, passed fourth year EBENEZER exams in Medicine. Dr. Humne, ber three sisters, Mrs. Silîs, Mrs. Alexander and Mrs. Kay, Miss Elsie Oke visited ber cous- Toronto, visited Miss Mountjoy at ins. the Misses Brunit, Toronto. Mrs. J. E. ElliotV's. Miss Jean Wight, Providence. vis- Miss Marion G. B. Warder was ited her cousin, Miss Louise Cour- successful in graduating this year ie witb a Bachelor of Arts degree from Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Werry visited the University of Toronto. at Mr. Wesley Werry's, Salemn, and Mr. and Mrs. John Martin, Engle- attended anniversary services. hart. who have been visiting their Congratulations o Mr. and Mrs. paretsMr. nd rs.Pete Matin Chas. Osborne on tbe arrivai of a bavretu r. nd tot eer orne. ,,youngson in Bowmanville Hospital haveretuned o teir om4E ý on May 27th. Miss Margaret Rowland, Mr. Thos Messrs. Gordon and Jack Pickell. 'Rowland, Toronto. Mr. Ed. Murray Detroit, have returned borne af ter 1 and Miss Mildred Lawrie, Toronto, holidaying with their father, Mr. were guests of Mrs. J. N. Lawrie. Dean Pickell. Rev. and Mrs. Farnswortb, Belle- Mr. and Mrs. Howard Courtice, ville, visted Rev. W. A. and Mn. Ottawa, were weekend visitors with Bunner. Mrs. Bunner returned witb Mrs. W. E. Courtice and Mr. and tbem for a week's visit with ber sis- Mrs. K. E. Courtice. er. Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Brooks and Congratulations to Miss MarJorie Mr. and Mrs. Blake Oke were tea jRobins. daughter of Rev. and Mrs. guests on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. U. Robins, LLstowel, on passlng1 Wesley Glaspel, Taunton, and at- ber first year exams in Social tended Zion services. Science. Tue Loyal Messenger Mission Bob Corbett passed another mile- Band met on Wednesday. Prayer stone on the road to the ministry was off ered by Mrs. C. Worden and Iwen be successfully passed bis a story on "Love"-hy Eileen Pickel third year Arts exams at Emmanuel was given. Watch o'Wers were grv- College. en by Bob Rundile afid Eddie Rivett. Mr. adMs e.W ae were A recitation was i'Ïn6ered by Fay in Copetown Monday attending the Pona ndavce'sl y uil funeral of ber aunt, Mrs. Rance ae reading by Eileen PlckeIl, vo- Woods, wbo died suddenly early Sat- cal duet by Fay Found and BiIIy urday rnorning. Marshall; stories by Lucilie Wade Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Haddy, Mr. and Eileen Pickell. J. B. E. Staples, Toronto and Mrs. A misceilaneous sbower. attended N. S. B. James are on a motor tilp by about seventy, was given Miss to Providence R. I., New York City Pearl Flintoff and Mr. Stanley Cov- and other points ln the U. S. erly, at tbe home of Mr. and Mis. Artbur Found on May 29th. Mr. G. Many former meinhers of St- P. Annis explained to the bride-eleet John's Anglican Church are expect- and groom-elect the presence of so ed Vo visit in Bowmnanvllle over thefmn red.Mn ietlue weekend. Pbone your centenary mwe repieds.tb yu n co ue wb visitors to Tue Statesman, pbone 53.bave been faltbful workers in Sun- Mrs. Gomme and Mrs. HenriettaI day School and Young People's woîk Ashlce were ln Toronto Tuesday at- for some time and we are glad to tendlng tbe graduatlng exercises Of know, will reside in tbe vlcin.lty. St. Michael's Hospit.al. Miss Clara Stanley replied very nlcely for hlm- Ashlee being one of the graduatlng self and Pearl, and thanked ail for class. the lovely gif s. A social Urne was Tbe annual presentation of prizes enjoyed and fruit and candy served. and Oratoîlcai Finals of the Ontar-_________ io Training Scbool for Boys will be beld on Friday evening at '7.30 CHURCHESI o'clock. The Public is cordially In -________________ vited Vo attend. Mr. and Mis. W. J. Cana, Bow- THE SALVATION ARMY manville. announce the engagement Capt. and Mms. J. Batten of their only daughter, Gladys May, Sunday, June 9tb: Hollness meet- Vo, Mr. Levi M. Annis, son of Mr. A. in« at Il a. m. Sunday School at 2 W. Annis, Tyrone. the marriage Vo p. mn.. Salvation 'meeting at 7 p. m.; take place the latter part of June. subJect "The outward and visible Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Cowan an- slgns o! inward and spiritual grace"l. nounce the engagement o! their eld- A bearty welcorne to ail. er daughter, Betha Marguerite, Vo ST. PAUL'S UNITED CHURCII Colinwood Daniel, oldest son of Mr. Rev. A. S. Kerr, Minister and Mrs. Fred Daniel of Oshawa, the marriage Vo take place the lat- Mrs. C. H. Dudley, Organist er part of June. and Director. Sunday, June 9th: 10.10 a. m.- You'll be slmply amazed when you Sunday Scbool and AduIt Bible see the quality bats that Dingmaa Class: il a. m.-"'Life la Christ": & Edrnondstone's have Just received. 7 p. m.-"A Great FaiVb."1 Cordial White bats frorn $1.00 up, and every weîcome to ail. one a real model. Let us remodel your old hat in newest styles. Our ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERZIAN long experience is at your comnmand. 'CHURCH Fine for SOwk, Woolens or memrutm Hosiery. Money BacGuarantet- Tlry aPalae..PURE ifnotenirlymaFs your money. CASTULE SOAP MADE FROM PURE COCONUT OIL 2r 5 BIG VALUE STOCK UP NOW GET THESE SOAP BARGAINS ON SALE AT THESE STORES Bowmanville, Ont. HARRY ALLIN Phone 186 or 121 Victoria Bldg. F. S. COULTER Cor. King and Ontario Sts. P. W. NELLES Centre St. H. C. OSBORNE E. W. TRIMLE Phone 62 Phone 354 Phone 599 Phone 48 NEWCASTLE, ONT. H. S. BRITTON E. CHAPMAN Pbone 3703A Phone 1204 J. R. FISHE. Excelsior General Mercbant JNO. J. CORNISH- E. R. RAINEY Phone 12r2 Phone 19-19 I Herels Real1 Value Don't be always misled by 10w Prime. Otten these mnean smaller size gooda, and second quallty. At Harry Alln's you get superlor quality in regniar ixe containew. CATELLI'S SPAGHETTI, 33 oz. tin. .. 2 for 29c KELLOGG'IS Whole Wheat FLAKES. . 2 pkg. 25c CHA.SE AND SANBORN'S DATED COFFEE, reduced prices, ½2 Lb22c; 1llb. 40c HEINZ ASSORTED SOUPS ...2 for 27c m M Lima Beans PHONE 186 or 121 Keepe Complexions Yeuthful A CAKE « 3f«1j4' =umaib in " mf MUFFETS, 12 in pkg ......... 10c DALTrON'S Orange Pekoe TEA...... '/ lb. 28c 0. KL JELLY POWDERS..5 pkgs. 23c HORNE'S PEANUT BUTTER, ige. jar .... 25c BULK RîEAdDICUT MACARONI.......... 4 lbs. 19c HABITANT PEA SOUP.... , 2 Ige. tins 190 Wblz Toilet Flushb... 19c Field Corn and Turnlp Seeds. Fresh Flsh Each Wednesday and Frlday. Harry Aluin mroer I I Special Low Prices Juy e ili SAVE YU MONE .A At Your Rexail Drug Store PHONE 78 FOR QUICK DRUG STORE SERVICE BROMO SELTZER 23c 44c 87c EFFERVESCENT FRUIT SALINE, 13 oz..39 STORK BABY P0WDER.... 3 for 50e USED BY THE QUINTUPLET8 STORK NIPPLS.... 3 for 25c MEAD'S CEREAL .... 25c, 80c LYSOL........ 32, 63c, $1.25- Sal HEPATICA, 29, 57, $1.09 MINAR'S LINIMENT ............. 22c A RJ1AL HEALrDRMN OVALTINE ....38c, 58c, 98C ]POND'S FINE CREAMS ... 29c, 49c, 89c Thank You for the. Compliment on our Improved Photo Finishing PRINCESS SOAP FLAKESI PALMOLUVE SOAP SUPER SUDS 1 A PKOL SudS e Quieea for Dishes e Easy on the H"nd 0 Advertd" b7 dia Radio GIo@4ipCUamLU &5 Bm" SAUM com CASTILE SOAP I.atber CASIL 5p~j)in Hard45 C A S I L S O IP o r S o fi à C A Ko E cýmM - ~Wt. p.- DOXING AND WR]ESTLI NO Taylor's Arena, Bowmanville Priday, Juste 21st 8.30 P. m. Il S. T. Charlie Ring, Matchmaker for Toronto Lions Club Annual Boxlng Shows, and Fred Nobert, Swervisor of A. A. U. of C., are arra.nglng these bouts. WeU known Toronto boxers and wrestlers, Includlng several Dominion and Provincial Cham- pions, are on the card. Proininent officiais, includlng LAu Marsh, have offered their services. Proceeds in aid of Lions Club Commuity Work PRICES- $.00 - 75C - 50c - 25c Goverment Tax Extra. 10 ~HOT WATER2 SPECIAL Fine Mjellow lb. 20c SPECIAL Marshmallow Coco.. nut and Peach Sand- wich Biscuits 2 Ibs. 25e The MODERN Automalic ELECTRIC WATER HEATER SPECIAL Fry's Pure Breakfast COCOA 1/2lb. tin 21c BOWMANvHLE 1 ORONO, ONT. 3 Ibs. 25e GET THESE SOAP BARGAINS ON SALE AT THESE STORES

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