~A(~! 'rw~o THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVll~LE, THURSDAY. JUNE 2Oth, 1935 Installment 3. Newcastle District. In this capacity IMr. Harper may be rightly added ta î Last week we reached the stage1 the list of incumbents of this Parisb. in St. John's History where work Rev. C. T. Wade Resigus was actually under way in the er- Towards the close of 1837 Mr. ection of the f irst church in 1835. Wade lef t for a trip ta England and These early parishioners must have declined to take the parish on bis encountered many difficulties for return. He remained however at it is recorded that the congregation Cobouirg, f rom where he occasionally cantinued for many months ta wor- visitedth te parish antd conducted ship in the aid school bouse on King services. Street. There seemed too, ta have In the well preserved volumes of Abave are pictured some of the Iwba have attended St. John's since been a aplit in the cangregatian over "The Church" a weekly newspaper the site of the church, and it would of the Church of England edited by aider members ai St. John's Angli- they first came ta Bowmanville. For appear that some were not co-oper- Rev. A. N. Bethune and published can Cburch which is celebratig its f orty years Mrs. Coulter bas cared ating as closely as they mght in at Cobourg are further references ta centenary this manth. In (1) arelfor the altar linen. In (2) are bringing about the early completian the parish. These volumes now in seen Mr. andi Mrs. Thomas Coulter1 showxi Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Labelle. of the church buildings. No doubt, the Toronto reference library, caver the fact that the Cburch was served practically all tbe period of tbe by a travelling missionary, did not paper's publication from 1836 to FLYING BISHOP AND help any in keeping the congregat- 1856. ion tagether, for rt&v. Adam Elliott's In the issue ai September 9th, FORMER RECTOR AT Centenary Visitors many dutfls made il impossible for 1837, The Church reports that di!- ST. JOHN'S CHURCH Bishop and Mrs. A. L. Flemin g him ta be in the parish every week. ficulty is being experienced in find- Rev. A. Elliott Reslgns ing a successor ta Rev. Charles Tay- were guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. C. Rev. Adam Elliott resigned as lor Wade, who had gone ta Engiand (Continued fram page 1) Southey on Sunday. for a holiday. lI his writings ~ ing oat atechrhsmsin Mr. and Mrs. E. Fielding and Mr. travelling missionary in the New-: n oatt hecuh'misnsJ Brake, Toronto, spent the week-, castle District some time in 1835 and The Cburch under the heading 1 in Canada. end with aid friends here. wa ppitd isonr o h Rev. C. T. Wade's Mission Journal" Bishop Fleming likened the church Ms ni ole. Trne wa apantd .isinay a heMr. Wade reports that "on October t agiienMade.idson- spentnt e Ceekend w Toropar- Manitoulin Indians. He was suc- oamgiietgreadpit enth wekdwt e a- ceeded by Rev. C. T. Wade, who also 27th, 1836, I performed service at ed out that behind the beauty af ents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Couter wasa raelin MssonryunerBowmianville, Darlington and wa.5 the garden lay the tuo!o the warker. Mrs. Terrett, and Mr. Goffre tbe jurisdiction of Bishop Stewart rejoiced by the attendance af a A most appropriate paemn by Rud- Terrett, Osbawa. attended the ev- of Quebec. About the tixne Mr. numerous congregatian".yadKpigilsrtn h onten evcetS.Jh'snSu- Wade came ta Bawrnanvile. as mis- Under date ai Octaber 28th, the yardtheipling fillurtingthe is-itenn erieats.JansonSn sionary in charge o! the Parishes of samne year hie reports 'This evening hop's address. This paem is repra- Mr. and Mrs. Roland Yates and Darlington, Clarke and Newton- I again preached at Bowmanville duced elsewhere on this page. famiiy. Toronto, were Sunday guestsi ville. the English Society for the and was much cheered by an over- At the evening service. Rev. C. P. of Mrs. W. H. Densem, and visited Propagation af the Gospel. began o flowing audience" while on October Muirhead, rectar af St. George's other friends bere. take an interest in the Missions of 3th he writes "I walked over ta Church, Willowdale, and rector of Rev. and Mrs. C. P. Muirhead and Upper Canada. The records af this Bowmnanviile framn Major Wilmot's St. John's Church f rom 1917 t0 1923. MissJoc Mured Wiowa, society. in printed formi form a part nd10atnetesrvcsnth was the guest preacher. Mr. Muir- and Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Reddick, Ta- a! the very valuable library o! Trin- school. Twenty four took commun- bead in cammenting on tbe ixstaîl- ronto, were guests af Dr. and Mrs. ity College, University of Toronto. ion following the service". ation af the new east windaw and GCBnyate Through arrangements kindly Mnadei First Church Opened the other improvements Vo the MG. R.C . Batin, omelya by rofsso A.H. oun, afew Desitean ntesiv sercbinchurch pointed out that we were al- Bowrnanville, and Mr. Wilson, bathi weeks bef ore hie died, we were priv-1 every available volume no report of ways anxiius ta make aur homes of Toronto Star staff, attendd h ileged ta look over these Id volumes. the opening service in the new beautiful inside and out, but were Centenary services and met several wich contained much af interest church can be iound. It seems ap- sometirnes a little lax in makîng aid friends in tbe parish. ta this parb-h. parent that litIle ceremany was at- God's bouse beautiful. He can- In the report for 1837 î is reveal- tached ta this important event. One gratulated the variaus people re-L OR R ed that Rev. C. T. Wade was given Smnaîî item however in the Wardens' sponsible for the many improve- FAITHFULW R E by the society a grant af £50 during Accounts, give the only cdue to the ments made during the centenary. the previaus year, ta aid the wark date an which the churcb was first and pleaded for a rededicatian af in these parishes. apnd. In the accounts for 1837i h bl ogeaini h x In the report oi 1838 is cotie under date o! Seuflember 10th ij tension ai Christ's kingdamn in this alist of clergymen warking ne this item, -'Received, to amaount ai parish. the societys auspices in Upper Can- contribution on opening the church Following the evening service, a ada, and Rev. W. F. S. Harper is £1.118". It wauld therefare reception was beld in the Parish named as Chief Missionary of the appear Ihat the congregation or- Hall which was beautifully decorat- __________________________ganized some seven years previotisly ed with spring flowers. Mrs. W. H. - -_________did nat worship in its own church Densemn and ber cammittee bad building until September lth, 1837. charge 0f the refreshments. which In the S. P. G. reports for 1838 încluded the handsome 1001h birtb- Rev. Thomas Smith Kennedy 's day cake. Rev. and Mrs. Muirhead namned as catechist ai the Parishes and Miss Joyce Muirhead duning Feelof Darlingtan. Clarke and Newton- the evening met and enjoyed a visit vîl.This titie wouid suggest that with many ai their aid parishion- at this time he was only a candi- ers. date for holy orders. Having not The flowers on the altar and in * teen ordained it is likely that Rev. the chancel were a memorial ta the W. F. S. Harper came occasionally îate Mr. and Mrs. Fred Densem, and to the parîsh ta celebrate the service Mr. Frederick, George Densem. f t Bethune af Cobaurg, stili maintaili- nill close on Sunday next when Most ed an interest in the Parish and oni Rev. Derwyn T. Owen, D. D., Arch- several occasions took the ser-vices bishop af Toronto and Primate will here. receive a civic welcome at the Town The S. P. G. reports for 1840, con- Hall pior ta the morning service. tain an entry by Rt. Rev. John Stra- In the evening Rev. Dr. T.,Stannge chan, first Bishop af Toronto. The Boyle, D. C. L.. Rectar af Cobourg. Oie oei year previaus the Diocese af Tar- and a professor at Trinity College Oie oet onto had been farmed and Dr will preacb. He was for six months! Veteran af the Great War and S*rachan consecrated as its first Ficting rectar ai this parish.1 faithful worker in St. Johns Angli- Bishop at Lambeth. England, on can Church. whose splendid efforts August 24th. 1839. In bis report for in beautifyîng the church graunds 1840 Bishop Strachan reports that AN EXTRA HOUR-AND-A-HALF for the Centenary were commented on April 121h 'Mr. Kennedy was ad- on by Bishop A. L. Fleming in the mitted to pries's orders. Tbe Bish- Many telephone users have found course af bis sermon. Sunday marn- op ai Montreai. on bis being ardain- it warthwhile ta wait until 8.30 ta ing. The Bishop also paid tribute ed deacon in 1839 had given him the get the night rates on their long ta the work oi C. W. B. Tait. church mission ai Darlingtan and Clarke disance calis. Now it is no langer sextan. wbo is responsibie for ther in the Newcastle District, and sup-I necessary - the 10w night rates be-r general fine appearance af the ported him from a fund at bis lard- gin at 7 1).im. 25-2 lawns and buildings. ships disposai. I recommend him, for grants (S. P. G.) from January - While Mr. Kennedy continued asTH L R OF HEG D N virtual rector ai the parisb for sev- eral years iltwas not until 1842 that By Rudyard Kipling hc was formialiy inducted as Rectar. Our country is a garden that is full af stateiy views, yReference ta this induction will ap- 0f borders. beds and shrubberies and lawns and avenues. ail da later. With statues onth terraces and peacocks strutting bywali Intematm h aihsm u the glory af the garden lies in more than nîeets the eye. I nITI meeting was beld. The full report You'Il find the 1001 and potting-sheds which are the heart ai al. of tis metin makes interesting And there you'll see the gardeners, the men and 'prentice boys S reading. Toid off ta do as they are b4d and do it witbout noise: First Vestry Meeting For. except when seeds are planted and we shout ta scare the birds, From the original Parish Regis- The Glory of the Garden it abideth nat in words. A BiG BowL of Kellogg's ter. -The First vestry meeting, heid Our country is a Garden, and such gardens are nat made in St. John's Church, Bowmanville By singing;-"Oh, how beautiful." and sîtting in the shade Corn Flakes for breakfast in pursuance ta a public notice Whiie better men than we go out and start their working lives given during divine service, on the At grubbîng weeds f rom gravel patbs witb broken dinner knives. will make you feel keener f irst day df April 1839. There's not a pair of legs so thin. theres nat a head s0 thick, H. S. Reid Esq.. was chosen churcb Theres not a hand so weak and white, nor yet a beart 50 sick, during the day. These crisp, warden by Rev. T. S. Kennedy, and But it can findi some needful job that's crying ta be done, Mr. Berry. seconded by Mr. R. Cu- For the Glory o! the Garden glori!ieth everyone. golden flakes, in milk or bit proposed tbat Mr. Deykes should be peoples warden. Carried. Then seek your job witb îbankfulness an~d work tii] further arders, creamn, are full of nourish- Rev. T. S. Kennedy read out a If it's only netting strawberries or killing slugs on borders; letter from the Lord Bishop ai Mon- And when your back stops achlng and your bands begin ta bharden, ment and easy ta digest. treal promising £50 for the purpase You wili f md yourseif a partner in the Giory o! the Garden. of completing the cburch. andl a Oh! Adam was- a gardener, and God Who made hiin sees Kellogg's are also tasty second firom the samne individual That haif a proper gardener's wark is done upon bis knees; in!orming him that the church must Sa when your wark is finisbed. you can wash your bands and pray for luncbeon or for a snack first be deeded over in due f arn For the Giory a! the Garden that it may not pa.ss away! before bedtime. The heat- Mr. Reid promised ta write Mr. Qoe yBso lmn tCnena evcS.Jh' hrh Bowman on the subjeet. Qoe yBso lmn tCnena evcS.Jh' hrh sealed WAXTITE inner bag Moved by Mr. Reid, seconded by Bowmanville, l6th June. 1935. R. Cubtt and carried. that a month -___________________ assures full flavor and oven- ly collection be taken in the church ________________________________ 1 for the purpose of defraying inci- freshness. Be sure to ask dental expenses and deiraying the debts already incurred. C E T N I L S R I E for Kelogg'-the anninl m.ror the prposeairai.snc- 1 ýAnd te dbts +1-te chr-bCa- 8.0%. .-WHily 1 Communion. - Mr. Labelle is the oldest member of the church in point 0f years attend- ance. It was bis privilege five years ago in this capacity, Vo burn the mortgage on the church. BLACKSTOCK The Continuation School students enjoyed a picnic on Friday at Creamn of Barley Park, Bowmanville. Mrs. Jas. Marlow and Miss Ruth 'Marlow, Toronto, are occupying the home formerly owned by the late Miss Mary J. Parr. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. F. Bailey were in Toronto on Saturday attending the funeral of the late Dr. Samuel B. Graham. Tbey also visited Miss Laura H-amb- ley who is recovering in the General Hospital. Evening services in St. John's An- glican Church will be af much in- terest in the coming weeks. On Sunday, June 23, members of the A. Y. P. A. wlll be in charge of the service; and on Sunday. June 3Oth. anniversary Sunday, Bishop G. E. Renison of St. Paul's. Bloor St., East, Toronto, will be the speaker. W. M. S. of the United Church met on Wednesday afternoon tMs Norman Mountjay*s. Scripturýetreadl- ing and prayer were taken hy Mrs.1 H. J. Bell, and several selections on, Peace were read by the different members. Mrs. F. Stinson gave an address on the Study Book and littie Miss Beryl Larmer sang "Little Eyes": Mrs. Roy Taylor read "At Daybreak"; other items on the pro- gram were a vocal solo "If we but Knew", Mrs. Earl Dorreli; a .Tem- perance reading "Upside down is Rightside Up" Mrs. Norman Mount- joy: and a talk on the lufe of the late Mrs. Fleming, wife of a Mission- ary in China. by Mrs. H. J. Bell. An interesting programn was given at League on Wednesday night with Miss- Aileexi Mountjoy as Missionary convener. Mr. Hector Shortridge was in charge of the Bible Study: and the Topic 'Gospel Triumphs.in Angola" was taken by Mrs. Cecil Hill. The small book f rom which the material for the topic wa de- rîi'ed was written b- A. W. Bailey. in Salt 3k',-oz.L walmonlTin z3:0 7% oz. un, 28e FOR RICH SUDS Chips. 14e. 16e THE COLD CREAU SOAF Mlanyllowers 4 Bars I17. NEWP SEASON SPRING LAMB Legs Mb. 29c Loins Flank lb. 27. Fronts"le b..19. SMOKED BREAKFAST STYLE B3acon By the lb.23 SLICED, lM.25 FANCY SOIVEGA History oF St. John's Anglican Chu rch BOWMXXVILLE, ONTARIO Which celebrates the lOth anniversary of the building of the first church, and the io5th anniversary of the founding of the congre- gation this year. 'By B. H. Mortlock> FAITHFUL MEMBERS 0F ST. JOHN'S CHURCH OVEN BAKED FROM RIPE RED TOMATOES Ketchup Bot. -17e 000TOMATO SAUCE JITH CHEESE-COOKED 1Spaghetti i Tin210 Vinaegars Cider Wilue,161/2oz. 3 READY TO SERklE Ml o.13 Sou&pS TOMATO Assorted *16 01C àM Wp 2 Tins 23e Flavours 2 Tins5 OVEN R AED KIDNEy BEANS 17% oz. 0f R OWJN SILVERRROOK CREAMERY Tn I4 ]BUTTER lb.22 SUNNYFIELD lb. 23e RED EABEL-BLACK Red Rose Tea % ib26o TIIE IDEAL SUMMER CE REAL pg Oat PURfS 3% A> LMER-GOI DEN pg Wax Beans No?. 219 OU'R Oirv A & P Tins Health Cookies -2 îba.,25. A TENDER DELlCIOLS ROAST PRIMWE RIB M. 210 B3LADE IROAST l.4 POT ROAS? and Re b. 13o FRESH RESTIGOLICHE SAIL1ON I:Cal .b30opieee FRESII CALUGIT LAKE NIPIGON W HRITIEFISU îM. I7e J UST ARRIVED - -"Ni 5C iCantaÏoupes F-h THE go GREAT ATLANTIC & PACIFIC co.li TEA 83 Cangamlba, Angola, West Africa. and held much of interest especially since the section of West Af rica of which Mr. Bailey writes, includes the station where Rev. and Mrs. Merril Fergusan are missionaries, a vocal solo, -If we but Knew" was given by Mrs. Earl Dorreil, and Mr. Hec- tor Shortridge gave a reading "Ja- pan's Mountain Resorts". Recent Visitors:- miss Susie Van Camp in Gorrie. Mrs. George McLaughlin, Toronto, at Mrs. F. Bailey's. Mrs. T. Smith bas returned f rom visiting ber brother at Lindsay. Mr. Walter Yates, Toronto, Miss Lula Wright at the latter's Parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Van Camp with Mr. and Mrs. Norton Van Camp, Elmira. Mr. Lorne Bradburn, Miss Ethel Board, Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Wotten, Toronto, at Mr. J. W. Bradburn's. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mountjoy and son Ivan, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mountjoy with friends at Midland. Mrs. Ethel Hockeridge, Dundalk, Mr. and Mrs. J. Hood, Verden. Man., at Mr. S. Swain's. and other friends. Rev. and Mrs. C. C. Harcourt, Mrs. F. Bailey with Mr. and Mrs. George McLaughlin at their summer home. Mr. Lewis McGill, Miss Irene Mc- Gi, Miss Isobel McInnis, and Miss Laura Freeborn, Janetville, at Mr. Robt. Bell's. Mr. and Mrs. Clemence and Wal- ter, Stayner, Rev. Clarence Fergu- son and Mr. Hacket, Nortbport. at Mr. Cecil Hill's and Mr. Roy Fer-! guson's. Mr. and Mrs. John Hooey, Mr.' Burney Hooey. Mr. and Mrs. Her- man Samelis, returned on Sat.urdayl f rom an interesting motor trip tai Ottawa and Montreal. Mr. and Mrs. S. Moffett and daughter Betty, Mrs. Wmn. King, Nina and Marie King. Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. M. Holly and Yvonne, Mr. Russel Brown and Mr. Hector Gou]d, Bowmanville, at Mr. Arthur Ram'S. SPECIAL Vacation]FAIRES Get particulars af these Bargains in comifortable travel before planning your vacation. Save money. Travel by rail and avoid congested highways. Arrive "Fresh and ready for fun 1" For long or short vacations, or week-end tripe ta the. country or seashore, ask about *0[.0W WEEK-END PARES 0 21 DAY PARES ta Gaing Friday-Noan ta 2.00 Maritime Provinces. Jane pý-.m.suday; returning leave 15--Sept. 2. dtitin up ta Monday Maine Coast. May 13 midnigbt. On sale al year. p. 30. le16 DAY PARES ta 045 IDAY PARES ta National Parks--Jasper, etc. Western Canada and Pacifie May 15-Sept. 30. Coast, May 15--Sept. 30. 0 ALL-EXPENSE GREAT LAKES CRUISES-JUNE 29-SEPT. 10. 0 SPECIAL SUMMER PARES ta OntariaQebcad zany United States pit. 5--Sept 30. TRAVEL BY RAIL-Ask any Agent about low fores and vacation resorts. CANADIAN NATIONAL 1 ..- m If you want ta make certain that your cbildreuR's health ls properly protected and that there are no unwelcome dis- es erms lurklng in your home, ask us to look over your plumbing and inspeot the rdrainage of your home. It's a health measure you should flot neglect. BERT PARKER PLUMBER - TINSMITH Phones 651J or 651W BOWVMANVILLE WERRY PICNIC The annual Werry Picnic will be held on Wednesday, July 3rd, at Hampton Park. Ail relatives are requested to accept this as their li- vitation to attend. Corne for din- ner. 24-3 1 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANV=M, THURSDAY, JUNE 20th, 1935 PAGE TEN r,