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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Jun 1935, p. 11

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JUNE 27th, 1935 PAGE ELEVEN SPECIAL SESSION 0F COUNTIES COUNCIL CONSIDER TENDERS Work on New House of Refuge 4b Llkely te, Start ln Near Future A special meeting ai the Caun- ties Counicil wiii be held in one week at night and withaut pay ta iurther consider the Hause ai Refuge ten- ders. Delay in cisposing ai the ten- ders which the building cammittee had received and delibcratcd in pre- paration for the sessions just con- ciuded was necessitated by incan- clusive information and resuit from their interview with the Hon. David Cro11, Minister ai Public Welf are. and M. A. Sorsoliel, Deputy Minister, in a hurriediy arranged interview Thursday atternoon. Warden Stinsan and his associate members ai the committee motoed te Toronto and sandwiched a com- pact conversation into a short in- tervai betore Mc. Crail le! t far an appointment in Montreai. It is estimated that a new building wiiI cast about $48.000. The caunicil has sightly icss than $30.000 of the $34,000 insurance they received for the oss ai the aid structure. The estimate ai $48.000 does not include the cost of cquipment such as iurn- ishings, kitchen, iaundry and ather incidentais. The difierence ai araund $20.000 in the cast ai the building was ac- centuated by the cauncil's policy ai avoiding the issue ai ncw deben- tures. Aware af this attitude, the council turned ta the Minister aof Publiie Welare in the hope that1 financial help in some farm or tb-1 er might be forthcaming tram that1 quarter. As a condition ta, a defin- ite expression in regard ta relief abor that might be empioyed an thei building, Hon. Mr. Croil asked for a iist ai structural tradesmen on re- liief, espcciaiiy in Cobourg and Part Hope. Warden Stinsan said the Minister cansidered such towns as Campbeliiord and Bowmanville to far tram the site ta the House of Refuge ta warrant the cost of their transportation. Counties' Present Wards In reporting te the council the1 outcomc ai the aiternoon's mission,i Warden Stinson said that more thant thirty men are housed at present in( the remnant wing ai the Hause ai Refuge, temporary quarters. Twelve ta fifteen are at Whit.by. ei ght or~ nine at Lakciield, and twa or three of Percy, daubtcd the ieasibility ai are hospital cases. baarding Hause oi Refuge inmntes Incidently Ontario caunty's bill in private homes. He beiieved that for the care af Northumberland and variaus dissatisiactions wauld arise Durham ward.s f rom December 26 iromn time to tîme from possible ta May 23 for $1.406.25 was rcad,ineglect ai the wards. Irritations and Peterbaros bill tar thirty-one af that iind could be avoided by days was $165,43. building an institution adequate ta The council discussed the passi- the necds ai the unitcd caunties. bility ai resorting ta the boarding - plan, but it was emphasized the re- gulations af the Department requir- CLAIM AUTHORITY ed a caunty te pravide a House af Refuge for its aged poar. Moreaver, EXCEEDED BY CALL the mast ai the members seemed ta OoO O R L N be detinitely apposed ta that alter- FO C B UR PL N native. Warden Stinson said there might be some financial assistance Counties Solicitor Sa>-s 1934 House tram the gaverfiment. depending ta of Refuge Committee Exceeded same extent upon the effect a' the Authority list of building tradesmen on relief ____ that- is to be faorwarded ta Hon. Mr. Opposed ta Debt Reeve Hotn-I arn not in f avar ai the counties gaing inta debt. I don't think we will get any more aid age pensioners. They will be taken care af at home on the con- sideratian af getting the pension. Reeve G. Annms, Daringon- I agree with Mc. Hoaton. I know af one home in~ my neig'bdrhaod who is willlng ta board three or four aId people as a means ai sup- porting their own family. Reeve MacCrol. Campbeilford, ex- pressed doubt that a new Hou.sc af Refuge could be built for $30,000. He said that at a cost of $4 a week it might be worth while considering the boarding plan on some scale. Dcputy Reeve E .C. McKeel, ai, Campbellfard, said that a Refuge built on a smaller plan than the aId one might serve as clearing bouse foc a number ai inmates who might stay there anly until suitable baarding homes could be abtained for them. Reeve R. R. Mallory, ai Percy Township- One thing against the boarding plan is that as soon as any one af aur wards became sick thcy would be immediately sent ta a bas- pital. One man tram aur township was sent te haspital after being re- movcd iram here ta the Laket ieid Hause ai Refuge aiter the tire, and the hospital cost ta the municipality is $1.75 a day. Deputy Reeve R. Annis. Seymour -I dont want ta see these coun- tics assume any mare debt. but we must have a respectable place for the aid people who become depen- dent on the caunties. I can't see baw the boarding plan woulci worî satisiactarily. Dcputy Reeve UJ. E. Waterman. F. D. Baggs, K. C., solicitor; ad- vised the Counties Cauncil that the Board ai Management ai the House ai Refuge last year had exceeded its autharity in signing an agree- ment engaging the Canadian Adjust- ment Bureau at a ice of $1.020 to coliect the $34.000 insurance due the caunties for the destruction af the Hause ai Refuge in iast December's f ire. Statute and by-law clcarly iimited the duties and powers ai the Board ai Management ta the con- trai,, management and supervision ai the Hause ai Refuge. The retiring Board had assumed the pawers of the cauncil in entering into the pur- ported agreement. Reeve R. 0. Joncs, Bowmanvilie, moved that the solicitor write the Bureau that the council did not re- cagnize its dlaims for $1,020. Reeve C. G. Mercer, Part Hope. seconded it, and the resolution was unanimousiy adopted. ý1 No Assessment Change A clause in the Equalizatian o! Assessment repart, to reduce Danl- ington township's asseszment for county purposes by $400,000 was de- eted in council an Reeve N. A. Mac- Coli's motion, seconded by Reeve M. Booth, Cobourg. It was stated that the suggcsted reduction in Dar- lington's f avor wauid have ta be spread avec the other municipalities. This wauld impose an increase af 84&0 in Cobourg's taxes, as an exam- ple of the eiicct ai the propased change. Daringtan's remedial opinion is ta appeai ta the counties judge with- in twenty days if the township in- tends ta press for a reduced equai- ized assessment in 1936. Restricted Area Favored The council unanimously adopted ,.~e repart ai the Agricutucal cam- n..1ttee requesting the provincial gov- ernmnent ta include Northumberland, while, the Ontario Department of! bylaws thraugh their readings. The and Durham in the propSed Cen-1 Highways. partners with the unitedi details af the taxes to be paid by tral Orntario group of counties ta be counties af Northumberland and the constituent municipalities are as designated as a restricted area for Durham in the paving of the zun- f ollows: cattie. This means that the far-' tY road f rom Wooler to Trenton, General Rate - Alnwick $3,837.83; mers are ta be interviewed to obtain appeared tri the picture. havLng Brighton tUw-vnship $9,124.57: Cart- thoir assent ta the mavement which recently been requested for an en- wright $9,699.63; Cavan $13,595.62; will require. if it eventually suc- gineer's report on the condition ofr Clarke $18,068.13; Cramahe $9,004.- ceecis. ail cattie in the area to be the road. The report has flot yet 62; Darlington $23,482.10; Haldi- accredited as f ree af tuberculosis. been received by the council, and mand $11,870.45; Hamilton $18,- Sixty-six per cent. af the farmers this whaie subject was linked with 253.50; Hope $15,217.40; Manvers must give their appraval ta the the Hause oi Refuge re-building pro- $9,720.71: South Monaghan $4,814.- scheme as a condition ta further blem for further consideratian at a 19; Murray $10,028.96; Percy $10,- implementing action by the govern- special meeting ai the counicil ta, be 471.70; Seymour $11,560.75; Baw- ment. called within a few weeks by the manville $17,505.43; Brighton $5,- E. A. Summers. Port Hope, repre- Warden. 171.87; Campbellford $9.554.96; Ca- sentative af the Depnrtment of Ag- As the f ive years' guarantee af bourg $22,012.10; Colborne $3,517.22; riculture in Durham Coufty, tOld the Waoler - Trenton pavement by Hastings $2.356.20; Miilbrook $2,- the committee that compensation is the Raynor Constructian Company 085.76; Newcastle $2,314.04: Part given for ail rejected cattle excePt expires next autumn, it wns propos- Hope $17,783.87. Total $261,451.61. grade bulis and cattie affected with ed that the flepartment oi High- Caunty Rond Rate - AI nw ic k "lump jaw". He said a meeting was ways withhold release ai the con- $293.58, Brighton Township $698: held in Taronto ta set the praJect tractors until the caunties are as- Cartwright $472: Cavan $1,040.02; in motion for the other caunties ai sured that the work is satisfnetory. Clarke $1,382.15; Cramahe $688.82; York, Haltan, Peel and OnUario. He No action was taken on this safe- Darlington $1,796.30: HaliImnn d advised that public meetings bie held guard Friday night, but it is likely S908.05: Hamilton $1,396.33; Hope prior ta the canvass, informing the ta remain prominently in the minds $1,194.68; Manvers $743.60, South farmers ai the details ai the plan ai mast ai the members at their Monaghan $368.27: Murray $767.18, and its advantnge to them. Mr. special meeting. Percy $801.05: Seymour $884.35; Summers said hie believed that 90 Bowmanville $1,339.11; Brighton per cent. of the farmers wauld sup- Total Cost $162,293 $395.63, Campbellford $730.92; Ca- port li j< Construction ai the 8'ýL miles af bourg $1,683.85: Caîbarne $269.05:1 whhe oTrrenanacsu$162,tenperHastings $180.24 : Millbrook $159.55;1 whic Trnto assmedtenperNewcastle $177.01: Part Hope $1,- CHARGES AC3AINST cent., Deputy Reeve P. Gaading of 360.40. Total $20,000.14. iBrighton Township, reminded the entr Rae-Awck$- COUNTIES OFFICIAL counicil . The cast to the United 337 28 rightn -toal c$3144 SIMMER TO ONE I dn't anow wher the blame Cartwright $3,379.60; Cavan $4,- lies." Mr. Gooding said. "but 1 am 737.20: Clarke $6,295.60; Cramahe Curts Cargs Agins Ge. Grer ive ta ndestad tht aproîn$3,137.53; Darlington $8,181.99; Hal- StiliCh ortes gaHs eard By c ialengio nerokayd the atriam-dimand $4,135.98; Hamiltan $6,- StillTo BeHeard y that ent mta it ad the material 360.21. Hope $5.441.60; Manvers $3-, Counties.ThefivJandgealf387.05; South Monnghann$1.'677.*55: is n god. Te fve ad nbauMurray $3,494.52; Perey $3,648.66; Of the irregularities charged ag- inches afi mixed macadam baseSemu$4088;Bwanviîi ainst the United Counties road de- seems ta be nothing more than ",e99mou righ4on2818802.14wm amp-i partment mare than a year aga by mud."___________ belliord $3,329.28: Cobourg $7,669.- C. H. Curtis, former reeve af Percy 70: Coîborne $1,225.53: H asti ng s township, npparently only ane had CO N$ST XR T 821.01; Miilbrook $726.85; Newcas-J survived the lapse ai intervening O N IS A A E tie $806.29: Port Hope $6,196.49. sessions when the caunties council HIGHER THIS YEAR Total $91.099.15. reached this subject on their agenda _____Rte-___ic $2.9 Fridny night. BwavleScto age hnBihton RTew-sAip wi1k5.50; .79;t In the original Curtis îist, allegedBe avUePrinLrrTh rgtnTwnip 12.0 Cr- iaulty construction af the Wooîer- Expected - Council Ras Parti- wright $133.42; C a v a n $187.01: allyProidedforIncrase Clarke 8248.53: Cramahe $123.86: Trenton pavement was only lightly al rvdd o rae Dnrlington $323: Haidimand 8163.- mentianed, but on Friday night it Tax Rates and 'Ylelds 28: Hamilton $251.08; Hope $214.82: was the focus lof blunt camplaints Manvers $133.71% South Monnghan especially f ram representatives af This year's tax rates were set by $66.22; Murray $137.95; Percy 8144.- East Northum'berland municipalit- the Caunties Caunicil as follows: 04: Seymour $159.02; Bowmanvi.lle ies, while the earlier suggestions ce- General rate 7.27 milîs; caunty $240.79: Brighton $71.14: Campbell- flecting on the management af the raads .55613; debentures 2,53314; fard $131,43: Cobourg $302.17; Cal- department ha.d faded into the schooi rate .1; total 10.45927 milis, borne $48.38; Hastings $32,41; Mill- barzkground and ware reterred ta or practically 10.46 milîs. brook $28.69; N e w c a sti1 e $31.83: anly once. when Warden Stinsan re- The ecualized assessmcnt is un- Port Hope $244.62. Total 83,596.30. called the Curtis charges as they changed. and the total amnount aiof____ _____ had been finally drafted and referr- taxes collectable by the caunities i odt Judge L. V. O'Canner subse- 1376,1417.21 as compared wJth 1311., Sweet and palatable,Mother jun ta the lanuary ses-ions. j9ý.78, an increae thîs vear o' Graves' Worm Exterminator is ac- The proposed inve--tigàtan wasm 5574 ceptable ta children, and it does its then ir.deiinitely adjourned. Mean- Reeve N. A. MacCail piloted the work surely and promptly. SPECIAIL Vacation Getlpaztciilars cf tules.ains *ig yo3r Vacation. Save money. Tavl by rail and avoid con- gested highways. Arrive 'Tresh sud ready fr n111 For long or short vacations, or ,eek.end fit the country or seashore, a= bUt LOW WEEK-END FAR1 Going Friday Noon to 2.00 p.m. Sunday; returning leave destiLnation u eMna midnight. On sa, a e ar 21 DAY FARES to Maritime Provinces, lune 15 - Sept 2. Maine Coat May 15 -Sept. 30. 16 DAY FARES ta National Parks-Jasper, etc. May 15--Sept. 30. 45 DAY FARES to Western Canada and Pacilto Coast. May 15-'Sept. 30. ALL-EXPENSE GREAT LAKS CRUIMI lune 2-Sept. 10. SPECIAL SUBMMER FARE3 ta Ontaxlo, Quebec and many United States points, May 15 -Sept. 30. TRAVEL BY RAIL Akany Agent about low kame advacation resorts. CANADIAN NATIONAL A Berlin portraiti is a photograph to which a mezztint effect bas been given by placing a ground glass over the negative during printing. Sulphuric acid. aqua amrnonia and glycerine applied an windows will keep off the frost. People Are Comparing - antd Fiuuding Ouut - That Omly Chevrolet GAves THESE UP-TO-DATE FEATURES lanthe Lowest Prico Iild TN every way, Chevrolet is marching ahsad . . i sales-in powerful and econoniical Blue Flame Engins. Look to the brales- Jquantity production-i public preference 1 And the reason is: and you oaa ses they're Cable-Controlled for smoothnsss and Ch. vrolet far oufttipa ail the other low.priced cars in quick-acting, positive dependability. features, cquality and value for the mofl*y. That is naxning only ive of the Master Chevrolet's leading features Your own eyes prove iti Look at the safs new TKJRRET TOP bodies for 1935. But the important thing is this--ail five of these modern of solid stsel-you get them only on the Master Chevrolet in this features are exclusive to Chevrolet-you don't get even crne of class. Sesthie proved, fully enclosed KNEE-ACTION on Chevrolet's them on any competitive cari1 Is it any wonder, thon, that Chevrolet front wheeIs-no other low-priced car offers you this modemn ride- is marching ahsad i volume production to meet clamorig public advantage. Look at thie famous Fisher no-draft Ventilation-exclusive demand? Io it any wondsr that ws urge you-drive a Master ta Chevrolet i is price field. Liftthie hood-and you fid Chevrolet's Ch. vrolet befor. you decid. on any low-pric.d cari CHEVROLET MODELS READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY . .. EASY GMAC TERMS COURTICE (For the Master 2- Pass. Coupe) PRICED DELIVERED AT FACTORT. OSHAWA, FROM ~ ~ ~ N.,FroiLîtm ormn sLstratlon F FRM Mitan omntLYegistraionD. $885 only Extra S. h rw Standard Serles models prlced as Iow es Se h $712 DeIv.red et Factory Osawa .1 RO«Y NICHOLS BOWMANVILLE «D IE:COlVO1«XCI%6]L rir Et IIL m s IF» 0 la wl%.F]r 0 rd monommu-

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