PAGE ELEVEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. THURSDAY, JULY 4th, 1935 OBITARYTHEY WERE BOYHOOD PALS Hfow Is 'Your - ___ _____ ~uw~~~UUMrs. Chas. Chapman, Oshawa EaVIveru W l<iR. The death of Mrs. Elizabeth Mc- wit SHOWING UP IN THESE Fariane. wif e of the late James i Chapman. in her 74th year, oc- HEAVY RAINS ? curred at the fsmily residence, a Oshawa, on Thursday, June 27th,Fa following an illness of some weeks. M The late Mrs. Chapmn had been a P i resident of the city for the past t twenty-five years and mnoved to Oshawa from Euniskillen foilowing the death of her husband. She was thi boru in Ireland and came to Canada anE over fifty years ago and spent the a greater part of hier if e in the irn-1 mediate district and city. She is his survived by two sons, Garnet and thE Walter. both of Oshawa. The fun- a eral was heid Satuîrday afternoon,1 conducted by Rev. W. R. Tanton, of V Simcoe Street United Church. of hoi which the deceased was a member. w Proteet your foundations by Interment took place in the fsmily m having them cieaned out plot at Hampton cemetery. rea and repaired or replaced Ka during the summer. Henry John Morris. Clarke be( Henîry John Morris. Orono. vet- w PHONE 24 erani of the Great War and per- narent disability pensioner, died at Cristie Street Hospital, Toronto, reg Jne 2lst. at he age of 49 years. W R. E. LOGAN He was boru at Renfrew. Ontario. W had sýpent many years of his life in 1t4 TISMTIN ND jlumberiug. enlisted in the 42nd1 TINSfflTHNG AND ighilanders Battalion at Sault Ste h SHEET METAL Marie in 1914. While overseas ne ME King St. East - Bowmanville was wounded. shell-shocked and au were affect.ed. He continued 10 Col serve and aIt hough a private, was mi given the rank of bombing inspect- CHRISLY SPECHgr. He was a Presbyterian. Sur- (Fro Chrstia Scince onitr) ving are his wife. Alice Workman (Fro Chistan ciene Mnitr) orris, and nine Young children. ,.... Il is self-evident that sincerely He was given a semi-militsry f un- beautiful speech, as well as beauti- eriwt ati ev. Sidney Lam- fui behaviour, arises from beauty Of bert. Christie Street Hospital padre. thinking. In f act, the word "speech" officiaîing. Bowmauville Veterans. means the f aculty of expressing at the expressecl desire of the Orono thought. The beauty 0f nature and members, sent a hanclsome wreath._ fine literature. the best in politics, art, music, the sciences - these and many other subjects lend themselves i elMcosd ooa la to profitable contemplation. Theý Many of our older readers wili be highest and most e ng r o s s in g sorry to learn of the psssing te, thoughts. however. spring fo n rest of a former highly respected' Many years ago. in Amnherst, Nova Scotia. lived two Young lads. are animated by spiritualudr esident of this town in the person of one was named Edgar Rhodes. the other Jimmy Raîston. The two lads standing. The lofty passages iu the Neil Macdonald of Ponoka. Ata.. on were pals: they went t0 school together. played on the sanie football Pamfrexample.aentteTedy ue1tihs80 r. teamrs. went to the saine church. Then camne the calof politics: they outcome of petty and s o r d i dEt Deceased was born in Argyleshire. answered at the saine 'Âme. But Ed. Rhodes went Conservative, while thoughts. but express high and or- IScotland. on December 27th, 1855. Jimmy Raiston went Liberal. Ail during their polit.ical if e they have derly thinking. an-aet aad hnsvn been in opposite camps: Hon. Edgar N. Rhodes becamneininister of Faultfinding. destructive criticism. yeaîs of age. living for somte years finance in the present goverument; his boyhood pal and former min- seif-praise. gossip, and all vain bab- with his uncle and sunt, the late teofninadfnebcaeishefrtc.TnRodsnnu- blings arise froîn the shallow belief 1Mr~. and Mrs. John Stewart. on what Seofntnadfncbcm hshi rti.TnRoesnou- in a mmid apart from God. a belief is now kuown as the D. Galbrait.h cd .4is retiremetît froin politics: now comnes the announicement from tha th socaled umn md cn frm earth raio taton ast0f Ottawa that. Jinmy Raiston is retiring. too. Perhaps now they will be ta th, eson. for hmajudments sud Bowmnle. Mt e rosioneeas abîr to bury their differences and start out together again where they execute them. These f aise dlaims spent in farining, he came to Bow'- i f Ibyod are not given credence by those who manvilie andi learned his trade as' understand that the truth about a cabinet maker in the Upper Can- ---------_________________________ Ieeks, God and Gods man necessarily re- ada Furniture Company. Iu June ogl vr e aso*towes places faise concepts with those 1888 hie was united in marîriage with X'o 4. tarting when the plants are six to which are Pure, just. and true. Euphemia Smith and they lived in NewNs fo Lt e eight inches high. This destroys Since thinkingý necessarily trans- the brick residence which he built the fungus. strengîhens the plant lates itself into the varied express- on corner of Concession and Liberty' Bu sv Fariner 1 and reduces fies bettie iujury which ions and activities of mankind. it is Streets, now occupied by Mr. A.' L '.1,isn aid 1 infection. pad 1er gg clear that this fount of ail human Hagerman. Later hie bought the in the patoes rake Up nd rno activity must first be cieansed be- Mc-Murtry farm on Concession St.1 More than ordinary attention wiîl tetopsfas they fford wUea rpo- fore it is possible 10 express graciOus East where they lived for thirteen 1bc given this year ta flax sud bair- rtto sscesv rp fpt spech sd 115clan'ngcoesyears. 1 iey in Huron. Ontario. One fiax atoes tend to increase the disease. through filliug our thought with In 1909 they mnoved 10 Ponoka, miii operator has coutracted for Aodpln h oaotp ls true sud loi ty spiritual concepts. Alsa., where hie has been eugaged in about 2,800 acres. Iu Seaforth a toid pinew g ie potatos cos Then, may wve esrnestly commune f arming for the past 26 years. He milI has been f itted for the mauu- 1 h el u ie0 oaos with our Father in secret, examîn- suffered a paraiytic seizure on Wed- facture of malt f rom seiected On- ing the trend of our thoughts, and nesday, June 101h, sud passed sway tario growu barley. It is expected Hinis for Pouitrymen with increasing humiiitY pray. as the f ollowing Tuesday. He was an that 50.000 bushels of barley will be The skill sud expense involved in Mrs. Eddy directs in the Manual Of eider in Ponoka Presbyterian Chur- handled in this plant. In Glengar- the production of eggs cuiminates TN Mother Church, The Fiist ch for many years and s very faith- ry county the prospects are for an in the market price obtained. The Church of Christ, Scientist. in Bos- ful attendant sud worker. He wss increase in the acreage of bariey. aim. therefore. should be 10 secure ton, Massachusetts Art. VIII. Sect. aiso onie 0f the oldest members of the highest pnice by preservrng their 1), -to be delivered f rom ail evil. Florence Nightingale Lodge No. 66. The graduating class of one hun- freshness sud quaiity. Eggs should f rom prophesying. judIging. cou- I100OF.. having an honorable record dred sud twenty at the Ontario Ag- be collected at least once daily. sud demning. couniselling, influnigo of 57 years. receiving hîs 50-year rîcultural Coliege this year wiil beduig er'odsdvry ar being influenced er.-Gneously. \Ve rmenberhlP pin se'.eu years ago. the second largest in the history of weather collections should be made shaîl then come from that 'zanctuary Th fuea rvewshldu the institution. Iu 1923 there were at noon sud night to avoid freeziug prepared ta speak ouly'te rt the Bi) Lndertakiug Parlors at 147 graduates. but this wss due 10 or hestîug. about ourselves sud our neighbor, Ponoka on Friday afternoun. Rev. the fart that an exceptioually large Eggs should be taken at once to sud shahi have our part in the T. R. Davies, pastor of Ponoka Un-, number of men who had served a cool cellar where there is a f airly building of the true Church.' the un- teCurhaniebrsoPu- overseas returned to compiete their 10w temperature. It niay be advis- iversal consciousuess of Love. oks ddfeiiows ondciug the sof er- courses in the preceding two Years. able to open one or two windows vice. The remains w e re t he n sud this actushly represented the sud substitute screens covered with Cheapest of all Qils.-Cousidering brought to Bowmanville. the fun- graduates who otherwise wouid have cheesecioth for ventilation sud 10 the quaiities of Dr. Thomas' Eclec- eral taking place from the residence been distributed aven about four carry off excessive moisture or odor. tric Ouil is the chespest of ahi pre- of his cousin, Mrs. J. N. LaWrie. yeans. Dirty eggs shouid be cleaned with parations offered 10 the public. It King Street, ou Wednesday af 1er-i oresnppr u o ahd is 10 be fouud in every drug store lu noon. June 26th. service beiug cou- I Raspberry Plantations Stains may be removed wilh a littie Canada from coast 10 roass and aIl ducted by Rev. W. G. Blake, pastor When manure is not applied ta vinegar on a dlean cloth. Washiug country merchants keep il for sale. Of St. Andrew's Presbyteriau Church. raspberry plantations uutl the eggs destroys the protective costing So, being easily procurabie sud ex- Interment 100k place lu the f amil3Y spring. a cover crop is also advisable sud lowers the grsde. tremnely moderate in price. no one plot lu Bownanville Cemetery. The ta preveut 100 late growth of cane. he lens, lrmy ests rovied foer should be without a bottie of il. bearers here w'ere Dr. Neiî S. Dr. Kstheadve 0 o moasic disease ils the huis i veue roekage Ceap D. D. sud Messrs Jas. A. Macdonald, makiug il advisabie 10 reuew plant- ne sraei havings ae roed iie s David McPherson, Colin Col'. tue, ations more frequently, the grower cieauiug sud farm s better cushion cousins, sud Mr. Geo. E. Bowken. who is unable 10 gel large quan- i h etta a retsrw undertaker. Ponoka. who with his tilles of manure wili i md that short- in thi eanes the ha r sculslrw wife were visiting lu Western Ou- er rotation leuds ilseif more ta the AtreIbis easo of eithe yard shetsr tario sud motored dowu for the cover crop sud mulch system, for mforer ikelbebitydete sud ccens f uneral. Members of Fl1 o r e n c e each uew plantation may be pre.- 0fdpoorcer qu -sldue10 arkcracks Nighttugale Lodge, No. 66, . 1,0F.1 ceeded for a season by a crop of suds caflehdlngrass' or daylkif assisted lu the service at the grave. 1i nover or aisike whlch, wheu turned sua aeu adin aavsbei Mr. T. H. Lockharl acting as chap- over. will leave the soil lu excellent the betpicangrae lu beobined.o lain. sud Mr. J. R. Emmersn ol condition for the uew plantation. Candie Suadagrd e accring t WGrand. ýThis method of renewaî. say every RCanain Standa Egg Graiu He is survived by his widow sud 1six years, with proper green mn R- pegulatin lan plrark dwhoai three sons, Rev. Neil Douglas Mac- iug. cover crop or mulch. sud ad- csenFolsp a fighcsdaom donald. pastor of the First Presby- equate cusntilies 0f commercial fer- trade eg a epce nna terian Church, Port Coîborue; Mr. tlizers. wilî render it possible for eart s it beattackied si nert mC. J. Millan Macdonald sud Norman raspberry growiug ta take ils place 1gaaten h otns D, H. Macdonald. Ponoka, Alla. beside orchardiug. lu being more or or sealgaatenthcoets One daughter, Mary, predeceased less indepeudeut of the failing sud hi n oeme 2.1918. lcesni xesv upy a British Fruit Market Amon therelaivesf ro a is-mnre. Canadisu appiegrowers have of donald sud Archie. Mrs. Neil Sm~ith ____a__ - su famly, r. Nli, onal sud"Big 0" fromrnDnhamTiCouflty sud an fmiMacouaD. n. suDnd nd R. Blightof Pta s "Norfolk", has been a progressive d iLColville sud Mn. Donald Smith, Mn. As a result o! investigations step. This bas been made possible Lisen - * ptW. H. Mayhew sud f nilly, Port made by the Division of Botany, by the local orgauiztonsi whlch shlp- R IC E ~ Coiborue. Col. sud Mrs. L. T. Mc- Dominion Expenlmentai Farms, the ped lu reguiated f ashion 10 meet the get KRISPIES ~~ Laughliu. foUlowîng measures are recommended market demanda. An example of T * fan the control o! eariy blght of Ibis was the holding of Starks sud hungrypatatoes. Baldwlus until May when they were hugyWhene there is no vision the peo- Use only cieau seed. Applicat- of fered lu splendid condition sud ple perlsh; but he that keepeth the ions of Bardeaux mixture (4-4-40) reallzed as much as 26 shillings per law, happy la be.-Proverbs 29:18. should be made regularly snd thor- barrel. NE WTON VILLE ' Holiday Visitors: Mr. and MMp. Gunnell and f amily, Hamilton, 1h Mr. and Mrs. John Couch- ss Helen Darlington and Mr. ck Glover motored to, Niagara als- Miss Edna Pearce, Mon- eal, wlth her parents. Mr. and rs. J. T. Pearce.. Mr. and Mrs. Varley, Montreal. on their way Hamilton, called at J. T. Pearce's. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Randaîl nd son, Oshawa. guests of his mo- ier. Mrs. Harry Randali Mr. d Mrs. A. Colin. Toronto, with- Mr. nd Mms. John Colin. Mr. R. J. Rowe held a party o is Sunday school css of boys3 le basement of the church Satur- y. After choir practice Thursday veniug the girls gathered at the mre of Mrs. K. Ware to bid fare- hel to Miss Ruby Wallace, a valued imber of the choir. Gladys Pearce ýad an address and Kathleen Mc- Zy presented Ruby with a rose droom lamp. A delightful supper as served. Ail mothers can put away anxiety egarding their suffering children heu they have Mother Graves' Vorm Exterminator to give relief. teffects are sure. Keep your stock free irom blem- ;h with Douglas' Egyptian Lini- ,ent. Removesil ammnrna ti on. uickly relieves bruises. sprains. tains. sweUlings. contraction of ords. stiffness of joints, and sore .uscles. HOW TO MAKE ICED TEA Infuse six htaplng tesoh&F Salade Black Tee in e pint of fresh boilingi wates. AFter six mnu=tesrain liquid int two-quart container. While hot, adid illhcups o[ granulattd sugar end the juice of 2 ornons. Stir.well until susar la dIsoVed111i container wltls cold wate,. Do flot allow tire t. cool be fore adding the cold waters; otherwise iquid wiII become cloudy. Serve witli chipped lce.. ~- ~=~s3 A AWORLDOF FLAVOR J PROTECT SUMMER HEALTH They 're healthy noýw- happy, too - while they play and enjoy each minute of their summer va- cation. Ail the more reason why you should protect their health xith healthful foods. Glen Rae milk, pure, rich and energizing, is the best food you can gîve them ..... at any time of the day. Phone 408J for Deliveries GLEN RAE DAIR'Y R. R. Stevens & Son, Proprietors PHONE 408J BOWMANVILLE I a M.11zMM .....u.muuuu.uu.uu.uuu.u..ST COHOEUUMMU L Samn h ieae fnaM etwayhue wie hswe oiinofr hstne n at lmon f ther li save f iai e atwar ue FRS-G N loens o3oheidlisos 25pe CO F E M Mg Mot Bran Giv à aM. . ~~~. . 9 - Mos ecprdHIZ Md M iv a aM okn a i rMdec BU fMu at Sp g et B Iin oralybaM ev : MiiRcnelo Cfe - 1/-b Ti 14CUnig t REFUGEESc Ne Midls * ahore an L.i.u! Use Mcd.ia 2ie M2rie paa ~~~~N v orv aWhanateok e cn Tn * lmto r ly eam, serve M * unsMotcnstnsti-C *~~~~~ Tinmnhal SÂ 3 * 1/21b. Tin as1419 No . i _____ N e sI 5 * CanadITS CAMPERSWav To1e neCapkSrv. Mealsus for Spca '/2.Ib. 14 PJI'iT. C Nteo. Ti2for 25 ----- -----