- - ~.t, - cTSWfANAflTAN sTATESMAN, BOWMANVIL. THUSDAY, JULY 4th, 1935 PG EE S pecial Introductory Offer1 Dominion Day Visitors UTILITIES INSTALL COMING EVENTS 6__________ FREE BUBBLER AT for BOWMANVILLE M-%r. and Mrs. Geo. Webster with CREAIM 0F BARELEY Loyal True Blues 'sill please meet relatives in Lndsay. in the Lodge room on Friday. Juy and vicifity only Miss IDorothy Kirkton. Toronto, The Public Utilities Com- 1 l2th at 8.30 a. m. to attend the par- wth her father. Mr. W. Kirkton. mission. following out the sug- acie at Lindsay. M\iýs Harriett Bartiett. Toronto. gestion and request of the with Mr. John and Miss Eva Hill- Ratepayers' Association for the Garden Tea at Mrs. L. T c Womnen's One -Tpecefre pi c ar. installation of fe water at Laglns SiaJl th. f rorn 4 Mr. and Mrs. J. B. E. Staples. Tor- the Cream of Barley Camp for~ to 8p. m. Meat, salads, bread and onto. with hier sister, Mrs. N. S. B. the use o! the public and of ;butter, cake, tea, 25c. James. tourists calling at the camp, D RS SMiss A. E. Bond. Montreal. :with have installed a modern bub- w mnill the Socer Foottbal clu D RS SSher uncle. Mr. M. A. James, "Lorne bler for this puirPoe. Oshawa on Saturday at the local Villi". TeetCtheisegimentcteamzof Careull dr clanedby ur ew-ype 9 M. ad Ms. L L.Masthevalue o! the Cream of Bar- high school grounds. The game,a Carefuly dry ceaned y our Mr.tF.e rs. L.L. Masoned ThsCommisionnreognize 11odorless" process ail soil and stainsC son. Orillia, with his father, M.F ley Park as a playground for potneoemsbe onbth remve skllull pessd nd e-H. Mason. local children and as a favorite locals to secure a playoff berth, (LI I....Miss Louise Marshall andMsincso. n aeisal which should provide plenty o!fse- f inished. OnIy ge adTrno ihM.ad e hsbblrtrlevte 1 tion and attract a capacity cowd. Mrgns .A Haddy. ootwt r n dti ub e eiene oh The game is called for 7.30 p. m. D. Regular pick-up and delivery right to your home.MsFAHad. owner of! the inconvenie.nTce ofp Wateh for Vail's smart orange -and-yellow car in your Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Motlock with paying for a water supply for ST.sap Mrs. W. E. Groves and Mr. and Mrs. the general public to use. Highest quality - lowest prices neighborhood. or phone our agent in Bowmanville. H. E. Groves. Gaît. ,a akrs Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Johnston, Bert_________________aCwer. O B R E 19R S* n lenrwthhrfthr 1m panying this story, just illustrates to1 Geo. Lunney. Collingwood. what extent o! suffeing one WaS C UR HE Phone 297 Bowmanville Mr ad Mr RD. Woods and willing to go. in thie old days to be ________________ AGENTS FOR sisier. Mrs. Geo. W. James. in the early days of the 2th cen- THE SALVATION ARMY 'Mrs. G. L. Wagar and Miss Mar- tury and wa resurrected f rom The Lieutenants A. Brown and J. Sloan roy and other points in Western! nea; great. und t 1a. Jm.;th:HlneyssMee t- Ontario. onn t l . m eetSunaS7hoo. at, Mr. andi Mrs. C. P. Israel. Miss 1, 12 p. m.; Salvatinmetgat7pm.I 'VZGladys Hooper and Miss E. J. Hoop- ROTARYBOWLER subject "Your questions from God". er. Rochester, N. Y_. with Mr. J. B. W NI O O T T ONSAGIA HTC SI C 884 Martyn and other relatives. 1___CRpecrM.A,__co Mr. and Mrs. Fitchett. Billy andRe.CR.SncrM.Aeto LAUNDERERS and CLEANERS Sheila. Montreal. with her parents Alu afrsonBowlacevilenRot8ry Mrs. J. A. Gunn, Organist Mm. and Mrs. W. Painton. SheilaClbmd seodpawh Third Sunday after Trinity, JulY ahu tStetTrnois emain:flg for gr visit. ikfrmafr east as Kingston! 7th. Holy Communion Il a. m.; Ev- _____________________ ___1 peted with 6 Toronto rinks in the 110 30 a . m. ; udySho iLITTLE KNOWN FACTS Mel. Hutchinson Memorial Lawn103a.m ___________________ * Miss Elsie All:n le! t Saturclay for ABOUT Bowling Trophy. sponsomed by Tor-' ST. ANDREIV'S FRESBYTERIAN a visit wth relatives in England. ont Club at the Parkdale Canoe CHURCHI WELL KNOWN PEOPLE Clnub greens on Fiday. Bowman- LO AL& ER ON L r, W ._owll_____a Ws ville rink was skipped by Frank Mc- Rev. W. G. Blake, Minister ______________________*Indies, was guest. of Mrs. E. Edmond. (Continued from page 1) Ilveen, and was composed o! Fred Miss Louise Osborne. Organist Mrs. N. E. Gould. Montreal, is Miss Pauline Wagar is spending 1 I oe n yoeR .1 Cryderman. Capt C. W. E. Meath Sunday. July 7th: il a. m.-'ýGod visitiIig her daughter, Mrs. C. E. her summer vacation at BigwinTroeanTrne.R.1 . and Geo. W. James. The rink was hath made man upright"; 7 p. m.- Rehdem. Inn. 1 Somewhat o! S unique record is pesented with handsome motor "The Testing o! the Gods"; Sunday Mrs. J. F. Allen, New York City, Mm. and Mms .J J. Brown, Bill and' established by a !amily coincidence.rg Telclluwarpesn-Shoat1a.m is hlidyin wih hm fthe. M. rvie, re oliayig a waagaMm. Kent's brother, Mm. Alfred Kent rg.Telclcu ersn-Sho t1 .m Jas llyn iOtjBac lis Postma Mt. o! Nunda.holN. Y., and it aed by these players at the regular Mms A E.Mcrealyhasgoe t M. ad rs.Jak Kys Derot.is pobtabyteonly now . n dasio!luncheon o! the Toronto Club in the UNION SERVICES Jams llitt Bact. sbrohers thein lanada a sedofRoyal York, and later were guests St. IPaul's and Trinity Lethbridge. Alta., to visit hem son, Mich.. were here last week calling States both holding the office o!fStdiere the Boulsweevard Clubd Mm. T. H. McCready. on old f riends. Postmaster. Iwhemeate tprize s ene meented.In. T. ritdring, July: Mms. R. S. Virtue and daughter M. and Mrs. Robt. McLeod. Nia- M. Kent served under thmee post- ofthe beatifu.J.l troh o u- rnis inmeom Re. . . Amusraong, anst Dorothy. Oshawa. visited hem par- gara Falls, are visiting hiem parents, masters before taking over ttof- o h a ut M.o.yHuthinrsn.aDurm- FaacisSu orMs.eac.e gais ents. Mm. and Mrs. C. A. Johnston. Mm. and Mrs. H. W. Jewell. fice himself. They weme J. B. Faim- pratofcsi a Ia or udy Jl t:1 .m-h Miss Margaret Wightman has ac- Dm. and Mms. L. B. Williams. Tom- bairn, John McMurtry. and Majorpotant offiHe stI a ad .lajour s ndaty. Jf th : il . m.-oThe cept.ed a position o! secretarial onto. were in town Thursday en- ý .C.Knwo esced i career with The Statesman. He was pints vs Fingerprints or Control vs womk in the Dept. o! Pathology in route to Port Hope and Orono . 1921. President o! Toronto Rotary Club Drive. You are codially invited to the Banting Institute, Toronto. Miss Marion G. B. Wamder. B. A., When the Kent family mov~ed to in 1933 and was a Past District Gov- these summer services. Bring your The regular monthly meeting o! is taking a special teacher*s course Bowmanville they lived for many ernor o! Rotary. Mrs. Hutchinson. visitors. the Public Utilities Commission at College o! Education. Toronto. yeams in a delightful little cottage Ruth and Billy. have esided in scheduled for Tuesday %,as post- j is iieCYemnPksy on the site o! the present Kent es- Bomnville since Mm. Hutchinson*s poned and will be held Tuesday next. jn.-i oiaigwt irpr deth Read Caw~ker's advt. this week. Dr. Jabez H. Elliott. Toronto. caîl- ents, M. and Mms. A. B. Cryderman. ed on friends here Frîday enroute Mm. and Mrs. A. H. Casselmnan f rom attending the National Tuber- ad m Graham Casselman. Mor-1 coloîs Cnvenion t Saanac rîsbumg. with his daughter. Mms. W. N. Y. R. Strike. Mrs. W. A. Shane, Mrs. W. C. Miss Helen Ramisay, formemly o! Ives and Mrs. F. M. Cryderman t- the Bank o! Commerce st.af f St Nap- tended Oshawa Presbyterial Execu- anee. L, now in the Bank o! Com-I tive meeting at Ont.ario Ladies' merce here. r Collge.Whiby.M. and Mrs. L. M. Keith. Tor Mm. and Mrs. Wm. McTaggart. onto. who attended the Wermy fam- gat and son Donald and Miss Coma day, called on relatives here. McTaggart. Toronto, were guests o! Mms. Jas. Brown and Miss Nora the former's brother, M. Geo. Mc- Brown. Base Line, sailed fromt Mont- Taggart. r eal. Saturday. for Scotland. A great piano accordian player. is playing fore they left i.n Feddy Blackwell's Orchestra at fhe Fairmont Golf and Country Club The cosing event o! the cele- at Hull. Que. This is considemed one bration o! the Centenary o! St. of the finest clubs between Toronto John's Anglican Church was suc- L efgion B a nd w D iv and Montreal. cess uUlY staged last Thursday when 1 a strawbermy Festival and Garden Congratulations to Helen Wil- Party was held at Rotary Park. The __ _ _ _ _ a i s rass ia liams, daughter o! Mm. and Mrs. a! faim was a splendid success, and ________________ Frank Williams, on passing hem quite a large sumito! money was ais-- Intermediate Piano examinations. ed durîng the evening at the e- C. B. Kent Helen is only 13 years old and de- msmn ot.th ihpn.ba C lwnM serves great praise for accomplish-, pie. and the Bingo game. A steady idence, cornt.r o! Temperance and con l ing this di!! icult examination. She demand for dishes o! luscious straw- Lowe Streets. The sentiment o! is a pupil o! Mrs. C. H. Dudley. 1 bernies and creamn, with bread and long f amily association was one o! Dr. W. C. Wells, St. Louis, Mo.. butter. cake and tea, lasted well into the prînciple reasons Mm. Kent pur- while renewing aid acquaintances on the evening. Mm. C. T. Ross was the chased the propety and erected his A splendid opportunity to assist in Thursday. gave us a al We were capable converler o! the committee p ie . ent retains aI thema. also to win one of sory t lemntha hi wie.neein hare.tributes o! youth hie can look back Ev Doiînelly, a. well known girl for- The Af ternoon Auxiliary o! Trin- a long way and recal Us iding. merly c! this town, passed awy on ity Chumch Women's Missionary daily ta womk in Bowmanville f romt June 1th from the ef!ects o! the Society met Tuesday afternoon with Newcastle on the aId high bicycle. bite !rom a spider, su!!emed lst Mrs. C. W. Siemon. lst vice presi- His brother Billy was the !irst man fail. dent. ini charge. Miss Marion SIe- in Bowmanville to own a bicycle, Mm. Wreford Souch. o! Halifax, N. meeting were ead by Mrs. F. M. startled the inhabitants when hie S., son o! Mms. Frank Souch, Bow- Crydemman. Letters weme ead f rom wa, the f irst man in town to pur- manill. wite th edtorta x-I Victor Homne. Toronto thanking the chase a pneumatic timed bicycle. And talend tsth dtr oe-society for past donations and ask- while t.hese things were more than a e 5 P o! Bowanvil to h ist half oax o donate canned fruit may get gemns reject.s the comforts o! his smart Parade Starts from Cent Juleth t ee a h eoahn Noafromt Mrs. w. C. Washington. ,A roadster. to ride ta and from his tic Canival will be held. Those vers appropriate memra OMs oeo i bicycle.RO Tc addicted ta the art o! telling ish Randaîl was given by Mms. Ela StilI digging deep into the past wel R U E 4 stories should head for this big ev- Strike. Mrs. Sherwood Rundle's found that Mm. Kent was an out- ent on the Atlantic coast. for it is goup gave the program, Mrs. Run- standing athlete 'n his youth.IiM rhesonW lng n Stet e in thqse waters that the wrld's cile presiding. Pray~er was offereci the basebaîl world hie was knonr a lretwscpue.by Mms. John Dach; Mrs. Gea. A. "Bean" Kent, and he used ta drawestoLbrt StouhoKigS amsttuna fish Paw; as capturedt, ouhtoKig t wéighing about haîf a ton. A par- 'McTaggart ead the 91st Pam mighty applause !rom the crowds as ticuar ivitaion s exende IoMms. W. O. Souch read the devotion- hie !anned the batters on the old adsuht Rtuar invtatdions texatenddtsal eflton -Joyous Fiends': Mrs. Faim Grounds ith fis f ast 'draps".1 event, which attmacts f ishermen R. Thompson sangs-My Task". ac- Befome coming ta Bowmanvillie' from alI aver the continent. Wref. companied bY Mm. F. Sutton; Mrs. played for Newcastle, and we saw Her a iLit of Clas has sent some illustrated litemature Fred A. Foster gave Chap. IX in the ecently a capy o! the score sheet o! on this event which is interesting study book. Mrs. E. F. Armstrong a game between Newcastle Beavers O E an apealin to ay fisexpressed the best wishes o! the so-1 and Bo wmanville Clippers, played in anapeain t ay iherman. ciety ta Ms. A. E. McCready who is the early eighties. Newcastle team P E __________________ . ea~ingfor a viit to hiem son in 1w-s composed o! H. Gibson. Simp- L The secretary repoted ail tes- IJackl, -the oidest, is AssitanPiost- T eEvlyn Ladies chers' contracts sîgned and eturn- master and an accompllaedpan- NO ENTRY FEE IN A? ed. ist: Art ls ln the Bank o! Montresi The Pro'ei'ty Commlttee was su- at Oillia: while Bob, the baby o! the Specialty Suop thorized ta spend up to $25 on nec- family. Is attendlng high school Phon 59 Bomanli - essary repairs, and the secretary was and is !ollowlng his father's foot- I'mPa ad Board adjoumed ta meet on Sep- a clever bowler. AS~5I8, _______________________tember 3rd. The picture of Mr. Kent accom- KERSLAKE'S DRUG STORE We invite you to visit our store and see for vourseif the seasonable values in Bathing Caps, Thermos Bots, Sun Goggles, etc. Our regular price - 22c Wampole's Beizema will clear up your Ec- zema or we will gladly refund your money._ Tissule lasi 300 for 21c Tampax. . 15c - 47c 10c - 25c - 35c - 49c Sun Goggles 25c - 39c - 49c - 69c Outing Jugs $1.39 - $1.89 Phyllosan Tablets especially for anaemic blood conditions Two sizes - 85c - $1.50 Shu-Milk . . . . 25c size for the holidays..........I10c - 15c - 25c IPhone 49 P. R. COWLING, Phm.B. We Deliver We guarantee satisfaction in Eye-fitting. DEm YOU. EVER STOP TO THINK ago and take them on a tour through modern stores and news- By Edson R. Waite paper plants, liow astonished they No town can be greater than its, om etw. osigi netos citizens. oetw osigi nctu; Some politicians seem to think it spreads fast. It often keeps a they know il, ail, but do they? community out of a rut. Boostmng Some cities sleep and dream- gathers rnomentum as it goes aîong. dream of the days gone by when It gives pleasure, satisfaction and they were busy places. They neyer experience. It broadens the vision, dxea o!thefutre,0f he wa_ destroys selfishness and makes ev- drem o th f tur, o be biggereryone see the brighter, happier ening ambition to again ebgr side of community work. and busier cities. A Chamber of Commerce s an You have a rxght to feel proud of organization of the people in a this newspaper for the able and community who desire to forward fearless way in which it works to, rits welf are and who believe that build up a spirit of mutual confid- they can accomplish more through ence, real justice and Constructive cooperative effort. gooci will. for that is the foundation If some great power could raise upon which a community is built. the ghosts of the merchants of long à F Y ilan Parade urbant Regt. Rani it Flute Ranis - - an auto ,es >ats iv Kigaig n making Rotary Fair for 1935 a success, fte handsome prizes. yJ1U L y De Se T., Sharp ftrai Public School Grounds. >F PARADE to George St., north to Carlisle Avenue, ., west on King St. to Temperance St., SRotary Park. Ss, Nearly $60 lu Prizes E VENTS $3ze $3 $3 $3 $2 $2 50C 50C 50C 50C ve a Free Ice Cream Cone when they it the grounds. n day of Fair with any member of the rman; T. Wesley Cawker, Frank Williams. LNY PARADE EVENT. Viii be Held Thursday NightI uc ta..... ......... $5 'p ........... ..... $5 ... . . . . . . . . $5 ..,. . . . . . . . $3 ... . . . . . . . . $3 ... . . . . . . . . $3 ,N'S EVENTS stume...... ..... $1 dIe......... ..... $1 .es . . . . . . $1 ... . . . . . $1 . . . . . . . $1 ... . . . . . $1 $2 $2 $2 $1 $1 $1 25c 25c 25c 25c 25c 25c 17 mmwwwý- L Your favorite Powder or Cream in eonvenient