'Il THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. THURSDAY, JULY 18th, 1936 PAGE SIX Basebal Girls" Softball IN THE REALM 0F SPORT Softball Football Doudcous AIr1Cra LUCky Victory IGWYOEE iOver Anxiety Deleats Lynx i Local Girls Stage Thrill- PICKERING TEAM ing Battie - Lose ENTERS LAKESHORE After 4 Run Lead THIRD SCHEDULE The leading Port Hope Alerts. Peterboro Drops Out and Western -of the Lakeshore Ladies League. VilgIer il a snat.ched a lucky 11-9 victory iagTamFIGp from the hungry jaws of defeat With Peterboro dropping out of on Fidaynigll atthe ub1 the Intermediate Lakeshore Lea- School grounds when the Bow- [gue for financial reasons, Pick- manvile Lynx, through sheer! ering have entered the third nervousness and over- anxiety, schedule it was disclosecl at anj kicked away a four-run margin eeuîemeighl tPr lin the last inning. Going into eeuiemeighl tPr the eveth he Lnx ereen-Hope on July llth. Port Hopes the eveth he Lnx ereen-protest in regard to the Cobourg joying an 8-4 lead and receiving' the deserved. plaudits of the game of June l5th was allowed briliat payigand the games for the third ser- - cx owd for their rlJnpay, when like a boit from the blue 'ies crawn Up. With Peterboro a~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ t seeecs f ukfvr tie first and second series have , acked xhem and before the ad roppieng ofutedailthersgamesiof astrous and fatal frame came to endfutd otesadn a~n endi. the alertful Alerts had ofl July 15th is as follows: pldup seven scores to take a Bwa le Worn Lost P. three run lead and the game. asBo anle 8 3 .727 j Bowmanville could only get one 1 Cobourg 8 3 .727 back. Port Hope Il 6 .500 Millie O*Neil1. hailed as the Peterboro 0 12 .000 outstanding hurler in the loop, The third section of the sched- ' ~ turned out to be a better batter u Ile is as follows: than twirler. smackîng two fori Juîy the circuit while watching her1 13-Cobourg at Port Hope, 315 choicest curveS battered for an 17-Port Hope at Pickering, 6 45 assortment of hits that included _Cobourg at Bowm'nville, 6.4 pair of four-ply swats by Feni-Bwil a ot oe .15 Large and Isabel Biekell and al Pickering at Cobourg, 3.15 double. also by Large. . 24-Port Hope at Bow'ville, 6.30 One of the iast Iýnks in the After each teamn had tallied Cobourg at Pickering, 6.30 trans-Canada highway. conneet- once in the first. the Lynx went 27-Cobourg at Port Hope. 3.15 ing Winnipeg and Fort William on a rampage in the third f0 Pickering at Bow'ville, 3.15 is offlcially opened with a swing rend six runs across the platter 31-Bow'vile at Cobourg, 6.30 of the axe by Hon. Peter Heenan. à a Port Hope tossed in three er- August Ontario minister of lands and rors and a walk with the two 3-Pickering at Port Hope. 3.15 forests. The ceremony took place Bowmanville homers and a single j Cobourg at Bow'ville, 3.15 at Fort William on July 1. to amass what iooked like an in- 5-Port Hope at Cobourg, 3.15 _______________ surmountable lead. Bow'ville at Pickering, 3.15 The Bowmanviile tosser-up- ~ ~ __- . pers pitched a very acceptable Family Re-Unions band of bail and were the un- fotuae itims of six misplays., ORONGO -- four coming in the sad seventh. . Truil Fanuly Pienie Port Hope-Rowden s. s .: ____ Thompson lb: Grice If; Foote 3b:i From The News, JuIy llth The 39th annual Truil picnie c:ve 2bne: ONilFrpeman rf. i Mrs. William Yeo. Oshawa, is vas held at Hampton Memorial c: Yung f: nd Feema rf visit:ng Mr. W. E. Daveys. Park on Sat., July l3th. Thei Bowmanville-White. --: Large. Miss Elva Tucker. Toronto, is weather was' entirely favorable If: Stainton rf: Klpatrîck. p.. 2b: home at her brother's, Dr. J. B. and with horse-shoes, sof tbali. Lefroy 2b; Davey p: Little 3b: Tucker.enrlci-htada l p- Gilhooley lb: BiekellIif: and Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Brown have 'gaeea hiht and ineeti. arwell pre Mutton s. s. Clarke batteci for returned from Orilla and the Ot- 'gared anboit 6 eresin rietofh Mutton in the 7th. tawa vaîîey. Tug ames, abut 65 emb esate R H ElI Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Horswell. ftror ailyejye lesn Port Hope 100 030 7 il 8 4 Toronto, motored, into tow,ýn foir The prizes w.ere awarded as fol- Bow*lle 106 001 1 9 8 6 the street fair. Iows: oldest lady, Mrs. John Umpies -MacDonald of Port Mr. and Mrs .A. A. Somer- Trull: oldest gentleman. Mr. Tom1 Umpies -ville, Toronto. are visting 'Mr. Trli: first family on the groundý .Hope and Moorcraft. of Bowman-j Thos. W. Somnervîlie. Tr o rlsofOhw;fm ill. Mss arare Mclro, eter- ilv from the greatest distance. Mr.: boro. is visit:ng her grandpal.en1ts. r.Mlo Avyan Mr. and Mrs. David Noble. ad Ms. itn Aer and datighter. Buffalo, N. Y.: largest' Homing Pigeon Club Dr. and Mrs. McClellaand and edne yoefaiy r familv are holidayîng with her attndance bRy Tone f aly. Mr.; father. Mr. Robert Foster. yan Ms. o trundsDianen Boumanville Homing Pigeon 1 '.Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bounsal yougestonfteMr.ond Ms. Diane I Club flew their eleventh old bird and farnily. Bowmanville, are hol- Lae.hter f ro . an Mr.Rs race on Saturday. July l3th. f rom1 idaying1 at Orono park g rounds. Le ern Danvilie, Ill., 528 miles air line. Mrad rsRihdGbs Photographs of the famrily With a strong northwest wind 'of Cleveland. Ohio, were visitors grouple fwere taken be sRoy T blowing only two birds reached wîth Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Rîddell '.m . ples mpofn ,il eaenat home in the day. Following are last week. NwtW oEgrs. Ohapwanda the results: Mrs. John Noble and daughter Ne wo nEdaris Ohaate. ex i W. Woolner 13 hrs. 49 min, 27 sec.'Miss Etta Noble. and Mrs.» Young picnic be held at the samne place IF. Bottrell 13 hrs, 59 min, 3 sec. 0f 'Port Hope visited Mrs. Joseph and on the saine date. L. Richards 16 hrs. 29 min. .10 sec., Cobbledick.____________ Geo. Bathgate & Sons no dlock Officers and members of Or- Rn aiyR-no report. Bowmanville Club are ono L. O. L. No. 409 attended an- Rn ai~R-no shipping 8 birds to Decatur. EL1. n fuaI church parade of Clarke 600 miles, to race on Saturday, Dstrict at Kendal Sunday. On Wednesday, July 3rdabot.ut July 2th. with the Southern On- Company 24-96 Boy Scouts of ninety of the King familymta tario Combine. atYr ony ne u r. Stephensons b e a u t i f u'I __________Master Art Curtis and assistant grounds for their family re-n Scout Master Erne Clark. are ion picnic. Mrs. T. King and son Aiways Ready and Reliable.- in camp at Memorial Park here. Ross and his son Arthur and Practicaily aIl pains arising fromn Howard, son of Mr .and Mrs. daughter came all the way from inflammation can be removed Delbert Myles, wa.s picked Up in Trail, B. C., accompanied by her wth Dr. Thomas' Eclectrie Oil. an unconscîous condition Tuesday niece, Mrs. Abbot of Lndsay. Simply rub it. on the spot and it morning, the resuIt of a faîl, Mr. and Mrs. Duke King and î.s quickly absorbed by the skin. striking his head against a stone. daughters Alma and Cora. Mr. Its heaiing power is conveyed to Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Patterson and Mrs. M. Hill, and Mr. Lorne the inflamed tissue which lis and son Jim. Mrs. Stewart, M.Smith, of Pleasant Point; Mr. quickly soothed. This fine old and Mrs. John Berry and son MRy and Mrs. F. King, and Mr. and remedy is also a specifie for ail attended the Carscadden reunion Mrs. G. King, Lindsay; Mr. and manner of cuts. scratches, brui's- and Picnic at Lake Simcoe, Bar- Mrs. W. King. Maurice and Eul es and sprains. Keep a bottle rie. een. and nieces Vera and Ina handy always. Miss Lena Renwick of Men- King. Misses Evelyn and Annie tone. California, is visiting her Webber, Mr. and Mrs. T. Curtis. aunt. Mrs. (Dr.> Hunter. Tor- Oakwood; Mr. and Mrs. D. Coad, onto. and Miss Ethel Lockhart, Ruby and Clare. Oakwood: Mr. Newcastle. called on friends in and Mrs. M. Goard and sons Bill F e a trN is Margaret Walsh. student and Mrs. J. Bruce and Miss May Il Stanstead College. Quebec, i King, Cadmus. and two daugh- a visitor ihteWlhadCb Joan Milner, Mr. John Hardy, bledick family. Miss Walsh is a Miss Clara Hardy, Miss Irene kNVILLE daxghter of the late Rev. Albert Heayn and sisters, Mildred and Walsh. Stella. and brothers, Orval and Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Milîson Alvin. Scugog. y- July 19 -20 and Miss Margaret accompanied . Af ter dinner, which was en- MERLEOBERN inby Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Carruth- joyed by all. a game of softball MEL BRO n*ers of Toronto motored out ,vas watched with much interest, through the Muskoka district, the followed by races of al] kinds for iL ' ~latter remaining. Young and old. Orelen Shunk n the E a~st1 Mrs. (Dr.) George A. Glionna won first In the next race: and Toronto. who before her marriagý for 8 and under. Mildred Heayn - Nes was Ethel Sidney. ne-time tea- first, and Iva King second: 8 to IF YOD DON'T GET BLO W-OUT PROTECTION Maybe you don't tbink blow- fots are clangerotas. You would if you heard what wc hear every day-if you heard motorisîs tell of'the blo--outs they've had. Thcy say they're through taking chances. And they're equipping their cars with Goodrich Silver. towns. For Silvertowns are the only tires made wvith the Life- Saver Golden Ply. NO EXTRA COST Why flot pet the Life-Saver Golden Ply blo%,w-out protection found oni>' in Goodrich Safety Silvertowns? 't'oulil also get Positive protection againsi dan- gerous '"îail.spin" skids. And re- member, Silvertowns cost no more than other standard tires. Roy Nichols COURTICE BOWMANVILLE Goodrich 1 i, fedYU S aeton Po w edul Pete Locals Lose SPORTS CALENDAR Intermediate Basebail July 20-Bowrnanville at Port Hope 24-Port Hope at Bowmanvile 6.30 p. m. Juvenile Baseball 18--Peterboro at Bowmanvîille 7 p. m. Girls' Softball 21-Oshawa G.A.C. at Bowman- ville. 7 p. m. Soccer 20--Courtice at Clarke 22-Enniskillen at Zion 24-Tyrone at Soliria West Durham Girls 18-Maple Grove at Blackstock 19-Enniskillen at Courtice 23-Shamrocks at Enniskillen Courtice at Blackstock 25-Hampton at Enniskillen Maple Grove at Sliamrocks Bowling July 24 at 1.30 p. m. - Port Hope Mixeci Rinks, 3 Games. 0- - ROCHESTER, N.Y (Via Cobourg and O.C.F. Steamner) $2.35 RETURN BARGAIN JULY 26 from BOWMANVU LE Lv. 3.308 p... St.andard Time. Return following Saturday, Sunday or Wednesday. Tickets and Information front Town or Depot Agents T3IIA CANADIAN NATIONAL 's Trim Juniors PlayoitChance fJuniors Give Poor Display In Fixture Here on Saturday Booting seven chances and giv- ing by f ar their worst display of the season, Bowmanville dropped a 6-2 verdict to the powerful Pet- erboro Juniors in the loca.ls final tilt of the regular schedule at the B. H. S. campus on Satur- day. The defeat definitely doom- ed the Hately horde f0 the last playoff berth, and with their 1 knowledge of the other te ams weaknesses, they are expected to avenge these one run and over- time losses which they bave been encoun tering. On Saturday the team got a bad game out of their systems and the number of errors plus the superb pit.ching 0of Leftyý Lesurf tended to make the sciuad look weak. The Pete*s were Par- tîcularly apt at hitting after an error had put a teammate on the runways and in his way tallied f ive unearned scores. Lesurf. who was nearly always ahead 0f tthe batter in the matter of balîs and strikes. let the locals down wçith but six singles and five pass- es while fanning six. t.wo les than Osborne on the Bowmaýnvill1e mound. In the ninth inngs two bingles and a walk offLe surf filled the bases after two were down but it came to naught. Colville was the only player to get a pair of safties fromn the Lefty and McElveen had one for two t0 keep his season's average at the .500 mark. Each team counted once in the first and after a couple of score- less frames Bowmanville got both their runs in the fourth. Peter- boro then scored two in the f ifth and three in the sixth to end the run making. Both teams pulled the hidden baîl trick, Kent being successful in second and Dave Osborne be- îng caught in the fourth. Line - up: Peterboro- G. Clark 1. f., A. Clark s. .Mowry c.. Giordino r. f.. O'Leary c. f., Galvin lb. McKinley and King- don 3b, Caccavella 2b. and Le- BS~onmanville-Mc I11 v e e n c.. Jackman 2b. Riokard lb. Os- borne p, Kent s. s.. Roach 1. f.. Colville c. f., Hunt r. f.. andl Hooper 3b. Peterboro 100 023 000 6 12 i Bow'le 000 200 000 2 67 tUrnpircs-McCarney andi F. Jackman. fers, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Curtis and sons Donald and Bruce of Cobourg, Mr. and Mrs. G. Strong and son Ralph of Burketon; Mrs. J. Wanamaker. -Mr. and Mrs. H. Wanamaker and son Glen.* Mr. and Mrs. I. Irwin and daughter Sina, Seagrave: Mr. and Mrs. W. McKinley and daughter Emma.. Port Perry: Mr. and Mrs. W. Cook and son Earl. of Myrtle: Mr. and Mrs. C. Heayn and children, Jimmie, Douglas andi Marilyn. Mr. andi Mrs. N. Heayn.l Joan and Donna. Port Perry: Mr. & Mrs. O. Shunk. Muriel anti Orelene, Lindsay: Mrs. H. Dem- ara. Mr. anti Mrs. J. Demara. Milton, Grace and Glen. Mr. and jMrs. D. Hope and Leonard. Miss NEWCASTLE GIRLS WON FIRST GAME 0F SEASON HERE Defeated Luckless Lynx in Scheduled Game on Monday Newcastle Girls won their first game of the season on Monday 1 n.ight whcn thcy defeateti the Bowmanville Lynx 15-11 in a wild anti woolly affair that feat- ureti many bits and more errors. Thirteen misplays were mark- cd up during the seven innings, with the Lynx getting eight. Bowmanville outhit their oppon- ents 15 to 14 with Isabel Bickell. who, hati a homer with the bases filled on Friday nîght, had an- other in ibis game. but the sacks were unpopulated. She also had a double, as did Ann Hendry for Newcast le. The wînners had threc big inn- ings, scoring four runs in the second and fourth and six in the fifth. Bowmanville tallied once in the fîrst and third. four in the second. three in the fourth, and Hydro's1 EIecfric current wiII Duro-Special With 30 gai. GaIvanized T Free Gift to Rural Dwellers 1be provded-Free of Charge-for operafing electric pumps ta pro. vide water under pressure for Household Sanitary Systemi. 1 0 0 0 Write for free illustrated folders on bathroomn equip- ?ment or plumnbing supplies. FOR SALE BY Bert Parker PHONE 651WV BoWMANVIW.Y.E EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO., LTD.- London Hamilton Toronto Winnipeg Tank Vancouver Instali this Bathroom at littie cost Looks pretty smart, doesn't it? Of course, t requires running water. But a Dura Automatic Pump- ing System wilI provide plenty of running water from your own weil, at littie outiay. This Iayout (three pieces), ready for installa- tion, complete with al ittings, is only ....$85.00 The Duro-Spec ial Pumping System, ail Canadien- made, capacity 250 gais. per hour, complete with 30 gai. Galvanized Tank, 25- or 6-cycle 11O-voit motor is only $82.50. Terms if desired. any lime A BIG BOWL of Kellogg's Corn Flakes in milk or cream is appetizing and de- icious at any timne of the day. And they're extra good with fruits or berrnes added. Ideal for breakfast. Re- freshing for luncheon. Chli. dren love themn for supper. They encourage sound sleep, because they digest so easily. The crispness of Kel. Iogg's Corn Flakes is pro- tected by a heat.sealed WAXTITE inner bag. Grocers evervwhere seil Kellogg's. Quality guaranteed. 'Made by Kellogg in London, Ont. CORN FLAKES MIS YOUR NERVI, Relief cones sron with use of Royal 1 BOWMÀA Friday - Saturday CHAS. BOYER and : Thunder ii Comedy matinee Saturdi Monday - Tuesdai FREDERIC Les Mi-s With Chas. Laphen ai Comedy - - Car .Matinee Monda> Wednesday - Thursc Ail the Kin, Wnith Carl Brissen, Ediward1 Coniedy - 'Matinee Wednesda COMING: "THIE INFORMER" Katharine HePburn ln "BI "FOUR HouRS TO KILL' THE ARIZONIJAN" WHICH IS better - to buy shingles supplied by a concern guaranteeing they will last a specified length of time; or those bought "at a price" which have no promise of lasting quality? 0f course, you would select the former ! So tee you should give very serious thought to the insurance you buy. Ask us te write your next policy in the dependable old HARTFORD FIRE Insurance Company. J. J.MASON&USON INSURANCE AGENTS Phone 50 Bowmanville