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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Jul 1935, p. 2

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PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN STATESMA, BOWMMNVyJJ, THTTRSDAV .TtTTV 9 f5h-in',n De e anubtrn 5MU§~mn1 Established 1854 A Weekly Newspaoer devoted to the mtress0 town 0 Ilf Sownma vea id su"rcundirng country, issued .t King Straet. Bowrnanlvill e, e ver-y Thur-sday. by M. A. Jamies & Sons, cwne,-s and publishers. The Canladian S tatesmian is a miember of the Canadian Weekly News. papers Assocation, als, the Class -A- Weeklies of Canada. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Anywheire n Canada. $2.C0 a year; in the United States, $250 a year, payable in advanice. Single copies, 5 cents. THURSDAY. JULY 25t11. 1935 Goodwill and Co-operation Tliore is isochin-a t s moîîre oelceîîe to newspaper office than thse rieudly subscriberm ends in a bit- cf mîcs. ether by phening. by1 ter. cm by dreppiug lu at the office. That is r goodovîll snd ce-operstuon. Dazer.s cf incidi eccur un the district ths: are notewertby sud geiseral intemest. but tiiese maîy net î'eacht paper' util long sfter, occurremnce, People coi sud go througheîut the ceimuciity. bringing pleasaîi littie ripple lu social l'Ife, bcît toa cft ne one troubles te uetify the loas: uewspaper.i thes-e hîtle itenisaraîe appreciated hy the effii sud ead by everybody. Tbey au'e not ef gre inlîo.tauce. but they are part cf the fabî'îc cfo ivine-. 1: is imipossible for as suail uewspap staff to îoveî' adequately 5îîy district ithout inle %oluuteeî' help. Anîd The Statesusaus tak this oppertuuity to acknow'ledge appreciatively t] mauy vohuuîeeî's scattered bere aud thseme obo te tbemseloes." Pemaps The Staesussu woe like te kuoov abocut that." Whereupoiî tbey s( Mauy cf the oratîizatioîîs of towu sud count bave appointed a press cermespeuden:-. te pasa the uewsoo'f club actîvuties. In mauy instaulý tbe secretary assumes this task. These are tl ergaisizations whose naimes appear frequentlyj tise paper. gîviug a pleasaîît iimpression cf bi'isl neas. social alertîmessansdlilve communîty spiîi Other crganizatieuS. pobably doîng ju.st as tise;i work. neyer reach tbe prîîîîed page. sud s0 f2 as the genemal public kuows. theur ittle commur ity bas ne social gatheringa. ne progressive groul nom "up aud comiug' spirit. lu la the aim cf t weekly-as aise the daly-to kuit togethera the varios incident5sud activities cf the ueigh berhoý)d inte eueeipatterun, sud the mor'e nainE sud incidents recerded. the more viv:d the picturi Notbing so touies up the morale ef any cemmunit as the realîzation that al social sud busiîness ag encies are mevîug frarad from ooeek te week vilks acccmplisbmeut sud geed cheer. And notl ing makes s more favorable impr'essionu iou; ide readers ohose picture cf Bowmianviile ai West Dumham las gaîned fmoîîîtbe pages of Tl Statesuisu. We tbauk those îsany good frieîîdso tise ceuîsmuity woe are kiud eneugh ta uetify u "osheu thmugs bappen." They are net cnly assis ing us but are iselping to build up an attractiv pictureet ofor commnity life. May their non bers increase. A Study in Everyday Psychology Tise man ahead of uie iin the long lune had palc fer bis railroad ticket. '*Wbatrîack is that trair on?" be then asked. 'n here te sell ticket.* lise barrassed mn behiîîd the hus- counter smap- ped out. "Ask at the iuformation desk." The cffended purchasei' cf tbe ticket steod tei ten minutes lu front ef that ticket w'îndoov. mut- teriug about 'cemmon decency." sud 'civil ans- wers te questions," sud '*distiraces" lu general: Ihien be weut aooay, deeply conscieus cf having beeu tîeated badly. 0f course tbe ticket sellers attitude vas wroîîg, but if the man who had bcught the ticket bac tbeugbt ef just a few liportant f-cts un the u-:aI. ter. bie ooould isot have been offended at aîl. There bad been a constant streani cf people geîng past tise ticket wsiudotv fer sever. heiru.zpeeple in a burry, slows people. people %ith fohih questiomns. It oasu't easy on the feet. cucher. 1: tva., enough te put anycue lu s bad hcmmer. Whien the tuocket man miade tbsu dsagu-eabte epty he ovas releas-- iug qoine peut-up feelings,: lbe %weuld have doue it ini the saune way m:o nat:er vho had been a' the window at Itie inclent. The rnau li iingthe ticket iieed net have tst:eu:u'pe eiat Ifblbe hîad given a monent'.- tisouelit t,> the sit- uation be weuld bave saud te Iiiisef: "Tbe mau's bad a bard day. He' tîred eut. I'm net gcuug 10 let that anu:oy use. I'mn sormy for ii." If, iustead cf takiug enarks per.,oually, îbînk- iug only et ourseho'es, ot'e woold try teo nder-st-aîd wby people acî as they de. ove wculd spai'e oui'- seves-and otiers-mucb unpleasautness. We dcn't get augry if s sick persen la disagree - able. We say 10 eursehves, 'Ils just because he doesn'ît, eel well." People wbo are lu bad hum- ors, wbo bave bad a bard day for reassons of wiicis we kuow uoîbiug, wsho beel badly. ci' are woried. sisould be treated as temporarily 11. They are net angmy at us; they merely bave ac- cumulated a gcod deal et tension. and strîke eut mneutally at the nea.est object. oshlch may happen te be ycu or I. Bot we needn't retumu tisaI blow. We ueed only uuderstausd othy il was stuock, sud retui'n tbe auger wvilh kinducas. Witb Ibis attitude oee au be kilîder. more gen- ereus. People apprec:ate sueh umderstsuîduug aîîd will luke the pemseu wi: bas il. They see that tbey are sate with huni not ouly thîeîs they are pleasant, but alto wben sornethî:îg bas miade tbem feel hadiy. Help Your Town Forward Prospeiily iin Ibis sec'ismi depemud.s to a great e>.lent ou horne etîterprisesý. The miore isoisey speut oitb local uerchant. s anfacturers sud professiotial mîen the more oil! seî:e seniblauce et piperity aboud for the i'e-sideuus of tLs. dis- trict. Let eo'ery dollar earued beme serve coin- muniîy iuteî'ests and isomne efaî'e. Tmy to usake as many cf ycuî' purchases as possible fions the firma iccated heîe. Our local irm.., bave been un bcsinfss- foi' msny years sud they are deserving of ycur patronage sud coînfidence. The reputable sud substantial tîrms wbo are ado'etising lun The Statesman join witb us lu prmnisiug a continu- suce eft tiei' policy cf oalue sud service. Gel the real Cemmuuily Spirit by keepiug youm money circulating lu yeuî' cwn lowu. osa The Death Penalty Hon. Hugh Gît.hrie. iMini2ter cf Justice, is 11000 cefinJtely lu favcî' cf bavimîs execiioiE ,:carriecî Ol, at a central prison in eacb provinîce. ather thar i the cacmty jails in the rnuni'paluuies iii mwhîch the crimes cf muîder are cormntted.» Na cue will have anîy objection to that. E; ery lime s nirderer bas 10 be execcted .a wave of reseiît- ment sud hý stensa sw'eeps over the municipalic.y lu which lie is te bb aîged. And rbeu'e is always s danger' that thîe 'ieb îay be bunuaied. as w'as the ca.ze un Montreal net long age. By baviug s central place cf executien. there will, at least, be the prcper equipineut fcr the disagreeahle task. su hiose unfortutiate local reactiausw'i be elîînuated - Mr. Guthrie. lew'ever. bas still a step o' t1we furîber te go. He la not yet defîîîitely in favoî' cf chaugiîîg the iethod cf executieîî froni hanging 4 i. .5- T- -I I __ ..~ 'i I Wie dustiîig d- - usbnd h . as eenchaed' ':riý-- sud tcssed by bull> Nevei mini.d eai. We oton't het a little up- set hke--ht-s 1l -ui-- --a -I-LT ,-,r,,O pn ion.- Ito electrocution or somne other andi more humane 'SSU. let- J method. One wonders at his hesitancy. Hangîng reals is just about as barbarous as was the guillotine. -1 7 1 f even if it is claimed that. ceath is supPosed to be I T e D. a d 1isanti t F w orcis t thef instantaneous. If executions there mulst be. we t te would commend the method now in force in some _________________________________ ime parts of the United States, that of confining the A o t t e C N R nigt wenhe urnngTWENTY-FIE VEARS AGO July lath. Elizao Powell, aged 87 ten 0oine n twenh asleep. Ta em 0u Fo 1eBsmnsleNw ddeoIn\ae0Jl .During 193-1 the average numnber of persons employed by Canadian National Y et to be the iiost hum ane w ay possible. and one Friday, JuIy 22, 1910 W illiamn A lldread. aged 68 years. R i na s ma 4 -ý , a d t e w g s p i h m c m o a m s ice, 1hc smr nkeiewihteisicso Person-In Bowmanville, Jtîly Riw~ a n iewgspi hmcm oams whic ismor in eepng iththe nstnct ofone hundred million dollars. This represented, both as to, number ,eatdeec thn thranngoeetoctn Old friends of Samuel Gates l5tii. George Pearson. aged 70, cmpî,o.ed and dfliount of payroll, an advance over 1933, and practically dee* ta ihe agn. r:lcrctJn "l be sorry ta learn of his death years. the w-hole inicrcase in personnel was due to re-empioyment of those orat Wo.,chester. Mass., in his 83rd -NMacDoald-Iii Toronto, July i whose services had presiously been dispensed with owing to lack of ýper Protecting Scenic Beauty year. hos 161th. Colin S. MacDonald. aged business. keo ieninized Wednesday a the viilei as omrl fBomn The average mnileaize of road operated in 1934 was 23,676 miles, making th The commnon interest in scenic beauty may be residence of Mlr. andi Mrs. Nathani Canaduan National Railways the largest single railway system in the protected by- law froin destiuctîon by outdoor ad- Horne. Church St., when their: FIFTY YEARS AGO \ estern Hernisphere. saa vrtsig sertasa rel ndgustasaleciteleshasgte. isnAelibe 93 t t ott rel h tfreite b Chtia NNanational aoute a alau uhc.nta eon leîdauHorerandMiss hales FomThe Canadian Statesman 1934-.The,17 a sa n aulc reeo ight e aet326nmiles. T he aleio hs ).ct. omîc value to the commionwealth and 10 its citi- McCuLllough. Toronto. were unît- F Friday, July 24, 1885 yw 4î,Theavrage haul of re~ igheight326nmpe. ent value of evius ry zens. ed in nlatriage. Rev. John Gar- freight is not ascertainable, but it must run into many hundred millions of 01 At least that is the case in Massachusetts where butt. pastor of the Methodi t M .e.Or, A. as-e dollars, and, comnprising aIl kinds of necessities and luxuries, contributed esan amendment to the State constitution, adopted Church. officiating., appoiuted Modern Language as to the %velfare and happiness of es'ery man, woman and child in the ceetisgonpblcî At the Provincial Elections held i er of Guelph. Dominion. he iu 1918. says specifically: "d-ri'igo ulei Manitoba. July lith, Sanm John FJsher. Cobourg. istab in ays, i n public placesansd on private property Hughes. fornierly of Leskard 1'local regisîrar 0of the HtghCor Canadian National Railssays carried oser 1,000.000 passengers uuring 1934. k- wthin public view may be regulated and restrict- îio'. of Grand View. Man., was Of Juistice. registrar of 'the Sur- This was also an increase over 1933. These paid in fares $16,33 1,299. s-elEcted toth gsauefrrgeCor.adcrk fte or an average of S$1.62 per passenger with an average journey of ri.Gilbert Plains, by the handsomie County Court of the Unit.ed seventy-one and chree-quarter miles. uîIThe Msschusets Supreme Court. hias recently majority of 120.I Couities of Northumberland -anid These figures, without embellishment or amtplificiation, show the vastness of the Siu hanssed by tha ecso upholding the regulations Lieut. F. H. Morris finished Durham, in place of R. D. Chat- public sersvices rendered by Canadian National Railways. The system i-'se yteDepartnîent of Public Works under 3rd in the King's prize competi- terton. resigned. is conducted on as economical a scale as is consistent with the highest n'this coustitutional sanction, lion at Bisley. 'Married: Payne-Coolcer - On standards cf railway operation. The improvement in business in 1934 heApoekn c ulcnisncs r o h Tyrone: Citizens were shocked Juîy BIh. by Rev. S. Salton * at oser the presious year enabled more people to be employed . . . more ýh rispaigo pbi uiacs rentteMonday mornng to learn that th residence of Jnc. Cooper. EZ 1. wages to be paid . .. more sersvice to be rendered. Also, more money alownE: s of radio eceiving sets, whose enjoynient Thos. Gardine'r. one of Ty'rone's 'the brides father. Mr. George was asailable to be spent among Canadian producers and Canadian ch f the progmam for which they purchased their oldest and miost highly respected Payne to Elizabeth Cooper. all of mrhns set-s is continuously impaired by the intrusion of citizens. hadi pas.sed away wvith Clarke. es cheap and frequently t'ulgam advertisýing talks. en- heart failume. dyrne: fV.iC. intley ofHay- A continuation cf this improvement in our business will carry on and enlarge d,). ad fmil inendstatJn thsegood results... the wbole country will benefit. This year r.tilled to protection under the doctrine that the . Hampton: Rich. Avery is mak- fo r' their new home 4u the farI Canadian National Railways is cg-operating in an extensive way in it lg extensive alterations on lus ',orth West. thdîmînîs - nand b pubic oo ma nt b suorinaedto mtvtere0dece . Brcay.agdh6eInational mosement to dmnihunempîcyment ad orestore ýg- found deayntbesbrdntd opivt escece J ay d in 5 s Burketon. John Hooey i3 er- ibettria times for v hlpbais i k, gain. 1lears, ws fudda hs ectîng a very haudsoome bm:ick bte isfreveryone. Thha-o e hc h aiopbi ut' os rdy mason on the f irst concession Canadian National Railways feels justified in asking for your co-operation. listen fromý a type cf sdvertiser over a type of Entrance Examinations - Suc- :of Casrtw'right A. siîh. of lst A greater use by Canadian citizens cf the facilities offered by this nd radio station is iust as much interfereuce with tesulcnddtsctNec. rionesion met with a serious systern transportation, express, telegraphs, hotels - will materially and Orono centres: Newcastle- acdnvria.H as kicked h d ol s btalCaaa a y u Il rceflvau he the artistie beauty of musical programs, a, blatant Laura Siîh. Evelyn Zealaud. in the side by one of his horses fore n olarus but.alCnd n o irciefi au of b:llboac-ds are with the natural beauty upon which i Noreen Quinland. Lynn Dudley. breaking usonie rîbs and causing they intrude by the roadside. v od Thomas. Edgar Kenefir. irternal injuries. Thepuic interest in the preservair fA.fed Bonathan. Harold N. Courtice: C. W. Lent. ourpo- DrigtereesSmeseonhe.NRh radio as a tremiendously important facro e- .aye.Ea1ase1ile ilia aster. has his new building prot iding speciallpres and excursionjs=betuenpit veuainadetraneti sotyo r-rti.EeyGAas etrue'about ready to occupy. trubutCnd.These are excepton! rame! uraio ad nîrtîneu i a wrty o p'o Mrtn.Evly Aam. esie Orono: John Camveth is agaîn bargains. The neareat C.R. aitujlegadt tection as the public's right to enjoy natural scen- Gibson, Nellie M. Clarke, Wil- going te be a candidate for the I. ' jlpriuar.E eyunmoclested by eyesores. liam Brown: Orono-S t a nleY Reeveship of Clarke, having al- grflpriuas eryChapmnan. Bill Armstrong, Mary ready had the promise cf ex- L. Best. Lenoma Williamson', Mar- tensive support for the Warden- How Wîde Is Your World'? jiie ColoiLillianChapinan. ship of 1886. tw fueasi - X Lm,ýOuür. town Suuday. Mms. W. H. Wîl- .d hem' ae auymilios c pepl ontnî ,Married: Qunney-Ruiter-A1 soni sud Arthur McClung. The in planet. It hias a circumnfemence cf 25.000 miles. the Methodist Parscnage. Bou- former. a youug married woman. Continents aud seas sud countless is]auds. with inville. July 20th, by Rev. J.i daîghter cf Mr. William Mutch.-- tieir inhabitants sud theii' treinendous areas. Garbutt. George Hughi Henry iDari-igton. fell down the st-airs. -I maeupwa %ecllorwol.InoeasetCoulson Quiuuey and Lena Ruit.- Both wveme young-. the former be- mad u wht e cîloui wrld l on apec Ier. both cf Darlington. lus under 23 yeams cf aze. and r each individual is au integmal part of the whele. Died: Powell-Iu Elizabethville, the latter under 20. affects every other individual and conditions ev- ____________________________________î__ -erywhere. sud is likewise affected by thein. But -r -in another aspect our wvorld ks no larger than we -fr tose %whose head i.s turned -'- make it YOUR VVORLD Jby I eslihyw.îhdîat ou neîestîma- r eally do not know what à fairs except those whose relations to ourselves and IVM INEL should be doue to, safeguamd a d ie obvieus: if we close oui' minds except to those 1(Copyright)bat.Sh esl .~ntlkl thins hichdirctlyconrol ur ell ein; ifBy to coule 10 hem own rescue. The hig whc dielyctolor elbeu;iBychances are that freini childhoodî e %e shut out cf oui' heamîs ahl but the few who JOHN C. KJRKWOOD hem good looks, have beeu îalked thave a spec:fic dlaim* upon us wvhich we cati not - about. lu hem presence sud hear- decliine te acknowledge: if our seuls caii lift ne Pî'ettiness or beauty in a young i ng, sud it i..,probable that the higher than the grouud we tead cm' the buildings girl or w-oman can be a misfort- niother has taken Pride in hem' we occupy: ther: oui- world is smaîl indeed, pii une. One youug %womau cf %whn daughtcr's good looks, and so lia. I kuow is decidedly attiactive - fromn childihood. put wmong views_____________________________ fully sinfl in face. formi. manuers sud dis- iiite the dsus2hter's head. Child- nii, fw- aintaili ocr intei'est iu eveuts every-. position. She lias not yet coin- ren are what their teachers ancd wheme. reaizing that we de have somne i'elatiouship pleted hem miatimulation exain- theii' parents mnake them. te hnm. ec~i i itbe io lo~m hantha hen c nation. and oeeexplanation is 0f courýe. oue would like îpar our unîverat kauship; if -e keep our uîind, cpen ta hnss ioua htse ioset tsud te ahersb o theiut 1lu perpetual demiamd for -par- Iîs egv eeeii'bai' te thle knowledge sud infor'mationî that is avait- tics" sud cutings. She carillot a iiifd which w-ouild keep lieriA E 'o able on e ei'y side. sud which broadens oui' cut- give e:thei' iimîd ci' turne te home normal sud sen:sible: but thei e lokadorcpcte:i ek-l u erstuis. Heî' day mid :-s filled seemns t be a con-irc anion jT E E TR A U lcksu acrdcapaiie:i w ep u îerswith.the thouglits of the previeus al classes. inclîmdîng teachers aud T E E T A À *: j. softîened tomad î who aî'e lu need sud distress, eveniug or the eeniin? ahead. parents, t-o give a beautiful girl thug enly our brothers in the great family cf 0f course shie has te have a vain iuînd. snd te push her n the eue Father; sud if our' souls are pernîîted te înyuwdrsessde t sd- directionî of folly sud cf uIt- N T E S N À glov ewadrsses.aHeî' Psrends imate tî'agedy. UN T E EN A I t L Soaî' alefr. and te lift aur aspirations. our hopes lvsad ho.Heprnt sud aur faîlh, on high; then our wold is a gî'eat have a bard lime to make enîds Ik J C K meet. They have 10 practîse no a eybuifl'ug worli-d îudeed. wcndefully sud inspiringly greal. mc efena ie hi oom an. She at tended a ladi' i Que who sees ne further than the lîmit cf phy- daughleî' whar she needsanaî el.sd theme anked fîrst. i:t,**. .t:z: t:: ear, .pions.rIvoanuotopersuadetmmaelf s cal sig t has an a l to c ar mow vision. O e w ho w a ts t e m ainta n e i' place lubio u ar v t . f r aIns i a l ears no appeal except that whicb faIs upon his the favur of lem young compati- qualities sd attributes - gen- ions I cnno peruad myelftleness cf manuers. sweetness of fleshly er is likewc.se deaf te many sweet strains that il is goud for elîher the disposition. consideration for cth- which must be othemwise beard. Que wbo feels pesent or the future of thîs ers, sud gond looks. But at honme ne impulse te let bais spirit soar te ealms of faith, young womau l be away f roi shewsslihsdirtbe h did net want. te help hiem moîheî'e is ploddiug but a duil cour'se. hiem home, on pleasure bent. night wiîh hem bousework. She gave we mak il. nd weafler night. Il la easy fom an old te her parents vemy liltle true af-GPE C A gmeow lu stature ourselo'es as we broaden Our cou- for hem lu the yeams ahead. True, nhref e aet r o cepts of ife and ils meauiugs. its privileges aud she may marry somecue able t ouesef Hmpantarnt.. ts duties, lu that wcrld of our makiug. keep hiem clad "lIike a queeu" sud lutu ng fmomn hem a hoped-for e- ~r ra te give hiem "a good time" always: lier.o l lerivsmeîl ere ie but nîaking cloîhes sud a good I kuow cf anet-ber young wo- ' ; ' More rubber Editorial Notes time the acme of desime sud pur-m'-an m'ho caxînot. be called gcod- ~ togrsdwlsPRIC 'The ma abuîposeî hfe.cams feo amatchng jaJCtKt ae sud rstiong liarcleî. Sh taward life. us looki hug She has a strng Ne S17E 4 7e 1 posee is. aun0anme.feaowrengoinattitude loein ough shelis dsting Newtougher tread rubber bis~~~~~~~~~~~ fCiw 'HrerKeve.Ivhcfaeca nth al e san acsioccplisbne.She . cnes osils, cue'.5 chai'acteî'. sud cne's skill wvitb Being beauitiful la somethins ia.s irtellectual streîîgth. She New non.skid grip Sq 7 Ihelp - it may be a iegacy of pam- is extrenîely popular ameong hem xtr lîot qa tU rc W a w ll c e s . n l % - e z m n i l t o e s e e n a g . B e a u t îf u l g ir ls a r e mia d e f e m in în e s .s o c ia le s . S h e ba s a &WOSE R Wa ilcae uyoeivî' ili ecs e age. ciuï f their surpass- vey scant acquailitance amous LSee the new Rafi eoeyou POTHRn SIZE when ve have the patien~ce te altack it l aIils ingttractiveîîess by those amn- Young ment~i. and ~does> not.seek "PERI< Y" buv any other gtbre.r PRRNTL thehemî cfmacuixi f'inds Se s ame t Friendly liffleGutta Percha o-n.-Dm. A'.en D. Albert. aseiîormous anîcutt.f tirace cempeteut bonîemakeî' - able te ipercha Service. Lookfor hon __msclne____. h i not T'horomghbred, identifies Gutta THE BLUE RIBBON TIRE VALUE FOR 193.5 an____sd sanity not. 10 have oîîe'S niake ber own clothe-. te do ev- on the GP dealers' -indou-s. Look for the fihie Ribbon inj the GP Dealers' Windows I asus inclimîco teo the opinion Usai people who11 adulation aud hy a retîncie Or cliiding the pi'epsmation cf food. eibete thi.k' are iieai'ly always wreug. I suliters. She la devo)ted t0 good causes. docibt ohether they trenîbie, and I ani sur'e they Wheîi I read Ihiat Miss Jean wilhomit beinz a "is. She la'-. t eldeis thiuk.'-Robfmit Lynd. ýWlîîte bas been the vicîci' in a a leader ,i-ieeyhu bc h JULI ZZ>tn' MC kid f distraction and pusut tdieu- Iblg t is picture of a sîggest tw e ways: (1) bec(),,, w i l s good fo e i- ai' 05- c harnmirt's l u o man ber ir deeply and beniestly a d sustai,. uman. nud. let tIe oug uwniaui be-J edy interested in some benefic. 0f ou~e I elev tia: aI i oi.îY te be that old u oman, lient actio'y; sd (2) ha-e O f our e. be ie e oiaoaiuujni o, ail lie u' yeste ida ss. le sut 3' association oitis yo it wvone n iitcdi yocina ovoie. " people and childî'eu. Alc shîauld ti-y teauiake tlioueiie.- J C K te refresh sud enew urele attrctie -by iseu; I cctie . is aY thaua .î oomusaui lw's, usut draw imb oui- ewiî lfor.; a md attention; ta t o r a u: aneuaîd oy ln fif h aI.ile0 "a d , !::. cr s m'in g th e l It is w h e u wv e e x c lu d e bie n: fe-mrlîe eracu-Ž: 1» tie deveXîp- '-.u-.a niîeeds of omîscu;keep rcwnId ie the ide of ether, 'lbi f vuanImd: -iai :», :climo î ou taw ekeep young. iohlen ove become self-ceîitred ctl:er ine-. o. u ,maee.utn minkc'r of oectric ovasWing selfisb sud lazy - that ooe take te-hem lan . Ae Iora u"h I ao-ma.c u n : t :umaker cf soapa. . ciiage. leo hler es:.Otcruoctus. coe'lis coti -o Thiere is a beaut3' wbich is m loo lerbe-. i cn f t.o:hip.iOt and lotiais -o the blesb. It is the bibe,5- A qiieý.iomi ta a -zk i: W l:? Ua: iiJ hXlavec thtu" m sage tea oo u- foîm f be as d 9i l a V Ua,- the:0 o :îam:. be wxhou she s od? ci-, ou: hovte keep lookui. youmg: i Y rhicli neer fades. This beau- And sa I sugges' te every oronaii and se 103 have cthose u oho sel y I bd all Young Woeneute ,eek to o isualize -aIl old uo m i : of Sur- raii C. and baiama s u d fooda Passig charn - ee woî has and druks of manîy sorts. Puob- the adm iî'ioîî tIh e affectious, 'C e ! Ioby aIl f thonsgive tIh e uotoîsîs "Solitude is so netines îe: l yaty of a l ovho k oov ei'. And 1 go i co ouluî.el. But I oaît ta sciety."-M ilto u.

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