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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Aug 1935, p. 8

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PAGE IGIZTTHE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST lst. 1935 _______________the word Lif e. and elaborated the KEEPS KING'S U SAFE WRD TO O piinfae$ thought that four things which _ABOUT_____TUE___C.N.R._. wîta aeraglur$e10f6: T e N ca te Id p de tChristianity challenges in us are- ihaavrg tec slehdp *n 'n uiaLov. Isasry Vinhnife Duriflg-1934 the average nurn - 1e-oe andgure urermls thusca. Misses Wi. na îs Mr-à be fpnose loyed by Cafl Teefguewtou mel R'ck.d orad Miss Mar-:I ber 0fapervas 74.- ishment or amplfctoso ase akMKyi o ikrcontrallo. contribut- 7Î4Aand toeaî s lad rewa s 74 Mx rn M ee itCol \hteiJi& MKay15 ah-r d a duc: at this service. -hi legiate. cousin af Mis. J.EW dîg îh\îad r.Lsie -oodhe. lion dollars. This represented. j Rai1 naTsse scn Phloý home House ad lii. ehoiS______bath as t.o number emiPloYed an dcedoascnmcaasal chlinhave been holidaying at Miss Hilda Rowland, m-ho is i A LITTLE C0113ON SENSE notofpyl.an dvcesi osset -W o h l i- have i e t ain ed taking a su mmrrer course ini__ ___ ___ __ ___ ___ ___ __ ___ ___ __ ___ ___ ___ __ __of__ _r ho e. HuIhodwSiehealeitzeinncreasewninperonel)was tThe improveeti uiesi Mrs. exWynn and 'children, ilt.on Vocational School, Nvas -pass the buck- ta the homne' _____ _______1934_____the_ hoeI e h ekn.lesae ed i h oe Houses f or Sale due ta re-employiflent of those 1abled more peopl ob mly Brantford. aie holidaying in one homeoxeitserveienesI ewspaer t do al th hom of Dr. W. H. Walton-Ball's cet- Lakeshore resdents turned out towýýn boosting. They should do IT SFO SAE RM HU ,bendsne wt oilg oe -mrwa I in I î vithS FOR ae -ofRgAE l UE, en- dk f iess. t W o tages. i large nuinbers at the Unitedla little theselves.moesriet T eyouth f the village have Church services on Sunday taoi It neyer pays a politician te goI to MIn Cr. n Mrs. ob her t rias gt. p off*CW. cessBox S. T e aeae mlag f ra ese ntor mong aada po bemanga tidy lot of pocket hear one of their own boys, Mr., around abusing men they ray at pl WJ"Bx2 h veaemlaeo od cseta money picking bernies at. A. O. A. A. Martin. B. A., B. Paed., 1 need ta be frîendly with later. CA193 -i 134- I2367 miles. so. mremyws avnilaCear Parker's, Jno. Cunningham's. Ma- pe .Building casties in the air doese.ason. owmavle. 3-V a d in N34naw-asil.67Adcond naianmrhn jor Dudleys and Wmn. Purdy's. Mrs. Allan Martin andI sonio system inGOD-n rno o uedya thelî est ige r Hmî a rry n nt inaretsegd anf GOODE-In Orono.ganwTuesdaountry Jing Canadia93Nationar.Raid-MAscontinuationsofstm Heim- ant oter maior rowrs.One Camipbell, Brighton, accompanied A lot. of peoplo in thiscunr Harold Goe aughter. FORIUICl SAEin 5tARESWpheern crryt teohne ouandwl ofthe biggest shippors fron New- Mr. Martin to Newcastle on Sun- are paying more attention to the FRQIKSL I pee eut h cste e sMn ren rspeich- Unîte Cnu rcoa in th e conI tenown. hn h oLAYTON-In Clarke. on T I - f aats. excellent stand. Wl In 1934 the total freight trans- benefit. This yeaCnaanNt this sa , s M .H n y R ih Untd C u hl ai g heîr t a t her o day. July llth. 1935, ta M .1 be sold at a real bargain. Close 1 ported by Canadian Natia lional Ral a s i co pe aifg n rath. klé*Unvll1e. or childron with their grand- Most towns talk mach about' adMs ryLytnaso. i.Ap Bx17Bwnn-Rlways amnounted to 44,719,4771 an extensive wayi h ntoa Ountiofsath holay sesona Ste, rkvll. Jhtia Ka . m o -ng s om taf eguon.GILBA.NK - In Newcast. ville, on phono 516. 31-1 tons, anl increase of eightOef por movemont to dimnsunm]- - cin fte oia esn trvle ins. Sndsre dtI tf CWednesday. Jul.y î7th. 1935, te .cent aven the proviaus yean. The mnt andte toreste nitiaa- was the bridge panty heltI by Mrs. Mn. and Mrs. Roy Douglas and Spoaking about politîcs, the IM.at r.Er ibn.aIRSL IE RI.aeaohu ffegtws326 tivity to help aihte$0 J.A ulra TeNwatefarmily, Cobalt. are visiting his more we see ai it the more con- LodSsnyofWnnhf 1 son. oats. wheat, barley. cleaned. miles. The value of this froight pression and bnigbte re J.ns A. Bulridayt Ternowcamrl irFtleik on I good weight. at Lot 8. Con. 2. is not ascertainablo. but it Must fan everyono. Ars"onFidy fenoo.Six mnothor. Mrs. John Douglas. fused w~e bocomne. Lerdy S rdn osonbyof _____for tables wene in play, the honors Miss Sainsbury. Buffalo, N. Y.. The wheels ai Industry and G ...GC...1tosuo-t i Cartwright. Apply John Jacks, nun into many hundred millionI Canadian Nainl aias being won by Mesdames H. Lit- i-, isiting hon aunt. Mrs. A. Els- Commerce will hum anly to the r ýt igGeorge. and keoper DHampto19n. Phne-4 kan in fdolsf ncti s n 1felxui s. j-aertion.A retenusib tlef iold. J. S. oan.C.T Bt otb. unefiprosporous timnes when 198tyrig1amt3. Phoo-Bamani nidolar stis d amn oad .T'a, tn E T Suiesiil al I ejtifi n akn fryu ______________ contributod ta the wefare and; Canadian citizen !te cl ty, R. W. Gibson. D. B. Simn W. M. S. of the Unito Church aIl citizens roalizo an intlividual crfte ra ypreer nho hosenosis and Miss Eva Wilkinson. th( lat- eets August 1st, at i Ms .E respansibility to etebuis. last month. GIBSON-In Toronto. July 2th, Farms For Sale happiniess ai evony mail. woman ities affered byti1ytm te w oiaiga isB hl'.ýrilsmatIe for the Il is a goad îdoa ta expressI antI child in the Domnion. transPortation. epes oe Mcntoshs bouse. Mrs. A. D.isupply work will be on displav. sound sense in plain wonds.FRSAE-10;TE AM Cnda Ntial alvysgph.oes thW ghe scw-anoth thspoapnize fanMrs.oN.thelinX grounillhveiCAD0FTANSan.ll warkable. frmreb en rs Iuring 1934. This was alsa and you will rcief.l au wiiners. The bastess, Mrs. 5tel1 1 Master Neil Britten celebrated Thomnas* Eclectric Ou will tako Mns. H. Cutlen wishes to con-,GOOD-At St.sJoseph's Hospital. aniani as v 13. segfor ep y ola la Anderson. senvod a daints? tea bis fith bîthday which fel u11 he reot fa b a or .ca.. ey he thanks tea aine igihors. Toroto, ontemon a t On- Gei wndnrll Post fic. Cedbys at which a number af the ladies 22nd. on July 24th. which çvas a It should be at hand in evenî iiends antI citizens for their 68th yrearPant Crd.if. belovedos Ofie.Toono summern t t elk were rs menchant's negular haîf holiday kitchen so that it may ho avail- kindly expressions ai sympathy 6t er otCei.blvd31-V* at tandhotrlakoda pres-of husbandy lme.ofeethenolatewin MaryuleGoodcidet._______fth_____Mry___d ent.ant enentînoda nmbe ofbisableataytne TeesnaalwigM.Ctrsacdn. Uncle ai F. J. antI Wm. Cale. FOR SALE OR RENT - IDEAL Douglas Tnaphy Winnors: The girl antI boy finondsaiat a picniC preparation requined. Just apply antI especially te Mn. J. A. Smith Bomnle.00anstkatIputy am G o A.B s el G.D G rn t final playof f for the John Doug- af the lako where everyane had Ithîe ail to the hum on scald ana for the wonderful basket of flow- omnil.f arstcadputyfri Ge M B s el G.D las Bowling Tnophy was playeti a jolly bime. 1 the pain wîll abate antI in a short. ens ho sent. to the hospital on HISLOP-In Oshawa. on Satur- -85 tillod. 15 Pasture. Al onMna, ihterikci- Mns. A. W. Glenney. Mir5 Thos. tinte cease altogether. Monday. day, July 27th. 1935, Fannie f ields opening onto 2 never-TO N O P MER posed of T. A. Rodger. C. R. Car A. Rode.at onen ...._________________________ veth, Walten Crowlher. v.si, girls are spending a week at Wil i giter of the late John Hislop 106' x 36', well and silo indoons. TORONTO OFFICE 2143 DANFORTH AVE.-G.07 and Perey Hare, skip. winninbhlamas' Point. Lake Scugag. Mes- 1 ~ v n ~ ii m antI Elizabeth Tweedie Hislop, New poultny bouse. Beautiful- 18 to 3 over thoin opponients. srs. W. F. Rickard. Arthur B. C.Th H a e of om deanly beloved sistor of Mns. ly situated in Cartwright Town- 1 Chris Law. Carl Fisher. H. Brone- 1 Harris andI Thos. A. RotIrme William F. McAtiîe. ship, 1,/ mile frn school and' PORT HOPE Offlice is open WEDN S A ton anti Gea. Jamiioson. tored the Party ouf. Mn. A. . GREEN-in Darlington on Tues- village. 2 milesfno paeofac ee from .m o9p .Poe Newtonvillo defealtd the Jas- Glenney antI Mn. Rodgen vîsîted Witten by Alpha Pinch. Oshawa, mencial liiie, keeping back temr day, July 30, 1935, John James itighway antI cont i nu a atVi o n coes in an exhibition pro-tourna- the gnoup on Sunday afternoott. formerly of Bowmanvilie mnitability antI pelulance. andI Green, son of the late Mn. antI scitool. Retiring. Fan funthen 248 or' 525J. G. M. Bosnell inch ge nment patc an fhr al M.WorwHri n discontent, but ai nigittiail tite Ms. Patrick Green, in bis 49thi particulans apply James Ginn, S T by 6 Vo 2 on Monday evening. party of boys motored to Have- 1 "Do you know anyone wanling dam breaks antI scolding breaks, year. 1 R. R. 1, Burketon. Ont. 30-2* COBOURG Office is openS TU D Y o Mn. antI Mrs. Milton Biette. lock Jul.y 27th an a blaeborny. bolp at farmîng on anything?" in iloods antI fresitots antI a sun- Fanenal fro ite famnily rosi- eahwe jm9a n o9P Calgary, Alfa., and Mns. George picking expodition. reîar ng on j Bfare me stood a yoang man shiny day ends in a îempestaoas dence. Darlington. on Friday. eah wek rSt9oacmk oFop. SaGrdo Nicholson. Toronto, visited Mr. Monday monning with sevenalj about 18 years of age of a pleas- night. Home is a place where we August 2nd. Fanerai mass ai ieSokFrSl E. Gaî'nett in charge. and Mrs. Franklin Allin. baskets of Natures favorite fruit irg appeanance. dlean antI tidy,; can lounge in slippors, minus coal St. Michaels Cburch. Coboung. FOR SALE-52 R.O.P. BARRED NOTE-Whene at ail possible kindly makeapinmft Rev. Mn. Koffond. Stirling. for pio-making. Iwoaring a smile an bis face, antId andI calian, antI nottho tioughl ai. 10 a. M. Intentent iSt. Rack pullols. four monfhs aId; for exajainations. vsited bis fathen. Rev. Robt. Mn. andI Mns. Ernnest Alywn antI infonmod me ho had beon wonk- ungracefal. Homne is the place Michaol's Cemeteny. Cobourg. 1 300-egg size Simca Incubaton. Xoffen atCamp Copper Beech. four sons. East Toronto, wore jing an road wonk natit-job ho- wheno we can exrpress affection erynwPhe47.311 Mrs. W. J. Eilbock e*itetainod holidaying wth Mn. Jas. Robin- ing finished ho thought Vo como antI nof be thougitt silly. Fr epW ne at hon cottage at the lako on son antI sistons. soutit. andI look for a change. but Thon homo is a political safo- 1 - -i PIGE FOR SALE- SIX WEEKSj July 25th. Sunday guosts with Mn. Isaac it seents as titougit the labarnimr guard. The safoty of the domin W A N T E D - EXPERIENCED 1 aid: Lot 23. Con. 5. Darlingtofl ______________________________ r. W. F.dRikar andth I-Mn. andI Mrs. Eric Wicks. Mn. and 1 wauld have te neturnnnoth 1 af lbthhome. Tho C hbr i s tfla n trtApply*-LR." c o R.C.tcateHapto. 1- anM.ihand ons. aSlb wn e -soesokd at hfh o alb lonnlie sfe famban.non-m1ko1.ForSLEO XCAG d.eW Dudoy atte. ndod th e g- 1s mtt nIsnDatnT rognettod thiat work was soO- hearthslone is the only corner mn fice. ________ A pony. quiet ta ride on drive. den art aIMn. at Ms.enn- ranta. and Mn. antI Mrs. Normnan thig]Icaldn't supply, but if ho. tone for a dominion. the virtues, ______- FR AL RkEXCHNOER-.'.R.IR2. est H-amm's. O nno. WlasD- Wed-E COrPEsBetaJo nson nesday antI thon went on to Mill- Grshr.Brightan. Iwshungny, I could help with a' cultivalod in the family circle is WANhoTciD- AR ad COUPLEr BrthonomnBunkotonr. .2.H brokt ateda urcio tee. 'M.A. A. Martin,.B.A., B.Paed.. lunch. Ho doclined with titanks an absolate necessity fan a do- ienced in iainming Vo livo in 31-1______P R brok a aied fuclan hee.I.P.S.. Brighton. who proached in' as, ho was nat hungny. -Whero ino npblc If lter ne itjwthaml.Gvronnc. Miss HaVtio Rutiterford antI, the United Chancit Sundiay, took hoe? I bave none.-", ino eulcwihfmy.Gvrfrnes ~ ;su , nuhmnlpicpewî otSlni patnt a iiifor his morning text -AntI the -Whero do youn tarntsmako? AUCTION SALE WfW' were guests ai Dn. andI Ms. R. disciples toocloICnain~d o nw"îa he famnily aditere tene wl ntcule____".M"c h A nd LE S weecle hitan-Id e n "Semînngly a- j- ho enaugit polilical pincipîe t culeepyJ M"coTh ___ Mac-hefod.fînst in Anfiocit.' the subjeci of one in Ibis wido world. Theo make theto dminion aditone. The Statosman. 31 -1 Aug. is addess being. -W hat is ahove canversationi explains fa sa mne sîarnm hal upsos te siip The housebold farnntur , ga - United Chunch - Rev. S.te doMtac, cttn. ugy.et. gai Lean, B.A., Paston. Sunday. . Citistianity? Il is a Way af Life' titis article,.r!an which the f amily sails will _____ deth le cuMar Muggy.wic..oF a rS t r a 4th: 10.15 a. m.-Sunday School; ant he speaker pointed ouf baw Thone are many ianoly pilgris' sink the figate oi state - gov GNTEANDEhESeOM i sot ubia undat bis laie F i a a u n.-Evoning Service: Rev. Geo.; way antI bit a chant fan all ~t ahmnfoeiafu. otjis eieuay ris andI hoard in privalo famiily. nesidoîce. King St. West, Bow- Mason, Bowmnanvillo. will preacb ýCitistians ta f ollow. M i ss es 1na hayon f ram the starn ono'n aid navies are not cour hest de- Write. giving woekiy rate, te0 manville, on Satunday. Augasi CLEARANCE 0F ALL OR ME T monn n vnn.ýuhHle n eseBlack- p lace o! retreat. no place f0 rosi ýfonce. The doon of lte homo is R M. H.' Siatosman Office. 3rtI ai 2 p. m. D.S.T. Ternsinteso. morning ad ever.tg t Ruth Hlmos antIBessie 1I rom ttescene of greeds lass, the besl fantress. household ulen-3-2cst WJCali.ucinn St. Georges Chancit - Rov. F. b umn sang in duet as aspia an gi. Oh pity the man or 1 sils are lte best anfillory. aiîdth ie 31-2cash.W._J.__________________ithetore H. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ Pca Man.d.A. . . eco.gube.Lveont.Fah H.Msn ..BDnmeLv fteFte. woman. boy on girl. withaut a chimnoys a! oun tIweling bouses A t atc ________ Sundy, ag.4th.7thSiay n lte evening, Mn. Martin home waidorng fron place te the grandesl monuments of safe- ,gn________ aflen Trnity: 9.45 a. m.-Sunday, spoke on, Life's Chrisian Cital- place as te pasturo changes. fy andI triumph - na hoe - SALESMEN WANTED - EARN School: il a. mn.-Morning Pray- longe, front Rom. 12: 10-11. Ho Many ai us 1ook hack wth fond no dominions. $25 on more weekly commission or antI Holy Commnunion: 7 p. m. Ipresentod fan the congregation5 ysaim oro!hinci- iigin tohm oOi Bnse.Copef inoo J E OUR W IN £O M ~ -Eveisang and Sermon. Ic ansideratian an acrostîc. usîng h aad homo wtich is sf111 a de- aftonnaan my noxî door neigit- guaranteed nocossities in a SIE ______________________ ght aid a tting of beaaty antId bor's little tIaugbior came on te tome. Eveny persan a custom- ltat is a joy forover. a venanda. Wo wore having aic onCopatnasaured. Cash Ask fîive mon the meaning o chafty vstwo 'h"st proposition an Sunety Age ir rn n u te word "home*' antI they will 1 cried.-titene is my tIadtIv comn- ment. Amazing special deals . EA..r SERVICE OF gieyau iedfeetdfntos n"ad away she ilew Vinte Write fan details antI catalogue: TH CANAO AN liED CAL.& an esrp ailxPrdct.INSURANCE COMP-ANq& S vi g meain -on wllanwo. faur turned leading Daddy by lte ment. Montreal. I94N CAN>.D4 waltI a roof, a floor. soewin-;itand antil site pilaied bimteV te _____FLATULENCE________________ dosadadoan: anothen woald doansil ai home witicit is the dry1 Boarders 'WantedFatlneo gsisaor caîl titis a shelter only. Ask an- dock wbene iteavy ie is unload- Fltlneo ja"i er otitor tite meanîng aofte w'and t et. Yes lufe la like a sfanmy sea. HOME FOR AGED OR CONVAL- tiat is ased by te public te ac- harne antI hîs answor is love ai 1witich sometimos seorns ta break escent in village, close te cauni for tIiscomfort in the ah- the iteantit. plenfy on the table, an us front a dlean sky. antI we chunch. Appîy Mns. Niddery. daorn whîch may ho due to a! N s n o e ypinusryatte or sop soe.met Ioub30-o2lss t-digestive upset. arisiitg out ofai ar n sL we Pric St e inusryaitie ar sap sor. ee acludunl i as, 1y- Hampton. mtin30ituhac. I ora office. intelligence in booaks, a! pioonLs o! sicknes. andI cyclones - otinldsubne gneeling at te doan. caresses icarnying away sonie of oun moaf i bladdCottaes disoa apediotr .aPhone 595 mrontthe childnen. clappiig ai prociaus possessions. Mist antIdu mr otaes cofaithstrcianuaennBo m vle bantIs with laughton. Gay car- 1 foga obscure te barbon lightîs. COTTAGE TC) RENT - WEST! etc. tains hanging frointhlie wide thon wilb silvered masîs-. antI Bahdanse.b eka ai epeîl bu a We an tat ou buines i for wrds- Aythng ~yi ndtoaw a, rnoke curling initari sail antI loaking hulk, we mantit. Ray vsPtoe632. forming in thein stomnachs. The Sheet Metal. Four mono state aur business poiicy - wnoaths frot lite ciinoy. whis- put into the hayeon fhome for Bonavlo 1 1aiy w'ay ilu wbicb gas cauld fort j Nothing But The Best. We have te prices, te neputa- per s aticn,.b dsow' d reais.ota e itoin thepiadbei h font e tin- and the goods. Phone 264W. tperwst affetin. Fidow isingrepira.ftehe tolgiaspiltstTo Let able la escape front the stornacit pleasre atyour eturn shis entring he habor t _ _hald ferment. This rarely c- We m n p WAsk anathen mari wiat homnej guide il fe port. TO RENT-6 ROOMED HOUSE. cura. 'me gas sappased f0ehoc R eE oL OA means ta it aid ho will tell yoa Home is a refuge where we aîî canveniences. central loca- formed in thte stomnacb is airAT IE is want laoking out of a fine- 'sîack oun implemnents ai labor. tion. Apply F. C. Haar. Phone Vbicb is swallowed. asaally ta- Tinsnithingan Shoot Metal - Boawmanville les rale, knoading banger in an ledgers. law boaks. aid canes, andI 112. 23tfgehr it oo addrnk enpty bread tnay, the damp air j ang ap our rogalias, andI badges -__ The taste 0f samne foads is aptC r er Go makes yau sitiven. vile sangs foro f affice. Haw' pleasant it us ta FOR RENT-SEVEN ROOMEDiao refurn. This daca net ineani lullaby. eveny face a pîctareOfo! ecaunt the day's acîlvities, sur- bouse an Ontario Street. aIll that thte particalan food wbich isa ___________________despain. awfui w'ord homne spell- prises antI attacks. sitting by the convenionces. garage. APPly ttus ne-fasted is difficahttefadi1 ~~~~ l~~~~ed wit curses. il chokes wttcmfn fitehmir.a tet Mrs. F. W. Coucit. Ontario geai.. Somnetimnes a portion ofMe - N M S R I Ewa'e. il sweats wit the agany Ofj thon rest aur woary head on lte rnowanville. 30-2 faod negargitates . ,Sucit hp- S COOKIES DOZEN 100LO despair. nia wreatits ai lovenoldotIawn,,- pillow aifanoget!ulness - -- peînig is nat seniu. nIVie COCLT MRI'.L Euurtmunvs t 3ces sui sparkleo0f eyes lîffed te meet antI dreams ntlte bugle Aprters o Rent su ateepre FINISHED FAMILY WASH othon eyes. noamake cursfri lanm cdock cails as ta thte activ- - -inaninai eas h atrciie B S U T 20 Pieces Ail Ironed $1 .00 te cbitney. a ul rn cteerlesa place, ities of a new day. H E A T E D APARTMENT TO ai the healiby stamachi la sur on NEW~ CROP PURE andtIhie Bible. a book unread. Do not regard home as a place rent--Centnai location. 7 nooîns. acid. 5 cents each additional piece. antd hetweon titese two homos lies Vo eat aid sboep only: have ah madern conveniences, fine- The rambling oi gas in te ah-bu~ug Hom i apoenultet f hveroaxlin;mae it hme slveinslein grdon anetrcd oasinit e tetne s Frmnta- SloRBOH n B Su lss sIe carry a full linofa films, Ffon wiin disobedience andI solf- Optometry Feaiture Service place a s tolte danger of! blanting 50 L. BLOCKS Sun Gassescameras and photographiec' Iashlights isitness the ligitîs will fade and The Chiid and lit ail abdominal dtstress an lte Noxemasuplie. Ie Ceamga ouf in tIankness, for a true Development stomnadi or bowels. Titere are SALT - 55e nd 9 Nozrasple.IeC mhaime is where loving hearts are Specializlng excîusîvoîy in alter important organs whicit ____________________________ Gypsy Tan Oil SOLE KODAK< AGENCY Soft Drinks jained logethen in union antI ai- muscle anomalies. eyeslght may be at f ault. Diet la Impant- foctlion. _____ andI glasses. ant, but what vou est may not ho f ? PWorms sap te strengih antI for appolntment 151(l Questions concerningz healtit. Harry A lli i, G r ce J]8aLOFV ELL - Your rugglsts undenmne the vitalily 1ai child- Disney Bidg. Opp. P. O. addressed Vo lte Canadian Med- Poe16o 2 QUICK )ELIVRY PRSCRIPIONS DSPENSD BY RADUA ES in. Strengthen ltent by. usîng Oshawa, Ont. icai Association. 184 College St.. Poe16o 2 omnil PHOE 7 FR QIC DEIVEY RESRITIOS DSPNSE B GRDUAES MoterGraves' Worm Etein- Po Toronto, wlll ho answered per- inator Vo drive ouItVite parasites. sonally by letton.

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