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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Aug 1935, p. 5

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PAGE FIE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 29, 1935 Social and Pers onalspent Sunclay with Rev. and Mrs. 9 t 50 wouild mnake roorn for others. That ever-popular feature the tired in costumer euirt C. R. Spencer at Big Bay Point.: o 1 E h onytati pyn offreg rop inigan ly finds a prominentpaeo h Trinity United Church choir S c a C e i living. etc., would go to pnt oWfD1 fSrolin groubads. orn and ter eealcunre, gi S c a an e s n lmembers are requested to meet our debt and in due time we 0 * ng their national music and at- Music Day progra tCNE f~or pract ice this Thursday at 9 'Continued from page 1) would be f ree f rom debt. Brown-Gibson______________________________ 1P.M. and also to be in theiran Now you will ask wby it would ,viss Maud Elliott is visiting Saturday to Scbîeiber where lie places at the services on Sunday. through being residents. an only take 6 or 8 million dollars A quiet but pret.ty wedding Mr.irhbrook. Gait. s on the Hîlgh School teaching Mrs. I. R. Bragg, Mrs. Fred~< thrif t. That no mai, or men1 to pay a debt of 120 millions. took place at Courtice United snA-staff. Allun. Mrs. Fr-cd Wight. Mrs. C. have a rigbt te exploit. our nat- By the way. I may say just here Church Parsonage on Saturday, Mirs. A. L. Darch Teed . rssJo.naîn AtlTrin- A. Wight and Mrs. M. H. Wight . ural resources and that this un- that we are going int.o debt here August 24th. wben Myrtie Win-1 O I I S T bert visited relatives atTwe. MsJ.CCarsothTai-av ennjyg a very pleas- carned incriment belongs to us, eacb year to just about what nifred Margaret, eldest daughter M.Go erehsbe ii- igf havtafha etr e benen1yngIBOWMANVILLE LIONS CLUB Mc.osa Ge. eaceba benviitin cottaffeartrne d L ake nt wveeks outing at Lake Scugog. o1. at least a share of it does. Social Credit would require for its of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gibson. from her cottage Stlemew Lake. Rev. and Mrs. Roy Rckard. I wiîî give you one illustratinplan. wsr,'..i.mrra 'h i Rev. and Mrs. J. U. Robins, Laecgo.Colborne. Mrs. H. Martyn. Strat- and bundreds could be given for Now to answer the question of liam Hubert Brown, son of Mr. Listowel, are holidaying at WeU- Mr. H. C. Garratt, Napanec.is ford. and Dr. Howard Rickard. that matter. Take our coal for jwbat 6 million dollars would do. and the late Mrs. W. H. Brown. Fe lD ance and C'arni a ington. relieving a freîght agent at ot Coborne. have been visiting instance. Place a coal mine in Economists in no way associated Rev. W. C. Smith officiated. The To mark the opening of new Roller Skating Rlka Mrs. Gowanlock, London, is C.N.R. wbile Mr. C. Thompson is their mother. Mrs. J. G. Rickard. the middle of the Sahara desert with Social Credit - say that a bride was gowned in pale Pink!CE M 0 A LY C M %isiting ber uncle, Mr. James i ofl olidays. who is quite low. and it would flot be worth a cent $1.00 bill passes through from 50 crepe witb hat te match and R A OFB LE C N stanley. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Nichols. Mrs. Arthur Sine and so a ton. Place that samne mine te 300 hands in the course of a white accessories. She was at- V E N S A E T Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Wood Kennetb and Margaret. are visit- George. Brockport. N. Y.. Miss .iust outside your city and it im- year. Do you get the point?-If tended by ber cousin, Miss Myra have been visiting with friends ing bis sister, Mrs. John Mitehell. Harriett Nicholis. Grenville. N.Y..' mediateîy becomes a mighty val- the $1,00 passes tbrougb 30 hands Cown of St. Catherines. who wore W D E D Y E T in Toronto. Leamington. have been visîting old f riends in uable property. Why? It's the in one year it does $50,00 worth pale blue crepe with bat to Miss MildredMrTronto, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Jobnston ternivtonadclngOlsaine coal. Wby - because there of business. If 300 hands. $3.00.- match and white accessories. TheJifthLinCo uit'Srcelu has been visiting her aunt, Mrs. are holidaying with their daugh- thte f iends of their youth. are thousands of persons who Il worth of business. , bride wore shoulder corsage of VALUABLE PRIZES w. J. Found.1 ter, Mrs. 'Dr.) W. T. Veale. at Mrs. Margaret Edgerton. Nes- want it to burn for fuel. It i A short time ago I read an white gladioli and Pink. and the lst- Rogers Auto or Mantel Radio, ya.lue 16.5 Miss Mildred Coolidge, Lon- 1 Harr'ow. Ont. tieton. wvho advertised her farm the people who use it that make English book on our monetary brîdesmaid wore pink roses and 2nd- Bulova Watch, value $24.75 dion. was guest of ber cousins, tbe Mr. and r.Ae lit for sale or cent in the Statesman it valuable. Now - can you get system and there was a good il- bachelor buttons. The groom 3rd- Gibbard Walnut Tea Wagon, value $2.O ,\isses Neads. iJo d M Bar is Alex Er.iot. St ast ueek. writes to discontinue the drif t of cultural becitage? lustration off my point-Bill and was attended by Mr. Clifford Mr. and Mrs. Sid. NBaraesvisiia- M. ad the advt as the one insertion I oca yuwiisett.Tm ergoing to the Alcott Swallow. The groom's gif t te bis ETASEILPIZ HTADPN .aFalls. Ont.., aris , Na Mrs . oa and rnwn brought splendid resuIts. eeybn d iie a races and te psy the expenses Of bride was a leather Miro-Pak. to1 M.F. W. Nelles. ollaquitncs\Il. Manson Conistock. mana- ight to a share off the profits.i their holiday decided tO take a the bridesmaid a sardonyx neck- Round and Square Dancing GoodOr eta Mis RsalndAlin.Edon Mcs. Gea. Cornisb and Jean, rer off Sheppard & Gill Limited. These profits are distributedi keg of beer witb tbem. and would lace. and te the gcoomasman a mn la.isvstn er aunt'I Mrs. Ahs. orcett. MswHer. e , acconlpaniying a Pacty of On- the focmn of basic (othy i i- senl it at 12 pence a quart. They gold tie clip set. Aftec the cere- Mis nn E. Al vstn. i.Ahgt oot.wr e tacio coal dealers to Scranton. iceds ufii nt ocoerfod put it in their cart and stacted moy ecepin 0 eda cent. guelara off Mcs.RB.NAndTus- Penn.. ,vliece they will make an cobn nc hle. ti s off. It was a bot day and Bill got the borne of the bide's parents Mis hClrayin sb lier N.oc- jCcngratulai onsto Mng iers Mac- :s to ftewcdfamous timated that this amount sbould Ithicsty. So be said Tom-Illgive for the immediate relatives and ole.s.H l eneibbrmo.oi ro nobann e ul coal mines of that district. yu3pnbe info u er.finswhnabfetlnho ~her. Ms. H. Ahlee. oc exam. in Oral Fcench wbile Rev. and Mrs. E. F. Armstrong value cif $2500.the t was a bargain so they stepped was secved by Miss Vers isn af L a pn Misses Macy and Louise Bowell, atnigsurrnmec school at Que- adMs agrt rscn. Nwte eebrodyu3 ec itfcou er red he uftlnhon on't De v.aughtN a Toronto. are visiting their cous- atendadMisinertArsrng o, pay attention bere - it i and dcew off the beer. A littie Miss Edna Swallow and Mcs. Roy essrs, hNehveobeensbaateoning a not $25.00 in cash. It is a ciedit later Tom got thirsty and made TruIl. The table was prettily Mna sahldy otb agtwtoteog c.\I ndEMJ . JmeM a rc. Messet r s. Nenal Wlasn Oocnped 0Kîncardine and Godericb. visited Voucher I will caîl it for the sake the samne offer to Bill and paid decocated in pink and white witb bread and other baked products to last you over h oldy Mc. ~ ~ ~ r E.Jaao 5rtrigDndMWilliams acborneaned Mr. and Mrs. J. C. MacDonald off a better naine. Tbis dividend with the 3 pence Bill gave hinm. a tbcee-tiec wedding cake in the See our driver or eall at the store for full supplie hs ek - - .Mc.aner M on. arip o o n- wbîle on their xay to t.heic home canno. 1w used foc any other This went on forward and back 1 centre. The bride and groom left end. iMcea. Wge natpt o-at Bowmnanville. -Listowýel Ban- purpose. It is claimed that wben ail the way to the races. By the on a motor trip nocth, the bride LET US CARRY ON r andl. usllBo n ler.1 the plan is propecly organized it time they got there the keg was travelling in a navy blue and There's stiil l enty of summer time aheasto' Ma nd Mcs.t R el Bond Mr.M. and Mcs. William C. Gar- could be a greater amount. empty. Do you get it? - They whit.e dotted crepe dress ç%ith ohrt ih orfr o ae e sd tfryu Q U A LTm mho and da u tler.Vioa. ad Mc.- caway. Guelph. announce the en- This is the great bone of con had drank a keg of beer and bad navy accessories. Tbey will ce- bte olgtyu iet ae e sd tf ~~ ~ Tihs Brre.Bter. Pa. .are vs- tere ntoftiretdag- tention by the opponients off soc- only used 3 pence to do it.. side on the gcoom's dairy facm. A Real Treat - Try One Toia itin. i ohr Ms hs e. Marguerite Hilda Gladys. t.o ial credit - particularly the In the -flow off money*' a $1.00 Maple Grove.f McasFrIs f r ndMs ynyA ah , Ralpb Henry Wood. B.S.A.. ýpiesent UFA. Govt. Tbey shout bill can do $300.00 wortb off busi- ______ _______ The W ligSude-Any 11 S pea s ForItseI i Brfl.S~d Mcs SydnyA.Nah. edrst sn Mc I. and Mrs. E. J. over the radio and on the plat- j ness in a year. But that is notIWakig uae- n raor-c That's why Bowman- Jhn. Drera it.sent niay wiB.H ding ta take place September 18. against the bank art, the B.N.A. and can do the samne thing again CHURCHESi August and September will see many wedinsadth th frmrsnice Ms.B.H. Bowmanville citizens will learn Act.. etc." an1aea wu ,nx1ecad50o ni ti majority of the l4edding cakes wiJl bc Corbett maenhr' ville Dairy has had a Montîock. A iead o c-with regret, off the deatb in ol abou di. etate amfl extad r soad o ocnut. Thena UNITEdDhtreso s ht obets tedl lireasiilg 1i W. Faf andssnon. and thatt i. reasonhe aise1thaty sCorborett' ut.makeTRIbettNITEr wed- i.easîn et on.Christie Street Hospital off John TRINITYln CinfrcHURCH s ihdan rm icuaio ding cakes. ~~teaclilv mc g Peterboro. bave been W. Worcall off Oshawa. Mc. tie tat lan.s n.frcerecsitirontg.arî romcirulaio number of customers eisiting at W. J. Found's and Wacrall. a veteran off the Great and all over CanadaEnow and and replaced so that as agtter ReFranimsutong. P.aste cther relatives and friends in the Wac. was optician witb Jury & Is n oriead ther famiriesoinefinte sinlo. j Organist and Choir Dicector C R E T S B K eah onh.community. Lovellin Oshawa fosame Mus. Bac. God news spreaas Mi. A. J. Whaîen. Manager off nO vafrteps i are being paid on exactly this Now-its time for bea o- Sna, et s:1 . m.-Poe3 Dsrbtr a' oke omni Good ~~~~~~~~years. and for the past yeac bas pa.Te r ocofs tIt e i aemd yef cdean The Souls Restocing Holiday'; Phone ___3___________________________________ fatan or usomrs Bank off Commerce. bas neturned apleeah ptca i o-ngo taytia oincyondsegal as er fan1a h ave one . Sna Sho iI et ftc_______________________________ ,.~L. ~to duty aften visiting bis parents. nection witb McGregan's Drug ngttal oe n ea the second bymn: 7 p. m- i s;oon sl)ieau the goou Mn. and Mrs. S. Whalen. Pene- - Sore in Bowntanville. His deatbh tender. Tbey cefer ta the dis- (Continued Next Week) ý"Things That Count."' You are news of Pure, W/hole- tnushn.came fnom the efffect of wounds asr u euts off te oe cocdialhy invited ta these sec-I IMr. and Mcs. Clarence Bortree. sustained ini the wac. sued during the French revolu- Baby jungle animaIs off various vices. some Milk to their frî- M~fr. and Mns. Chas. Cax. Empor- _________ tion. It is not money and does kinds have been presented to the____ ends. ~~ium. Pa.. are visiting the later's not interfece with the bank setChdensZoa.te aain S. paet.Mn. and Mcs. Chas. Cax. A CURE FOR BLUES any more than the cheques wc National Exhibition by the Unit- PA S NED HRC issue againsypaent..t aur bank accoant. dPoicsof niAtrte Rev. A. S. Kerr. Minister Bw avle D ry Ontario St.isu gisePrvneofIdaAtrth iMilk and Cream is thei General Sic Archihald Macdon- Go to vour cottage door, The dividcnd cornes automTatie- Exhibition the babies will be sent Mrs. C. H. Dudley, Ocganist ver- bes tha mo e l and Lady Macdonell. King- A morning you're dull and blue, ally the f irst of every montb and Ito the Toronto Zoo as a gifft te and Dicector vey bstta mny sten. called and had lunch with Forget yourself for just ten min- belongs to icb and poor alike. the hblîdren off Canada. Sunday, Sept. hst: 10.10 a. m. can buy - yet it is flo Col. and Mns. L. T. McLaughlin utes 'Social Credit is based on the icuacies ut ol;B1ea!:x.m.-"Dl moeepnie than on Monday. And drink in the beauty that r ight to live and let live. ciebunoBad"3 .- Misses Marion and Pauline su.ud0 o.oe h a hn nh ui esn Memonial Service and Anniver- o r d ina ry milk and 'Wagar. Miss Vera Power and Miss Look first at the warm grey eactb in terns off the old system of _____sacy off Depositing of Colons off Vivian Bunner bave gone ta the Ad wa a Commencing Friday, August 30. 2nd Batt. C.E.F. in St. Pauls cra.Georgian Bay district where tbey nc sec ha you a sec, money came f rom"? "It can't be 1 shaîl offer private lessons in Church. service attended by vet- will spend a short holiday. Pobbyabrffiinteabudoe. twilcs10mlin Singing, Piano. Violin, fcom be- crans; address by Rev. A. D. Bo m nv 1e Mr. and Mcs. A. Hord, and Mc. In search off a worm or bec. dollars a year. "Why that's more ginners to A.T.C.M. Terras mod- Robb, Oshawa; 7 p.m.-Evýening Vc~ Bowm n4 le and rs. rthr Wad, Tront. Lok rext t grcefu. sayin mony thn w hav in heServicete Se itce drawn.wn Mc. and Mca. John McClintock, trees. vince," etc. Thinking under pre- Pano Class Lessons by auth- DaryPort Ferry. were gucats off Mr. Whether thcy be near or f ar, sent-cxistiflg conditions. you can ority off the certificate f romn the ST. JOSEPH'S R. C. CHEUBCH and Mrs. Gea. A. McTaggart. With their branches so strong imagine the way thcy would talk. Canadiani Bureau f or the Ad- Rev. Father J. F. McGuice, Pastor PHONE 446 OR70 Messrs. Tom Dustan Jr. and B. and enticing They are stili thinking off the vancement off Music. Sunday, Sept. lst: Mass at Bowmanville H. Mortlock. Town. and Mrs. H. They make you forget bow you dividends in dollars. Responsible violin ClssLssn at the rate Bowmanville 9 a. m.; Mass at ICameron and Irene, Tyrone. are. economists have estimatcd tht o $1.50 Per montb. Newcastle 10.30 a. m. 6 million dollars would be al the Theory as rcquired for the A.T. ____ Look ncxt at the f ields in the money necessary to cover the C .and for the higber examin- ST. JOHN'S ANGLICANAT HE B G 2 distance. wbole plan for Alberta and would ations lcading te the Mus. Bac. CIJRCH Youwil md mstcoplete stock of every 5colne.a Wbetber it be Spring. Summer 1w cepaid in 20 years. adCleeo rait ere.Rv .R pneMAYuwl idams o 1~e s E n ~ G r e A mior Faîl, By this plan you sce that pov adCleeofOgnssdges.Rv .R pneMARco values that cannot be surpassed anywbere. FUrneo V s En G a a e A d And simply dev'our that beauty erty would disappear at once. Francis Sutton. Mus. Bac (Tor.) Mcs. J. A. Gunn, Organist Public Sehool Texts from primer to entrance. Unsavl- op nGad gave and meant foc us ail. Uncmploymnent vould cnd and FeIIow of the Canadian College of Sunday, Sept. hst, lltb Sunday ues in school bags. Ail authorlzed High ScIb exah M ach ne hop Nowock for cverybody ffrom 21 ta 50 Organists affter Trinity: Holy Communion stock. Special orders promptly fllled. We are now open for business. This shop is awned and Lo o n e a ndsiteeh, yeacs off age. Affter tbat tee a.C nd Sii, rganFINanEilR.Nm.EEvningPrayr 7 .m operated by a man with 25 ycars' experience as a motor Secmyfecyadwi, would be a pension sufficient toindvoIi Sunday School 10.30 a. m.FIE R N E 0 F U TAN EN mechanie. With myiads off birds darting keep anc in comfort. Retirement Phone 42 - Bowmanvillc _____________ from 25c to $5.00 Le orexerecebeyurasuaneCarefree and happy in theic Student Special Fountain Pen ..... .. .2 Letourexerincebeyou asurnceflght CO IN EV NT LET JEWELL'S FILL YOUR SUHOOL OPENIN RE of satisfaction. Lokfo lhrouCOMaNboutLioI J. L. DEMIIERLING, PROPRIETOR Andoako Naurondaouyo In The Dim an Distant t BowmanviUle Wumen's Institute, J. WV. Jew ell With ber gloriaus mantîe cnvcî will meet on Friday, August 30th W est End Garage& M achine Skop y*fl f you a y Yý G fV ER (( 3 P. nm. aI the home off Mcs.: Phone 30Bo anil at _____i_1 Mrs. Roy Langmaîd, District Pres-' From The Statesulan, From The Bowxnanvilie News, idient, will speak. August 28th, 1885 August 26th, 1910 Mesrs T. Burden and N. S. This week we bave ta record Young rcprcentcd F lcenc eth, death off MrJamnes Cryder * DMAN]C R Nightingale Ledge 1. O. O. F. at man. one of the old settlcrs of j u I L 1f A Wtkh.~S o esW~e Gr~and Publeing Sehools Mca. J. H Asbe, sbawa on aFor School peng nirl Wl eS t r sHamilten. the residence off bis daugbt.er. beautlfy the ineals wnoeonMna et uutSunday. F rS h o p n n IT'S EASY ~315t. Major Edwy White off the Sal-i TO APPLI Born-McCullougb, near En- vation Army, Atlanta, Georgia, S P E C I A L Pens - 26c - 49c - $1.00 ___________ ___ V I ~ ~~~~~field on the 25th inst, te the wiffe accompanied by bis daugbtecs,Fo tanPnadae anP s S c o ., IV alues off Donald McCulough, off a Misses Keitha and Myrtle is visit- Pnil et.a5nd$1O.O s,- Clgate daughter. lng the scenes off bis boyhood eclSt$.5-100 Cartwright-On Monday, Aug-aygetofhscuiMsE. Fl R ut 24th, the infant son off M as , guiestsoffbi cosin Mss . i Sc Sheaff er PensRpd-Sh e A group of unusual values you cannot afford to miss. Check up on these W. Coulter, died aller suffening Bornt Medicine Hat. Sask.. $2.75ted l Cea money. from an abscess on ils back 9ht MADE BY ECLIPSE $.5u this week-end, if you're interested in saving mny Mrs. Coulter is flot expected to Auus 19h o r. and Mrs. Mor- ________ suvielog Mr. W. E. Tilley, ley Cawkcr a son. e KIDDIES DR SSES B KI DIES COAT M.sA.,ie logbyesctdcol, The fruit growers off Ibese Un- LET US REPAIR YOUR PEN- KID IES DRE SESinspector visîted some off Cart- ited Counties met in Cobourg on Bring your aid fountain Pen to us. We guarantee to repflair any Sin 39 Every dress reduced for school AT GIVE AWAY PRICES wright schools while camped at AugusI. l7tb. and among local pen made. Prices are reasonable and service prompt. --- openng sle.All ood tury 7 nly Twed Cotsin bue, Scugog. people lected off icers werc Presi-LE L opnig ae.Ai oo sudy7 nyTwe CatinbAe Newcastle-Mi'. J. E. Atkiflsof dent. W. H. Gibson, Newcastle: dresses and washable brown and grey; Sizes 'a - 6 and off the Port Hope Timnes is spend- TreasureTomsMet . _ i td YOUR IM AUing bis holidaYs here Mr. Ho- Newcastle: Executive, Fred Hoar. rai' <d urne CrupI Al rese rg.__ 9: î-eg. to 3;7-95'aî Chandler. wben riding bis Bowmanville.-L. -1 DEVELOPIN RJTN to share. Sit--9cad$.5place -called Vanlcek Hill, near Th Il. E. GUIn, in _________________---__----- SPirs paicrad $1.35 Ottawa. His successor is R. J. Ye8-i. I Niddery. Died-In Bowmanville, August SHOE - TEX Courtice-Miss Bond, whIle vis- 2th, Wllia m H.,Dstan Sr, aged I a11 e~r S t re Liai ted wek ws tkenII an Isnotcx Fo Ai Whteting at Mr. William Mutton's last' 89 yars. THE SUPERIOR CLEANER pected te recover Mr. A. M. "Is there any truth ln the ce- So 5 Fowler left bis horse standing ln pdi-t that Angus MacTavlsh A lhoesG r Your Favorite Shopping Centre bis yard. A tail pcd dog ran by bought the fillng station?" PO E14BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO and what is le! t off bis buggy rnay "«Well, I don't know for sure, MAIRU<IL STORE PUONS9 DIRUGSw.DUE PHN 14be seen at Mr. Jas. Caurtlce's but the 'Iree air' slgn has been AGENCY ___________________________________________________ & hop. - taken do'wn."1

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