PAGE FMV THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, SEPT. 12th, 1935 Mrs. %arl Osboia-i.e and Mi.s., in Enland and Scotland. Freemnaf Power~ have been visîtingi Capt H. S. Gillespie. Mrs. Gill- 1 relatives in Palmerston.1 espie and Mr. W. H. Ely. Cham- miss Bessie Jean Martin vis- bersburg. Pa.. visited Mrs. J. T. ited ber sister and brother in Tor- Fee and Mrs. G. A. Gillespie . onto and attended the Ex. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Freeman miss Mary Thompson. Gulport, and Miss Doris Freeman are bh- Miss.. is visiting ber grandparents, daying at Cbatsworth and other Mr. and Mrs. David Morrison. points in Western Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Pearce and Mrs. Scott and daugbters Eliz- ton. Robert. Cla.remonk. isited abeth and Eflen May Scott of Mrs. L. C. Snowden, on Tuesda3y. Brucefield have been visiting the Mr. Leonard Hayward. of the former*s sister. Mrs. Neil Yellow- Evenif g News staff. Kenosha. lees. Wiscofsin, vîsited his mother, The Childrens Story Hour, Mrs. G. A. Pattrick. conducted by Mrs. Argue at the Mrs. Albert Manning. Ontario Public Library will be resumed on Street. bas a sunflower. the stalk Saturday morning, September 14, of which measures twelve feet, frorn 10.30 to Il o'clock. three inches in beight.. Dr. and Mrs. Fred Crydermari. Mc. Gea. E. Chase. Manager Detroit. Micb.. bave been visiting Public Utilities Commission is on his brother. Mr. J. H. Cryderman. bis annual fisbing trip in the and cene\ving ald acquaintances Highlands o! Ontario. in bis old home town. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cunningham Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Smitb are sailing for home on September Chicago, Ill.. and Mc. and Mca.q 2tb atter spending tbree montha C. C. Cook, Brantford. are Visit- Black.... WEAR IT THIS FALL Start out with a black dress this faJI. It will fit any oc- casion on your cal- endar, froin office to parties. The new silks look particu- larly rich ini black -maisy of theln are trimned with touches of Jewelry un the elegant new manner. Sizes for women and misses. Smart Black Coats - If you are partial to black we have a wonderful line of black %inter coats. Millinery - 0f course we have black bats to complete your smartly correct ensemble. T4e Evlyn Specialty Skop Phone 594 Bowmanville WHAT WILL 1 SERVE? Consuit N elles This perplexing problem las very easily solved for the bouse- 1ivea who shop at Nelles' Store where there la a complete variety of fo,dstuffs. etc., etc., Week-End Specials on Sale Thuraday, Friday, Saturday -- September l2th - l4th Supreme Shorter>ing 2 Ibs. for 25e Gold Medal Coffee, i .,'s ... .. . .. per tin 22c Crown Tea, I .' pkg. 25c Hawes' Floor Wax.........per tin 43c P. G. Soap 5 bars f or 19c STRAWBERRY J AM- - (WIT11 PECTIN) 32C Clover Leaf Sockeye Salmon, ',,... per tin 21 c 2 - In - 1 Shoe Pohish......2 tins for 21c Alymer Blueberries......2 tins foi- 23c Aylmer Infants Foods.......... 2 tins for 19c Rolled Wheat...........per bag 23c Keen' s Mustard ý lb. TIN 25&% Vinegar, (Spirit or Blended)....per gai 39c Swansdown Cake Flour ........ per pkg. 35c Fly Cols...........10 for 19c Aunt Dinah Molasses......per tin 11c Oxo Cubes, 1O's........per tin 25c Quaker Cornflakes .... 3 pkgs. for 25c MAGIC BAKING POWDER per tUn S POWDER<Cash and Carry) Certo...........per bottie 29c Peanut Butter, il oz.... ....per jar 15c Pumpkin..........2 tins for 19c Cooking Onions.......8 lbs. for- 19c Whiz Toîlet Flush.......ei tn 19C Choice Cooking Rice......3 lbs. for 23c HANDY Ammonia 3 pkgs. for 4 Caîl and get aur prices on peaches before buying elsewhere. F. W. Noules Phone 599 Bowmanville DAILY SERVICE Perry; R. T. Richards, Napanee; W. P. Waodger. Cobourg; S. Mac- Lean, Newcastle; C. Grahamn, Col- JO @ eW l borne. Other friends present Phone 30 Mrs. James Bîrchard, and Mrs. BOOKS & STATIONERV, Arthur Tamblyn. Oakwood: and PAINTS & WALLPAPER Messrs F. Brlntnell, E.* Quinn. CHINA & GLASS W. Grant, C. M. Finkle and R. I _____________________________________________ Keyes, Coborne. The bearers ______________________were Frank Riekard, Harry Pearce,. ing the f ormers aunt and uncle, former Royal Bank manager here. j W Mr. and Mrs. Neil Yellowlees. holding a fifteen pound pike he J2 Messrs C. T. Ross and Elgin caught while holiclaying at C. A. Varcoe enjoyed a weeks holîdays Bartlett's cottage. at Salmon Ifr at Manitou Lake. Algonguin Park Trout Lake. north Hastings. With V as. guests of Mr. Roy F. Gale. its tail bouching the ground the Philadelphia. Penn. at his fishing fish come.s six inches above theC] lodge. rotund beit uine of its captor. To i Mrs. W. Nesbitt and daughter land this prize catch we were told Cý Mr,. J. Prentiss. of Glasgow, that. Mr. Hefkey found it necess- ai Scotland. are returning home ary to .tump into the water and Li after a visit wth Mrs. P. Martin nmanhandle his quary as his line P] of Bowmanville. who is a sister broke in the struggle. Mr. Hefkev M of the former. is now manager of the Royal Bank J. Mayor James W. Brittain and at Belleville. ai Mrs. Brittain. SI. John, N. B.. The engagement is announced M' who attended the Union of Can- of Lillian Marie Valleau. the el- ai adian Municipalities convention der daughter of Mr. J. K. Val- Jý at North Bay, visited wth Mr. leau. Oshawa. and the late Mrs. M Fred C. Hoar and Miss Florence Valleau. t.o Ralph Allan Wallace. F Hoar. son of Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Wallace. H Mr. Thos. Trick. Winnipeg. Port Perry. The wedding wilI S, who served bis apprenticesbip as take place early in October. a] a carpenter bere wit.h the late T1 Richard Worth nearly 50 years MORE ABOUT ago. has been renewing old ac- Quaintances while guest of Mr. RICKARD DEATHS and Mrs. W. W. Short. Dr. Jabez H-. Elliott. Professor (Contmnued fromn page 1) E of History of Medicine at Uni-N versiy of Toronto left Tuesday to thirteen years ago. le attend the lth International The late Mrs. Rickard possessed I( Congress of the History of Medi- a keen forward-looking mind. t] cine which is being held at Ma- She was profited by her wise coun- i( drid. Spain. Sept.. 22 - 29th. sel and efficient and undefat- rt Mr. Forrest A. Dilling has re- igable worker. Her kindly hos- turned to îown after spending pitality. her untiring devotion to two weeks at. the Toronto Flying the welfare of others-in her Club ,where he has been taking bomne. in the communit.y. in the El course in flying. He bas a few larger circle of the Churcb with more lessons to complete before its lvorldwide interests. above sl. becoming entitled to a license. perhaps. and dominating ail. berb Miss Margaret Grant of Bow- strong Christian fath-all these I manville was the guest of honor have lef t a deep impress upon at at a miscellaneous shower at the multitude of people whose lives t home o! ber cousin. Mrs. D. E. bave been touched by her kindly INorwîck. Toronto. The bride- spirit. i hl elect. was the recipient o! beauti- The funeral service wshl ful gfts fromn ber many f riends at her late residence. CentreSt.i and relatives, on Thursday. Sept. 5tb. Glowingd Rev. C. P. Muirhead. rector of tribute was paid to the life andd SI. eore'sChuch.Wilowdle.influence of Mrs. Rickard by berC St..aGeorme oedh rch. WilofdaSe. minister. Rev. E. F. Armstrong.L aJon'a formrhbeoedareor ! St Others who assisted in the ser- hs chguc er e h Mrig . vice wr e S. MacLean, New- bischace ue o 11 ealh. r.caStle. Rev. J. S. I. Wilson andc Muirhead. who preached at the Rev W. R. Tanton. Oshawa. A t Centenary here this sumrmer. will solo0« VMsung- by Miss Marion0 be succeeded by Rev. L. Secrett. i Pickard I o! St. Marys Church. Richmond1 Among t-be friends from a dis-y Hill.1 tance were Rev. and Mrs. J. G. Mrs. Geo. E. Pritchard was one McKie. Wellington; Mr. Georgef o! the contestants who sang on Lane. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Lane t the C. F. R. B. amatuer program I and Mrs. Edward King. Oakwood,t frorn the Crystal studio at the C.i Mr. Edward John Symons. Wel- N. E. last Wednesday. A num-! came.t ber o! local peuple beard the Interment took place in thef broadcast an.d were pleased with family plot in Bowmanville Cerne- the mnanner in which Mrs. Prit-, tery. The bearers were six grand- i chard upheld Bowmnanv-ille in the son-. Carl and Ewart. Clemence. contest. Howc Martyn. St.anley. Garnet r James Glenday of Toronto and and Brentof Rickard. Sid 'Morris of Bowmanville fig- Mrs. Rickard is survived by t\wo0 ured in a rescue act at Bowvman- itr Mrs. Alice Elford. Wel- ville beach last w.eek when tbhey corne. and Mrs. Jas. Rickard. New- reswued Mr.s. W. Quinn and Mrs.1 castle. and by three daughters E. Durno \vhen their boat cap- and three soný, Mrs. Thomas sized between the piers. The lad- Clernence., Newcastle: Mrs. Haroldi ie eenot in serieus difficult. Martyn. Stratford: Miss Florence bu er rateful for the belp ofRkad Bowmanville (wbo passed the rescuers. away. Sept. .t) Wle Rickard. Swiss Laundry and Dry Clean- Bowmanville. Dr. Howard Rick- ing Co.. one of the best companies ard.. Port Coîborne, Rev. Roy in its line in Toronto. has opened Rickard, Coîborne. There are a brancb in Bowmanville with also nineteen grandchildren and beadquarters at W. J. Berry's Iwo great grandchildren. Store. Daily delivery service will Floral tributes were received be in charge of Lorne Butson. a f romn the Womnen's Association of well known Bowmanville boy, wb0 Newcastle United Churcb, New- bas bad considerable experience castle United Church Choir. Lad- in this line of business. See the ies of Trrnity Centre St. Circle. CSwiss Advt on page 8. The Women's Institute of Bow- Toronto newspapers t.bis week manville. Mr. and Mrs. W. H.1 contained a picture of Maurice J. Hill, Mr. and Mrs. K. O. Foster11 Baker, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Mr. and Mrs. Alwyn Fisher and i Baker. Solina, who was an eye- Marion, Mrs. Jessie Holgate, W. witness of the fatal airplane J. Clemence and farnily. The crash at Toronto last week-end. grandchildren. Mr. Frank Rick- Maurice witnessed the cause of ard and family, Mrs. Elford and the accident wben the wing of Mr. and Mrs. James Staples. Mca. the plane snapped and the plane A. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Hrry went into a tailspin. Maurice is Pearce, Mc. and Mrs. C. H. Ma- manager of the well known son and Mr. J. J. Mason, Mrs. S. Wychwood Farm. W. Mason and Mrs. S. Scott, Mrs. The Owen Sound Sun-Times W. E. Tilley, Mrs. N. James and carried an intecesting picture on family. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Clarke. Sept. 4tb. showing a dinner par- Miss Bessie Steadmaf. Mrs. Jane tv given for Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rickard and Mca. Edna Bragg. J. Wadhams, focmnerly of the The Famîly. Balmoral Hotel in Bowmanville. on the occasion of their silver Miss Florence Rickard, wedding annivecsary. Mr. Wad- Bowmanville bamns bas lived in Owen Sound Bereavement came a second foi the past four years where be time and with startling sudden- bas been proprietor of the King ns otefaiyo h aeMs George Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. nElizabethe Raikad.on Sundayr.4 Wadhams received many band- EiaehRcad nSna some gifts of silver fromn friends mnoining. Sept. Bth thrýee days gathered for the dinner party aftec rendering the last service from New York. Quebec. Prince- to ber mother. Florence Ethel. ton, Toronto Windsor, Bowman- the youngest daughter. passed on ville. Hamilton Walkerton and to bigber focms of service beyond; Winona. as well as other points. 1 this earth. The late Florence Bowmanville f riends join in the Rickard was born at Meadow Lark congratulations on this happy Fai. and had lived pcactically event. al ber if e ini this community. 1 We ae tod tat tickShe graduated f rom MacDonald' We ae tod tat tickphoto- Hall. Guelph, as a Dietitian. but graphy ia used a great deal if gave Up hec position in Victoria movies. but we were assured by Hospital, London, ta nurse ber Miss Selma Bar-tlett that it was father in bis lass ilîness. Her fat trick pbotography whicb was later years have been devoted to used in the pictuce she brougbt the care and cornpanionship o! irtto The Statesman Office on her mother. to whom her loving Saturday of Mr. I. G. Hefkey. ministrations were given lavishly ________________________and unstintedly to tbe endi. _______________________ In ber home no task was too bring back action ta the heart.1 Dr. C. W. Slemon. wbo adminis- 1 tered the anaestbetic bore out bhis testimany. Dr. F. W. Diamand o! Port Hlope. who was called to make the autopsy o! the body stated bhat be found an enlarged con- dition o! the beart. and that leatb was due ta beact failure. Other witnesses included Miss L~. Holman. nurse in charge o! the operating theatre. and T. W. Cawker. brother o! deceased. who testified ta the medical history of bis sister. st.ating that she had '.ot been strang. or well foc some years. The verdict read. -We the jury fid that Adelaide Cawkec came .o ber deat.b an September 3rd in the operating room o! Bowman- ville Hospital by beart, failure a!- ter an operatian had been per- forrned." Members a! the jury were. P. E. Greenfield. forernan. Wm. Booth, W. J. Bagnell. J. Faulk- ner. AI!. Bickle, Roy Hooper. Meilton Jamieson. Rager Bird afd James Grant. Col. F. D. Boggs. K~. C.. County Ccown Attocrney. questianed the witnesses on be- haIt o! the crown. High School Football Schedule Is Drawn With E. H.* Devitt of Bawman- ville High School. newly elected president in the chair. the Rugby schedules foc the Lakeshoce Dis- trict o! the Central Ontario Sec- ondary Schaols Association were drawn up. at a meeting beld last nigbt. Twa leagues wece arranged with isian, Peterboro. Lindsay and Osh- twa sections in the Senior and awa f arn the Senior A group three sections in the Junior div- Wbitby and Bowmanville tbe Sen- ior B gcaup: Peterboro. Lindsay and Lakefield Boys' Scbools, a new entrant. the Junior A; Osh- awa Whitby and Bowmanville the Junior B; and Port Hope and and Cobourg comprise the Junior C group. The schedules are:- Senior B Sept. 28 - Cobourg at Wbitby Oct. 5 - Wbitby at Bowmanville Oct. 12 - Bowmanville at Cobourg Oct. 19- Bowmanville at Whitby Oct. 26 - Whitby at Cobourg Nov. 2- Cobourg at Bowmanville The winners o! A and B sect- ions will play off, borne and home games foc the District Senior Cbampionship. Junior B Sept. 28 - Oshawa at Wbit-by Oct. 5 - Whitby a Bowmanville Oct. 11 - Bowrnanville at Oshawa Oct. 19 - Bowmanville at Wbitby Oct. 25 - Wbitby at Oshawa Nov. 2 - Oshawa at Bowmariville The \vinners o! these thcee Junior sections A. B and C will play a!ff. for the District Junior Champiansbip. One team will dcaw the bye. Play o!ff gaines will be borne and borne. with points on the round ta count. MUSIC LESSONS Miss Jean Ramnsay. A. T. C. M.. is prepared to take pupils in piano. voice and Theocy. Private lessons for younz students in piana. 35c. Duties cornmencinz Seot. 9tb Phone 401. 37-1* QUALITY Speales For ItseIf That's why Bowman- ville Dairy has had a steadily inc re a sin g number of customers each month. Good news spreads fast, and our customers soon spread the good news of Pure, Whole- some Milk to their fi- ends. Bowmanville Dairy Milk and Cream is the very best that money can buy - yet it is no more expensive t h a n ordin-ary milk and cream. Bowmanvalle Dairy PHONE 446 OR 703 Bowmanville Till Clemence, Norman Riekard, Yack Bosncîl. and Ed. Symons. Floral tributes were received romn Newcastle United Church Nomens Association. Ladies* Bible Ciasa a! Trinity United burcb. Centre St. Group o! the Nomen's Association o! Tcînity Dhurch. Bessie Steadman. Ewart ind Lillian Clemence. Archie and âllian Glenney. Marjarie and 'byllis Clemence. Mr. and Mca. W. C. Ashton and Mc. and Mca. JH. Campbell. Mr. S. W. Mason nd Mr. and Mca. S. M. Scott, Mr. and Mca. H. J. Clarke. Mc. nd Mca. C. H. Mason, Mca. N. aines and Family, Mr. and Mca. W. J. Clemence. Aunt Jane and Family, Aunt Alice and Family. Hame and Scobol Club o! Sbaw's School, Mr. and Mca. G. Wagar and Family. Mca. W. E. Tilley, The Family. CARD 0F THANKS The family a! the late Mca. Elizabeth H. Rickard and the late Mliss Florence Riekard wish to express their sincece gratitude to ail friends and neighbors for the many kindnesses and express- ons o! sympktby during' their recent double bereavement. MORE ABOUT INQUEST VERDICTS (Cantinued froin page 1) Maple Grove invites yau to alI most enjoyable patriotic enter-. tainment an Friday. Sept. 13tb.j in aur church shed to see Dr. L. B. Williams o! Toronto in bis spicy review and the firiest of Motion Pictures an the sereen. portray aur lovely Caunty o! Durhamn. Do you realize that these pictuces tbrobbing witb motion. make the people, the I landscape. industry and festivit-I ies, etc . that whicb is so dear ta you pass in front o! you and that this 2000 f t. of film and what the Dr. adds will be the life blood o! Durham County's bis- i toric record a quarter of a cent-i ury f romn now? -Program at8 p. m. 1 S. T.). The shed wil l be camfoctably seated witb chairs. Admission-25c and 15. I CHURCHES 1 ST. PAUL'S UNITED CHURCH Rev. A. S. Kerr, Minister Mrs. C. H. Dudley, Organiat and Director Sunday. Sept. 15th: il a. m.-' Evading Realities; 2.30 p. m.-I Sunday Scbool and Adult Bible' Clasa; 7 p. m.-Ways o! Knowingý Jesus. A cordial welcome to aIl. TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Rev. E. F. Armstrong, Pastor Francis Suttan. Mus. Bac. Organist and Choir Directar Sunday. Sept. lSth: 1ilasm.-' "The Lordship o! Jesus and the Achievement of Peace"; 2.30 p .1 m.-Sunday School:7 p. m-i "What is good Succes. You are1 cordially invited tc, these ser- vices. ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. W. G. Blake, Minister Miss Louise Osborne, Organist Sunday, Sept. lSth: 1l a. mn.- Valley of Dry Bones: 2.30 p. m.- Sunday School; 7 p. mn.- Cast Down and Lifted Up. i SALEM Rev. A. S. Kerr delivered a very fine sermon at the Sunday a! ter- noon service bere. Mr. and Mca. W. Mo!! at and famnihy, Ocono, were Sunday visit- ors witb ber parents, Mr. and Mca. F. L. Squaic. Mra. E. E. Chisaîl and son, Mr. E. Chisaîl, o! Ottawa, visited Mc. and Mca. E. Doidge encoute home f rom Toronto Exhibition on Fni- day. Mc. Chîsaîl retucned home Saturday while Mca. Chisal ce- mained foc a longer visit. COMING EVENTS Tuesday, Sept. 19th. Dont miss the Cbicken Pie Supper at Eb- i enezer at 5 p. in. A good concert' at 8 p. in. Admission, Adults- 5Oc; Cbîldren-35c. Trînity Evefîng Auxiliary o! the W. M. S. will hold the open-, ing f al meeting in the achool roomt on Tuesday, Sept. 17th, at 8 p. m. All members make an ef- fort to be present and bring a new member or a frîend and make this a real rally. Bowinanviile Ratepayers' As- sociation will bold its opening. meeting. Tuesday, Sept. 17tb, Town Hall, 8 p. m. Ahi candidates in Fedecal Election have been in- vited to speak. Subject "Present Day Conditions and theic Rein- edy". Questions invited. Evýýery-_ one welcome. Canadian Legion Band will provide music. 37-1 One Price 0n1y $2400O TT-3 Couch, Johnston & Cryderman King Street LIMITED Bowmanville Penny Bank deposits te the positing in the bank. and Darling- credit of Bowmanville Schools taon No. 6, which 15 includeci in thi& as of June 3Otb ,wece $3,432.99, district, bas an average of 22 per as compared with $3,437.55 a year cent. ago. Bowmanville scbools bave an average of 32 per cent. de- Statesman Classiflied Ads. pay. ISpecial 1 AE. la Hot WXater Botties GOVERNOR BOTTLE Guaranteed 1 year. < $1.00 Value50 SPECIAL LOW - PRICED BOTTLE - - -- 33c Buy hospital supplies at your I. D. A. Store. Quality merchandize, complete stock, lowest prices. - ,nýNew GLAZO 75% LARGER BOTTLE FASHION'S FAVOURITE NAIL POLISH NEW LOW PRICE 25c '0"' A choice of six fashion , approved sades. Gives a starry lustre that 51Afle wears two ta four days longer. Easy ta apply v,- hncwv mc~aI shaft bruah. UNTED OIC AGE? Gias 390 AR STORE Duchess Botule Guaranteed Sq 2 years 8 C Princeas Boutle Guaranteed C 3 years19 e Empress Botule Guaranteed 4 years ..B7 NEW WAY TO Beautlfy the FING ERNAILS No more e"pensive mani- cures. No more lait-min- ute rushes to make rour asile look right. Manicare brings lustre and glamour U1 totefingertipe. It re- ~lf acids or cuttlng. It cleare and bleaches nails 01 sitains and blemishes. Feeds mails the 011e they ned to mk them he=ty Prepares, the nana for greater bauywhen poUah laPpus. MANICARE 39,o Palmolive Shaving Cream Reg. 23c . 39, Ale McCeýor PHONE 92 DRUGS WB DELIVEB Display of Model Suits AND OVERCOATS by MR. CHAS. RAFELMAN STYLIST FROM TIP TOP TAILORS Mon., Sept. 16 He brings with him a special display of model garnient and suit lengths. Tip Top values are un- equalled anywhere in Canada. The csuality of 1 u c comiw_ , , - mmemi 1