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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Sep 1935, p. 10

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THE CA?4ADTAN STATES'MAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO, THURSDAY, SEPT. 26th, 1935 COBOURG ffice isopen SAT RDAY of Humait naturibescaf be chaet'li împetm îmo insat nmeais. ýpleasureaaf ifle and nat a cari- COBOUG OffceaitorenSATURAY oftht gad easant o fomworry-tbese ail! test between tiesires anti rigiti P'ach week fî'om 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. Gor'don jbY' divine love,.aea'er'teiil fitupnmls E.A Pastortsinrkch1re.4 nutrition. :Questions contcemfl.lfg leaith. j E Ganet i chrge fJohn, the Elder, wrote ta Ga- Be diet-conaciaus if you like, adltressedti l the Canadian Meti- NOTE-Where at ail possible kindly make appointmnts lus, the Beloveti, that there were but let yaum conscience bave ai ical Association, 184 College St.. for examinations. many thinga about whicb he tid large share o! liberty, knowing 1Trno ilb nwrdpr ____________________________________________ nat came te write, but that he that eatlng should be anc of the sonauuy by letter. Fiauses ta Rent TLIdnnet ISunday S6ii O une Newcastle Schoolet e IMIP Lesson p Miss Beatrix Mcîntosh return- initial steps towards resuiflg 5 ed home on Suntiay from hiem theii weekly meetings. The Jun- -----5 Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Thack- îoî Chour wil meet for piactice jOHN (THE MIN.ISTER AMND HO ray attendeti Campbellford f air. on Tbursday evening. Sept. 26th. HIS PEOPLE) hnI Mr cwi acol nt is The Reconstructionists l a id __________ho___________________ Mr.abEdwinHnry aatndMins their platform and policies before Sinclay, September 29th, 1935 M______ _______________ ANoralSole edyaeatnigtbe Newcastle elector ate at a ____ ______ .ga Nra colat Peterboro.ArclsFrS e Mr.L. udiy, orotocaledmeeting in the counicil chamiber Golden Text. -Beloved, f 0110w IT SAtceFoSaeI onr. L.paretse, MTorono, clletFriday evening. The room with not that which la evil, but that OBIRTLEHS . I v A- onkl aens ao adM~.a capacity of 75 or 80 was f illeti wbich is gooti. He that doeth C* FR AL - AtBwavle l .W LoxHamDERn.A- I. W. Dudley. ta the doors. R. C. Macknight. good is of Goti: but he that doetb AEO tBwaviîl l .Wlo.Hmtn summer's visit in England. the Reconstruction partys canti- evil bath flot seen God.-3 John Hospital, on Sunday, Septem- 38-3* F0F M.IacSelby VatdM.iae rsne i iw ni~ber 22nd, 1935, ta Mr. anti Mrs. i adM . Nmanc athoeo Alex W. Cameron, a son (AI-FRlL2 PES A- re aundaMr. Nra atbr f among others who atidressed the Lesson Passage: 3 John. exander Watson). ea.Rcs arig R.t . Newcastle Mr.und Ms Go S. rFaimeeting was S. F. <Fred) Baulch gt f er heed etoCksWigtaNeR.aI.lei. M Mm.andMrs Oe. Slles, an-of Port Hope. at one time a stu- The negaif fsl.teet-- 91~ bault, Minn., are visiting hem is- dent of Newcastle G r a m mar less giving; ______m___ ters, Mrs. Aice lretkr. School. The deatb of deatb, the ever- DEATHS FOR SALE - APPLE BARRELS, Jennie Fenwick. ISeptember meeting of the W. lastiitg living;_______________ Mm. Lincon Might, a fre M. S. of Newcastle Uniteti Church 0f cleai' wîstom the soul: . and hampers. heati liners. at a- principal af aur higb school, wds was belti on Sept. 5th, Mrs. Mac- of foi'giveness the whole: COURTICE - At bois late resi- very reasonable price. D. S. H guest of Mr. and Mms. W. E. Be- Lean. presitient, presiding. The 0f sacrifice the Power, af j dence. Courtice, on Thumsday. Milligan. Newcastle. P h o n e - man. ~meeting openeti with prayer by thougbîtbe lufe September l9tb. 13,Bae Cak îI 84 rc Weekend visitors with Mrs. M.Mr.Duls aisseet- Inspiration of peace. the de- Courtice. agect 66 years. FRSL-I OS A H. Masan were ber brother-mn- les gave reports. Mrs. Lovein stroyer of strîf e:.EAL-nHmtn.o We- ngeagplwconbn- e law M. H J Rtigrs0f ac- rotîp was in charge af the de- Su~cb. anti much more is Love! nedaSet.2th 13. îii c ower. grain dill. Appîy a Funnl eid Bberadn yea vl tak 6 e pacei ams.. .Wod Pwmanl e sonville, Ill., and bis brother, Mm. vtoa eit. il edn y-Charles A. Hall. zEaglR. agedti 76 years. T. Rodgers af Waverley. fl1. Mrs. Cabbletiick: vocal solo by John, the Eider, 1 Funeilto o i ay Slaept.n27Ham. hoe57 or 555. 39-1-V Misses E. andi M. Wilmot have Ms.Cars eth, *His imercies ta heleso fr hî weklaa ortege ca av e p mtr or honh5 closeti their bouse for thie f all ;me. .accompanied ti ithe piano whelesbokfof th NweTesta- intement i o we ymanvill Cem-OR -SALE - THREE P I E C E and wintem season anti taken Up by Mrs. Rincb: Miss Di-umirionti i oo fteNe et- inemn i omnieCr- parlor suite, settee, chair anti their residence at Elmhurst anti Mrs. Oeo.a lin gave very ment, a letter one chapter long. eteiy at 12 oVock standardI rocker. tîphoîstereti seats, heavy 'WAI Mm. J. W. Bradley visiteti Miss fine papers on *Trinitiati. It was written by John. the Elti- time. mahogany frames. Gooti con- W Muriel Bradley in a Toronto- reat Mrs. Perey Ranson, Belleville. cm. traditionally heldti t be John HOIDGE-On Tuesday. Septem- dition. Bargain foir quick sale. D home anti bougbt back the en- visiteti bere over the weekend, the Aposlle. who heî'e calîs hlm- ber 24th. 1935, at 547 Palmer- Cali 573. Bowmanvill. 3- - couraging news that ber candi- calling on hiem aunt. Mi's. Chas. self the eider in view of bis adi- stan Boulevard. Edwarti Thom- 1 __-HEI tion la very much improv'ed. Coulter, at Mr. anti Mrs. Wallace vanced age or bis position as as Hoîige. M.D.. tearly laveti SEWING MACHINES FOR SAE m Mis Ema Bma lain ow-Homesant fîdig br mchbîs in Ephesus. How we husband of Ida (Peggy) Hoitige -New anti sligbtly used dap manville optl Herm ma ny improveti in health. Mm. antid shoulti like ta have fulier tietails: anti father of Betty Joan. Son heati Sinra:f ull stock of a( bred oespitay eo b. rs asn n hlde of the 111e of this man wbo was of the late John Hloitige, Ty- part s anti neetiles for moat any _ storedt ta er former health anti centîv retuî'ncd ram a visit ta probably the yaungest of the rone. make. F. T. Hobbs. 18 OntarioI strength.. Saskatchew'an w'bere t.hey visiteti twelve disciples anti who liveti Funeral service at the resitience Street, Osbawa. Phone 635.* M Miss June Uglow. Chicago. 's ber brotber-in-law anti sisteî'. Mm. tîlI the last decade af the first Friday at 2.30 p.m. Interment 39-2' i v visiting Mm. anti Mrs. C. R. Car-i and ls. ed cCaîgar, Mooseicentury Knawn in youth as a Prospect Cemetery. - 1 c vehdndeMo Ftiihig iMCo' M -r le s o.VFOR SALE- BARRED ROCK e hem uncle Cecil anti frientis at Ja an Mrs. Ch aies.eand fMr.knoi n as the apostle of love. In yearling hiens, in maolt, for win- ti Rice Lake or the Otornabe river. li.Gand M .CaCoee. anhe repor the fouîth gospel anti in the CARD 0F THANKS ter layîng: also 5 tube BatLtmy, Mra. E. M. H. Warti went ta sin sprndic ropa of hey rothreeitîaa oh.lv as *Radio: 1 Battcry Chairer; Handti Toronto last week anti under- thing but wheat which was batily a predaminant place. There la a Mr. John J. Ormistan wishes ta power Washing Machine andti went a minor operation in1 St. fett 's legend that wben John was too thank bis mnany f rientis anti Wringe1r. Arply Mrs. B. Ben- S afetdwith atrt al.hews aridonanegborthIe Oshawa anti Whit- net. Elgin St.. N.. Bownianville. Micbael's Hospital. She 1S con- Mi. W. J. Collina. Montreal. a sîetcherant. i et a s ay ta ona nI gyH osrts. antiDoctars Hart- 39-1' valescing at ber fathers, Mr. Mc- promin ent offical of the C.N.R..srth aduetoayoai!bHspal Naughton. Toronto. at r.Ciisclcio m whom hie met. -Love anc an- ley Lewis anti Wiice Mackay. for - Weather permitting. the High anti M rCyllnsHaed ontiay. other.' Wben asketi why be al-, their kindness anti aympatby: For Sale or Exchange WC School will bolti its annual fîi ad raigre are om amp way s saiti the same tbing. be e- shown during bis recent sati bei'- 1- e da ntecmuiypr n MissM 'at Tom cop le htti[wsCrs* lvmn.FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE - day in the communily park Ofi ~~~~~~~~~aieti the Campbell Quartettepleita Ibs wsCrts av en. ____PuebeiJsy bull. year olti. Friday afternoon. Sept. 27th. at anti Miss Frances Elliott. New- teaching anti that it was enough. Pr rdJre 1.30 o'clock. Public is cardially tonvîlle. ta Pinedale in Rev. Thos. In this very letter John gives an Mrs. Blake Caurtice anti fam- E. E. Shantz. R. R. 1, Hamp- - inviteti. Wallaces charge at Greenbank. cxample ai Christian love, e- ily wish ta canvey ta M.i's. Smyth ton. 39-1' Mm. J. E. Atkinsan. Presîdent o odyeeigat calling incidents. rememberinit ant i al the nurses af Bowman- -Lo-- of the Tomnto Star. wbo recentlyI the entire pmagam at a church people anti sending, messages aof ll osialtei inee1p retumnet f rom a trip ta Europe. MisTos Ie i oot will. preciatian for the considerate aI- viie i itri-a.Ms msupper iss mswas teeo 0tninadknns hw hn O-----CRE-A-M 0OF BARLEY vistet bs sstr-i-la. rs.Wmcutionist. The quartette consists Gaius, the Beloved, 2-8 teinatiknneaswnti I TA Atkinaan. anti hem tiaugbtcr. r.a .at Mrs. Ga apel. I bsfielte1a rdtt anti Mm. Courtice tiuring bis 11- Camp. brown crepe belt withb R. W. Gibson. ofMr. aElsie Waîîace a mpl. u- foî ho fivrater i cî'edt to nesanti teatb: anti to ail otb- geari set. buckle. Finder please f St. George's Cburch - Rev. F. Msey mr i WllJe and C .apb J~on whaluswo .cîedt i frtheî'swho in any way showed in- phone 117. 38-1 rey Urry. MisseJentCantiesympathy. tL oaiSsTw-oBLACKd ANDfWHIer H. Mason. M.A.. B.D., R e c t o r. pianiat for quartette anti arches- He was a man whom John loveti ____and_________LOST_-_BAC__ANWHIT Sunday. Sept. 29th. lth Sunday Ira. One ai the two cars con- -that in itself la an index la fox terrier, tan on beati. vicin- l after Trinity: 8 a.m.-Holy Com- veying- the party ai nine anti their bis character. He wvas steadiasî bopeti shortly to make a 'visit ity of Newcastle, Friday night. munion; il a.m.-Morning Pray- instruments broke tiown on the lin bis loyalty ta Christian truth. anti talk f ace ta face. Inik anti Spt 0 Aser anaea er; 2 p.m.-Sunday Schaol; 7 p. way anti the wbole nîne wit h The bospîtalîty of bis home WaS pen can do mucb, but tbey cani- Tiny. R.cward. Phone 10-2. m.-Evensang andi Sermon. their paaphenalia in a tîghti avaîlable for strangers anti forinot give modulation of voice. Mauntain View. n. rteW MuncialCouci i th cr-jam. hadt t make the last leg of Christian missionaries wb hati 1 gesture or answering anti chang- 1 N. Redner. R. R. 1. Belleville. rying out of ils public works pro- the journey in anc car. gone out wiîhaut any visiblel îng light of eye. This la why' 39-1' Wi gram bas completeti the con-1 -_-__ struction of a concrete sidewý.alk Golden Rule M1ission Band mneans of support. John express-1 there is trutb in the aaying that'A THICK WOOL AUTO RUG. on a new high level. irom Reeve Golden Ruie Mission Banti met ed the wish that the physical1 a bell ringing pastor will have plain black on one aide. brigbt ago Ai!fredi W. Grabama camner to in the S. S. Hall. Sept.' 22nd.' with heaitb ai Gaîus might be as gooti 1 pew filling people. A t mcga rd plaido h te.ZsB Mm.J. A. Smith's on the soutb. the presitient. Margaret Pearce. a b i-, spiritual bealtb. -I pray lion ihose mberabip was buil toe fomcrtBaktckN ide ai King St. E. in the chair. minutes of the last tra in ail thinga thau mayest up fmrom s en huntiredt t twen- Faim. Information leatiing taiC Mm. John Sctt visiteti at Mm.I mee:înz weme eati by the secre- prosper anti be in healîb, even as ty-iv bntreti. owed mouch 10 recovery ai same will be e- da, Malcolm Martins, T3rone -ary.- Reta Cooke. anti the treas- ,tyselpopecb'Most of us is1,o miniaters making pastor-, wardeti. M. J. Weldon. 'Ux- by' Uniteti Churcb - Rev. S. Mac- uer. Jean Bonathan. epoted a' voulti bc gladt t have oum spiritsala visita neariy every aftemnoon, bridge, Ont. 39-V* ver Lean B.A..Pasor.Sunti y.balance af S19.92. The chiltiren as bealtby as aur bodiies. but year in anti year out. The per- ____-* een'B ..Psr unda . u Sept. 29th: il am.-Morning regretted ;ery mach the absence Osias was so rabuat spiitually' sonal touch la effective wben the, itf Womhîp; 2.30 p. m-Su nday ant illness of -,hc.m Mission Bandi that hi.s soul bealth coulti bi wrtten anti formai word fails.1 AUCTION SALES b Scbool: 7 p.m.-Eveniflg Service. Supeintendent.Nims.%Wamd. Mrs. takcn as a pacemaker fi bsFmam a pulpit point of vicw visit- .--___-__-- ;it C. G. I. T.. Trail Rangera anti Bemnan anti Mms. MNIacLean vý'erv: bcdily bealth. WbaI were - me ng ia not bast lime. A great min-I Tueaday. October laI - R. H. tao Young People's Union are taking kily assurnedthi hedufe athe factors in the saul bcaltb iter saiti that he tolti back ta Ferguson. Lot 21. Con. 9, Dam- sh, ________________________ leader for :bis meetn. Pofa Gaîus? Hc bati the spirit of peopie on Sunday what thcy tolti linglon. will scîl ail bis famm gram consîsteti of a v ocal due L bv love in bis heamî. be hati the h ini ail week. When a minister stock. implements. piga anti pou]- Viola anti Marie Calter. aftem crace af hospitalîty in bis home. 's intoîucb with homes troubledti ty. Evei'ything solti witbaut e- T IM E T ABLE whicb Ms. Beman anti Mms. Mac- he wvas an active chumcb worker. by sickness. anemploymcnt. dis- serve. Sale at 1 o'clock. Ternis S Lean gave short intemestîng talks bie hati the fmentship af Ibe corti or sorrow. bis sermons can cash. Elmer Wilbum. auctioneer: IL1A'Jl.I % e te cîlire. ao~tc ohnant b wa a ol-j ardy be bstract. theometical or J. D. Hogarth, clerk. 39-I C H A N G ES_______ lower of tbe Lor'd Jesus Chr'ist ., above the heatis of his heaî'ers. Effective UNITED CHURCH Diotrephes, the Prattier, 9-11 ____Fiday. October 41b - An ex- Sundy, Spterber 9thIt is frequently saidti Iatt tensive auction sale for James SudaSetmbr29h S. S. Rally Day and Baptismal takes ail sorts of people ta make lu Ginn. Lot 17. Con. 5. Cartwright Full information from your Service a worîti. A congregatian ila ~ J I I1 Township, 2 miles cas5t ai Black- local Agent warid in miniature in it variet y stock. Al bis farni stock. im- Befor'e a lar'ge congregation of buman nature. Dioîrepbcs plements. piga. bay. etc. Sale aI cl[ i- CANADIAN and ais a loveiy setling Of loveti ta have the preeminence un123.Trsch.Em Wlla P A C 1 F 1 C September flowcrs which atiorn- tbis cbumcb in Asia Minor. He bur. auctioneer Orme Hylanti. or cd the pulpit precincta of the woulti fot recognize the author- clerk. 39-1 19 _________________________Unitedi Chumch. Rcv. S. MacLean. iîy Of Jh.btlîeiaantAMAT EVC PTeudrint a eevt ________________B.A.. baptizedth Ie infant sons Of hîm. Haw mucb trouble one per- vil CA NAoiANm Te DICALe asrcevd Mm. anti Mms. Gardon Watsonsnwt a self -aecking spirit anti AssocIATION AND LJ .. instructions from Mr. E. Ciapp ur Mm. anti Mr,. J. G. Holmies son omAilta seil by public auction aI hist They're H ere! l~~~ja malîciaus longue may cause in lIiSURANCE rsCOMPACetrNtretioESt-w ~~ I-le re! Mmr. anti Mrs. Freeman Eddty on . any organizalion! In a certain "'cmeiincCnteStetzo a Sunday mamning, Sept. 22nti. The1 community a man wbo bati been BALANCED DIET urday. October tb. ail bis bouse-t The 936 allaper thee lttl boy wh wer taenicntetiou in spors, olitcs old ffetkitchen.g l t tarithe allai' by tbeir parents. anti lotiges. was electedt t a pas- Ta make use of a modemnAAm- living room and betiroom fumni- r( LL werc Herbert John Watson. Dan- 1ilion on the governing board af cicanism. we would say that turc. a large size Quebcc beater. h( aid James Holmea. anti Norman bis congregation. His associates mnany people are tiiet "conscious." useti only 5 montha. rugs anti lin- Sunlvorthy Charles Eddy.1 weie surprisedt in d him con- Unfortunateiy. many of tbem -, oleumas, gartici tools anti a spray- i, iIn connection witb the morn- genial anti coapci-acivc., When indeeti it sema lat be the major- er. chîcken wiî'c, anti a number and îng amsbîp ervice he Santaasked tbe eason he repliei, "îi - arc diet-consciaus in the a hcesat ics aea Sebool hielti ils Rally Day pro- do ail miCaua The font owa i pcw chuch." fightîng oulsitiethe sneta hywn atk i .0p .sap .J gra. hefrntros o pwschrc.- Diomrephes untierîook the joy out of eating. Auctiafleci. 3- Suntested hglars h hrhwer c- ta decitie wha aboulti be mcmbers 1 Theme is no doubt but that al- An ntiel ne srie o cuie byth techrs ndpu- of te curch anti wo aould alanced iet cadeirable. BylN An etirly ew srie 0fpila. Mm. Thos. A. Ratiger. SupI.. flot he eciveti. John hati a vry' balanceti" is meant a tiiet wichi designs including the ultra conducteti the ser-vice. wth Rev. practical ule to guide hlmi in bis is flot defîcient in any essential D ,W-P modem Neo-Cassic"pattens. S.Macca as.ssting h c -tmate of people, the plain dis- anti whicb cotains a sufficiency Brin ne loeliessand ular choir led in the singîng ai tîinction betwcen evil and gooti. 0f ail those elemenîs wbich the ç' iso comfort to your home this Fal RallDy nt'bp ism e rcd ail goodiness back t body neetis ta derive fmom the j ~ A at verv moderate cost - they h.n.AseilfauewsaGoti "He that docth goot i 15of footi that la eaten. t-' 'h (O range in price from madîng. -A Letter ta a Cbumcb' 00<1: he Ihat doeth cvii bath flot In ortier that you may eat al aIZA by Miss Evelyn Allîn. Takîng as sctrn 001.- Everywbcî'e anti aI- balancet i del anti 50 cnjoy the 1X b is texI, Prav. 25: 11, A wvord fit- waYs a loving lufe i.. evidence of' benefits wbicb came from such ai DSO0 P /<JAol LI.OC 1 ly spoken i.s like apples af golt ini the presence of the Spirit ai God.duel. il is flot necessary for you '\/ a~ )~j 1 Or toricurs45lei.ce- glst, Grocer or General PAY Store. 'TEWLSON FLY IPAD MORE .L HM1LyON, ONT. ýd houze on Division Street. RO( ?ossession October lst. F~ull aý )articulars. Appiy Mrs. H. J. K' :night, King St. Telephofle P 90. 34-tf - )USE TO RENT- BRICK De ouse on Centre Street. %wîth modern conveniences. doublei arage, possession Oct. lst Xpply A. E. Belliman. King St.. c West. Bowmianville, Phone 526. sira 37-tf )R RENT - SIX ROOMED frc frame bouse in good condition. ro0 rent reasonable; possession Oct. st.o lst or sooner. Apply to John por McIntyre. Church Street. Bow- ter 'ianviile. 39-tf sitt roo Apartmnents to, Rent rai waý E AT ED APARTMENT TO pai R e n t- Central location. 7 enc rooms. ail modern conveniefi- sec, ces. firepiace in living rcoom.La electrie stove instalied. garden ver and garage. $25.00 monthly. t Phone 388. Apply Mrs Archie co Tait. BowmanviillC 19-tf ha] Help Wanted 1do ANTED-MEN TO 1 CUTFIARD- reo w'ood. Apply Jack G. Smith. Of Drawer 6. Bobcaygeon. 39-2 Be :LP WANTED - AMBITIOUS. B neat appearing man for local- saies position, steady work andi Ldvancement. A ppi y LC. Drawer B. Bowmanviile. 39-1* AN WANTED FOR BOWMAN- ville t.o handie high grade line f Teas. Coffees. Cocoa. Spic- es, Extracts. Toilet. Prepara- tions direct to estabiished us- ers. Opening in Durham Coun- ty also for man with car. Write T. H. Ward Company. John South. Hamilton. 38-2* Positions Wanted )RK WANTED - BY LADY experienced in general house- ,vork. Appiy P. O. Box 239. or phone 521. Bowmanviile. 39-1 Real Estate For Sale RCHARD FOR SALE-ABOUT' 10 acres of gooti bearing orch- ard, desirabie varieties. orchar been well looked after; neyer failed to have a crop. On high- way about 3 miles east of Bow- manville. Apply W. J. Ciem- ens, R. R. 4. Bowmanville. 39-2* NOTICE TO CREDITORS In The Estate 0f VILLIAM BROU"., SENIOR AIl persons having dlaims gaînst the Estate of WILLIAM ýOWN. SENIOR. who died at istleton. in the Township of1 îrtwright. on or about t.he l8th ay of April, A.D. 1935. are here-L yrecquired to senti same duiy erifiedtiet the untiersigned Exe-- utors before October lst, 1935.- ter which date the assets wili ýdistributed amongst those en- :ited thereto baving regard oniy othose dlaims of which notice hall have been receiveti. Datedl at B'îirketon. R. R. 1 Russell C. B.o)wn Executors. By Biggs & Biggs. Barristers. Toronto. 37-3. ADVERTISEMENT FOR CREDITORS ALL PERSONS having any ,aima against the Estate of the Lte Wm. W. ALLIN, who dieti on :r about the 2nd day of August. 1935. at the Town of Bowman- ilie, are reciuired to file the same with proof thereof with the ndersigned Solicitor not later han OuYtober 17th. 1935, afterl .'bich date the Estate will be di-s- tributed and aIll daimns of whicb the Executor has not. receiveti notice -%ill be barred as againat her. DATED at Bowmanville this I 16th day of September. 1935. M. G. V. GOIULD, Bowmanville. Ont. Solicitor for the Executor. 38_2 Rep re senta tives WANTED A manufacturer of guaranteed alimentary. household, toilet products, etc.. also fulli une of patent medicines, bas op- enings for local representatives, prefcrabl3' with sales experi- PAGE To Re an Farmns To Rent )OMS TO RENT ALSO GAR- F' ge-Apply to Mrs. B. Andrus King Street, Bowmnanville. Phone 125. 37-tf esirab1e Residence For 1It Sale At A Bargain one of Bowniafville's most de- -ble praperties. Sîtuated on 'lingtofl Street. on lot 115 feet otage. by 165 feet dept. 8 >meti solîd brick house, witb one foundation . Large soutb rch completely enclosed. Quar- rcut oak trim in dining and ting room. Fire place in living, pm. Kitchen bas large electric rîge anti aiso coal range. Hot' ater heating throughou t. Good ntry next ta kit.chen. anti back -closeti porch. 4 bedrooms on anti floor with three piece bat.h.' arge attic wbicb may be con- -t.eti into betirooms. Two wash- ibs in basement with ot and! Id wvater attacbments. Lýarge il1, leaded glass wvindows in front' b ouse. anti hardwoo>d floors ownstairs. AIl electric fixtures' with bouse. Brick garage at1 ýai. Tbree blocks from Post: lice. Apply C. Rehtier. owner, eecb Avenue, or at the Foundry. owianville. 37-t with ouse and ban, ý4 mile north of Enniskillen on high- wvay near High Scbool. Appiy Mrs. Fred Mountioy, phone 177r44. 38-1 FALL TERM opens Aug. 26th in Shaw's 12 Business Schools ini Toronto. Our courses lead to Profitable emnployment. Write for cur- riculum. W. R. Shaw, Reg- istrar, 1130 Bay St. C.H. Tuck, Opt. Eyesight Specialist Author of: .1Optometry Feature Service The Child and its Development Specializing exclusively in muscle anomalies. eyesight and glasses. Phone for appointment 1516 Disney Bldg. Opp. P. O. Oshawa, Ont. COME OUT 0F THE KITCHEN! > ...And Bring RealI Refreshment! HERES no work lnvolved no time wasted in the kitchen, when refreshments center around this better coid drink! You slmply go to the refrigerator and pour the mlk, and let the naturally better food elements renew vltalty, and build Up new energy. It's smart to be healthy, and you'll find Glen Rae Mllk the most healtblul of ail ! Glenm Rae Dalry R. R. Stevens & Son, Proprietars PHONE 408J BOWMUNVILLE 1:bAl--v nmýiIT 1 <New GLAZO 759% LARGER BOTTIE SFASH ION'S FAVOURITE- NAIL POLISH ~ ~LQJNEW LOW PRICE 25c A choice of six fashion', approved shades. Gives a starry lustre that RAL ~ wears two ta four days longer. Easy ta apply \\ith nc\v metal shaft brush. 2SPECIALS Hot Water Botties 33e A FIULL YEAR'S GUARANTEE Milk of Magnesia - 75c Best make, fpur tinies reguinr size. YOU SAVE MO2I'EY DEAING WITH US. Jury oVellDruggists Phone 78 When we test eyes it is doue properly Bowman House Serviçe NOW IS THE TIME CLEANLINESS Book your 5 P i a e B t o m Private Dances ~ PiaeBt om Social Parties foir Public Use Banquets, etc. Rates 25c, Towels 5c eixtra. TRY BOWMAN HOUSE TRY BOWMAN IIOUSE SERVICE SERVICE -:DANCING:- Every Sat. Night Provincial License No. 2228 In the "Blue Roomn" COMMENCING SAT. OCT. 5th, 8.30 p.m. BOWMAN HOUSE HOTEL Orchestra and Prices Announeed Later

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