PPAGE FOUR T17M CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO., THURSDAY, SEPT. 26th. 1935 ___________________match._____________________a future bolds for you be greater cessrie to atc. Sh carteda Ithan the past, may the smniles and bouquet of Talisman roses. Miss A D Ei BL C SO K Iscesaiigyobetein Jean Kerr, sister of the bride, was LA I S1 B A K T C ,esaatn o etekn O F Interest to W omen bridesmiaid, weaA tteantionin that will always last; may lessons *gown of orcid elvet n ar- A t hm l Recent Visitors: Mrs. S. A. De- sweet. as yct unlearned and bless- I1 ing a bouquet of sweet peas, lily- oraitin eeng f ing stili unguessed; May life for L (i of-the-valley and f or get-me- Aibergaal Won 0feetin-o vitt bas returned from Barnes- ýou-alIl hfe can be, wben it is at ______________________ not.s. Mr. Lloyd McKay, of Rea- diea oe o onn ale, Muskoka.. Miss L e 1aitsbt ~boAINING SCHOOLan ville will be heid at Mountjoy. Brady, Mr. tLorneitbet STAFF FAREWELL WEDDINGS boro rvas groomsmafl. Wannan, Columbus, at Mr. Nor- 1Immediately atter the ceremoniy LbrlHa atr man MounitjoY's Miss Florence U TO MISS G. CAVERL Y a reception was held at the home KING ST. W*EST McLaughlin. Toronto. with ber NESTLETON . Chittenden-Freeland of the brides parents wbere Mrs. a .m algtTm parents Mr. Garnet Sander-î ppular Bride-to-Be Presented Kerr assisted the bridai party in at8pm.DyitTin son, Orangeville, witb Mr. and lVth Beautiful Silver Tray St. George's United Cburch. receîving the guests. She wore a FIA ,SP.2t r.Ia Age Ms m Recent Visitors: Miss Grace * AT Gay PartyTootdored ibfam gown of wine georgette with a cor- Cbapman, Port Perry, at Mr. Jas. Crawford, Toronto, Mr. Fred gladioli and standards of pirik anld sage bouquet of Briarclif fe roses. Ail ladies interested in the Strong's Mr. an Mr.Ccl rafr.Lday at r.S A very enjoyable evening was white asters and palms. was the, Later the couple left on a trip to seeso iealsnnte Hd wt r o dbrnCei Crawford'sL Mr.sand a Mr. J. spent. on Friday at the Boys' scene of an interesting wedding Toronto and Buffalo and on their semlnofedieral Election tar ye M iss Mrio Sion. Osdbaw a fr' r n .J Training School, wben tbe etieSaturday afteriioon, September rtr i eie nEs p.Fr coriallg iedr etonatted. Mitss erMarn tisonMrsharrwa es r ndMs orne staff was present at a faewel 21st, w en Miss Esther M argaret travelling the bride wore a navy speial l y spd ea e nd iD e ra atts To rto, a M ors. n sa, aMr. an r outt's e Party, given bY Mr .and Mrs. A. (Joby) Freeland. only daugter of blue swagger suit witb white the iea.1ldysCadid ate dw DeNoran TayleorontMr. andMrs. LMrsHar s utHl, at Mrs.an Ailt' Mr. and JabezGCrrzier, Mn. FWee-Crhzier, A. CpididatMisslE ,ynoGmen esyloII R. Vr in nhonour of Miss Grace M.adMs erg uksFe-shoes. hat and accessonies. , Mreaent. Port Perry, at Mr. Lutber Moint,- L Ms. Caverly, a member of the staff, land, formerly of Bowmanville, Wepesn. JbzC. CAVM.ERLYirA Siks MssEIy revs who is to be married shortly. Mr. was married to Mr. Daniel David' .C jVRY orty's .tMr. adMs.Lugm rther Gergucanto.- M. A. Sorsoleil, Deputy Miister Chittenden. only son of Mr. and Wood-Garraway President oey atMr. a rts. reandeons. Mers. cageinScaMr. and o! Welf are, a.nd Mrs. Sorsoleil, Mrs. Herbert Edward Chittenden, S.BpitCuch omnil ibrlAsef. oreangeileM r. re and Mrs. C. Mrs. SHowca hin', orontaithd Tornto cntrbutd uchto heof Brantford. Rev. Dr. W. G. Woolwicb t._______________________________ rngvile Dr ndMr. . rs HwadPhlp Troto wt Toroto. oft rue mch oatd Back off iciated. and the wedding Guelph. beautifully de c oi r a t e d~ E. Wbittaker, Miss Agnes Wbit- Mn. and Mrs. R. W. Pbilp Mn mui gaiety 0f b the grupgaesan e'swith autumn flowers and ferns.- taker. Miss Mabel Wittaker. and Mrs. Smith, Miss Margaret charades into wbicb everyone usic ws pledmudB ilado a the scllroRapres wd Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Smith, Miss Grace Jobnston, Tor- N patry wits a happy affairfr i BatmoehMread ding. Wednesday. Septemben 18. C. G. I. T. GIRLS TOOK Dawson. Windsor, Mr. and Mrs. onto, at Mn. Grant Thompson's par rgin eaxhprssef tairgrel timatore.iry clcMarnyislSandE0F.O SHPIra Argue, Miss Marion Argue., Mrs. J. Veale with Mrs. Peter Mr. Vri xrse h er t be ridate.wa ivin mra g e ofMarguerite HlaGldsGarra- Ms ot el isPearl Bell, Wright Miss Ruby Veale has G ai of the whole staff at Miss Caver- boy ter aher weringahgonedof y daughter of Mn. and Mns. AT TRINITY Y. P. S. Mr. Joe Bradburn. Miss Jessie returned to Toronto Mrs. Par- ly's departure. She always had a ivirltripl sher cree. fGshiledhabg- Knox at Mr. Cecil Hlyde's îott bas returned to Detroit sm.le or venon an wa neerwith bigh cowl neckline and long, ila arwy ulb e too busyforelp yone nd asksleve s i. rubdcff nigcame the bride of Mn. Ralph Trinity Young People's meet- Mrs. Andrew Marshall, Canning- Mrs. George Nesbitt, Toronto. with cd or sssto ean, be si.w le in points oven the hands. At the Henry Wood, B.S.A.. of Bowman- ing Monday evening was in ton, witb Mr. and Mrs. S.Sa-rltvs MsNom m Nu-Bi the taf wihedhen ver h~Pl-waist is a sot t beit and flared pep- ville, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. charge of Mr. Howard Jet tenysdeon M.ad rsMoksrogwtbrsierMr.O ico the stff wihed hr evey hapi- lu. The kirt s fasionedwith ood o Bowmnville Rev.L. MissouJoforehoMonekC.TorontToMisatoyMeMrnkToBrao.gaMissesBagAnniesseannnEtan fiefi perieen f ness in ber marriage. still sbe lm h kr 5tSind~t tIl~frwo h .G ~T John Carter's Miss Sims, Miss Wrigbt. St.. Catharines, with Mrs. world' r wold b mised b eveyone Mr.un-pressed pleats in front. and at Haverstock. BA., B.T.H., officiat- girls took the worship service. Ja alw isRt alw ee rgt M.ad Ms od Virinalo elomd o hestffthe back t.he pleats t al into a cd. Helen Stacey gave the cali to Trno tMs a.Mro' enr olna r .Jfry. cm twoine mo elcmes, MihstEfsfegraceful train. The back o! the The bride. given in marniage by worsbip; Solveig Lunidgren the Trdto Mrs. Js.Halo's Len r old oteu t atMrS.Jffeys oin ar nterw eb bs tissen Missbdcead lisaetrme er tather, wone a lovely gown o! scripture and the prayer; and Miss Normna Hooey is attending iMrs. HeoreWls oMTeer ih to Carruhers who as tken i.b ite sind er bts a d th ewhite duchess satin cut on prin- Veda Pundy a short story 'A Fol- Toronto Normal School. Mi nMrsGerisonCae Tpes and te Caverly's place and Mr. W. J. thte silver sep tt nsberandah cess lines with short train. Her lower o! Jesus," Eileen Halîman' Harvest Home services were Mr.daundters. udre a . erwn, Nu h Enstaugh. sMountjoypate i hssadI Gaeaderftrbsbd.slippers. She wore a small off-ebr-oidered silk veil wa caugbt playing the bymins. Mn. Ber very beautiful in St Jons Angli- agt ura MrayMc in NuootB Mr Esal bete kow a BlI tthe-face bat o! ivony tulle trima t bhea wt aweahof or- Mutton then took the chair and can Chunch on Sndy.Th us Ms. aP reso.FRan.ford. tour Oliver, received many congratu- mcd with pleated ruffles and ange blossoms and ber oniy or- tbe following program was pre- church was decorated profuseir with Mrs. Harry Pbilp Mn. and derful laios n godwibs hrug-orange blossoîns. and she carn- nament was a gift trom the sented: First paper on the sub- %vith exquisite f lowers and the! Mrs. W. J. Pbilp, Arthur. at Mn.I contro lotsheeanig. Twiheesntth g- ied sunkist roses and bouvardia. groom, a diamond and Peanl pin. ject "Tbis Changing Wold" wa5 fruits o! the harvest. Rev. C. C. R .Pips Ms ar re - ion of a îoveîy silven rytMs She wore the gift ot the groom. a Her flowers were a shower bou- nicely read by Miss Marion Glan- Harcourt preached two very in- Proutt. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Purdy styled Caeryinavey ny oMisdiamond clustered ring. quet o! white roses and lily o! ville: a reading, "The Tower." by 5sflirin sermons. 1 and daughter Sylvia. Toronto. matici Cvryia eyoriginal man- Ms lzbt eth e t h aly Miss Dorothy Nicbols: second Mrs. Chas. Smith opened beri with Mn. and Mrs. George Proutt., ousis I * *henadeoMrs. MiHaElzybehameilsherand teWvil-y ladn it pesnts.wasdrwntedat.wa gowned in f lame, Miss V. Mockt ord was maid o! paper on Things that do not home on Tbunsday evening for an into the Assembiy Hall by a horse chiffon fashioned on the uines o! Ihonor. gowned in golden bnown Change.' by Mn. Howard Jefteny; interestinig meeting of St John's fred. Oshawa, at Mrs. Ethel (two0f te bys clle ~Grci1 the brides gown. Her bat o! the velvet. made floor lengtb and Mrs. E. J. Anderson rendered a Womens Auxiliany. Scnipune les-,lyos Ms os egwc (toofte os cld -acie"., same matenial was an otf-tbe-face 'wth niatching turban and ac- beautitul solo 'Eflou.gh to Know. 5son was read by Mrs. Fred Ham- 1 adldren oro.a Mr..Jý egwc In this equipage roe bushin_ s-css e, 1tlsmnv.s an Geo rgeMcLaTgrnto. andMr brd rse n bt ih anodel timmed witb matching o-csois She carniedtlsa accompanied by Miss Helen An- ilton. and the roll cal a n chescot ei ndagro jwoticb f eathers; ber sandais were roses tie<j with amber satin nib- eue ai the piano. A contest svercd by miany fine articles foriMrs. George Marshall. Canning- Thei wonesaltr ilawdba grdoote tha 1 o! gold kid. and she carnied a bon. Miss D. Garrawav was liei i brought this profitable meeting to; the autumn balle. Arrangements ton. at Mn. Harry McLau?,blin*s. cls bis cligwsta !afre.sheat ot flame gladioli. The best sstrbidesmaid. wearing cor- a close. Presbytery Rally wiil be lvere made for ententaining visit- r aom ie îo calling w.s .hat of a f*rWhitb' sontOct. Mr.andrshallsMatcobm Deanerytin man was Mn. jeu Miikn. and onation buIe \ell\et. ioor lenr 5 andd i 6. osa heDae meeting un edtQcn Uieriy These noies wene ably played by -tBhackstock on OctoberOcnd. T e oQee' nvrst.ivs theushr__Mr.Jak_______o___________turannd__ Mrs.laksockoRobt.er nJacksonrs.Rogaveckonbere.e Mn. W. J. Eastaugh as the bride teksirsnM. acoWflke0fw'thmachnetrbn ndaces -____________________ andMn EnlCunighm s heBrantford. and Mn. Bill Nixon. soies. Hen flowers weie simîilar makigo!treruitiassbe om n hnday evening for a - groom. ~~~~~~~The reception was held at the to those o! the maid o! honr. A M 0ue orSp.2t.Ms Ieemeigo he W. M. S. andxv 'Js Mrid in wn o hebie' arns1wee Mn. D. A. Stew-art. B.S.A.. o!r ___ _________ Rahm recited. and a iovely lunch hA.tio! Thuic hrb.Ms . the 'utMrid insughome ofate sere'spdrens.ugit .ofthe2nid C i-crsd. re- eA. nocalnIyfomte ak ~Mrs. Freeland received wearing a snpnonses et anead h th ug nd the rom expain- gown of midnigbt blue velvet with ushens were Mn. W. Dax ison of Recent Visitons: Mn. and Mis. i sided. Mn. and Mrs. Robt.. McGili te but Gy ie dbea gro e 1p bat adslpeof!bueadbo-iGuelpb and Mn. F. 'ihattel of Willard Spencer. Mn. Victor Cutt Penaîn oM.adMr. wn pointed caretakers o! the sr ~trd nthGr acie' a beenaomithe' f tken roses nd bouvardia. evTrno ig saa tMr. T. Hld's.Carl Wrig tiedortei aybakf omte u ttenO ns a . N f t ewMisToronto pr AT.. n. bar. at Mr. Sa. 3ar.! lcrgthurch. Many articles were pre- Te cbunch, and seeing the lights and i Csne ohro h isOMLmad .... n n n.Sanw n An interesting event took place pared for a balle. and arrange- hr hearing the mery laugbten f!rom, 'lace, wtb gowned in royal blue1 plaved the weddîng nuis:c and andi Mrs. Gordion Brown and son. or Sept. 151h wben f riends and ments made for a pot îuck pro for e- the Asscmbly Hall. they bati de- lpes. h ant bgat andi slip-; du ing the sîgning o! the rgse oot.atteltescta elaie sebeia h oeiga.Ms elyCmbl' cideci Lo drop in. "rci"dia esadcorsage o! Talisman lMiss G. Mocktond sang Berduse"*. Miss Doris Stinson, Miss Hazel of r.liiesadssemb l Wat ht oegram. s. e s ley Cam.bl thfegr littie tap dance. staggened around trvlin.ie rd 1wr A necept ion tollowed ai the Wilson. Miss Elva Capstick. Jan- celebirate with them fitteen years A memoriai service was held at and toretraoelanng then bayiden be a Fo home o! the brides parents. 282 cîville. ait Mns. Davidi Wilson'5 o! mannied life. During the a!- ILotus on Sept lOih in memory o! corse tnthe e shmandts wble thwn e -oo militany suit o! dark brown I Paisley Roati. when the bnide's Miss Annie White. Oshawa. aitrona drs a edb h ate r.Ca.MGl h tepan tethafts he andbisgrde bopsack timmeti witb brown and grooms parents recevt home Miss Helen Vance. Ham- tMrs. Richar tison.anda re ad layMs.beena.very devwo dxidt ow at e ado ibriae lamb. blouse o! Spanisb tule satin. .with t he bridaI party. The biç silion. lvithMiss Helen Fowler sntaionhamtie o! ad alnut emba awyen oathvch rcb. en pa-e then ifta s teywee oig o at anti accessonies o! brown. On mother wore an ensemble in blue Mn. and Mrs. George Fowlen. Miss occasional chair and walnut end ton. Rev. Riding took as bis text: tegîv seo the away. gint sem thein neturo in Octoben the bride J and white tnee bank crepe sith Helen Fowlen with Mn. and Mrs. table by the parents. sisters anti Acta. Chapter 9. verses 36-43 on~ edite lke anta Claau.Itseand and groomi wil ive in the Fann- craeo! sunset roses and baby,,s Raymond Blair. Oshawa Mn.bobes!ihgrm.Attytelfo!Dca.a oan ! edbam HiliiCourtntaartauntand broeath. ohiteetgeogroomstmothothantifM of Marwood M Koeawitf Cnsmsettanet a Missi or Aatmns _______ hegoo' icIcradMr.Mawo MKe ihluncheon was servet. The ad-ifaith and good works. The, Cavrly wnas pntresient as issa was in bnowni crepe with corsage Mn. and Mrs. Roy Flemmning, Osh- I s olos-I Ladies' Aid o! the church have baeutifulsilven tyandheah'o rnens5at eo licaa Ms ideFli.Oh rs olw: I uiu sle ry n ahHutehinson-Kerr astersonearsile ndbaset n Wpinkawa. Maserd.al Rison, iDean Carl 'and Isobel, To-day decideti to stant a libnary in a new penson present receiveti a favoun astr nd aplerainse bnd i- VîwLaer ai n.CH RFaunsanthe suni shines brigbter. ibe aky mission f ield in Western Man- Phc madie by the boys in the achool. i St. Andres's Presbyterian Par- 1 1 ie, s bluer. and lite is more worth-1 itoba in charge o! Miss Caref oot, Aftr rcetane testf snge insyws1h se er sn were attractively uaed oin the- Misa Grace Goody bas eturneti f e r kindly nemetigheraf are, Linds, wSp th.ierenofIbride's table wbicb was centripd te Toronto Mrs. John Sander- 1,hie for we celebrate with you daughter o! Mrs. Carefoot, Lotus.II1 fo s inl rmmbrighea rtt'eddingSet1twe ihatretee ednck.snMsVr adroTrn,1 the aniversary o! your wedding in memony o! their departed refnreshmcnts vvene serveti and the Ruby Elizabeth. daughter o! Mn. wt he int edigck o.Ms en adno.Tnn.day. Fifteen yeans o! lite togeihen member, Mrs. Chas. McGill. evening concluded wth the sîng- and Mns. Thomas Kerr, o! West. Mn. Haverstock proposeti t hl c with relatives Miss Jean Wat- oedywr sn ,sm ee1MisW dl h cse hr ing f Ald Lng yne.Ops wasunied i mariag totoast to tbe bride. the groom ne- sen. Uxbridge, with Mrs. Jas. sortayad esunny, wso we cottMiss ad el bas cl oeonber Mn. William Joseph Mîlburn Hut- _ sponding. and Mn. A. Stewar..to McKee Mns. D. C. Ferguson. row We exiendti t you oun con- Mn. Geo. Prouit returned fnom "In youth we iearnn in age we! chinson. son o! Mn. and Mns. Bur- the brides attendants. Oshawa. Col. Littîle. Mn. Pnice, Dr. granulations and we would add to Oshawa Hospital anti Miss L. p o i n taEs t O s T h a e r M . a n r . W b o rd e ' CB e îr e n g u so o n o. M r ._ _an d_ _ _ _ _ _h a .,; undestant.'-Marie E. Escben- ton Hutchinsen !Es p.Te LtnMn niM .XodlyBeetn oot.M.adMs ou, tbrougli aIl the years may MacMillan. nurse-mn-charge bs D bach. ermn was penformeti by thel on their wedding trip to Hainiil- Wm. Joncs Newienville, at Mr.I youn life be glad. retuirned te Osbawa. "Youtb is eminently the fittest Rev. J. C. Grien. Ionand ter ons hebieCclIegsn season for esiablishing habits o! Th'e bride. who was given i.taeln naaiprbu ut Mn. and Mrs. J. Brown, Mn. O. happy occasion bow much we -We kinti o' ibugbn Chr-t' industry.-D.Far marag by ber father. was wîitb navy: bluie accessonies. They Hylanti attendeti the wedding of have appneciat ed youn unf ailing1 went agio war an' pillage.- The youth o! the seul is ever- charmingîr gowneti in royal blule wiîl reside in Bownianville. Misa Ruby Kerr in Lindsay on kindness in the days that havej Lowel. lasiing anti eternîty is youth.- chiffon velvet. cut on leng fIow- Out o! tovni guesis werc pres- W ednesday. Mn. and Mrs. . come andi gene, and we wouid Richter. ir.g lines with a blue bat anti ac- cnt tnom Bowmanville. New Ton- Ferguson. Mn. Howard Brown, Mn. mentiien our kinti hospitality aI- ADVERTISING PAYS onto, Arnprior. Trne a and Mrs. J. Brown were present wvays. yeur open door welromes us Ricbmionti Hill. on Me.nday evening for a shower anew. The Canadian Statesman, ThIe many beautiful gifla test- given in ber honor. As an expressien o! our love anti Bowmanville. Ont. ounciI th oupeincunch cern-h,, kintily tbought for you, we ask Dear Sir:-We 1eleve you - andReinember now tby creator in you 10 accept ibese gifla for your wîlI be interested to learn Serve tI'i B est 'I c uîy ___Itbe daya of thy youth.-Bible. home and mnay the joys that the that "Salada" e slesinl -- --- Roianville for the f irst 3McGregor--Grant on Satunday, Sept. 14th. a quiet I h i n wedtiing teok place at the home of ber moiben, wben Margaret Luclle, daughten o! Mrs. Grant andtihie late Anthony Grant be- TWENTY-FIVE YEARS GOG came the bride o! Donald Alex--____ ander McGregor, son o! Mns. Mc- From The BowmanilleNews Gregon, Scugog St., anti the laie Fiiday, September 23rd. 1910 ýDonald Shaw McGregor. Rosth- ____ cn, Sask. Rev. D. W. Beat D. D., officers o! B. H. S. Boys' Ath- o! Toronto officiateti. îetic Association for 1910-1 1 are: The bride. given in marniage by j. Elliott B. A., President; Bruce ber brother Philîp. %vote a lovciy Honeywel. Secretar3'-Treasu.ren* gown o! blue silk net over taffeta, Haroldi Washington. Leon Dumas aimply made. anti carrieti a bou- anti Wilber Gibson. representa- quet o! napture roses. iily-o!-the- tives on tbe cxecuiive. valley anti maiden bain !enn. Miss potH ecnius ,seev Kate King. Wingham. playeti the PotHp.cniustescc' v.edtiing music anti during the itiences o! the ernor the citizens signing o! the registen. Mra. D. W. matie iaat Januany %when tbey Besi sang "O Promise Me". turneti town the Local Option Following the cenemeny a bu!- bylaw. Montiay' Daily Guide fet luncbeon was serveti aften says Chie! Bond locked up tbnee wbic thebrid ani grom ifî en that monning befene 8 o'clock by motor for Nerlanti. Sbadow for being di'unk on the sineets. Lake. on Ibeir returo Mn. anti Death: Masters-In Clarke, on Mrs. McGregor willî'esitie in Sept. 101h. George M. Masters. iïowmanvillc. aged 22 years. The h ap couple receiveti a Deaih: Mason-In Hampion ai host of loeely gifla. among tbem. the resitience o! Mn. E. Hastings, a biantisone chesterfielti suite Sept. lSîh. Fne.terick H . Mason. from Mn. J. H. H. Jury. the bride's ageti 42 years. former employer; a ailver creain Rev. Neil McPherson, M. A.. ai sugar fnom Triniiy Evening D. D., bas moveti bis family fromn Auxilîary: a lovely table from Indianapolis, loti., to Springfielti, Trinity Young Womnen's Bible Mass.. whene lbe was some montha Class: Magazine table frem ithe ago installeti as paston o! the Rotary Club: electric co!!ee urn Fîrsi congregational Cburcb. ti'om St. Paul's choir; beautiful Caesarea: The Angel o! Deatb silver tray from Swastika Tuxis bas agaîn viaiteti our village anti Square. anti a table lamp from îook from our midst MnI. James the Lions Club. Bunn on Sept. l9ih. Prier to ber marriage the bride B3ethany; The stork ieft an- u-as gucat e! honouî' ai a abowver othen baby girl 10 make mnnry given by ber cousin, Mrs. Norwck, the home o! Mn. anti Mns. James jToronto. McKinnen. Richard Meyse bas moved bis The ineasuremeni o! lite by sboe repairing business mbib te selar ye ars robs youtb ant i gves Reiti Block. opposite Balmoral uglîness te age. Time-tables e! Hoiel, succeetiing H.obt. Stanley. bintb antI death are so mw George E. Gibbard, Toronto, a conspiracies againsi mian)O, Durham olti boy. was electeti -Mar Bakr Etdy.Secret.ary-Treasuren o! Pharma- -Mary __Baker __Eddy. ceutical Associatien, which met in Halifax. The Many-Puî'pose Oil.-Botb Mrs. Albert Marlow bas leaseti iii the bouse anti stable there are the tiesîrabie brick resîdence ne- srones o! u.ses for~ Dr. Thomas' cently î'acaied by the Misses Elerti'ic Oil. Use it foi' cuis. Wright, Division St., anti will biuises. buros. scalds. the pains keep a firat-clasa boarding bouse.ý oft rheuinatism anti sciatica, soie Caledonia Mills, owned by John throat anti chesi. Horaca are hi- Mackay Limiteti, foer so me able vcry lairgely te similan ail- înontb.s pasi. bas been i'unning iiients ant i ishapa as afflici centinuously nigbt anti day (Sun- nimankinti. anti a'e eqiially amen- <laya excepieti) te, enticavour te able t0 the healing influence o! keep Up wiib ortiens and yct we j iis fine olti iemetiy wbich bas are informed they are f nom two matie theusantis etf fmm f nientis 10 three cars bebind in fillin., 49k past fi! îy >ya çs. entiers. ~SALADK TUicA FOR FALL EVENINGS Where xviii you get a bigger thrill than a wiener roast? Corbett's xiii i)iovide wiener rolls, ii a i generous size, at a very reasonabie price. Phone us when vyou have a wiener roast. MORE FRESH SH-IPMENTS Ganong Bi-os. and Jenny Linci Chocolates Per' lb. - 50c Marshmaliows, with toasting fork free, Lb. package 29c CORBETT'S BAKERY 'lione D;stributors Dads Cookies Bowmanville LEARN HAIRDRESSING and BEAUTY CULTURE AT Betty Low School OSHA WA Special Fail Rates MANAGERESS- MRS. BEATRICE AULD jPhone 2968 86 Simçtoe St. North IDistant Past FIFTY YEARS AGO Frorn The Canadian Statesman Friday, September 25th,' 1885 Charles R. McCuliougb receiv- t cd a dîpioma fer abortband Pen- niîanship and anoiben for assoni- ment o! hanti-writien cards ai the Inclustrial Exhibition beld at Tononto. A veny sati occurrence bappen- cd in ibis town on Suntiay lasi. Mns. Louisa Allun. wif e of Coun- ciller John Allin, arose on Sun- day monning anti went about ber domnestic duiiea as usual. About noon abe was stricken wit.b an apopleciic fit and by 4 o'clock she was a corpae. Fred Wright anti A. L. Van- atone have bougbt a leading gnoc- ery. provision anti china business in Bran~tfordi. Birth: Lockbart-At Newcastle, Sept. lBtb. the wi!e o! Mn. C. B. Lockbat. a tiaughten. Mannied: Gale-Muir-In Bow-r mranville. on Sept. 21si, ai the ne.sitience of tbe bride's parents, by Eider Sheppard, Mn. James Gale, o! the West Durham News, anti Mrs. M. Muir, daughter of Mn. S. F. Hill.t Sisson-Devitt--O1 Sept. l6tb, 1 ai the Me.bodiai Clîuîch. Wil- liamsburg, by Rcv. W. C. Was- ington, Mn. S. Sisson o! Man- vers, to, Miss Adtic, eldesi daugh- tcr o! Mn. Jas. Dcviii, o! Cart- wright. Bailey-Darch-In Toronto, on Sept. 9tb, by Roev. J. E. Starn, Mn. M. J. Bailey te Miss Clara Dancb, 1cidesitidaughtcn of Mn. Samuel Darcb, botb of Bowanvilc. t At the Industriai Exhibition, Toronto, Robt. Beth won 2nti anti 3rd pnizes on Clydeadle 1stallions, 4 yeans olti; 2nd pnize on yearling ent ire colt; lst pnize 1on Canadian dnnught stalhion, 2 years olti; and silven meial for 3beat Canadian draugbt siailion o! 1any age. Ani. Poilard, Clarke, .was awartied 2nti pnize for 2-yn- iolti Canadian tiraugbt filiy. Jos- cepb Jcffeny recciveti 2nd pnize for a Jersey bull, 1 year olti. Scores ai local rifle range on Satuntiay wcne: T. Nowcll, 115; cJ. B. Mitchell. 109; W. S. Rus- )seli, 108; J. Morris, 105; J. San- do, 104; N. S. Young, 97; W. C. King, 82; E. Prout, 67. showed a considerable ln- crease over the corresponding period of 1934. This is very gratifying indeed and we at- tribute it to the excellence of our produet and te, the use of advertising space ln the pages of the "Canadian Statesman." We take this opportunity to, thank you for the excellent support you are giving us. Yours truly, Salada Tea Company, Ltd. Per A. G. Jarvie ,0ok Twice as Smart ribelievable Ease .... Perfect Figure Control» ...The Ultimate in Style J in One nazing 1W irment ick creates a new era )rsetry that ex- need corsetieres in the 's stvle centres, Paris, on, New York, are wel- ng as the supreme cre- in modern foundation lnts. Back moulds and TELESCOPIC 4hs out wayward con- provides a won- il blending of figure >1l with miraculous new tm in one beautifully dgarment that is dra- call different, giori- smart. The Nu-Back Secret whole secret is in the patenteol sliding back- an ex- â'e Nu-Back feature. Bend over and it Iengtbens a full inches - straighter. up and it telescopes into a smooth ible fold. *Back forever eliminates "riding-up" and Seeiastiing "yanking down." Relieves gar- strain - saves hosiery! Prevents shoulder 11)5 frorn cutting or slipp)ing. re is a Nu-Back foundation for every type of figure and every purse, and models designed to give every degree of ire control fromn featherweight fabrics for the slimsters to more substantial woven brocades and coutils for mature stately figures. Get a Nu-Back fitting and end your set iiorries for ail time. Sold at ail smart shops. YOUR FAVORITE SHOPPING CENTRE lone 164 Bowmanville )N'T RISK BAKING FAILURES!. "DON'T TAKE CHANCES WITH INFERIOR BAKING POWDER. LESS THAN 10 WORTH OF MAGIC MAKES A FINE, BIG CAKE. AND MAGIC ALWAYS GIVES GOOD RESULTrS," says MISS ETHEL oeAPMAN, popuar cookery editor of The Former. Leadlng Canadian Cookery Experts warn against trustlng good Ingredlents to Inferior O, baklng powder. They udvlse MAG1C Baklng Powder for perfect cakes! b yONrgrANSNO ee MThatMslc ainPonery tifteeo . ou CO rnteINS NO ALM-This aten o ev re rominl alum or any harmful ingredient. Madla Canada LI O -Quality FOODS : AND SUCCESSFUL MEALS GO HAND IN HAND ~ Corn Flakes CORNI 3for ~ 250 Crosse & Blackwell Vegetable Soup 3 tins 25C MORNING CHEER COFFEE per lb. 32C CRAWFORD Pineapple Cubes 2 tins 250_ KRAFT lb28 WHITE Old Cheese IL 25c WEEK-END FISH SPECIAL FANCY QUALITY by Lake TROUT pIc SLICED 18c lM. Smoked Fillets BRITISII COLUMBIA s Salmon by piece 161 Wheat Flakes Japan Green Tea Tomato Soup Picake Shortening lb. 20c sliced i8c 5 1Ibs. IL 4 tins 2 lbs. 22c 3'k 25c 25c Habitant Pea Soup 2 for 19c Frankford Corn 3 tins 25c HARRY ALLIN QUALITY - SERVICE'1 Phone 186 or 121 Bowmanville _____I - b )c