PAGE SIX chard Watson, Todmorden, Mr., ___________ Nellie Burk, Bellevile; Miss Sybil When chel g ostrt3 and Mrs. Charleton. McBride.. Burk, Toronto; Mrs. Harold Mit- one withtetalcrd tl ghî I SOLINA Burton and Mary, Peterboro, Mr. H MTNIcel aitn r.E .Br h oy sti sa~g~ta and Mrs. Charlie White and famn- R e c e n t V i s t o r s : M r . a n d M r s . i l y , O s h a w a . M r .; a n d ý M r s . C l a r - M r . H . CA M Tw O N , M s s, G r el , H a i t n ; sa E . B G a r n e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ M el. M organ and fam ily, T aunton, ence Tink and fam ily . H am pton, n .~ Y H ges . Toroel nd ; a Mr . B o r- l s qu a t M r. C e c il P a c o e 's M rs . 0 . v isite d la t. M r. G e o . W h it e s a n d M rs. . C lT r, M ss . W i c o G rem n e l,KLi d a my ; o M c. a n d C ruckshanks, Peterboro . M iss Jes - helped ' elebrate M r. W hite's sev rH, t an er no r an cisM S. or- - rs L T u l , rs H W lc x , m ns, a lle v e lan d; ,Ms .;B y a n i s q i e f e h sie Ormiston, Columbus, Mr. and eflty-fifth birthday last ThurS- S pceleb l ir rHat M r a Mrsrcn one cousin, .Frni ut, Mrs. Joe Chapman, Hampton, day. cln aing M r.lOhan d ng a Cnfl- A o te rltvs peeta M rs. W hittaker and Miss Ada W omen's Institute will meet nver msy. the funn- B wm nerl e re e ea Q r e P asoe, T oronto, at M r. H . E. Th ursday, O ct. lth, w ith pro- I M r. Tay or, Mrs A.hol irelndt soro nt Mr T n c's . M iss Ada Annis and gram in charge of Group 5. If~Miss . T a te, rsonA.spent la nde Hhe s nea nd so: n .Ga n t I Mr. Jim Hancock, Ebenezer, at Sunday School next Sunday M s . K tro seMa f uhar dGsen, TLi n ; Mr s. Mr. S. E. Werry's Mr. and Mrs. wiU 3e at 10 a.m.: church service dys in Toronto. Byron Greene and daughter, Miss ME . , Howard Couch, Mïsses Marorie is withdrawn owing to Zion Har- J d ~ I d Miss Doris Doidge spent theMayGenLidy;r.ndE andIlen. ethsda Mss urtl vst ore srvies.T 6 e C a ad i n , tat srn -n weekend with Mrs. J. Burns. Mrs. Harold Mitchell. Hamilton; ak e en et he da , Miss Mrln e es gom e r vicY es. oda eMisses Lulu and Edna Reynolds M s eleB rB leil;M s Bowaker , terbr. issadakeAlunn. Leae raily nhoex thondayev-spent the weekend with Mr. and Sybil Burk. Toronto; and many Int . ..Mr.and rs.Wilert las be god atendnce Ailexcll-Mrs. J. Challis, Bowmanville. friends f rom Lnsy Pe Ul and fam ly, Uxbridge, M rs. ent program is being prepared and L I a n d a a iy g t ei g o a d d t Ge. ady M s H rv yMr. Geo. H. Hogarth,.BA., will ftheie r. l8an d . Ad a n eray-n arc niinn ln a i e a G e H a r d y r e a n d MD o r en , ya - g i v e a n a c o u t o f h i s tr i p t o ra n d M r s . g e r g i h r don i s a l eWnP a. l a Wood, at M r. Isaac H ardy's . Europe this sum m er. Everyone ,andbabe . o ranvile, vist e Hn sin apd i l lme n O t A - i D D C K A L Dr. and Mrs. L. B. Williams, Tor- welcome. an be parents, Mand Mr, s i ca.os n aeT w , ot f onto, Mr. and Mrs. Len Barton Eldad Harvest Home services paeftmMusan Mersey. Tun- PID and baby, Columbus. al Mr. Nor- on Sunday were well attended.1 S Yor.oko htMse England's faou frsy*.n va] Wottens Mr. and Mrs. The church was beautifully de- BLNKei13 Srtheo ikii owmtanvile as- el aif rcnercn Ernest Larmer and family. Black- corated with autumn leaves, pifi for e at n m n 0f a bok- en hna n ut omobst ie brst ntoy stock, at Mr. E. R. Taylor's.. flowers and fruit. The choir n-ial orteand o broken hn anm.aBtsfobilsh- T H U R S D A Y Miss Helen Smale. Bowmanville der the leadership of Mr. Georg es anhdm foe r pee Beo. i When preserin bTolHpc at Mr. A. J. BaIsons Mr. and Werry with Miss Ileen Balson at e M i Pefr a Dewell. Sovina. WsS ethda oe roasting lpank Mrs. Nelson Fice, Taunton. at Mr the piano gave three excellent an- esMr.uby Dewell, n oa. iss mehay uccessfuly sedintean Frank Westlake's Mr.e uyDwl adNr es ad Mrs: thems. a mixed quareffe of Misses nlP ~ ae saa.vstdO uiay fa oier Iv n L w a dIna . Thornton's Ada Al n and Jessie Yelowlees S pc aWlk . s aw ,vsie ob ucesf nisd in ta Crn ersa M and M s Fr and Messrs George W erry and n________ofa_______ Corners. Mr.andillersFWorm 1Powclersal Mr* not, SPEA KERS: Mr. Geo. White's Mrs. Ed. Mr. James Hancack. Ebenezer. de- C2U5ICE nyexpel Worms rom ersys-no James. M r. Cliftor James andc1 lghfed is hearers with two ex- it m. ut \il n uc be th u d a u g h t e r . M a r i o n . O s h a w a , a t M r . c e lle n t v o c a l s o lo s . R e v . M r . T iO sf rt-r s d n s f D r h m-2 c o T eC r s r i c e e d S n d ionn s 0el w o sf h e s t hm ne r W . SE. N i c a r terhout of Orono gave telo. buenilonly Countyhfu Chas. Howsam's Mrs. Annie dicorss.fine Ti ffroeaol orsd nofDura 1ny-Send 2cwo hecniionsormhsstan n oneW.. MPP adblLangmaid. issFOshaa Statesman, Bo0wManville, now -an receive Durham County's most in. evening iii the Sunday Sehua 1 thrive. Worms keep a chid in aCadat Misnda Osawa, Iig ewpae for balance of 1935. building was in charge of Mr.1JcontinuaI state of restlessness The Miles I a iStep ens.M an d e. M r. I t re t n e w p pA rthurC a mison of St. A ndrew 's a d p i . a d th r a e and M s. Geo. Stephens. Salem.KSaso ni eld h e .Osatenti nd 0f b a d. pich. and b e c on b no Mrs. Chas. Langmaid. Mr. and 1___________Jack________Mr._______forItesitteoey ni n Mrs. Roy McGill and Keitli, En- Mr. and Mrs. E. Quantril and _______________ ______________________________ on ad ld yheatninaot par- the cuse f thsferipade rtan GO AV HEKN niskillen, at Mr. Roy Langmaid's. Shirley with bis brother. Mr. Cecil taa a r ly lie af Chrthichs othee s athing maie ef-S Rev an Ms. . H Oter Quntil.Eliabthvlle t-- - -- - -i'W. Fitze, Janetville, who witb ber i---, follawed by the Disciples walkingj fective. bout, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Werry, There was a good attendance hsbn1wsprset Ii Hs otsesadls akigi _________________________________________ OsawMis oa ery the furniture sale of miss Ai- ENNISKILLEN Deepest sympathy is extended MAPLE GROVE 1 in a like maniner, and childrenj and Mrs. Will Mountjoy and ma Cooper and things went for -foSaefrndtoM.LD.fooigteexmesftbrî coasMiyKernd a Mr . L.CPla- a reasonable price. Ms .C okigTrno Sykes in the death of his brother, eders. Likening the Young and co' r n r.Ls ol-There was a good attendance at rs W. .H cr ige, ot, MrE Mr. Archie Wilson. Misses Wil- nretoaushpndpncl visited ber sister, Mrs. JaLeage onMes . E. ykes of Cincinnati, Ohioutdt nushree ecl cr o man a iy al rv, a LeagueonT ursday night with Bradley. Bwho pse w y s.dny on, Msnlaa Nset, Ms e- and the adult ta the sharpened.W a A r th o s Buffanlo ono hogs wayy home atirom:lie Snowden, Lake Hurst, spent bardened pencil. Mr. Samsonwh tAr teP os csfr Mrnd W.e H. e ta ke' M ss M. an d a oo c i on Th gs w i agrae e e riss: M atiMs. E. C A ht n ant ~h is o d hom n W k- Sunday with the latter's Par- strove to show that Y uth m ust Mfn, a omn, ea cM iseoi ai n "T ig hc h n eJune. M iss M argaret Dlton vst ~ a i m n a -ents, Mr. and M rs C. H. Snow- fo ow slo wîy, beginnigcat the Y o u - and thigs whichStocke &oBond vholdingsh and ean Lea h. iss ilian Vi- Mand t h u s bi h h asnge nat" s ed M r. S. M ay, Toronto, on Sat- M r. andi M rs. W . M offat andi den. bottom e e s hist i d ift th ,s mlan.soantonoatvMr.tSidwHock- Mrs.r nrsu tThompsoa ;uso1ss s If yourareaholIfngostockshoaddngondocaboutdwbond Hard, Rusel nd Dreen Oa- Home" by Mr. McKenna; a story Mr. and Mrs. O. Meteaif, Miss ents, Mr. and Mrs. F.LP Suî visiteci bis sister. Mrs. J. D. Stev- andi materially, in the fight ofga edyuwtotolgtin aetaal Moossa r. J ack ey rnolDss"Te little Sparrow" by Mr. Jas. Elsie Oke. Toronto, Mr. Stanley on Sunday and attended services ens. over the weekend. life. Mrs. J. Wiggans, Mrs. Cecil ldt edYu ihu biain MisIen ace.TrntMs Swarbrick andi a reading «'The Turner. Miss Winnifred Oke, Osh- at rînity. Mr. Thos. Snowden, Misses Bet- Adams and Mr. L. Beckett sang able information that may be of value n ud M o o re ,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __a_ _ _ __R . ty d n d d e , M r o n W - " In th e G a rd e n " w ith M iss A u d - Ja n ce to y o u , if y o u w ill se n d u s a lit1f y u Me l a s c oe, M r.o n d M r P. rth r v n or wfe " y is A dr y w . sevi r . W sl e O ke's, M iss Iva F o ey spent the rey T revail substituting as pianist. holdings. MeKessnj Lo's Mr. ned, Mrs. . On Sunday mrnng Rev. E. and Nelson, Hampton., Mr. an eknd with relatives in Brant- The service was well attended. as C.Snlth an.1LlydM !isendHoMrs.hL Beecb dealt witb the subject Mrs. Garnet Chapman, Oshawa, BASE LINE 1 ford. was Sunday School in the after-' W. F. HARRISON & CO]PN M ve 'fod Sallo, MpleiWha is hritianty?"visted t M. Frnk obbis'.Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Coacutt. fon. andi the ffering taken wll ER C.SQ w e. is e nPearl ha sahitinty "vnieda r. Fan obis. erl a d e ar ola ut.s en 3 aLec 0 h B idng F nd c M T OP u LBL G --TO O T MrCfr wllw a Miss Jean Stewart, R. N., Osh- Rev. and Mrs. Win. Parker were Report of S. S. 3, Darlington, Suncay with er parents, Mr. and teSna col es IsesosobelanndBety tty - aa ha ben viitinbatnome.callcintgMînenhnomes.ay HevlforStptmbernfigreson Tatesrs.yestlke, alio.rTh SubeamMisson Bndgoures______________Mr__the_____________________ vers, Doris Cryderman and Jessie Mr and Mrs. Frances Hall Jr.. Parker toak funeral service of a per cent: Mr Ws. L.C.Sowdnspent Sun eliiffisseingBnofth______________________________ HoatHmtna r hsýToronto, at ber brother's, Mr. W. frienci there. Sr. IV-*Billy Henry 87, Wjean day wLthCher parents, Mr.San- N 8fermon s f rytet iofthes Bkrs Mrs. Thos. Sbortridge Ms.on aitn am exmt 7.HryF a Mn. aMrns,RMs . anvernionuir iathne. Quh ith ms.c Hoarth amtna M.Th1 Robinson's.wihMs Mr. Levi Porter, Gravenhursf. Metcalf 80, *Peggy Finnigan 78, Mrs. Thos. Baker. Caec efuc n isSM daughter. Mrs. Ernest Debar. be Margaret Stewart. Hilda Porter. Bethany. visifeci at ther 71, Joe Wojnakoslci 64. Misse Bety an Murel.ancircde t e iQgin etf fv-rurical Mr. m.Pateso ac MssMr CasMByds Master Bobbie Stevens, visited ooit e hymn by the school. Mar-- Sunday at Mr.CaetnM Doris Patterson wifh f riencis in Mr. andi Mrs. L. Swain and Glenn Metcalf 71, John Noble 62, Mr. and Mrs. Crosby at Uxbridge shall Vetzel gave an inferesfing Js htyuv enwiigfr B r de's, Peterbo o M . S. E C artw rî.%ht. fam iy. B lackstock . visite ci M rs. P. Eveline G ibson 60 (H ), G rd n a S nda . ead ng on ie s4frmend ad Werry and Mr. andi Mrs. A. L. Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. Cowan. Mountjoy. rl60(e)'Gro eaf M.anMs Sn Cvly edign Vw rmIdar Pascoe attendeTruhe 60 Geo),in OshaoaMetcalfeMr.isand Mrs.MStan.dCoverley.Defollowerkb- the(LBible readint bylCORBETT theHOMElMADEaHUMBUbS Oee r t i ng A s h a w a i t h b r s s enrr . M . nor . J. D m l , B u k -5.L . A e . .E b e n e z e r , v is ite d M r . a n d M r s . J ._ P a n n e A n il. M rs.OPn f o u n dEle Pas oe at en e r.t e a tn d ding A nso P .l oy.ton . M rs. A lex S im p son , M rs. W . Jr. I 1 - D on ald M etcalf 65 A ), D . P ick ard on S u n d ay. P in p ae r, i ss M r e fakn g teD l c o s y f a o e , t e b s h t m n y c n b celebration . 0f Mr ay nc i . F1 M. and Mrs. Thuston. Bob- Sayyae, Mrs. W bYte. Oshawa, vis- 1fAlvin Met(calf 54 (L). Mrs. Mark Blackburn, Orono. wsinpr sa r Wr ach therDleosyfaoed h ett o Wei-ssKDrn.satrdyevning Lb.i.Sr ik on 9wosi soy0cth oe Mis Dri C ycie rm ncaygean, with ber parents, Mr. ited Mrs. Thos.Cag.S.IItMk Bnk5 (Hi, ecently visiteci ber mother. Mns. Heralds were taken by Mary Kon- HamoDton. is visifing at Mr. Han- and Mrs. Fred Cornish. Misses Verna and Vera Griffin. Hro 1Sude13 S.H.). ate oly1hortunLbhm.oah o30racndRthPn oldi Pascoe's Mr. and Mrs. B. Mr. andi Mrs. Greeves. Cobourg,, Union. Mr. Alymer Herring, Osh- tSam Bonk 46 (Sp. H.). wberfounchi an Jaan a n RtreanWEKED MN- AE G. Stevens andi Mr. Gordon Scott Miss Bridge andi Mr. andi Mns. 1 awa. visited af Mr. Cyi Avery's. - Jr. Il - Milcireci Metcalf 72, Mihr. Buc.Misinryoncp-gae a uhran lln eal i aeadNtCk vlitdatPeeboorecently. Jo.Jak on.Prt Hope. wif h League meeting on Wednesday 1Daisy Gibson 67, Alfred Feather MledBthe.uli on Say ncuua . enmoertininK-mannen. Misse MsJa.Chilcis, Mrs. Harrv nadMs elo aisn evening was in change of 4f h Vice .65, Joyce Power 61 (L), tWinipJe was guest of Mrs. Geraîci Talcof f. Joan and Jean Antil eacb gave iDznMcrosRg 5 Lawrence. Mr. and Mr.WilMss Ethel Hoan and Mr. H. Norman Canringfon. Devotionalj Power 41 (L> C. A.>.,j'Roy Snud- 1e.W aka.Hmto.a neefnDeaig niSid oh f1or . .. . ...s Whit, Mr. C. Mrs.WillKerr, Oshawa, at Mr. J. Stewart's. was given by Rev. Wmn. Parker: jden 40 (Sp. L. C.>.Rv . i ccuy h pu Hppteon. Boank warstige isPnound.,uyBt or..... Whle. rs.C.H. Watson andi Rerarf of S. S. No. 9, Darling- readings. Floyd Beckeftand Alin!I Sr. Pr. - *Rase Snudden w82, S u Y. te iThe meon Bokwain softh lsf etng irwo'ounCemisa delalyerrud esi Ma .iss M essTrnfo Mn.and Ms. fan for September. Boyd: M iss Eilleen Parker. piano 1 Keith C ago 59 (A). M rs. J. D. Stevens is visiting l were inre s oby he sr eetng. Mary l'hore ni s n e a l brick. JaWhite. Mincor. ii ndJ sý. IV Gladys Thompson 80.5* icolo: topic. Mr. Reg. xveaving. Pr-*nneMoroz ac Ni e duheMs hane hie. ooa h sesreptwre Whlte. A<ncourt.Mr. J. Wite. Hila Tbompsn 76.5-,N i na Mn. and Mrs. Gordon Hudson.lMetcalf taquaI); 'Robbie Henry Oshawa. leafrm.R E',~S B K M.ncMr.JWaonMrRijDancb 72. Kathleen CowIing 67. Peferbono. Mr. andi Mrs. Butter, and *Harvey Metcaif (equal). a1endTt.ndheofrg _n Brenton Danch 63. Orono. Mn. and Mrs. Lamne Grif-I- Honours; t Failure (below - ____,fkn. h rsdn o h J.V-iyCwng5. fin and Jean. Blacksfock, visitedi 60, ;Low subjects: (L) Litcra- bnu.gjý,ýi is"a-H, ensuing-ENf.erm isa icls" st he-ig. Phone 3 Distributors Dad's Cookies Bo anle Si'. III-Arvilla Smith 69. j Mrs. Wm. Giffin. itre, (H) Histary. (A)Arhe-iNFEDbn.Paecositemeig Jr'. III-Murray Cowing 64, Miss Mae Lamb visiteci Miss tic. <C> Composition. (Geai Gea- ~ ute nidn ciiisin- illsi lrBwmnil. gap.clude a new otse andi garage be- C lean and bas camm5.Mr.T. ene i plowîng. p ass-n, rce Sr.I-es. DaConln62. IMns. E. Lingard. Mn. Win. Lin-' Ruby M. Bragg. teacher. ession of a farm near Nestleton on anMrun Hafrold Mn.dJ. __S.IHlaDnh6. gard. Mn. Jas. Spry, Cobourg. on an_____ *,fomMr J -Jr. 1-Hilda Cowling 75-. .visiteci Mn. J. Spny. iéOu- nd hscbool cî lwin wan aven i'. . Vonnfan bashenectec a C i o t h e s Preog e e te wg r. J Pe vstc fina i HAYDON $14 in pize m ney af the scbal new pelf hase in which is fox j e.-R n e M tb ws oM vise le. -Page- iee ar-fair at Enniskillen. skins will be given up-to-date at-G a Loo 1ueHnk. Missrs enepe es adyeeshaage ee-ar- nj s Gre CamaRev. J. P. Jul. Brookîin, ad- fention, andi is cansîderingasca Beer *Hnur;fgre eer e n nn hrp hv e n n r.Gre bpadressedi the Leaguie Monday ev- a'isimilan building. gasc cent. cuned boardinz places in Bow- îOshawa, vîsitec af Mi'. Leslie Mrs. efieybas sldohe FarewelBlackburn, teachen. manville f0 attend High School. j ams.'rs. oma'cofan i. aMns. Pand Mias. loci r mh- -e COu T' Get Your1MessNomnSo adL oMadMsFldo Don'f farget Ernnea Wenry's, Messrs Earl Stephenson and iCochrane wene successful exhib- awa and is pnepaning forIa'np tah amiction sale of caffle on Satur-, Silas Trewin andi Miss RuthM-ji fhane tDicstc'nc nlad lanc a tplacti 'Dresses Lockhart's School dy coe th , Neil spent the weekend at M. A. Orono fais. tena uue __ Mn. John Tamblyn, Mr. and Gîant's, Tornof.Viitose n hasAamsbasbeee. Mrs. John Brown, Mn. and Mrs. 1 Mn. and Mns. Arthur Brent, Mr. Mn adMi. on mihanr ey enos1llhalh h ps jThe fînat meeting of the Home Fred Tamblyn. Onano. Mn. and Gardon Brent and Mn. Lamne An- famiMr..TBobasyAeansbave been fw ekaanshs intI-0im ail Coatandc Scbool Club for the fenm was Mrs. C. Staintan and Ray. and nia. Tyrone. vislted at Mn. H. vistigafM. dînOmitns rioeta tepeenie w:tb at teachool on October 2nd Mn. and Mns. Cleve Clemence. ,Ashton's. Msitn andMrJ. Clark O sr s. Jas. Armoveelau rebs en ol-b it Jha amaîl attendance. The Osbawa, visited at Mn. W. J. vF. M.raotnO1aa ýnw reien, r. owrdBw-Stito*s Ms Eia shonan is Jnawa, at Mn. Arthur Hubbard's. idaying in Hampton aven the Martha Washngo neW.sdnt r.HwadBw Aano'.MstnEniskAahf n andmiss June M..John Ormiston, Oshawa, jweekend. CLEANED NOW. en. Ooupîed henca in. S- . and rrs. te artR n t on nikle.Ms 3tIe Mn. andi Mra. Evereff Ormiston Mn. George Reynolds visifed o on ' ' w'Vho bas worn a rh ah ____________________ silOsore ed n sngsagj ontPeny vitciatMn. E. C. Brooks. Oshawa, andi Mn. Arthur adJulia, Bowmanvile, af Mr.n. i i lngton Mr. and knoss.somir gQ hi Ir waa primarily a business mee t-Ashton's. 1Trewin, Stephensons Paint visited adSnailsnihMngn r H' f .lt'< materialos, hi itntv ina toaraîrange fan the programa J Mn. and MrF. A. Page. Toronto. at Mn. xvm. Trmewin's. W. J. Ormiafon'a. Preuffer, Oshawa. We congî'at- fiejaiymtr.s sw iss and nmethods fa be useci for the iMrs. C. Branton. Mn. andi Mmc. PF Mrs. A. M. Wootfon and Mrs. snMssH. Sie no MrJ.S-. _Prulaer au ltene innbou theMn. __.. i~aknd hielokmn.pi hi following term. Mmc.- Fred Bow- Ruindlc. Mr. Clifford Rundie. Russe] Virtue. Tyrone, Miss Alice sn isMggeadM.Non- Pefer Sn i 'inn tenakn Ou Il be surrsdho a LA N R en. Mns. M.alley. Mrs. Dean anci Osbawa. visiteci at Mn. S. Pagýe's. Ashton and Mn. Gardon Beech. man Stinson bave been visiting ('oveted trapby at the 0sbawa Manthia Washington basgneiipr- tbe secrefary were appainted as Mn. andi Mrs. Richard Parker. Enniskiilen. Mis.s Hilda Richards at. Janefville. 1 Tenni.s Club recently. tng1 f 50eses lnow at Wer trs x nepresentatives of the club f0 jCabouna. Mrs. Charlotte Sfepb- visifed at Mn. A. Beecb's. Mrs. John McCullocb and Misa fl50rssesV('IyWa Launderers & Cleaners meet with Mrs. F. W. Bawven al-1 ens. Hampton, Mn. and Mrs. Robi. Mrs. Flayd Dudley, 'ryrone, vis- Ida McCulloch have been visiting luivlYstyled, iae rse ogwith representafives of ather Stepb'ns. Mn. Upton Sfepbena. ifeci at Mn. E. Bradley's. Mn. A. MOrn. and MTo Hroto.Win an ut Se th ig a Ho mne and Sc ooi Club Os baaW. ..ited ir Oro o nci'rrono..BI U A R wek. Thy cme in m51e ~ t ~ PH O N E 207 c s fr te proe 0f o gnz wrnle, i' Ra Sep en. G aitTa nt. l iiin n .chiliren. Owen Soundi.have ben Omen's, 36> 1 2; and haif Council. ilster's. a mD.Br- Tbank-Offering services onvisiting at Mn. T. BowUman's. Miss Ilarriet O. Burk, Lindsay Mn. Gondon Beecb. Miss Alice Sonday were well attendeci. Thn Mn. and Mrs. R. W.Paaehv ____________________________________________ ______________________ j$1.50 to $si9 Ashton visiteci af Mr. A. ec'.cburch was nicely decorat.ed withbenvatnatBuelsM5i1adfincseegivd ________________________________________I _________________ j taleaî n of tbe deafb of MissDESE Haydan. abo~~~ qhlnlndn0fatmnfowr.I -ant0.Br bpsedayCTTNSRE j hurb.tF. 0 e earers were Messrs- jvariegateU, '4 ply »otan3' - - - 20e 1' li ineof rad 5nes Qolify SllaIf.~-Te fcf . O Mlîveen. T. H. Knighf. Scotch Fingenlng, !À~ lb. skein -29à. 1 H î hB a m n t ni . an c M Le Arricis. l ,tn- t h ali ft o p(nan , ho sn da af in- R O YG er). W . Jam es, S. M . S ott, C apt. I la use iC. W. E. Meath andi J. H. Bafe-i il'iî p"e iM' nd Mrs. W. Di'. Thomas' E"lectnic 011 speaka 1 Ilmon.J "1 nd Mm. andi Mus. A. Annis. volumes for Ifs healing efflicr'y.-- The flaraI offeringa were inany I AOH ymone. F ver' since ifb ssfi"' tintrodeii dN I H O S andi vers' beasotiful. expressive of ir(n V1ednpeday of lrîst week Mn. if bas grown stehdily in public DEALER FOR flic love of hem many frienda. SHOE STORE lnd Mrs. Chas. Cornisb. Mn. n id favon, owing entirely fo ifs mani- Wben she resideci bere abe was OOWA BO MANILL KIN LTgmad. shaa wee lnneMr bsel ig silne.s a eciflnd e le s a Cihurc. l eavofte s ouoFAOIT HOPN BLA O M NVLEKN Lfmi.OCK us s gwit Mm. nciMr.G.r citgs bornas. s alcs acifvn- CO TICl e rchaSîng. one-ss te rn, dYiP one 164 ORTE wmanville _________________________________________Cornisb. if be'ng the orrasion of lous inflamn'afomy pains Ifs ne- n omave Hughes, Lindsay; andi the fallow- f hein daughter'is birthdAy, Mii. cord is beyond reproacb. ~dBwavle If'rtcsad ehw:Ms THE CANADIAN STA-TESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTAR.Tr) r-u-,rr%12mm 'i l&X