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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Oct 1935, p. 9

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTAR1O, THUR.9DAY, OCTOBER 10, 1935 PAGE NINE JThe Real u0f Sport Inter School Athletic Records Brought up ta date, September 30, 1935 As an aftermath to the Inter-School Field Day. whlch saw the haridsome Bassett Trophy return to Bowmanville High School's manler)iceaftr n aseceof woveas.we hmghsir i ps~uÂl Uw n motnfod n$r "asn e oi Twnf +.a rc, wen'a th,.,, a r+ .. o jHicks 2, H. Osbor ",1Pdne 2. rrwo- tercodhlers might be interesting. Nnte ftefryfu R~y 1s lir ina ed y 1 lar base hits: C. Clarke 2, Bagnell. records are held by B. H. S. which is a swell a.verage an>' way yoti R gya s E imi ated by ard Lef t on bases: Hagersvilie 10, look at It. Here Is the complete list: 1-iti o -ag r vil v iai s Clarke G. Smith 2. St:len bases: Event Holder Prom Record Year H ittng age svile ill ins B. Clarke 2, Moise. Double-play': SENIOR BOYS (under 20) I nt r o e i Fi a s e e Aaron 10, Piper 1, Osborne 6. 100 Yards Ashenhurst u 10 1-5 sec. 1933 Bases an baîls: off Aaron 6, off' 12 lb. Shot Put Brunt B 40' 61, 1934 __________Osborne 5. Hit by pitcher: by 220 Yards Crozier P. P. 23 1-5 sec. 1934 Osborne 1. Broad Jump Brunt B 21l' 8" 1934 Batigt h atD tus e when one more hut wauld Umpires - Crossett and Mat- 440 Yards Hunt B 56 4-5 sec. 1934 Batigt h atDthhave driven the copper-coloured thews. Higli Jump Bagnell B 5' 6" 1934 Royals Give V i c t o r a curver ta the showers. But the __________ One Mile Davey W 5 min. 4 sec. 1934 Tog Bti frHo-lt wasS not forthcoming and the Pale Vault Bagnell B 10' 31141 1934 Tog atefrH n hef hung araund to the end ROYALS BATTING AVERAGES 440 Yard Relay BowmanviUle B 48 sec. 1934 ors and nailed his twenty-fourth DURING PLAYOFFS ITREIT OS(ne 7 tre n13 nine safeties and six passes Aaron G AB H PC 100 Yards Kimble B 10.6 sec. 1935 Drapping the semi-final series fanned ten, getting the side in Brunt 3 3 2 .667 1 b htPt Wlimo 0 "13 in straight games ta the Hagers- the ninth but not i n ord. Cameran 3 7 3 .428 220 Yards Paxton u 25 sec. 1934 ville Villains - who play their In the field. despite seen bob- Carden 12 49 19 .388 High Jump Maffey W 5' 34'" 1935 pr opreto -th o-bics.' the Villains are a steady. Wilams 10 42 15 -35 440 Yards Paxton u 59 sec. 1934 patt efciov h a ell-balanced team. and in Dav- Bagnel ll1 37 13 .351 Pale Vault Clarke W 8' il ý2 1935 manville Royals, Eastern Ontario idson the agile f irst baseman Calwvell 9 35 Il .314 880 Yards Cameron W 2 min. 21 sec. 1935 champions, sang their swan sang have a player w'hý is almaost toa McIlveen 5 13 4 .308 Broad Jump Slemon B 17' 931" 1934 ta the 1935 basebaîl sea.son here gaad ta be true. H. Osborne 10 32 9 .281 440 Yard Relay Uxbridge u 51 4-5 sec. 1934 on Saturday by lasing a 10-6 de-1 Dave Osborne, pelted ciuite Piper 9 29 8 .272 cisian and thus eliminating them- freely in the first game at Hag- Hicks 12 50 13 .260 JUNIOR BOYS tunder 15) selves frarn further campetition ersv ic. relieved Piper in the Moise 12 60 14 .233 10YadPatn U ise.93 in the O.B.A.A. Intermnediate B,'third inning of Saturday's tussIel Large 10 39 8 .205 B00Yads axoJu1mpc 13 playoffs. ýand hurled four hit balîs for the Bates il 28 5 179 raa p Rodman U 19,1' 1 1934 Facing the hardest hitting cal- rest af the tilt and whiffed six. D. Osborne 5 13 0 '000 208ars odan U051ec lection af athietes ta show here Eddie Hicks was the big gun - Pale Vault H. Clmer B 8 0 1930 this year. Bowmanville showved alfor Bowmanville offensively. get- Total 437 124 .284 440 Yards H. Calmer B 59 4-5 sec. 1930 montrusinailtyta itwih tngonbae o hs ver aper- ___________ . 8 lb. Shot Put McDougall W 38' 5" 1935 mntosiaiiyt i ihtl obaeo i ver ae 880 Yards Hunt B 2 min. 27 1-5 sec. 1930 men an the pathways and need ance at the plate. His ave r OYageLIG VRGSHg Jm hmsn ' "13 look no farther for the reason iwas three hits, a waik. and the RYL ILIGAEAE lg upTopo '913 of their defeat. Three times in other time he was safe an an DURING PLAYOFFS 440 Relay Whitby W 54 sec. 1934 four innings. the gray-uniformed erroîr. C. Clarke, continuing his SEIRGRSIne 0 troup had the sacks fully papu- heavy slugging af Wednesday G P0 A E PC EIR IL une 0 lated when the third man suc- wvhen lie bit four for five, led the 'Cameron 3 2 0 O 1000 75 Yards Waddington B 9 3-5 sec. 1933 cumbed and twice the last mani Villains again with three in five, Mcflveen 5 1 1 0 1000 100 Yards Sykes B 13 4-5 sec. 1931 was retired an strikes. i two ai his hits being good for! Brunt 3 0 1 0 1000 High Jump Waddington B 4' 4" 1933 It was in places like these thatidoubles. 1 Piper 9 2 28 1 .9677 Baseball Catch & the Chief looked like the pitcher Hagersville ran Up an eight run Carden 12 118 1 4 .9676 Throw Coyne & Little B 53 1934 hie is supposed ta be. On ather! total befare Bowmanville were Bagnell il 23 3 2 .929 Broad Jump Clarke u 15' 3" 1935 occasions he was decidedly shaky j able ta dint the score card. In Colwell 9 22 24 4 .920 Basketball Throw Clarke u 87' 6" 1935 ý,nd there were times during the! the apening round an error and1 Large 10 10 1 1 .917 220 Relay Port Perry P. P. 28 1-5 sec. 1932 ___________________ a double resulted in a run, andf H. Osbarne 10 59 12 7 .910 in the next frame a fumble o aia D. Osborne 5 O 10 1 .909 JUNIOR GIRLS <under 16) double-play baIl folawed by a, Moise 12 16 10 3 .897 1 50 Yards Welsh B 7 sec. 1935 sacrifice and a single added an- Williams 10 16 24 8 .833 75 Yards Switzer P. P. 9 4-5 sec. 1932 BusinessDirectory ! thr.hCHicksille12< 19 35 12 .1a8 bliCac ad Clarke U 9 4-5 sec. 1934 i otiala i s flhed crosan aa l-302-1-4 48 -Uxbridge U 511934 LG Lthetlate bxeunfar lashed osn otac30i15 48 .905 Broad Jump Clarke U 14' 102!" ___________pate__________________e Basketbafl Throw Williams B 83' 8", 1935 cauid retire the sîne. Five bits, IJ no s20YadRly Ubide U 2 e.1934 M. G. V. GOULD, B.A., LL.B. I anc a twa-ply swat, a wvalk and B HS High Jump usarid U 49's3" 1934 Barrister, Solicitar, Natary an errar caused the damage. B H S u ir ihJm utr '313 Phone 351 1 In the Rayais bh aio the same 1I i i OPEN EVENTS Royl an Bdg, Bwmnvll ýsession. Bawinanville began the 1 i ist Came i Roa akBd.,BwavleI f irto a series af mild flurries.iid Discus Thraw Kent B 91' 1935 W. R. STRIKE 1 Dutch" Osbamne stralled and ai U1IOf ri Seasotil J ave lin Tbraw Roach B 121l' 1" 1935. Barrister, Solicitor, Natary cm reciining an f irst whilc brotherI- Solicitar for Bank of Mantreal Dave flied out ta left. the bal'ruc htv Entry O o o S h o < i I'ie V in r Money ta Loan. Phone 91. failing ta clear the fence by al ruc htyEntry r n c o lF i rz in Bowmanville, Ontario f ew meagre feet. he advanced tai 20-O in Opening Game - 1 second on a ground out, ta thirdI L. C. MASON, B.A. ioan Williams' single, and scored lait Whitby Last Satur- Fail Wheat, sheaf - Ma r ie Pinks - Merle Oke. Do n ai Barrlster - Slicitor when Aaron walkcd bath Hicks da Thompson. Helen Ashton, Wilma Mauntjoy, Gladys Bradley, Har-ý Notary Public - Etc. and Calwell. Corden scratchcd ayAshton. vey Partner. Law in ahl its branches ta lef t. scaring Williams and FaIl Wheat, quart-Roy Trewin Scabiosa - Ruby Griffin, Jean Office immediately east af Royal Bagneli f anned. In the fourth Bawmanville High Schoal Jun- Bob Stinson, Neil McCulloch, Knapp. Ross Ashton, Roy Gra- Theatre the Osbomne brothers gat on basesj ior Rugby team start.ed off onl Harold Avery. ham. Phones: Office 688; Homne 553. via the fumble raute and bat theright foot on Friday ai ter- nY M scored when Hicks floe noon when the>' invaded Whitby Oats, quart - Harold Avery, Sapdragon - aLrne Yeo Ma>' DE T Lpass ta Williams witha si al and tmaunced their Junior entry Ross Ashton, Helen Partner. Gibbs. Blanche Preston, Raiph DENTAL___________ while Dune was out tryin ob>' a score af 25-0. Bowmanville, Oats, sheaf - Art Thampson, Knapp. DR. . C DEVTT coreon he pay.who started the parade on the Marion Partner, Bill Gilro>' Nom- Special. Cake made wth Wat-i DR.,~.~. EVTT cor o th ply.f irst play,. were superior un every nman Thompson. kin's Baklng Powder - Eunlce Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson In the f ifth Corden singled department af the game. Barley. quart-Harold Wilson, Knapp, Ruth McNeil. Doreen B>'- DetlCiwith one out and Bagneil wailop- Coach Ed. Devitt h.as appar- Elaine Ormnistan, Bob Stinson, am. Graduate af RoyalDetlC- ed a gmund rule double over the entîy rounded out another champ- Roy' Trewin. Temperance Posters, prizes giv- lege, Toronto. Office: Jury Jub-j fence. Large stroIlld but ail ion aggegation in spite af the Baeysha- rv>Prte en b>' Institute--Ivy Tabb, Dom- ilee 6&dg., Bowmanville. Office lthree runners died on bases. while fact that eleven af the men are alyshf--rv Ptn. een Byamn, Gladys Bradley'. houm7-19 a. m. ta 6 p. m. dail3' "Dutch" Osborne flied out ta îyn hi is er Potataes, Dooleys-Harold Mc- Ccee.Bre îmuhRc Pexpt Sunday ho 28. shart centre and Dave just miss- On the first play ai the game Laughlin. -James Graham, Femne Gilroy, Phoe 0. aue pon 28. d a bit when bis liner went Dick Bathgate went through the Patatoes, Irish Cobblers-Don- Fa>' Gilmo>', Walter Ommiston. X-Ray Equipment in Office.' right at the Big Chief. entire Whitby team for an un- aid Ferguson, Doreen Byamn, May Pullet, Barred Plymouth Rock In the sixtb Bowmanville again convcrtcd touchdown. This was Gibbs, Eileen Cowling. -Jean Werry, Femne Gilro>', Jas. SHOE REPAIRS bad thc bases filled with anc, the oni>' score af the f irst periad Ensilage Corn - Wesley His, Grahamn, Fay Gilmo>'. awaY on twa errors. a fielders althaugb Amnes made a twcnty- Bill Gilroy, Rod Simpson, Marie Cackcei.l White L e gho rn - R. P A WS ON choice and a scratch single onl>' Iyard run for Bowmanvillc. and Thampson. Raiph Virtue, Marie Thompson. Root and Shoe Repairmng tD sec the ncxt two batters go 1 Whitby had a great chance ta Sweet Con-Stewart Preston, Aileen Bradley'. Sales sewn an by Goadyear do,3wn swinging. I caunt wben they rccovered a James Graham, Helen Partner, Pullet, White Legborn-Ralph Stitching Machine. In the ninth the Rayais tallied Bowmanvillc funible on the 25 Elsie Rahm. Virtue, Mamie Tbampson. Prices reasonable. the final duo ai markes Bates yard line. Mangels -Harold McLaughlin, Kin Sree Est Bwmavilebatting for Corden walked .Bg-In the second quarter Charlie Roy TrwnJenCosaen - neli whiffed. Mcîîvccn was sent Spencer. the sauthpaw booter for Werry. FUNERAL IRECTOR n far Large and was saf e on the! Bawmarnville. kickcd three sing- Tumnips - Fay Gilroy, Jean O Oe> 'FUNERAL DIRECTORS %vanc:ng Bates ta second and bath period w~as a rouge. After Spcn- Laughîin. runners scored wvhen "Dutch" cer had hoofed over the first Parsnips - Ross Ashton, Iva Service, an>' hour, any day. Osborne singlcd ta centre and s.nglc, Bathgatc wcnt 20 yards Campbell, Marlon Partner. F. F. MORRIS CO. the fielder let the baIl get away and on the next play a complet- Beets - Eileen Cowîing, Allan MoenMotor Equipment from hinm. Dutch" ging ta sec-. d foirward, Ames ta Coville Preston, Daa Shantz, Eunice ' Amodae an Invalid car and and altbough bie rcachcd gaincd another 15 yards but onl>' Knapp.I Abla ne 1nd 34 third an another fumble. he died anc point was scored fram this Carmts-Haroid Avery'. Alfred Assistat, 573 itter Cameron and Williams. bahl-carrier dmapped the pigskin Anderson. L IliAf ,a'I BOWMANVILLE DJune, the leacing bitter on the' and the Wbitby player fell on it Onians-Llayd Preston. Winnie tcam. was the first and last bat- giving B.H.S. 1 point. Twice ai- f Brook s, Harry Campbell, Ross Footbl breeds bumps, strain, NORTHCUTT & SMITH ter ta go to the plate for ]Bow-, ter tbis Bawmanvilhe carried the McRoberts. panris ..Buyog Complete Funeral Service mavPiu 95 alnarcog o Pnet e Pumpkins-Aileen Bradley, bodies soon &et over them-when Mîdern Equipm.ent - Ambulance AB R H PO A E kick for points. Ruby McLaughlin, Lamna Rabm, Minaad's 's rubbed in. -A. W. G. Northcutt - Hagersviile: j With the score 9-0 going inta, Alan Ferguson. Aubre>' Smth - Montgomery, 2b 5 1 0 0 2 2 the second half, Bawmanville e- Asters-Donald Ferguson, Roy>' ohè lnien bas ev.r .qu&IW. Phoe Dys 8 Dvido.lb.6 12 81 1f uscd ta ease up. Whitby inter- Trwn aecagln ine Mnrda. A boutle of Minard'à handr h o SneDays or58idy Aaron, p. 4 2 1 1 4 , ccpted a B.H.S. forward but fum- Brooks. as edera by Mias docnt od fo igtunasoHodas C. Clarke, If. 5s13 3 O 0 bled and on the first play Welsh. Ph0ox-Blanche Wotte. Allan YermCoh. Ns Phone 523 or 276. B. Clarke. 3b. 2 1 1î0o12; anc af the bmri1iant recruits, went Phlota-Blanche Gateli. Chas. Sales Agente. 40 Halet. ~ 4 12 over for anather uncanverted CPrestnh. HhT.UF. ,ChastSals AenC t Tret MU ICA Snitb. 5 11 1 Otauch.Capel "Fice&Co mER siEE A. Smith, cf. 53 1 0o Bowao i ereceivedthe kick- 'rZinnias-Wilna Wotten Wal1t1Ld,7oet A. T. C. M. 1 c. 41 _1 10 i Oimmediatel>' began a march down ARia alpi 0m n, r I am prcpared ta take a lim- Total 38 10 10 27 10 7' the fiehd that resulted in yet an- Afia MrgodamsG- itcd number ai pupils in Piano Bawmanville: i other try b>' Welsh. Bowmanville bam, Marie Thompson, Isobel, and Theor>'. Termis maderate. Mos.m.. apparenti>' iked the fun so e- Rahm, Lawrence Tabb. leKIy, Telephone 111r6 Bowmanville. 1iîas peated the process for a convert- Vrea-Hwr rd"IG0 AN Wiliam, s. 51 11 12cd taucbdown for their i as tGardon Shemon, Evelyn Vîrtue. 39--4* Hicks. 2b. 4 0 3 2 1 2 points. Carl McLaughlin. _________________ FRANCIS SUTTON ,Calwelh. 3b. 4 0 1 1 3 1 In the final quarter the B.H.S Coreopsis - Eunice K n a p p., A Mus. Bac. F.oren l. CO2 O1 alternates gat their baptlsm un- oga ar lnFrguson. I A.T.C.M. diplamas in Piano, a Bates 0 1 0 O O O der fire and aiter permitting_________________________________ Slnging, Violin and Organ. Bagnehi, cf. 5 0 1 5 O0 htb aginyrs1o h Private ai class lessans. Large, If. 3 0 0 2OO first and onl>' time, the>' settled __________________________________ Pupils pî'epared for ahI b Mcflveen 1 1 O 0 O O away and neither team got a reah NEWS FOR BUSY FARMERS Canada increased ber share oi the canned apple tradte af the United Kingdom b>' 26.5 per cent for the f lrst six manths af 1935 as compared with the samne per- iad last >'ear, 51,829 cases b:eing impomted duming the 1935 period, or 12 per cent ai the total im- parts. Barle>' production in Ontario this year will amount ta 17,000,- 0001 bushels ,an Increase of 2,- 309,000 over 1934. Production oi barle>' in Ontario during the last ten years lias averaged 15,945,000 bushels. Too rapid maturity was a factor tending ta Iowem the standard of grains in Eastern Ontario. A Prime Dressing for Waunds. shops carbollc acld Is kept for use in cautemizing wounchs and cuts sustalned b>' the workmen. Par better to keep on hand a bottie of Dr. Thomas' Eciectric 011. It la iust. as quick un action and does not scar the skin or burn the flesh. Gilroy, Dora Shantz, Howard' Caif. Dairy-Wesley His, Bill Bradley. Colt, Draft -Gladys Bradley, !Howard Bradley, Wesley His. Calf, Beef - Gardon Siemon, fFerne Gilroy. Market Lamb, Ewe or Wether i-Wesley Hi1ls, Gordlon His. Howard Bradley. Best Broken and Exhiblted Colt. Calf, Lamb-Howard Brad- ley, Gordon HUis, Wesley His, Alice Stevenson. Spy Apples-Ross Ashton, Mar- ie Ashton, Wesley His, Gladys Bradley. Snow Apples-Breta Collacott, Ross Ashton, Marie Ashton, Har- old Ashton. McIntosh Apples-Ross Ashton.l Marie Ashton, Haroldi Ashton, Alvin Page. Tomatoes - Elleen Cow i n g, Blanche Preston, Stuart Preston, Harold Avery. Plate of Plums-Harold Avery, May Gibbs. Plate of Assorted Fruit - Roy Trewin. WVesley His, Gardon Hilîs, Ross Ashton. Sandwiches - Bessie H il11 s, Yvonne Byam, Merle Oke, Marie Thompson. Corn Meal Muffins-Ruby Mc- Laughlin. Iva Campbell, Ferrie Gilroy, Jean Knapp. Date Loaf - Elaine Ormiston, Alice Stevenson, Verna McRob- erts, WUlma Wotten. Divinity Fudge -Jean Knapp, Dora Shantz, Alice Partner, Ruth McNeil. Padded Holder for Pots and Pans-Helen Smith, Lorna Rahin, Evelyn Virtue, June Ashton. Doll's Patch Work Quilt.-Dora Shantz, Pearl White, Ferne Oul- roy, Mildred Stokes. Smock-Lillian McRoberts. Al- ice Stevenson, Doreen Byarn. Knitted Cap and Scarf Set - Wilma Ashton. Helen Ashton, Lillian McRoberts. Plasticine Model of a Hoe and Spade - Kenneth Rahm, Ralph Knapp, James McLaughlin, Carl McLaughlin. Window Stick-Donald Fergu- son, Donald Samis. Wooden Mallet - Harold Mc- Laughlin, Lamne Yeo, Harvey Partner. Butter Ladle-Murray Tabb. t Tie Rack - Harold W ils on Lorne Yeo, James Smith, Murray Tabb. Wren House-Murray Tabb. - Collection af 10 deciduous trees -Jean Werry. Lamna R a h m, Douglas Barr, Lloyd Preston. Collection of 5 or more legum- inous plants-Ferne Gilroy Hai- vey Partner, May Gibbs. Collection of Nuts, Fruits, Seeds or Cones-Alice Partner. Marion Partner. Jean Davey. Ruby Grif- fin. Agricultural Scrap Book-Ross Ashton, Bill Gilroy. Bob Stinson, Harry Campbell. Domestic Science Scrap Boak- Hazel Gatchell, Ferne Gilroy, Wilma Ashton, Jean Davey. Collection af Ground Hog Tails -Neil McCulloch, 80 tails; Har- ry Campbell 45, Carl McLaughlin 35, Donald Siemon 30. Rabbit ln Mass-Stuart Pres- ton, Ralph Knapp, Betty Simpson Billie Gatchell. Tulip in Mass - Lorna Rahm, Jean Werry, Harold Gatcheil, Merle Oke. Teddy Bear beside a blue bail -Rod. Simpson, Gladys Fergu- son, A.llan Preston, Ralph Virtue. A Felled Tree, Axe, Stump, etc. j-Jeanne Abbott, Lamne Yeo, Ru- by McLaughlin, Hazel GatcheU. 4th Class Art--Lloyd Yea, Nor- man Thompson, Myrtle Page. Ruby Griffin. 5th Class Art-Maude Simpson, Eunice Knapp, Blanche Beecli. White Sheep - Billie Gatcheil, Lorraine Page, Betty Simpson, Hazel Aldred. The Dandelion -June Ashton, Merle Oke. Blanche Wotten, Lorna Rahm. A Gentleman oi Ten - Lloyd Preston, Ruby Bailey, P e a r 1 White, Ralph Virtue. The Frost-4ean Knapp, Doro- thea Hall, Ruby McLaughlin, Dora Shantz. Crossing the Bar-Doreen By- am, Myrtle Page, Ruby Grill in, Helen Ashton. Horatius - Mýaude Simpson, Blanche Beech, Eunice Knapp. Weed Naming Contest - Rod. Simpson, Gladys Bradley, Velma Ferguson, Ivy Tabb. Live St.ock Judging Contest - Harold Ashtan, Murray Tabb, Wesley Hills, Elaine Ormiston. Schoal Chorus Singlng - S. S. 17; S.S. 16; S.S. 15; S.S. 21. Sehool Parade - Ail schools took part in parade. Impromptu Speaklng - Myrtie Page, Neil McCulloch, Allan Fer-1 Thursday - Friday - October 10 « il CHARLES "BUDDY" ROGERS in "Old Man Rhythm" MICKEY MOUSE CARTOON- - NEWS Saturday, October 12&h ""Helidorado"'- MATMNE SATURDAY AT 2.30 p. m. Mon. - Tues. - Wed. - October 14 - 15 - 16 NORMA SHEARER, CHAS. LAUGHTON "The Barretts of Wimpole Street" AN OUTSTANDING PICTURE. CARTOON - - XEWS MATINEES, MONDAY 4 p. m.; WEDNESDAY 2.30 p. m. Thursday - Friday - October 17 - 18 PAUL ROBESON and a fine cast in "Sanders of the River" MATINEE THURSDAY 4 p. nt COMING SOON: Rudy Vallee In "SWEET MUSIC" "THE LAW BEYOND THE RANGE" .Tonight. Liberal-Conservative MEETING In the interests of FRED. W. BOWEN Liberal Conservative Candidate mn Durham County will be held in TOWN HALL, BOWMANVILLE Thursday, Octo ber 10 SPEAKERS: Hon. Leopold Macauley, Former Minister of Highways Ex-Controller Claude Pearce, Toronto Dr. K. -Hunter Palmer, Port Hope Miss Mary Bowen, and the Candidate. EVERYBODY WELCOME God Save The King. IEdwu udsbu rq [RDWN DRANO [DlRN SYRIJF tf GYFOOD T,- ~NOURISHED NMORE CAMADIAN CHILOREN A THAN AMY OTHER CORN ~ r: SYRUP LL A poduct of The CANADA STARCH CO.. Llmlted AGRICULTURAL SCHOOL Novoniber 5, 1935 - APRIL 9, 1936 Yugwomen are offered a thorough course in homemacng. i.nuing actcal work in Foodsa and Nutrition, Clothing and TtieH ath E ucation, Home Furnisbing and Management, Horticulture, Poultry and English. Matriculation standing not required. COURSES IN AGRICULTURE FOR YOUNG MEN ing practical Agriculture, Mechanics, English and Mathematkcures.vm er5195t Arl ,9,6 - 2A two.weeks' short course (january 20 to January 31, 1936). oinLivestock,Fil Crops, Fruit Growing. Poultry, Oas Engines, Farm Planting, Fertilizera and Drainage. Board and roorn supphied at $3.50 per ueek ONTARIO .DEPARTMIENT OF AGRICULTURE For further particudars apply to HON. DUNCAN MARSHALL, W. J. BELL, f=Mca 0unseTc Agriculture,. Kemptville A. .u ualS!haol, Parliament Building, Toronto Kemprvii, Ontario ý Royal Theatre BOWMANVILLE

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