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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Oct 1935, p. 10

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PAGE TEN THE CANADlAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1935 musin Fare BOS EXIBITVALVS ATModetY i broght frwar' TostedMeatSandlCh~ORON hasthe oor sut. n it fac. grundbet.eeflbuttred read ___________________________________I BOPYSetedDU HM CTALVEFATand made way for. Assunpti0fl Spread. seasole cold ef de t iDtp in beatenegad uan T h ~ castie In d e p e n d e tI sPesent b y T e ein t ecay of others nirýlsauta suP andricle, I Twnty-hree Calf Club boys, Tegetsce flf snyrsuea o rrc os.Gr ___________________________________ T iniy Payes tele in the Hotsteifl and eleen Many citizens of Newcastle and conducted by the President, MissClbya ehitnter t n the* ws'oMoayndeayyer-!iflgs e tbr 25h. hetn dig Shaw's f oUow with special itr Riokard 'toolc charge. A short t Before appreciative audiences ClbWa y exhbiilgeir est events in connecion ihpriod ws ...i rceain;o Mnayadcasdyevn es te rono oThetndngdof Italy's aggressive actions againstan igig eoinlprolh -cfac,"okWosteis ixavsinheHl Abyssinia becaUse of the f act that adSfgfg eoinlprodte3atfre okWoste irstlubiX calvsin the Hln\ Opportuniiy for Youn g e a former much esteenled Old boy consisted of a reading by George Here!" was presented in the Op- stemCubwr: Ivisn Tamblyn, of the commluflity, John TrewUl Rie, scripture by Charlie era House under the auspices of Sandy Muir, FakylTmln is serving as a Mission8.ry in the Glenney, and story told by Mar- Trinity Womef's Asso ci at i on. Bruce Tink, George WerrY, LeRoy I I-Ielp Wafrnatedou thrycenturies old Mfrican Eni ion Alun. Those taking part in The involved plot n which there Brown, and those in the Beef BRH pr ieopruhYfragovo om pir.tetyrn eeBeneeGl eemn. opiainpoe Club: Thos. Baker, John Rickard. - , ANTD-MEN TO CUT CORD men lfterested in a study of Systems to proi e ua pir. he roramwee BrneceGi- wreman omiadth ions roved wood. Appy Jak G. Smltlandand urban sndustry. Mr.E. M. H. Ward returned bank, who told the f e of a great very a Uii n h iaiu ad Jnt Rickard, ied) Cro andQ I N I o m n ilo a- w o . A py Jak 0 m t h s ytm ae be u l onSunday from Toronto where composer of music and played comedy kept the audience in a .n oh ole (id)CrmnQUN-1 omanler on Sat Drawer 6, Bobcaygeofl. 39-é* on a encnaecn throe fhscmoiin;Salyra of laughter. Much credit White. However, the final stand- urday. etme Bh 1935, FUDTO o use in developing Plan o i father's. f ollowing her operation Rickard gave a short talk on' for the success of the plis du fin and division of prize moneyl to Mr. and Mrs. Royal Quinn, WANTED - GIRL, AS Hin wih t In hospital. Current Events; Miss Rickard, to the director, Mr. E. A few o e delumonstratiOns shouldgil (ona are) WATEe-GILaSble youvsinsoftodst sel- qj nubrfrom here. thanks tcaea umry0 he work wtr ainig spae opan nshowmanship. feed records, the BEECH O onfo tb r statn wages, teo NS." Draw-dernonstrating the-. th godmisinaY ndpblc-doe t heYongPope' Rll taiifghis cast as all took their summer's work with the calves. 7th. 1935, at Bowmanville Hos-, er B3. Bowmnanville. A41-1mosta the ood niss onar and publc- d ne a the YA g e ntso W a ntedl I-1 -fOn Moud yaretoba residentges tofN .Durha m Cio sountld andl wok f r. uselK Bag.hed t htb rcetY e prts exceptioflally well. New- ,judging competition a41-1- iat Rv n Ms .L ioty .a sflo:Hlti ect your own leaders to develoP the work hseSs Shaws. attended the Trinity W. ng closed with a hymin and the;to Hackney. who took the part in s~oîw: Hîti Beechi, Newtonville, a son (Law-AgnsW te tems are planned to promote. "Lookcio. o Lyman Winchell, was quite Club- Ivison Tamblyn, $5,50; rence Aubrey).IfyuaearsdnofDhm A.play,"Lo Who's Here".in bndcin natural and exceptionally funny LeRoy Brown, $450; Bruce Tink. _____SADREIBEwilwie gvn ou aean drs A. AMBIpttona a co -otIOUS AinD E LuAt L wiI wil url wiut te, ivingsyortme ad dessf tai ttehe raHOpeeBrmaavll. nusslwa,.Hehaocrtialyvarl-S350GergeWery $,0;.lod0SlemaGentdriteorwih-yo cpyof hef$3.setin0o;wrkLlplnsfo M on d ay an d T u esd aY . P u rp es H ostesses to O d G old s a s w rs e u at o as r a in ly aco m M etcalf. $300 ; S a fd y M u ir. $3.00 ; R I A Eoua presm w n ce b uw i llior g t o r ra nutr y t is a s h rt eieof w o f he F a m o n W. M.S. of United Church met Pleasant Afternlath of H. S. lished comedian in Bowmanville. Wilbur Blackburn, $3,00; Frank- _____ * burk.sins 0ar own uar- lanSstementio h een.dvlpd r h in the S. S. room on Sept. 3Oth F'ield Day Mrs. Ida Goddard displayed hier lin Tamblyn. $2,50: Robt. Snow- bsns fyu w ur ln etoe een with President Mrs. MacLean i rmtcaint ogea da-dn,$.0 rceMab.$.0;DRADOîîI omn- ate eesiyPouts oYu orepnec yl nben the chair. The meeting opened The Purples- who lost by two tage as Lyman's wif e. Estelle. Sam Allun. $200; Wesley Luxton, ville, on Saturday, October 5th, risk, special off ers with f ree plans for a study group. ADDRESS: with prayer by Mrs. MacLean. points to the -Old Golds-' in the Much praise is due Alex Colville $2,00. Beef Club- Garnet Rick- 1935, by Rev. E. F. Armstrong, products. interesting profits for Various secretaries gave reports. Hgh School Field Day events for the way he took the part f ard. $5,00: Billy Rowland, $400:; lrneGrrdeOe ag-jgodwres1rtefrdtis JH FISHER Box 396, 1omnil Mrs. J. A. Butler's group had were hostesses to the victors at aiTom Rtah on very short John Rickard. $3,00; Thos. Baker, ter fM.adMs ely ad catalogue. Familex Pro- charge of the devoiof al period banquet in the Community Hall notice. This part was to have $3,00: John Holmes. $3,00:;re- OkeEnsile:ad Mr ducts Co. 570 S.CeetS. which opened by prayer by Mrs. or Thursday evening Oct. l3th. been taken by Allan Knight who ton Rickard. $3,00; Carman White. Fra nkl i orand o fMr. MSt.e2l._____________St.,__ Butler. Mris. Fred Graham gavelThe girls under the leadership of through the fatal accident to hs$.0RoceBkr 3,00- Ai- anliMr.Jh Dorland. onnisM*!- otel 41-2 _______________ the acripture reading and Mrs. C. 1their captain, Miss Eileen Clark, faher aaubtitte adto eofhenAlin.$20; ohnBakr.$2; kilen . Batty and Mrs. E. Thackeryt had organized into committees, secured. Mrs. M. J. Elliott. as Ross Aln. $2.00. I isT Rn offered prayer. Watch Tower a refreshmef t. a decoratiori and Lymari s Aunt Alice, took her part The prize money for this im- ý 1- Herld reored s Chin a-M5.prorm d te h efficiently- wonderfully well and was a very portant work was donated equ-OR DEATHS gerickardm caM r5 T. oa;d- tables wher the roupa sade-had. been iilted inmler youth and milion Departmets of Agriculi- lington, Enniskillen d is t ri c t. ger; ormos-Mrs.. dow if cmpafywas pettil de-thus cîassed ail men as 'two leg- ture and the Durham Central FairFLTHR-nTont. e- Go. acîm Ne830p . Indiolandr.Cooke; oa -r in gcoortedni the coe scooged monsters." Mrs. E. H. Dev- Board. nesday. October 9th, Charles itleton, Ont.4-2B LU E R OOM Nigh@ Scholan Shol oms-rs clous.Adrnfgth cvein Iitt was very natural and seemed Ivison Tamblyf and LeR.oy H.G Fletcher, beloved hua- 41- Hare. M rs. Hoar read answer to were piles of purple grapes and rih -aloe on the stage. She Brown will be the Dairy Team badoNeieFecr FoSleB W A H UE H TE questiofaire. Mrs. C. Carveth sang golden apples and vases of asters toktepr fJnnie. a serv- with John Rickard and Thomas Funralfro hi laeFrsidncele very sweetly "Be Thou Nigh" with pansies, scabiosa cornflowers. allat ee Masof as Grace Baker the Beef Teami to represent i rzelAeonStra.FR ORSL RT ETmusc by Mrs. E. C. Fisher ac=mpanying. harmonizig with the c ol1o r Sterling, Tommy's fiancee. Jean Durham County in the Inter- Oct. l2th, at 1 p. m., leavinig -100 acres, Lot 26. Concession Bill Collis and His a nE C. G. I. T. of United Church. scheme.Morsa rn Anrwad outClbCmeiina0.frBwavleCmtr r 3,TwsiofCak.ApyDecfo heNmnieHe,1 formrlyonegrop, avere-or- An appetizing menu consisted Marion Alun as Rose Stanford. A C.. Guelph on November 'th. riving here about 3 p.m.tW.N ukeewal. ganized into two groupa.th Jun- of scalloped potatoes, cold meats. 1 s Etelle's f rienda. each f itted E. A. surorers. Agricultural Re- 4-*LDE 5,GNS4c a ioand Seniors. the former uf- bread and butter, pumpkin pie1 into her part well. Archie Wood presentative for Durbam who was KNIGHT-In Bowmanville, Sun-'____________ der the leadership of Mrs. A. W.'and coffee. also ice cream provid- 1I)aelncag fteeCuswl JaOtbr6h 95Io Glene an te lttr nde Ms. d y MssMagart andrsf.to take the part of a delivery boy., coach the boys previolla to thisWse Knight. beovd us-_____________Stock_______For______Sale____ Glenne and he latOR uSALE-s.TEAMy M0F BAYar______________________________________Wsley_____e hus- Gea. A. Walton. The Seniors, the girls' physical instructor. The plot of the play was very cmptti of. The county teasl band of Mary Dick Alan. in! girls of 15 to 19 years of age. met Eileen Clark, ieading high omictdadkpthau-w il FGOlhwl rcedjbs69hya.mReS.AdbE bresA . F AYs In theSundaySchoolhall f i nsho irlheteatog e ence wondering just how thinga totthe Royal Winter Fair to com-POR- In Ops township, 0f yearling colt. Cheap. J. Mc- Tuesday cvening. while the Jun- ru nse in second place 0f were goif g to straighten out un- pete ith tcams from. the various ottePowr io ftelt omnil 3r.4- ~ J~ L~ ( K I~ S IK lors, 13 to 14 years of age. will f ield day. proposed. in prettily til the very end. Lyman Wincbell provinces. Sunday, October 6. 1935. Char- Ewen, Hampton P. O. Phone meet on Friday eveifg at the'couched termis a toast to the wif receives an alowance f rom bih'n aoual commerits ohnte Power i f her 9th omnil 3r.4- home of their leader, Mrs. Glen- ners, to which Captain E. Spencer AutAieo wihh n s- er md by a large number who, oyea Pwr. im n alieathof OR SLE - WELRBRE ne.replied with becomifg naivete.1Jni -erod .W catrtelle live. Jni leaves becauseIvisited the boys' exhibit and sev- Cetryi Leicester ram lambs. and oneWer aGrd teial ysnchgeo W. A. of the United Churcb Miss Sanderson also brightefed;he doesnt get hier py reguarly. eral remarkd that they regretted ______2_r dJ . cate hreaGauaei awy meets this Thursday fenofthoccasion with a speech befitt- and Lyman and Estelle are vcry that sich training was fot avail- . os. Phn-682.OhWadses0orpecrpin cuaey Oct. PlO la tehmeo r5 Oigtherfunceti. mbrmuch if debt. Tommy. Lyma.n5 ,able when tbey werc boys.INM ORA402 Wm. Parnaî. I Other ntertaiflig fubr friend. arrives and turns out tol lai expected that Caîf. Foa i M M RIM 4- Higb School is planning to bold v.erc a piano solo by Edith Hen- be an old boy f riend of Estelle*s. Swine. Potato and Grain Clubs - Real Estate For Sale Bayer's Aspirin Tab. its annual Commencement Exer- dry: readinga by Patricia Pearce. Aunt Aice returfa f romn France i will be orgsnized at the beginf- MIW RN-nlvn c-FRSL RRN-EI 3 9 cises in the commuflity hall on Maurice Powell and Evelyn Alun: unexpectdly afd as Lymans a- ing f 1936 and any boys inter- ory0fNWaRN nc aiwing whr O R AbLE room-ed oSeon Reeve A. W. Graham wcnt to Tkatch: a skit by Wanda McKay neyer marry. Tommy and Estelle with E. A. Summers Port Hope.CeteSrtmdn ov- Detroit tCentre s n eStreet.o-, modemmananconvef-tele i h sFred Allison Butler who as garage, aIl in good repair, pos-FaeElTsus ness at the World Series Basebal gan solo by Annie Tkatch with wh i suppoed to be giving a BTE-nlvn eoyo iences, witb nice gardef and gaines between Detroit and Chi- i piano accompaien yReits dýiffer pry i utgoif g t HREY WOMEN'S INSTITUTE e tDiseerapraso ctsessionOct.elTthssuesl2 W. J an ovsthscui.M.Cooke; solo by Mary Painter, ac S Rikad. . . 4 Bwma- 50 or21cMo es Ms m oathainsrn T or- anicd Coe bIwhnteyarie1hi omî-There is a link death cannot! ville. Phone 111r14. 40-2 O, Mr. m. Bo aha is n o- an e yAnnie Tkatch accomp- icates matters more as tby do A five-day n edlecraf t course I E R daubte. rs.J.anied by Jane on mouth organ. 1riot know that Tommy is posing was held at Shirley. under thel Love and remembrance. sat Largef Ame OuseinPOod rAE- Klaat as.$12UPC AE Haugh who bas not been in good Durif g the evefif g Evciyn Allin, sEtle' ubf.In the cfnd auspices of the Dept. 0f Agricult- 1 foeer ar, al grae. stablgo es andl Tb 125PCKG J. ndeso Smth o.equppe Pesientofthe Lterary Society. jAun tAlc gets matters straigbt- ure Women's Institute Branch -Father. Mother and Brothers. pias aae tbe n J.Adroftmtso.eupe capably performed' the duties of encd ou t bt scanged ber a d nuted by Miss Evelyn olrhusad and sof tsfactory witb s new fire es- chairmaf and toastmaster. Thelheart afd instesd of cutting off Frisch. a charmif g and efficient ADAMS - In loving memory ofi water, four acres good garden Ioie es 9 cap offla an anleiron. lead- evenifg concluded with an excit-j Lymnaf's allowance doubles it and young ncedlewomnaf. This course our f atbpr, Henry Adams, who 1 admrIriswt eea cape f fiatthed anle north wif if g game of musical chairs. teIlshlm that she will settle empbasized decorative stitcbery passed away October 15. 1934,1 land me r essfruit eea l i i 9 dow on the east side of the third j- three-fourtbs of bier estate on on linens and clotbing. and also of our mother wbo de- to churcb and conti niu a t i onr storey. down to the second fboor Masons Attend United Church jhlm at the end of a ycsr. The cîssa learned the different parted this f e Auguat 27, 1931. scbool, on ScugogBowmanville *Wampole's Ext. $1. HOT 'WatrBOE an tentoth goud.FatoyýMaonc rehrnon hn Ie Betweef the second and third methoda of pattern - m a k i ng. -Ever remcmbered by the bighway. Apply to James Parr, _____________ employees are now aIl working onj aoi rtrn n ude acta Rev. E. F. Armstrog tbank-~ stamping and tracifg designs and pFamly. Enniakillen. or phone 211r33. 1 Yr. - 33 thb ewfrt-ibtburawekItxnMembers n of uramLoge ed Mr. Devitt for the splendid initiaIs. They workcd the cross-j 40-3 Sv oe yuig 2Yî urne *9 assjAF&A . M. No 66 attndeofineb- in which lhe bad trained bis stitcb and otber ornamental de- BEofCH-ave oloving memory of G St. George's Cburcb: Re. F.jbouriglde tedddvn cast. and Mr. Devitt repîicd x- signa in colora on lnef: learned1 dear son and brother, Freder- - 4 Yr. Guaate 8 H- Mason. M. A., B. D.. Rector. jservice in a body on the Unitd pressing bis appreciation of those to do open cutwork, madeira de- îck Arthur Beecb, who passed' Manicare - 39cAtah es --49 Sunday, Oct. 3th: 7tb Sunday j uchSudayevnig. Amnong wo contributed behind the signa. yelets. and satin stitch,ý away Oct. 3th. 1930. AUCTION SALE tah after Trinty-8 a.m.-Holy Com- the assemblage were F. W. Bowen see swî s h coste- also joining of sesmas by fsgotifg. Just when your 1f e was bright-AnOpa AneCicuFeewtechtno munion; Il am-Morniifg Pray- and W. F. Rickard. both members scees Hellsthgcst th i hywr sgtvrain f et er,2p.m.-Sunday Scool; 7 p.m. of Durham Lodge, o! Newcastle sle.H ugse hti hywr agtvrain f et n O van Ae 3 sîes Free- 5c 8c anr;and2 few weeks a dramatic society smockin g. sucb as the outlne Just when your yars were best. Tuesday, October 1th - Ms.' -Evensong and sermon. United Curchan both cadi might b e f ormed for any who are stitcb. cable and double cable You were called from this world Fred Mountjoy will sel by Pub-1 vlie ie 8 United Cburcb: Rev S. Mac- dates for a seat in the next fed- ineetdi raaia tths. honcy-combif g on plain' of sorroW lic Auction on the premises. Loti Lea. B A. Pstr. unayOct eal ariamnt Folloif g the play on Tuesday and plaid materials. Miss Frish i To a home of eterf al reat. 18, Con. 8, Darlingtof, 1/ mile When We Test Eyes You Are AssuredStsato l3th-11 am-Morning Worsbip; Rev. S. MacLeaf. B. A.. wesr- evefif g the Womens Association also demonstrated mefdif g runs -Ever rcmembered by Father. north of Enniskillen. ber impIe- in Fit, Style and Price 2.30 pm. serviy cb l; . M. M. ieng thenanc pron. elcomin-edetertaifed the cast and mm- if silk stockinga witb a crochet Brothers and Sisters. ments, 1 bay mare in f oai, and -Eveing servc. Revpa. M. M. I the retrn rece a n bers of the orchestra in the Sun- hook. housebold furniture. Sale at 1.30 PHONE 49 o ln ,Ph.B RSE Wbtn.B . fJpn b'sisii sermon from the text da cho roomn and prescnted The members of the clasa arc WILKINS-In loving memory of p. m. Termis cash. Thco M. P .C w ig in a aa n frlogh wilýTus'intheLod wth llthielM. evit ith a walnut maga- planning to displsy their work at our dear husbafd and father, Siemofn, Auctioneer. 41-1l preach. heart and lean not unto ~~t zinc table in appreciatiof of is a meeting of the W. I. in the near e.BaeWliswhps- Program of Young People's Un- own understafdifg. A man lea-,ftue d awy October ith, 1934. Auction Sale of Catte - 100 ionhedon onayevein wsý ngonhisow udeistndngser',-ice in directifg the play. hI Nedecraf t Course ia very The face ia f rom our houaehold head of choice stockcrs and feed-1 in charge of Miss Winnie Rick-;and not building bhf yth Norhwean Shre W.IgetcsDuam.oldAguad j ' recomm~~~ends it to other Institutes Teview oe asii Heref ords, heif ers an d steera, av- 1 and truth. caffot grow uprîght. OBTUARYwoae lnigt hv hr A place is vacant in our home. eragifg fromn 450 to 850 lia.; six' ". ~~~~~~~ ~ ~h ardrAterppnignencrnclae oplmbinvofGoa rghshuoert but i srl alHecusld That neyer can bie filled. apringers and a fcw feeder cows; XAilisuernesly tf ail H cufslldri -corshhi ea.-Ever rcmembered by Wif e also 20 piga about 10 weeks old, , tbem earncstlyae icetousbuildtauprigbtl. w____________publi________o lives and chsractr±r and put their Mrs. Robt. Moment, Orono Creoasaric-uestt___________-th frm fErstAWry qulcici, diieppean ,.lî.nthe whole trust in God. IFnrlsrices of the late kecp the affections cold an Faily wth e fsmof y pblisution on y. The Maandnic Maie Quartette Moment. wbosc eatthe blood is 5t ahigb wtempera-ouses to Rent Con. 8. Lots 17 and 18, Darling- Mh a o i a e Q a t t e F r R o bt te m p er Uverand Kdneys from King St. Churcb. Oshawa.tokpae epebr2t.atucHUS TO RN-BIK t1p.mshp. emsah place Septedbrne on25tjton, T uesday. O tober lSth. Sale contributed much to the devot- Newark, N. J.. were held at Par k ïou TO RE -BIC at1pinshr. eisçb.! Du~IlA i' j nnl amophee f te ervc1 Street United Churcb, Oo.on 1. Brag la a good dog, but Hold- bouse on Centre Street.,xith Elmer Wilbur, Auctioneer. 4- 1Viwitb their sacred vocal alectiora. Spebr2t.Ipesv e-f ast is a better one. modern convenlefees. doublej The quartette composcd of C. A.1 etmr27h pesi e- garage, possession Oct. lstj M RGA E SL Toaeleder W A DeladC.vices were conducted by Rev. J. Mseaeu Appy A. E. Belmaf. King St.. j O T A E Sà...... ______________________Toze.lede. W A Dclad.C. lHOs erbout. BA.. nd attndd_______ -- West, Bowmanville, Phone 526.1UNE W. Lambert and P. H. Hare sanglieogfred an -The Old Waysidc Cross" nd asoîssanm FARM ERS' ATTENTION - I 37t UDRADB VITEo FALLTERM -~Now the Day is Over". ollowing bYnocat.n of deceased ad m av urcased a Hamnmer the Powers_ of Sale contaned in f g bers Mif frtgiedng bopto orkFOR RENT - SIX R O E eti otaeý,ihwl opnsA g.2th l 's 12 the offering W. A. Dewland. tenor Mo!ltfer family. chohave ork j ra ce tainhMor tgag efcb al e, Business Schools in Toronto. rave a soulful rendering of -The il asedn w a adauer r0fnnt i the' district, l r d e r s1 frame bouse in good condition.poue 0 h ie !sl SariouaeseeaAil roCtaae r.dîs rent reasonable;mrchnt n tpossessionof romOcyattndthereC rwblelpobessoofft heredil forfersale saeby Our oures lWea or rofitble odisM Lgb ndW Omrh no. trhe arîydteat prmplyttended aville. Pbone lat or sooner. Appy o John EMer Wilbur, Auctioneer, jr e F e c o s o i h eimont. W.R. Sa, e- The svrlvases and baskes RobertM' YenB25.ma1-2 Mcîntyre, Churcb Street, Bow -jat 1 Serv r n hT w riulm.W.R.fhwRe- sevelenium'Rondrt Moment, who was a lcad- manvilie. 39-t fiPUBLIC AUCTION isra, ay'aitmn , Prnig cn cvery movement for the up- -- - n Wednesday, the l6th day f lov.er. te bildingof thetown ad in sc- ______________0__1-_1______rceForSale5935.ta the huruofofo tw Fenche Tash lapopula with veryboy. Mos peopl can' 1130 t. o!aster. belniumand oher# ____________________________ PORT HOPE Office is open WEDN1iSI)AY sus.Hot water wii set the New- Fiction of each week f rom 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. Phone . LOST anleco1- GRAYUND - - Esa Block, Parliamnent Bldgs.j GodnFaeDuhits, o....0 248 o 525. G.M. Bonellin carge Cover grea.se stained cloth wîth 3c per day. mle -GAyHONc D, bFW Toronto, Ontario.GodnFaeDuh ts a idsa n e tsadtofrae noehro rI~g Solicitor ta the Mortgagec. _______________________________ boums. WVash out1 with w.armn please return to A. L. Darcb. 1 Datcd at Toronto this Twventy- COBOURG Office is open SATURDAY of j water and soap. Egg solk stains j w Je r1 Bowmanville. Phone 170. 41-1 f irst day f September, A. D. each week from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. Gordon water and soalp suds. _____OR_____________O E. Garnett in charge. j am stains may be remnoved by Phone 30 Lot 8, Con. 4, Darlingtof, stray Railhy loyal people, ike rallly a s u l NOTE-Where at ail possible kindly make appoîntments rubing the stain witb lard. Rol BOOKS STATIONERY steer. Owner may bave saine religlous people, don't talk of it. thecloh ad et t sand12 PAINTS WALLPAPER by proving property and Pay for examiiations ours or longer. Then wasb out CHINA & GLASS ing expenses. Arthur Weish, A good temper must be kept SOAFUTN PHONE 97 LNHBO t' __________________________________________ witb warmn water and suds. R. R. 4, Bowmaflvllle. 41-Ve cool ta retain Its sweetness.

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