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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Oct 1935, p. 2

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PAGE T W O - BO£ ZN I L L, IJrdAltIU. T 1UR DAY, OCTOBER 10, 1935 the mecca for basebail. football and lacrosse. corne out of the machine, but the body. Second. it miust be an or-1 dici have to avrieyus~t ArturPlyedfo te lveofthegae nd t ilcarbon paper got balled Up sa, hie ganization which is strong and get hier! - times was a clean sportsmnan. He is a quiet un O R W R D an I Ehdt open Up the thing to. ex- 'sound both within and xithout. Established 1854 assuming chap, weil read, a skilled carver of wood tricate them. He gave us three It must have healthy blood cir-1 King Solo n eprsd AWeekly Newspaper devoted to the interests of the in the furniture and organ factories, and a carver BY JOHN C. KIRKWOOD copies of the invoice and wef culation in the shape of taxes, great truthwenhsetnosl towa of Bowmanvjlle and surrounding country, issued of character. As we grew into manhood and te- (osomht hnedbutton 1.on.tHe pmah any or e e ae that areclecTe, rnrk at King Street, sowmariville, every Thursday. by M. A. came dloser associated with Arthur as a neighbor __, ahrge, pll.,alve,,n temoe u b lte owant 0f judgment.' Jtames &Sosa onrsanlubahes.Te aadantmemÂ1 rn. hn neooainfl ntfahrecs rgstr.pllc alee. n te oe ucesflth rgni-thtwhchiNdewsed.r h Samesma n sa ener ad ? t ihe rs.nadan heekyNews. an a faenai brother our thoughts toward him What keeps us in the straight' It takes an immense amount of the drawers came out but had no0 papers Association. also the Ciass "A" Weeklies of would instinctively articulate *'There IS a man." and narrow path of conduct? Is grace and a vast amount Of change in1 it. Somne time later Canada. In paying this tribute now to these men. anti it religion? Is it fear of the here- strength to keep o eis01te1 ecet a lctd nte ob Etain oas vbruehttoyou r thev e st tu on I h o S SCTION RAE not waiting to put it in an obituary, we feel we a!fter? Is it cowardice? 15 it endless temptations which beset fice. We handed back the three bandws rogtoyu heettv SUBCRP RTE ar aso xpessngthekidlysetimnt ofthirSound moral f ibre? Is it love o! you as you go along fromn day to invoices which hie then marked attention by advertising. If You You., it's Up t 0 omv u Anywher'e in Canada, $200 a year; in the United States, aeas xrsigteknl etmnso hi kindreti whcse esteem we cherish day. And yet 3'ou seek no0 other "Paiti." are married, you selected hier and malte roo o oen h 82.50 a year, payable In advance. Single copies, 5 cents. hosts of friends back in the old home tow,ýn who and do not want to forfeit? Is it reward for uprightness of con- Now the clerk sentis us out to yourself, but. goodness, how yoIt does. _____________ wish them well in their new surrounctings. fidelity t.o pledges? Is it that we duct. for the faithful practice o! another building (we had been ______________________________ THURSDAY. OCTOBER 10. 1935 ___________ ~~~~have no desire to sin or go astray? rectitude in all matters o! con- in the office) but mon01 hour had________________________________ THURDAY OCTBER10, 935L; it perception that rectitude is duct. than the continued con!fid- arrived and the stock keeper was Vote as You Please, But Vote Purchase of Hydro Plant a Wise Move Shortly before beginning thislof those who may love 3'ou and He Came over and took the thre J The recently announcedi reduction in domiestic contribution to The Statesman I honor you. invoîces and gave us a warehouse oledroftegetpltalpriswihaehati ad calnfrolayoungs man wirho CKit hhe askedod" us atontak of eaer o te ret oltàalpatis hih refaîl gif t f rom the Public Utilities Commission. and day He began his earning career' That life has been a great and -ed to theerveFod'deprtmnt to-day fighting to place their respective positions was in a sense a repayai o! the ratepayers who ias a printer. Then hie went with ccess h thyat h acnin- ue ilding avng on dunc in eat readi fo r tis buecooiely before t.he electorate. Ail are able to forget for aepesdeog ofdec nternci-a pminin brokr. He n tWtoale fidelity to what is hion- between two tiers of bags. It ~repairs tic are ready to gîve yustsat m iningand o! good report. wTohtook som e tim e to find him . He that franchise for which the British people have ti nngboeutlesay3hnie n obegv sabgo bsut.bta on- fough throgh ceturie to otain.Having purchased. and operated the plant ithat hie want.s to get out o! th 'haveago ae n ob aeu a fbsutbta bfiniovtely bettr.e onae s ifehsn-oticee i was the song sizeaS fogttrog etuist oti.through a severe depression. the men who have business. You've got to become fwothly bes gwhonae, liîe - we werie oing ýtheiown hestes hblOaa e The origin of the franchise dates back to Anglo- Serveci on the commission have a right to feel that1 hard. hle saýd. "if You are to re - îen cmpetd ta gr thnhotgae u o ewet pew S a xox d a s.dtao nst ieAt e gne r n e n t ofet ett ee a v e m a d e a mr t h h i l e c o n r i b t i o n t oihe i m a i i n t h is b u i n esso !nesi ngoe a lhselni n ntc k s a n d t h e c l so m o ! r becq i r e d b y o r a g l a p e s t o h e n x t l o o a n g o t t h e t enu s s o i v eCS T IO N U R NC E c o n t 3 ' w s h e s o e r i h t o t e o b e e n a n i t h e y h a emu i tay . T h e s l e i c m n a g e m et i n t o ! t h i s h a e . " A d e w e t o n t a l trb y h c u m a n i t y mS h a l e a s h - ose e e p . an c o n o MO Na , a hardenings o!dotthe hearts ofPoundi size called for on the ware- ' ipewa eitn ecgdcun a h ou le i hichf the nfreean ant cul- ing oneineres rprincipanayment on the mohre s"Ale hn e is nlkong. Hy rbyahadnngo teharho t ecit ecclesiastical leaders. In A nglo-saxon tim es there utility brought it safely through the liard tim es that if lie m ade large prom ises- e o ! dy i shua nt men o! dsllu sh-It was d r h n w o o e o e a tiecng p ln. s ts no mo e ha waswht ws now a th "ownMot" hefirt1 without a thought to increased rates, or even miss- r'c5s'promises-to those on whomi ionment o! bitter memories, o!f'o hers, yet gives greater value e u ut I h~~~~oe -cals he coli smake nHerernorse. oytreiafetos !3ou r price. tivators o! the "folk lantis" were given a voice in1 contrary the payment on debentures andti rs says ta many men just want tobo est proiesip silosaties- civil affairs. ring 1 ofgot pr!i in60tias:ant tat tee.f11 ne'is lss-i huadofdlasaedo ceueb n b sur ttteywltateaemiloe' mouth at the end R. E. LO G A N In the time of William Rufus anti John uprisings aot urhrderas n nees hags, i ofietmt his60 assrancewetatipesatfui !ret abou a urt er ecrase n iterst hares.o! life? Or shaîl one have the B of the people brought about a stronger recognition Wierifaprvt ni reitepucae0 hYou il by frm tyoau antieths aietianfriesin.love, on! id- o r PHONE 264WVBWAVILOT of their rights to have a say in the governiment of! the system when the matter was before the voters. Young man is untier the temptat-s eaneantiemorhiso!vatousi--------- their nation. The House o! Commons, a house O! A careful stutiy o! «the situation, anti o! the credits ion-admittedly-of saying o, anti bend efis onretif ta give electeti representatives o! the people came into. be- accrueti to other municipalities which hati pur- mnwa hywn l osy one comfort when the silver cord So. since his conscience i tl lng, and constantly through the centuries these chst hi lns ovne sta omnil cdr hsyugmnis ti- is being looseti from the body rlght hae ecive geatr ecgniio. I mstcoulti do just as well, if not better. The plant was ing o! Igetting out o! the business wIchm hi i go thrh a lftime?1 parts o! the Empire the women now have a fran- not, as hati been suggested. worn out. The Comn- O! selling mining shares. You Iantikn !ta vast 4 seelhe wants to save his soul-to multitude o! simple, plain anti chise anti Canada. with the exception o! the Pro- mission has spent money annually to keep it in keep bis moral nature from bie-erh fl h nai ti yC .TcO vince o! Quebec in provincial affairs. gives that first class condition, anti there is not the sligtes comning soileti anti blemishei. ert-folk who can neyer hopeByCHTukOt to betrtcbail thivworîd's good sheesightoSp21.a1ls rlgt t ai hvin ataintitheageo! 1.suggestion o! the plant being anywhere near obso- JJ C K to eaeiin th iwrls o om- VOUR CHILD AND THE E Many a bloody battle bas been fought to sa! e- lete ait this time, ieatdi h far f on ORCIDADTEEE guari tis ighto! he eope. Te Epir bas Themangemnt o th Hyro sste ~ o ~ Take the case o! another man I munîty or state. or o! their own___ guardthis ight f th peope. Th Empre ha ThnoanagmHnt fas-antir seven ire- particuelar-anworld e-o! employment. ofPartomen4 preserveti this right. anti only in sucb nations as congratulateti on its successful hantiuing o! the mains-a very attractive Young They live nobly if they live last--_Part_4 Germany, Russia anti Italy. is the !reedom o! the venture. Two reductions in rates have proven thatma.ntby ttciv"I eniglinhe ofdneati!- Cre ilhsente ne 0 electoate iterfeeti wth by ictatrship. Canda thepurchse wa wise anti and!uub'e-iattseacoibve. HI meahe sono!Yacierghe cconiondnticeteendo the - f el expoed to eek rlie!hoeexnting electorae interered wit by dicatorship. Canad the purhaman.aAwite, adears agoreheiwaseeex-ealowmenlieThairx-riches. arei rfctes rerrorse o!rvisionvi becauseau theheone doe no wnt ticttorhip I wats ovrnmntfurther reductions as tiebentures are paiti off, anti eptionally 1success!ul in business imperishable kinti. Their legacy so afflicteti will suffer f rom glare1 by the people. Unless the voting public show that returning pî'osperity recquires a greater use o! power,. -eaî-neti a lot of money. This to those survivinz them will be a before those svhose vision is moi'ef they want to maintain this state o! affairs. by with its subsequent anti consequent reduction in st gidten-arntismon manosen epteodmeouryo!kept-faitti norm al.igenraredmns atie exercising their franchise, representative govern- 1cost tergdte !ti on a' ethnu nikp-oate. eeftgete r mn h men i imosibl. her i a toy aou th Imoral natre. He feît himself My tbought is toward Young first symptomns to be noticeti. mol, wichinsstti n lvin ani ovig i dak -_______ ________able to sin. anti quickly hie became People-for it is they who are Let me quote here a very inter-1 mole whih isistd o livng nd mvin in arka breaker o! several of the Ten facing great temptations. I want esting anti informative comment places until the eyes it once possesseti no longer Dreaded Spectre of 'War Commandments which aforetime: Io sav to them: liang on t t a on this serious condition founti in existeti. The same thing might happen if citizens he ti led to keep. For several ivbich is gooti anti true anti dean a recent scientific article by Floyd tak thir itienhipligtlyandfal t, eercse The readeti spectre o! war as agan struck. anti ys ars le indulgeti is appetites. anti fine. Be willing to suffer W. Par-Sons. whicb appeare iin take their ciizenship lighly anti f idoex r i ea t Ethiopia are in death grips in a struggle 'Ihen le lost is sell-paiti job the scofings an ti contem pt o ! the Satur 6:ay Ev ning Post. M r. th ih htorforofathers have handetdovn Wîhmgtye nov h ord oh non because o! bis transgressions5. Not 'otir tempters-of those who have Pa'sons. among other things says: to us. e repea, vote s you lease o Monday which ight yt incolethhenwbas. hrlhaopiianjobc asenhet lgo o! aiJeaass]eo!o tfosealwhofuseosewhThere! is eo i suno iure causee o! but ote.seems to b almost solidly behind the League o!f that hoe hast ant ibe bas for long loPhistries which you cannot at- 'fatigue in industry than impro- Nations in its attempt.s to settle the dispute be- periotis been workless ant in1 des- tack with any power o! reason- ! pr illumination. The tendency - -tween these two counitries. Worîti opinion too. pai. For the moment hie is ini ing. The time silh surely core o1l every workman, is to turn his employment. anti one hopes that svhen you will be justifieti and eyes toward any bright object, so, Bo'wianville Salutes the Champion soems to be solitily against the Italian dictator's hoessill return to the steatiier ways wAhen tbey wilh be revealeti as it !olhows that wben there is anJ Royals mnethodsin 1 the controversy which bas rageti over which matie him a success a! ter focols, unusuahly strong reflection o! Batlin tothelat, he oyas owe toa bt-the Past few montbs. He bas led his nation, wc h'he et the university.1 saw a Life is not to be measureti by light in tho fieldi o! vision this Battlingintocthe hast, tnehRoyalsibowedttoaawbrt-n very humble letter rom this man, its Possessions or by the heights causes a continuaI ti' on the ter team on Saturtiay anti were eliminateti in the %h rasanswl oe hi ie. ohr n ad i ugstdta i hd1wonon a eced u ymsclrato.enmn ae w h i cbit h o u s a ntos t hi lOn to sit h e irtl i v e s.aM o t h e rsba n t i f o u n t i t h e w a y o ! t h e f l e s h - p o t s a i f s l o y a l t i e s . i t s f i d e i t i e s , i t s a d - a c o n d i t i o n oOaf l rbnbh e e i n o e t p a nanb ida e i t a r i n i ts g e s e it a th a i h c n eb sr a ce i u tbiuc uanci o.I a naae pemi-finaso!thereOntio ntdermedin aeaî fathers will be bereaveti o! their sons, wives robb- bitter anti an unprofitabhe one. herence to paths o! honor anti plant bas alone causeti a tiecrease waytim te ~Aedi reor th y ave maie ur parenfts. i this tragetiy to satis!y the lust o! one Take the case o! a man nosi_ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _Per cent. The first rule in1 office plathow1s35 he ir .Soe ln tion dos s nott in ay eio hir h samaanicntrn o b d o her C Krcttd.i fac i liaieny o a s m ctao5 tieri r <3lN I rsmtrn lng th 19 5 ea on. So e lti ti er sa t at way m a fr an E m pire. T here are m any w o believe in is 87th year. H e is being sup 1 01 a e al i h l g ts h b l back there was a team as gooti as the 1935 Royals1 that Muslini has gone so far that hoe is bartily porteti-he anti bis wife anti an r o e Elce isal f althi hultibTe as uni but even they titi not reach the Provincial semi- inv0ititiauhterbieasd sterrn tdYiaIiedsVuni-' responsb for bis actions. Tbey feel hoe is theo na daughter h bhrse a S ter- ~ f ormly illuminateti as possible. fals ebal h artoas it may th e Royals ha er ht victim o! is own mania, anti that like a matinan jing $40 a wek. This olti man By Scribe G . (To be continueti> casebalher o e esportt Bw anville wb he as no e owill go on irrespective o! the rosults. It is too j as 111 the hast twselve months lost D o cainlygtproa rsa core ere beore T e s plort acortet th tam bad that innocent Italians, anti innocent Ethiopians bis stako in two resitintial pro- T birty yoars ago the butcher through the regular scbotiule andti trough the wbo bave no real quarrol shoulti bave to hay down rerties-ciuite $20.000. Once hoe camne arounti with a wagon. You thou/yornegbo'sŽlphn? a Phaydowns bas shown lack o! appreciation of their livos ta satis!y this passion. svas close to boing a millionaire.J went out anti surs'eyeti bis stockI~ sidered intliga ephn in your oucn their efforts, When one travels arounti with a At sarious times in lhis long life bought a raast, wbich ho rolled1 . ' ~ flscs smdrt baseball team tboy get a !airly gooti idea o! wbat As is usual in1 alI great woî'lt events Britain lho bas been both poor anti ricb.J on the spot anti gave you one Icirer s mdeat amny a few censad. is playing a most important part, anti o! course From what lho bas tolt ime, I fool 'cent's worth o! scrap for the tiog. It 15Sa much more convenient ta talk dctwh it costs te atiequately maintain a team, This year cn the side a! peace. Througb the strong leader- sure that hoe was an extraortiin- jHo carrieti bis pants pocket f ull ~ the boys have one verything in teir power ta ship o! its statesmen the League o! Nations as ary "smart" man-a very danger- 1o! change so the transaction only I1n your friends. And there is no bother fryu keep xpenes dwn t a nw lo levl. I hasou,, man to do business witb. toak fise minutes from star I ncighbors, keep exp nse tio n t a ew 0w lvel It bas been unanim ous in contemning Italy's attitude arn wondering if! is present case ifinish.sat o always boon custemary when the team phayeti away tvsvarti Ethiopia. This latter nation bas been re- is the hogical outcomeofo ail his-DvAT from home that !olhowing the gamne supper would The other day we calleti at a a In addition ta making life more enjoyablt eas ferredt t as a nation o! uncis'ilized bhacks. but its smrartness, I eeti mili svbere they stock dog it big your fricnds 50 near, the is al besre tte xes fteter.Ti erListen to the conversations of biscuits matie o! grain, etc. We bsinsaet hp 'usl yrf pepe n atiuaI t 011rhsdslae orfied-bu e they asked for Mr. Bhank, who was in In every tosvn there seorns ta tebsnesas.Ithpsouel urfmpod in an effort te finish the season financial]y sounti admirable restraint in the events wbich bave led 1 know. Sorne o! these mon May c onference. We asketi for is people wbo think tbey know it ahI, ucts, it enables you to get the best prices no moals were serveti turing the regular schedule.' ùp ta the conflict. It is te te sinceirehy hopeti be fhouîisbing like the cedars o! brother svho svas out. Thon sve vhoa cn telyou ssith a knowing That moant a considerable sacrifice on the part o! Ikbanon but perhaps their rise in asked where the tiog biscute e' ikJs btsolib dn hr sayucotiko hc the phayers, but they receis'ed little in . ta h acin ob apphitibyth eauesvl fortu ne b as been at the price o! a solti anti were sent to a clerk on- 1 for the betterment o! the borne tion of their effoapprecs. bring this war ta a Sharp hait. If the League can surrentiereti rectitude o! cantiuct.1 scanceti bebinti a big rnabogany J own anti boss the otherflo gvsomuhf Olite tion o! their efr n urats. oyls bcsuccessfuh in this instance. its power in the Yau will hear. peî'baps. about the!cash î'egister with an automatic shoulti spenti their tm n Deps her dfat o aura, te aas future will be infinite. If it fails, that great bro- broken faiths, the teceits. theo b:llng machine besie it. e. The only t ig te r aheeboosteo!natons.ioorCngmtigotser or the com- turning o! sharp corners, theemor- We aske t fa:'aben paunti bag !ree svtb is atvice. shoulti be prouti a! the tithe anti the bonor. andti mo daof! pace. s ooetitoetinforte on. alIlapses, o! these mon who seem o! dag biscuits. The clerk wont someonrecognition shou ti be matieo oxtinctean.. to bave profiteti because they lot away anti came back with a cata- It seems that*t*here aetv s Monday night a tielegation appeareti before the *ý>oteadpotcin !ter ou.H et us the biscuits scntial conditions ta a modern moral lifo. Tbey seem ta bave wou]ti be 95 cents. Ho took down f tate. First, it nîust have a strang Council to request a grant so that the team mîgbt Durham County Drama Festival attractedti t tem a new lot o! aur name anti adtiross whicbho anti compaàct political organîza- copet tssasninsleny TeConilwsassociates-men 0~like tbemselvs sro1it hebligmachine, tion - one sthere thore is gooti unable to malte the grant as no money was avail- I h prcito fmscan h eea able, anti ses'eral othor organizatios hati been înterest in this art bas adivanceti througb the o!- at an3' Price, at the top o! thoir Thon lho pulleti a lever. Sevon anti tail." coordination anti close turneti down on similar requests in recent wveoks. for'ts o! the Music Festiv'al is a fact that cannot be programme of h! o. copies o! tho invoice shaulti bave junction between its limbs anti I know a man wha broke the The Finance Cammittee o! the councîl will meet tinoi nii shpt ta prcain0 ast'dageously when ho was in the eammanaemet hweve an wil tr to the drama will be given a sîmilar impetus by the biLs 20s. Ho waulti bave bat to the eam man gem nt owe er nti wil tr to establishment o! the Durham C unty Festial w ich go ta prison unless hoe mate res- arrive at some stage wbere the presentation o! titioan idhefeim sd Sone tkentotheplaersismad posibe. gets untier svay iînmediately. This festival, wiiU ion antipit theursfo ine is- Ion e en t wthe layr is smthioss gible close ssith the finals on Novomber 22nti at New- deetis. He besaught, bis brothers E is doncý for the miembers, Basvmanville salutes The mateoo rvd henee ney. Lawrence Mason, the distinguisheti drainatic anti Tbey inartgaged thoir propertios Royals, Eastern Ontario Intermediate Champions. . viigwe none niueitorsvnst etite * u i rtîc o! The Globe, wiiroqnanone-aduretirony. Ths etrthe Ireds of bWrstehfor ere uivrleedd lo attendabis belve in Yirr Yea, and ,ou ,lasses tiuiing the past bal! century. SelI Servic, nat gootds-one o! the inost sti'iking You are a rock a! ,stingth, an TEFEUFehwtr 1 E T P I KER l m e inspiration, a mai, to tic ta in Can b used where frPHONE 651W The other inan is Arthur Mingeauti, who in an developmnents n industrial anti social lîfe dtiring tîrnes o! trouble. You do not seekct rmhewlaeuid.BW AV X direct f romfthe well isrreof red. PHONE 651W a WeAN \. n ntielydiferet sher o!actviteswasa bra recont years bas been the doepening îrealization or desire their praises; ail you dapacity, 260 gallon& per hour. Smali 3 galion Galvanled Tank. 'orshippcti by the editor as a lad anti many ather that service is an ideal foi' business buîltieîs. Ser- want fi'om theim is theiîr trust in i/6 H.P. 110 Voit Motor, 60 cycle or 25 cycle. ................$71.00 E M P IRE BR A SS M FG. CC). LT[D bis o h,ýday in the fielti o! spor't when the vice is, 1in fact, now an essential function o! ail yw o ubt shoublt nyi f avoEtafrî0glo avaie ak................your.....$ eLnonHmlo ornoWnie Id Drîi Shedi Groundis, 110w Carlisle Avenue, was business activity.-Slr Hierbert Austin, gooti name. - - c d ci el ol PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN STATESMAN eNW'rAý1'. -- -

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