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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Oct 1935, p. 5

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MUR BOWEN FOR DURHA&M FItOM 'THE 'MOXTItEAL STAND)ARD' There are a few distinctive char- acters in thie Iouse of Commons at Ottawva. not frequently heard in deijate and of a particularly quiet and unassumning type who neyer- t heless possess unquestioned influ- ence and prestige. A Sounîd Iteprescntative A conspicuous exaniple of the class is Fred W. Bowen, niember for Durham. Air. Bowen can express hilmselt with clearness and force, but he is an infrequent participator in de- bate. Nevertheless no sounder repre- sentative of the Conservative cause sits behind Aic. Bennett. His popu- larity is widespread. That Is why he recelved on Wednesday of this week, the happy felicitations of his many frlends on the occasion of bis 5Sth birthday. Of United Empire Loyallst Stock Froni his eacliest youtli, AIc. Bowen inspired the ce-action of re- spect. Neyer POMPOUS, or lacking ini that innate courteay whlch is the hallrnark of the thoroughbced, he always took life seciously and somne- thing to be lived on the highest possible plane. These chacactecistics corne to him naturally. His fore- bears of the fine United Empire LoYalist stock saccificed place, posi- tion and comfoct when they left the United States shortly after the Reî-olution to find a new homie in Ontario. Nanie Favourably Known For more than 100 years they bave been cesidents ef that province and ini the îicinity cof Newcastle, and much furthec afield, the name of llowen stands foc goed citizen. siLip, high chacacter and unim- Government Economi"es SaveMillions The Bennett Government, during its term of c*efice, con uerted $639,816,500 of the Nat- ional Debt, saving over $14,000,000 in inter- est rates alone. RECENT NEWSPAPER HEABLINES PROVE RECOVERY UNDER BENNETT' "69 Per Cent Increase inConstruction for ail Canada." -Toronto Globe "Domestie Exports Gained $70,793,89V." -Toronto Star "Sharp Gain Noted i Car Loadinga." -Toronto Star "Employment Higher." -Toronto Globe 1peachable integcity. Active in Publie Affaira A successful fariner, like niany of his forebears, Nlc. Bowen was al- ways ready to take a practical part in pubulic affairs. For nîany years he ivas a councillor of Clarke Town- shlî and Inter reeve oif Clarke Town- shiip. Also Warden of Northumbec- land & Durhanm. When a mian of outstanding quai- itv ivas sought to contest Durhant ini 1921 for the Conservatives, Nir. Bowen was the unanimous choie. The wisdom of the selection was shwn by bis success at the poils. Defeatcd Hon, Vincent Massey In the contest of 1925 nuany thouglît that Mc. Bowen would go down te defeat. In that battie lis opponent ivas a ceai doughty adver- sary. no less a person than Hon. Vincent Massey, Canada's former Ministec to the United States. But even the prestige of an eminent nanie, great wealth and a strlking Personality failed to slîake the firm hold of Mr. Bowen on the loyalty of the county. Strong Hold on Constituenci' Not onlY was lie triumphant in 1925, but again in 1926, and it 1,; the opinion of those best quallfied to speak that sonîething like a superman would have to oppose hxm with any prospect of success in the comlng campaign since in 1930 lie was again successful foc bis pacty by a majority cf over 1600. BENNETT FOR CANA&DA -ê. On Monday next the electers of Canada will go te the pols te decide wbich party will form the government of Canada for the next five years. In 1930, follow- ing the market crash, and the ever meunting unempleymnent under the Mackenzie King regime, Rt. Hon. R. B. Bennett was giv- en a mandate by the people of Canada te carry Canada safely through the depression and return it te presperity. Mr. Bennett, hampered by an oppose everything- opposition headed by Mr. King, and buffet- ed by the worst world wide de- pressions in history, manfully stuck te bis guns, and according te League of Nations figures te- day leads the whole world in re- covery from the depression. Canada is proud of Mr. Ben- nett's achievements. Canada is proud of the British Empire Agreements whicb have brought millions in new trade te Canada. Canada s proinefaMr.rennett' courageous stand against Com- munism in this Dominion. Can- ada is proud of Mr. Bennett's re- forM pregram. Mr. Bennett bas been accused proposas, but his real sincerity is seen by the fact that thiese re- forms are already on the statute books of Caniada, enacted to bring their benefits ta the whole Dominion. Mr. Bennett has saved Cana. dian industry. BY tariffs hee bas protected Canadian workmen's jobs. He bas prevented cheap foreign labour from rnaking it possible te undersel Canadian workers. Next Monday you will bave te take your choice. You are asked te vote between Mr. King, who in nine long years did nothing ta prtect Canadian industry or avert the depression, and Mr. Bennett, who has brought Can- ada -safely through the deprea- sien. if you want a man of real ac-. tien - who has demonstrated ac- tion in legislation and flot mere words - you'l vote next Mon- day for the return of the Bernett Goverrnment - and in Durham for Mr. Bennetts supporter, Fred W. Bowen. Il The Bennett Oovornment Brought Canada Safely Through the Depression VOTE and RE-ELECT The BENNETT OOVERNMENT Bennemtt IReforms Not written in a book - but on the Statute Books UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE EICHT HOUR DAY ONE DAY REST IN SEVEN FORTY HOUR WEEK on GOVT. WORKS ECONOMIC COUNCIL CENTRAL BANK 0F CANADA BENNETT WORKS FOR THE FARMER GAINED WIDER MARKETS IN THE EMPIRE FOR FARM PRODUCTS. ENACTED THE MARKETING ACT. ENACTED THE FARMERS' CREDITORS ARRANGEMENT ACT. BENNETT STOPPED EXPLOITATION 0F FARM PRODUCTS BY STOPPING PROFITEERING BY MIDDLE MEN. RE-ELECT BOWEN IN DURHAM BENNETT WHEAT POLICYJUSTIFIED In spite of the constant hammerings of Mr. King and the Liberal Party, Mr. Bennett refused to throw Canada's wheat on gîutted world markets at rum- mage sale prices. Bennett knew Canada's wheat was worth more than 40 cents or 50 cents a bushel. He insisted en holding it for a better market. To- day that market ha& arrived. We have dollar wheat. And Canada has 200 million bushels carryover in addition to this year's crop. Markets Under Mr. King and Markets Under Mr. Bennett Before the Liberals were elected in 192 1 Canadian farmers en- joyed a splendid market in the United States, as can be seen in the first column below. What was left of this market after the United States got through with Mr. King is shown in the second cohimn. Ail United States tariffs raised against Canadian farma produce were made against Mr. King. No tariff raises have been made since Mr. Bennett was elected. Everything shown below in average carloads of forty tons each. Wheat....... 31,744 Carloads-reduced to.............. 39 Carlaads Oats.......... 2,084 Carloads-recluced ta .............. 9 Carloads Flaur......... 2,940 Carloads-reduced ta .............. 2 Carlaads Hay ........... 4,069 Carlcads--reduced ta ............ 107 Carloads Milk........... 188 Carloads reduced ta .......... less than 1 car Cream .... 208 Carlaads-reduced ta .......... less than 1 car Beef ........... 447 Carlaads-.-reduced ta ............. 2 Carloads Cattie ................ 295,279-reduced ta . .................. 5,624 Sheep ................84,661-reduced ta ................ ... 1,239 Poultry............... 718,919-reduced to .................... 10,247 The above is what happened to your United States market. Mr. King did NOTHING. During 1921I we sold to Great Britain 3,187 carloada of Canadian Bacon and Ham. During 1930, Mr. King's last year in pawer, we sold ta Great Britain 163 Carloads of Canadjan Ham and Bacon. During 1934, due te Mr. Bennett abtaining the British Empire Agreements, we sold to Great Britain, 1,469 Carloads of Canadian Bacon and Ham. Note how Mr. Bennett is REGAINING the trade LOST by Mr. King. Sales of Canadian Canned Fruits ta Great Britain: 1930-Mr. King's last year......................... $ 205,841 1934-Under Empire Agreements................. $1,368,497 Sales of Canadian Fresh Beef ta Great Britain: 1930-Mr. King's last year .. ....................... $ 21,878 1934-Under Empire Agreements................... $669,054 Sales of Canadian Capper ta Great Britain: 1 930-Mr. King's last year......................... $ 588,2 15 1934-Under Empire Agreements ....... ....... $14969,009 Canadian Exporta to Australia: 1930-Mr. King's Iast year ..................... . $ 9,173,808 l934-Under Empire Agreements ............... $16,870,3 70 During 1929 Canada imported free of duty from Great Britain gooda ta the value of......................... $39584000 During 1934 Canada imported free of duty from Great Britain gooda ta the value of ......................... $52847,000 EMPIRE AGREEMENTS HELP BOTH GREAT BRITAIN AND CANADA L Published by Durham County Liberal-Conservative Association. i id 'j THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVLLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1935 PG 'V m= FOR il 1 1 lui i! EMPIRE TRADE ~Ii - - - CANADA AND ru UPI AD I -a-

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