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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Oct 1935, p. 10

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PAGE TEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER. 24. 1935 - -7t 1 clevel gis. coining up to high CHICKEN SUPPER sehool for the first time this year I l i 4are the product of Browfls: Missý AT ST. GEORGE'S Th e csl ndependiefl' Wiinn:ted ickard, teacher. AGETSCESRi lw'f The oratorical contests brought out three speakers in each class. LageCra lEnlowCice Mrs. c. C. Grtiobe and cagh- B. A. of Eglinton Church, Tor- In the senior class. Roy Wright Supper and Program ter, Miss Ev el n. Weston, usited. onto, on his trip to the Holy spolie on -Canadian Railways'; ian Fon-est.s": and Evelyn Alun ont heshds f v Mr. and Mrs. P. LeGresey. Land. Lloyd Hancocli on "Oui Canad- E cp ht te sa e f e-SL M r. Stanley R ic ard and M iSss- M r. and M rs. W . H . B. Chaplin Ja eSaA.LhIne t r f t e e ilg d s e d d ab u w n es Marion Aln and Winnifed'and Miss Mary visited relatives~JmsWt.heIvn linoe igdscddabutwad Ricirird of the Newcastle Young at Chester, Penn. Steam Engine.' 1three quarters hours ear lier and Hue oRn pcasfrTusaFia n audy 1 MissCrozie, Insthe junior class, Reita 1dusk crePt. on that much sooner. BITHS eOUStFOR RENT Se- 5 ROOMusdyFrda atediath i-nia one-guesi. of Miss Confie Farncomb Gideaon ivia Ducis Te Rt October 31 - Novenber1- Peoples Union were in ingston MisCoe. Oshawa, .- a oIess jet"vsAlfred the the crod nterwyt h ence of' Bay of Quinte Youngg a t the su in er cottage of her par- Ho r. B. Bei n neîks T h"a d es . chicen pie supper in St. Georges h u e. t o r cys wt er, elec- People ents.Mn. ad Mrs.Geo. Frn-P. Lovekins The Itaio-Ethiop- Prs alo coe 22nd, REDMAN -On October 25th, at t1ic and gas conveniences. good PNAPE igpr.....2tn 3 Rev. S. MacLean. BA.. preach- comb. at NewC atleo-the-Lake. ian Situation." found the weather just as bene- the Private Patients' Pavilion. celar. Possession Dec. lst. Ap- IEPLSnaoe. .. ed anniversary serinons at Janet- Miss Ethel Gordon. R. N., Win- Ths-iigyugoaos who ifîcient and the air and tempera- TrnoGnrlHsia.t ply to Mrs.SMan.Ctr vile astSuda. echngi - ul nipeg. who, is taliing a special înygaeteselgfor.ln ut about the same as at t.he M. and Mis. R. W. Redman St. Phone 266. 43-tf Re hite Coffee, 1's.......e b 2 pus B..wiho Red eV.H .Wlra ous t hiornonnvrstthe pulpit anid the patfoîmns of time of te church stnawberry ine Reta Armstrong'. a dau- O ET ATHLF0 R -ed & WhtTei's.....erpg30 M.A. .D. hopieahe hreinvisiteci her cousin, Mis. J. D. tm row aeefr vdec !festival in July. It was a perfecL ghter (Mary Elizabeth. F OublEN -EA SeT W Lg OF . Reds&o............ .l. .tn.... b.tn 9 the imoinf eand at anniversary Brown, Shaw's. thavîn.gvetherytopic celu vnigo0aprec a.d ools.bathoo possesion . Clriei teafe-Mns,. .Poîkinhorne. Ottawa, preparation. They spolie e'siîy. In the basement of the hall the 6Nronimbrot. posJ.e.ss- Suight . oa......... l.......3bas2or41 services at Clladiesnofe theechu ach underetheeiDEATHSs borne.iR.enR.g4ofBawmafville.y nonand evenifg. Eev. and Mrs. ha ee isiting Mr. and Mrs. J. cîearly and expressively. ldhAopr. hlp ere-______J.___ awsLmoF1.......Oeso-l 3 Malel e rnot.re b Jant Di E.dW.on.ilP. Speaking for hinmself and as- ley. Pre2-l't o4th paochil.__.__._.__.__. sonl. bMr.C h a Glenney anrmDr-. M. E. A dso.who hssociate judge , Rev. A. S. Kerr,,, ommiete f the W. A..r ved a D W EY - u G îtan cobrcWn edI Je e Pi tn ia mn ,. . .. . .. 2lb . fos7 s o . M . C a .,ln e . f r e b e e n v i s i t i f g M s . W . E . B e m a f ._ n m t e f t e . A . s r e s L e o i . . . . . reidnt 0 hesetin.Adou- and Mrs. R. B. Allin provided the MA.B'mr~ e.Gog oniu uper of hot chiclien 25th. 1935, Eva Jane Hobbs. atdJwlSoteig...... be rmxed quartette from the Un- loveîy Muis that sood beforelIMason oininille sad lie pie. nashed Potatoes. canots at eoe ie0 .J oviy O~ FR ZbaPls pse...... îe i 5 ie hrhMessW.JS.couldnt reinembei' when he had aasnsdas jlleseppe ie vn er48hy ouewfi.inqueofui hm..-miJhe.olsh.......nin fr . ite d ,CH rd Mesr. W. M . H . the pulpit of the United Chuch îstened to spealers of such a î rpeas n pie, s. e e appl p e, nS eric atth earesid nce of ed PhN e---7OM AN 4-1 e r o i h (p s e . . . . H'adAlnE.MH.Sunday and deconated t.he S S,.np'Sis.o.ceke aps..Sevie.,.h.....4e f ed hospadinqueta5c;hoe. 8 padhe olsh.25.... Riardan. C lhî adMe-- i.h order and of such grippifget.Br.Lbtytet.ow n -____ Wdand H C. A lin. Cand.Mes- hall on Monday at the W.M.S. ýintenest. The judges' task, how Telaiha et.rgni- ille. Lctbery8Stret2.30 as. WAhneD -76r6. GRA4H-1 Falon M.. cemea..........2bs fi'25 daesC.A.CoSn C R Cr-meeting at which Dr. Addison in- eeTahbeeo ay n.lv-adpvîd ed oranricevinlelen to mta.il ee- epnece.frtmpli't veh W . rggad . tîoduced the speaker. Mrs. At- elynyAtUn was adjudged thervicein- ing. White Flour bagne Pearce. provided music for t li wsjde tehliison.tlat worlied with a maximum of etery. Bd oxrF. M Sartesa. R &7lb 4 eramng hesenor, ad efitaeciency and a mininmum of COfn-F'OUTT-AoxaesareaOctober 4-1 JubRed& ie oos............... ec 3 evenîng seivice. Accompaying Clie among the jniors. ndReita5fso.Sitnttte ed f2r.Wila Ger.beod- the as ere Mrs. E. C. Fisher. or- ok m n th ju ir.R ias fso .P O T - tC eaeO tbr4-* J il B o s . . . . . . . gai. . E. Ma.Th. NwatndCO MECEENxAceallennce the peech paithe tables pouuing tea were Mes- husband of Geneva M. Platten. WANTED-MAN, GOOD PLOW- Chocolate Dates ............. 1/ b o viitrsweeal vr, hsitbl NWCSLEDRWS eellenofthe evenig th darnes D. B. Simpson, J. Scott in his 69t.h year. Interment in -aran, choremaf. non-sinoker. Fresh Roasted Peanuts........... e b O entertained by the Janetville f i- LARGE AUDIENCE play 'Confidence Man," under Gibson. Jos. Coulson and Alfr'ed ROERnet 4 uoviîeAs.I 7or.441 eautButeFaco........ geojre5 ends. the direction of Miss Sanderson, Farniconb. Ladies of experienceRBToonto.6on Oct. 23rd Ary. -76Lico4-ice Aisouts....acon........./lbfo12 H. Mason, M. A.. B. D.. Rector. Interesting Valedictory ally minded and also of havifg each table and woring under Jon Robets, aedo 84f e ars.atdTcRn e &W ieSla rsig atrriiyila.MniSunday. Nov. 3rd. 2th Sunday Address been chosef for their parts and theas were groups f attentiv.e Mohnxfie Roberts d 4yandWNE ORN-FR F Cois Oin....... 0ls o afe riiy 1 .n -Mrigwell trained by one of consider- and alert youngei' girls. their Mrs. Georgler omertlS o 5 10ars adWNE ORne-ar BOmF AlReadyStfion........... prkg O Prayer and Holy Communion; 2 As forecast by the attractive able experience in amateur the- loveliness and charna matching manviGeore. mreaeBw 1 o 11arsna omn P. M.-Sunday Shool: 7 p. s.- pseso the art students, the aticals. The young are of eni in attactiveness the bight flow- avle ville. Apply in w iti g to "W Gl d ed al tFloor W..........pe i 5 Evensong anemn ihSho Comme nc e me nt, duli and listless in their parts ersdeorting the table cetrs RUITER - In Bowaanville, on 0. Drawer B, Bowmafville. odM alForW x. .. U i eo an n ln d t p inmoous I M dnc a ged 76 yar s. t er edA r ice1F r3al5.a b er4s . . . . . . . . . Untd Church - Rev. S. Mac- held in the conimutnity hall nouan oinclined o prei ionot- o oughth_____mniliaGerg_________________innl' ....... Lean,.BBA., Pastor. Sunday. Nov. Friday evening, was featured by oe n xpesoieSfron the J. Anderson Smith Co. WlimGog 3rd. Anniversary Sunday: il a.m. a prograrn o! music, oratory and voices. But not s50in Newcastle and others asade il unanimolîs. inceHapogem etef. I_____Atices or KoeCIna Cofe...............pelb29 -Morning Worship: Preacheridramaties o! a high standard of any more. Confidence Man"'s Thé mae employees of the Smith in__HamptoFOR S LE -SQUAR TIM ER A n Jemim P ncake.Flo. .pepkg..6 Rev. R. J. McCormîick. M.A.. Osh- excellence, together' ith the a comiedy, right Up wih the t'mes! f actory came down in a body, had FRSL QAETME awa; 2.30 P. m.-Sunday School; a adn1!aaemc tltc and the cat elucidated the ideas suppel' and a good time and when.~frm,1 2 atr n p. m. Ei'ening Service: Preach- public spealiing and incidentai for carrying on~ business as usual ýthey had al inished their meal CARD 0F THANKS studding in good condition. J. er, Rev. Franki M. Wootton. Osh- prizes. vih teadofhemiu lf njly Ueaî mney. o adr.n band. unMrs.oin, Leslie1 Gld eMountjoyuieNo awa. Miss Millicent Elston. Osh-i While the hall was f illing a weC, It okagi.Hmtn 41 s e r v i c e . a n d M r . M e l v i l l e D a l e . l o u n g p i a n i s s o ! t h e s c h o o l ý R a n d a l . o w n e r o f f a r m - J o e e d t h e i r w a y 1 0 t h e u p e h a l n du r s 0 f Bm n v l e H -t o e u pn i g htal lB e n t l e y . w h e n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __PI A NFO RSA L E_-_G_ _ _ __D_ _ _ __MA C AR ONI_.. . . . . . . BowmanviUle in the evening. Reita Coolie. Jean Coulter. and Hcin et adî,pet aften supper and found seats for Ms. D. Whiticar has been hereAudry Jaynes. beguiled the time and syapathetic daughter-Alice the program which commenced at pitla their sincere appreciation new $450. and shown at Tor- getting her furniture ready ta with piano selections. Faîl: Jinimy Doyle, faras hand in 8 o'cîocli under the chairmanship for the attention and liindness onto Exhibition. Bargain for - move t0 Perth where she has been Re.S. MacLenB.Aldù love with Betty-John VanDuseIV shown hini duing his illness andi cash inside three weelis. Phone . Wi~ i S pae.evF.HMaoChi-Jed Bodliins. a grasping neigh- 1j-,,ho wvas in a, supenlatively happy to lowe sw inte an ypay 40 41 eW e living since June. M . W hiticar p a .Rev .0f thPR.can.Re . . . asa . o ilohh rirh i a y w y 20 4nn who i, s an le tnicar eder u ddy1h han e B a d o d c t of b r J s . L ve i : S r ntra e o m 'ehe citize nis o ! N ew cas- B od lins. Jed's w ife-E velyn A llin; of the event. H e expressed h.s F R S L - I O S A who will be auch missed by his 1 le for ele ting hias a mnember of Samantha Shooli. a iindly widow pleasu'e in seeing 50 aany pes- n ie ga g po ,cr bnd Newcastle school chums, wre the Board last January and the ln owned-Bessie Law; Hanli ent and oiced the gratefulness I MEMORIAM er. mower, grain drill, single___________________________________ Sunday g ess o ! M . and M sjBoar d o!' Euca i af for electin g B vins. a country store teeper- the chu ch people and hinisel! iig po it o e it orio!a eaghsbnd ndfa W0d Bwmarile P on Ross Dckinson. M rs. W hiticar h irMa for 1935. Briefly w oS u cs for the indness o ! Mrs. Richard HUT HIN2N0f lvin mes-ing riTidr.A pply L. R.- has been a very interested and he reviewed some of the proo- Miss Sanderson h so uce - Brown and Messrs. Howard Shut- wTh INONssdaw N ov. 2, 1934. UsainBine r s p l .R help!ul worlier in the United lems con!rontiflg the Board dur- f ully trained the cast and direct- tleworth and Colin Taylor who thr oSt ehM uthnon _fa- _Wood,______________Ph___ne Church and has been the secre- ing the year and the manner indtepa.prvdt h p had come froas Orono toasasist wh59 or555.p4e aid WheW.A.foehenuretwWehi hdFite tem Yourin adeneEyesmog nth Youa: ls Ares Pr hpAssuredNv.2 134 year. She has also taen a keen splendid new water lushed toilet her other qualifications she has cy Brown. play directress, and T oughtnl us of ou are veryar dearL K E ' D R interest in many social enter- systeas had been installed at a abiity for drawing out latent other ocal talent contibuting ta We ho lave you adly ia R S L 2 Prises and was an active member cost of $1000. The library was drasatic talent and directing a the evening's enjoyment. Wewou vdyu al iFO SAE-'7P0NT1ACW e itYuEy g ofteLde'BwigCu.Hrbigrenovated and recatalogued. stage performance. At Queef'S The finst number wa a vocal yu Coach, in good condition. Ap- o!th eais't l ing Cub.her beangesh d be ae i h University she was a member a!f solo by Miss Audrey Brown, ac - As il dawns another year. ply Norman Lowry, R. R. 1, Or- Satisfaction learned with regret o! her de- teaching staff and assignmelt o! the Dram~atic Guild. com anied by Mrs. . H. Maso. -Wi!gy ee anrd bF aisy. j on esono lak ) parture. subjects. Trhe chairman paid Following is a list o! prizes and Miss Helen McEvay favored with Maciney Mainde...... 3c HT Wte4BOTLE M '. a n d M s r n s . F o le y h ig h tr ib u te t a th e w r l o ! H . w in n e r s w ith n a m e s o ! d n o s a p ia n o s l , a m n e o P d R L - f o i g m e o ' ! m a t dG a z o . . . . . . . . . 9 c S e iaHo tiO T . M aple Grve, were Sunday Br re uf a c reale a d ! . ati nons maling he p esef erewski. M essrs. Shuttleworth f ather. Erwin A. Trull. who l z25 a! Mr. and M is. Mark Blackburn. Meadows as chairma il o ! proper- adT yo.wt r.R .B o nS e Miss Jean Hanna, wha has been ty committee. nicia Perc e ndohn ls, a a othe iuedsala in uerSand Ansd athinlo awyabed: d4. iAN. A- PlyJ.L. rons, in the Sick Child'e's Hospital, si a h is ulcg-rcaPac;2d onAln l cnrbtdsl nmes erDdItiko o, tatrcliaoi odcn ue 3C2Y Toronto, since last June. came thering under Board or Hig n d FalGE n . . WProf . TRyfin l n di rted *by M r s nerco o ou de ;dtin p ly J . P rs n ,4 Y homelastwee, wel o thewaySchal auspices since Miss Marg- 2dFrnGn rf-s o n lydrce yMs ec otikw ol o a .R ,Bwavle hn homre laoveek el n h aret Sanderson. B. A.. had been Wight: 2nd, Douglas Wallace: Brown. Il was "Ail on Accaunt good-bye 176r2, 44-1 Full Strength Alcohol SeibingSeil19 Mi. and Mrs. Walter Seldon. apaneath ecigstaff MissMarret Sach,, ndersoti.Ro! o an Actor." and those appea - Toewohv ahr ieSokFrSl T o r nt . h v e b ee v sit n g at M r . M a so n in v ited . h er ta th e L w r S c o l E n l s n g in th e ca st w ere : M rs. T h e is h h e w it h e .L v t c o S l n i F e Mr'. and Mrs. A. O. Parker's. pafaa ndofcially introduced Wight; Mrs. L. C. F- R, oyn-- MiseaHlenMcva. hen il neye re ohr ____ niFreeAtcm ns. 9 Tor.ana have be isiinat Fallisiul ddesddn Ms .A asn ooh Tewt n Lan-ý'Teýewllree eante O AL ON 0RK1glon-8CGa do'MisescH A. Matn. - orahTewthad1sbl t-Tafili his, vacant chair. saws, due ta fax'xow in Decem -______________ rse. CanMssAudey Jaynes, the audece andthalked the WAdron r phensaf. Mesdames R. W. Gibsaf -raloisdnMre erpie 9 od ytkn vocalist, cntributed several num- citizens o! Newcastle for the HOCi;W .Adesn .F and F. H. Mason. and heard but Getymse yMre epie esnbe .R bers on the program at Clarkie kindly reception they had accord-HCanaasni. -JaliHae: Msce. R. oF. H.Oron iej oss o adlert. -_______R._R_ 1,__________ Church on Tuesday evenîng. ed her. Canadia i. B-wnJacnkv i îe; sided.Bteopin.o o the n- ______1 FR44EOTRI RE- Sea ie Bat Sa.ts89e o. 7c- 6 z.$1 TheeNNecasaetle ayers ave a PrincpalPWandci.aA., exprss- Mn. Ce.prasty- ..................................................................................................................................... complimentai'y dinnen ta Mr. A -ed his and the schoal's apprec- rench M. FORey A-i~o heNtoa ntes OS FRSL IGHT~-gSAtiON oTesed Ba B. M ainwarin g. their founder and iatin o poer es e ected li n the ae Pr o J. Squ AI-Ms.-IH Oand HOspiaS E - e, in Tr ' zStati n B odaz e sîe. Ba.- Jd S l s . . . . 5 president. at the conurunity hall and unden way at the school and lFn;'he ae rM ason. speaîing t>e. n crnerof sKn- egg ok, 27ls rm 7 iex . . .. . . 3 c E t on Tuesday evening. coasmented an the high qualifi- S imtGl ea-a' UTO AE jcad repi it lovrely gn rns. Tamby,2 z oozno. 43-2. J PepodetPat h.3c i b 9c-2lb calion Sandrsori.an - F. H.$50000spartdown payasent,'FOR SALE - 1 PURE-BRED Pablumn..........45C Halive uCp.-$ University, Kingston, spent Sun- honun graduate in Classics at jory Lycet aiyo aeS husadtes ilsl o aI Wilmot E.*q.; Rev F.ady dH. Manau coasiso15 On or afier Nov. 111h, Ernest balance on mortgage. Apply Shropshir'e rami; 1 Yorkshine Moth Killer, lb.. 39C Members a! Durham Lodge wokshna arad.a each-Marjry Lycetl and Jacki A. Werny will off er stodliers and tc0 Wm. Brocli phne 114W. 50w in pig-, 6 Yrkshire pigs, 7 Odon35- 59c $1.0 $.O A. F. & A. M. moiored to Ton- i 1Hr h aeTas atge feeders fan sale, eithei' by private 43 weeks aId: 1 Brindie Heifer, 9 Oooo .5 onto Thursday week and paid I Taking their places on the Hrev J cthe lte howa. ' alea p bic au t4- W t h o their pnoia istt ocplafaras in ordnyanythe Aheicr ,futher 44î 1-jouses to4R-nt ns, phone Bowmanville 160r5. R <o.L gW Lodge of which. Mn. H. J. Ragen students sang with the vigor f Dilie Pze bas, Silver CuP patiulns44P HOE 4 ' "Ph. . ELVE ia atMse.Tereotyouth, "0 Canada" and Dean Lean kAndersan: Rev. S. Mac- -_44-- ORRNTSI ROMHOS Wodfo Sle________________________________ his a PstenMaster.neofthe reort Old High" with Principal Ward tLei. iegrl.1eal-elyn Allixi; Mis. J. A. Butler. 8OLiENTy StXRet.$150. ps -__--_ enthralli g addresses in their d r c in n eia C ok t t e iAtlen C lark: e .g F.l H. M a s0i- M iddle School G raduation D i- 8s eion S trNoe e '15.0furnaced.or al memony by Rev. W. J. Jahnstan. piano. Bac-k in thein places they pote rk:PRiessF. AIca;plama Mee-pesote.taJu esbath.nhîgts. ot ter un, s rdy oebx t made the welkin ring with their PsrPie-sAieFl;pomwr rsne o ue bt.lgthtwtr a.FiaNvme t h ______ school yell. 12nd, Eileen Clark: 3 rd. Rets Pow- Brown, Jacki Hare and Maniry Apply Mrs. Thomas Richards. Estate o! William Brown, (LanceP r on lN tc of S e th Pare.beal o te cholan te - public auctian aon Lots 1 and 2, MRS. ROBERTS - L A D I E S' Unde n yvnu !pwr teThas. Montague graduation PulcSekn1 s-pueto dcto HOUSE TO RENT - 5 ROOMS 1 Concession 9, Danlington, <good Talon and Dressasaken, Fit contaieinacrin onae Sa gaduledthîhiparand atthmedxSamretaIBox67.Baw Pubald3iareschoce ife reaoJaneiGeoge-t.,BawI tme o saefterewil beo! ene mo G ld Me al dlier Wnin- Reita Coolie Principal E . M .H . Miss Dorothy Trenwith who ai-1 and ath . near Central Schoal road fan tr'uks), 12 acres hard- and style guai'anteed. Prices which ilb]rd cd a h m o o d M d l e i e e n i - W ard.s r d a e h s y a a o o 1 o d a d 3 a r s c o c i e e s n b e G e r e S , w - t m L a d it caaSa9shiP and rtheaSamueoxb67 FRering hreprecso! four Publie paig Seniors-Ev- present ta receive hers. man',xlle. Phone 42. 44-tf standing, in 1'4 acre lots, mare or' manville. Phone 420. 42-4 1 forsaebPulcAcifo teresting valedictorY address cov- expeniences ~~l ss. Sale a P . p . m. Te rmF i a . No e bls2n , 1 3 , a FRyeans. She had veny kind and Iri EýAL T H'S SAKE lappreciative words for her f irstcah leWibrAutoe.1- NtcefSle20 a you afford to wash at principal, M. Geo. A. Coyne, B. ýay442V I i ____M.scell neous c ntar.ed in aMcetain Moîgage tinFparclVo!8iadrsituaeri19th mamelhemati urlaes 1May e ne ensUnder and by virtue o! pawei'5 M. SEmoAcine' htcn hoe hewih u lie BA..and for Miss Neya Switzr ___tieo!sleter il e feedDnhn. cngte othilypr p p ro v ed m e th o d , w e o ffer h a d ta u gnhtc rt in M o rgth ea i whIFORATIN A NT ED -Which will be produced atthTonoBwaaileCutyo and scence troughat her our Naes o! ensonsa any lime for sale by Public Auctiot on Io!fae rLt1Bal W D amp ~~NTash , year courSe. j - ,. î~~esponsible for destruction or FiaNvmex 2d 95aI IormebyDvsoLean placeaI dffernt peiods ailpar- heftat Lke Frnt cttags. 3 0 p s.. I theoffie o!M. G.Cente Steets.and Lan9con The resnlatalio! pize bal, - Stîctî' cnfidntiil. ibeal Go'ldBowmnvile, y Tea-ecligsid Dvisonad Cntr the style andu co-i., o -i- which the Executors have o TERM:1c PORT OPE Ofice s ope WEDNSDAYpolntmeflts. Quiet helical gears are now used ln1meo o f. l . P o e i o w r s e d n e v r e t e i n f o t l r e c e iv e d n o tic e w lll b e b a rx 'e d a s p ic e t a b e p a id d o w n a I lim e o ofeach week fromi 9 a. m. to 9 .m hn i owr peaadrvre teil fot. against Iher. sale; 40% within 30 days andth G onl ncag.estimnated ta be reduced more than 25 per cen. DATED ai Bowmnville this remaining 501'r may be secured 248 or 525J. G. M. BosnefTudrlturin edcharge.ormo 26ih day of October, 1935. by Manigage n terins favorable COBOURG Office is open SATURDAY of dlous bulit-in trunk. Note the new wheels wthThTont eraTussthePcae.Frfrhr ï-ach week from 9 a. im. to 9 p. m. Gordon INSET-The redesigfled front end. Streamllfllflg9 Corporation. partIculai'sand conditions o! Sale E.ahcad n hag. Fenders have a sweepng lnward flare Margaret J. Hiler, apply ta. G. V. GOULU. Bow- NOEaetponinns apdhrS aenwcarle bhld Jle hlY. Mathesof, Executors, Imanville. Solicitor fan Mortgagee. NO-~Where at al possible kindly mk onm stnt andhe areno arle.ehndgi nth fo xmntion eces od lure re nwlytled. yM Gr.tOLDTE tBomnileti fo eamna~ edee.Ho lure a"'Y 'Bowmanvllle, Ont. 4- 28th day o! october, 1935. 4- their Solilcitor.44343

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