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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Oct 1935, p. 2

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PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN~~~UUTBE STTE1N.B'MNIL1935APO TrTnA fortune does corne to himi everyone wishes him n e joy or it: for the uvhole world admires and re- spects a good loser. Established 1854 Yes. the gooct loser certainiy wmns in the end. A Weekly Newspar3r devoted to the iteresîs of the Like the plume of Navaree, hie is always found eown of Bowrranville and surrounding country, issued %vhere the fighting is thickest. He does flot lie at King Straet. Bowmanville. every Thursday, by M. A. down calmly after defeat. He is not a good loser Jamnes & Sons, owners and publishers. The Canadian Statesrran is a member of the Canadian Weekly News- suinply because hie has no interest in the matter papers Association, also the Class 'A" Weeklies o f or because hie does flot care On the contrary. each Canada. is to hinm a step on the wvay to victory He re- SUBSCRIPTION RATES traces his steps to see where hie failed. He looks Anywhere in Canada. $200 a year; in the United States, far ahead and plans for future triumphs even while $2.50 a year, payable in advance. Single copies, 5 cents. defeat is still fresh in bis mmid. THU .RSDAY. OCTOBER 31, 1935 Speaking of Domestic HeIp Problem Lots of Free Advice for Mr. King Bride Broder. editor of the Mail & Empire Wo- mens Page writes a lot. of sensible things and heres Among the grist off f ree adi-ice offered the new one of tbem: *Whether it*s our achool. relief or Liberal Government to solve Canadas problems we social service system, or a combination of all three. place The Financial Post's suggestions ai. the top it's a very poor system that has put domestic ser- of the list. And by the way, if more people would vice where it is to-day. A systemn that makes a girl read regularly The Post's news and editorial col- or woman think that. a poor room in a poor quar- umns they wvould be better informed on the public ter andi food supplied by the city-any city-and questions of the day. idleness. is preferable to a decent room in a good The first thing on the Posts list is to draw up l'Ouse. in a nice locality. with three substantial and adopt a definite programi of budgetary re- meals, $15 or $20 a month and a self-respecting form to make the countrys accounts balance s0 job. is flot only a very poor system. but a most that the danger of national insolvency can be p'ernicious one. Yet t.here are many girls choosing avoided. Linked with that, The Post places an the handout of relief to-day wbo might be holding appraisal of the problem of unemployment and up their heads and taking the well-earned wage of relief because it is a large part of the budget pro- comnpetent service. We are flot upholding the ex- blem. ploiting mistress-we have said our say about hier "Thesecnd ob ustbe o sop he astfulmany times. But we feel, while we deplore the e hed suecond ob rmust mnb le to he wasel well-off mistress who "grinds the faces of the poor,"' mient in national waste is the railway problem .Mr. ta usinbesae fslit xsswe King must find the way to make ca-operation and Young mothers who are giving children to the nat- economy work to save millions a year of the tax- o n le oe h aedn hi uyi payes' fnds.every walk of life. and who are unable ta pay a payes' fnds.big wage for it. are unable to obtain help. It is "A third job is to devise an equitable scbeme of equally deplorable to find maids who. knowing that debt ref unding capable of application to all public their mistress is none too well off, waste and bodies in Canada. break andtIear with u.,H c,.qrorif "A fourth is 10 review ail recent legislation prc vidingý for the setting up of new spending bodie: new commissions. new bureaus. new regulationq to ee ow uch qhii.ir J0 JC iPftiýn eulîri-, lO much shauid be beld in suspense and baw much the country can afford ta go ahead witb now. "A fiftb is 10 end aur costly venture in wheat so that tbe farmers may not suffer from the crushing burden ai a buge surplus banging over tbeir market.- Prop4ortionaI Representation Needed We agree witb the Simtcae Reformrer w-hen it says tbe need for some change in aur mretbod of voting ta secure a degree of praportional re- presentation in our legisiative halls is indicated by complete returnis in the election of October l4tb. The Statesmnan bas commented an the need off a change on several occasions. The foliowing fiîg- tires dealîng witb the resuits of ibat election art -very enligbîening in tbis regard: Votes Members Conservative 1.016,974 41 Liberal 1.507,679 168 C. C. F. 299,359 8 Reconstruction 334.411 1 Social Credît iOO.160 17 Others 66,848 10 Prom tbese figures it will be seen that tbe Liber- ais sent ta Parliamnent one member for every 8,900 votes cast for that party, wbile the Conservatîves on]y elected a member for every 24.800 votes palled for candidates of Ibeir party. On the other band. in Toronto and the Yorks, eleven Conservatives were eiected altbougb the vote of that party in this area was 151,953. wbiie the vote againsît th Party was 248,792 in the samne area. The LiberaLs wth a vote of 117.541, elected only four members. while the C. C. F. with 58.484 votes and the Re- constructionists with 57.099 votes did not elect a single mensber. Analyzrng the returns further, we find that the Social Credit party polled 100,160 votes and elected 17 members, wbile the C. C. F. polled 299,359 votes and onIy elected eighl members. The RLeconstruct- Ion Party PoUed 334,411 votes and elected but one ineniber. In other words, it required 334,411 votes to elect one Reconstructionist, wbile seventeen Social Credit members were elected on an average vote of 5,890. Looking at the ttals. we discover that the Liberals elected 168 mnembers writh a vote of 1,507,679. while the ather parties returned only 77 znembers with a total vote of 1.817.752. Commenting an this situation. the Toronto Star. Which was naturaily pleased vih the Liberal sweep, considers that our vating plan is a crude one and declares: "Is it flot about lime for propor- tionai representation ta occupY the attention af the parliament and People of Canada? It is im- Portant that mînorities be git-en voice and facili- tics for speaking their mîinds on the floor of par- liament. To be truly democratîc. parliamnent ought to refiect as nearly as Ls practicable the opinions of the electorate'. A re You a Good Loser? LOOKING TO THE FUTURE WITH OPTIMISM 'UrUV b flR mova . F JURY jWben We Test Eyes It la Done Properly to us that when we need our ters. cbildren near the way bas openedi We decided ta keep track afi-)4 up so0%wonderful. off them separabely. In addiftý~ Will you pîcase put a lîttie t10 the first cost we: piece in the paper sayîng you had 'ai Bougbt $6.40 worth of a letter and wisb ta tbank ah OUr'chickenfeed that we didn't graw friends wvho had becn so kind to ourselves. us before leaving. Tell theni we lb) Bought coal ail for the lit,- do lot feel %e are so far aivay. le heater in the coup. but are very happy 10 bc w th ar ( lF d hw36 i e cildren and w c th nk th e ch ange e d Sp n da s c n an is for tbe best. We sec -nany pick bemi. changs eve sine we lftici Received $20.00 for themn in chang s e' cn a FiC e. I S eptem ber from a "S pecial C ust- M r s . a d d î o m e r . " - If you care ta drive up Sme I I Sunday we can ave a cry to- Keep riway '~~ gether. Eleven miles west On the I r Kingston Road. Then you turn Chicken! At somne time or other in bis life. every man talks about seli- ing Insurance or going m t ch chîcken business. We always tell them to stav out. Here is one reason wh:cb chis taken frons our own experience: Iln Marcb wve baugbb 150 baby' chicks for 15C apiece. Tbe Brood- 1 Eýr wbho soid them 10 uLs guaran-1 teed that 100 would be pulleî-s. But by bbc lime their sex was discernable neanly aIl were roos- TONIGH T H ALLOWE'EN r --~~~~~~~~~~~~~n aîîLu inuzrcLseac o oet-ecneine ve ave ajuil sup lo and bonor. There daes appear ta bc a need for a Halwee reupplynt revi ion of s m e f au sy te m s " -H a llo w e 'e ni C e n tre Ic e C îe a m B ri c k s . .2 5 c W Hallowe'en Kisses, peîr lb ...........25c Hydro Contracts and a Square Deal i Hallowe'en Jelly Beans, lb .......... 25C Some lime Ibis weck bbc Ont-ario Gavernment ,. Hallowe'en Af tel- Dinneî' Mints, lb. . .25c ý is expecbed ta deal wîtb the contentious bydro, Hallowe'en Suekeis, each...........Ic ca 'ntrarts problem. There is no daubt that Prem- ialw'i ae aeec ... 5 îen Hepburn bas a very large section of bhe elect-- with shado%,ýs. onle îould not gol Willaîd's 'Famous" Chocolates, lb. . .50c arabe with him in the way Illebas handled Ibis rushing about in the hope that' malter, but wbetber he bas handied it just as I U 'U LJa c VIN one will find a wvay out. The vB ke Y ir O n B ad delicately as it mîght be bandied is a malter for, better procedure is to wait. untili W hy a e Yoi wn B e d argument. Tbere seems ta becsortie desire on tbe BY JOHNÇ C. KIRKWOOD the sbadowvs and fogs îîfft .I - prt f he ovenmnt owta eetoncomon(Copyright) plead wîtb ail who are near*bbc Let x'our baket' bake foir xou. Oui' biead is pure partonfwîthe vepen o ixrcoporaton comnceneod - -rorw hveal _______________thepowercorporations________________ s ai D ei re andare ai- anid wholesome. Phone 97 and our driver will re a rnied ptcheir dtrestfiear-l and bave the contradîs rewritten ta give Ontario AILl0f us. I suppose, arrive,tin anc day at Despaiî'. At Ibis stat - fim. thamteywillut thei rs n a y fair deal. That way of bandiing bbe flatter aur journey îbrougb life. ait he ion be sat dow-n and pondered al ill îm e. T.m e ii ssenthiand ac foouStrdy peilnth wno . sbould bave definîtely better results that repud-stto hni cle Dsprhspa.Heaw hthsod courage. and %itl put Hope and icio. e ax snc bc ccssrvîe-or Hopplessncss. This station is wsay-s led to Destruction. There Faib back mb th lei.r lîves - ito.W haealways. snetenésaylg a recurrent one: we ar-rive ai it and then bie made rigbt resolvesl One's sim.. and errors can be - isiation was passed. bad it in the back off aur al varions urnes We ar'rive at it and piedges. Abruptly blle enter- 'blotîed out. Is not tbe pui-poýsc offA nl I minds that nhe malter would finally be deait with after a gaod long run of intense r d- on a better way of life. Sire aur icngtbetied lives 10 gîve sW a Cfl U1 RE r uzD t in Ibis way. The apparent arrogance of the pow- and faitiiful endeavour. We reacb then he bas won succcss in a mat- opportunity ta change our ways? em ) > I , er ntretsvs o out hecaseofth gv-thîs staýtion wben we fail ta sec criai sense: but better st.11. be Despair need flot conquer us. W t o " g a ry erfiment's handling of the matter in tbe way it parents arrive a t Ibis station ta live ight lîves and ta dlingý 1____________97 ODAs v 1AI dîd. There is no doubt on bbc ather band that and hard work. tota nihisgod eh repudiation leaves an unpleasant condition in the Teachers and preachers and become an author off several best- Ih Fdjo ' vi l moub ffaI rncrnc. nl..s hepaer comp- %vbose nanse is Despaîr quite seller books. and bis voire is be- c often. Those whom they seck 10 înig beard by many bbousands al ____l ___-___-----_____ anies faîh t. use îeason in their dealings %witb the help and ta guide d"sppoint thein o%;r the land. He bas beconie' apo.Otro province, repudiation wili nat be necessary. hopes and their ffatbs. It is thbe bctnuIst&d raînsellrr of thous- Hapn.Oaio V There is no doubt that Ontario cannaI ai Ibis hope contained in bbc stony ai the ands of inen and women 10 whom Ortober 22. 1935 ~ . tîme take aIl the power rontracted for. At a aler Prodîgal Son wirb makes Ibis Despair 'vas a station flot fan Off. 'The Statesman, Bowmanville: i:-~f date the gavernment may be able ta use a large stri0eorasyppua.adJC X Dean- Mn. Edîton: I cnjay read- .50 chenished by Iecrers. prea- I feel that there ar-e many. ing The Statesmian very mucb 1 portion of the power. but il rannot carry on pay- chers and parent-s wbo sec thase many readers of Ibis contribut- ianld congratuiat :01 u uon i'su- let ing $15,00 per hanse power. and seliîng il back to in %vhons ibey bave invested love, ion 10 The Sabesman wbo are'ing such a fine ek nev.-:ý,apei. bbc corporations at $300 per horse poi'en. effort. hope and dneams gaing reading what I bave written Witb 1Among inany ar.-,,es I cnjoy,..i4 It is ta be boped thal sound iudgmcnt will be asiray--cutting tbe tics Of affect-1 full undeî standing. They haveredn I find muc'pe i I ion and duty, and wandening ino arrived ai. Despairninany limes. reading those by the Pen of Miss I. R I IS j ¶ J ¶~ used by botb sides in Ibis controversy. The On- 1I life a! buntful indulgence-find ytawy bysceddi as li artes li eyi- m tani govnnmnt des lot ant a b labUcd some succor for thein hope iSi j ing Ibis dreaded station, going on 1 tenesîing and refnesbing to have nepudiatons. non do the power companies wanî 10 story of the Prodigal Son. agaîn witb nevîved hope, confi- the viewpoint of yauth. I trust Aea hi etNwwt ogosBom lose bbc respect of the populace. A round table denceKa1d PowerYPsSameDwniter. conference wilb prejudices placed well in the But it is flot only in the nealm Whaî is needed. wben Despairan e o'ssnerlLag lnRse eIoWi n Boz Mns background should bring about a settlement ai of maraIs and conduct that Hope lis reached. is a temporary suspen- an1at rie IIesain ina bubtadwl-oer.<e.utrs ackLaamePinkRsed aord Wigto edBoz us this dispute whîcb waud be a credilta obath the Despain. One arrives at the a perîod of mental blankness and Ontario Gavcnnment and the power corporations, breaking point of one's hope and inaction. When one becomes ut- 69 Burnaby Blvd., Toronto Each - 15c - 20c - 25c faith in tbc affairs of onc's bus- tenly exhaustcd physically, anc Oct. 19, 1935. POMPOMS AND SINGLES, PER BUNCH mness. P. W. Woolworth, founder just nests. One lets lime restare My Dean Fricnd. -i5(k - 75c - $1.00 Mirror of Opinion of the Woolworth Stores. which the wasted strengtb of muscles. 'Wc are so plcased ta receivei now earn millions of dollars a Strains are overcome by complexe arStalesman yesterday. Mn. TO KEEP LARGE X"UMS - Change water dally, year, went smash whenIl pe- relaxation. Lvnth mdi I Haddy 1o oks for the borne papen breaklng a small p'ece off stem itastead of cutting. 'It is necessany flot only ta have an ideal but cd bis first Five an'Id Ten Store. lowcd to go blank, ta the fullest and wants every part of it read ta hudteoh'~sgso iligpaei epvs ta~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _osd__htaete etmaursa _ie-I _ osbethtfrapeidbspossible extent. And Ibis samne him, 50 you can imagine Lena and of w/tfer ihere cool, and thev should reve 109%. ing il.-Smr Samuel Hoare. mood was a black ancadtha sort a! cure is reciuired when ane's Agnes bave a busy time. especiaUly bis spirit was broken. In any spirit becomes exhausted. wben ibItthe centenary and election case, be stanled a1Ilaven again. Despair is arrived at. f one can. news as it means s0 much to him. J.~,L 1 I~ N 8 'i i "Penbaps the customer is flot always rigt-but and be won out against bis eaniy, anc should become absoiutely ne n we fîrst talked of moving PO~ 8 l do know that the customer must aiways be sat- defeat. Similar expenicnce bas gative. Tbougbt and relcion, it did scem almost impossible ta isfied."-Jack Dempsey, former world's beavy- been encountered by bundreds should bc sbunned. Black moods; leave al aur dean f iends andPHNE8 weigt campon.and bhousands of men in business sbould flot bc indulged. The big-' sucb goad neighbours, but wben BOWMANVILLE'S OLDEST FLORISTS weibtchapin.-men pursuing an idea. Thse and best tbing la do is to be we realized wbat it would mean 1st ory of the lives of many ne- stupid for a period. No decisions ta have Agiies witb us and bbc "Equal Representation an Separation" should bc tailens. industrialists. farmers. anc way or tbe other sbould be: families s0 near il be]ped a lot. the slogan of Durbam County Reeves and Deputy - chemiists. engincers, inventons is made. Timecran be relied on to We couid flot bave a more romn- Reev.3 ho ope o b mebersof he 936puncbuated with early failures restane one's sanity. courage. hope. fortable duplex so bright and Reve wo op t b mmbrsaith 136and black pateles f despain: but purpose. -solves, faitbs. Tîme convenient and we are a vý enyr United Counties Councîl. the hope. the courage. bbc purpase mercifully puIs a mist aven the happy family. Chanlie iS vr which spning eternal in the bu- bad past. and iî shows the way inear an'd calîs for Agnies every Miss Margaret Brown off ýManket:,ng.* Toronto, man breast carried them beyond abead wvith sunlshine an it. morning ta go ta the office. 1 the gloomy and depneSsing stat- When anc is in a deep vaîîey., I do feel àod bas beeî soS good in addrcssîng a meeting af editans in 'What bbhe ion caîîed Despair, and gave them Woman Reader Expects in Her Local Weckly1 back thein Power of continuance New;ýspapen'- saîd that womens chieff interest in along the raad off Ibeir vision the local paper was bbc news off neighbounhaod and endeavour. We oce wtnesd anincient hichlingio n to childr-en*s features, use as mnany Pictures Wu e ocr in s d n i cd nt w i h logr d i f local People as Possible. tell women in a little ourmeory Askilful horseman wa.s coaxing bi s more understandabîe language about develDpment.s horse to take a high jump. 'ime after time the cf natio nal importance including politîcal quest- horse would balk at the timber. Time aft.er time ions.'The local weekly newspaper does flot need the patient horseman 1,ould gentle him and trî' tu pit îsclf against any other cla.ss of reading agan. inllythehose.inpired by the rider's mae. Miss Brown said. -because it is soe wlll, gýathered bis legs under him and cleared the thing that no other paper can be. It is local. jump dlean as a whisrle. friendly, intimate. concerned with the doings, It seems to us that this is a good analogy ta the cpinions and ambitions of a group of people in method of the good loser-the loser wbo looks on who:n it.s readers are personally intcrested." We every defeat as temporary and uses it ta make his would welcome ideas from Statesman readers a-s eventual victory alI the surer, to what they like most and expect to find in their Few men need very much instruction in thbe art of wnnîng graceffully. Good manners are aIl that The City of Stratford taxed its bilîboards. 'Me is needed to indicate the way a winner should be- billboard people appealed the assessment and lost. have. But the art off losing is much more dîffîcuit it appears reasonable that the big placards should to pract:se. To lose wirh a smile is rsot so easy. Pay taxes as well as other business concerfis. Yet the way the world is made, we cant be always Speaking off taxing these adverti.sing boards, why a winner. Weve got to lose sometimes and we .should not the Governrment tax aUl signs along m.lght as well learn to lose cheei-fully 'IThe man the highvays? By this means Premier Hepburn1 who can take a beatin, good-temperedly and con- would find another source of revenue and if he gratulate bis opponent when the game is over, is mrade the taxes high enough would greatly reduce one we like ta play wvith. Winning or losing. be is the numrber of these notices which detract from a good sport.. the appearance of roadsides. A few days ago we This principle ha..,ils. application not anly to drove northward to enjoy the glanies of the' aut- sport but to every phase of lîfe. The goocl laser umn landscape and we estimated that between in reality wins in the end. He can congratuîate Barrie and Huntsville there must b>e at least a another on securing thc posi*ion he hinmself had tbou.sand signs of various sizes. A versifier re- hoped bo obtain. He can ls a dozen games and ce-ntly de.ýcnibed the situation this way '-1 think yet corne up smiling every tun1e. ready for the that. I shaîl neyer sec, a blîboard lovely as a tree, next gamne. He can take what fate has in store Perbaps, unless the bilîboards faîl, III never see for him and came back for more. And when good a tree at al.-Barrie Fxaminer. J c x s Thase wnma .-annot reproacb tbemsPlvems witb slackness and witb baving been a rcnegade ta sPurpose and ffidelity. have ta as- sure and sustain tbem wben tbey arrive aI the station Despair this: bbc Power wbich tbey accumulat- cd in the faitbful discbarge af daily duty and pursuit ai purpose will sunly carry them past Despain and will propel tbem afterw%%ards, along the road leading ta theini goal. I is those wbo bave wa-stcd their hives and strcngtb and op- pontunities who. wben lbey arrive aI Despain bave awareness aif t hein weakn ess and great danger. Yet, the" can rescue tbemselves j from thei ,eil-by grasping firmly t hos two great saviours-j Resolutionnd a Pledge witncss- ced by Heaven. Tbey rau resolve ta,0 abandon beir bad ways, and if t-e re rpenly plcdged ta maintain their resolve, tbey will bave power ta redcem their past. One man who had become a dcrunkard and dissolute arrivcd TkeShawSchools S ~ ~ Ofo Is i- (1. l fr. , o' andii:u, .> El oyîî , , a- il(, it-l liyîijîî mail- M o l.adi<fIîa i> and 9i aliii Tiorouito, Il-s 'AT THE DRUG STORE thi a 3lst a Nov. Ist a 2,d (1 LOVEL Phone 78 Bowmanvilie C.H. Tuck, Opt. Eyesight Specialist Author of: Optometry Feature Service The Chld and Its Developmnent Specializing exclusively m muscle anomalies, eyesight and glasses. Phone for appointment 1516 Disney BIdg. Opp. P. O Oshawa, Ont. Wednesday - Thursday .-M Phone 78 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO. THTJRSDAY nrTnnVl:? Qi IUQZ Bowmanville . Friday - Saturday OCTORRIt %ni

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