PAGE FIVE - -- --. ,ý%ffwT12nimffmTS Tt IO- t T~THURSDAYOCTOBER 31, 1935 THIE CANADIAN b±PALTLVIftr, DBOWMNVLZ LI î ~WILL HAVE QU' I WEDDING Canadian i lApple Recipes The marriage took place quiet- ly on uesday afternoen. Oct ober Te 22nd, 4in tePols brh Te apple witbout question is: Toronto, wit.h Rev. Oswald J ig. rit. Wehr Smit offciatng.of TelmaMayfresh. dried or evaporated or caxi- Sith fficagtng.f Tem nMyxed. jr is a wholeseme food. eas- Gidesdagher0fMr. A. E îîy prepared. attractive and pal- Gilders and the late Mrs. Glders. atable at aIl times. A ene Bewmanville, te Mr. Norman Earlet ythsomnonDprtent Blak, orxit. on f Ms.Blakof Agriculture in the booklet. and the late John Black. Orange- Caxadian Grown Apples. in which ville. The bride was gowned in 120 difierexit recipes fer the coek- fuschia wine velvet. fasbioned on ing of apples are iully explained, long lines. and full sbirred leeves. apples vary in flavour and text- She were a corsage of erchida ure. The sound. tart apples are and lily of the valley. For trav- the mest suitable for preserving elling the bride chose a Sport but care sbould be taken to use costume of English tweed. with tbem in their preper seasoxi. brown felt bat and brown suede When this is done. spices need accessories. On their return frem net be added as their flaveur a short trip te the States. they cannet be impreved. will reside in Toronto. Due to the large amnount cf COUNY GRLS OLDpectin contaixied in apple juice. COU CHrEEýWN DAY it. may be used in other fruits te ACHEVEENTDAY give a ,elly coxsistexicy te jams AT MILLBROOK and marmalades. There is ne waste te a goed apple. even the Saturday. October 12. brought icone a nd paring may be utilized t te a climax two of the project.s for jelly. To store apples in the carried on by tbe Durham County hoeteamserseudb c,/i- Girlsoduithethemsummen. Fifu-ddry tGn irls 0fin the Hommer.Gan -den and the temperature 10w and teengirs o theHom Gadencool. The iolloeing recipes are1 Club exibited a grnup of vege- taken fnom tbe beeklet. Canadian tables and two pint gemis. one of Grown Apples, which may be had tomatees and the other tomate free on application from the Pub- soup. Miss L. Leggett 0f Wem- licitv and Extension Branch. Do- en*s Institute Branch. Toronto. ininion Department of Agricuit- had charge of the days pnegram tire O ttawa: and was azssted by Miss G. Pol- i lard ef the sa'me Depatrnent with Apple M3armalade the .udginr 0of canxied g eods.1 Wasb. quarter and cut inte George McKnight and Elmore amingnalipice es-gand Can Scott. placed the awands on the aingenape. Adcl vegetabies. The final standing water and cook slowly until 'very was on the score of the gardexi soit. Rub threugh a strainer. judged during the summner. the, and for each cup ai apple pulp, canxied exhibit and the vegetab-1 add 34 cup sugar. Add grated; les. The girls stood in the fo110w- lemon rind and lemon juice. a]- Here is a new photograph ing order with the first prize lowing one-haîf lemen te every Scott., whe, tbeugh recently berea commexicing at $5.00 and every six cups of apple puip. Cook wiil mrany H.R.H. the Duke of 4ýoxtestant receiine a pri7e: Vera slewly. stirring very ace on Noverflber 6. Owiflg tot Olan, Jessie Anmstronz. Thelma until thick. Put Up i jars or' clcucb. the wedding will be a qi. Davidson. Marion Belch. Beatrice, lasses and cover with parai fin . Morton. Emma Fee. Gwenyth wax. When cold. the marmalade ing a little thick cneam te blend Staples. Mary Fair. Veina Gard-I should cut like cheese or jelly.'the mixture. Season with pepper iner. Clana Beer. Mildred Jones. Pneserved ginger cut fine may be, and sait and make inte tiny balla. Inene Weatherilt. Helen Rowan. added. using one tablespeen for Pare mellow Canadian-growfl Sp- Derotby Snmith. Freena Snei- every six cups of pulp. pies, core and slice acroas in cen- greve. Coddled Apples tre inte rings about half an inch Tgirls thin pt.iTet founde19 2 cups boume gwater. 1 te 2 thick. Arrange rings on lettuce giistaki ar.the girls ex cupa sugan. 8 aýpples. leaves and place several cheese biitd b cttndresses they M~ake a sçyrup of boiling sugar 'balla in the centre. Serve witb had adeand lojudzd cot i and boiling five minutes. creamn or salad dressing. ing and a dress panade. Two Core and pare Canadian-grown teama aif two girls each put on a1 arples: cock slowly in syrup; cov- demonstration extitled -Cottons er closely and watch careiully. Persian Baimn impants a rare iayte tmag rt.jTe winnes When the apples are tender. lift charm and distinction te the wo- inc thecloie aprizeweaie rhem eut. add a little lemon juice 1 man whe uses it. Fragrant as a eachrecive a ashpn:e wre:te svrup and pour over apples.i flowver, deliciously cool te the, Edna Hogg. Verna Girdinen. Mil- The cavities may be filled witb 5kmn. it always resuits in comn- dred Jones. Annie Graham. eyorriispexesdigtul yun ad Gwenyth Staples. Helene Smith. eIorriis lxn digtuyyugad Mrs. G. Moifatt. Beatnice Fallis. Apple Poreupine 'levely. Indispensable to every and Margaret Milîson. Stick coddled apples wvith picsdainty woman. As a powder base of alonds lanch apdeces for oily-textured akixis or as a of lmndablnchd nd utbeautifying lotion , it is unrival- lexigthwise in spikes. led. Tonea and timulates the *Its cnly your iienda and your Apple and Cheese Salad iskin. Recommended alsa to soi- enemnies that tell yeu of yeur' Mix chopped pecans with twice: texi and make the banda ilawless- faults. their bulk ci cneamn cheese. add-, ly wbite. Another Week-End of BETTER VALUES prkces effective from October 28th ta Novcmber 2nld, inclusive. BULK READICUTc Macaroni mTb5C NEW CHEESE - lb. 1 7c RAISINS Australian Seediess 2 lb6. 2 5 Tmomato JuiceT 3 Tins 25c i ABBITTS c Cleanser 3T14c Free! Ntoa 1 package of Ntoa andy A monia Doniînion co-operates in Na Handy mmonie oppertunity ta beriefit b Wijth Each Purchase of KRASFT CAMP 10 BARS 0F VELVEETA «i COMFORT CHATEAU SOAPCaiiadiaîi Crcam CCheest SAP KRAFT CHRISTIE'S FIG ROLLS 2 lbs. 219 IODIZED OR FREE-RUNNING SALT 2 2lb. 4 Pkg. i :heese Week ational Checse Wcek. Here's your oth yourself and Canada. IADIAN,Plain or Pimenta 2Pkgs. v- 273c OId Cheese 21 M il CanadiaiT New Cheese XXXX 98-lb. Bag $2 89 Quaker Flour ~ WHITE SATIN Ba .59 24-lb. Pastry rmLour JIET WEDDING i f Lacy Alice Montagu-Douglas ýavedby the death of her father. Glouceszer ini Buckingham pal- the death of the Duke of Bue- uiet affair. Temperance Study Course The Women's Christian Temp- erance Union thank The States- man for its courtesy in prixitiflg. in condensed f erm. the National Temperance Studies for young people who have ne papers. Directions Prizes and certificates are giv- en for answers te one or two .short questions., net an exam. for jyou may refer te the study pap- Ers for information. The ideg is study for teniperance education. Answers should be done weekly. Answers mnust be scholar's own work, his own words and. in In- termediate-Seflie each answer must net have more than 150 I words. Write plainly on onie side Those aged twelve. thirteen and- fourteen answer No. 1. Those aged f iiteen. sixteen. seventeen answer both. Write name. address anid age as on Oct. 6. op each paper. Hand answers to your S. S. Superin- tendent and flot later than No- vember 24, 1935. Those aged eighteexi or over are eligible for certificates, net prizes. 50 marks for Pass certificate: 65 marks for Honour certificate; Prizes are local. county, provinc- ial and dominion. Intermnediate- Senior Study I - Alcohol Is a Narcotie The world must choose be- tween motor t.raffic and liquor tramfc. You cant have both."- Henry Ford. what Is Alcohol? The trouble-maker in beer is alcohol: the same alcohol which is found in ale, porter. tout, wine. champagne, claret. bur- gundy, whisky, rum. gin. and brandy. These drinks are aUl known as intoxicating beverages. Many do flot kxiow that alcohol. whether it be li beer, wine or brandy is not a stimulant; it ia a narcotic. What Is a Narcotlc? A xarcotic is any substance which ini small doses preduces numbxiess, or in large ameunts brings on stuper, coma and some- tîmes death. Chloroform lsaa narcetic. Ether is a narcotic. Alcohol is a narcetic. Ahl three act upon the human body in dii- ferent ways. yet ail three have essentially the same eifect. Al- cobol deadens. paralyzes and nummba. piuttixig the body partly or completely to sleep. Acertain mani was hungry. The I lass of beer he drank made himt I feel better. flot because the drink Ji 'ad fed bis body. for it had just ,is much need cf food as bei are- but because the alcohel in the beer had made him less able te i l the pangs of his empty stem- 1 qrh. Likewise the mani who was tired or had a headache or was i pain, and toek wine, imagined that the alcohol in it had cured the trouble when really the ai- cobol had only lessened his power ta feel the pain. Thus alcobol not only dulîs the sexises, but it gives te men a f aise feeling af comfert. This is perhaps the chief reason why men drink. and why. perhaps. se mnany imagine that alcehol has doxie themn good when ail the time ht has done nething but cover up the trouble. Alcohel in a smaîl quantity of beer could be respoxisible fer a motor accident. Firstly. the al- cohel had dulled the sensitivexiess ai the drlver's eye so that he did not see the red ligbt in time: secoxidly, it had slowed up the speed at which the messages were handled in the brain and direct- ed to the muscles. Thirdly, the alcehel had taken i rom the mus- cles themselves their proper poise anid usual strength s0 that they responded less quickly anid with 'less accuracy anid power. The Speed Ageg jTo-day li an era of trucks, automobiles, trains and aero- planes, we thlnk in termns of j haurs, minutes and seconds. It is seconds that count, for in one LA e t 0 e f r r t I it easy enough to dit- L t as enrlgh tod bu als fth id t roadurste Ire on the ground. econd a car speeding along at NEW AUTO LICENSES We f in< sxymlsa orge ihy-1 STARKVILLE j ect others eigbt f eet. yet it is at this speed G O 4M N H îw a' bhat metor traffic burties alangMr onTd ihmeatr when we'i our busiest tborougbf ares. Yet. Plates for 1936 WiII Go on Sale MrLaeTd ishm atr even seconds are toc great. anid Here About First of November an operation in Port Hope Hos- - %ve must think in terma aif aplit- pital. econds. lI such an age we must Hon. T. B. McQuesten, minis- Mr. Willian Hallowell met with have perfect co-erdination ai ev-j ter ai highways, bas announced an accident which might have - ery sense. nerve and sinew for that the 1936 registration plates praved serieus. herein lies our saiety. 1Iand drivers' permits would be We are sorry te bear ai the U MT This co-erdination can only be available at the head office of the deatb of Mr. Amas McMullen won througb dlean living. and Motor Vehicle Branch. Queen's Sympathy is extended to bis wid- bat. penhapa. was why Charles Park. on November lst, and that j w and daugbters, also te bis two Lindbergh reiused a glass of shortly tbey wll be on sale a brothers, Thomas and David Mc- champagne as he stoosd on the upwards of 100 points througb- Mullen. flying f ields of Paris aiter bis out the province. Mn. and Mrs. Ross Hallaweil ecord-breaking ilight acresa the lI explanation of this earlier- teck in the anniversary at Eliza- Atlantic. AU bhis lii e the werld's than-usual sale. Mr. McQuesten bethville. nost famous aviater had allewed said: Rosa Hallawell is driving a new no drep ai lîquor to pasa bis lis. 'hemo1 car industry and car.Dtnbarcvre dealers in stecend-band cars have Mr5. Arthur Dn a eoee Quesionsfor some time been urging on the f rom ber recent ilineas. 1. What is a narcotic? Name department the wisdom of Put- Recent Visitons: tbree narcotica. (Value 10.) ting mater perniits an sale in the Mn&. Will Henry, Newcastle, at 2. In wbat three ways may al-f ail af the year. One objection his sister's, Mrs. S. G. Hallowell. cobol delay a driver in stopping bas been that the department bas Mn. and Mrs. Barcley, Oshawa, his car? (Value 9.) denived same revenue tbrough the at ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. 40 _______________ sale of part-year licenses. It is Savery's. felt, however, that it wauld be a Mn. and Mrs. Wîlfred McKay ROTARY FOUNDER , means af stimulatixig the sale of and faiy. Newtonville. at Mrs. C WRITESHISTOR new crs and assiat the second- John McKay's.4: WRT SHSO Yhaxddealers odsoefthi heav stcksta odispose f their Mrs. Sritka and daugter Nel- "This Rotarian Age" Good couldtdo soieithout payinagthinlPortnHope.wa Members yean oicexise on new cars and a 1___ transier iee in the case of a sale It will Prevent Uic e ra te d The spirit oi Rotary could stop of a second-hand car. By m~ak- Tbroat.-At the fimat symptoms: wars. says Paul Harris, founder ai ing 1936 moter permits purchas- of sore throat. wbich presages ul- We the Rotary Club. and president able on the lst ai November, any ceratien and inflammation, take emeitus of Rotary International, purchasers of new cars will save a spoonful of Dr. Thomas' Ec-I in bis book, "This Rotarian Age.'- one balf§year's ice. The license îectric Oul. Add a little sugar to! Ph, rublisbed by the Rotary Inter- obtained in November ar Decem- it to make it palatable. It will national Press at Chicago. He ber will be good until the end ai aîîay the irritation and prevent R eutlines growth of the club from December, 1936. The two-dollar the ulceratien and swelling that R its formation in 1905 in Chicago transfer iee usually cbarged by l are sa painful. Those wbo were ta the presexit. when 80 ceuntries 'the department on the registra- periodically subject to quinsy Bov have received its benefits tbrougb tion and transfer of the change 1 have thus made tbemseives im- 156.000 membens. Because théý of owxiersbip of a second-handt mune ta attack. meetings toek place ini the office car wili net be required for thel 0f a difierent member of the or- montha ai November and Decem- iginal club every wek. it waslber previded the purchaser cf the called "Rot.ary.- second-band car electa te securei Its prognam bas met with a new 1936 license." I greater success than the negotia- _ _ _ _ _ DONT RISK BAKING tians of diplemats ini promoting i i ____________________ intercounse between members of Union, Darlington vaniotîs sects and citizens of dii - 1 --- î ferent nations. Mn. Harris de-, O clares. "Tbat friendship c a n Miss I. McLean spent the week- "GOOD BAKING NEEDS GOO easilv hundie national and relig- end with Miss Isabelle Mcînnis. MAEIL.DNTRS iaus- baundary lines bas been Janetvilie. AEIL.DNTRS demoxstrated." Mn. and Mrs. Colin Stephens,1 Outlining the plan by .,.7icb Michigan, Mrs. C. Stephens. DOUBT1FUL. BAKING POWDER. membership îa confined to one Hampton. Mn. and Mrs. Gardon i ES HA loW RHO representative oi each business VanCamp, Maple Grove. Miss ES TA ~WRH 0 and prof ession, Mr. Harris points Ethel Stephens and Mn. R. Gibbs, M GCM KSAFN AEI out the advantages of this system. visited at Mn. Fred Ferguson's. M GCM KE AFNE AK " Besides weiiare and community Mn. and Mrs. R. Gniffin. Verna. service work. ene of the greatest Vera and Ceiia. Sundayed at Mn. soy#MiSSHELENC.CAMP- aida efiered is vocatienai guid- Phil Conlins. Oshawa.BEL I-ow dfrtO ance. he says. adding that "Rat- Congratulations to Mn. and ofteL. weine wn dlete ary can influence the character Mrs. Walter Rabm on arival of " h htlim nttt of a city." a daugter-Peggy Doreen. Introduced in Canada in 199 Several from bere enjoyed tbe Rotary bas aiready had three play "Little Miss Jack" presented à Canada's Leadlng CookerY' Canadians as international pres- by the Yelvertcn young people at trustîng expensîve îngrediq ident. Mn. Harris outlmnes un- ]Bunketen on Monday nigbt. * powder. They advlse MAGI isuccesful attempts f women. led __________ by Lady Aster, ta be included li' r the membership. The book will Those who argue always con- CONTAINS NO ALUM-T11 eat be ef great interest te athers be- vince tbemselves in proportion as tintje 3oir gumzantee that Magi s ides Rotarians. tbey faau ta cenvince others. wo vde efrefroiflum or aY h1 yExperts caution againt lents to inferior bakint IC for best resuits! temfelit ofieeZ MADE IN ai Baking Pow- riui Ingredlent. CANADA HOW TO GET THEM Vou can't buy doils like these. But you can get them FREE at your grocer'sI J ust buy two pack- ages cf Kellogg's Wheat Krispies and hel giver you a cloth doli. Vour children wili love thern -and enjoy Wheat Krispies toc. YOU'LL LIKE WHEAT KRISPIES Kellogg's Wheat Krlspies are a new kind of' cereal-whole wheat blended wlth rice. They're delicious, and they stay crisp ln miIk or creamnI Nourishing. Ready to serve. Vour ycungsters wlll want ail four of the cloth dolis-frog, duck, cat and dog. Vou @an get ail you Ilke whlle the supply Iasts-one FREE wlth each purchase cf two packages. Kellogg's Wheat Krlsples are made by Kellogg In London, Ontario. HARRY ALLUN A. & P. STORE Wheat Krisples anil Free DoUs niay be eeeured froin the foilowlng Bowmanvllle Grocers: FRLED W. NELLES H. C. OSBORNE F. S. COULTER EVERETT TIUE W. C. CAVERLY R. H. DILLNG DOMINON STORES LTM. Ve De It For You FREE ! lone 264W TodaY. E. Logan ýwmanvifle, Ont. 3FAILURES! DOMINION STORES LIMITED 10 Bars 49 M'Ipmw4w ww m