THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLI,.. ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1935 PAGE SEVEN Henry seated on his push carit TRANS-CANADA AIRWAY PROGRESSES decked out in his Boy Scout out- k -Social and Pers onal ft-ndloknga bigtan~d the act of selling Mayor W.G. Bullbrook an apple, it being'the Mrs A.E. ren isviitig weked wthMr.andMrs ~.A.annual Boy Scout Apple Day in, Mr. A Ty.relni Toron. Nsh. etrit, r.and als S A.the northern town. eMr M.anY*Mrs. yrl.Trno Nah Deriad ls vste Rev. A. E. Jones, pastor of e h Mr. Rhys D. Fairbairn, Tor- Dr. Fred Cryderman at Royal ChuS. hrh Lnsy gxe'e onto, visited lis sister, Miss Fair- IOak, Midi, a very rt hcLminsranty an bar.Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Chaimers, United Church on Sunday even- and< Mrs. Hl. J. Hall arid son Barry', Mr. Murray Chalmers and Miss1 ing. His subject was "A Thrilling' SOn Mimico, visited lier parents, Dr. Isobel Chalmers, R. N., Kingston, iAdrenture" based on Jacob's ex-so and Mrs. J. C. Devitt. Dr. and Mrs. M. B. Annis andI perience in the desert wlen lie Mrs Miss Peggy Ward, Owen Sound, daughter Mildced, Lindsay, were found God. This was followed by Gra was holiday guest of 1er uncles, guests of Mrs. A. E. McCready. useful suggestions to aIl who J. E Messrs Fred and Harry Grigg.' Mrs. F. L. Dayment and Mrs. seeking to follow in the Master 's cr Messrs. D. R. Morrison and H. Frances W. Clark, Toronto, were footsteps. Mr. Norman Fciedliut Coe f heGodyarCo inltown Friday calling on oldj favoured with a sweet solo and E M. oeo h derC. have friends and favored the editor the chiTenheeafn ate been in Akron, Ohio, on business. with a caîl. 'They were accomp- thechirredeeda in sati.he Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Ingham and anied by Mrs. Cecil Spence of!ai sons, Mac and George with lis For Wllam mother, Mrs. Geo. Ingham, Peter- Ms.AusM nsaddug SCHOOL REPORT bi boro. lc Mr. onad Wllîas. uee' ~ter Margaret, Calgary, Alfa., are Mr. onad Wllims.QueenSvisiting hec sister, Mcs. James (Continued from page 1) o University, Kingston, with lis Crozier, Port Perry, and hecrik ureiTntneatle parent.s, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wil- nephew, Mr. Luther Mountjoy, ViesnAudernie elsn.Kh, eald lirims. 0 Cartwright. Mrs. Mounks is a VWolf r nieim 0fGrad a Mý- Prc Jenigs fomelyOfdaugîter of Wmn. McLaren who Wlri.o Dustans Hardware, now of Sud- lived at one time west of Ennis- Junior 1Ia bury, visited friends here on Sun- killen.BlyHnes.IableKl. n day. M iss Hdon. sabele ell Mr. ak lrk, lanaei The Eastern Star Lodge held a bis rbsiRo Mrs Jak lare, llndae, ProgressiveFve Hundred Party Jr. I-Donald Childs. All e n visiting her cousins, Mrs. W. C. Tuesday night wîth well over a Martin, Carl Wahigtoi ndMr.B.M.Wa-hundred citizens in attendance. Sr. Pr.-June Morris. J u n le broi nica. Prize wvinners were Miss Florence Challîs. Margaret Moore, Jean groi Mrs. Geo. Soniley. Black Watec. Werry, Mcs. M. Clark, Mr. J.A.Fletcher. hew is visiting her sister, Mrs. J .. Gunn and Mr. Geo. W. James. n r. P-ruce Lorisberry. Lil-- *. .......-.--... u- Mc. mand r.G . dod abundance of refreshments lee an Barn-es. Alice Summersford. ., ,.. stone and Miss Dingman spent sebert h lseioohyCwe Sunday with relatives in Roches- 1 Another testimonal of a well Primary S.1 ter, N. ~.satisfied advectiser lias corne to (Miss Cole's R.oom) .~0 Mc. yro Vaston ofQuen'sOur attention. F. R. Kerslake re- Haines Bellman, Charles Cat- University, Kingston. with his par- Ports that he lad an applicant tran. Robert Corke. Mary Faganth ents, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Van- answer his advt. "Facmn For Rent" Joan Greenfield, Hacry Hyde'. mo stone. 'Cedar Cliff". in The ae wa off h pr a eJaes Patson. Hss arvey n mot Mc. and Mrs. J. Fletcher Staples tepprwsoftepes eJmsPtro.Hre Rowe, ac and daugîters. Elizabeth and had the f arm rented b3' Saturday Marie Sutton, Murray Tighe. -- rS Joan. Toronto, with hec mother inight. There wece also other ap- South Ward - Room 1irl Mrs. W. H. Spargo. plcat who phoned or called be- Jr II-Helen Jones, Lorraine Ic Flight - Lieutenant and Mis.. fore Friday. Samnerscales, Bett.y Spencer. How- tîe( Roy Slemon. Ottawa, spent Sun- Mr. and Mrs. Manley R. Cry-i ard King. Donald Gilhooley. Raeth dayý with lier parents, Dr. and derman, Edmonton, Alta., was re- Rundle. gow Mrs. C. W. Slemon. cent guest of hîs sister, Mrs. C. N.'J. Lus Sles enrd . moi Ruse.useSllr. en C,. e Rev. and Mrs. C. C. Washing- Rue.Mbr.0 Cryderman was a Lambert. Kari Bickell. JuneMc ve l v~ o to n agtr.Jyeadmme fthe Bowmanvilbe Post Knight. Stephens. 1 .J fox tona arn odaug htes ioheIOffice staff back in the 90~S ad otard R.. ,u..ý .orie Anna . Tro. Whis oter..Isince then has been in the Pos' Suhliad-Ro 2 Progress is being made on the trans-Canada airway witl 'live Mrs W.C. ashngtn.I-Doris Alldread, Gordon Ai- tecniudwr nteitreit ils ucinarot, gro( Messrs. George Newman and Office at Edmonton. We under- der. Gordon Bcown. Marjorie traicnin uaers.rdostheinsanedangarels. juSoe 12000 en 0 William Lang, Omemee. wece bus-I stand he lias been recentiy sup- King. tann urir.rdosain n agr.Sm 2.00mý o iness visitors in Bowmanville on 1cannuated and purposes cesiding ScPrWlimJhsn Bet- are at present engaged on the variolus projects for single home- Wednesday.-Lindsay Post. inl Toconto. Sr.Mutton.WllaceJohesry, less unemployed, while work on contract and regular wages goes Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Gardiner. i Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Cawker Beginners- Borden Brannigan. on at new barracks and training sites. Photos show wock pro- F Winnipeg. Man.. were guests of i and son George, and Miss Eleanor Bill Calver. Orma Mowers, ss on air fields this summer. At top is new f ield at Coleman, maF their cousins. Mc. and Mrs. J. H.:'Bailles, Oshawa. spent Thanks- les Piper. Char- CAlfa.. under fhe shadow of the Rockies. Centre. workecs camp mae Bateman and Mc. and Mcs. M. S. giving week in Ottawa with the __________ at Emnsdale. Ont. Below, work on new field at Megantic, Quebec. qu Dale. 1 forme's son Charlie 'ho has _________________________________meI Mrs. Geo. Nairn and son Adair, 1 been a member o!fPed die Black-M mee ouae a Misn Joh and Mc. Arche Walker. St. Macy's. ' well's orchestra playing ahl sum-,l e ber E lct S The anTheyCold MleLfMiso Band terr I ~ S AAanaaa _____H. guests o! Mr. and Mrs. Icwin R. Ottawa. Chaclie las since gone i an Co in MaleLea Mssin andme Bragg. I to Montreal where the Blackwell 1____ To TheRoa Theatre Monday in the Primacyrom f iste St. Paul's Even'g Auxiliary held orchestra lias a winter engage- <Contmnued fromn page 1) Moiot.curs oneanuo 0 s huadresponse Mrs. G a chicken patte supper in school ment. .Mto itrscm n otwrhpadrsos r.G room Tuesday evening which was 'John Kîrkwood. author of "Your the highway and in a southecly and are forgotten but "The Man E. Chase offered prayer; Eff le H well patronized and mucli en- World and Mine", in a letter tW direction. Mc. Jamieson was They Could Not Hang" lhas been Harris gave a recital. Aftec the awa joyed. the editoc writes: -Last week's: tliown backward and is said to discussed foc two decades as lu- meeting a Hallowe'en Party was of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Coates Statesman suggests that everybody' have stcuck lis head on the yen- man beings thrill to a mystecy enioyed. lowi and Mc. and Mrs. James St.cong wlants t.uckey and pumpkin pie tilator on the front door. He was story, for unlike most thrillers __________ Hal o! Cartwrightf wece Sunday guests : more than news". Not knowing rushed to Port Hope Hospital. Mc. this is absolutely true. To en- foc o! fleir cousins. Mc. and Mrs. 1 exactîs what was meant the edi-i Rickard imrnediately abandoned hance this fact W. Leonard HOwe, ENFIELD Ru.S Roy Webber. 1itoc las invited Mc. Kirkvood toi the idea of going to ftle banquet screen and stage favorite travels ___________--- the Mrs. James Akitt. Calgary,1 be his guest at the Hampton Goose and did everything in lis power to in person with tfhe film and will' the Alta.. Mrs. M. J. Ross. Toronto. 1 Supper and learn f irst hand whyi assist the injured man. The ac- give. exactîy as at the Tivoli1 Received too late for last week> was Mrs. B. E. Webster. Hamilton. we like f owl suppers in prefecence' cident %vas investigated by Pro- Theatre, Toronto. lis special pro- 1 Col. E. E. Snider inspected ourlent. visited their niece. Mrs. J. H.1 to news. *vincial Constable H. R. MacKellar logue introducing the scenes of School last- week.1 atte Johnston. in conversation witl Mrs. A. E., of Port Hope and no charge las the crime and the survivors as Mc. L. C. Ferguson is on the - Several auto loads of B. H. S. McCready this week she was tell- been laid. Mr. Jamieson suffered tley are today. Above title was jury at Cobourg. stucients &-tended the Shakes- ing flie editor of some o! the higli a fractured skull. the nick-narne earned by John The family o! Mc. D. Hall en- pearian -1.1v Julius Caesar- in gîts o! hecrecent trip tîrougli The funeral was leld on Tues- Lee, a lad of twenty wlo was ar- tertained a large number o! Eaton Auditorium, Toronto. Sft- Canada. One w'as 1er visit at 1 day and was conducted by Rev. resfed and--on circumstantial ev- young people Friday nigît.. urday aftecnoon. Moose Jaw. Sask., with Mrs. A. W.i Duncan MacTavisli af the Unite d idnce--convicfed o! murdering Drarnatic Club o! the United i Don't miss "For He Had Great Bellamy. sister of Mr. J. H. Cry- Chucch wlere Mc. Jamieson was lis aged mistcess. Tîree times Churdli. Janetville. put. on the' Possessions". Nov. 18t.h - 19th. derman of this town. lo is cer- a niember of the choir. He was the law atfempted to carry out lumorous play, "The Mistakes of Ms4R.H. 3.d tainly an enthusiastir booster for' on lis way to choir practise when the death sentence, three times Grandpa" in the church lere on Mr.andMrs R.H. eidand Moose Jav with ifs beautiful struck. He was a gold miedaiist the gallows refused to work and Otober 16t1. Each onc did e- Mc. Wcston Reid. Reaboco. and parks. swimming and ivading in fthc tefloi class at. last yeac'S Lee lived on to learn o! another. tremely well. Mcs.RoyFerguson and little pools forcdhildren. modern build- Durhamn County Music Festival. dying. confessing to the crime. RcetVitr:MsGo.c daughtcr. Lindsay, spent Sunday ings and wcll kept homes. A pceliminary inquesf was lcld Was le savcd by Divine intervent- Culloch. Harriston. and Mrs. G.I with Mr. and Mrs. G. F. PurdY. Sevecal citizens have received on Sunday affernoon when a jury ion? AlI ftle facts are fearlessly Bunting. Japan. Mr. and Mrs. Church St. 1copies o! the Nort h Bay Nugget convenced by Dr. F. W. Diamond shown in the unique photoplay, Albert Niddery. Toronto. at Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Mortlock. containing a picture o! Henry viewed the remains and adjourned 1001;f alking, which will come at J. McCulloch's Mc. andI Mrs. and Tommy Dustan Jr. spent the Wiglfînan, formerly o! this town. until Tucsday nigîf.. regular prices to thc Royal F Abernethy and family, Hay- r _________________ _____ ________Theatre for two days cormcencing don, aitMr. M. Samis' miss' ________________________ with a matinee at 4 p.m. On Helen Stark at Whitby Mrs. Thursday next. Nov. 7t1. R.W. Pascoe in Brussells Miss Elsie Samis with Miss Ella Tamn- PREP RE F R WITE'blyn at Orono Mc. and Mrs . FREE,, John McCulloch at Dr. Archer's. A<ui*UCE ~ ~îfW- ' One tube ofer.Byan <2) j ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN children. Raglan, Mcs. J. Weafh- ~ SQJIE8 SQUIB'S HURC erliogg. Coîborne. Mc. and Mrs. ScLuas SUIBBS CHRCHEverctt Ormiston and Julia and Dental DENTAL CREAM Rev. W. G. Blake, Minister Mrs. WV. Densem, Bowmanville. at A l o o .Cr eam Miss Louise Osborne, Organist Mr. W. J. Orrniston's. with caeh Sunday, November 3rd: 11 ar. _______ nue niutd ae sa t.. purchiase of -esvoac f Saints"; 7 P. Puret, udlute F Gal per Squibb's goods n.-"No Diffrence"; 2.30 p.m.- Township Council j Qaliy, ui Imeril Gi-gallon . amounting to Sunday Sclool. __ __ ______ Ions.. ST. PAUL'S UNITED CHURCH DARLINGTON COUNCIL Rev. A. S. Kerr, Minister____ 5KIe ad pagr Apy HRS MAC-F "'S CMrs. C. H. Dudley, Organist Slamnd ies.Ale H IS M S 0 and Leader. Routine business was transacted Convben te, Y-G SIUNNoebr r:ilan at the October meeting o! Darl- emcO"venien. SUGGHSSIOHAMPOOy, Nvme r:1 .m.ington Township Council with the nent usuallv remnov Have your favourite snapshots FIC ' H M O -Putting Cost into u Relig- members aIl présent and Reeve G. -M. n. Pottîke tef Rnlre an coued Wad ion": 2.30 p.m.-Sunday School F. Annis presiding. o.1eMonev lrefundddDo not weat nd clothedr NoW. ndand Adult Bible Class: 7 p. m.- T. C.Glaspeli appealed Vo coun- Doristma un. hersho SCALP MASSAGE BRUSH Questions Jesus Asked: (1)Wlat cil for cost o! digging grave for ci_________________1R do ye more than others? orr Ar Nora Thornton at Zion Cemetecy. ____________________RE EEBoth for 6 Acrde Ordered pald. Our work is never surpassed _______________ welcome to aîl. F. G. Kerslake's reportasS. A.1 C O UP O N -A-- _ * - oLI, .Ou p. .--uni. U Ua.y 'b ovu J D 5c ea.- 5 ckes 23 A v ra Rstallation o! A.Y.P.A. officers. J .Hgrh bridges 1939.36 DE~LOPNG G E M * Il___________ Counties Treas., main. 71.88 PROPT ERVCEAmIl teMlca nirnrods who S. C. Allin, sheep damages350 PRITI I*~ ~A I I Uhave gone ta Northecn ntarFj. oL. ym, sreln . PROMTI)PT SRIEP.*Amn hClcl Onal . Woodle, sleep dlnsp. 6ý .00 UNTED CIGAR STORE PRONE 92 lfh AWB DELVN in searcli o! big gaine are Fred F.C or hepdmgs32.001 AGCENCYUVE C. Hoar, W. C. Caverly ad sonMa E. V. ScobelU, Col. Bond 15.00 GECYDIUG LRex, Cliff. Caverly, and W. J. T.C.ravelo e..lng 01 1Bagnell. a o .à laploeigse. 70 î1Special Services This î_ WEDDING Weekend at Salvation COMING EVENTS Army Headquarters Davidge-Lankin Newcastle United Churcli Fowl ______Bowmanviile las been chosen as Supper and Play in the Commun- Abeautiful wcdding was sol- i the field o! activity for fthc oper- ity Hall, Wednesday evening, No- inized at St. Clair Ave. Unitedj ations o!f tle Campaigning Can- icl on Saturday whcn Vesta didates. under the leadership o! vember 6t1. Admission. Aduits, rtrudle, only daugliter of Mr. Captain Edward S. Payne o! Terr- supper and play 50c, play oniy àMrs. G. W. Lankin becarne the; itorial Headquarters, Toroito. 25c; Children 35C and 15c. de o! George Lennox Davidge. This Party o! sorne ten Blood and 1o! W. J. Davidge, and fthc late Pire cnthusiasts is comprised of Corne f0 Haydon Saturday s. Davidge. Rev. G. Norris young men fromn 18 ta 25 years niglit, Nov. 2nd. Sec Dr. Williams, ay o!ficiated, assisted by Rev. aof age who have left their accu- ncw picfures. Admission: Adults E. Todd. The churcli was de- pations; and have given their lives 25c, Children 15c. rated witli chrysanthemumns to the service o! Christ in the imn leaves and palms. Mc. W. SlainAm.Te ilb c Euchre under auspices o! Home Salter pcesided at the organ. cepted as Cadets and will enfer and Sehool Club will be held on ýbride, given in marriage by thc William Booth Memarial, Thursday, Nov. 7tli, at 8 p. m. in rf ather, looked îoveîy in ivory Training College in Toronto next 1 Central Public Sehool. Admission Jn and suede lace eut on prin- Session-.125c. Special prize, % ton coal!; ;lines. Hec veil was o! silk All o! thern have thrilîing stor- 6 addifional prizes. Èl net with cap o! rose pointi ies ta tell o! their conversion and ýand she carricd a bouquet' what lias prompted thern ta denyt High Schoaî Commencement, butterfly roses, orchids and I- tlemselves of fthc acquirement a! Thursday and Friday, November o! the vaîley. Miss Minnie wocdly goods and ta consecrate 28tli and 29th. 44-4 vidge, sistec o! the groom, was their endeavours ta the lielping of Ratepayers and Trustees As- id a! lonor and wore a gown "the f argotten man."' sociation foc Durliam County wll pale yellow suede lace with iTlcy will arrive carly Saturday meet at Tyrone, Monday, Nov. itching velvet hat and veil, and affemnoon next and will be seen l8th. Pacticulars laVer. cricd bronze and ycllow dhry- fcomn time Vo Vime reading flic tîemums. Miss Fay Smith, as bible on various corners of aur A «treat in store. Reserve Tues- icesmaid, was gowned in pale town. At 7.30 they will conduct day, November l2th, for concert i lace wif h matching velvet haV a stirring Open-Air service oufside by "Favorite Four Entertainers" Ld veil and carried yellow and thecPost Office, prcceded by thlIf rom Londan. Auspices of Trin- onze dlicysanthernums. T h e Dcvil and lis capture on flic main ity W. A. oom was attcnded by lis nep- street. iTiiyYugPol rsn w. Mc. Beverley L. Davidgc. The The dramatic presentation of T nt on eol rsn hers were Messrs Mervin and "The Devil on Triai" whidl t.hcy religious drama "For He Rad irve Laninbrothers of flice are sdlieduled Vo present at 8 p.m. Great Posessions",in Trlnity rvey Lnkin.School Roam. Mon. & Tues., Nov. ie, Jack C. Rutledge and Zac promises Vo be full of interest and 18th1l9fh. Admssion 25é and Phimister. During flhc signing excitement. fIe cegister. Miss Elinore WaiV The Sabbath services at il a.m. 15c. 43-3. .g "I Love You Truîy". Af ter Iand 7 p .m. wiIl le in charge o! "The Favorite Four" o! London ceccmony a reception was hld the visitors and their special will present a prograin in Trinlty' 23 Grenville St., the bride's music and sang and burning mes- Churcli on Tuesday, Nov. 12th. f hec wcaring a gown a! black sages will bring no littîe inspirat- under auspices a!flice W. A. Watcli se wîth corsage o! talisman ion. fac particulars next week. ses and black velva bat with An Affer Chucch Sing-Song1 liant fcimrning. Miss Davidgc will be conducted by thcecrsad- Bakec's and Bradley's Home and 5received. Later flic bride and crs in flic Salvation Army Citadel dio lbwl eta rde' arn le!ft on a short motor trip. Tlcse Campaigners. resplendent Selool on Tuesday, Novembler ebride travelling in a smnart, in their blue and gold capes, with Sth, af 8 o'clock. Ouest speaker î'n o! brown crepe and silk white facings. witli tîcir excellent, will be Rev. A. S. Kerr o! St. i4re with close-!itfing bat o! instrumental marches. will weIl Paul's Curci, Bowmanvle. A Iv velour and brownm coat with announce flicir arrivai and wil good prograin is being prcpared Kcollar and matcîing access- secure. wc have no daubt. flic ce- with games and lunch ta le served es. Mr. and Mrs. Davidge wiIl specf and syrnpathy o! the fowns-I at the close. Gladys YellowIees, eat Bowmanville. whcre the folk. Sccretary. :om is a member o! the staff _____________- the Ontario Training School. ________________________________ Bible Society M4eets Frienda and supporters a! Bow- )nville Bible Society are re- 'sted Vo attend flic annuali cting off thc Socle'W in iEt. hn's Paciss Hall an Sunday a!- rnoon at 3.30 o*c1ock. Mc. T. Lockhart is president, and lic cnds an invitation Vo aIl .min- ers and oflers interesfed ta tnd. Holy Trinity A.Y.P.A. o! Osli- ,a wecc guests on Monday night Sf. John's A.Y.P.A. at a Hal- ce'en masquerade in flic PariaI Il. Eric Colwell won the prize 1 rflic most original costume,j issel Hatliecly o! Oshawa for,, ecomîc. and an Oshawa girl for eprettiesf costume. The hall Lgaily decocaf cd for the ev- tand about 75 young people beded. Mauaoth Two a For 0 Oe BUY ONE DRESS AT OUR SPECIAL SALE PRICE 0F $5.95 AND GET ANOTHER 0F EQUAL VALUE Absolutely Free THESE DRESSES WERE FORMERLY PRICED AS HIGH AS $12.95. A L L HAVE BEEN REDUCED BELOW COST, AND STILL YOU GETr ONE FREE. ALL SIZES - 100 DRESSES AND SUITS TO SELECT FROM. GET HERE EARLY. No Alterations No Exehanges No Refunds SALE STARTS FRIDAY 9 A.M.e Ail One Price $5095 Couch, Johnston &, Cryderman PHONE 104 LIMITED BOWMANVILLE HERE WE ARE! HERE WE ARE! HERE WE ARE AGAIN! Yes Sir! FaIl weather brings Corbett's Cream Goods back on the market. Try one o! these - you'lIl e delighted. Cream Puffs, dozen............. 60e Charlotte Russe, each ............ 6c Cream Roils, dozen ........30c Mincemeat and Pumpkin Pies ...... 25c You'Il like ail Corbett's Baked Goods. Try a different produet every day. CORDETT'S B&KIERY Phone 3 Distributors Dad's Cookies Bowmanville PAGE SEVEN THE CANADIAN STALTESMAN, BOWMANVILI& ONTAPLIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31,1935 DRESS -SALE