THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARio. THIURSDAY, DECEMBER 5tis. 1935 39-tfi RICHARD FOUNTAIN Bandmaster Canadian Leglon i Band Teacher of Cornet. Trumpet. Baritone, etc. 25 years' professirinai experience.1 Open for puisils nowv Residence: Opposite Town Hall C.H. Tuck, Opt. Eyesight SpeciaIiS6 Author of: O)ptomnetry Feature Servie Tise Child and its Developmleflt Specializing exclusively in muscle anomalies, eyesigist and glasses. Phone for aPPolntmeflt 1516 Disney Bidg. Opp. P. 0. Oshawa, Ont. AGED JOURNALIST PASSES (Brampton Conservator) One of tise ionored patriamcis lof Canadian weekiy journaiism passed away at Bowmanviiie on Friday iast. M. A. James, for 57 years publisiser of Tise Canadian Statesman. isad reacised tise ripe age cf 87 years. An Englisisman y . bixtis. be was brougist te Can- ada by bis parents wvben oniy tls:ee years of age. His boyisood .lays were spent on an Ontario f arns. He tisen Vaugist scisool for everai years wben bis Vaste umrned Vo journaiism. In 1878 ise ,uîtc'.ased thse local newspaper, witis whicis be was activeiy asso- ciated until failing bealtis a few years ago forced retirement, wisen tise work ise bad 50 weii estab- iished passed Vo tise control of bis scn. Geci. W. James. Ail bis long hife tise deceased gentleman was noted for good works, In tise cisurcis. in fraternai societies, as mayor of tise Vown, ise sougist Vo discisarge bis full duty as progres- sive citizen and Christian gentle- man. 0f bis 1V can be said in For RHEUMATIC PAIN! 0 M-EUMAT1SM 0 LUMBAGO 0 SCIATICA O BACKACHE '1'y a b=of ci umacop&TMa hitd .1of wiU glys you decdd rd mm pin Aftack the. Cause--PcrManant ralielcmoy b. eDet.d by reovm *A urit acd and other impui" i ronthe. blood. RuflIaps relieve tii. pubs wbil defiltcly removint the cause. They wiU Bo Cive Yo. amn.whcai±hend vgor through their clemmnt ngnd gcrm-IIU" action. Stait your tUaamet todW. USEBoO F 50 CAPBULMS- *1.0 RUMACAPS CAPSEST ALEX McGEEGOR - DRUGS - PHOME 9? N ewsp permen erai Association, in tise Temper- Newa aper en nce rgaizatonsand in var- Voice Tri butel ni an oppruiyt ome (continued from page 2) .';Ous exPerience, ise bougist tise Canadian Statesman in 1878 and policy, Tise Statesman as a news- buiit it up to one of tise leading paper la in a class by itself, a %veeklies of tise province. in do- weekiy noted for its enterprise and iri sSobis business absorbed ne its i1fiuence. fewer tisan eigist other papers, SJames couid neyer have crie 0f wisicis wautise Bowman- be+eff ermed "a newspaperman of ville Sun published by W. R. tise old scisool". He had notising Clînsie, who belonged Vo tise fans- but the liveliest contempt for "iY cf Rev. John Climie wbo came publishers or editorW wiso per- te Innisf il township witi tise Dal- mitted tisenselves te geV into a: housie Settlers in 1832. Tise pre- rut. who mesnserized thensseives sent publisiser, Geo. W. James, inte tise belief tisat "whaV was, has Proven hinsiseif a worthy suc- good enougis years ago is good1 cessor of his father. both in bis enough to-day." He kept up vvth! riewslsaper work and in tise fine tise tises, endeavouring te keep waY lhe is demonstrating his bis own outiook on lIfe and isis Wvortb as a citizen of tise commun- riewspaper ever fresis and pro- ity. gressive. i Financiai Post) (Barrie Examiner) M. A. James. wiso was for 57 vears a country newspaper editor. M. A. James. who passed away made Tise Bowmarivilie States- on Friday. was tise elcest editor mari one of tise finest of Canadas living in Canda. He isad reached, weekîies. Geo. W. James, his son. tise advanced age of 87 years aid 'bas beeri editing Tise Statesman *or over hall a century iad been for sone years. combining an in- fog o;atvl h atfwsociated with tise Statesman. timate interest in local affairsi houis etactvel te lst ewwitis a very compreisensive un- years. As a student attending derstanding 0of tise national view- Bewmanviile Higis Scisool. tise point on public matters. writer remembers the large part 1____ Mr. James played in tise coins- (Huntsville Forester i munity-in the towri council of which he was mayor, in tise Metis- Tise deatis of M. A. James. de- odist cisurcis. in tise agricuitural prives weekly jouirialismn in On- society, in tise West Durhsam Lib- tarie. of a wortisy representative _________________________and tise town in whicis ise iived. -of a citizen respected and esteens- ed for bis unfailing devotion Vo theiterests of tise consnunity. an is unselfisis personal con- Busiess irecorytribution te tise development of man forms ofI public interest. He LECAL lt up a splendid paper. now, wekisin tise province, and M. G. V. GOULD, B.A., LL.B. sustained by bis son. George W. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary James. tise present editor. Tise Phsone 351 predeminent position of Tise Royal Bank Bldg., BownsanviUle Statesman, since it was takeni over by Mr. James. is indicated W. R. STRIKE by tise absorption of ne less than Barrister, Solicitor, Notary eigbt otiser weekly papers. It Solicitor for Bank of Montreai now stands supreme in its f ield. Money to Loan. Pisone 91. 1 Bowmanville, Ontario (st, Mary's journal-Argus) L. C. MASON. B.A. M. A. James. Canada's oidest Barrst.e - ohictor editor. and a lif e-iong prominent Barrste - Slictor figure in tise Canadian weekly L aryin Pbl itsbce. newspaper f ield, cied at bis home Lawin il tsbrache Iin Bowmanville on Friday. Mr. Office immediately east o! Royal James conducted tise Bownsanville Theatre ttsa fo a afcnuy Pisones: Office 688; Home 553. ttsa o alcnuy ns_ aking of it an outst.anding DENTAL weekly newspaper, wisicis is now ______________________,pubii1sesd by bis son. Geo. W. DR. .. ~ DVJTT James. Mr. James was a leader DR. . r DEITT iri churcis and community activ- Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson ities and exercised a wide influ- Graduate of Royal Dental Col- ence for goed citizenship Virougb- lege, Toronto. Office: Jury Jub- out bis long career. ilee Bidg., Bowmanville. Office isours 9 a. ns. vo 6 p. ns. daiiy IWAS A NOTED EDITOR except Sunday. (Fergus News-Record) Pisone 90. House phone 283.. One of Ontarios most noted I X-Ray Equipmnxt in Office. editors died tisis week. He was M. A. James. of Bowmanville. wiso SHOE REPAIRS was active as an editor for more R. P WSONthan 50 years. He taugist sciseol R. FA S O Nfirst and went into tise editorial Boot and Shoe Repalrlng chair witisout previous experience. Soles sewn on by Goodyear but ise made a success o! tise work. Stitcising Machine. There are otiser cases 0f scisool Prices reasonable. teachers making the samne change King Street East - Bowmnanville' successfuliy, two 0f Vies in our own county. We do not know FUNERAL DIRECTOR wisat Tise Canadian Statesman R waslike in its eariier days, but it is now one of tise best weekly FPNERAL DIRECTORS papers in Ontario. Service, any heur, any day. Two sons of Mr. James carried F. F. MORRIS CO. on tise business wben ise retired Modem MotorEquipent rons active work. but one of tisen AMbulance and Invaid Car died befere his father. The otiser Ambuanc an InvlidCar one, Geo. W. James. carries on. CalilPisone 10 or 34, is editoriais are often quoted on Assitant ~ .his page. He is also promninent BOWMANVILLE wbeme press people gatiser and la one o! tise officers o! tise C.W.N.A. NORTHCUTT & SMITH An impartial observer would pro- t Compete unerl Sevice babiy be struck witb tise nus-c Cermplete FuneraiamiieServicei Modern Equiprnent - Ambulaniceaoer ifOntawioaper famile s"ntisere J - A. W. G. Northeutt - aei naiwsr iesncr -Aubrey Smlth - ries on tise work tise f ather began. V Pisone Days 58 Tbey must think it is a good Nigis, Sundiays or Holidays !business, af er ail. Pisone 523 or 276. Tise laVe Mr. James found tise ________________________for mucis work cf a public nature, music cesides wbat lie did for Bowman- ________________________ville and district tismougis bis FRANCIS SUTTON ipaper. He was interested in mu- Mus. Bac. F.C.C.O. nicipal, cisurcis and fraternal a!- A.T.C.M. diplomas in Piano. f airs. He isad been mayor 0f Singing, Violin and Organ. Bownsanvilie. and a few years ago Private or ciass lessons. ýGeci. W. James was conscripteâP P-upils prepared for ail ; into similar service In a tise of exaninations. crisis and ran successfuiiy for tisei Phone 42, BowmialvilC... 'same office. 1 J. Cliff Gartsisore Secretary-Treasurer 0f R e s s, Ames and Gartsiore Ltd., who announces tise appointment of A. A. Ensmett as Bownsanville re- presentative for Hudson-Terra- plane cars. tise truest sense of tise word. ise BOWMA&NVILLE MAN died full of days, riches and IS APPOINTED AS bonor.- and. it wili net be out of HUDSON DEALER place te adct. be leaves isis wortisyi son te continue in bis stead .Sucis Announcement is made by Ross. men are tise reai makers of Can- iAnses anid Gartsbore Ltd.. of Osis- ada. Tiseir lives are an inspira- awa. district dealers for Hudson tien Vo Young persons who desire and Terraplane cars, tisat Mr. A. to do their full duty Vo, their cons- A. Emnsett. weii known Bownsan- munity and tiseir country. ville citizen, has been appointed Bowmanville agent for tisese pop- (Hanover Post) ular cars. On this Page Ross, One of tise landnsarks in week- Anses and Gartsisore announce iy newspaper circies was removed tise sisowing of Vise new Hudson last week in tise deatb o! M. A. and Terraplane models in tiseir James. editor of tise Bowmanvilie Oshsawa showrooms. Tisey are i Statesisan for hall a century. Mr. tse smartest Hudson and Terra- but aise a good citizen, and tise market", Mr. Gartsisore statedr tradition is being carried on by recentiy. "We believe that they bis son, Geo. W. James. are net over rated in being called tise smartest 1936 cars at Vise re- (Collingwood-Enterprise- cent motor show", ise added. Bulletin) ____________________ Weekly journaiisma in Canada _ lest an outstanding figure on Fr1- OBITUARY1 day, wben M. A. James, editor of ______________ tise Statesman. Bowmanviie. died aV his isome in tisat town. Born Mr. Henry Samefls, Biackstock in Engiand eigbty-six years ago MrHeySaespsedwy be came to, Canada wisen Young MrHey a lspsedwy and witis bis parents iived on a attse home e! his daugister, Mrs. farm, in Durbams County. LaVer Cordon Maclean, Uxbrldge, on he tugh scoolforNovember 22nd, after a shsort iii- isetaubt cisol orten years nessa and in 1878 bougist tise Statesman The deceased was born in Dar- of wisich. tbrougisout tise inter- lington in 1855. a son 0f John vening fifty-seven years. be bas Samells. He, witb his parents. been editor. Mr. James gave isis moved Vo Cartwrighst in 1867. In town a good newspaper. Besides, 1885 he was united in marriage te Virougb different organizations, Miss Amanda Mountjoy. daugis- be rendered it mucis public ser- t er of tise laVe Mr. and Mrs. Tisos. vice. Mfter serving as a councilior Mountjoy of Haydon. A!ter iser and reeve he was mayor for two deats, ise married Mrs. John Mii- years. He was a member of tise 1er o! Seagrave (nee Miss Jane United Cisurcis and in its councils Beacrof t). in 1895. In 1916 Visey took an active part. Mr. James moved te Biackstock, wiseme his was a fine cisaracter, a man who wif e predeceased ii in 1929. believed in good cutizensisip and The funerai service at Uxbridge practised it in bis daiiy round. was conducted by Rev. Meek, Sympatsy is extended Vo our good munister of the Presbyterian f riend. Edîtor Geo. W. James, aiso Cisurcis. Uxbridge. Rev. H. J. oU.tise Statesman. wiserein h is a Bell conducted a short funerai wortiiy f oliowing a w o r V y service aV Vthe Union Cemetery, fatiser. Biackst-ock, wbere inersent was made. Tise psul bearers were six OLDEST EDITOR GONE nepisews, Lorenzo Mountjoy, Oea. Belleville Ontario-Inteliigencer) Samelîs, Wilfred Williams, Stan- M. A. James, oldest editor in ley Plougisman. Tiseren Mount- Canada. is dead at Bowmanvilie. joy and Milton Siemon. He brougbt local .iournaliss Vo a Mr. Samelis la survived by one isigis plane as readers of tise daugister, Manda. Mms. Gordon StaVesman know. H-e was inter- Maclean of Uxbridge: one son, ested in every phase of tise hile Of Tennyson, of Blackstock; Vwo sis- tise municipaiity and tise district. ters, Mary Anne, Mms. Wm. His outlook on life was eminently Mountjoy, Saskatchsewan, a n d sasse. He had Vise large view. Vise Louisa, Mrs. John Mountjoy, Nes- oniy way wbicis spelis progress tieton; Vwo brotisers. William of and satisfaction. Nestieton and Walter of Scugog. How Mr. James sanaged Vo take ise for so sany efforts us - diff"'uV Vo understand for tisoseN ST E O ýwbo"find most of tVir tise and ___________________ ýenerg;y taken, by one job. But ise managed net only Vo run a suc- Decemnber meeting o!fVise W. A. cessful newspaper whicb wouid and W. M. S. wiii be iseid at Mrs. be a credit Vo any municipality Wm. Steeie's on Dec. l2tis. for its bigis tome and its compre- Bible reading at League on Fr1- hensiveness, but also Vo cooperate day evening was taken by Mr. witis and guide otisers in many Robert Campbell. Rev. H. J. Bell fields cf endeavour. His life was Vook Vise Bible study. Topic was weil-rounded out and seiflisness given by Mr. Raipis Emerson. bad ne place witisin ut. Mrs. W. Camipbell gave a read- one remembers isow years ago ing. a weil-known local citizen. Dr. Choir of tise United Churcis are (now Vise Hon. Dr.) J. A. Faulk- planning Vo give a concert. ner was taken iii on bis way to W. A. are baving a pot-iuck iToronto and entered tise iospitalijsupper. Miss Norma Armstrong at Bowmanville wisere ise was op- and Miss Florence Faillas are tise erated on for append i c Ii. progras committee. Daily Mr. Jases visited bis bed- Visitors: Mm. and Mrs. Sans side and afterwards ser4t daily Cawker and famiiy. Port Perry, news stories of tise progress of at Mm. Wm. Armstmong's . .. Miss tise doctom's recovery Vo tise Daily Laura Proutt, Toronto, witb her Ontario at Belleville. This un- motiser, Mrs. George ProuVt. Mrs. cident gives a little insighst into Proutt metumned Vo Toronto witis Vise breadtis of Mm. James' sym- ber daugister for tise wintem . pathsies and kindness. Mm. and Mms. M. Emerson and To sucis men deatis ano an- Mm. Donald Emerson, at Mm. L. xiety. for ise bas reaped frons 111e Joblin's . . . . Mr. and Mrs. W. tise best Visat us in it because Campbell and Mr. R. Suggitt witis ise bas made life easier and ricis- friends un Uxbridge . .. . Mrs. D. er for tisose who lived witis his Black and Mrs. J. Dickey witb. and corne after bis. friends in Toronto . . . . Mr. and Mr. James possessed Visat quai- Mrs. A. E. McGili. Mm. and Mrs. fty of sturdlness and stabullty us- Smith Ferguson and Colette, îitaly associated witb tise natives Bowmanvuiie. and Mr. Charles of Engiand. He was bom in De- MeGili at Mr. Merwîn Mount- von, and received isis education Joy's . . . . Mr. and Mms. Stanley .ii Ontario rural scisools and on Malcolm and Jean at Mm. Nom- Che farm, later turnîng Vo teacli- man McNaily's, . . . Mm. and Mms. irîg. In 1878 ise bougist tise Merwin Mountjoy at Mm. Wm. Statessan's plant and began tisat Samells'. ong career unrivalled in Canadian Journaiism. He retired in 1919 Tise 2SVis anniversary of tise trorr. active participation but was founding of St. Johsn's A.Y.P.A. stili associated wi-itiste paper. was ceiebrated at a banquet un tise Parisis Hall iast night. The q>. guest speaker was Rev. R. L. Sea- I born, son of a former rector, I Union, Darlington Iwilii many former members were i n attendance. A f ull report wuli Mr. and Mrs. W. WoVVen and appear next week. ramîly attended a birtisday party for Mrs. James MacOregor in TH E FAMOUS Oshsawa on Friday night. DRN Miss Rowena Avery and Mr. J.0 IIM NU Cook spent Sunday at Mm. J. Rub oni-pain gotie. Avery's. Gttenwlfle= Mm. and Mrs. J. MeLaugin, o my sixe-Alto avail- Bumketon. vlalted at Mr. Wm. « ble in amller. regular MecLaughlin' Mr. and Mrs. Aylmem Beecis and famlly attended tise Royal Winter P'air. Miss L. Knapp spent tise week- PAGE 11114 DEALERS PRAISE NEW CARS NOW ON DISPLAY.. FOR 1936 HUDSON and TERRAPLANE New leaders of the Style Parade ... bigger thcan ariy othr popular cars ... with "5 things you neyer saw before" They are here-the new Hudsons and Terraplanes-with most that's new that really counts -for 19 36. Complete new styling -fresh, new beauty. Roominess you can't match in cars priced hundreds of dollars higher. The safest automobiles ever buit -combiningtheworld's first safety engineered chassis with improved bodies ail of steel. With five im- portant new safety and comfort fea- tures-5 thingsyou neversaw before! Under ail this -performance that bas won and held record after record for Hudson-built cars. Proved durability and oom that are a source of lasting s" faction to owners. However much or litde you plan to pay for your 1936 car, drive a Hudson or Terraplane before you buy. See how much you can get for your money. HUDSON MOTORS 0F CANADA. LIMTED, TILBURY. ONTARIO New 1936 HUDSON Sixes and Eights New 1936 TERRAPLANE Retail a; Pacgry . Tibu~' . s c_ Nlew Law PrAD StadRdacsolsvroNwLoPrc ()aiia Begm at ~ment m.xfreisht and roinciai C)nBnegin attaaFtvi~ .Igna i- license additson&L $i 7 9. 0daa ~NEW 7% FINANCE PLAN prei. ROSS, AMES and GARTSHORE Ltd. 12, MajI Ount (3) :C.onM~ Hudson-Terraplane Dealers OSHAWA 135 King St W. Phone 1160 1 Ross, Aines U Gartahore, Ltd. O SHAWA NOW DISPLAYING THE NEW Hudson and Terraplane Cars is stili larger this year. This is bor, was introduced as optional i LT J idescribed by one automotive re- equipment iast year and was in- ~flf<fly j~1 porter as the car which not only stalled on 38 per cent of Canad- H an s m 1936 Mvodelsi makes provision for luggage, bag- ian cars of thee Une. N ow o n D is pia y a t t he als o lthe etceteras which Foreghadeilt ocaarers Smoothes an Smarnessaremso ee ahrtcousl tie. ea Showroot annoying to stow away. tise 1936 Terraplanes provide, iu _____________important new engineering jVery significant indication o trends. Including tise ventilation the position which thse Terraplane developments there are five ma- 1936 Terraplanes ments, as they concern the aver-j Six has earned is thse careful at -joavncswicnteecr, Inthe last f ew seamons, the age motorist. can be atlyi tention paid to design and styl- automotive industry has produc- summarized in three words,--size . in dealnths ne- Hudson is introducing simultan- edn eti nths e modeis. eously. As in the, the chas- edone completely new. isopular- style andi saf ety. This car's sta- ;Most of the many innovationssianthboyre gtea priced car, - that is. a new car 1 tus as a ruggedly-built. brilant are designed to add to comfort sisnduntosteye, togter, ao as distinct frons varied models of pex former is already written into and convenience as well as to the sigeui fseewt h lo existing niakes. This is tise Ter- thse A.A.A. and C.A.A. records as, appearance. otse crasigesli.te raplane. well as. in the owner reports on:FThse ventilating systens is en- she et.assdveomns Oriinaly esgne an bultem~nomic operation. tirely new and exclusive in Hud- Bttecassdvlpets Orte ei ll eqieeant o! teT, emie e er-sn-bjue.Flee rs i.particularly on the front end, to th specfic equirment f th i Th stramlind newTerr- sonbuil limakeFithisdfresrearlasafety arcalsasst eh n motoring public since the dawn-planes seen here today are long in thse closed moes cre ie !th fet ieiprov-of the '30's, each succeeding an- and sleek. The wheelbase ha.sthrough an automatic system in ments have on ease of control fluai presentation of new moclels I been lengthened to 115 incises. thse floor. The new system notan ugdes gierr- ham fully justified the belief that Thse sturdy strength of thse uni-1 only eliminates draft but it elim- andrtuggtene shownins e - this Hudson-built entry in the Led chassis-body constru ct i on.1 natas constant window adjust- fluence of Sir Malcolmn Camp- low-priced field would again re- conirletely of style, is the key to1 ment in an effort to geV the in- beli's famous Bluebird in this tain its record as a pace-make- thse spacious interiors which. it is1 terior atmosphere under control fronten dsi.Raalaet in design, service and peiiorm: the dlaim 0of Hudson engineers and it also ends air leaks around cnrlaendesign Radial saft ance. (have one-fifth more i n t e r i o Ï control, an eneirely newesystem o ethan any other car in ts the ds The d iooeprs aresae_ front end suspension; not only Size StleSafey saceTis bod isals exprtl inul-gives the car a smootis, straigist SizeStyl, Saety prîce class. Tise roof is seans- ated against sound and vibration. 1mto n etrrdn ulte Today, Hudson Motors of Can- less steel. Thse front end bas3 a Both f ront and rear seats are mtion andimpettrflnaitien ada Limited reveals thse details rounded grille with f lowing lines wider and deeper. Thse front coin- but a n mpranteef act.oswe r e lues of Vthe 1936 Terraplane Sixes. and tise styling of the entire body partment floor is clear due to the uaranteengtheen, sr e les This Canadian car has taken an- g.îves it a smooth and graceful location of the electric hand on sVox>s wine tiserke s arean- other series of long strides for- contour. In the closed models, tise steering column. This deviceplie dTruendsteeraa- ward and tise major develop- the dust-proof rear compartment1 which does the gear-sisifting l2 i otah dantc oudrse wTerra- ease and accuracy. Because of More Room, More Rugged, More Refinements the unifled action of tise enie er resuit la tthe risytisnic ride. Combined witis the highly Sum -~ lt.cessful plunger-type sisock ab- 4 A sorbers introduced lat season. -' - the new sprlngs are longer and ~ their chief functianis riding cor- case o! thse Terraplane, perform- i ng a secondary support task Something New lIflrakas Already tise new brakes on the Terraplanes have attracted wide attention. They are hydraulic brakes with ai tise advantages of that systens but tisey are more M tian that. Tisese brakes are in- fallible. Under-studying tise hy- draullc system, so to speak. ane I ositîve rotary-equallzed brakea. Tisey are always ready for action but lnoperative except lu emerg- ency wisen they automatically go * tc work. Tis is the first tUme in the hlstory of thse automobile that sucis a dual application sys- tem isas ever been provided. Ansong tise mechanical detla - --tise powerful six-cylindermoo wisich develops 88 isorsepow -, cames first. Wlth tise otin super-power dome isead, it lal- creased to 100 isorsepower. Tisere la a new pressure type water pump. Tisere la a large gas tank and the carburetor la improved. Th ears lock lu mesis and can- flot slip out, and tise transmission la huskier and rlgid. Here la tthe new Canadian-made Terraplane Six. chassis. Photos show: Upper left, tise smootisly Tiere are two Terraplane ser- built by Hudson. marked by more sp.,ce in tise in- streanslined front end wlth its slngle-isood hàod les, tise de luxe and custom built, erior and smart styling on tise exterior.Tise, clamp; upper rigist, tise front compartment wltis wlth a full range of body styles tise new curved dash, wlde front seat, clear floor and color scisemes in eacis. AU whieelbase bas been lengthened to 115 incises and space and the electric isand on tise steering col- o! tisem are big, roomy and the car Is completely of steel-roof, body and unsn; beiow, a general view o! tise sedan. smartly-styled cars. N Hugis A. Ross President of Ross, Anses and Gartshore Ltd., Oshawa, who says thse new Hudson Terraplane cars are the best buy on tise road for tise nsney today.