- With Which Is Incorporated The Bownianville News VOLUME 81 BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26th, 1935 _______ TEXTILES CÔ. MAKES VOLUNTARY ASSIGNMN CLs~eIm.,ie NEW HOME FOR THE AGED OPENED AT COBOURG HAMPTON MAN 15ISar ~ Snlendid ~ SniritOF LOCAL CHAPTER Paût r r Is NShriAmasESprHtADsLocal Facier Exempliliediv Asemn Citzen Raayl-~ By Bailili By Et8ig It etine Chapter oyaltLP o e dig, an rpc Newly elected officers of Pales- d g. >'To Provide Baskets For Poor tin LOCAL Rya r Ms GeerusChitms up salaio creoie wreca-REPORTS INCREAS ED tIfCuclt u Genrou Chistas up- INTRODUCE UNIFORMS re u o h eet osc-Ef plies Went Out on Mon- FOR GIRLS AT B.H.S. C. Hoartwftr the ssisntacnc- oUINS - N 193l Foin udP day to Nearly One Hun-1 C.a turne unltm the beisaceo dredFamiies Com înrouc norm n<»lmanve V-Ex-CCmpallof G. C. Bonny- National Grocers Trade Pale&P EnlyetI HrdFmle o- ighodce Scho fo the ils castie as Director of Ceremonies. Gives Interestl"l InterviewImed m i t t e e Expresses Its Tih gil o the irls otdOfficers installed were: F'irst Wlth Fred W. Neiles Thnson th ujtadter-Principal A. E. Blllett. Z.; R. M. ____ uussrnl fvrdteCotton. Immediate Past Z.; J. R. That National News, bouse or eDrhmTtisao- Thankate subjecty faud the Stt.H;:.t rot . M. gan of National Grocers Co. Lit-mnil nutywibbss! wil be options] this year, but Cotton, Scribe E.; 0. E. Chasse, ited corLtalns in the current issuefrdfnnllrvre o those citizens who were able, ev- aScrer L. . McLagll, whosi afie renc n ie tore is a N*e ounlyasinen4e ery needy farnlly known to wel- at the beglnnlug of the fallpa Scrib er L. . Dipelii a fine Rederene Wte tre Nels, ubro ero n lare offcials was generously 1ook- conipulsory. The tunic con- iSenior SoJourtier; C. R. Spencer,: part of the domini~on wide Naoe thofcil~îratttr cd after for Christmas. On Mon- sist of a pleated navy blue JuirSJure;F .Mri'Ioa rcr hi fidp day the Women's Welf are Coin klTre hekuesuWtho!C; F. C. Bonnycastie, 1. dent stores, co-operatiflg in bu- mtee bsets andu t clos e tooeha 5woI*f long black cotton House -of Refuge. destroyed in a corded Reeve Udniunds o! Port Witli the erection of the new B. teggott. Orgailst; A. Hoit. M. The eclitor of thiis paper visiahecmayinmknavou- the di no slwpontbi blouse with l o ng Er1e on the sieoVh l ulig itrdaoe ass-sn ewtis h eeOY ue; W. HorShaPlaif M. ofl~ Tha action o! thore dandor o! drcd, basets nd t m gnt bit 9tcis 10w shoes. and a disastrous flire a ycar ago, the new Hope. dean o! the Cc>urties COutn- building the ame bas beeno!thei;WA.haeM.oaaubr!soesndeptatyasgmet utrortth on heCdisma lre Matl levUn niedted tisCountiesh.cl.Wade Hoemeinon forn catedfem o.e fcil.e 3d eWar.d.earondtPerM.onty poStinsonar mki thne Chrisma fre. M at, e cr.1 Aged was o!ficially opened at ber o! the Counties Couriand a fore suiacl Towne o!e BofUVfC 2baelRs.LgaM fRsrfrnc oM.NUs crears, -ricny l ee Cobourg last Thursday. The bon- Mr. M. A. Sorsoleil. Deputy Mli- to atoesial an.teo!2dVi;R .~n .o Mr. refcreno ba do eiulyliee tesln lncluded~~ la thee enros as Alex McGregor and or o! f orrnaly opening the new ister o! Pbic Welfae were pre- Home for the A.ge<l. lst Veil; Dr. H. Ferguson, Senior states thatr.elslisoe _____an____on_____________________BosoSt.____scig Steward; E. Gibbs. Outer Guard. he dld in 1934. Mr. Nelles attri u hsfatr nafr iae spend Christmas without the lux- 1arette cartons were coliected for, COMMITTEE IST w si UcIkD n Mayor W. R. Strike on behal! butes this. very large increafeti~bss bcbwudfo 0l unes that the season demands. 1many weeks, and these %hen re- T NK1IDarlington lr w si Ha,lth Dept of Palestine Chapter presented business to several tbings, the fgieepoyiettealorr The Women's Welf are Commit- 1turned to the company brought TH NKU FOR the~ ai i retlriag First Principal R. M. among them. a general bettermenemoycbuladitn ud toBwavlenal n u- GENEROUS GIFTS OprtsIn 13 n5 e a ia-i uiescniin nB teelsewhere acknowledge the.t omnil eryoehn Cotton with a Pat First Princi- nbsns odtos*BW mlyalrenme !yug cash donations given toward this¶ dred toys which were distributed A eyhap er a p nvlertsi wicnl he statets be1 nPo~mn as eiul e worthy work. They desire 0Whoda tohmswhr hîde /e 1 f a r e Committee Expresses A-e cotprproiery he pp ceeno wbsen te asn, ahc lo e o!thaear ever te add to those acknowledge- might be f orgotten by Santa Appreciation to Those Who Annual Report of Dr H. Vital ssties esow a6lte er ithed eofier wereadwc bas paid otmreo hi hed ments their grateful appreciation Claus. It Made beisma reaakets tha Via ttsisshw2 ienwyintleifiee xrse n hchbspi a o! all the churches which donat- The First Bowmanville Troop' Pae osrsinbset F e r g u s 0 nl, M.O.H., 1 births, ne stlîlbirths, deaths, Il te their thanks for the bonor con- semely, and lastly, he points. wthowcaeltpseson!th cd white gif ts, o! those who came cf Boy Scouts did a like work. SosTaDrinon1yr.,gvlgnifntm-fredupon them and aise ex- pride to his membership l ic agrscin !teDra out and willngly worked o pack Sevtal wtykrateoo!ey38pperlthouesaod.npresscd thComritbtalksytoaF.ofC.8RpdrandusWhltepGroup tweichten-s Textiles fd and WhiteenouUichicW- otebss and iligl w oe wo h ulcfrd to pc Svrlwek g tfer tpaeTe Womhes Wlele omt-e S d itle for It Tere were no maternai deaths, Hoar, the installing officer. Coin- ables hlm te buy at prices whihavleFunyC.modot gave their cars for distribution. their toyshop, and a magnificent f ollowing dorfations toward the Health Service but out of a total o! 31 deaths. 4 panion Kerr, Quinte Frlcndship can compete wlth chain sto aYyasM.Tetwa The Committee received splendild response was made, with thc re Christmas Basket Fund: werc f rom cancer, wbile the Chapter. Royal Arch Masolis, It is rather lnterestlng te note ~ta uprbsdtebidn co-operatioti and feel it their suit that for the past threc weeks t.ast wcck, Witghttte eu death rate for thc township was gucat o!tecelg aeaglaacing over the interviews wltifr$000 Mm ate Wmght $oau. 500 814 per hundred thousand. tboughtful and insplring address merchanta from all over Ontaro Truhaslefraraso preciation through the press. iwith the toys, repairing and A odFned. .0 lly we reported the 27e per Communicable diseases during and rcceived abuiidaiit applause. la this saine issue, that nonecatatintetwaseael- whe th disar ou or dt etowiien painting. untUl today they are On-We-GCG.T '-.. 2.00 capita bealtli bill e! the Towni o! the year are listed as f ollows: Toast te "The Kig" was given record as large an inrease as Mr1t ossino h mfe at wer fo wih ecs pletyready for distribution to some 80 E. V. Hoar 2.00- Bo----an-vi-e-- but we wcre sharp- Chickenpox 3, dillitheris. 1, Ger- by A. E. Billett; and thc toast te Nelles. Other Red and Wlie~o h eti etcre g by the Wefarc Comittee. to chlîdre. The agregatc vlue o! 100 'Bl> takenn back toward thc nd o! man meases 30, measîca 50, Grand Cliapter by W. J. Bragg, Merclinsrpr nrae aCuc n iiinSres h .5 0 th e w e eka r w h eate e D r. H a r o lde n T hr g u m u m paat, v a u soaf cr , A . B e a o. - r---v-r a1r e a r o! b u si n e s r e o ra other agenc es aid d in m aking these fine 'oys w o3 runu iCt Iviis M oore u 8% a N tei Chismasjut alitleme- <3ninud n pge5) Mrs. and Miss Trebilcock- 1.00 son o! Enkic, ahn d Dr. CWHuaisold ty-omd ever 1, whoop- Hoar and . C. Bonnycastle. thosn o! 1934. ruer aad thiabuin measysr waatiue onl pae5takealen n r.C .cuoi , yhi Lawry Crydermnaii - 1.00---- Sc na, Medical Officers o! ing cougb 49.Mr elsaspoesi jMMrrý.~~~~~_________ M dMs aa .0HSalhfo alntnTwsiTit-w niiul eev Improvcd bis store, has rendcedsyecontdwthheua- rs ihrd Souch......---10.0su» ite their report. This re- 3 doses o! diplitheria toxoid, SHORTHORN MEN a fine service te, bis cuistome, rcsta twshpls n S a eCra ke s ry ec ndlinMm an e Mis anga 3.00 HealtIe for Dariae Toasbp s.f Johner Spece Se on -s J..5 port sliewed a per capita cost for while 3 were vaccinated agaiLat REPORT DEMAND adla otnc eti bu ovd pca npcino Mrs. A. E. McCready -.--- 1.00 heaith purposes o! 5y2c, wbicb amnalîpox. A total o! 247 indlv- his goods and store ech weelc atecmaysbcsb i s ans ------3.00 mnakes Bowmanvillc look like a iduals receivcd 5 doses ech of! FOR MORE CATTLE The Statesmani. These thrcca-Aete src nyt aseki Aane Fou r Plan 'W E.Sih 0pendthrift community by ceai' scarlet lever toxia. tributea wll brlng better busins Br a i tFd y PatMrs. J. A. McCl-ellan 2:.001 pison. Hlowever, the chief dif-Th total cost o public health Imipoe dCdion Noted By te ani merchant.(otiud n Mrs. J.T.ee----------500frnebtenti w uiiadiitaini alntnws Beds Feda-U.S Back Door of Fac- I SUCCEEDS RIDDELL? Mr5. A. Hoît ----- ---2.00 palities la the employaient e! a $213.04, whidli givea the per cap- Treaty Helps Demand *u l i Mrs. M. Hobbs --------- .25 Hlealth Nurse in Bowmanvillc ita o! 5',% cents. The medical on and Try Severai l Miss B. J. Galbraith 2.00 which la respoasible for about officers rccelvcd $109.51, members Durham County Shor th o rn Gordon Jarývivape .z'ê to Foce OficeMisa F. M. Galbraith 2-075e/ of the cost locafly, and we o! thc Board o! Healtli and sup- Breeders are now takiag advan- lce o B y 'P rin Ways tFoc OfieA. S. Baker ---------- 1-00 mnight add us well Worth it. plies $64.53, and the sanitary ini- tage of the lmprovlng dcmaad Safe -Are Unsuccess- 5' at n r.C .E Dr. FergusoVs report shows the spector $39.00. f!or good Shorthorns and tbroughE e t d T 1 fui 2 Do o Darl2.00gtoa as 3684, The report la signcd by Dr. their ficîdman, J. Baker. Hamp -______________ Mm. Fra.nk Home as compared wlth Uic oficial cen- Ferguson as medical offccr o!fohv ipsdo 2ha Mr.FakHre1.00 su figures o! 3915 for tilat towti- health, and Dr. C. W. Sîcaien, as during the year. Besides thesemionPsNwtnleinC1 Prfsinlsl rcesgi-1.00 r a-assatmdclofcro ae 6ha eesl nter Gets DomiinPs W. J. Berry --------ship. wkich if used f or percpa aatantmdclofcr!sle26iadwrsldathr professittne sfo e c o an- NomnDcisn- --- .0ana aels acada turne in the past f ew montîs to Norman Dickinon 2.00 ia purposes would give an evcnhealth. aia aehs adada ots yOl cdm aitncfo the sec fw ond to Mis 1.Mi ------ - .00 the prescrnt tume Mr. Baker blas Bowmanville Foundry on Satur- Mrs. T. E. Flaxmn - ----- 2.00aneuiyfr1 hc efrs dyngtwen they used dev- r.P oln---------TepIercevdfrts a- ltsmeans te break open thc St. Aadrew's Church 51.oôB w a vlePublic Schoolâs tle havec rcceled fror $50est sal e. According to the police the The commlttee also acknow- Stndng head for calves to $300 for mat- Gro aveo al thievea gained admission to the ledges wîth thanlis the followiflg I L.ure cows. wsee~< ersn i factary by breaklng in the basck donations in produce: Chfristmas x m St n i g The recent f avorable reciproc-Duan oO e door. Proceeding througli the ~'-.*P. C~. Vanstone-65 bags flour. _____ _______ ty deman Ontrlo U.tA the electin lai plant they broke open a w.c Mis Dudley--30rls lfart. Jak ehhDoad in the improvcddad for UitebrhehRnadBre chest~~~~uel andme seuighaytosW .Dde 0ls ad irtue, JakWlh oadpure bred beef cattle and many pmoceeded to move the sale and i.'" Corbett's Bakery-2' loaves. Clever Stuet InfomdWih.slsav entybnmdeo gain admitta 'nce ibrougli t he . Watson's Bakery-20 boaves, of Exaniination Resuits Sr. I.-Collette Fergusen, Don- U. S. buyers at favorable prices. h fiilreun uls back. Unable ici break la la ibis J. L. Morderi-78 packages of t ae Cistmas. the otbiy Faullcaci' Fay Fr>', Lloyd particularly higli clasa bulls. la- ~blwaezneb tne .E manner they removed île linges 11Cream o! Bsrley. to1~ iîL..~ Forsey, Doris GouiSit, Albert dividual prîces being sev er a 1krRtrln ie o but were still unable ta pry Uic A. & P. Stores-O lbs. candy. HpirGraham,. Earle Glmore. .Audrey around $50o00, one at $900><.00,ttenYo es uhm door open. They next used an Miss Peaple-Frult. HpirHumphrey, Gwcn Hooper, a- and the Grand Champion at UitheByhWe oado ingenious device, used by profes- Canada Bread Ltd.-25 loaves, ae fpplswotk 5/ belle Kelly, Marie Moysc, Junior recent Royal Show at around.Coayppcitshewr sional sale crackers to tear out G. B. Blckle-Fruit and vege- or over on recent terni examina- Rs'Aa tie uryVn 20 oabedri h tt the ~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ r lobnto fteslFr-L D ERO als ton, Kathleen Veana. Marion o! Washingtoni. Durhamn Count>' tunately for the Foundry. the bnatn'-1hd rn es.tical. orde nm r n lh Webber. Breeders have bulls un this clasa handlc of île combinaion broke Cthsafofheigcm-M.H.Moyse-Frult. Sr. 411 Clasa-Hazel Al1de r, Jr. I-Donald Childa, Iiez Bic- as wel as man good !ai!me'Bul>.acsenitys fo as~C thc rbesapidpesemsstaff Lno tashg com-elo Ws H. Cartnd-Apls Srthe 4oul have mad mio at ndn deate cofnelrW .Cruhr-pls James Clark, Ger'aldine Coulter, keil, Carl Be, Dorothy Evans, buils. ast the trn.uapphe l pruet heCnda epraeto Thos. Jackson--Canfled goods Don raeMro uly atrMriBne asnAmng thc wlnncrs at thc 1935 Draia i alaei l wil h i n a g l r s e l P > extem al affair, L. B. Pearson la andn sugar.a i n u l y. W l e M r i , a n r a s n Unable ta get their bands into 1 e to e a Ot w s hkl Gand s e r -F ut a d c ld aty Dut n anca E i e Bobby R dlder, M aron W lshb ' Royal Show rom tis Associationi the safle. it remaincd closcd, witl j.ueaom ta Di. Otw a Ridddly n o mens er n d Rtly Jaes Oscia Ese, r Sm. Pr.- (Miss Hobb's room) were. Edgar Leasc, wlth thic t Ma %Il means o! openlnig tnlcd witl j thuces comt o!. 18 o! îil o Lea- s Hato Unte Rut î - JioMamesd, Oscgg Morda, Jean- June Chalîs, Jean Fletcher, Sta.. prize senior bull cal!;- W. S. _____________ hc eception o! the blow torchtecmiteo 8 f.eLa apo nie -1in aod gueodnJa thlBd HoeBueBfl&Sowt h n rz whld nLtnl they did folote o! Nations.,_ ,I^i lajp îleco it e git.tPattinson, Barbara Rebder, SdbeGaclBudope BceBagg &l Son Chat . îl ergl Chage pris the Junior ~dvsosaea ios fin eyRwitbJenRie sevena prizes.ry liera o! the British govenamen cary w tl11c . f lage sncton onirn, tpl IGeoge Undrhî,Do - r Pr-Lillian Barnea. Dom- willa 2eea przs ail aaina Iial. T.Esta Co.-0 lb. caidy. id vaton.oilY Cowl, Alie Su erafed, A--Duham-Cu-tliaslong een Mr.ud Mr.D. LH Hackng, bovi u~ u self1shfless f-or Uicé j We c-anno0t carry on where self- on T,. othy. Be,.., u-l ;Iri.sîmas season. ln an effort ici isbncss and the love o! poiwer for île f inn name ci! Richards anid bars Allia, Doroy ONdicirCi. POST OFFCE 18 OPEN Theatre to the charitlemt-mic xth fnew W cx 11fe a lifp of fellciwahiP and' stre r ain s ema get Richards. gene Cole, Ronald Cole, Bull>' Dun- OEASE 1_____are______s.__ m can, Bllly Edmondien. Audrey Thc kindergarieri teasher was ONE HOUIE CHRISTMAS utions e! ibhis commuait>'. lare etcsh C"'s. ticeÏiod. A* man~ botr-get uesWoe eis o Grant, Dereen Hill, Stewart Kerr, ielllng lier clasa about the can- pcnhaps of lateresi te, noteila omtsas xns memben, le said, thai lic muai unselfisncas rater than th 'fti ea happy new yesr, Jean Living, Lillian Lamiber, amy bird. Bowmauville Pot Offie gen- since Mr. Rosa strtcd iismttan e 1thswobr bisote butel mniuai si inv hlm- u Hof can g aecryoitt yesr o! usefulaces, a year in Kenneth Lemon. AudncY Martia. Cati an>' hittbe boy iel me eral deliver>' wMf e open for oe inee idea. la owmanvlllenecmgdasd ttddth ai self te tic spimit e! friendabli>. truce? le asked. Onby b>' th whlsh bettr aht Ue tecushe Go uno N"> al Ma<»'ret Morris, wa'î s askd distribution ef Christmas m4di. co-cipenatcd ln a aliilar evntegvna eemtiesil We are here te co-operate with enliglitened application o! un- leit betien. A lan becaus Qed JTnio Nealt Manarc openls csa't?"3 sheic ahacd.sreie one~~~~~~t 10.30er a.m..-es ahd buadn reiaio of that cirect butlo areway cosieab> im1uaPotDnl Here la Rotary', Mr. Armistr'ong the nccd o! cane for the welf are portant, ihen, te, f ccl our depend- Reidt, Marjorle Rundie, Betty "Ail riglit, Marvin."1t 03 6.-Tebliitw nta iy added. a s cue fer elfishlcss.1 nce upn Hlî!-Bahop Mat- Blason, Margaret Staccy, Besse "He can take a bath ln s sau- le open te nuai heurs fer these, A splendid program. espcai'ndUcCuuieSw mihe idea1m whinh prompted Paâul <Contlnucd on page 5) cw Simipson. Stepliena, Betty Trimble, Myrtle cen. h etbxs rvdd1rteocso a r-md ul iur -rne mcula wlàà--- - --- i