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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Dec 1935, p. 3

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26th, 1935 PQ hinterinediates. Clash With Port'Hope Here Monday Intlnediate Schedule la Dfawn at Meeting HeId in WhitbyRecently At a meeting held in whitby the scheciule for group No. 2 of, the Intermediate -"B",Setion of the O.H.A. wus drawn up. Thisi group includes Port Hope, Co-j bourg, Bowmanville and Whltby.1 The list game of the schedule Wil be played on Pebruary 3rd and the piay-off s between the first and second teum in the league will be played on Pebruary 5th and 7th. The f irst teain wili have the cholce of home gume in the play-offs and goals will count jpn the round. PThe scheduie is as foiows:- 'cember- 30-Port Hope at Bowmanville Whitby at Cobourg January- 3-Whitby ut Cobourg Bowmanville at Cobourg 6-Bowmanville at Whitby Port Hope at Cobourg 10-Whitby aý Bowmanvllle Cobourg at Port Hope 13-Bowmanville at Port Hope Cobourg at Whitby 15--Cobourg at Bowmanviie 1 17-Port Hope at Whitby 20-Whitby at Cobourg Bownianv-ille ut Port Hope 22--Cobouirg at Bowmunviiie Port Hope at Whitby 24-Cobourg at Port Hope Whitby at Bowmanville 27-Port Hope at Cobourg Bowmanville t Whitby 31-Whitby at Port Hope Bowmanviîîe ut Cobourg February- 3-ort Hope at Bowmanviile Cobourg at Whitby SCHOOL CuRANTS ARE CONFIRMED AT COLINTIES COUNCIL School commîttees ut the re- cently-concluded December sess- ion o! Northumberland and Dur- hum counties, confirmed the fol1- lowing grants to H-igh Schools in- ide the counties: Bowmanvil]e, $14,734.87; Brigh- ton, $549835, Cmp b e1fo r d $13,721.75, Cobourg, $1570935;' Newcastle, $2,167.09; Port Hope, $14,941.76; Continuation Sohools. Castleton, $2,798.40;B e t ha ny, Ennikilln, 938.88; Janetville, $563.23; Millbrook, $4,120.28; Or- ono, $352066; Warkworth, $3,- 297. 99. High schools outside the coun- ties, Lindisay, $1,103.61; Omemee, $110.90; Port Perry, $12808; Trenton, $1.963.98. Continuation sooos outside the counties, counties.e HOCKEY TEAMS GET TO WORK NEXT WEEK Both Junior and Intermed- iate hockey teamis la Bow- manvilie wil open the sea- son durlng the next week. The Juniors meet Oshawa ln' an afternoon gaine here on New Year's Day ut 3 o'cock. The Intermediates start theïr schedule on Monday next when they meet Port Hope here. After severai years of iupsed lnterest ln sport In general there seems to be a real interest In both Inter- mediate snd Junior teams this year. Both have plenty of materl and bath are Uikely ta reach the pisyoff stage. With better Urnes and more money floating uround the skating rlnk should see some large crowds on Monday next and on New Tear's Day. Draw Basketball Schedules for B.H.S. Sehedules for basketbuli gamnes between local collegeiutes have been drawn and the four scbedui- es which get under way on Jan- uary l7th !ollow:- Senior Girls January- 17-Peterboro at Port Hope Bowmanville at Cobourg 24-Port Hope at Cobourg Peterboro at Bowmanville 31-Cobourg at Peterboro Port Hope ut Bowmanville February- 7--Cobourg at Port Hope Bownianville at Peterboro 14-Bowmanville at Port Hope Peterboro at Cobourg 21-Port Hope at Peterboro Coubourg ut Bowmanville Junior Boys B Group January- 17-Peterboro at Port Hope 24-Port Hope at Cobourg 3 1-Cobourg at Peterboro February- 7-Cobourg ut Port Hope 14-Peterboro at Cobourg 21-Port Hope ut Peterboro Senior Boys A Group Junuary- 17-Bowmunvilie ut Cobourg 24-Peterboro ut Bowmanville 31-Cobourg ut Peterboro February- 7-Bowmanville at Peterboro 14-Peterboro at Cobourg 21--Cobourg ut Bowmnanville Junior Boys and Girls A Group January- 17-Whitby ut Oshawa 24-Oshawa ut Bowmanviiie 31-Bowmanville ut Whitby February- 7-Oshawa ut Whitby 14-Bowmanville ut Oshawa 21-Whitby ut Bowmanville "Tom's ail right in bis place." "Yes. but the trouble is he won't go there until lie dies." Season 's Best Wishes i The proprietors and staff of Corbett's Bakery join in wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year and In expressing to you their sincere thanks and appreciation of your valu- ed patronage during 1935. CORDETT'S DAKERY Phone 3 Distributors Dad's Cookies Bowmanvlflo % - s- Thanks To You Thanks to you and ail the folks with you for the kind considerat- ion and the true friendship ex- tended to us throughout the year. Our sincere wish is that Christ- mas finds you well, happy and prosperous and that the New Year will bring you health and happi- ness. Harry Aluin Phe186 or 492 Bowmanville DANCING THE NEW YEAR IN SCOUT NEWS_ FIRST -FIRST Bowmanville 'Bowmanville Pack Troop Wolf Cuba Boy Scouts Seven more Scouts took their branches, and will illustrate for Scout Promise and were formallyj parents just what Scouting is. intiated into the Scout move-;The whoie month of January will ment. The new Scouts who are'be given over to practices for this now entitied ta wear full uni- event. forms are, Tom Rehder of Wolf---- Patrol; Gilbert McIlveen of the1 The Scoutmaster and Assistant Hawk Patrol; Jim Clark, Bob'Scoutmasters, the Cubmaster and Purdy and Alden Wheeler, of the 1 sistant Cubmaster extends ta Panther Patrol, and Paul and every Scout and Cub best wishes Paerl. yos0 h Beaverif or a very Merry Christmas and - - - la Happy and Prosperous New IYear. ___;~,,~.Last week's meeting of the ~~ Scouts was ciuite short. After' the usual opening ceremonies, thei FIFTH FORMERS * ~Wolf Patrol adjourned to the PR VD POG M toyshop while the other three patrols had a short period of AT LITERARY MEET gaines. - Seasonable Items Inciuded in There wili be no Scout meeting Snappy Presentation By The words on everyone's lips these days are "Happy New tonlght or on New Year's Eve. "Exaited fth" Year." But somehow or other it seemed to get to Eleanor Pow- Ail unl!ormed Scouts and Cubs ell's toes and here she is shown dancing out the old anid in the are expected ta be on hand on The firat Literary program of new, just like young people ail over Canada will be doing on the New Year's Day, ta open the Sun- the season was presented by 5th night of December 31. 1935. day Scnool Rally with the Scout Fr uteAsmi alo fiag raising cerexnony in the Fr nteAsml alo --e Town Hall. Attendance at the Friday. The meeting opened wit.h I I NL rne distribution of boys today consti- the snglng of "0 Canada" and ttsattendance for tewe. the sreary, f hmissuticard Juniors 10 iveet Ushawa inoasth ee. the seredlng:MissHe miutes The ornisangwassung to the Atls Tuesday's me e t ing tune of "Lulus BacklnTw, rop Leader Don enton and Pat- by the Fifth Forniers. Anmie AI- In ow n New Ye r's Day ro Lade Do Veti were ap- lin, Lorna Clarke and Jean Wight Jpointed as representatives of!the sang "Silent Night", and "Hark Scouts_ on the new Bowmanvil.e the Herald Angels Sing."1 Santa Common cabbage is suid to be Boys' Work Council. Inaugurai Claus made a few huniorous re- Bowmanville Lions Cuve the most productive green vege- session was held at St. Andrew's marks on somee of the needs of Promise of Smart Team taefriiselvethtnChcho Mnd. the chîldren. A dance was stag- acre of ground wili yield a great,-j.--- ed by Jean Morris, Helen Muson, In WTeI A tt e n ded er weight o! green vegetable malt- Except for private tests taken Louise Cole and Murjory Jones, Wokuster in the shape o! cabbage than by patrol leaders, no tests will be whîch was foilowed by the recit- Workots 11 that of any other vegetable. taught 'ir passed during January. ing of "The Deceitful Man" by It ook asthogh he owmn- The musical instrumetnts usedi The boys will join with the Cubs Selma Bartlett. Good old red- It ioksas toug theBowun-by the Chinese are drums, cyin- m' presenting the pageant -Scouts Ifaced and white wliiskered Santa1 ville Lions Junior hockey team bals, horns, lutes, castanets and Advance" which will be produced1 Claus gave Christmas presents to', is going places this season. In flutes. There are three varieties for the benef it of the boys' par- the members of the teaching recent days there bas been a real of beiis-po-chung, te-chung and ents late in January. This pag- staff. A one-act farce was pre- turnout of youngsters for prac- pe-chug eant will depict scouting in ail its sented, entitled "The Man in the tise a the rink and Manager Art in ug Edger is well pleased with the calibre of youngster who is going. to represent the town in Junior M . hockey this year. After watching somne 35 kids in action for sev-RN W O G WDA eral nights Art is beginning a ONI Y N E WEWD GÊ H W:AR weeding out process and get down'i 3x U 15 to somne idea of bis teamn for the :A EU 3 winter. Within a few days it is expected he wiil have made bis *FREE GAS ' MILES selection. Meanwhiie public in- C A R A V E 3 .5WEEK . terest seems ta have awakened af- ter somne years of sleep. Each night somne 60 or 70 people turn out to see the Juniors practîse, Iwhich suggests that there is a " R E G S likeiihood o! saime decent gates during the season whlch gets un- der wuy on New Year's Day when Oshawa Juniors journey to the, local ice palace to strut theirM I E stuff against the loculs. Port Perry, Oshawa and Cobourg are in the group with Bowmanville, and the scheduie Is as follows: January- I N E K . i-Oshawu at Bowmanville (3 p.m.> 3-Port Perry ut Oshawa - 6-Cobourg at Bowmianvllle M ........- lO--Bowmanville at Port Perry WITN U" 0W SN4ALVCR< HV QI *U E DO G > OshwaatCobourg To1DHAE,, 0 :FG R D D EGV 17-Port Perry at Cobourg OF114..UP ATA8OtJT 2I MIE1{,Jýl S 135 FREE MILES THIS WE 20-Port Perry a Bowxnanviile AE S17M E 'T AT ARAL AVN 21--Cobourg at Oshawa :AE SON LY17MIE - -A 5ARALSVN 24-Bowmanville ut Cobourg fN TA 27-Bowmanville ut Oshawa t AND H Cobourg at Port Perry WA.S -A 1935 February- J MOE jO 3-Oshaw at Port PerryDEJ0 of oeand home games, goals wý [to count. Volce "'E epe The day on whch the annuai school meeting is held wlll soon be here, and Mr. Ratepayer, wbat are you going ta do ,bout It? The IMinister o! Education is credIted jwith havlng made the statement that unless the rural ratepayer takes more interest in the public school that he wili loue what lit- tle control ha now bas over it and the schools will have to be munaged bY a commission. It lu aiso stated that the red schoolhousa bas outllved Its day o! usefulness and must give wuy to a much larger unit. with the chiidren to be conveyed to and from schooi. Also domestic science must be taught as part o! the curriculum. That our mothers are no longer teaching their duughters the art of good cooklng. Thut we are not getting in aur daiiy menu tbe proper amount o! calories and vitamins necessary to the growth o! strong bodies, sound teetb and ciear Intellects. Also that the work bencb bas disappearad !rom the farn and dad 18 no longer showlng the boy how ta make things and that be will have to be taught these things ut uchool. That ha will have to be taught bow te take "Lizzla" spart and put her together again lu a way to make ber hum like the car the Hon. Hepburn sold that was usad by Hon. George. So Mr. Rate- payer coma to the annual meet- ing and dlscuss these sud othar changes which we are told wili take place sooner or later - later If you dîsagrea with themn strong anough; sooner If Yeu agree wth tbem, but bear lu mind you ara the oua who will puy the piper. Whether you cali the tune lu wboliy up ta you and the aniount o! Interest you take in your pub- lic school. Thos. Stevenson, Dec. 16 Hampton. FACTOGRAPHS There là; s lace-wlngad !iy ofi the Chrysapidae farnlly known as the goldan-eyad !ly because lI some lights the eye seemas the color o! burnished gold. ?uerhtlie Offieflcii0.1eM omCmerchI Cred tNew 7% ,. ePaysi.t Plas vo r find lt..... n. eue o..et-ite - a* telimeIpuyments te fit yeoe budget. BowIer Hat." The actors were The folly of growlng the sanie- Frank McMullen, Betty Tamblyn, crop on the same land for sev- Morse Goodman, Boyd Slemon, erul successive years was noted Helen Rickard, Harry Jackman by the Romans, but the attention and Jim Sisson. The Glee Club was first called to &he value of» sang a number of carols direct- crop rotatin n17 natet ed by Mr. Francis Sutton, adding ise by ikon nf1777 in bautregat- a real Christmas atmosphere to DikooEdinburgh the prograIn. Scotland. BREAKS Att SAS SI4VINGRECORDS. 'l4verages from 21 to 27 Miles to the Gallon" _____OWNERS REPORT For the D-3 Business Coupe Delivered in BOWMANVILLE DELIVERS NOW - PRICED RUGHT DOWN AMONG THE LOWEST PRICED CARS MAWY new 1936 Dadge owners arm Mrecording amaizing gas and oùl mileage. From ail over the country came reports of 21 to 27 mil per gallon -and from 15% to 2!>% ail consumption. But these big, new Dociges give Yrou - mnore thon economny. They give you style, sud beauty sa breath-takting that the" 1936 Dodges are bemng hailed as th« moot beautiful cars i ail Dodge history. And Dodge givea an amazing new ride - the "Airglide Ride" - made possible only by Dodge's redistribution of weiglbt evenly toalal four wheels, by cradling « pasacugers between the aessd r Dodge's "chair-height" seats eay 0 get into, easy ta get out cf, comforteble'. ta ride in. Dodge aia givyes you patenmd, Floatig Power engine* mountigsen. safety - steel bodies an sd ge1: e hydraulic brakes--hSridraulic br;Tkeo' that have more than eight year" experience i hydraulic bréke buildif behind themi1 Inspect the big, new, Money-Sa Dodges today- Drive them. Malte a point- for-point comparison cf Dodge with any competitive car within $500 cf Dodge's price. And remember the big, new Dodge "Beauty Winer"-at new low prices- is priced right down among the Iowest DODGE AND DE SOTO DEALER Zff* Je ChalaI A, _______________________________________________ Thank You It bas been a geat privilege to have enjoyed your patronage dur- ing this and many other years, and as we reach this festive sea- son we remember our shortcom- ings and think of the blessings that have been ours, and, now, as we say "Thanks" we wish every- one a Very Merry Christmas. May it be joyous for ail, and may the New Year be kind to you. L Sheppard &CMI Luinher Co. FUEL, PAINT, BUILDERS' SUPPLIES BOWMANVJ

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