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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Jan 1936, p. 1

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.~ w -~~- 1~ VOLUME 82 BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, JANUARY 2nd. 13 UB ;Town Bodies Are Re-elected By Acclamatil f _____ _______________________________________e_________________ Council and Sehool Board Utilities Commissioner Are Returned Without Election W. F. Ward, Former Councillor, Will F ilII 4'iace on Council Vac- ated by Councillor W. H. Betties Mayor Ross Strike and the entire 1935 Town Council, School Board and Utilities Commission, with the exception a! Councillor W. H. Bettles, were returned ta office by acclamation on Tues- day. W. P. Ward, a farmner mem- ber o! the council, was returned ta fill the vacancy le! t by the re- tirement o! Councillor Bettles due ta ill health. It was nat expected that Mayor Ross Strike would be opposed. nor was it seriously considered that those nominated ta contest the Reeve and Deputy Reeve's chairs, would oppose last year's mem- bers. Seven were nominated for Council. f ive members in 1935 and Mr. Ward and B. B. Furber. The latter failed ta qualify des- Pite bis statement that lie woul on nomination night. Dr. C. W. Slemon, R. E. Logan and A. W. Nrtbcutt were new naminees for the Scbool Board, but none qualified and the form- Smembers, Rev. Oea. Mason, in Hately and Rev. John Bun- r were returned ta office. Public Utilities Commissioner T. H. Knight was returned ta, office withaut any being nominated tai oppose hlm. The lection a! the council by I acclamation saves an electian whîch would bave been beld on Monday next. The cost a! an el- ectian is not a seriaus matter, as - many believe, and involves an ex- Pniditure o! less than $50. Ahe complete cauncil for 1936 .eQmpoe o! jeeve-R. 0. Jones. 'Deputy Reeve-G. A. Edmond- stone. Councillors-S. Little, W. A. Shane, L. C. Mason, C. G. Mor- ris. A. Hoît, and W. F. Ward. School Trustees-W. P. Cor- bett. Mrs. J. W. Jewell, Mrs. W. A. Shane, all serving their sec- ond year; and Rev. Oea. Mas- on, Rev. John Bunner and John Hately, elected for two year terms. Utilities Commissioners- Fî'ed W. Nelles. servingý his second year, T. H. Knight. elected for tIMyeasand Mayor Ross AMATEUR PROGRAM ONE 0F FEATURES AT Y4JLE CONCERT Capacity Audience at St. Pauls Enjoys Variety Entertainment of High Order at Christinas Concert The lecture room a!f St. Paul's Church was filled ta capacity with an enthusiastic audience Monday niglit, December 23rd. when the annual Christmas entertainment and Santa Claus was held. A splendid program featured the evening, and the audience was mast generous in its applause, as the several classes presented their of!ering. The program opened with Rev. A. S. Kerr in the chair, and the singing o! Christmas carols by tise Sunday School. The primary classes presentcd a pleasin.g num- ber -Away In a Manger" which was followed by a piano solo by Doroth3' Faulkener and a recitat- ion by Sally Cale. Miss Osborne's class presented as their .share a! the program a sang, -Jolly St. Nîcholas" and a Výri5tras story "The Glorious 1 -e Tise *C. G. I. T. girls presented an action sang "The Little Cooks"' which was received with much ap- (Continued on page 5) A. L. Pascoe New]1 C.M. Carrutherj No Election in Township as 1936 Council ls El- ected by Acclamation Arthur L. Pascoe, for the past L o ycars Deputy Reeve o! Dar- igo ,recelved an acclamation f as Reeve o! Darlington. Chas. M. Carruthers. for some years a mnember o! the council, recclved an acclamation as Deputy Reeve, whle Arthsur W. Annis and Tisas. Stevensoni were returned ta count- cil with anc new member. W. R. pickell. Despite the numerous nominations at the wcll attended meeting on Monday, the ncxt twenty-four bours saw *the num- ber gradua.lly lessen until a coun-E g'ii was elected without the nec- y-tv o! a vote. IS RE-ELECTED MANY TAKE PART IN FINE PROGRAM I CHRISTMAS TREE Sunday School Scholars Provide Program at Merry Gathering in the Parlsh Hall St. John's Parish Hall was the scene on Friday night o! a happy~ annual gathering, when the balI wus packed with Sunday Scbool scholais and their parents for the annual Christmas tree and en- tertainment. Rev. C. R. Spencer acted as chairman and welcomed the cbildren and tbeir parents and opened the pnogram witb the! singing o! popular Christmas car- ols.. The presentation o! prizes for the year's work was then carr- ied out, and at the conclusion o! this ceremony a fine program G.A. Edmondstone featuring children from the pri- Who on Monda3 vwas re-elected 1 mary ta the senior departmnents for a second term by acclamation was staged. and well received by as Deputy Reeve o! Boxwmanville. the audience. Included on the program were the following num- bers: LIONS DROPPED Recitation, Lloyd Hamilton: FIRST GAME TO dialogue, Joan and Dorot.hy Goodes class; song. Bobbie Rogers OSHAWA BEES and Jack Hayes; sang. "Toytown AdmiraI" by Madge Moses' class;, Game Played Under Protest on an amusing play 'Seven ta One", New Year's Day - Good by Mrs. F. A. Dilling's class; gui-i Crowd Secs Game tar solo by Sydney Aider; recitat- ion by Billy Brougb; sang. by Decisively outplaying the les- Bobby Evans: recitation. Isabel ser experienced and poorer cop- Naylor; "Away in a Manger" by ditioned Bowmanville Lions. the Violet McFeeters' class; recitat-i Oshawa Becs. Motor City entry ion, Rose Marie Chartran and in the Junior O.H.A. B senies, Annette Smith; recitation, Doris j chalked up a protested 7-0 victory Tbompson; dialogue, Nora Hay-1 on New Year's afternoon at Bow- ward's class; recitation, Eileen1 manville in the opening tilt o! tbe Ruiter; sang.,Ijrvlne Brown and 1 seasan., Teddy Clark; recitation, Dorothyt The Lions lodged a protest with Evans; and a Christmas musical the referee bef are tbey stepped on Play by Mary Wallace's class. the ice on the grounds that Mc- At the close of the program Cullough. defenseman, and the Santa Claus arrived ta distribute forward line o! Sanders. Barnes the gifts ta, every child in the and Shortt were members o! the school. and the Sunday Scbool Junior A team and therefore noti Superintendent. Mr. E. S. Naylor, eligibile for this league. It looks provided eacb child witb a bag af like a great seasori.i candy and an orange. It was rather unfortunate that i the Jungle Cats should draw the Oshawa entry as their initial op- A. W. Gibbons, 298 Lumsden ponent, for the red and white Ave.. Toronto, makes this glowing team were drilling before the comment in renewing bis sub- Bowmanville outfit. was organized. scription ta The Statesman: "The Altbou-h there are many mis- snappiest. brightest and newsiest takes to be corrected. a! ter a few weekly paper printed in Canada.' more practises. and when they Thank Mr. Gibbons, that's some- thing ta live up ta. (Continued an page 5) 1 Name Mayor Strike as Outstanding Bowmanville Citizeun in Year i1935I RESOLUTIONS DAY SUNDAY SCHOOLS IAT ROT ARY CLUB 1 ANNUAL RALLY 15 ON FRIDAY LAST( POORLY ATTENDED Frîday was -esoutîcrn Day" at Rev. IW. G. Blake Delivers Fine tie ±uoary Club, ana. memoers New Year's Message to Sehl- loiiowed trie custom of preceed- ars-HoId Future Meeting ing years in puoliciy nmaKung their in the Churches New Year s îe.ýolutions belore the whole club. With only a small attendance. The presentation o! tliese ne- the annual Sunday School Rally soixes pioduceci penty ai iun. as 'sponsored by the Ministerial As- miany of them were huniorous. A sociation was held on New Year's lew Rotarians made seiaus ne- salves. and they wili be watcbed Day in the Councîl Chamber o! wth înterest throughout tbe year tbe Tawi; Hall. Rev. E. F. Arm- ta see if theY remain true ta tbem. strong was chairman. and tbe Same af the 1Gw score bowlers service opened with the present- decided either ta quit bowling orI ation o! the Flags by the Scouts ta improve their scores, while and Cubs and the singing o! the several resolved ta, attend Rotary ! National Anthem. meetings 100 per cent. in 1936. The service consisted o! bymins. Because he always bad ta take prayers and responsive readings the blame f or the nest Ted Flaxmnan in which the audience joined resolved ta withdraw bis member- h eartily. sbip in the "Rough Neck Gang" Those taking part in the ser- section a! the club, while Fred vice were Mr. W. L. Paterson, Cryderman, who acted as chair- Superintendent at St. Andrew's man in the absence thraugb sick- Cburch, Mr. E. S. Naylor, Super- ness of President E. F. Armstrong, intendent a! St. John's Churcb, resolved not ta grouch quite Sa Mr.J. E. Elliott o! Tninity much in the coming year. Church, Mr. J. R. Philp o! St. The club's sympathy was ex- Paul's Church, and Mr. H. Bart- pressed ta Percy Corbett in the lett a! the Salvation Army. In passing o! bis father, who died addition ta these Sunday School within three weeks of bis mother workers. Rev. A. S. Kerr, Rev. C. at Barrie. R. Spencer and Lieut. A . Brown Among the guests at the club toak part. were three Rotary sans. John The speaker was Rev. W. G. Neal, Harold Slemon and Don Blake a! St. Andrew's Churcb Williams, wbile Mr. Cllfton, o! wba spoke on "Loyalty." Louyal- Toronto, was also a guest. ty, he said, was primarily f idelity The closing feature a! the îast ta a king. He likened Christian- meeting o! 1935 was the presenta- ity ta, a monarchy with Christ as lion o! the club's annual gift ta, the King and Christians as bis the waitresses and! the jorn subjects. Bravery. canstancy and hands in the singing o!f'-Auld truth were ýsome o! the attrîbutes Lang yne."the speaker asked bis bearers ta Lang yne."inJect into their living in 1936. iMr. Francis Sutton and bis or- Here's what a Toronto sub- chestra pravided music for the scriber writes: I want ta send a singing. It was decided by vote nice New Year's gi! t ta an aid to withdraw the annual rally ini !iend and I know The States-! the Town Hall and stage it in anc man is a good paper in any home Io! the churches each year, in the s0 I'm enclosing an extra $2.00. 1ibope o! a larger attenda'ice Comprehensive Review of Town Affaira by the Mayor1 Mayor Ross Strike Gives 'the current year's taxes are $29,-1 Account of His Stew- 000 sa that the total et the end ardship in 1935 at the i a! the year was $52,00. recording progress about the same as that Nomination Me e t i n g made in 1934. The normal carry- on Modayaver o! tax arrears was $10.000, on ondy bt during the depression this An xtrmel copreensve d- average had risen ta $30,000. An etreelycomrebnsie a- jThere is no doubt that the 1936 dress. covering bniefly but ef!ec- I council. the Mayor said, must be- ily the year's work an the tawn came a collection agency o! the counicil. was presented by Mayor efficient type. The collection a! Ross Strike, following bis accla- I j these arrears is the big problem matian as Mayor for 1936 at Io! 1936. Wc are still treading on Mandy's omiatio meeing dangerous ground, in financial The meeting which was not a matters until tbey are cleaned up. well attended as is usual. lacked, ý+,fý . ______________the presence o! any member o! the penalties whicb have been* arbit- Lion Clb Slec Mar waker sex. . rarily eut ta 12 % per month re- Goodyear Emnployee LosCu SectM yo w The Mayor dealt first with thetcie on all arrears, whlch Is Seriously Hurt as Town's Most Repre- financial end a! the council's means tbat arrears and penalties senttiveCitzen- illbusiness. At tic close o! the year whlcb were formerly assets against the txvn could record a better1 bank boans bave been very mater- Gardon Moarcra!t, an emiployee Be Guest of Hlonor on 1 financiai position by some $5500, ially lessenied with tbe result that o! the Millroom at the local Good- Jnaylt in addition ta the payment o! our banking arrangements are year plant suffcrcd painful in- Jnay1t some $32.316 in debentures. somewbat lmpaired. Last year juries on Tuesday marning when MyrRs tiewsslcc Arrears o! taxes, the Mayor there wene 359 individual tax- bis hands were drawn into the Mo FayRosnig as wmnlc'ds $73.000 t $23.000, ut tid id o payers in arrears o! taxes, and callender Many o! his fingers onj ia ih sBwavles$7.0 o$300 u hsddduriiig the year this bas beeli ne- wcre crushcd and bad ta bc re- outstanding citizen in 1935. by a not present the truc picture. O! duced ta 200. Howevcr at the moved, but at the present time it vote o! the menîbers o! the Lions this reduction $15,00 was witten is xpete tht bthhans wîîClub. The Club is inaugurating off. In addition the arrears o! (continued an page 6) be saved f rom amputation. Mr. catplan ofheeythe outstandingues Moarcraft was !eeding a liner in-ciieo!hetn llbgut to the machine when the acci- a!f bonor at the !irst meeting o! p ca e so f' h e a e dent happened. Factory author- the;New Yaron Jan. i3th. pe il e sin of' he S na e itae otefully apaid fethe tobuHonorl Dean oftoHo usen cause f theaccident, but it was tribution ta the cammunity l! c. M e st o o e n o o s believed that Mr. Moorcraf t slip- Friday's meeting replaced the' ped. He was treatcd in the fac- regular Monday meeting because The ornate, well patranizcd and other gsfts, on behal! o! the afore- tory !irst aid department by Dr. o! Monday's proximity ta the ýpopular rend.zevaus for free speech, said senatars in extraordinary V. H. Storey, plant medical of- Christnîas holiday. President W. and discussion, the Red Chamber sýession. ficer. and later remaved ta Bow- H. Birks presidcd. and a!ter dim- o! Lew Woods' implement shop, The Honorable Dean. rising ta nianville Hospital where necess- ner reports o! various cammittees was the scene last week o! an cx- full six feet two inches, bowed aiy amputations were made. The were received. The Blind coni- traordinaî'y session o! what is'ceremnoniously ta the gentlemen unfartunate accident is covcred nittcc reported !urther activity cammonly rc!crred ta as the "Sen- senators. thanked tlein for their under thie Compensation Act. in their work, through Joe O'Neill, ate a! Bowmanvillc", gathcred for kind and generous gits. and as- _____________ while E. W. Crawford. Alex Mc- the specific purpose o! paying sured them at all times the f rce- Congratulations to Oliver A. Gregar and Bert Mortlock repart- tribute ta the Dean o! the Senate, dam o! the Senate Chamber foi' Bradt o! Ontario Agricultural ed the Christmas activities in Lew Woods himseif, the open discussions o! the pro- College, Guelph, on passing bis the intcrcst o! relief. Ma Breslin The walls a! the Upper Cham-'blems o! the day. political. mun- Christmas exams in the 2nd year reported the activities a! the ber wcre appropriatcly dccorated, icipal, social, religious and other- class. Lions Junior hockey team whicb in deference ta the business in- I wise. _______________________promises ta have a successful tcrests o! the Dean, and with a Other Honorable Senatars pre- seasan. taste o! abandon, plow points,: sent included Tom Cartwrighît, Earlington Reeve The program for the evenlng binder gears, and single riding 'George Thompson, Fred Mitchell, was the showing o! three reels o! plows were placed here and there Henry Knight, Ezra Qi!! ard, Jin s 5f vIu wD uv motion pictures a! the Lions In- in bis hor In anc corner thatj Flctt, Oea. Pattrick, Albert Moore isD p t - e v ternational Convention last sum- peer a! ail agnîcultural imple- and athers, also addressed Mn. mer at Mexico City. The plot- ments, the creain separator, stood Speaker bric!ly expressing tbanks Municipal affairs got a four unres were taken by a Toronto in ail its glory, its brigbt red en-1 and appreciation ta tbe Dean for hour aîrîng on Monday when Lion and portrayed the trip frain amel glistcning, and its nlckle 14atis generosity and hospitality in nominees for the vaiaus offices Toronto ta Mexico City, the parts rcflecting the brigbtness o! oanlng the Senate Chamber six joined the past council in a highlights a! the convention, tihe the snow outside. days each week for the warming searching discussion in which the niagnificent entcrtainment, wblcb As the time for the ccremnony o! body and soul and for t1je dis- veterans, Tisas. Baker and Oea included bull f ighting. and the drew near the Gentleman Usher cusion of vital and unvital prob- Stephens, wcrc interrogators. The* beautiful sccncry o! the country a! the Black Rad, Oliver Roberts, leing o! this intricate day and full list a! nominations in Dar- around Mexico City. Stopovers appeared at the doorway o! the age. lington were: in well known cities bath on thse chaniber and sum.moned the as- P'or the information o! aur un- For Reeve-G. F. Annis, A. L. out and in trips were aisa pict- sembli, ta, order. The Speech lnformed readers. the "Senate o! Pascoe, G. A. Stephens, Thos ured in an extremely lnterestiiig !rom 'the Throne was delivered Boiwm.anville" is composed a! a Baker, Silas Williams, and Chas. :set a! pictures. witb due solemnity, and appro- number a! retired gentlemen, Blanchard. J. The showing was made possible priate dignity by His Mai esty's othiers classed as the Idle ricb, For Deputy Reeve-Chas. M. Ithrough Lion E. W. Crawford Leadeî o! the Senate, William th3se whose time hangs heavily Carruthers, A. L. Pascoe, Chas.1Iwho provided the projector and Paintc*. Wblle tbe bonor o! an their hands, who meet as of- Blanchard, John Muttan. opcratcd it. The pictures wenc makii the presentation ta the te as the spirit moves them ini Councillors-Wallace Miller, A. loaned from the district office Hon able the Dean o! the sen- Woods' implement shop in W. Annis, C. M. Carruthers, Tisas. tbrough the goad offices o! Dis- ate v as given ta, The Clerk o! the tl, Hahiman Block, where every Stephenson, Milton Gay, Norman trict Govennor Reid Murdock o! Sen te, Bill Paterson, decked out f nom the weatber ta birtis Scott, Herb. Cameran, Archie Taranto. A vote a! tbanks was il1 kilts, wbo banded ta the c oh cames Iander the micro- Muir, R. R. Stevens, Thomas Me- extended ta Mn. Crawford at the D)ea boxes af cigars, a lusciaus < examinatian and unadult- GilI, W. R. Piekeil. iclose o! the progrgm. baskf t o! deliclous apples, andi discussion a! the assembly. --~~1, , ..______ J evening was the presentation of a 50 ycar veteran's Jewel ta Wor. Bro. John Lyle. The presentation was made by Rt. Wor. Bro. G. C. Bonnycastlc. Mr. Lyle, wbo re-j ceived bis 50 year Past Master'se ZeLwel at Grand Lodge some time ago was entitlcd ta receive the 50 year veteran's iewel several yearsý ago. He was initiated into Jer- usalcmn Lodgc an June 3Oth, 1871 and was Worshlpful Master in 1882 and 1883. Hie was made a Lif e Member on June 2nd, 1921. For f ifty years be was Treasurer o! the Lodge. Another veteran o! Jerusalem Lodgc who was recently bonored was Wor. Bra. Jule Reonigk, who was initiated in 1884, and who, was prcsentcd a fcw, weeks aga with the 50 ycar veteran's jcwcl. This presentation was made at bis home by Rt. War. Bro. G. C., Bonnycastlc and Wor. Bro. E. H. Brown. The officers elected and ap- pointed for Jerusalem Lodge for the current year are: W. M.- L. A. Parker; S. W.-E. S. Fergu- son; J. R.-A. W. G. Nartbcutt; Cbap.-Rt. Wor. Bra. F. C. Hoar; Treas.-J. R. Stutt; Secretary- E. H. Brown; S. D.-E. Staples; J. D.-A. J. Wbalen; D. o! C.- G. C. Bonnycastle: Organist- R. J. Fenton; S. S.-A. L. Blan- chard; J. S.-J. S. Emmersan; I. 0.-P. R. Cawling; Tyler-li. E. Smith Following the ceremonies in the Lodge Hall Ithe brethren. one isundred stnong, sat down toaa Festive Spirit Prevails at Annual Christmas Dinner at Boys' Sehool Deptity Minister of Wel- f are Guest Speaker at Popular Annual Event The festive spirit o! the Christ- mas seasan prevailed at the an- nual Staff Christmas Dinner o! the Boys' Traiing Sohool on F'ri- day evening, December 2th, when *Mr. M. A. Sorsoleil, Deputy Min- ister o! Public Welf are, accom- panied by bis son: Mr. W. J. Bragg, M.P.P., and Mr. Charlton. Inspectar o! Government Instit- utions. were present. Following the deliciaus dinner, Mr. A. R. Virgin Superintendent. welcomed tbe guests who were flot actually members o! tbe staff or their familles. These included, besides thase mentioned above, Mr. and Mrs. Edsall Oliver, Don Williams and Winton Bagnell. Dr. V. H. Storey, staff doctor. and Mrs. Storey; and Dr. R. E. Dinnlwell. staff dentist, and Mrs. Dinnlwell were aiso present. Mr. Bragg and Mr. Charlton bath brie! ly expressedi their plea- sure in belng present at this happy function. Although Mr. So,ýmolels usual wlt and humor ,ls~e ut from time ta time, he ebe is sincere regret at - 1 à .Wi the departure of two members o! the staff, Dr. Storey and Mr. W. J. Pettinger, Placement Super- visor. Dr. Storey, he said, had ai- ways given bis time unsparingly ta the scbooi and he was gen- uinely sorry ta ste him go. Mn. Pettinger, who la leaving BOW- manville in January for a plan- Ltation in Jamalca bas been lin this type o! work for thlrty Years, Mr. Sorsoleil sald, and dUring that time lie bas given bis heart ta, It and performed bis duties ta the very best o! his ablitY. Although Mr. Pettinger bas been here only a year, he is well liked by the staff and ail those with wham be came in contact and to show tbe.r regard and re- gret at bis departure, the &taif presented him wlth a fltted trav- elling bag. Mr. Pettinger replied in a very appropniate speech,' af- ter wblch staff, guesta and baya' o! the school adjourned ta thé school auditorium for the rest of the evening's entertal n m e n t which consisted o! Cbristmas canais and then, beat a! ail, the' arrivai o! Santa Claus who, gave out a present for every boy from beneath. tb h Iinn C hrlatma4,q, >tree. The happy evenin ln'i bwlth tbe sisluing of "8llent U 4 'k 4, V VI TUPERATION, ABUSE HURLED AT STATESMAN With Which Is Incorporated The Bowvnanv;ille News Charges of Discourtesy, Unfair Criticism Misrepresentation and Libel Levelled at TheStatesman by Nomination Speakers ACCLAMATION Tirade of Abuse Directed at The Statesmnan by Rev. Geo. Mason, Rev. John Bunner and B. B. Fwrber -Statesman Hurled to the Floor and Tramped On - Bitter Attack Focu;sed on Editor FINE PROGRAM 15 Accusing The Statesman Of GIVE BYSCHO ARS "discourtesy,rnisrepresentati on, AT SALVATION ARMYL Qeo.Mason, candidate for School Trute,_____tre man bitter Annual Christmas Concert Is attack on The Statesman at the Wltnessed by Large Audience nomination meeting in the Townf A- Colorful Program Hall on Monday night. Mr.1 Presented Mason was followed in his attack _______by Rev. John Buniner, another W ednesclay evening. December trustee candidate and B. B. Fur- 18th, was the occasion of~ a very ber. fiery candidate for Council- successfub Christmas prograin lor. Uniortunately the Eitrwas staged by the members of thelIabsent in Toronto and unLble to Salvation Army SundaM School defend himself before his critics. and presented under the direct-1 Mr. Mason's attack was made ion of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Tait. during his references to the work With the Citadel packed to cap- of the 1935 school board. Rie was acity and a very appreciative and referring to The Statesman's crit- Thomas H. Knight charge of the work among the Miss Helen G. Morris as music Who returns for another two Young People presided and was teacher and replacing ber with a year term as a titilities Commis- supported by Mr. Thornton Webb. more expensive officiai. sioner when none were naminat- Outstanding items were the Mr. Mason opened bis addxes eci against bim on Monday. Star Drill, splendidly executed by with words of appreciation of the _____________ the white be-winged f airies to the fine wark o! the coundil durmng rythm of a beautiful melody en- 1935. He also undertook ta, com.- TRINITY Y. P. S. titied "Make me a Star," and a mend the Public 'Utilities Com- Young People's meetiniz Mon- 1 play "Making Christmas Happy!" mission which was right behind day. December 23rd, was spent in i The leading parts were taken by the council. The Public School, practising carols under the able' Miss Dorothy Sellers and Lieut. Board also. he added, was behind direction o! Mr. Francis Sutton James Sloan. An item which a- the council in its effort ta give The old favorite carols held f uliI roused a considerable amount of econornmcal administration. sway and three comparatively interest was the 'Bowmanville The Board spent $2592 less in new ones. "As with gladness Men Baby Clinic" With Mrs. Webb in 1935 than in the previous year, lie of Old", "God Rest you Merry the raie of thie Town Nurse. told bis hearers. Despite the cut Gentlemen" and "Thou dids't Screams a! laughter greeted the in the prmncipal's salary. salaries leave Thy Throne" were learned. arrivai of theý Scarlet Fever Baby. Paid tatalled $50 more during the "The Lost Star" a Christmas, The concluèling item, naovel- year. Reviewing the inatter of pageant. presented by tbe Y. P. ty, entitled "A D5,y in an fficer's the music teacher Mr. Masan atal.- in the church Shinday evening. Life*' was preseated iii sa dow- ed that jander. the ,old plan a was a decided success. The Y. P. graph by Lieut. Brown and Slaan music teaèher ha(y to neglect Iïé-- wish ta tbank ail who so loyally and braught the evening ta a own class, and ffen dld flotpr supported them. At the Bay of happy close., vide musicajV training for the Quinte Conference. Kingston, the Reg. Harding, as Santa Claus, South Ware'School. point was stressed ta dramnatize delighted the children with his "We hW. e changed the sho religion. TIfis is a very fine way stories and played bis part ad- 'fram a Èictatorship to a demno-_ of making the bible easier un- mirably, distributing the candies, cratic governmnent. We have ap- derstood, as well as being very in- nuts and oranges. . pointed an assistant principal and teresting and a very inspiring Lieut. Brown apened and closed bave a cauncil of teachers with message. tbe proceedings. tbe Principal as chairinan,"l he said in ref erence Wa the treatment New Officerstof Jerusalem Lodge cia .H onso.Drn h lnstalled atImipressiveCeremony an oe by aed - reporter for making charges of L. A. Parker Instalîed as turkey banquet in tbe ante-roam, discaurtesy, misrepresen t ation, Head of Masonic Lodge wbere the newly installed master unfair crlticisrn, and libel without -Banquet Follows the acted as toast master. Mr. Mason, endeavoured toen Ceremon ie son t. The toast ta the King and the ligbten bis audience an only one Cerenoni s onSt.Craf t was proposed by the chair- point. that af the afleged libel. John's Night man. Tbe toast to tbe Grand1 On this point he related Thé ____oCndaintervic Statesman bad referred to "'a cer- Masonic brethren f rom districtLogofCndintePvnc tain element witlin, as weii as, lodges, and a large delegation o! of Ontario was proposed by Mayor without, the Public School Board local Masons were present Frlday W. Ross Strike, and responded ta for several years past bave 'aeen nlght. for the annual observance by F. C. Hoar and G. C. Bonny- stirring up. in an underhand way, o! the Festival o! St. John the castle. John Baker proposed the an unhealtby feeling a! unreathI Evangelist, and the installation of toast to, the Visitors. and replies school matters." Mr.*M a son the newly elected officers a! Jer- were madle by Ed. Hoar o! New- stated that tbere was no leader usalem Lodge, A.F. & A.M., No. castle, and Capt. Wm. Green of o! any such movement, and that. the Training Schaol wbose borne eacb member of the Board voted 31. lodge is in India. and wha re- as be pleased on matters before, Rt. Wor. Bro. Fred C. Hoal', as- lated that bis lodge was the only the Board. sisted by the past masters of Jer- place in India wbere the black Terert'sugsio tat suaem odg. lstlle Wo. Bo.and white could meet on exactly passibly The Statesman could b L. A. Parker as Master of the the sanne social footing. utassneeiisclfrn"~ Lodge for the ensuing year in an Tetas ath el isale ihth eroard as dmfembrs impressive ceremony. Rt. Wor. ofieswsp4oe yC .teBadwrbogtn Bro. G. C. Bonnycastle, Director fieswspooe yCH.teBad erbug n ac 0f ereonis ad te rtlrngDudley, and the response was quiescing nad from the speaker. Master played important parts in made by tbe Worshipful Master In concîud.ing bis attack Mr. Ma- the ceremonles. L. A. Parker, Senior Warden E. S. son stated he wauld be in the- Oneaf be eatre vens o t Ferguson and Junior Warden, A. Oeoth etr vnsothe W. G. Nortbcutt. (cantinued on page 8) 1 1 a lý 'l ý WF

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