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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Jan 1936, p. 4

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w-- ~. -- -- _ __ I -w. ~ PAGE FOUR THE- - - ADIA.. ST.s,, AAUX QLWMZ, dAIrIJAk<.XA, lUiI THECAADAN TAESAN BO1~AM!mr thTrAD7' I'II'nn,' JNU 2 13 ___________________ich 82 (H), Gordon Robinson * ma ERobb cosstdof ch ru res.18 (H), Jean Antil 75 (H), Elsie due Mr. Lycett. teacher, and Miss ont< r SALEM Thre Shipa," "Rckaby Lulla Vetzal 75 (H) Horace VezaENNSK75E Orcliard, music director. Sat N SLEO Iac SI y," "It Was a Lover and His1 COURTICE Sant Rev A S Kircodute $Lass," and "Richmond Hill," n <H1 Hle Snudden 70, .&flan 1. arrived and distributed the par- 1 a evA.SKercnutdthe wluch the solo was sung by Gar- 1Cochrane 66, LorneR.Nenfound 65,r versi New Year Sunday sriehroAln Thsnorbyrend- Mr. Luther Beckett is holiday- Frank Sait 59, Glenn Reynolds Misrac ery .,wo ;cel. i. ..Feman uni h ated as Mr Marwood Dickey andM. delvernga fne eron.erd " onr aîe' o, ng with his £aughter, Mis. H. A. 155, Gordon Willoughby 52. pns hi rontSated her chairmanruntil the pastor aaseM and the senior girls "SwissTo Gray at Leamington. -Si. Pr.-Ernie Ha n ewi h 66,1 irnt eeonStrdyceto arri ver$2e7. 8cn-BiBnw iloo eabet Mr ndMs.F L qui 1cl-Girl." Two junior charuses weîe Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pruff erAbert Gravelle 60, Winnie Waî- Christmas family gathe r i n gs 1 cert. Proceeds ove r7. frturndhoe ter a oHeatii brated Christma.s with a fanilyl,'Tommy and the Apples,", ac- Oshawa, spent Sunday with Mr' ter 53, Stanley Taylor 45. were held at tnie following homes: Chyarle y is extndd to rs.nfor. andicits. WsIHarel eu gaaterie g on soso ad dagntssacndaiedbygarhyhrn andandMrn.Geoge RynodsrJr.thm-avandil ugbs.7 MreoLeieBunts, M. HJr.e-Prtheavsing f he brtheevilw, nteîaind teMrhirHf.th Un an Mr gerrotandMiss 1. and including *. .'l hee 'erl nSday Dec. 22nd, sîxty- (H), Douglas Wilson 74, Myrtle ens', Mis. Wmn. Oke's, Mr. W. JM.FrdAfrVacue. telCrcMoayvnigSiard Mr Rges Trot, nd ~ an Mry olirs Tee er n naWilloughby 70, Margaret BurrwsStainton's, Mr. A. Sbarpe's, M lM.FeAxodacuer. o! pChr oressive uche weeS Ma Stephens, Town. two duets, the first sung by Ger- !six were present at Sunday schaol. JueSly6,M r ar E . sto',r . .W r's, table utmfraid Cox and Gordon Hanna, and, During the session Ran 6n 0, Carl Brock49. 'r w__ 60, Carly asa ht-n orsronob oye n49.al CxMr. S. Pethick's, Mr. W. Rahm'ys, --<eplayed, Miss Nora Porteous Win- Mal( Mr.- K. W rry as a ah b Joy e an Ger ld a W g anee iec T e Ch it a B eg mnner - B etty A ntil, Alvin M rs. Jabez M oores, M r. R. G il- H A M P T O N ing lady's first prize and Sid. M r. he und«rWent on the previous Bnic Wghseneodlosp-.ab, and the primary class Taylor. bert's, Mr. A. Wearn's, Mr. Thos.1 Staples gent's first. Mis. Wilfred a Prdy eëswsighm anosolo.g "Away in____aManger."____Re-lims adIMr FPeridy. er'ywing happ Na The following dialogues were signation of the secretary-treas- Miss Annie Wilkins, teacher. McGill's. _ n r enr olnil Yea. Pesnte: ure wa aceped an th Ast.î _Sympathy is extended ta Mrs. Christmas Tree and concert "s ecured onsolt ns. r ean'r. Year. I : ure"by Helen and'Surerya s ceptedande Asat. ' 14 D. Burm nthe sd nunder tne auspices of the Young Pîimary classes af the Presbyter-,mcC Mr. and rs. C. M Carruthrs Donal Cox andMarg£ ;.was deathleofuher the f-broonherh Mi.hPeople'srthSocietyeogivenSobyetyheipu- ianheSun-iay SchoolSc werewe enter-r-,MMs. .and M is. C.RCruthersfDrnald Cx and Margret Harris, wa ntalduti h1eeto SOLINA IWmn. Cookman, Bisbee, N.D. pils o! public school under the tained at te hm f a ndMr at a family reunion gathering at in wch uus cousin Netie hwfa wofies Holiday Visitais: Messrs. Edgar able leadership of Mr. E. E. Sta- Mirs. R. W. Philp. A very pleas- bell, Mis.McGrgors, Twn.is a fauit-finder gets faoled an0 .S1 nta Cnet Mr. and Mis. Sid Hackaday and Herbert Wright with theirlples and Miss G. Cawker, was' a ing prograin was put on by the Port cannat tell Lulu from her picture. On Dec. 2th Courtice Sunday and Ernest, Misses Lizzie and parents, Mr. and Mis. N. E.1 decided success. The play entit- childien till Santa Claus airived Mr. Holiday Visitars: Miss B. Catar, 'Teasing Teacher" by Gordon School held its Christmas concert Rilda Hockaday, Mr. B. G. Stev- WihRdeie . Mr. and 'led "A Topsy-Turvy Christmnas" n itiue it n ade n Tanto, wi. Ct hr .pa r nts dM Allin, Ross Cbbledick, Douglas, in the school house. Supt. J. ens attended the twenty-fifth Mrs. C. Brantn, Mr. Jas. Drew,Ïwas very humorous and caused a off tlie Christmas tree which were and an i.F aa i nd.arris and Arthur Clemence. InWiggans called for a recitation wedding anniversary of Mi. and Harmony, at Mr. S. Page's. . . . -great many laughs and reflected upidbfresoftehld v1 Mis. and Miss Taylor, Toronto,, thi.s dialogue three smart pupils by litile Billy Gearing, who in his Mrs. Wm. J. Chaîlis, Bownan- Mi. Geo. Riggs Mis. Edith Orm- la great deal of ciedit on teacheis suled y .ied oRhecil-Evl Parents and sister of Mrs Hall, tîied ta play a joke on their tea- f iîst attempt at entertaining, was ville, on Friday evening. iston, Mr. and Mis. C. W. Souch, and pupils. Santa Claus arrived r egeo dyeen. o w with Mi. and Mis. c.Hl ...1her but the tables were turned a great success. A song "Christ- Annual schaol meeting was Hampton, at Mis. J. Pye's. .. ...ith his pack and with bis help- LegeoFiayenngto Mi. and Mrs. L. Savery and sans, and the joke was on them. mas BelIs" was îendeîed by the held last Thursday afternoon and Mis. Hugh Annis. Mr. John SIc- crs distîibutcd the presents froin the fori af a social cvening. Pci Newtonville, with Mi. and Mis. A. i*A Telephone Order ta Santa" gils of the Primary Cla.ss. Mis. Isaac Ha1 a lce e oJ.a D.C .Seo',jtete.Pioceeds about24 1 hp Hardywa, thetd boys rema. t nrng. forleBn'sthe ree Ralph Emerson îcad the script- the holiday week . . . . Mi. and, w±ich a little girl gives Santa ai John Walter, with haîp and bar- Woes tue, Toronto, Mis. A. Ormiston Anulsholmeun a icleantdRe. Ms.H. J. ell g a-trecha Mis. J. Sayer also ai the Welsh veylngls o itsfrhesl oncan rd dis ih*institute will be heid . held on Tbursday and J. D. Ho- eda n-tuenplad W. Jaýk-ditiai home ... . Mi. and Mis. D. Fran- vr ogls fgft esl . .in the S.dS. room on Thursdaywith their aunt, Mis. P. Mauntjoy garth wasîe-elected as trutcee nî. rmn~ n .clear ceshed hriims it th fm-an be fmiy.harîmonica, and cbordîng on the inh * ... ..e'.S.g Anisai i.F. i.onnMis TeuCantentr-son favored with a cornet solo. ob icysghed htas ie the . an eitsy adLiteDai"piano, were ncartily c n c o r c d. afternoon, Jan.9th, in charge of G r uhAnsa r F r n r.TdCaetr The remainder af the cvcnînsrb ily athredhom . .. .Mr.andfr David CopcrandfittelDavTih"eFred inteiaperscd the music with g u .Rl al e ersGlets n ed.. r.Io.tie hi mlye nFia a pn ncnet n alslae Mis. G. A. Stephens witngîng anm yodielling. W i liTa Resolution. All ladies invited. Craig, Miss Sadie Craig ai Mr. cevcning in hanor of Mi. Tom wa pn ncne n ans cave pars wretakn y JanProtingng ndyodllng.W 1 a Remember F iiinme-A arrow's, Kendal . . .. MiS. D. Wesilakc who is shoitly to be and lunch wa.s scived. soft, daughter, Mis. R. Langmaid ~prswî ae yJa ru, Soloîrgie gave a îecitation in ber . teDvio mciBuigmaster with Miss Jane Cook-mard Prcsbyterian chair was enter- serve ina . . . . Miss E. Rutledge wiîb Bernice Wight, Mabel Clemence, uulpîeasing manner. Russel ing in tiie S. S. roon Tbursday man, Un-on. . . . . adMs Miid aie tM. and Mis.. on- eu her sister, Mis. W. Challis, Town. oss Cabbledick, Donald Cax and usua8 a'clock.HldyVstr:M-.P.il. .I r n MsW .W RryGeHolidayAroursVisitais: Mreveint Jn. thH as.Braletaincd. . BatlyMi. WiandCrdeMis.ndfrM.jo'Monunt-tms beauvg Mi. nd Ms W G. eiry Geald ox.Range." A dialogue 'Busy biteTis will be installation a! offlc- Haydon ..Miss Margaret Dal- cnTrnoaitthi ahr.Jniil uliyeenn andba Miss Thelma, and Mis. S. J. Han- The following pupils rcndcred Maids" was played by junior girls. ers. AUl members please attend. toYoubrPrnsatE5 i .B rdemn...M.wr nt ean'scir tiiggan Providencer. an. . . aris. 1ei Ca AdaGodonHans t a, eGladys Reynolds gave a îeading, Mis. J. J. Johnston (nec Mag- Tcmpleton, Que. . . .Mi.Stanley Jun Ane1. CSyeatl . wit h.ssistr. gpy e.an i. aratm. rue reatve .. .M. ndMi. lod hr an, oith a and Jes 'foie Christmas." Alla n gie Abrahamns), dicd at her home Turner and Miss Winnifrcd Oke, Mis. S. Williams. .. ..Misses Intue b will bed :xe l Ja. Bir Leonard Richards with Torontc;Lorne Pruce, Ross Cabbledick, Ar- Tievail pleased with bis barman- in Princeton last week and was Oshawa, at Mi. and Mis. Frank MajreadEibPso ith i is. ohnPoit .Ms MrcW reltivs ...Mr.andMrs LoydGle n Prau t. yH n ica selections, Fred Adams chord- buiied at Hampton on Monday. Doiland's.M e:ldJn8t Ran rs.arnd faiydwih . .TeHm n c lCu ing in accompanment. A recita- Oui sympathy is extended ta the M. H. Tink . . . . M. and Ms. Pot' ru ilb ncag. W an Ms MiUn ayo Te oe n SholCubUn by Hilda Scorgie wasver faily -DC. W. Such with his sisteri Mis. Recuttsio WiMrbend Chaigc. Mr n r.W izJntilprizes presented by Mi. C. A. appropriate. j IJ.-Ple, Enniskillcn ...Mi.arRcn Vsti:M. and Mi Lf Mi. nd is.W. itze JaeivlleHoliday Visitais: Mi. PFr e d ~r Hair Philp and sans with fri- 1 with Mi. and Mis. G. Carnish. iProut were: Giammai, J e a n Ataatpa ytesno îgtwt i aetM.ad MAPLE 'JRO'VL. jMs aeCaia wt i. R Mis. Cornish, who still keeps in!Prout; Spelling, Donald C Ax; j ___play___thesenorWrigt_____ isndsratsFMankfdoîd .... Mi. Nor- i But. R delicate health, returned home!Writing and Neat Noat ebocCoxk boys and girls, entitled "Christ- Mis. N. E. Wright, Ridgeville ... - J. MeKessock, Salina. . . .Mr.ensa rkfd...M.N-Bu wih he a! erChiims .. Dnad o; rikmti, srl mas ai the Stebbins," was given, Ms Norma Yellowlees, Toot, e-u meeting was beld an and Mis. Milton Avery and Don- wîththeMis. FiChisdasyDoavdning lasieti wGethd a nalarg bn, Bfavlo, atM. Mr R.ob-r Mi. and Ms .Claotand C ross Uh r Loyd Courtce, direct- MssJean CYellowlees, Columbus, FLeagueve C ata whaîsi l nargeufao i.MrteRb Mis Maiewit bi sste, is. Genra Priceny ad r Oandussehomausaeanag i i N sA e- read by Iva Foley, and bible read- I is~ sister, Mis. C. Gooda 1 A. Beilman, Town . . . . Mr. and Red Cosprizes were presentedcerci, an as Rberdsann ay oun cMrarS ot ani .M. adi. y enn rmbe EnsDInan.. Mis. L. Buttery wth their sons in by Mr. F. Bennett, the wnneiscirrne nls adRa-cos, Brhur anvylr, . . Mi. and igb ero rmle riMi. W. Young, Havclock, ai Mir.LI Town, while Mi. and Mis S. But- being: General Proficiency, Ber- mond Barber were the uninvited Mi.Atu1alr hryod Twist, cltizenship canvener, took J. L. Johns' . . . . Mi. and Mis. E S A E S D teiy and family were with ber nice Wight; Jr. Red Cross, 'Helen ct geiso M.anums t b us.and Ms . E.tWei o-chread h oloigpaganIJohn Williams, Oshawa, ai Mi. parents, Mi. and Mis. Lancaster, Cax, Denizel Anderson, Donald 1bins, farmers, John Walter and ubs iM.H .Tn' . was given: Allan Balson, studentI A. Peters' .... Dr. and Mis. Day- Audrey Trevail). Aflan Vinson Mi. E. R Taylor, Bruce and Eve- îai Qucens Univerity, Kingston, les and family, Mi. and Mis. G. HEADQUARTERS F0 Newtoniylle. . .. Mi. and Mis. L. Cox and Gerald Cox, whoalal tied 1an faBlwnwî i lyn, Mis. A. J. Balson, Miss fleen1 spoke an bis wark and thanked Edger and Rosina, Oshawa, ai UPLE Anuis, Toronto, Mise Susie Sy- foi firsi prize with peifeci marks. rfanhdwll re Aas san fln n RsBaBldnwaineLege oite rsetset i.H Wloxs ..D. n Ms mois, Town, Mi. and Mis. W. Sy- Due tc, an accident ane pupil, fm ep, wieFe dm sadAlnadRse asn tteLau o h rsn ett r .Wlo' ..D.adMs U PI maris and Miss Greta, wtb Mi. Denizel Anderson, was unable ta Joey was an aiphan being iaised Mi. Ernesi Larmeras, Blackstock. him; Jean Ayling favored wt .RyadHlsug with eun and Mis. W. Cann. Mi. and Mis: attend. Anoiher pupîl Je ibnattis home. Margaret Adams . .. Mr. and Mis. W. H. Westlake violin sala; selection, Maple GraveMsE dn Reynolds . . . r. i.h GnieSlpte-------- Annis also aitended a family ga- Hanna was unable ta attend as. dalso I sGr n andeLortrains An-d oan M . Rstsaweai. Mi.. QuartetteWillingCLaidf oSrmdWaIllyMcGubbin, Upper Canada Highest Grade Cattie Saits thering ai Mi. and Mis. A. We wlsh bath a speedy iecoveiy. Mriwî teSebnscide . aiyai Mi akRyod n aCllgTrno hM.Wl Brent'sTyrone. iss Dorohy Hoar sMi.eand- Mis.wrJatheReynolds ciandeCastle and Leslie Cllacutt; the lace Horn . . .. Misses VanCamp, 1 bs Brn',Tin.Ms ooh or1 h e-The mtv ftepa Cht aiya r e. oevles oktia,"hoigwt t cher o! these talented pupils and motveo!th pîy asta.Re.Smiie', octra,"oongwha- Blackstock, wiih Miss Jessie Knox ~deserves considerable piaise foi prove that the Christmas spirit eîyod tempita kill" was a feature o! . isJa ogrha oe i tannth hlrnsefiin-can mave even the mosi indiff er- the -<vJ j . .MrH. Ema Bennet, Boe We fit and reconend CorectalLi SHA'W'S t. inig .he cildEmmso effiient-',nvillc c. nt persan, in this case the city. udge, w8.5 well played by Wm. avle witb bei niece. Mis. T. Lenses. Let us examine lady. Frances Reynolds. Much , ENFIELD 1 Laid, witb Sain Castle acting as Wray.... Mis Isaac Chapinan, your eyes. Bi( crdi s uet tee ougpe- ________________ Iclerk. The accused were John rnaM.E.Wlu'..M. The annual Christmas concert There is no maie eff ective ver- predifoi uthiî sedidnpo-ylAYling and Charlie Wright. ibeir jOoo iM.E ibîs...M.Crca of Shaw's Scbool was held on mifuge on the market than Mill- I Harrry Wilcox witb fiicnds in DeCrecta Thuî day venng, ec. ~ ers W rm P wdes. T ev ilî ofa these characters and ta the M . Th s. Hillier and M iss Ev- lawyei being Lloyd M ecaf. The'Htrait, ich. .. i ss re Cas innesDe-re Musical numbeis under the very flot oniy clear the stomach and orcoMr.LodCutie ln san rs . STonto w erTis actingwas Wm. Layeriesker witb ber parents, Mn. andicfotbe able direction a! Mis. Donald bowels of woims. but will prove a A recitation by Pauline A.ntil Cit fmis. H.cisn o n wst acige s bis lawyeî The Mis. John Cawkcî, Port Perry. undistorted _____________________very serviceable medicine f o r was given with zest. "Enteitain- Cism.cntaes erClford Swallow R cblrn i eglating the infan- ment by the Junior Boys" was a iH opital visited ber f ather, Mi. number af wîînesses tcfedAgevso. The J gv tilp system and maintaining it in great success, nurnerous items TBwan uy osstnifiey. rAD tmaimu S qie COUGH in ahcltycondition. There is no- coming witbin the an-, nunîber. Mi. s Heen Staks.1i7Y, cson dna ofwan oe. Cil- i mavismn Sed hig in their composition that Raymond Wiggans' rectiation de- Mis*HlnSakWtb ipewo n E aSalw.i- Mi. and Mis. Milton Samis and î man, Russel] Balson and Vernon League wswtdanti Medicated wih nge i- .tomnach wben directions are fol- ther wbo trails bei boy tao close- fan *setChita nTo-Tibe week. CZ ents of Vicks VapoRub lcwcd, and they can be given ta iY. Gladys and Frances Reynolds ontson.CistasinTi rmbegave the verdict nat ingedi I nto jguiltY witb misleading evidence. Recent Visitais: Miss Doris S echildien in the f ull assurance played a duet on autaharp and Mis. H. Stinson is visiting atiNexi week Zion League visits us. Muokle with fiiends in Toront ..£W FUL2!4ot NL 5c alt thcy will utterly destray al mandalin haip. "Santa Cl1a us Pantypool. Sbo etn Busy Warkeîs' Casfte.Mr. and Mrs. Austin BaokW Maida," JpreCo d resscd, san At the annual ScolMeigCunday Scbooî eîcctedte -ad Marion, Mi. and Mrs N. ren ______________________________ seely Jspbne Corti eMessrs. Harold Oîmiston an ih icers: Piesid't-Betty Snowden, renad akM. n Ms Iquaintly gave a farewell recita- 1adGenadJcM.adMs 'ion, bringing ta an end a veiy Piescoit were elected truses Secretary-Thelma F r e e n a ni: Gordon Brown and Ross, Toron- 1r pleasing pragiain. ireentd ntended for lasi wee l*Assi. Sec-Jean Stevens, Treas. ta, Mn. and Mis. R. Brown and i n Margaret Adams rsne a Mi. M. Rabbins, Oshawa, is vis-! -Mildrcd Snowden; Assi. Treas. soswihMn. and Mis. I. Wbît- Ex.Ml'n CdLVrO gif t ai a pair a! silver candie- iting ai Mr. Fred Siih's. '-Helen Meicaîf; F]awer Coi.- fed . .. Mi. and Mis. J. Thamp- x.M lan CoLieOl stcs- r.Jc ign rm M.adMr.E .PsoFoec oeAde son ai M. Mawood MKee's . .. Kepler"s Extract Hg sic s ta M s. J ck Wi g ns foii. an is1. . Pa c e Fa n ce l ey a diJean Cwlig, M . B ll Brawn and sons, Sunder- A b t s U F C S O H u e L o tthe senior girls and boys' class. ,Bokivstdai Mr. e:. On-' Ja yIl n enJaie: an. t r.R. C. Bron'WAmoe'sExtraC. ----C------ Gladys and I MssVioetPacey, tesame assupplied twoau- M.Go ritnvstd i rFallis anol' Etac f o tflcolaured c a à d 1 e s. Mis. Biaoklin. a2fficeîs ai Aduli Bible Class Archer bas eundfo.Igs- FlStnthR iarAlh Wiggans resigned iram n g . Wlae ctIwn o r:President-Mis. Ivison Mun- by . . . . Mr.uinsd frow ngTor-j teacher a! ibis clasa îecently. specialisi in Toronto and got or-,day; Sec'y.-Mrs. Charlie Green- onto, with rLoys Brox.Ti Mis. Lloyd Couitice taking hem estotk compîcte reat for han; Assi. Se'y.-Mrs. C e c i1 Mi. and Mis. Cecil FerguLson ad POE4f .' Wll place. Mrs. Courtice was alsa the several mantbs.Jfer;Tas-ak Swallow; Sidney witb Mis. D. Ferguson.! iccipient of a gifi for ber services Mi. T. Henry ana family baveFlowei Com.-Mns. Leslie Colla- Oshawa.___________________ anris eceved presens fran the tîtn. Thy will be mise< con-j oui Ca.-Ms. Cecil Jeff ey, Ms .ï. baya ai ber class. Supi. j. Wig- siderably in the churcb andr W. J. Snowden, Mis. Ross Stev- gans alsa was remembered. Mis. scbaols. ens, Miss Edna Swallow, Mis.E. Joseph Gearing, Sunday school Annual Christmas concert was W. Foley, Mis. Ivison Munday: prapeîty caietaker, was weîl re- well attended Thursday evening, Teacher--Chailes Snowden. membered by a surn o! maney. Dec. 19th. Pragrani consistcd ai Saiuiday afiernoon the C.G.I.T Fo The pupils weîe presented witb recitatians, dialogues, sangs, and girls beld a tabogganing paîty on IFo Bibles, gaded accading ta theirla pageant. Pogran was given the Base Line ihl. Ater enjy- S p e c t l h e i jattendance. Gardon Balson heldlby Union and Enfield scbools. lng several rides along witb saine hWe Trem enduu V alues high position as the anc pupil Miss Ella Tamblyn and Miss I. spilis the guis jauineyed on foot _______________________________ wbo had an unbîoken record 1fMeClean aie ta be congratulated 1ta the home of ibeir leader, Mis. 52 Sundays daiing fian Dec. 9h on the splenc.id inanner in which. K. C. Hopkins, where a heartyRE & WHT 1934. Four others, Frances Rey- :ite childien rendered iheir dif - wehcome with a good feed awaiî-RE & WHT U I nolds. Ray Wiggans, John Watcr!feient Parts and made the pro- d then. Afier a business meci- s r r F or( h c a nw Rcre a b e n t a rceu n d 1 00i o g a sen t w i h b i s ui s . R e v .n W . a n u l S d a h o l e ti gP giading ihough the f irai thice Claus, as Young as eveî, was pie- the wonderful unme. illness. Eighty Bibles weîe dis- Parker was chairman. Miss Ediih January 7th, ai 8 pin. in the hall. Ps r l uC hc tiibuted by Supi. J. Wiggans. Sec-, Trull, Orano, and Miss I. Me- Several Christmnas gatherîngs 'lI L box îetaîy Mis. G. Reynolds, and tea- Clean were organists. Piaceeds were held in aur community. 2 7 fchers, Mis. Harold Scaigie and $20. Mis4oee Jfb. etntbn ag baIjs okswraeAgivsn iled r Fol 25eorceshv en isDrenJfeyeteti-5 9 Mis! r dn. il aig fiesbv ecd a number ai girls ta a bîrtb-25 book wer givn inta Uice elected by the Young Peoples day party on Saturday aiternoon. Itlen youngest nembers. Bags o! ýUnion: Hon. Pies.-Rev. W. Par-' M.Gro avei tedn cheer weîe given by the Ladies' ker; President-Fred Sanis; sî i. Gro ave satnig CîonTa e pg 5 il T Ai t ec cil. lo a heVcePs-W.i1ired , 2nd in Toronto.r 9e S.I-Joan Antil 79 (H), Sim 1936."You are cordiahhy wh-Specal iTenhirc r and adeSr' IHida Scorie 67, Wihna Scaigie tf thes evcs !ie East" was very beautî!uîîy 2 bsfo tins for j 65, Ernest Willoughby 63, Violet Mis. .Jcko, Sung by Misses Iva and Florence 2 2 3 C [ 3 Willughb 60.Oshawa, wrltes: I bave been talc- A packedehall gretdte Couch, Johnston & CrydermanW a;ie<~U~W5lThe Statsmanflor nearly 60 scool cIar nTusae- F* .N L E hn o (H), Dora Taylor 60,HaodWl eran1 ae' isdoeengweth nulCrsms F eNLEPoe59 B LMTED kins absent. copy ln all thai time. I just concert wa.s held. A splendid 0 PHONE 14 Bov Jr. I-Audrey Phair 88 (H), thlnk ihat is wonder!ul. You wlll Program, lnchuded numbers by the King Street PHN 0 omanville R4 Wilson 83(H), Bennie liane- !lnd enclosed $2.00 for 1936. Mission Band. Great praise is mLansing and faInily in Tor- o. Mrs. Lansing wlll soon be ýto return home . . . xshal Malcolm, Queen's j. sity, at Mr. Andrew Malcohll . Mrs. R. Dtckey with friends Toronto . . . . Mr. and Mrs. rold Nesbitt at Mr. H. port- t'---.Mr. and Mrs. Herb lor, Mr. and Mrs. S. Trewin 1f amily, Pnn=silllen, at,*Mr. iley Malcolm's . . .. .. Mis. j. ,colm, Miss Eufllce Malcolm hMr. and.Mrs. L. Joblin*.. and Mrs. D. Black and famnily Mr. J. Dickey's . .. Miss Luc- Highland at Mr. A. South- s, Peterboro . . . . Mr. and * M. Mountjoy and Mr. Chas. Gil1 in Betflany . . .. Mr. and i ;Howard McMullen and Miss ion, Lotus, Miss Jean Camp- ýToronto, Mr. John Farrner, tPerry, Mrs. Richard Johns, John Armstrong, wîth Mr. Mrs. Wes. Campbell . .. Mr. Mrs. Wes. Campbell, miss ln and Grant, with Mrs. Jas. van. Lindsay, on Saturday. ersian Balm quickly relieves pping, windburn and ali hiness caused by weather con- ;ns. Keeps the complexion , and lovely. ComPletely ab- ed by gentle rubbing. Neyer es undesirable s tick i n es s. iulates the skin. Makes it ,smooth and flawless. Pre- es and enhances natur ty. Soothes, refreshes aX gorates. Makes hands sof t f lawlessly white. Imparts subtle charm so essential to elegance. just as true 'as tfuth can be, see it every minute- ewon't return what we don't earn, just what we put in it.", IUG STORE 'R FARMERS' .S b. - 20c, 3 lbs. - 50c inseed Meal 2 Ibs. 15c icarbonate of Soda 3 Ibs. 25c ,aw Cod Liver Oil 95c gal. ?sublimed Sulphur 3 lbs. 25c ýond Grade Sulphur 7 Ibs. 25c )n Sulphate 2 lbs. 15c e also have wormji nedies, bl s t ersJ ices for horse, cattle id poultry. lb.-59c, 2lbs.-98c --------95c - 1.50 --------75c - 1.25 Miver 011 ------1.00 hLI ---- - 89c gal. Phm. B. ivTE kend REME olates 2 lb. box 49e -------per tin 12 .r's Candy, lI 5 ----5 bars for i9 Wax, 1's -tin25 per tin I9 -----per lb.25 lba. 27c -per tin 17c large tin 10c -per tin Ilc per pkg. 13c per pkg. 10c per pkg. 13c 1 Oc; 1O's 25c 'ED rots wmanvilleI loes, 12c 15C 19C 25c 19C 25c 25ë-j

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