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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Jan 1936, p. 5

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.4IADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVfl.LE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 2, 1936PAEIE ~- Soial nd Prsonl Golden Wedding IHOLIDAY Socia andPersoalGClebrated Here1 1 -k- - r. nd rs . eo.MeTggaIl VISITORS It's no use ta arrest these nud- Church on Sunday morning. In Ubrt St r eo. Mc aar t., M s J hn H d ih eaie ists you can't pin a thing on the evening a number of young Flfty Yer uffao .Y them., people assisted the choir. Inbrt Stret alr ohn Hyd Y. hrlaie That others hinay take courage Mr. John McGuire was the Mrs. Baiiey, Prince Alb e rt, Let us. think highly. Speak kind- lucky winner of the 100 flb. î>ag of McTAGAT-AVAGF-At the with friends here. ly. Act bravely. sugar given as a special prize for residence of the bride's parents, Mrs. A. L. Orchard, Seagrave, bEr. a.nd Mrs. Wm. Trewin will the lucky customer at Fred W. December 23, 1885, by Rev. J. J. with friends here. celebrate the 63rd anniversary of Nelles' R.ed and White grocery Redditt, Mr. George McTaggart -Mr. F. H. Batty, Port Hope, their marriage on Sunday, Janu- on Christmas Eve. Mrlad is nieSvagewt Mr J. A r.ceinwth is jar bth. Miss Marjorie Pryor, Bruce Myrtle and Mis Miniea Sat Miitssrenahee Miss Ruth James attended the Mines, Ont., in sending her re- Brooklin. IK. Murphy, Port Hope. ~Peunion of Camp Owa.lssa girls at newal writes: I look forward ev- A goodly company numbering 1 *Mr. and Mrs. Percy Cowling th'e, University Women's Club, To- ery week ta the arrival of The about sixty relatives, neighbours with relatives In Peterboro. ronto, Manday evening. Statesman with its articles of in- and friends assembleci at the Mr ,n r.G F asf Mrs. A. H. Shepard, Caesarea, terest and budget of local es home o! Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mc- with reatives Wn ToB. MMr writes: I enjoy reading The Rev. and Mrs. W. A. Bunner, Mto dYwt r ands. W. Boot. MMrr Statesman and then send it on to 1Miss Vivian Bunner, Mrs. Muriel Taggart, Liberty S. nMna xhfred nTrno friends at Long Beach, Calif or- Symons. Paul and Kelvin Symans evening, December 23rd, ta cele- 1Mrs. H. W. Faster with Mr. and nia. attended the golden wedding of brate with them the fiftieth an- Mrs. F. A. Haddy, Toronto. Frxends of Mr. Thos. W. Ross,1 Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Symons, nvrary of their marriage. Mrs. C. J. Smale and family Wh.itby, father of Mr. C. T. Ross'! Welcome, an December 23rd. ' nivers s reet ee h wîth relatives at Coîborne. Bowmanville, will regret ta learn! The engagement 15 announced Aogtaepeetwr h Mrs. W. J. Cully with her ina- that he is quite seriausîy i11 at af Margaret Eff ie Beecroft, dau- famiiy, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Mc- ther. M.rs. E. Crossey, Toronto. his home. ghter of Mr. and Mrs. David Iiee- Taggart and son Bob; Mr. and Mrs. A. E. McCready with Dr. Mrs Ja. Fettwasth winercrot, orata taBuron . Ty-Mrs. John Hord and daughter and Mrs. Jas. Mare, Brooklin. ai the $10.00 dress of fered by The i 0f Toronto. The marriage RtTrna n r atn M.E ikBn !Mn EvIyn Shop as a prize for the 1 will take place quietly in Janu- McTaggart, Mantreal, and a large treal, with friends in Hamilton. lucky coupon during the Christ- ary. number of aid friends frain Tor- Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Senkler mas season. iMr. J. L. Johns, Hampton, Ont., oflto. with relatives at Dunkirk, N.Y. Tell a man there are 267.543,201 :announces the engagement of his Alter ail were assembied ReY. Mr. A. Drumin o! the Bank of stars and he'll prababiy believe youngest daughter, Phoebe Ruth. E. F. Armstrong, their pastar, inl Montreal with relatives in Pres- yau, but if a sign says "Fresh to Mr. William Robert Young. a brief speech called the coin- catt. Paint" he will make a persona] scn of Mrs. Albert Young, Have- pany ta order and with Mrs. Mc- Miss H. G. R.amsay, Bank of îr.wstigation. lock, Ont., the marniage ta take Phail at the piano, ail joinediCommerce, with friends in Belle- 'twIrs. W. B. Pinch. 77-lOth St., place quietly in February. I heartily in community singing. ville. New Toronto, writes: We sureîy Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McRe3ynolds, 1 Short. speeches of congratu- r. Alex Lockhart. Toronto, enjoy having the weekly news of Scugog Street. wili celebrate their latians3 weie madle by Dr. Bruce 1with his brother, Mr. T. H. Lack- the aid town and would not like Golden Weing anmversary at Greer and Messrs Oea. Clark, C. 1hart. ta do without the Statesman. their residence, Scugog St., on Benson. John Vokes, Harold Mc- Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Buttery Many a wife has wandered, af- Manday, January 6th, when they Phail, Walter Bunt, Elmer Me- with her son, Mr. W. Levitt, Tor- ter listening ta her husband ex- will be at home to their friends Taggart. Mrs. S. C. Muihall, Mrs. onto. poud o bnkig ad conmxc. rain ta 3 ta 5 and 7 ta 9 pin. H. McPhail, ail of Toronto; Mr. Mrs. J. T. Fee with her bro- haw anyone couid knaw so much iPi-ize winners in the Rexal W C. Ferguson. Northport; W. ther, Mr. Oea. T. Hancock, Port about money and nat have any Christmas gif t contest at Jury & Dearborn, Oshawa; John McClin- Hope. of It. Loveli's store were - Boys: Ted tock, Part Perry; Barton McTag- Mr. Bob Clarke, Toronto, with A choir of the junior pupîis a! Clark. Junior Neal, Aiden Wheel- gart, Mantreai; Miss E. E. Hay- his parents, Dr. and Mrs. R. the public schooi under direction er, John Coombes, Eric Mclveen, craft and T. H. Lockhart, town, Clarke. of! Mr. F. Sutton led the singîng Harry Hyde, Billy Harnden and the latter concluding with an Mrs. W. H. Spargo with- her and sang severai appropriate Junior Ross; Girls: June Challis. ainusing stunt. Salas were sung 1daughter, Mrs. Fletcher Stapies, numbers in Trinity U n it ed Bannie Hawley, Elinor Crowe, by Rev. Clarence Ferguson, North- Toronto. ____________________Shirley Muttan, Ada Dadson, 1Part; Mr. A. C. Hard and Mrs. Misses Allen, Beech Ave., with Oé6nnie King, Aura Prout, Jean 1McPhaii, Toronto. A Christmas their sister, Mrs. Geo. B. Bail, M Coyie, Yvonne Moore and Jeani story by Nina Moore Jamieson Toronto. Lemon. .was pieasingly toid by Mrs. John Mrs. Emily Curtis with her Fur people were injured in an Darch. Mr. and Mrs. McTaggart daughter, Mrs. Elgin Sparling, Càl acidnt here early on New thanked ail for the kind words Toronto. W h t B ter Year's day when t.he car inwhich of appreciation and by request Mr. Rhys D. Falrbairn, Tr Proof ? and crashed into a tree. The in- Mrs. Hord sang an aid favorite Fairbairm uly Ptroa Proof uredwho wre reoved o Bow "BeatL4UIIsle o! Somewheré". Mr JakClePtbo, manville Hospital, weeBorden Mrs. McPhail again led the Com ýt i aetM.adMs What better proof Of Middleston, o! Ciaremont, drit'er pany in singing aid favorite so'xn wt hW. parlent.Mr dMs o! the car, Bert Loverldge. Osh- which everyone enjayed. Social Rev. and Mrs. C. R. Spencer the quality of awa, Miss H. Hargali, Whitby. chat and reminiscences occupied spent Baxing Day with f riends at and Miss June Goddard, Ciare- the turne until lunch was served. Shanty Ray. mont. Mr. Loveridge was per- A prettily decorated wedding cake Mrs. H. H. Dilling and Miss Bowman ville mitted ta return ta his home a! - centred the dining room table Lena Difling spent the weekend a. ~ ter treatinent. Chie! o! Police which the bride cut and ail par- at Brantfaord. LJa1TV jSydney Venton investigated. ticipated in the good things so Mrs. A. D. Carscallen, Wni Keep your stock free frain abundantly served. 1peg, Man., with her sister-in-iaw,%. blemish with Douglas' Egyptian The house was tastefuily de- Mr. W. F. Dale. ProductsLiniment. Remaves inflamma- corated with yellow streamersi Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Johinstan, tion, quickly relieves br ui s es, and white wedding belis, plants Mr. Bert and Miss Eleanar, with than the tact that we had a sprains. strains, sweilings, con- and cut fiowers which gave the friends in Part Hope. greater number of customners traction o! cords, stiffness of whale a festive appearance. Na Mrs. C. H. Rawan, Vivian afid at thse end of 1935 than we joints, and sare muscles, formai address or presentatian Howard. Bethany, with her par- bail at thse beginning. _________ was made but the bride and groom ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Werry. Bow.anill Noinaion received many lavely gifts froin Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Lankin and Thse confidence thus ex-~ B ifaveNontos Ithi numerous friends. sons Harvey and Mervin, Toranto, presed y te pblicWII I or ayorW. oasStrkr. and Mrs. McTaggart lived with Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Davidge. Irse MytepulertiFrMao-.eo-s tie etihe basis of our ser- For Reeve-R. O. Jones, W. F. at Mytebefore m&~ing ta Tor- Miss Lamna Saunders. Toronto, during 1936. 1Ward. onta. and were very active work- is visiting her grandinother, Mrs. 1 'For Deputy Reeve--G. A. Ed- ers in choir and in Toronto Geo. H. Bickell, and other rela- modson, ideyLitl. churches and the presence 01 tives. niondstonH Sine Litle oer thirty f rom that city spoke Mr. John Neai o! C hoa For Couniliors-Arthur Hl:the appeito o! their assac- School, Waliingford, Cann. with Bowmanville Sidney Little, W. F. Ward, L. C.aeprcitn- Nal Mason, W. A. Shane. C. G. Mor- haes is parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. A Dary ris, B. B. Furber. el W. B. Bettles, Prop. For School Trustees--Dr. C. W. AMUSING CONTEST FEATURE Rev. Can e M rs n W.C. rtson Siemon, Arley W. Northcutt. W. 0F TRINITY MISSION BANDS' part, Clarence Fseru, orth-.W PHONE 446 OR 703 F. Ward. R. E. Logan, Rev. Gea. Mason, John Hately, Rev. John CHRISTMAS ENXTERTAIN1MNT 1 Pickard. ______le uner Mr. and Mrs. Win. MaYnard Bomavll UtIfite Commissianer - Thos. The Sparling and Alice Jack- and Miss Arletta, with their H. Knight. son Mission Bands gave their an- daughter, Mrs. Ed. Rhines, Long _____________________________________________nual concert in Trinity United Branch. Church schaal roam on Thursday Mm. P. C. Trebilcock and Miss evening, December l9th, when aMagrtTeiccwt hr good audience assembled to hea'r daughter, Mrs. H. F. utc'hison, iWf 11 1 I *a fine program presented by the TortohnadCese.uy ~~, u1g ~ rU ~ U1 "~ littie friends o! Mother Goose MeM.onn hster Jurrstyailo, E.E9WimJd P t .I.c eA and Sauta Claus. Mms. S. R . Mcase Unrriy aitn I~IJames, musical director, intra- with their grand!ather, Mr. J. H. r' oduced the play, announcing t.hat H. Jury. F or 1936 an aruetwso odsoe r n r.B .Iga Mrnty's Tooth Paste 19c wa carried otahe G~eorgn Mr Duga Amsrng Tr FORERL 2c PR TBEGibson 'Cyntil" opened the "Mo- onto, with his parents, Rev. and _______25_PERUBE____GooeBokf_______an Mrs. E. F. Armnstrong, atTrinity ______________- NEW PRICES the f ollowing presented a pro- Parsanage. 1 gramn: Jack and Jili. Margaret Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Standen, SAL MENTHOLATUM, srni. - 27c oeadGog oet;Lti who have been holidaying in Bar- LAAIEMENTHOLATUM, Ige. -54c Boy Blue, Irwin Brown; The Man rie, with her mather, Mrs W. C. Hepatica MENTHOLATIJM in the Moon, Ray Richards; Aur- Washington. S ~~SHAVING CREAM --23e raBraiEenrJnsn; Mrs. <Dr.) Ireland. Toronto." N. . Arelabbe __________________ Little Bo Peep, Doris Aidread; (ne, Muriel Dech. R.N.), has A reiabl Old woman who lived in a shoe, been visiting her uncles, Fred and system Bromo Seltzer Helen Hooper, and her two chid- HryGig S~ C.Gj~ cleanser i c-2c-4cren, Rex and Betty Grant; Tom HryGig N. 'thePiprs on, aulSymns. Rev. C. C. Washington, Mrs. Wavhlngton, Misses Joyce and Eno's Fruit Salt Santa Claus. Oea. Morris, with Anna. Toronto. with his mother, '&. ~ 29c - 57c b0 7 9 is messenger Neba, Gea. Under- M .C ahntn 20cS - 7 9 r.W.C ahntn hill, presented: Mrs. Santa Claus, Dr. and Mrs. P. E. Ireland. *1.09Eunice Jackman; Polar Bear, Tc'rnt, aind Mr. and Mrs- rn men usall reov Misses Marion Beilman, Ruth Sybilla corn. Poiierelitf 21 Purdy and Martha Searies, are 8 their work In preparlng and iead- jSjajIeJs or inoney refunded. deserving o! much pralse for Simple and Sure.-Dr. T.homas' S. J. Jackmnan plication that a child can under- stad he nsrutios.Use a a& SJons PRESCRIPTONS A SPECIALTY Eclectric 011 Is so simple In ap- stband hen ntuctosed as desn rub andy he dietias are sn Bowmanville's A L.R!A N e I IE O liniment the oniy direction is to are readily understaod, by young A or aid. *Grlgg, Oshawa, spent Christmnas WHITE GIIT SERVICE ipresented a country dance whlch in the town. We believe we have with Mrs. R. H. Westaway. AT TRINITY CHURCHIwas exceptionally well done. 1acmlse hsed n i Mrs. J. Adamn, Great Barrlng- _____ I Peraps tie titblea!,thapro-n tan, Mass., Mrs. Norman Hamley (Held aver froin last week) grams was the "St. Paul's Amateur arefrsi hssiedrcin and Jean, Peterbora, wlth their iHaur" canducted by "Major" 1936 eoint amcarr ciorna. mother, Mms. P. C. Trebilcock. Although f rigid weather pre- Geci. W. Grahamn at the micro- Close attention wlU alsa be paid Mr. Mort Murdof!, manager o vailed luBwmanville on Sunday, IPhone and f eaturing the follow- to your interests as5 they are af - theDoinin torsPeterbora ec 2natedac a i ng amateur numbers: violin solo, fected in the counties counicil. Mrs. Murdof! and Miss Barea, church services was particual Stewart Kerr; chorus, -Good Ship Wishing you a Happy and Pros- wlth his sister, Mms. Frank Wii- good. InterestngChisma ser-IpLoil o" eAain Snapru e er lims icsweehedinal oalcur- 1 Claus" by five Junior boys; clar- R. 0. Jones,- Mr. J. J. Mason, Mr. and Mrs. ches and the singing o! Christ- mnet sala, Franks Tuerk; chorus, Sf C. H. Masan, Miss Helen and Mr. mas carals by both chairs and"A yinaM agr;utrsl, Donld aso, N. S.B. congregations was a feature a!f Biily Stevens; recitatian. Ray James, Mr. and Mrs. S. R. James, the services. IAenty rcttoC yi with Mr. and Mrs. J. B. E. Stap- A White Gift service by the Coambes; and frequent appear- les, Tarante. Sunday School was held Sunday ances by "Lightning" played by Mr. and Mrs. Fred Foster and inarning in Trinity United Chur- Ralpis Douglas. Wilfrid Carruth- e famiiy, Miilbrook, Mr. and Mrs. ch, and was as usual very im crsJin Abernethy, Ralph DouglasSk tu f H. M. Poster and Helen, Camp- pressive. Pastar Armnstrang can- and George GrahanVs classes k t n bellcraf t, Mr. and Mrs. Gray ducted the service, and the chair jaînied in presenting this pragraxn. Rn Garden Hill, with Mr. and Mms' under direction o! Mr. F. Sutton "Aunt Louise's List", a skit by H. B. Poster.' rendered specially good Christmas1 isHthno' ls n i Mrs Thas. Osborne, Mr. and music. Miss Margaret AllUn sang rected by Mrs. C. H. Dudley; a B AN D Mms. Cephas Osborne, Bobby and a solo, and Mms. R. Thornpsan rageant "Shepherds, Wisemen and at Rinis Tuesday, Tisursdaly, Margaret, Whitby, Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. G. E. Pritchard took the Angels" by Mrs. Fisher'scls, Suda Eeng, u Sidney Hockaday and Ernest, solos in the antheins. A chorus cas audyEeig n 'Misses Lizzie and Rilda, Sauina wssn ymmbr !Pinr and the Y. P. G. and the SundayStudyMruo. was urigby embes o PriariSehoal orchestra in "Santa Claus Stra fenos with Mr. and Mms. John Challis. No. 1, whlle Primary No. 2 recit- Crngta on"rud utdit 25 Dr.Mael ra, D. aulRa- e verses a! scripture and sang a a very fine pragrain. To bring inawitz, Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. suitable number. Mr. Fred Woods the evening ta an appropriateChlen1c George Lambert, Mr. and Mms. rendered a violin solo. T W oseSat Cas rrvd edi-I _______ 15c_______ Charles Smythe, Dr. Doris Fos- young ladies. Ruth cnelnotrstte ntCs ad ti hd to i ______________ ter, Toronto, with Mr. and Mms. Thelma Schlievert. dressed in each child a generaus bag o! can- F. A. Poster, Narwood Place. white gowvns. received the whitedisadnorne Mr. and Mrs. George Gibbs, Mr. gifts of the school which weredisadnorge and Mrs. William Gibbs and farn- used the next day by a commit- -___________ iiy, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. tee ta, bring cheer ta those who Gibbs and family, Tyrone, and needed it. Paster Armnstrong tald CARD 0F THANKS 1 T Dir. and Mrs, H. Perfect and several Christmnas legends that -- s oa ku DcCobourg, with Mr. and Mrs. added ta the spirit of the Christ- Ta the Electos,-T a k o B. H. Mortlock. mas service. Mr. nd rs. ougas Lck-May I take this apportunity o! Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Lack- ~expressîng my appreciation a! the Weaerodthvewrd hart and Nancy, Tarante, Mr. "STAR 0F BETHLEHEM" honor accarded me inhavecting m and Mrs. J. D. Oliver and Peggy, hoo coddm neetn e up lu only one year a large Shanty Bay, Mr. and Mrs. John PAGEANT PRESENTED by' acclamation for a second year voume of watcis r epair in g Elli. ad M. Slby penerTo-AT TRINITY BY Y.P.U. on the Town Council. During the Eunt,an Mr. T eo b Spencer, Tam- <past year 1 have conscientiously work. During that tliernany Brn,aMr isomspner, a mpckn The pag lant "Star a! Bethle-1 tried te wark in the interests o! uew customers have corne on Born, N, aand M iss N r acin- hem" in five acts, was presented1 the whale coîinunity, aud ln the tise recommeudation of fisose Ivi. C. R. Spencer at The Rect- in Trinlty United Church by the present year I shall continue to who have trled Our repair ser- ory. Young People's Union members serve tei the best a!frMy ability. or. n Sunday evening, Dec. 22nd, te, Arthur Hait, vie LIO S ROaE very appreciative a u d i e n c e. Caunicillor. If~ you have not l^vestigated LIONSDROP ED Tis i the second turne these young people have presented a To the Electors,- FIRST GAME TO sacred pageant and bath have May I express at this turne ry Marr's Expert Watch OSHAWA BEES benhghysoeno n re- thanks ta the citizens o! 30w- n e er (Cantinued froin page 1) 1part. Sunday evening the young as Deputy Reeve for another people taok their parts except- termi. The interests a! the tawn have a couple a! games under ianally well. bath in this municipellty and in, Repair Service terbeit, the roan ai the Lions The caste inciuded: Belshazzar counities cauncil will continue ta will not be the timid yeip of Wed- -Mervîn Oke; Omar-Frank Mc- receive rny closest attention and do it now. nesday. Mullen: His wl!e-Marion Glan- best efforts in the year ahead. 1I Unable to cope with the Han- ville: The Wise Men-O a s pa r, take this appartunity. o! wlshing Tou wiil be dellghted wtth thse cocis handsornes in any phase o! Wilf!rid Hamley, Neichian, B. Mut- one and ail a Happy and, Prosper- work, and well satilled wth the gaine the Lions kept plugging ton, Hemar. Narman Friedlil:Da- ous New Year.th esab pi. away and mnanaged ta stage sev- vid. a Jewish slave-H ow a rd G. A. Edinondstone, h esubepie eral pramising rallies, but weaic Wight, Ashtar-Dorothy Nichais; DuyRee shooting rnullified their every e!- Street Vendon-Vera Power: Beg-1 euyRe. fart. gar-Hanold Calmer; Amrah. a Ta the Ratepayers,-1 JAM ES M ARR Barnes got the finst goal at thse Hebrew prophetezs- D o e o t h y I appreciate the opportunity .celu seven minute mark a! ter a pass- H oa r: Arabs-Harry .TRckm'un. again pnesented ta me a! being Jwle inig play with Shortt and Mc- Clare Allin; Mother-Mrs. S. R. your Reeve for 1936. The past Poe46 Cullaugh. The other goal o! the James. Saloistc wipre Mr. M. S. year has seen your counicil work Phne4 periad came five minutes later Dale and Miss Greta Pollard who hard and harrnoniously ta bring when Haines banged in Lang- sang verv suitable numbers be- about a better financial condition tan's rebound. tween acts. while Mr. F. Sutten ________________________________ Opening the second period with accompDanied with Christmnas mu- a rush, Sanders pushed home an sic during the presentation o! the unassisted tally and at the 6.04 pageant. Rev. E. F. Armstrong. mark he Passed te Shortt for the the pastor. conducted the open- fourth couniter. McTavish slapp- ing o! the service and int.roduced ed in a pass frain Barnes for the the pageant which was directed A H a p N e art A l fi! th goal just as third session by Miss Marion Wagar. B.A., and gat under way and after McCul- who deservc's much credit for hierAdtaorusmesw taeths potutya lough had converted Bryson's capable work. Adt u utmr etk hsopruiyo playi Makafraciihuk terininated thanking rau for your patronage given us lu tise hescoring with four minutes te ; ear now closed and trust tisat we may continue to, a. McTavish getting the assist. AMATEUR PROGRAM ejy~u ofdne At one turne during the final ONE 0F FEATURES period, Forster caine right out ta .he blue line ta clear. An offside A U EC N E TI '~ I ~ i1 gave hum pienty o! time ta get HENRY LATHROPEJF back ta his hempen home. <Continued froin page 1) lane Up Bowrnanville: goal- Harrison' plause by the audience. and Alex defense-Hunt and Roach; centre McGregor's class, bnought comedy AM L berta Coal Semet -Raby; wings-Hailman and Mc- ta the pragrain with a Darky ME Knight; Subs--Cameron, Wood- Sketch.an ovyCk waxd, Rehder and Depew. Jean Pattinson contributed "Si-anSovyCk Oshawa: goal-Fomster; de -lent Night" as a- vocal solo and !ense-McCullough and McTav- Mms. McGregar's casas provided a Phone 520J or 520W Bowmanville lsh; centre-Sandens; wigs- chorus "0 Little Town a! Beth- Barnes and Shortt; subs-LaiIg- lehem". Mary Irwin. Aileen Ruit- ten, Brysan, Haines and Makara- er, Mary Lemon and Elva Potter chuk. Refere-Stan Crossett, Part _______________________________________ Hope. Ili I HAYDON Christinas Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. J. Bradley, Enni- skiilen, Miss Jean MeLean, Tor- onto, at Mr. E. Bradley's. Misses Eleanor Savelle, Ursul McNeii, Mr. James Grant, Toron- ta, at Mr. A. McNeil's. Mr. Louis Ashton, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Read and Clay- tan, ,Blacksteck, at Mr. H. Ash- tons. Mr. and Mrs. Alyrner Beech and f amily, Mr. Jack Hendershot, Mr. Gardon Beech, Enniskillen, Rev. and Mrs. Engene Beech and babe, Newtonville, at Mr. A. Beech's. Mr. Delbert. Martin, Oshawa, Miss Giacli Maein, Harmitn, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Richards and family, Salemn, at Mr. Wrn. Mar- tin's. Mr. and Mms. F. Cowling and Fred, Purpie Hill, at Mr. R. Mc- Nell's. Mr. J. Wright in Toronto. Mr. Roy Thozupsan, Bowman- ville, Messrs Lloyd and Roland Thompson, Cadmus, at Mr. W. Thornpson's. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Trewin, Misses Verna, Anne and Grace Trewin, Mr. Arthur Trewin at- tended a presentatian at Mn. Wm. Smlth's, Whitby. Mrs. E. Bradley at Mr. Fred Ashton's, Toronto. Miss Anale Mountjoy at Mn. Cephas Mountjay's, Islington. Mr. and Mrs. Theran MauntjaY at Mn. R. Gilbert's, Enniskillen, and Mn. Wm. Chahls, Bownian- ville, Mn. Milan Siemon, Lloyd and Gardon, Mms. R. Sieman at Mn. R. Gilbent's, Ennlskillen. Miss Inene Sharpe, Ennisisillen, Miss Unsul McNeil at Mns. E. Mauntjay's. M.and Mrs. J. Grahamu aud Kenneth, Mn. and Mms. Norman Hall, Oshawa, at Mr. D. Gra- ham's. The Christmas concert was well attendcd when a splendid pro- grain was given by thse children assisted by the orchestra. Mucis credit la due Miss Marlon Or- chard, Mr. M. Hobbs and Miss F'rcda Bradlcy and piaulat Miss Grace Tncwin. At thse close o! thse prograin Santa Claus distri- buted a large number o! gi!ts f rom thse decorated trecs. J'WALKER STORES, Limited Alter Christmas Sale ENTIRE STOCK WOMEN'S FUR TRIMMED Wool Jersey DRESSES 79c CildvIen's WooI Jersey Dresses, regular $2.95 sud $3.95. They have malimeth isles that eau be e"aly repaired for scisool wear. Sîzes 5 to 14. Special ---------------- 79c Regular $12,95 Regular $15.50 Regular $22.50 ------------------- Now $ 7.95 to $17.50 ----------Now $ 9.95 to $29.50 ----------Now $16.95 New Prints A brand new assortment of tisis season's brlghtest printa. See our seleetion. 1 9c.25ca29c AIl Sunat and Tubfast. 36" PRINTS c "special group of tubfast Prints, all 36 incises1 wide. Bright floral and ouventlonai designs. Silk Dresses 1 Rack OnIy- Regular $2.98 Special - $1079 w .. - -. -&- comm-- PAGE ME 1 -,È

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