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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Jan 1936, p. 6

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PAGE SIX THE CANADIAIN STATESMAN, BOWTMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 2. 1936 hamiet about 10 miles away, to of the present three. The De-1 tions until the last. He a 1 s o Mrs. Mason who piayed the piano SCHOOL'S CL'OSING garetSdesnbsgetbr get the 7.30 train for Toronto the partment of Municipal Aff airs bas Ifound time to take an active in- accompanhments for the sweetly CHRISTMAS EXERCIISES born tLnsy o h ue *<ifollowing morning. He slept in a offered ta CO-operate with thelterest in local affairs and was al- td Y U O L an M I Ecrude hotel or roommng bouse. In council in the preparation of a 1 ways ready with bis belp and as3- rendered carols and the vocal Vide festivChrtseas and Miss No BY JOHN C. KIRKWOOJ> the morning bie heard the train new budget system for the town. sistance. In politlcs hie gave an soos. Tereer brsta poras F rhr ftepbi c (Copyrlgnt) whistling as it appraacbed the The Mayor alsa camplimentecl the unflagging ailegiance ta tbe Con- The numbers which f ollowed,j and exchanging of gifts in the aPr er station. Up hie juniped, and pull- Sehool Boards on tbeir efficiency servative party. He was a mein- with the exception of two, were , several departments o! the public ------ed on trousers, socks and boots durîng the year. ber of the United Churcb. Sur- by indiviclual pupils, some very and bigh schools on clasing day, SAlNACLU COEToow About tbree years aga I macle a character develapment. and bis fur cap. He picked up As President of the Eastern On- viving are bis wife, Sarab Wilsan, albtytapaiga usDec. 2th Refreshments were th cuitneo ot he is hsyuharvdhis dunnage bag, and ran for the tario Municipal Electria Assoc- and seven cbiidren, ail living in mi btýtapern a uspassed and pupils and teachers Trui abspoieadpat the cquantane o!a yatb hen irattbisyout arrvedstation, trying the wbile to stuff iation, Mr. Strike stated that tbe district: Harry and Lorne of of promise, and included: Read- ail given a good time tbrougb in icesa!ptyerSnaCus about 18 years of age. He was a at the praperty wbere a god- bis shirt under bis trousers. He there was a grawing feeling that Cbinguacousy, Leonard of Bow- ing by Ruby Gibson; solos by Al- terested co-operation. In trie. junior in a printing office. Hav- mine is being developed, hie and got on the train while it was tbe municipalities must have more manville, Wallace, Mrs. Jamn-, ma Gibson. Margaret Mason (un- bigh school there was a large Jollyan bevoncmet ing heard tbe fearful and dis- about ten others had a large tent moving, and foud hlmself, not contrai o! the Provincial Hydra Ewart, Mrs. Cragg Wakeiy and accampanieci>,JaqeieS th auflydcotdtrldnNw gustlng prafanity of a number af as their dwelling bouse, andi tbis too decorousiy clad, in a coach System. He did noV believe that Mrs. Wardllow Norris, ail of A -Jcqei r ith auifully deco reree , De ecasnMna'atron Young Printers-who seemed to 'tent remained their borne even with a dozen persons in it-not il should be handied b>' any one bion; aiso two brothers, William Ruby Gibson; recitations by Rutb h gf. hc rheMriDc 3d n saltecl tbink that 1V was mani>' a use'after snow bad came. Now, bow- al O! them men. He provided political party, but by the munici- o! Toronto, and Andrew o! Pene- Gibson, Jackie Gibson, John Gib- To R tonassiyt WriSa t andus ae, cm oteCnt oats aplety henthe spke-ever, a log cabin bas been buit them with somne amusement-e!- palities who awned the system. tanguishene, and Mrs. Macvelle son.,im Gibscn, Leslie 3ibson, in delivering to the happy recip- Hall t re ib aef1 1 counselled this youtb, urging 1 and is being occupied. It is beat- fartlessly. In bis travels in Eastern Ontario, a! Saskatchewan, and thi r t ee i ElroY Gibson, Gardon Connor, ients. ends !aladtrae aht hlm Vo avoid a kind af language, ed with a Quebec stove and is J C K hie f aund that thie Bowmanville grandchil&ren. The funeral ser- Dennis Gibson, Murray Butler, Evelyn Allun, President of the a big a a otiiga r whose use oniy coarsens one, and ligbted wîth coaloil lamps. The Tom is 21. The next youngest sYstemn was administered second vice, which was very iargely rdL- Bal!faur LeGresley, Jack Perrin,. Literary Society, presided during angeutancnie.H ad degrades hlmi and bolds him back men rise at 6 o'clock, and go La in the camp is 35. So Tom is ta none.1 tended. was conducted at the Betty Gray, Samn Brereto n. June1e rendering a! the following the lttetfl eepriual rather than advances him. Alsa, work at 7, ceasing work at 5. looked upon as a kid-a butt for O! the Water S>stern the MayorlUnited Church on Wednesda b ra Douglas Gray anld Charles program: Reading by Bessie Law; attrace aoe nte n I urged this youth ta maire use Ater supper, they go o their .iokes. But bie submits with smiles. pointed out that the system was ithie pastor, Rev. G. W. W. Rvei Lake. brightest star of thie con- jokes by Gardon Cotter; reading Ihey hnamrytm oehr o! hls evenlngs Vo attend a nigbt bunks about 8 'clock, and im- "You've goVta take it," lbe sai'd, now metered ta the extent that assisted by R.ev. George Purchase steilation, who ta please the aud- Of "The Buzzer,'" very entertain- Consal onGard .F school and Vo improve bimiself by mediately go m tb te land of meaning noV only jakes, but als the town was able Va contralitis 0f Streetsville and Rev. A. F. lence and Santa, gave bis reci- ing and amusing, by Jas. P. Love- Ricka~,MPadJ .W hl other eniployments of enlarging nod. Ail are too weary ta want every ather sort of experience. supply. The profit for 1935. inington o! Caledon East. In- I tation hetis:ardn-b cha'at5r.IaamglaLLothreee times;up t aereardinygamby 1 -Kin; solo by Mr. Ward, accoinp- assist at ntedsrbto charcte. I rn lad a b abl lastayup a red o pla gaes. A mans axe is ta him the equal $1600, after h>'drant rentais had , erment toak place at Laurel HilI1 Farncomb LeGre:ley; piano sala's anied by Reita Cooke; piano solo 1o!fbs h rsmswet.na- ta say that tbis yauth bas been They are a roistering lot-these a! bis wif e-sa Tam, bachelor, been reduced. A more substantiai Cemetery.-Boiton Enterprise. Ib'DrMatna iolin solo by by Mary Painter; chorus. "Santai ticipato !bscmn atw usig he as theeyeas eryme-soe ramScndia i nsays. Indeed, according ta Tam. reduction in these rentais wasl Bill Gibson, with piano accomp-iClaus is comme ta town" by thelithe cide !ti ulcaho profitabi>' Vo himiself - not in alcountries, and most o! them are a mans axe takes precedence 0v- ýpredicted by the Mayor in 1936. Win. Cookman, Bisbee, N. D. animent by bis sister Mary; aJ girls; speeches by Principal Ward 'in chag !PicplTo.A mone>' sense, but for self-culture ready ta drink bard liquor when- er bis wif e - if he is a woods- Reifcss h Myradd rup sang. "Robin" by fiv e girls, ian MisSdeo. frh-R i and character-making. Me did Ie\'er they can get it. They are man or miner. Once Tom used were now down ta a minimum. Death again laid a beavyhn aeadCaro G yVamntcnstdofadcokasr noV stay long in the printing bus- ail practical jokers - and their the axe belonging ta one af the There were Vwo classes on relief, on Ibis community when William CuterDoadMria nd Z.tub' ies and cups of ice cream as a' and .deMis aandrcto mness, leaving it to take up the 'jokes are usually rougb. Thus, men-without' permission. B e- the unemplayables and the sea- Cookman, pioncer er ibsn ndînll hree act p eial dset agfu hita aas a> wen t a inng roeran be ws tyig t tke bth heaue heanTmstran not irn c osal a! relye In$10924a! hch NothiDPrincipal E. M. H. Ward and adulis eepeetaenyte J ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~1lu e at bis home on Friday, Dec. .aenary s gra'.p-E iiS o a sao nTrnt:Ms a-weicom aSna cam a ellr 0 mnin stcks Jnigt bfoî hele t or orotofrozen spruce which he was cut- the tuwn actually paid $3,651. in 1âth, f rom angina pectarns. He J eî. mther:RbyGbo.spe-__ _________________in__Toronto;_____Miss___Mar-_ About three months age hie went î'-bis first adventure oif this sort ting do-wýn. and la! a piece as big 1935 the total casîs were $6,415 1 eeeîlgfor Iwdas mt, er RubyGiira, nuse- asa al! ollar broke fî'am the ef which the tawn paid $2.138, or but on Thursday niglit became Jouin mb laGbo._______________________ first-hand expeiience in the en- beated a pail o! water, but ie blade. Tom canfessed bis guiil axer $1500 a! a saving. He com- seriausly iii and passec. away early; C3rilMed s:Te ron- tepis f od-iin.Her- o ol hl o t.fr ah ther i'and sin, and the injured mn1Pliment Chie! Ventan and Mi5s 'îamonnIrs . Masan.heMr n turned Vo Toronto on the eve o!fr al! was used by-sone one o! bis 1said. "oyu nw w e dew Graham frterfine wr nkrdymrigB1Nr.F .Msn r2'eto ie- t C erris em s o g ol d tinin g. H e re- g a on b a !f!o l. fe t e D e ye k ewsb î a 1e heirw ar on W îîa m C o eim an w a s o n e Of ' M ab el G ray . S am BBro L i n ' *I n ~ C tmas o s ih spe l, nd!theCb's- co pnioth form a cs- w h ing. toa aman w ba uses an ther ma n s relief activities. the utstanding ar mners i the el R gersn. Douzlas VW ai-in, er'L O C1I mahalidsinlTron is pae ole, dJWb1te a wo eaxe?" Tm didn't know. but he' The Mayr alse brie ly tuched r l alTn-adfnse icmmunity. He built up the large cildren, who were il adehap ing 'BJIci e .w h al e i T o lo b m e l s e e s ha1ablut o m h an d i i e d i s ii y e a r pHuf e i f a m t e o h e M G l B i d n , t W s f a r m f iv e m ile s e a s t o ! B s b e e , 1 p i_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ me.Wba hetod m cfbi exabltinsant whlehe as tii iatepusuer e! him. but was ington, D. C., wbicb was now of- N. Dakot.a, in the past third o! a! Sanla Claus~. ovial andi ruddy. J periences in the Sturgean River 1stark naketi. he was pcedu b pe-dJly - caught. placeti ever a ifered for sale at $125.000. cnuy ewobr ni.ubmarvdwt i ako i ak okn akoe'o. 'crsfu h coutrymaymae astey hi nd'smea! ie imaea!tho cabin. loganti received a painful spank- The Textiles situation, which Cut, nai,1ac 1,16. xeted bearty creetintrs to ah, wI shahtry Vo mreaturbsaled ren b sew ank hvr nd g.ony naiMac 3 87 x wil eterai myredes; ndso' cariti uta! eas nti 'the Mayor termeti as the -current I1,Marcb 1893 be came ta Min- 1 kisseti som. shok hnns niote Iaab yea IJCK L o eatr i al:trw noasobn.Sivr edce a asngtecu-rst hr i ivdtndsm.sokh d i irig.lbe sought entrance at one Br* . heis C un Km eila tcfe'w cau ingIe counp esoawer elveiVnyears. others. andi superintentiet the t e patronage accoî-ded us fo whc ta indit arrd;butbe ecase e s yungTamiscila lt o \vrr bu hebaption May 6tii, 1896, lhe was mar-i distribution e! gifts fremi the Thi yutb rthe aiglt nddoor, t in tharugh anthler matie the messenger ta the ham- that Ibis maller would eventuali>' nec te Miss Estella Tînk af WY-j brightiy decerateti tree and from we are extremely gratefu. Having Thi yoth raherslghtan' got admission hog ante let 10 miles away - fer supplies straigbîen ilsel! out, alhough he ka f, Mînn. In Marcb 190.3 the bis bag. delicate looking when hie went door. Tom says Ibat he quile ard the mail. He goes on snow- added, "ît's a wise reaster Ihat f amil>' came here where tbey Rev. Mason aise presented Sun-* thî-ough contacts, now becm ul c northasganedbas gainehe xtcte t 12e Iba. cld insloIbetthiexasoecteds e-acte othaveutilats severee in qraIdd it ah ne- pattremnh.Hs 1c er this experience, but the cold sboes ti e as e. Orngis an atcewuli lsnrn a e nelived. Mr. anti Mrs. day schoal prizes ta the fJolow- muscles and thigh and arni înus- dtidn't cerne. tuiTi np be my behcrrpingnntinor pastthre mnth. Hs ock is back a loati weighing 50 or , The Mayor expressed hlmselfakmnweeIe0aense ing plipils, Ethel Spencer, a.p uitwt the needs of the men o as wll stîsfed wtb te Va ne-thirteen children, a! wflom eleven Levekin anti Audirey' Brownfrth;omn twe ae kepn.u de aelkeiebe aVns-J C K more pauntis. Loatis are sus- swl aife ihetxn- are living, Mrs. Caroline Ficharci attendaneadpaiiny i Ingly developeti. Anti one can see That night Tom went Vo a 'pendeti from a lump uine or bandi aiations wiVb the Goody'ear. He Mylo, Mrs. Alvîna Rix a! Fergus bomewonk: Tom Brereton for aI-' stock such as will always ew atBw --______________ -a leather strap about twe inch- believeti that the bealtb record Falls, Minn., Mrs. Estella Roberts tendance anti memrne> wonk: Ar- _______________________________________ ese wide. This strap crosses tbe o! the own was among the best o! iantiolph, Neb., George, Ruth, chie Martin. Bihl Gibson. Roger m,-inville men really want forehead. Tbe beati is bonI anti in Ontario, and lie believed that Hosea, William, Walter, David, Meatiows anti Reggle Meatiows the Joadi rests on the back. Tom Miss E. R. Graham, the HealVh jessie, and Ma..el at home. He for altendance; Dora Martin anti If you have îîot yet trie( a' lte ' saidt Iat in the camp is a man Nurse, was a real asset ta the is aiso sur*vîveci o>' one brother, Mary Gibson, lat prizes for gen- hpdos in13.W E A ~~Ï CLOOD I1I~~~A LTH ageti 65 years wha bas carried tOwn'. Hosea, o! Fý!rgus Falls, M.lnn.; eral proficiency, anti Vera CuVier op dosin1 6. egur teyo JAY G O D H A T 700 lbs. on bis back wth a tump Af er paylng tribute Vo the one sister, J'sne Cookxnan, anti and Mabel Gray. 2nd prizes for asgod and better valuethn nysoe 1 lne! own o!fficiais for their co-aoper- one bial! -brother, Richard Griffin, same. John VanDuse n , as goe 1Fer the most part the way toataion tbe Mayor pali tribute also BurkeVon; anti three sisters, Mrs. recipient o! a speciai award e! here or elsewhere. F or the W1hole Family and from the harnetis over ta the sacrifice that had been Burgmaster, Ennisicillen, M rs. apprecation, a leatber bound bi-Ma wetk thsopruiy f NO. 1 THE CHILDREN fromithe bigh landi, is rnuskeg, stenographer on bebal! o! the Canada.te ance aI Sunda>' schooci r wishingyua Tmsy.Msesare treach- tawn. F'uneral was helti fram th and scout meetings. Charles Lake gy erous anti a misstep means that In conclusion Mr. Sîrike e3t-lPresb>'îerian Church witb R.ev. T. was the first prîze ebocutionist or H PY AT' 'TTI~T¶~TT ~TI1 one s heg or legs sink down into pressedt appreciation o! the ges- A. Anderson o! Rolla offciating. the evening. anti Margaret Mason 1 HAPPY NDI Ff'JODFERO~U 'IlV an ooze 3 feet or more. How ta ure o! confidence cantainerd in Aquarteî canisisting e! Mesdames the final prize solaist. Rev. Mas- Ja In on your back, is a problem wbich _____... nies anti Messrs. Holmes anti warm tribule te the weork o! Miss lI £ *IWE I< is solvet b>' the methoti known asr Maier furnishedtihIe music. A B. Moîntoali. Supeintentient; the àlAac's C th tial-anti-error. Tom says thati OBITUARY 1 large number aof fiencis came te severai teachers anti officers. antidI~1 therre were timers wben bier amoat biti their hast farewell Vo a pion- Mr. H. Brererton fer bis services Cowan BlockBo m n le tiespaired. Then ber remembereti' eer neigbbor.-The Bisbee Gaz- in enecting anti tecorating theJ that in Ibis norlhern country no John Broad, Detroit, Mich. ette. tree. _______________________________ man asks heip o! anoîher, but- ___ salves bis own problerms andi dif- There passeti away IDVat ficulties; sa Tom shuts bis teelli Micb.. on Decemben 2lst, 1935, R.ev. H. B. Kenny, Consecon wben misfarluner overtakes him, JonBot gt 3 ersna vany fnientis thraughouî the anti canquens. o! course. But be i the hale William anti Ann Broatia oIunt isrc rge IlLnwe say CIen Rae Is the pu'ýest milk that atimits Ihat there bave been jo! Haytion. Ontario. 1 Bapy o!hQuie itricfthegretH.P ever gurgled out of a baby's bottie, we mean that limes whlen a hearty swear word Deceaseti lived aI home untll B.ee>' th deraîb e e Rv.H.s your chldren will neyer have purer rniIk than bas heiperti im out o! a bole. a Young man wben lie wenlta .Knywbctcureia io aUrSprkngfamsan fliSaitr> potctonOnce Tam get hst in ther bush Bowmanville la learn ther dry- late resdnc nCansecan an the ouive them. g ake in and f anapetion o~ .-for 10 heurs. He hati no fooad, geotisbusiness in ther store o! the nigbî a! Christmas Day.ar give ther d e Gets The>w ail g o tn atin od"alhJno matches, ne axe; ant ibe was haler Mr. McClung, laVer gaing tai The laie Rev. Harry Bruce in teirdies. heywil gro stongandheathya greernie" in the narth. He was St. Thomas anti laVer an ta De- Kenn>' was in bis 7lst year ana on it! in a funk man>' a lime. Once lie trait wbere bie livert for many WLs barn aI Consecon. For many P ES N saw a cew moose in a lake, anti yeans. Me was twice marnieti bis 3'eans lbe servet iomst efficienti>'LE M abfleti fram it. Before da r k n e s s final wif e being Miss Jennie inrc, o the U na!te he Mtboiis feil completel>', he feit Ibat lie Haines, daughîer o! the laIe Mn.Chchno IeUntiCucb G len ]R ae D aigry Iwas near the lent whene lhe livet.i.George C. Haines o! Bowman- aand rin ie as hares in big R.R.Stvns& on roritosHis sbouts bnougbt bis comiratiesiville, who passeti away a number esteem an fetinb h SERV IN G MR R. . Sevns So, ropietrste bim. Andi thal expeience was !o! years ago. anti in 1906 lbe marr- m ansofthfe con b>' tio.be PHONE 4083 BOWMIANVILLE Ithal! eti Mrs. Marion Kates of Syra- bis felo istrinhec-d, IJ C K cuse, N. Y., wbo survives him, also frneliewanstensin hl eacon-cu T Tam returnedti l Toronto be- amer taugbler anti one sîep- frneh a ihyrgrit _________________________________________________fore Christmas canrying witb bim tiaugbter, both o! Derit. The for bis abilit>', energy anti man>' man>' specimens o! quartz-are.1funeralVo place on Dercemben fine traits o! characler. In Belle- DI _____________________________al___'0_________ville M.Knywswl nw This are cames from "channer' 23rt i bn abeautiful ant iîm- n . Kela dn t wa w err as mining. This means that the pressive service was helti. Inter- hanti e a papurtiunn the Tab-Tnmscal reef surface eartb an rock is blasteti ment _being matie in Detroit. De- bse vetieas pastoa! the ab- odt4hsesncls aeecive. fo aur af! ta a deptb o! about tbree feet. ceaseti was a dean>' loverd brother erna cleurch ati eri wasf rom 2dt ticuie Alter Christm as Values 1rohnars tefulwt o ein r. m. .TrodnHof T onti l ic ta ime he bati DOMINO RED PACKAG continig te gld r oher in-bee liingretredaI Cansecon,. erai. The cbannehling is about Chr i cuidawr lc A t the C orner G rocery an inch wide anti about a (juan-r Sarnuel EllIott, Bolon in thebearts of triewarople E te-f-n inc eep. Channels o! h.i Y imae w bahes We are happy to announce a very substantial thIis description are matie at van- In Ibteath o! Samuel Elheîît George Kernny o! Londan, Ont.. LN OO IE increase in business in 1935, due largely to ious points. Then the cbippings which accunrer ta a Torntno boa- anti \ enyo oseo; 1Frs rs customers. ~are laken or sent ta an assayer. pital con Suntia>',December 151h, manKerny ! Caerr W .LcniFeh.CisBIEWOZTCDSLLG' nuinerous new Ontmes ther assayerr's report mucb de- ther Township a! Albion bas lest anti twosi se, Mns.o.fB. Loci GINGERR E T SeaStr hieenHadie------2 tis 5c pends- incIutiing ePtirnism or a well known anti respecteti resi- con. OR DICED Se SarChckn adis ----------g--2einract dent.orgeen. en. Aithaug o i gol hefuerlfumeraeiriaySN P Princss Sap F kesJ C K bealth for semer timer bis leath a!terrnoon ta the Unitedi Churchi NA S A lRI BRA Prices Sap laks -----pkg. 17c Tam bas a girl fienti in Ton- came as a sbock to a langer circle atCneo hr nplae Frda> enta. He says that the memory O!fini.Bn m iin7 iCnsemon whrcnder an imRes-lb. a! bier anti ther knowlerdge o! bier >'r g, h aeMr li- H. F. Sanders. B. A. Interment 10 Squa wi11we le ssear ag oe laVe n. Ethe ivr sro odctt-> ev o FRY'S ___ sq:95 -~~ <~~*~"~~' standards for bim. bnbri petbswaelie nteîn was matie in Consecon Cemeter>'.Tisp . 7 PURE BREAKFAST amongnrough men anti conditions. mediate district o! bis blrth, anti Re I.BNaorpstr!te is'afeguards .bim f nom man>' temp- was activer in bis farming ee a bRernacleB Cbulrc, Bevilroatie talions. Three ebeers for bis H. R. Moormnan. Gere. Sprackel Gla d qcp RnM girl! 1 F. Lent, C. F. Frost antiCH Fairbaven Sardines - 6 tins 25c inlo ils rnakeup. The anrears of %t*.O Dn i tec. 2h. hallon Uc Do? bail on Doz. DoL '.elery 1-learts j Bh Schniders ChddarCheee lb 25 ,taxes o! course were o! Prime- ,, pragrain, wîth Rev. F. H. Masoni ShedrsCedrCesIL2c importance, anti flxI VO that mn pnesiding opemet i wtb a hynin,I camer the probable purchase ofa!ad ye b heRctrflw new truck, the solution tVa the I nt icae h e RVorfboysw-nd Textiles facVony problern, antid r girls trooperd la the plat!armta n toa m m mm ather smaller malters, but he tild th aompaniment o! mancb l 186 or 121 essitP. for a ate. EnR VAL Phoes 86 r 21 owmnvlle essityfo a ar t attaxe TEsaànsg cin rder a triao!ofcarols. Mayor_____________________taxes Tbey gave even>' evidence o! hav- ber paid in 4 iislallments insteatiln been canefull>' traineti b>' j i I 4 ý.àm

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