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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Jan 1936, p. 7

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 2, 1936 PAGE SEVEN JAN. 10 te OTTAWA $4.10 Bowmanviîîe Rayais enter the ------- --------------------------------------- aud John toak hen to bis own JAN. 10 and Il te MONTREAL $5.85, te QUEBEC CITY $9.10 Lakeshore League playo!fs. Meet home ta cane for her as lits own te Ste. Anne de Beaupre $9.70 Part Hope lu semi-fluals.----------------------------------------------- ------------ Epoheus a lie utsJossibetht ROUD TIP ARE Au. lth.Pubic t 11 ti dS-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mary may have accomnild hlm Tces aeTransit Limiez andIlnfovmauon front Agns Commission reduces street liglit- thaugh we cannot kuow for sure. Tkke. Fae,,ing rates. Thus lier 111e matched hem turb- C AN A D IA N Ask for C A N A D IA N Aug. 22nd.-Premler Mitchell P. The Stateamau la $2.00 a year ln Canada, and $P-50 ln U.S., ulent and dangerous sang. Her's R.di epburn opened idbenal la- neludlng postage. Please add exchafge when seding was no sheltered, easy 111e; ahe N AT I O N A L 'd' P A C IF IC ,,- paigu lu Durham at Newcastle. obedoe.s priulplne cosn Sr Arthur Edmunds, Poket He- Thislsicson would be ideal for culs, rowedat Symons Beach. Armtic a ycoigsoe. Dc 6.-uhmTxie N e s H g l g h ) 9 5clsownledscores spectaculazR ev . .Krreete s ae s Dcc. 2taDr ssai ent. wln in first game o! finals ag-j dent of Men's Canadian Club). Gitizens rally to Christmas N e ws H igh ight O f 935 ainst Cobourg for Lakeshore Les- Barn on f aio! Arthur W. spirit as poor are provided with ______-gue titie. 1IMarin prey ta f lames. generous Chrstmas baskets. Events o h atYa sGen Margaret G. Climie, grand- No. l4th.-Hundreds gathered Safecrackers try to gain entry cdora the Pas .er ThGean ities Commission. land beoe omnil usi-daugliter o! the founder o! The at Cenotapli to psy tribute ta war ta Foundry safe. but are unsuc- edfo.teIse fTe Total f ire loss in Bownisnville iness man, died suddenly on Good statesman, dies. 1 dead.1 cessful. Statesaman f or 1934 was only $233.00. 'Friday. Water between piers declaredI Mr. and Mrs. Chas. A. Wight 1Gardon Jarvie, Maple Grove, is Mrs. E. V. Scobeil elected Pres- Newcastle Fruit House gutted unfit for swimmling. of! Providence are 25 years mar- elected ta Older Boys' Parlia- January ident o! Horticultural Soiety. by fire. Ls exceeded $8,000. Ang 29t.-Emersn Carson red ment. Jan. 3rd.-W. J. Challis is ai» Jan. 24th-Reeve Percy Stin- Alan Osborne won badminton Davis. aged four years, f atally in- Whltby lad tells o! amazing Darlington Township h e a 1 t h pointed new îssuer a! motor lic- son o! Millbrook elected Warden club singles titie for fi! th con- jured in accident at Tyrone. trip around tlie world on $75 aticosts at 51/2c per capita. enses for West Durham. o! United Counties. secutive time. Harold Toms, former Newcastle Rotary Club. 1 Produce is donated at annual Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Brooks, 'Ty~- Principal L. W. Dippel ne-el- May mamberQu i ie prS. odeuts forpon o chden t A.Re.ief llee ttoapTheatsre. elrone, celebrate Golden Wedding. ected President of Llbrary Board. Lmben, dQuwed nrive at t. oycus fopeoy schop e t A Elie Miee tto alptnlstIn- ,dMyor Ross Strike and Reeve Albert Maynard, native of May 2nd.-Tommy Ross elect- Bowmanvilîe RoyaIs a n n e x Christmas.1 stalled Principal o! P a 1 e s t 1 1 e y acclamton.s trndt cuclBowalC me i itoi,1ediaeas f eaîl Club.aehr tteb efaigC- o.2s-Cnevtve in hatrRAM Mr accaand r. SmeBooly . 3strG.C. medi- atemoralld b.wna bourg for second successive year. or defeated candidate, F. W. Bo- By a strong vote in f avor o! T r.nonmr amlde W ec tJan3s-d r.T . A..Dust nny- Hôtelsmchangeands. wm. H se Mr.and Mrs. Howell Rowland, wen, with presentation at Part such a move, uniforms for girls Tyoe akGle edn. csl n .A utnelected Hoescag ad.W .Fa Newcastle, are married 25 years. Hope. will be lntraduced into, Bowman- A. H. Bounsl is instalied Wor- Wardens o! St. John's Church in bety and Bob Fra.zer are new Hlo eeshasHmtnvleHg coli h e er shipful Master o! J e r u s a 1 e mn Centenary year. managers. September Hitro eeshas apo il HgiSho n h e en Lodge, A. F. & A. M. Drive inaugurated by Board of Lions Club is formed. Dm. W. Sept. 5th.-Veterans o! Second r.hanod . W.___J._S.____________ Reeve G. F. Annis gets accla- Heaîth for immunization againstI H. Birks is elected f irst President. Battalion attend memorial ser- Mm. elbtesud Mm W. J S. ikad mation in Darlington Township. scarlet fever in tawn. Rev. E. F. Armstrong elected vice at St. Paul's Cburcb. siaclebinae slver wedIn.n a S h o Dr. James L. Hughes, prommn- Newcastle moumns sudden death President o! Bowmanville Rotary Eigbt bundred students retunn healthy condition. ent Durham County boy and for of Reeve J. H. Gibson, for twa Club, ta public and high scbools. Praminent Cartwright citizens L 40 yeams Inspector of Scbools in terms Reeve o! the village. Record list o! entries received W. J. Morr.*san, former Princi- weme guests o! Rotary Club at so Torono, dis. Feruaryfor Durham County Music Festi- pal o! Bowmanville High School, 1rurai-urban banquet at Black- L so Jan. 1th.-Mrs. J. W. JcwellFbra3 val at Port Hope. appoiuted Principal of Schooi for stock.___________ beads the poil in election for Fcb. 7th.-Police report shows Mrs. J. Clark Bell presented the Des!, Belleville. Durham Junior farmers came Scbool Trustees and eceives the 52 convictions obtained in 55 with bandsomne ebony and gold Han. H. C. Scholfield, f riend o! second in Domlnion-wide cantests A MOTHER'S SONG langest vote in election. cases brouglit befome local court.* baton by Canadian Legian Baud. B.T.S., died in Toronto. at the Rayai Winter Faim in To- SndyJauySt,13 Cauncil elected: G. A. Edmond- Wilfred Carruthers e l e c t ed M 'y 9h.-Hundreds gathered Sept. l2th.-Foundry and Org- routa. Sn _______y th 13 stane. Deputy Reeve; S . Little, W. head a! Canadian Legion Band . to3 psy tribute ta Empire's King an f actories looted by robbcms Nov. 28th.--Sniom Ed itom of GodnTx:'ysuldt A. Shane, W. H. Bettles. L. C. Mrs. J. C. Bell elected Associate la impressive jubilee celebration. aver weekend. The Statesman, M. A. James, died Gle et M oldt Mason, C. G. Morris ai-d A. Hait, Bandmnaster. Foster Hewitt, popular sports Mr. and Mrs. Sid Marris cele- in bis 87tb year. Hundreds ay magnify the Lord, And my spirit C o mmeilers r.W.NleUii St. Andmew's Cbumch reports announcer, guest speaker at Ro- brate silver wedding. rbt at public funeral in Trin- bath rejoiced in God my Sav- tiesComsinr very successful year in 1934. tary Club Father and Son Night Lions Club stages carnival and ity United Churcb. iu.-ue1 6 7 IVsscoe defeats Blanchard for Robt. J. Loweus, veteran baud- at B.T.S. dance at Cream o! Barley. Bowmanvllle Royais, East e rn Lessan Passage: Luke 1: 46-58. Deputy-Reeve in Dan 1in g ton. master o! the Leglon Baud, Pass- Tinity Women's Miss i o n a r y Sept. 19th.-Bowmanville Roy- ,Ontario Baseball Chba mp ion s, Happy is this thouglit; Cartwright and Clarke Town- ed away and was burled with Society celebrates 5Sth auniver- ais defeated Peterboro lu the lst'guests o! honor at joint Rotary There 15 a Guide for me, sbips re-elect their eeves. j. H. military honors. . sary. round o! the O.B.A.A. playdowns. sud Lions Clubs gathering. Who in His living flesh Gibson defeats A. O. Parker by St. Paul's Churcb reports in- May l6th.-High School cadets Boyd Slemon wins senior title First County Draina Festival at Has given me the perfect im- 15 votes for Reeve a! Newcastle. crease in membership snd givings are highly commeuded by In- at Higb Scbool athletlc meet. Newcastle ls won by Newcastle age tiiat Jan. l7th.-Reeve G. F. Anuls in 1934. ispecting offcem. Sept,. 26th.-High School ath- group. I seek, a! God! o! Darllugton, Reeve N a r m a n Utilities Commission r e d u c ei Dr Grant L. Bird a! Oshawa letes win Basset Trophy at inter- Canadian Statesman purcliases Green o! Cartwright, announce bydrant rentais from $55 ta $50 addmessed Nurses' Graduation ln scbool meet. the Orono News, edited for more A Mother'a Sont, 46, 47 tbemselves as candidates f o r eacb. Trinity Churcb. Highways Department asks dis- than 50 years by Samuel Cuttell. Tbe Magn!ficat is the subject Wardenship. Al!fred Graham elected Reeve IMay 23rd.-Cbarter 15 present- missal of George Greer, Counties Dc bro! study for the flrst Sunday o! Trustee W. P. Corbett elected of Newcastle by acclamation. ed to Lions Club by Past District road superintendent.te chairmnan o! Bowmanville School Feb. l4th.-Ex - M a y o r T. S.- Govemnor. chos Rufus Chaste Macknlght Dcc. th.-G o o d y e s r ta payth New Year 1936, s happy Board. Hoigate dies. Was five timfes the Jim Bowman, former star hurl- R. sn Stevens candidate inlur- $3000 more in taxes lu 1936. choice because this sang from tlie Commissianer T. H. Knight ne- mayor o! Bowmanville. er for the local basebail nine, won ham County. Frank Gibson o! Oshawa is lips o! a Hebrew maiden is f ull elected chairman o! Public Util- Council ne-appoints ail civl c a new Dodge car at London. Rev. A. S. Kerr elected Presi- ililed lu f aIl from truck at Good- o! social sympathy snd economic employees at saine salaries as in1 J. H. Devitt, Cartwright, bion- dent o! Oshawa Presbytery' o! year plant. insiglit, in keeplng with the ueeds ______________1934. ored by Orangemen as e cin Unte Churcb Hlgh School students present and thinking o! oui perplexed Fifteen membe.s o! Oddfellows pletes 65 years service. Reduction in damestic rates " Betty Lau" at Commencement modern world. Thle spirit o! twa Lodge have total a! 808 Years o! Newcastle Players anu o u n c e announced by Hydro, departmneut Exercises. people breathes thraugli t b e service. Tbey were T. C. Jewell, plan to inaugurate D u r h a m o! Utîlîties Commission. Mn. snd Mrs. R. Morris, Bow- poem, that o! Mary, the Mother Business Directory J. H.Cérydermian, M. A. James, T. Drania Festival.I cbr manville, celebrate golden wed- lo! Jesus, sn u e h eoe H okatW.J. Jefmrey, John Mn major awards at County coe ig pllysician wlio aetes E ALMcIntyre, J. J. Mason, J. B. Mit- Music Festival come ta WestI Oct, 3rd.-Bowmanville Royals Walter H. Clemes 1re-elected prominence lu the forepart o! bis ________________ cheil, J. H. H. Jury, Oea. E. May- Durham. win Eastern Ontario Intermedi- President o! Durham C o u n t y Gospel. It is at once a Hebrew M. G. V. GOULD, B&A., U B nard, Harry Baskervllle, J. W. May 3th.-G. B. Bickle su! fers s te Basebail Championship, de- Club o! Toronto. and a Christian soug. It is Heb- '*' Arcbibald, F. A. Haddy and J. loss o! $1500 in fine wbicli de- featiug Picton iu two stralgbt Dec. lZth.-Mrs. Fred W. B3ow-!rew In outlook because it relates Bamister, Solicitor, Notary Roenigk.smy chknfoue ud1 gas. en heads !irst Federation o! Dur- 1all experieuce ta Gad-"My saul Phone 351 tosciknnuead10gie. RoalBak ld.,Bomavile Tinity Church congregational chicks. J. Wesley Knight fatally injur- ham County Home and ScnGoaldoth magnify the Lard." It is RoyalBank__________________ meeting hear that chumch debt is A. B. Mainwaring elected Pres- ed lu auto accident on Ontario Clubs.! Christian in its aninouncement o! W. R. STRIKE reduced. I ident o! Newcastle Players. Street. Cecil Mercer re-elected Presi- !the comlug o! Christ: "My spirit Dr. G. C. Bonnycastle re-elect- Tosn iioswthdC- Rv r ae epeaddn fDra ieasa a-ht eocdi o ySv Bamister, Solicitor, Ntary ed chairman o! High S cho o Tosn vstr athdC-Rev. Dr. RJam es speakes u den a rha ieal tcu-bt eae uGo ySv Solicitor for Bank o! Montreal ad det Inspection at Training School. Rv r .P Bwe paes u nOoo our." The poem looks back sud Money ta Loan. Bhoe ar. du. at opening o! Trinity Cliurch Lions Club hears nated lady lookrs forward. Mary's thlnklng Phamavlî, oni . Feb: 21st.--ames Elliott, Wmn. J Centenary services. speaker at first Ladies' Night. had been built upon the teacbiug Bomavile Otaio Brock, Samuel Oke, W. J. Je!frey, June 6th.-Pni nc i pal J. H. Attendance breaks ail records Ladies sud camnival helpers oa! hem home and synagogue sud L. C. MASON, BA. J. H. H. Jury sud David Davis Johustons salary sîsshcd at at Durham Central Faim at Or- guests at gay Rotary Club Dnr"ty. these words breathe the elevated Barnlster - Solicitar receive 50-year Jewels f rom Sons Ischool board meeting. ana. J. H. Jase o! Newcastle elected feelings o! noble literature. Could Notary Public - Etc. o! Eugland Lodge. IMm. sud Mis. Luke Hilderly 136th Battalion held e-union President o! Holstein Breeders. ishe have given utterance ta such Law lu ail its branches Retail Merchants Association celebrate silver wedding. lu Bowmauville. Dec. lDth.-Town Council ends 1tlioughts had herm mmd f romn Office Immedlately east o! Rayai favars establishmnents ai Boxing Rotary Club halds Father sud Barn aud contenta destroyed by year wltb surplus o! $2244. i yauth been f illed with jazzy jing- Theatre Day as a holiday here. IDaugliter Night for f lrst time. f ire on f arn o! W. J. Stainton, Healtb departmeut casts citi- les lnstcad a! noble scnlpture? Phones: Office 688; Home 553. Fcb. 28th.-Drys lu Newcastie i Eigbt Women's Institutes take Euniskllen. zens only 27c per capita lu 1935._ xligGd 85 lack ten votes ta hait operation part lu district meeting in Bow- Oct. 10th.-United C o u n t i e s Wardeu Percy Stinson 15 hou-Eatn Gd 85 DENTAL o! beer panlours. manville. bridge dispute settîed when Dur- ored by members o! Caunt-si The hlgbest honor had faîlen Thirty Bowmanviîle ecati Prov. Constable Rex Cavcnly, ham sccepts $6000 from North- Council. upon Mary, that o! belug the mo- À R.i.c DVIT ca-operate lu Opportunity Days- 'Bowmanvilllc boy, e!! ects capture umberîsnd. New Home for the Aged is op-t ther o! the world's Saviour, but E.. W. DEVIT the blggest shopping event In a! daugeraus escaped convict. Rev. Dr. James Endlcott, cx- ened at Cobourg by Dean o! she gave aIl tlie glory ta God. radW.tiat sooalD ntal Col- 13t.-isopA. R. Bev- moderator of niedCburch, isCaunties Cucl n esnwyTeMgiia geTrnoFfie uyJb March enly officiates at openiig Ceuten- speaker at Trlnlty Centeuary. Reeve G. F. Anuis hast ta many 1 u. o!eunl upbi fieBlg, omave.J Office Mar. 7th.-R e c e i P t o! l3th ary Services at St. John's Churcli. Cartwrght alarmed as another at farcwcll dinner at Hampton. worshlp 15 that it riscs bigh above ilee ldg.,Bowmnvill. Ofice Hllie memoial wndowis un bar isindividualms. humandalambitionstiossud hots a m t 6p.m.da.yPm.rBil ive Bwmnvp. Hm.r emril inowisun-baowerne t fams.ll________________ in.sanevntluhltoy lt except Suuday. credit o! more than $7.000. veiled. Rural scholars are guests o! linksan_______in_____________ Phone 90. House phone 283. Mm. and Mms. Richard Ark- Deputy Minister a! Welfare M. Rotary Club at annual Royal the eternal purposes o! God. X-Ray Equipment lu Office. wight celebrate Golden Wcdding. A. Sorsaleil guest speaker at Theatre matince. WGl BidngIat r levlage mtaldbeen u a remt April l4th is proclaimed a Day B.T.S. Prize Day. Town lnstructs McGilBiligHRomgMo ir bevagprovluce sud athemtea SHOE REPAIRS o! Prayer lu Bowmanvllle. lune 20th-Most Rev. Derwyu trustees at Washington, D.C., ta oC tDwon jwl !tehl aIYtta _________________ past presidents preside at T. Owen, D.D., Primate o! the seli property. oC tD m On 1wlofheoyGd!Y ha R.~>A S Nmeeting o! the Rotaxy Club. Church o! Eugiand lu Canada, Fred W. Bowcu, C.; W. F. Ric- Flisd1the nCrstma e ss gei hman R.Mr.l4t.ou Cortceboy accorded Civic Welcome on f irst kard, L.; R. R. C. Macknlgbt, 8Fam olhI VS itretdinte ua foot and Shoe Repalrlng 'rack Gay, Harry Gay, Doug visit ta Bowmanvillc ta attend St. Rec.; sud R. Staples, C.C.P., quai-1 race sud eutered it anew lu the Soles sewn on by Goodyear Courtice sud Archie Muir captu John's Centeuary. ified for Durham lu f ederal cam- U que Formula for Nosand cli11e a! the baby Jesus. Mary's Stltchlug Machine. Ontario curling titie. St. John's A.Y.P.A. wlus debat- paign. T»lt Hlpe toPoevet iprophecy that all generations Prices reasouable. igcaposhpo uhmAnec.1tspikr is nwudcalle lssdhspoe Rig tretEst- owanile Four properties. including Or- igcaposi !Dra u Ot 7h- dwn u Cold-And to IThrow wiould cailut he blsscd as pro KingStreetEast_-___________ gan sud Textiles factories, taken Northumberland. Uiberal landsllde. Tory maJorlty H c~ t ~ Ojcret u h lr a o avenby twn fr tas. une 27th-Fred W. Bowcu 15 o! 1606 15 wlped out. Ha o6 tteStart.Iclamdfrlese!btfrGd seecedCosevaieyanidte Ditrc Gvfor pysotaiaxSes.LAR ~Hali 5 his uam"-that was the FIJNERAL [> T R M. adRECTORm rayMm.- ssuded Mrs.vaiSacanidBraystrct_____o pascOficalacteLEAS stlcP HHEAb,,mewedthr eoulfguthor t.d field, celebrate fi! tleth weddiug lu Durham County. visit ta local Lions Club. caatrsi erwtogt FNRLDRCOS anniversa m. Abr e Storms msmmed Decoatian Day Presence a! mind o! mather - MothersareseafteultIf there is anc thlng that the FUNERAL DIRECTertORSry ceremoules at Bowmsuville Cem- saves life a! Marlon Martin, wore bott"'wrd-es orcvr oeta Service, auy boum, any daj. Blctckmakgdewddn eter3'. Shaws, from bouse cistemu. fmlisca tatanother it 15 the consciausuess a! F. F. MORRIS CO. day. Lions Club Boxiug and Wrest- H. Lyall Crabb, Walkem Stores theyfind special com-ithe unsecu, holy God. Stanley Modemn Motar Equlpmeut Mar. Zlst.-L. A. Parker is ci- ling show draws crowd o! 1200. manager, purchases Simcoe busi- fortin this unique aid Joncs bas writtcu that the man ected Presideut o! Bowmauville July ness. A King Cbitty, Woodstock, for preventing colds wha defles the moral lav. lun a Ambulance sud Invalld Car succeeds hlm as manager here. -Vicks Va-tro-nal. moral univense Is a moral lmbec- Caîl Phone 10 or 34, Brancb o! Canadisu Legion. July 4th.-Bowmanville Wom- Oct. 3lt.-W. F. Rlckard is - Especially desigued for nase and lie. God bas ordalued an eternal Assistant. 573 Mn. sud Mrs. John L o rd. eus Institute celebrates 35th au- beld blamelcss lu accident lu upper throat, where ,noat col*a differeuce bet'weeu ight sund BOWMA.NVfILLE Sbaws, and Mm. sud Mrs. J. P.. niversary. which Port Hope man met death. start, Va-tra-nal stimulates theofune- wrang. Briedsxy ea Crnwal, re iug W Len Elliott awarded plumb- Protestant churches unlted for tions pravided by Nature - in tha A Social Outbook, 51-55 rdslv at rmyceebatd its coutmact at Hause o Refuge. lnspîmlug Thanksgivlug services nase- ta prevent colds, aud ta throw A humble malden living lu au NORTHCUTT & SMITH avto ryclbte is July lltb.-Bshop o! the Arc- lu St. Paul's Churcb, Oct. 24th. off hcad colda in the early stages. uuknawn village such as Nazsr-. Complete Funcral Service Slst aunivcrsary over tbe week- tic guest speaker at Rotary Club. Rickard's officiai majority lu Used ini time-at the first aniffle,etmglte hvbeuhagt Modern Equipmcut - Ambulance end. Town Council protests paymcnt Durbami is 472. efleeze or nasal irritation-justa th ih elhaebe huh - A. W. G. Northcutt- 'WhiStllng Bllly' McReynalds, for ditch diggiug doue bef are last Bowmauvillc Foundry x p er- fewdropsupeach nostril-Va-tro-nol provincial, yet she uttered words -Aubrey Smth - 'for haîf a century a dairy oper- provincial election. lences business boom. helps ta avoid many colds. that have echaed down the cen- Phone Days 58l star, retires. July 1th.-D ic k Milemeester, RtayCucotbts$40a Where irritation has led ta a turies because o! their passion for Nlgbts, Sundays or Holidaya Mar. 28th.-Merchauts endorse .North Oshawa, wins Rotary car co lty Cubnuse's s $40ry. clogged-up nase (a stuffy head coid social justice. A Canadian min- Phone 523 or 276. closiug o! stores at 6 p.m. , at annual caruival.cmutynrsaly. or nasal catarrh) Va-tra-nol spreada ister was arrcsted aud put lu J ail Newcastle wins young people's Statesman changes fron seven November through the nasal passages-reduces on suspicion o! sedîtion for quot- MUSIC damatlc contcst. columu ta cîght calumn news- Nov. 7th.-GjCoodyear Company swolleu membranes-clears clogg*iug îug words of Isalali during a la- April paper. houons 25-yean employccs aL big mucus-brngs comfarting relier bon dispute. Could suytbiug be FRANCIS SUTTON April 4th.-Bowmauville's hy- No bids received as tawu offers gathering in Toronto. Mauy Bow- A Practical Guide for Mothers more daring than there words o! Mus. Blac. F.C.C.O. dro utility shows profits o! $12,- properties for sale for tax arrears. mauville employees recelve cash Each y car, more sud mare fan- Mary lu the days o! the Caca- A.T.C.M. diplomas lu Piano. 77D.74 for 1934. Beach residents demand towu awands o! 250 silver dollars. ilies are being helpedt wrcla as, the Hcrods sud the Neros- Slgngi ilinudOgn. BacnimodLein adwae. itic oemolo tar hanrcdd udmlercld yfo-"e ah ctcrdth rudl Blades by Cooper You've nothlng t. bace but your wblskers, because you try COOPER BLADES with- out rlsklng a penny. The Trial Blade you recelve FREE wlth every package MUST give you the most caressing shaves you ever had - otherwlse WE ]IN- SIST you returu the pack- age for Unniedlate cash re- tu"d. 1 Trial Blade FREE with pkg. 5 for 39c. Specials PepSodent Tooth Pante 39c Wampole'a Eztract Ù. U $1.O0 Puetest C. 1 . 0 50C - $1.00 Paibluni 45c Thermogem 37c Pertuauin 57c - $1.35 DextrduMaose 80C Kruahen Safts 69C Jury & Loveli P'HONE 78 Tm nExmuL STORE Bowmanville -M PAGE SEVEN the frontiers. Doubtiess ber sang even more suited to usher in a awed its origin to the fearless New Year during whlch millions pleadings af the Hebrew prophets pray that there may be a llghten- for social Justice and this song, ing of the burdens of the poor. perhaps crooning her Babe ta sleep, nourished a social passion MAREIED 55 YEARS AGO that later leaped forth in words of flame. Mary's spirit bas play- Betbany Couple Celebrate The ed a part in ail the transform- Annlversary Very Quletly Ing influence of ber Son. Relatives, 57, 58 Mr. and Mrs. George Spencer celebrated very quietly on Sun- The Bible deals wlth the rev- day, December 22nd, the fifty- elation of the eternal purposes of fiftb anlversary of their wedding. God yet it f inds space ta tel of They were married by Rev. Mfr. the birtbs of babies and the Richards at Columbus on Dec- friendship of two young cousins. ember 22nd, 1880. Mrs. Spencer, What chats Mary and Elisabeth whose maiden name was Mary must have bad as they faced ma- Margaret Lambkin, of Cartwright, therbood together. perbaps mak- is now 80 years o! age, and bas ing little garment gifts for each been in ratber f rail healtli for the other's babe! Fitting was it that past two years. Her husband la John the Baptist shauld be the stlll very active and attends bJis forerunner of Christ when their If arm duties regularly. mothers had been close friends.1 Rev. Tom Brown, a former min- Who knows but that the moralj ister of Bethany Methodist church, darlng of John the Baptlst as lie1 now living retlred at Lindsay, was delivered lits tbundering mes- a guest at the Spencer weddlne sages in the Jordan Valley, owed 55 years ago. part of their force and purpose ta The many f riends o! Mr. and Ellsabetb humming some of the Mrs. Spencer extend hearticat words ' hat she may have beardî congratulations to the couple and Mary sing. How mucli these two1 wish tbem prolonged happineas. cousins bad in common, theiri Hebrew lineage, their Messianlc1 The man wbo rendIers service hope, their sons o! an age and lta bis feliowmen maY talec oI- their conviction that they were fort f rom the thought that mem- sharers in the destiny of Godt' ory is the only paradise fr011 Mother's Day, but perhaps it is1 whicb we cannot be turned out. Royal Theatre BOWMANVILLE Friday - Saturday - January 3 - 4 WALLACE BEERY and JACKIE COOPER in O 'Shaughnesy-'s Boy NEWS - - COMEDY MATINEE SATURDAY 2.30 p.m. Mon. - Tue&. - Wed. - January 6 - 7 - 8 JOAN CRAWFORD in CV Live My Life"- CARTOON - NEWS - MATINEE MONDAY 4 p.m. Thur- Fri. -Sat - January 9 -10 -11 CLARK GABLE in "Cail of the WiId"- With Loretta Young and Jack Oakie. CARTOON - - COMEDy - - NEWS MAT][NEE SATURDAY 2.30 p.m. COMING: "MfUTInY ON THE BouNTy", "TALE 0F TWO CITIES" "'THE CRUSADES" - "MG BROADCAST 0F 1936" "IMG BROADCAST 0F 1936"1 "1WANDERER 0F THE wASTELAND,, "IDAEK ANGEL" «.ESCAPE ME NEyER" "'SHE MARIED RER BOSS" CRAMPEO TOES ;2e&eeé! The. danger gop in your sh. oe -the meotarsol orch te IU-orcu ONLY5C ffhtoes forward--cromps Olh.FûPt IAC lis orch boc mb normal posiflo.. R.lirv. cromped toes-collouses -log end foot point with thé CL'R EMO VER cid METeATARAL SUPPORT SPECIAL OFFER--2 for 79c. UD-SCOTT'S EMULSION L l4h

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