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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Jan 1936, p. 1

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Wbile ht is customany ta have an outside speaker at most waak- ly meetings off tbe Rotary Club it invariably wonks oui ibat when i local meniber addrassas the club, something raally woribwhila le the nesuli. Such was the case on Friday when Rotaian Louie Dip- paîl, Principal of the High Scbool, delivaned the address in which he discussed the European and world situation, froni bis persanal siudy off tis intricate subjeci. At the end off 1935, ha bold the club, we saw the affairs off the wold, and particularly off contin- ental Europe in a complicated sit- uation. A crLsis axisted between nations and groups off nations, and one could hardly f onetaîl froin Ihese complications how it would all end.# Japan was carrying on a colon- ization off certain Chinese provin- ces; Italy was at 'war witb Eth- iopia, and the League off Nations. 53 strong, was ai loggenheads with Italy ovar its policy. 1 Early in 1935 the scene pre- sented saw Italy, France and Eng- land lined Up solidly againsi Ger- many. England was laading in disarmament in an effort to set a yortby axample ta, the resi off the ýxorld. As the nionths rolled by she ffound herseîf losing han pres- tige becausa off han weakenad con- dition, so she once again started to build up ban defenses. France and Italy immediately became suspicious and followed suit.- Having regained is prestige Great Britain took the laad in diplomastie affairs in Europe. Than Mussolini stars bis disagneement with Ethiapia, whicb keeps Eng- land and the othen powars tied up for the resi off the yaar in an andeavour ta affect a solution and ai the sainie tume avoid war. Japan, seeing England busy with the Italian situation takes advan- laga off h, and staris ils caloniz- 4 atian pragrani in the Orient. Tis it had dana baffona. but had been reprirmanded by the League. This served ta stop the colonization for a tume but as nations bacama an- grossed in other prablenis Japan nestarted uts wonk. Germany bas quletly sat back and watched the othen nations, even awating its apportunity ta regain uts losi prestige and col- onies. With the New Year a nana too happy pîcture presents isel!. Italy islaln.ed up against the 53 4 (contlnUed an page 8) Voppy iiund Official Report Cites Most Successiol Year Resuits of 1935 Campaign in November Were Bet- ter than Any Y ea r Since Poppy Day In- augurated in Bowman- ville The final report o! the Poppy Day Conimittee undar the Chair- Manship off Dr. V. H. Stoney shows the most successful Poppy Day held here under the auspices off tha Canadian Legion. Returns are as follows: Bowmanvilla, Poppies and Crosses - --------- $163.71 Newcastle, Pappies ..... 33.83 Orono, Poppies -------- 37.57 Bowmanvilla Wreaths -----89.75 Bowmanville Donations -- 158.50 'SUED BY I66O 0F I! ACCIDENT VICTIM Mns. J. W. Jamieson of Port Hope Sues for Unstated Damnages in the Death of Her Husband A writ bas been issued by Mrs. Eleanor Janileson in Suprenie Court for unstated damages against W. F. Riekard. M.P., off Newcastle. John W. Jamieson, busband of Mrs. Jamieson, Hope township fanmer, died as the result off an automobile accident on the even- ing of October 25th, on the high- way near Port Hope, wben the car diven by Mr. Riekard came in contact with the man. Mr. Riekard was on bis way ta at- &ad aLiberal Party dinner in hýonorof the election victorY wben the accident happened. Mr Rickard did not attend the din- ner as he devoted his tume and attention to the injured man who was taken to the bospital. and later died off bis injuries. At the inquest which was held the Lib- eral M. P. for Durham County was absolved off aIl blame by a coro- ner's jury. NATURAL GROWTH IN PIJ iA TUI $483.36 .$169.50 13.40 Ili £ %A u i Al.JAq TotalE xpenses $182.90 STATISTICS SHOW Ne-eepsPpyFud$04 Netpres eths pa lnd Crosses Annuai Statement Shows Many Ppls rah n rse More Born than Die in E1~ on hand unsold -------- $ 32.00 nianville in One Year Wneathis purchased froni Poppy Commuttee: Town off Bowman- A total of 212 births, deaths ville, R. M. Hollingsbead Conip- and marriages are recorded in any, Goodyean Tire & Rubber Co., the Divisional Registrar's ofilce Canadian Legion, Canadian Leg- during 1935. Figures neleased this 'ion Women's Auxiliary, Boys,'1 waek by Divisional Registrar A. j. Training Scbool, J. C. Cairns,j Lyle show the following facts: Mrs. Wrenn, C. T. Ross, Mrs. E.( Month irths Marriages Deaths Total S. Senklen. Durham T extilesas. January 10 1 9 20 Public School, Men's Canadiani Febnuary 7 1 4 12 Club, Women's Canadian Club,f March 6 3 3 12 High Sebool, Mrs. Simnick, Lionst April 16 4 8 28 Club. Mrs. S. Glanville.1 S,4 ay 7 6 2 15 Donationsi aune 10 4 3 17 Ladies' Aux. Can. Legion- $ 15.00e July 12 5 5 22 A. R. Virgin -------- --- 5.00 D August 5 2 5 12 Rotary Club ------- ------ 5.00é September 5 6 7 18i Dr. V. H. Storey ----- --- 5.00 October 12 4 7 23 ýMrs. Jessie Holgate --.---- 2.00 Novemben 5 3 5 131 Arthur Hoît --- - 2.00 Decembar 12 2 6 201 Milton Eliott -------- - 5.00 - - - - Wilbert Dudley-------- 5.00 Totals 107 41 64 212 M. Breslin ---- ---- 5.00 Froni these figures one notices G. A. Edmondstone----- 5.00r a natural mceasse in population S. G. Chartran------- 5.00 1 f~ 43, being the excesa off biths Mrs. E. V. Scobell----- 2.00A ~r deaths. May and September Fred Knox ---------------- 2.00 :*vý the masi papular xnonths J. Infantine -- -- -- -- 1.00A rweddings, and Jsnuary and L. A. Panker ------ 2.00 .ý' bruary the least populan. April E. Wvatson --- ------ --- 1.00L was the big nionth f or birihs, Wesley Cawken ------------ 1.00 1 witb Augusi, Saptember and No- Mason & Dale ----------- 1.00 vember the low months. More Hanry Rice ------------- 2.00 desths were noted in January A than anv other niontb.1 (Continued on page 5) GOODYEAR TIRE COMPANY EARNINGS ARE HIGRER Total Dollar Sales Exceed Those of 1934, Says C. H. Carlisle Anticipating tbe report off op- erations for the fiscal year now closing, to be pnesented at the annual meeting o! the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company off Canada flot later than February 17th next, Mr. C. H. Carlisle in a lainier to sharebolders accompany- ing dividend cheques for the final quarter off 1935, says: "Notwithstanding the fact that conditions in the industry neces- sitatad a reduction in tire pricas during the year and a consequent nebate to dealers, your Comipany will show for 1935 somewhat bigher earnings tban tbose off last Year. Your total dollar sales off ail products are also greater than those off 1934." POETESS GETS 'HIGH HONOR, IS FORMER BOWMANVILLE GIRL Mrs. Andrew Nicholis Has Poem Included in Published Book off Outstandlng Poems off 1935 A former Bownianville girl, Mns. Ennice Nicholîs, necently was accorded an unique honor when a poem froni han pen was includ- ed in "Amarican Voicas. 1935." This bandsoma volume off verse is an anthology off poatry selecied from entnias submitted by more than twenty five hundred poets. Thera is only one othen Canadian in the lisi salectad. The book is aditad by David Gould. Mns. Nicholîs in the wif e of Mr. An- drew Niebolîs, a son of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Nicholîs off Bowman- ville. She is a daughter off Mr. Ed. F. Waatberilt, formarly off Bownianvilla and now off R. R. 4. Lindsay. The poan-. includad in ibis book is entitled "Ramn" and reads as follows: Did you ever stand ai a window And watch the nain coma tumb- ling down, And note each tiny herb and leaflet Lif t thein faces, gney and brown? Did you aven notice that aven Eacb single clod'off earth Takes on a new lease off life, As it's .refreshed by nature's ninth? Did You aven hean the bird Burst forth in warbling songs off ioy, As the nain dusts each dingy coat And vestures shone like gold allow? Did you aven watch the stately1 trees, I'hair trunks almost turned 1round. 3ecause thair twiglets dancad so merrily, WVban tbe nain was pauring uown ? Witb bis magic paint brush in hand, God beautifies the aartb anew, ,Making each and evenytbing A source off joy ta nie and you. A LEGITIMATE COMPLAINT "Wby don't you say something in the papen ibis week about those people wbo live in a coni- munity and borrow their neigb. bor's paper," said an irata sub- scriber ibis weak when in tbus office ta nenew bis subscription. Ha claimed ibat lha bad a nelgh- bor wbo was so anxiaus ta nread the news when the Statesman cama out Ibat ha sent over for the paper beffora the ragular sub- scriben had time tlooak thnough the pages bixnselff. Accarding ta the information ibis panticular bonnowen is in a position ta sub- scribe hiniself. This is not the finst imtua iat ibis office bas heard il said ibat certain people make a nuisance off thenisalves by ibis habit of boxrowing the neigb- bou's paper. Creighton P. Devtt Who on Monday wss eleciad Reava off Cartwright Township, succaading Reeva Nanman Green who retinad. Mn. Deviti defeated J. H. Farder by a substantial nia- jority. Creighton Devitt Cartwright Reeve Durham Townships Hold Elections Bysa- substantial majority, Craigbton Daviti was el1ec taed Reeva off Cartwright Township in Monday's municipal elaction. Ha dafeaied JosepbhI-. Farder, form- er councillor by a vota off 426 ta 165. Councillons, aîl off whom wana lected by acclamation, ara Rupert Byans, Bruce H easslip, Norman Taylor, Herbent Hooay. William Baacock is the Township Clark. Clarke Township In Clarke Township tha antima council was xeturned by acclania- tion. Thay ara Reava F. B. Lave- kmn, Daputy Reava T. A. Raid. and Councillors Wm. Laing, Wm. J. Paton, Ernest J. Hammi. A. J. Staples la Township Clark. Police Trustees far the village off Oxono were returned ta office and are J. H. Gibson, W. J. Rid- daîl, H. A. Milîsan; wbile schoal trustees elacted wera A. J. Tam- blyn, R. R. Waddell andi A. J. Staples. Mn. Staples was flot present ai the school meeting wbich was the first ana ha had missed inlx37 years. Port Hope Mayor, George Bannaet; Reeva, R. J. Edmunds; Deputy Reeve, J. N. Greanaway; Cauncillora, H. Stratton, Sherman Gifford, J. C. McLellan, H. M. VanAistine, Hugb J. Bird. W. R. Jax. Hope Township Reeve, C. G. Max-cen; Depuiy- Reava, Stanley J. Gray; Council- lors, Wilmot R. Prousa, A. J. Run- nalîs, Henry G. Woodley. Manvers Townshilp Th'e municipal alaction f orn Manvars Tawnship xesulted in the alaction o! Ernest Beer off Bath- any as Reava, deffaating Fnr e d Gray off Ballydu!ff. The rasulis: For Reeve-Ex-nest Beer. Bath- any, 672; Fred Gray, Ballydufff, 567. Fax- Deputy Reev-J. C bris. Cumnmiskey. Fleetwood, 637; Wni. Skuce, Janeiville, 506. For Cauncillars (firmi ibrea al- ectad)-Jamas Boggs, Pontypool, 679; Albert Heaslip, Janaivilla, 519; John Payne, 481; Herb. Neals, Bethany, 472; Howard Brown, Lotus, 294. Mr. Bear andi Mr. Cumnmiskey wex-a the Manvars rapresantatlvas at Cobourg lasi yaar. Married Sixty- three Years Mr. and Mrs. Wliliam Trewin Well known Bowmanville couple who on Sunday, Jan. 5th, cele- brated the 63rd anniversary of their marriage. They are believed to be the longest niarried couple in Bowmanville. Many friends called to congratulate them at their home on Queen Street on Monday. -Courtesy Evening Telegrani Canadian National Railways Close Orono Sub - Division Despite the pleas of Orono and the Board found that the district Clarke Township residents some served by this line was provided month-s ago. against the Canad- b>% excellent transportation facil- ian National Railways decision to ities in bus and trucks. Practical- close the Orono sub-division, the:ly 75% off the livestock sbipped Dominion Railway Board has out off the entire district. and al- granted the railway's recjuest and most ail fruit and dairy produce 41 mile line from. Ronnac to were transported by truck, the Greenburn will be closed. The investigation by the railway and judgenient was handed down by i check Up by the board bas re- the Board on Monday. vealed. According to the brief placed- The fate of the Port Hope-Mid- before the Board by the railway land line is still in the balance, company the operating revenue and no decision has been handed off the line aniounted to $26,056 down by the Board. Port Hope for the year ended December 31, officials are confident that the 1933. and $28.028 for 1934. Out road will remain open, but as it off pocket expenses for these two bas definitely shown a loss for years were $53.648 and $43.845, or some years, and little support bas a cumulative loss in the two years 'been given the railway. it is not off $43.409. likely that the Board will be any In handing down its decision 'more le nient with it. ai Lt. Coi. W J. Hoa Former O.C. of, ir Died Saturday Durham Regiment Impressive Military a n d TEXTILES CREDITORS IMasonic Service f o r MEET ON FRIDAY g Citizen Who S p e n tj SELECT TRUSTEE t Many Years in Military Aff airs BOwnLnvWf, Is LLsted as Credltor ta thl. Extent off $7.00M s Lieut. Col. Wilbert J. Hoar, VUD., Wages in Arrears one off Bowmanville's hast known TaDuanTetesLmid and popular citizens. and prom- TeDra TxtlsLmed inent as a military officer n Dis- Bowmsnvilll, has passad ia ibte trict No. 3 for over 25 yea-s, diad hands off an officiai receiver for rin Christie Street Hospital,'Ton- the beneffut of its creditors. onto. on Satundsy, january 4th, An officiai notice bas bean sent follawing an ilîness ibai bad bean oui by the custodian that an as- Patiently suffax-ad sinca bis neturn signment was made on Decamben f rom ovarseas service. 23nd, 1935, and that a meeting off Col. Hoar was bonn in the Pro- the creditors would ha hald ta- vidience section off Daniingion rnornaw. -ai Paterboro. Township and was the youngesî The lisi contains the naines off son off the laie Mn. and Mrs. J. D.fot-ixceiarcif1f hc Hoar. Ha atiandad No. 5 sebool 1 is M. Gray; Tox-onto, for $154.981. and until the Great Wan, caried 'Othan naines and amounts men- on farming as an occupation. In tianed sire ibosa off the Town off bis aarly days he was connected Bowmanvilla, $7.000: Canadian with the 45th and 46tb Militia Bank off Commerce, Bowmanvilla, ragiments and during the world $20.000; the naines off a few Bow- war ha anlisted with the 136th manvilla maxchanta for smal Battalion whicbi was recruitedi in amounts; and the names off baîf Bowmanville. Ha was tnansfennad1 a dozen amployeas for amounts laier ta the 253nd Baitalion off ranging f roni $20 ta $400. Lindsay, and servedi overseas wih The ffactory bas givan amploy- the Canadian Foresiny Corps. ment 10 saveral men and women off the town during depression Four years ago hae assumed the 'Years. and the Durham Textiles command off the Durham Ragi- Company, like many others, bas ment. an, office ha nesigned 1wo found t impossible ta carry on. yeans latar wben ha was placadTatolamutwigtax-d on the resarva. Ha wss awardadThtoa mitowntecrd the Long Service Medal, General ions. accondîng to the sebedula, Service Madal and Victory War is approximately $190.000. Madai. Col. Hoar was a mambar off efr oain Jenusaleni Lodga A. F. & A. M. _____Doaton andi was Senior Wanden wban ha went avenseas. Since the wan ha Mrs. John Allin, chickan, ap- bas lived in Bawmanville, whara plas; Mns. Alan Freanian, nuis, hae was agent fax- the Sun Life) ealdy, oranges; W. J. Dudley, 30 Assurance Comipany. While ha *lbs. lard, Bowmianvllle Dainy, 40 neyer sought public office hae ai- bottles creani; Glen Rae Dalry, I ways taok a keen unterestiun 40 bottles creani; Coucb, John-( municipal affaira and ail activi- stan & Crydennian, goods $2.00;t îles for the genax-al good and bet- Gr. A. Edmandione, in meat $4.00.t tex-nint off the community. Cash Donations Bafona leaving fox- overaeas Col. St. Andx-ew's --- -------------$500 Hloax- was marrlad ta Miss Ethel Salvation Army ---------- 8.00 victoria Scobel a! Bowmanvllle Louisa (Bubbles) Cola ----1.50 who survives bini. one brother, Mr. Goodman ------------100 Mx-. Fred C. Hoar, and ana sistex-' Evlyn Shop --------------- 1.00 Miss Florence Hoar, bath off Bow- Mms. F. Swallow------------- 100 manville, also survive. Another A Friand --------------------- 2.00 (cantinuad on page 8) Renew youx- subscriptian today. 1 Bowinanville Ass Raised But Il WHO IS TH.E OLDEST j MARRIED COUPLE IN DARLINGTON TOWNSHIP In Saturday's Globe Ex- Reeve Thos. Baker off Solina was said ta have haît 56 years of married lite, and expressed the bellef that he and bis wife were the langest nmaried couple in Darilngton. Mr. 1 B Levi Skinner off Tyrone tells 0thi us that ha is miarried a yea ed longer than Mr. Baker. In and Bowrnanville Mr. and Mns. as Trewin are 63 years mrried, ban but ta salve this Darlington L.1 riddle. we would like to know tion whether there are any other COU] married couples in Darlington pali who can bea.t Mr. Baker's 56 Ir years or Mr. Sklnner's 57 fr0n years.- In fact we wauld like pea ta knOw Just how many mur couples ln Darlhngton have ton, ce1ebrated their Golden The Wedding Anniversaries. pc rate bas JANUARY 151IS LAST 13 DAY FOR PLATES isi ni HlghwaY Minister Warns Pro- edE secution Wiil Fallow Fuwýher ont Delay Iaff i mn Wednesday. January 1Sth, is tbe the last day off grace for the tak- thar ing out off 1936 passenger vhceassei permits and licenses, Hon. . .cour wanns niotorists. Anyone operat- the ing cars witb 1935 license plates cou] aftar tbis date will be hiable to Cc prosecution. lingt Trailer penmits and commercial man motor vehicle perniits will be val- sligJ id until Feb. 29th and no longer. De Mr. McQuesten declared thera the would be no f urihen extensions Off by ti tua. . the W. J. Challis, local license is- thei suer, reports an exceptionally setit busy tume during the past f ew cent] weaks. Ha strongly advises bow- in si ever that mnotonists punchase thaîr off tl plates well in advance off the lSib equa to avoid tbe last minute rush andset wait ibat is bound to resuli. Mn. Tota Challis bas an extra staff to as- tarm sist motonists in niaking out their teei applications. appe ani $3,3E SOLINA COUPLE Th MARRIED 56 YEARS the, Pnobably the oldasi mannied actu, couple, native nesidents off Dan- centý lington Township, Durhani Coun- ties' ty, are Mn. and Mrs. Thomnas must Baker, who marked the fifty- sixtb anniversany off their nia-r- Co iage on Dec. 3lst. Judg They stilîl live on the fanm tata where Mr. Baker, off Englisb des- clini cent, was borni on Marcb 23, 1855, equal ,,,.*na ,one'...e west ofutheic inn wbene Mrs. Baker, nea Margaret Lamman1, of Englsh and Scotch dascant. was box-n Sept. 28,' 1856. M They bave bean lifalong Libeaai nyP bes C in Plites ad o oneocesio in. poaiters t e onona occain n r Mr.daer wnta oibal lcain inaugurai Sesioi didaWt DuramProvinca lactionve _____________ fothreseturbani lw ays actie- S L IRP SE ionaibi eseci, bithell as apan- O DERP SE sona let ef roteplaie Hon. esDwaramiakworeaented FoW esiDrbaniMPrliakent.rve Fs o tanr Mn Baer sex-ve asComisonurandheNouty- Cuend off Dunhani an Norh-, In Darlingion Township Council, . five off wbich ha was Reeve. Assunilng the management a! a 200-acre !anm ai 17 years off age, ha bas aven since bean a pro- gressive farmer, speciallzing in ~ pure-bned live stock and quality saed grain, adding ta bhis fanm holdings fron ime ta tume. Mns. Baker, always active in children's and Young people's work, and ana offthe crer members, and firsi Pi-esidEnto Solina Woman's Instituta, ana off the oldesi in Ontario, stilîl keaps up han iniarest in ibis and other oxganizations. Theix- famuly off ibrea sons and tbrea daugbians ana all living, John and Williax off Solina, Ar- thur off California, (Edith) Mns., Jas. D. Hogarth, Hampton: (Min- Lt. -Col. W. J. Hoar nie) Mns. Leslie Snowdan. Mapla Former Commanding Officen off Grove. and Miss Vara Baker. R.. the Durhami Regimeni, and fan a N.. ai home. Thay also bnlva quarter «off a century connacted saventean grandcbildren. witb mlitany affains in ibis dis- trict, who passed away li Chris- tie Street Hospital, Toronto, on "The realization off God's pres- Saiurday. Col. Hoan was bunled ence is the ana soverelgn ramedy wîth muliany and Masonic hon- , j IFIVE NATIVES 0F iessment IK B OWMAN VILLE ARE '~F8EiEIpSERVING THE TW P Sane Interesting Facts About lfkAYU' Cancil, SchoolBoran tate sL w r Commission Members 1 Delving down into the proa u d g e L. V. O'Connor affairs off nembers o! the 1936 Hands Down Judgment' Town Council, Public Scho ai on Equalized As8ess- sanie interesting facts are brought ment in Northumber- to> light. First, these bodies are land nd Du r a mfilled by nienbers predominately Counties Old Country born, and the re- mainder all dlaim Canada as a birth place. Bowmanville, along with 17 The United Cburch bas by far âer municipalities in the Unit- the largest representation in the Counties off Northumberland members, wbile niany professions d Dunhami, was given higlier and trades are nepresented. We 5essments in the j u d g ni e n t were going to mention the Poli- rxded down by His Honor Judge tics off each niemben, but we V. O'Connor on the equaliza- would likely get into hot water ýn off assessments within the doing htaspsilsoeav intie . Th oth r si m un c bc anged since the recent election . ities receive lower assesanients. Brie!ly here are the main facts In the shakeup, which nesulted about eacb member: ým Darlington Township's a?- Mayor W. R. Strike, Canadian, i1 against its assesament, six UnitedCucBrit. tnicipalitias, including Darling- dCucBritr ireceived îowen assessments. Reeve R. 0. Jones, Caaadian, ýe changes however are not ex_ Anglican, Shipping Forenan. Ited to seriously affect the tax Deputy Reeve G. A. Edmond- e. Bownianville's azsessment stone. Canadian, Pnesbyt er i an, sbeen nalsed f romi $2.407.918 in 1 Butcher. 35 ta $2.585.472, an increase off Councllors r7,554. As tbe total assessment S. Little, Canadian, U n i t e d Incneased by $3,383,555, and the Church, Engineer. Jority off municiPalîties suffer- W. A. Shane, Canadian, Angli- a like increasa, the net result can, ai nier the sainie county rate will not RaiEnner ect tbe local tax rate as Bow- L. C. Mason, Canadian, United ,ville's actual percentage off Church. Barrister. total la one-tenth off V,-, lass C. G. Morris, CanAdian, United n a yaar ago. The county rate Cburch, Funeral Director. essed to Bowmanville in the, Arthur Hoît, Engllsb, Anglican, inties structure is 6.5713, or Electrician. )roxiniately one-sixteenth off W. F. Wand. Canadian, United total levy of the entine United Church, Barnister. .inties. colTute 7obourg, Port Hope and Dar- ~ eITute ,ton are higber than Bow- W. P. Corbett, Canadian, Unit- iville and Clarke Township ed Church, Baker. ýhtly less. Mrs. W. A. Shane, Canadian, )arlington appealed against United Church, Housewife. assessnient figures arniveci at Mrs. J. W. Jewell, Canadian, tbe equalization comnittee at United Chuncb, Merchant. June session last yan, and Rev. Oeo. Mason, Canadian, matter went to the judge for United Cbunch, Retired Minlater. lement. In bis f indings re- Rev. John Bunner, Canadian, ly, filad reductions were miade 'United Cburch, Retired Minister. ix Instances, but the balance the niunicipalitips bore higher John Hately, Ireland, Presby- alized assessments than those terian, Garage Owner. by the coninittee last year. CommLsoner&~ al equalized assessnient as de- T. H. Knight, Canadian, Unit- nined by last year's commit- ed Church, Insurance Agent. was $35.963.000; total set by Fred W. Nelles, Canadian. Un- *al report, $39,346,555.05. or ited Church, Grocer. increase aven the former o! ht might -be of further Interesé---"r 83,555.05. to know that o! the seventeen lie following scbedule sets for public servants llated above, five equallzed assessnient off each were boru in Bownianville, Reeve be municipalities, based upon R. 0. Jones, Coundcillors L. C. Ma- al values and also the per- son1 and C. G. Morris, Trustee age off liability off the coun- John Bunner and Utilities Coin- 'needs that eacb municipality missioner T. H. Knight. st bear. It is off further interest that Counties Pay Costs every. meniber o! these bodies bas ommenting on bis findinga, served at least one year on a clvlc ge O'Connor states: "Real es- body, while several can dlaim Svalues have undoubtedly de- anywhere froin five to ten years ed very materially since tbe off service. There are no real vet- alization inquiry which I con- erans a! municipal affairs, at least none with a recordý even ap- (Continuad on page 5) proaching the 20 year mark. Legion to Sponsor Amateur Night Open to Bowmanville and District That Bownianville. Newcastle and Onano has talant second ta nana in Ontanio is the balief off the Bowmanvilla Brancb off the Canadian Legion. Thara are Young folk here wha desire ta dis- play train talent but only lack the apportunity ta, do sa. The oppontunuty wull be px-avided by the Canadien Leglon. A commit- tee under the chairmanship off Pasi Prasidant R. M. Cotton are making the necassany arrange- ments. Plans are undar way ta hold a Cammunity Amateur Nlght In the Opera House, Bowmanvilla. The conteat, will be open to all anma- leur talent un West Durham and the audience will be tha judge. The contestants may s in g, thane may ha instrumentalisis, impersonations off radia on sereen Stars, dancing, tap dancing nov-i aity numbers, neadings, racita-1 tMons, short pîsys, chanacter sket-1 ches on wbat hava you. Thosa xeciving the lax-gast vote froni the audience will appear at a latex- data and a papluar vote will ha takan ta select the wln- nars and prisas will be awandad ln the finals. It is hoped tha final winnars will appear on Ra- dio Amateur Pragnani being con- ducted un Taronto. Watch for rules off the contasi and in the meanthme gai busy and prepara sanie entantainnient. No one wHI beh too'yaung or toa aid, coma on You amateurs, what hava You ta show us? I - -, onfront Council n on Monday Next First Meeting of 1 93 6 Town Council at il a. m. on Monday - May- or to Deliver Inaugural Addresa Bow manville Town Council will meet for its inaugural session on Monday morning next, whlch will mark the commencement off yet another attaock on the knotty problems which confront t he town. The meeting will open at eleven o'clock wlth prayer by a minister who will be lnvlted by the council. Immed-iateiy the oath of oiffice jmlnistered by Town Clerk A. J. ILyle, the meeting s called to or- der and His Worshlp the Mayor delivers his inaugural address. This is flot expectecl to be a lengthy one, but it wlll briefly refer to some of the more Import- ant problems that wlll corne be- fore the coundl lin the ensulng months. Among the suggestions that It will likely contain is the four instailment plan of collect- lng taxes, lin place of the present three installment plan. If coun- cil approves of the Mayur's sug- gestion, the tax rate îvlll have to be struck in Flebruary and that will mean several spec.al sessions of the council durlng J anuary. Not -a great deal of business wMl conie before the Coundil on Mon- day, but the meeting always at- tracts the largest audience o! the year. At the close of the mayor's address, business wlll be proceed- ed with, and it la expected that the council will complete Its meeting wlthout adjourxjng for a night meeting as was customary at one time. Passing o! accounts and attention of communications la the main portion o! Mondaras business, in addition to the àtrik- ing of the standing tommittees. Look at yoiur label and see If your subscriptlon la pald. District meeting o! Oddfellows la being held at Cobourg on Wed- nesday, Jan. 15th, when 25 cand- idates will be inltiated. Cars wfl leave Florence Nightingale Lodge at 7T p.m. - i- I ~hîte~mrni Witti Whîch Is Incorporated The Bownanville News VOUE2BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THUR,ýDAY, JANIJARY 9th, 1936 NME W. F. RJICARD 1.1;~ - ~ - - Total Receipts Expenses: Cosi off Wreaths and Poppies -- Expenses ------ A European Situation is Discussed By High Schooi Principal at Rotary Interesting Address o nf CARTWRIGHT REEVE Present Unsettled Statej f Continental Nations * eadon Friday i1 . 1 (ïblail. 1-ý..ýýý.ý1- - 1.5. , 1 j i 1 1. 1

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