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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Jan 1936, p. 2

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w PAGE TWO Me gàmnbi-an ebw*=un Established 1354 A Weekly Newspaper devoted to the interests of the 9awu Of Bowmanville and surroundlng country, issued nt King Str'eet, Bowmanville, every Thursday, by M. A. James & Sons, owners and Publishers. The Canadian Statesman ls a member of the Canadian Weekly News. papers Association, also the Ciassa--A" Weeklies of Canadia. - - . -.---.ý *l-AÂflU*- J.LUI1LAY, JANUARY 9, 13 the official. figures of the Dominion Census. We may take it for granted that the Population has changed since the census was taken four years ago, but records reveai that the assessor's figures neyer have agreed with the figures of the census. What we wouid like to know is why there is a discrepancy and which is correct? It is fairly safe to suggest that the census figures are more neariy correct than the assessor's. and we do flot state defeated Mr. Russell, 355 to 323; J for Deputy-Reeve. Beith defeated Piggott, 359 to 313; Councillors elected: North Ward-Thos. Bur- den, Jos. Brittaln, F. Mason: South Ward-j. K. Galbraith, J. C. Nosworthy, J. H. Kydd; Wýest Ward-john Wesley, John Percy. D. T. Morris. ___ __ ___ _o__a v.,.. .J th, U~ a O * V V defeated Mr. Cryderman by 28 SUBSCRIPTION RATES lieethatte fault lies in two places, partiy with votes. Anywhere in Canada, $200 a year; in th, United States, the assessor and partly with the homeowner and L.MMlak onsfeaed .For eveh P-50 a year, payable In advance. Single copies, 5 cents. renter. A NVA9I. t on328; for ited. euty When an assessment is madle, the assessor's booksCReeve39. Jamesfor S t DeatyJ THURSDAY, JANUARY 9, 1936 are supposed to carry the names of every person R. Rel, J3me9 ta303 forSecond, living wthin the municipalîty. Those who are in Deputy Reeve, Thomas Stainton chare o homs ae exectd topi:videforthedefeated Jas. Wade, 370 to 285: The Editor Answers Hia Critics char e nahoes ofare e ipecged t ide fsormeCouncillors. C. J. Thorton. Ezra sess or t e n m s o i i in i h n h s h m .H all, S. A lexander. whet he ro not they are members of their f amily. Cartwright Township: For Despite the effort on the part of three nom- In a great many instances the rames of boarders Reeve. James Parr, by acclama- inees for civic offces to belittle the influence of are flot revealed, and it may be added that some e iney cc.amationuilo. The Statesman by their venomous and personal specially try to avoid their naines getting on the David Falli, .a H. Dvn , lb attack.s at the nomination meeting. citizens wiselY assessors roll to escape polil tax.j Spinks. took the advice proferred by us and returned the In any event, and whatever the cause, some- Mrs. W. Ruse was struck on the: town counicil, school board and utilities commis- thing should be done to give a correct picture of- shoulder by the forefoot of a sioner by acclamation. It is not unusual for the municipality's population. The assessor's fi- ahoreage, bustryiasn t seiousltoi those who show some initiative and are accomp- gures give the population as 3600, while the census j hurt. lishing something in their community to receive says the population is 4080. Possibly a consider-. John Lyle %vas elected Sohool the castigation such as was given this newspaper able portion e! the discrepancy miglit le at the Tr ~uste n the South Ward, votei that evening, but the remarks macle on this oc- Training School, as we understand that the boys Beirth: Os68,bon3Gov casion would have done more credit to a rabid are registered in the census as residing in Bow- P.. arm, Tyrone, on Dec. Ilt.o irresponsible commux'jst than to two members o! manvilie. whereas the dormitories and main build-.. the wif e of J. A. Osborne, a the cloth and a business man. The three speak- ings are really outside the town limits. In any daghted:r. ei ers to whom we refer, for their own purpose, con- event there is a wide difference in the figures in ' .Bwaviî n D ch - Inth veniently ignored the fine record of service The Bowmanville. while Dariington also has a dif fer- . residnie onthe bride's atheby Statesinan has rendered this district for over 80 ence of several hund.red. , Rev. E. Roftber Mr Wm. Ren-by years. Were they fair-minded they would at least - * Elgk ta Anmie, second daughter of credit us wth the samne sincerity of conviction Elerman in the Washington Post. Mr. Richard Darch. they themnselves dlaim to possess. They seemed to Cultivate the Gift of Sympathy Tyrone: Miss M. Manning has think that The Statesman hacl some ulterior mo- inhuaituncho lo a e caygde oil- tive in opposing what we beiieved to be the dis- Al of us will agree that man's to 'umaotlight ness. fo m e ao ursotetl courteous and unfair treatmnent meted out to the man makes countless thousands mourn. For life T e O ttL awJa p t i h Haydon: Sm u prswn principal and music teacher in the local public would not be such a continuai grind; s0 many AWel elwo aI~ to Enniskillen on Christmas for school.. hearts would not be heavy with grief; so manyA ekyRvwofNtnaAfir the shooting. W. J. Haycraft The word.s uttered by the two reverend gentie- feet would not be travel-weary if men were only BY WILFJUD EGGLESTON caPtured three turkeys ancl two men can hardly be called representative of their kinder to one another. It is a tired hand that Bradley, who have been sick, are hlgh calling which teaches charity in ail one's will flot respond to the touch of friendship and Ottawa, January 7th.-The sess-1 tacked by either ,major party, ing was weil attencled, W. H. dealings. Retired ministers sheuld remember, too, the clouds are heavy that will not meit before the ion will open on February 6th, 'presumably, since Mr. Bennett Creeper being elected Trustee. that when they step clown from their pulpits and smile of sympathy. which is three weeks later than was responsible for ail the early __________ becomejust rdinar huma being, ther wea- The uman eart caveasmpayeaand Thedegovernment. hehasvrnegotiations and Mr.and . Mackeakenie b e c o e j . s t o r d n a r y h u m n b i n g , t h i r e a k T h h u a n h a r t c r a e s y m p a h y n d t s e n - b e e n f u l ly o c c u p ie c l s i n c e i t c a m e K i n g c o m p l e t e d i t . T h e y a r e S O T N O S A P A S nesses, shortcomings and misunderstood good in- ial is respensible for many a heartbreak. We too into office with other matters,l equally responsible for its weak- -________PPLUS tentions are open to criticismn just the same as often forget that "a heart nigh broken sighs for and it is only now that Mr. Mac- nesses and equally to be credited By Scribe G. the edtor's are. In their retirement they are no affection and net for gold-that a word that is kenzie King has been able to turn for its achievernents. Probably longer protected by that charmed halo which sur- kindly spoken, even a littie word, is better than his attention toward a legislative :Mr Bennett would have given less A feix nights ago we liztened te rounds the pulpit and forbids the cengregation wealth untoid. prga. I . h istss-an euedls;but a es i Sir Ernest MacMillan in a r'en- ion after a generai electien is both offer was the feundation for what dition o! Neel. on the Grand publicly disagreeing with their words and actions. If we do net cuitivate the gif t o! sympathy we short and light; but these ar a-f1loe.Pao ey ieyhsoncm Rev. Mauon used the words 'discourtesy, mis- net only make it harder for others, but we make sorare teadiprtn atbe haePoset osto. twssueb Tea- representation, unfair criticismn and libel' in the iu harder fer our-selves. We miss haîf the joy of ters r ob dealt with. The The New Year ushered in a hap- plause was immediate, loud, aiid chargeshe direted at he Statsman. Wen life for te worlceminggsisessionlnwillomiardsssicern-l pielyrctiadeiereiate onshipiO with w Ja- prolenged.ed challenged by a Statesman reporter te be more the 53ITpathetic. Who will say that Scrooge was i umejadsgncaC 0 î a nde cent ei hetefAdeutatme eting en eaz- specific he referred only to our comments that riet happier after he hacl shed the husk of self- buils: but a great deal o! the leg-1 world. but the United States ranks tien which ass1embles enc1 a there was a movement working for seme time te ishness? islatien o! last session was O! 1 first or second as a custemner, and week. The President or leader deubtful value: it has still te be Japan ranges between third place made several announcernents - stir up an unhealthy feeling o! unrest in school "Neyer morning were te evening but some heart appraised by the courts. The Lib- and sixth, so that te cern lete sorne o! which had te do with matters. Ail we can say to this retort is that our did break" for sympathy denied. erl aeanme fpegsarneet ihUie ttsgodadgnru ed Ppr good brother is ether blind or ignorant e! con- It is only the strong nature that can dispense in thein election campai gn and 1dJpnalinafwwesaf esh0ane.We oa ditions which have been going on for some years. with sympathy, and strong natures are as rare as one or two more in the cornes- fects a very large Per centage of plause carne off itself. he weould Don't take our word for it, ask some former trus- searing meunitain peaks. For mest ef us, who are itd SescopnigteU-oretra trade.areet Jn er hsofrdaa keinne-sy Hw ou l mnan thenrh-is tees. fashioned with erdinary dlay, sympathy is as nec- The nationalization o! the Bank f or f nom $16,000.000 te $42.000.000 Here is an instance where one Rev. John Bunner in a somewhat more meilow essary as the bneath o! h! e. It is the talisman of Canada is one o! the definite o! Canadian preduce, and with a man thinks the occasion war- moo ws uit apaenly hoke tht nynethat can change the face o! the wonld. AIl our promises o! the present gevern- gnewing Population there is ne rants a round o! applause and should dare oppose the views o! the school board. his are plains when we are in step with a f riend. mlent: that will net take a very1 reason te suppose thiat the limit severai hundred aIent minds eith-i l engthy bill: but the whele qbes-1 has been reached. For an in~- er think the opposite or don't To his mind this was preposterelus and ungexTtle- If there be one ptace more than anether where tien e! private versus public 0w- dustria1 country such as Japan think at ail. Our opinion is that manly. This cornes geod frem one who has a we sheuld !ind sympathy, it is the home. It mat- nership wili have te be threshed1 has recentiy becorne, it probably applause that doesn't cerne spen- reputation for being a chronic f ault-fne aotterS lt whether it be a cottage on a palace, if out thorougly first. The Liberalspaserbtterossaw r-tneul is!dutui oth other civic bodies. It was suggested by Rev. Bun- it is ich in sympathy it wiil always b s nare net a n nti ateZadceitorauatrdarils omYerhwyutk t fewase!nt en terfu tat te d trade thernufabnuearterfos. nontercaning taegivethi ner that our attacks were flot macle publiciy-, but oasis te which we turn fer rest and re!reshment; inaenaîof the aC etri Btak wil andtraw mtenibals dBiisfo l- msatte sne cthoght ould con- we suggest that presenting our views editonialiy te n. will be a sanctuary into which the canes e! the brîng the credit e! the country urnbia sits across the Pacific frorn sider at lmast three factors. Spon- some 2300 subscribers, which represents at least wrk-a-day world dare net intrude. It is the lack under pelitical control. Is il JPaa s cnvenientiy situated taniety is a magnificent forc,eI 10,000 readers weekly, makes it more public than e! this golden bond o! sympathy that makes e! worSe, these critics ask. te have as a nnn-Asiatieceuntry in the the univense there is a trernend- a packed meeting in the Opera House could pos- sa many homes a heli. If the husband, when he thrdt !teconrromnt el d,an there appears ta be eus ççeight e! apathy. Also thene sibly be. What is more, the editor expresses his returns f rom his daily toîl, finds ne sympathy fin d fianciallheads; or byasnas derii trade awestwin vsaues. raneinte Ieo opiion thoug th pnntd wrd.whue o th Jthe home circle, he will seek it elsewhere. If the even smallen group o! demagogs? wheat and fleur. newsPnint. hum-I other hand, some public oratars trust te the fraihty wife cannet win a smiie f rom her husband. she Would the dethrenement off St. I ber. ishauiu iceate o! human memenies te forget what they say in will eat eut her heant in silent anguish. And if 1Jame tetaseiitater il es ei anfctrswo thei evr axîey t cratea fveuabl im thre e n en tewhon te cildcanepe it itreally is se) and the establish- pulp, iead. scrap ion, zinc, as-_ their oer anxety tocreatea favouable i- ther be noone to nienth therecao!opa centieotltbye af ol-ntbestasaPolndbsimijar si commoditiesiti - pression for the moment. We think that beth hert, it wiil become wanped and twisted in the iticai leader net be like jumnpinig a mixture o! primary preducte. these retired ministers will net think their crt- cross currents e! the street. eut o! the f rying pan into the fine? metals and fully processed artic- lcisms se cemmendabie when they see themn in- . - - - These questions wili be asked. At les. The steady grewth o! such a - the austenity and dignity o! cold type. the samne ime there us a pewerful trade wiiI benef t ahi the ecenom- feeling among the masses e! the ic arreans o! Canada. As for the utterances o! Mn. Furber littie need Planning Menus From Advertiaing Liberals and elsewhere, that at al be said. Some months ago we refused te publish Adequate Protection costs the centrol o! credit, cur- The Canadian manufacturer o! an article prepareci by him on the waterworks sit- The average heusewife has cerne te read the rency and finance must be vested such goeds as Japan exporte is[T uation, after we had been informed by a cempet- advertisements e! the food store mainly te plan in the People, or in the people's we'Safgundd nth nw1n ent autherity that it was ful e! inaccuracies, and her weekîy menu and te keep her budget for representatives. rel angnt. Thewhesubector- born o! misunderstanclung or misinfermation. hiouseheld expenses. Her shopping is hen mest Te One of Highjjghts curnency duirnp duties hias becoee .1 Teratification o! the United tae complicatecl for the Iayman, Realizing the danger o! placing such statements important undertaking, and she is guided iargely States trade agreement wiii be one but I saw sorne figures the etl er before the public, and leaving honest and capable by what she Iearns f nom her local newspaper as o! the highiight.s o! the session. day on typical shiprnents. which public officials open ta unfair suspicion, we de- she sits quietiy un her own home making hier The Liberal maiority in the Cern- shewed that the Canadian manu- clined te publish the article, earning the enmity plans for the famiy bill o! fane and budget. mn is such that there wilenly facturer stili has a protection o! beoa academnic interest in the about 100 per cent against Jap- of Mr. Furber and his coterie. Quite apparent'y This epportunity o! coing her Planning at her aci vtigbuthdeaewlansgocswchom tewh at that time Mr. Furber considered The Statesman leisune and in hen own home, gives the housewi! e .a!!ord an epportunity fer one o! him. Al ether Japanese geeds a splendid publication in which te air his view- some unusual advantages. She has the value,' net 'those full dress debates on trade are now'te cerne in without dur- / point, hewever cistorted. ocri o! taking advantage e! the attractive prices land tarif! which the House seemis nency dump duty ut aIl, paying Mr. Furer sees to thnk tha The Sttesman advertied fro wtek love;kbud swith such ; ancontre-ch ahenmost tefavcredav nationtio'rates M r. Fur er see s o t in th t he ta es m n dve tis d re m we k t w ek, bu sh a se e- versial m atter as reciprocity In- w hich app hv to such a t eaty i s bitterly eppesed te the Ratepayers Association. duces very iargely the amount o! lime required veived, there shouid be ne lack e! ceuntry as Japan. The tradc !ig-«I On the centnary we are glad te see the interest for shopping. She prepanes. her shopping list wîth argument. The merits o! the a- 1unes should sooh show a substan- taken in municipal affairs by this organization. accunacy and ease when it is most convenient for greemnent, hewever. will net be at- tuaI upturn there. It is true that we have criticised some e! their lier te, do se. Later when she proceeds te her f av- policies, but we have aise praised others. It s the enite stores she knows precisely what she intends general opinion that the biggest obstacle and te get. and what the items wil! cost. She cees T I i enemy o! the association is none ethen than men her shopping with a minimum o! delay and dis- I h i n itn a e! Mn. Furber's ilk, who adrnitted at the nomnin- cemnfort.1 ation meeting that he had been censured on more 'Me local merchant is aise a beneficîary o! these than one occasion by the executive fer his wild advertisements in that the customer who has her TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO ember 301h and delivered an ad- oratory. list prepared in advance cana be waited upon more From The Statesmnan, January clri.ends e! Mn. P. C. Trebilcock jCND~ The Statesman, and more particuîarîy ts ecitor, quickly and given better service. From his point 12tb., 1911 will be glad te learn that he has' SUCCESSFUL HOME-MA was subjeet te one o! the most bitter attacks on o! view the saving in shopping turne enables hum recovened from the accident on ayidvdainrcn er.Prasw hudJerusalei og fles e lcindyby which h a EHNC nrcn er anyIndviualinrecntyeas. enapswesholdte serve more custemers with a given number o! 1911: W.eM.-C. B. K er o ent .PM- tw o h utron dtyhe net let this bother us, but s ýhoull d-cnsidr the clenks and 50duclown ron his. vrha oss F .Mrrs; ..-nt . W. Mi- pavemn thse, jre ht eaerHaged 110a"In rhbt an THE VOICE IN THE WILDERNESS ORDER TODAY ah~ liulic = r ur rrmpt ieievery Sheppard & CiII Lumber Co. FUEL, PAINT, BUILDERS' SUPPLIES NOTHING is werse than Ietting Old MMa M'inter catch up with you - for if he does, he makes every member of your family susceptible to colds, the fiu, pneu- monia, bronchitis and ail the other dread sicknesses se prevulent ut this tîme of yean. But he'll neyer catch you, neyer subje.'t you to illness or uny discomfort whest your ceai bin is full, when you have enough te keep every room of yeur homi healthfully and comfortably heated h ours a day. LJD THEIR INDUSTRES-A.JD THEIR BANK SALES CLERK: "My wife runs our family finances. 1 hand ber my pay cheque, and afer paying bis and keeping eut purse money, she puts the est in aur savings ac- count at he Bank of Montreal. Thats why we had the money te buy our mce little home-a bargain for cash."~ SOME 0F THE BANK'S SERVICES TO THRIFTY CANADIANS: Persona] savings accounts; banking by mail; safekeeping cf securitics and other valuable papers; chequing accounts; Ieuers of credit; my pay has ive mnade as b as been te, ie Bank of sme- but hasn't been lay: A dcbt- mer cottage k, a smal ncluding a nhing every )F MONTREAL 817 - HAD OFFICE, MONTREAL ranch: F. O. McILVEEN, Manager E.THE OUTCOME 0F lis YEARS~ 5Ud~~5Sp~~ OPERATION 1 j Ut CHARRED ruins tell a sad tale of de- struction, yet any wise property owner (one fully insured in a dependable comp- any) will be able to start at once in re- building his destroyed home. Insure to-day in a well known, dependable stock f ire insurance company - as the HARTFORD. J. J. MASON 8 SON INSURANCE AGENTS Phone 50 Bowmanville 1 THE CANADIAN STATESAAN, BOWMANVrLLR, CINTARM TAý"--- - .-.- 1 Z-- --Inqmqlr- Phone 'E, ..... TUE OUTCOME OF 118 YPARS' SUCCESSFUL OPERATior4 -w---

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