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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Jan 1936, p. 3

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 9, 1936 PG HE Jhad started him in service. ~He ing of Judas and the rlsing of ~~W.HloeladMdadI' told Of a college principal visit- John; for the f alling of Annas WM HAthur Mcad, Sta ndl ___________ _____ ~unday Sciiool ighi om.Overhearing the and Caiaphas, Pilte HrothuLrR WE DING I Mis tandile the guest, he decided that he Equally true was Simean's pre-M.ad m vroPouB Cln John Henry, Orono L esson I wanted to share the 111e that diction about Mary, the Mother mr.anilMrs. Eeron rodut s- r.CclRbîsnadM.Jh made men talk one tothe other of Jesus! "Yea and a sword shah rnanvllew ree tonr tiGestaCoissMrurt ca eun . rn nDcme 6h -__________________in that fine spirit. pierce through thine own soul; atToPenttoPrie ed ta h.Er school duties in Bright- atrmc ufeig hr as A PROPHETIC ISION The Lght tha.t Led 26-28 that thoughts out of many hearts The annual New Year's gather- on. fe uhsfeig hr as The olySpiit as ponSim may be revealed." Many times ing of the Prout family was held Mr. and Mrs. George Snith, ed "from out of the boumne of heHySirtwspoSi- did Mary feel the thrust of that Starkvlle, were New Years vst ieadsae h olo Sady aur 2h eon. He had obeyed the inner sapsod hnseswhmat the home of Mr. W. J. Rîcii- oswt iviohr Ms h sit tmead sc"ten aul0f hor Sunday, January l2the saw sC voice until the HlySpirit maifee oofaiCa a rds, hurch St.. Bowmanvilleoswt e ohr r.To.etee iie n egbr Golenly dwtmanfl t hîs gI . John wasllth' taleon "Mnhens avliail thermnnty.Cetanbrothers and sisters Stoheon.Henry. He wsthe younger Godn et "ie yshaewthnhi emaetî.Crti alilee, when lue became a cause wîth their familles, with the ex- Mr. John Meneely is much um n- o h eMr lxne seen thy salvation, Which thoulconvictions were held not because af division among her children. eîo i n ic n two proved in Toronto General Hos-so ofhe at MrAexdr hast prepared before the face of of logical proof but because of the wech nwo hsara n ephews o erne eabsndhouh ' asd bary Janeua tHe1869,an Rll People."-Luke 2: 30, 31. wpromptingsf o! ares athe1epHoîyho eSpabrit hroghpital and asbry JaneStutHenry69,and ~.LsonPsae:Lk : 53,iprmpls ftthe belyie it A when with John befome the cross ilîness and distance, were present. Mrs. Lanson Millson and DoreenLo 16, Con. 6, Clarke, where his Le-ssn. Pasage:Luke : 2535, 1impulecarnehesheiegazeamdsupon herpon dhr lng Son.. AAt2 12c o'clock a dalltosaterdownsttof he wererguestsgrnaiahheradmotherha Mrs f rom the Spirit of Godi, led hîm Yet in the moment of the final sumptuous meal ai îowî, etc. The Jas.rStapleton, Newcastle. tlegraneaherndefyaily hset- Thttauh the Temple on the very day sword thrust the Magnificat was afternoon was spent in games and Mn . and Mrs. Clarence Turner tycme from Ulster, Ireland. W Wsis:that the month-ald Baby Jesus most gloriouly fulilled. ktTo r.admy, No ewathisiedthy a skating. Mm nd and mrs. BeocasPtlk. ie Here, the representatives of Tat asecetplnws Prsented there and le re.. Age and Infancy, 40 At 6 o'clock ahI the brathers and MisRbWalce eean four generations lived until John Is hid in my hand; iaus for whom lhe had been long- There has been a long and an- sisters sasi down for ansupper andrnobutstil one Thai my hand is big, ing had corne. It is a thousand imated dispute about grading in ai ter the blessing had been asked thliigMs la~ ereac eie tarnaHbut sti thOed Becaue ofthis lan.Pities that so many earnest the Sunday Shool that separated Mrs. W. W. Manning read the fol- eD ouga nW leis visitn a- te pin ee f rm He ommas -h Becaue ofthis lan.Christians have such vague no- youih and age. One congregation lowing address to Mr. and Mrs. Gr.ornJones. Cemf ,Cat iofrstainte sToadshCommis- That God, tions about the Holy Spirit. sup- recently ceased ta have a Junior Everson Prout who had been ham, visited Mrs. Win. Ruther- education was received ai the 6th Who dwells in my hand, erstitious ideas even as thaough Congregation feeling that there1 married 25 years on January 2nd:1 ford' iesho n en tNw Knaws this secret plan Odsn~eîn rsnewr was a great gain in having par- Dear Sister and Brother. cl i scho n atrma N 0f the thingsiHe eliilgdo fornthew ent n hlrn osipn im asssitl n tses Miss Helen Anderson and Mm.catehgshol Oftewîd ewlld orteuncanny. tetheand certainy hpig iepse s-fl ndi em Colby are visiting lhem parents. Tue family attended the Pres- The Nu1ntoDimhett sr29-32 normal life scarcely possible that 25 years Mrs. Mabel Langstaff Toronto, byterian church and afier union Using my hand!TeNn Dnits,2-2 does flot segregate youth and age. 'have passed since you two joined the United Church. Kendal, and -Kagaua. Luke gives us three great sangs: Th1aiyi h is colofbnsadpoie ra h visited ber mother, Mrs. Robt. in Orono Park St. United.' Mr. Th Mkng0 aSan, 5 the Benedictus of Zacharias. the the child and then we occasion road af lu e îogeîîher. But such Onurley. î 4th the Missionary Henry was a member o! the Th 1akn f ant 5 Magnificat o! Mary and the Nunc ally find four generations, grea is the case and so we are gatbered rgaatUC.Lguwilcn board of stewards. Luegives u h human touch- Dimittis o! the aged Sun eon. Inigran dp arents. grandparents, par- here today ta congratulate you prtofra eate. C. Leguesilvcon- At te î ea nDe.2t es o! the gospel sîory. Matthew each case telb tkes issisi ad0fhlardebatemuh oethitled "Resaolved hapy he funieal on duec. 28h tells of the coming of the King, naine îrom te f5an.wodftaes tet n hide.Hw uhomteanvrsm iththpythat Home Missions are of more site sericeas omducatd byabi thefîsiwor a te teyhae ta teach one another! day and ta extend to you aur best importance than Foreign Miss- pastor, Rev. J. H. Osiembaut, as- but Luke tells of cousins, motb- Latin version oi the poems. It is When Simeon sang bis farewell wishes for many more happy years 1ins"fsised obyhafomiy erpaTo m-an ers, babes and lovely old People. frequently pointed out that the sang. age and infancy mingled in together. Dumîng these twenty- Mr. J.,T. Pearce bua returned freda h mlRv hn This lesson Pictures the agedNa iri bus is flot an evensong the Temple. And when Jesus five years you have known som e- to his work with the Hydro. as Wallace o! Greenbank, who in S\Wo oligaof h nfn tal u hesa on fa ade i visit to the Temple atlthîng of anxiety and heartache, bis tribute ta his former parish-! Jesus. His eye may have been aId man about ta die. Even sa. the age ai twelve. he was found land also much of ioy and bappi- < ioner n redafcintl getting dim but bis soul's eye had the Nunc Dimittis bas a message listening ta and questioning the iness. You have known the happi- spake o! him as brother John. its second sight. Simeon w a s for human hearis that. having learned doctors af tbe law. Fromn ness of litihe children surrouncling jK N A u hi e ntesnig0 miheu nd devout, laoking for been satisfied by praise and pray- the child's point o! view, ai leasi, i you to brighten yaur home and faoiehynleusLvro t h e consolation o! Israel. in er. depari f rom the holy place of il is a hardshlp ta be sent ta bed cheer you in your struggles and Myfavoite an, 'JRo us o v er !an nearly every community there is wrhpwel content. For years w. My Soul' and 'Rockr 0f Agens', sda eveinga j washi whn copan isbein ener-saciies. You have made a home Lau nTurdy eeîgMm. Rowland Smith sang an ap-S ai leasi one persan who is a saint Simeon had waited. hopinLr ag-i tained because youth has sa much wheire those children are being was in charge of the Devotional popriate solo. The body was laid i2 in the making. What bad given ainst hope. and now, ai long last. 1ta learn f rom overhearing the malsd n hontesi Christian living convener, Mm. Arthur Tuampson, to resi in Orona cemetery. ta Simeon bis lifelong religious bis eyes had seen God's salvation conversation o! experienced age. andseinteygfohtosab with ibis progrm: scripture read- Plrltiue icueTe' interest? Was it the scriptume and he was ready ta depart in Jesus au a boy was in daily con- ilish homes o! iheir own they will ings by Bert Bostock and Donald Famlly, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Coop- r]- that he bad memorized in in- peace. He far transcended Juda- tact wiih bis parents: "And the 'take with them happy memamies Little; tria. Misses Dorothy and er, Mms. Ballagh, Mm. and Mrs.V fancy, or the effeci of public ism for in addition to thinking o! child grew. and waxed strang, lo! the gentle came you have be- Verna Stacey and Jean Mercer; 1W. Piper, Mm. and Mrs. L. C.1 warship upon bis thoughts" Had Christ as the glory of Israel he filled with wisdom: and the grace stowed on them. reading. Mr. Jim Swarbrick; tapic, IWhite, John Stewart famlly, M. hie learned il from bus friends or boîdîy procaimed him as "a lighf o! God was upon him." Yuhv vrmd orfi r rhrTopo.adMs .J ttMs oo by his ov.n secret tbînking? A for revelation ta the Gentiles." Jnds Y ou ae eeraelpi oubrifmi- . hum Thsa omoatn. c a yand hs. . .Stu.Misskeora- layman who gave lifelrng service That catholicity .for which Paul ~________ed ecm epn abrighuemewsandgod atiendlSn-oncanced hy eac. CG..T. lmeTp I I ~~~~en the ives a! athers by yaur cuc-n udyScolSn ani adKna ...405. to the church was asked wbat had ta contend in both synagou L R EU IN iknl iitis o-day mamning. Pall beamers were D Hoaper, re chhodithe Baby esus 'd T' u uobiuth e ri endmly hns _______oldnghe_________Th__________frindl things. Cecil Tebbhe with ber parents, land, C. A. Cooper and J. White. in bis amms. We weîcome ta aur section Mrs. Tue wan't-you-let-me-help-you Mm. and Mms. Hugli Haye, Osh- Flowem bearers were John Siew- A Prediction, 33-35 Almont Bullock and wisb ibemi things awa.... Mms. Chas. Tamblyn bas, art, P. D. Sowden, L. C. White. Looking muao the future, Sm- happiness and prosperity. That make Our pathway light. returned te Waodbmidge, Miss R. Hallowell, E. Quantmill, and eon made a prediciion about the Ai the annual scbool meeting'And it's jusi the .iolly aaking Annie Thompson returning with W. Piper. y inantJess ad bs mthe, M. Hrb.Scot ws m-apoin- I tbigshem. . . . Mm. Lorne Henry, Tom- Immediate f riends wha are lefi Mary. As Joseph and Mary mnar- ed Secretary-Treasurer for the The neve-mind-the-trouhe anto, wi T.bJ friend e. . Mr. ta Miuss eth io. omr velîed ai the lafty faith oai Sm- next termi. tbings. aM prs.T.. MCa radden a Mm. I MissSawden; two ean's sang. the aged seer said 1.0 Mm. and Mrs. Jno. Berry enter- Tue lauLh-witb-mne-iis. funny MrikSor'sont i o, r oeby..war- daughters, Misses Domoihy, Tom- of Stationeryý Mar:.:Behoîd, ibis child is set tained a number af neighbors at dhnsono n h ilrdahoe re for the faîling and rising of nmanY 6 o'clock dinner on Tuesday. A That make the world seem and Mrs. Win. Honey, Milligan, ai sisters, Mrs. Mary B alla g h Haddon Hall Kid Finish irn Israeî: and for a sign whicb is pleasant time was spent in par- S bright. Mrs. A. Jackson's. . . . Mm. and Guelph, Mrs. W. Piper. Toronto, spoen gaist" Hw tue!se bmgams, tc here's toalal the little things. .Mms Vernon Peacock and family Mrs. C: A. Cooper, 6tb Line: and Haupo Cut uenFnuh forthie falling ai the Pharisees Miss Neya Rainey, R.N., Osh- The done-and-tben-forgotten 'Pemcy Burîey and family and Mm. chewan. and Alexander. Orono. Note, Foîdover and and scribes and the rising af pub- awa, 15 visiing her mnother, Mrs. Ths hissh~nthing Carman Bell ai Mrs. A. Jackson' licans and sinners: for the f.î-R any.M.adMs.Ccl nTue famihy speak feelingly o L et er ize p a d j _ _ _ _- r s. G ordon Pow em and babe T h at m ake life w or h the figh i. and R ay, M rs. L H oskin . M . athfr e n d s s ! n i bb r Puaze 9jarevisiting f riends in Oshawa. Sa because o! what you mean RisonC.cil.Tebbr. ad Mm . Tereae d, maa E c 9c.m u sic M . anda Mrs. red Hill enter-, ta us al, we ask you to accepi at ion 'snd . m a n M r. . p"To here ae many, I anf aaefh tained ai agoose dinner on Fmi- ibis gif t as a token of aur lave Patton and fMiaiM.Mr. Goro t hm e tugtorhefigh Envelopes TEACHERS day evening. and esteen and as a symbo] !e' . m n Ms ereo îe dsiig or me, I ANDMm.andMms SyneyMoran goad wishes for youm future. Quantrille, Mr. and Mrs. Evan feel that He bath nat given ibe anD M. ab Cou!Syiey Moran indb orCideBra- Quanîrille and daugbter, Shirley, spirit af fear, but of power- to match in either thse kid or CU L iie i ore oea m iers and Sisters, Nieces and Mm. and Mms. Ira Tuompsan and Dr.A. Tholuck linen finish. Package of 25. di0 Tbo UPInaoS wib. SitD. sfo er'homNephews. Mr. George Tuompson ai Mm. Cecil Eah9 ed oal n era 4hand IStb, Mm. Alex Prout presented them Qar.Lsile, Eluaetville. a . Each 9c he~136.pliucatiosate s must reacui Mm. Harold Shuttîewomtb is vis- with a beautiful cabinet of sîlver.MmLeleRitavietMm the'Conservatory not ae than january iiing Toronto fiends. Jim Swarbmick's. i5.1936. atr.Mm. and Mrs. Prout were com- CONsRVTOR Murray Cain a! Provi- pîeteîy taken by surprise but bath _a,- ig Nickel Pencil Pada JMIILEB SCHOLARSHIPS dence spent New Year's week at thanked the company for the Rued-Whletey~A melets of Scholazships, based on a study bis gandmother's, Mrs. G e o. gift. About 9.30 the guests lefi SCHOOL REPORTS Ruled- Whle thy lat aofthe resuts of the pianoforte practîcl.7 Cain. for ibeir respective homes hoping 2for Sc eoamu i ntaio . Fordte i9.3 wurpbe ades School has opened again for ta meet again next yeam. 1 and II wili form Group A; Grades Mi the winter ternm with Miss M. When Mr. and Mrs. Prout ar- MB an V GpB Grades V and VI, Group ;G A rche in charge. As usual the rived ai their home they found KrySha hiia e Jo W . Jewell IR and X, Group E; onee award in eu Christmas concert passed a!f fh lghted and hem brothers and ot J ew l oap-arnouauieg to $10.00, $u5.ao. splendidly, the schalars taklng sisiers and familles had gathered par:V-tel e 3() 20.00 $25.00 and $30.00, respectively, ta iheir part xep.nly wl. oSm.rt herwdin n r WiV-ttaell7a (HBesi83 H Phone 30 a~~~~p Iiedtowards the cost ci the £futu xetaal el aceert hi edn re hiae 9() ent Phone£ SA30OERV ilion of thé scceasul candidatesm versamy. Tue company was calledShcltn(betfrxai) BOAKSNS ATIPAER TORONTO "God is betier served in resisi- ta arder and Mrs. Jlm Glbson r V-Ruth Lunn 87 (H). CN PIT& ALAE OeNsERVATORY 0F MUSIc igatmtaint vî hni ead the folîawlng address and CHINA__ &__ GLAS$________StOR nisty 2. m mny amapaytevs."-WhlninMrs. Prauts mather. Mrs. Welsh, rby Allna7 CH), BI93 B Hyd CHN £GAS B I. ST n 2iiW. mn fraijayr.--,l Sm -Eddtem it-asiiarRbyA na 11.Bllngs 938( Penn. abn th lernwlth asim(ar(R). Dear Jessie and Everson. apletAudrey Tebble 80 (H), Marion On Jnuar 2,1910theWright 77 CH1), Leonard Sahana- event a! yaur lives transplmed tien 74 CP), James Lawemy, 70 (P). I~~~n (Pi01V ' ~, ney together, se to-nlght we have 'IIlU d r e y Bilhlngs 94 CH1), assembled in yaur home uninvlted Perebble 82(H), Bill Ruther- fbut we ever have been, te cele- fr 4()8Gog2erel5 braie ibis jayful accasian-your (p) silver wedding day-wth you and 1L v m e B y 4 C) a yourchilren.Brysan 78 (H), Nellie Wright 76 During the 25 years that have (H), John Allin 75 (H). have taken place in yaur lives. Jr. Prime-Eîom Wrig75 H. The assng ! alove on tathe Beg.-Marguerite Rutherford. beyand that bas caused sadness Figures denate %. I and sormow, then marriages and Doris P. Paiterson, teacher. j births that brighten aur lives, but ____ j we Must take the shadows with the sunshine ta make aur lives NEWTONVILLE SCHOOL 1 campîete. REPORT 1God bas been. good ta you mn Report of S. S. Na. 4, Clarke giving Yeu these sons and daugh- for Christmas examinations. ters and you are doing your best (Marks denote percents) b odand example ta raise Sm. IV-Jean Campbell 86, Law- tbem in the Christian way and rence Milison 78, Mary Denauli mhyaeh udta-night ta call 76, Nellie Meneely 71, Plorence oumter and faiher and ta Burley 65, Betty Stapletan 62. have you as their guide. Ta yeux Jr. IV-Domathy Scott 80, Helen i mnother you have shown the high- Couch 75, Ronald McGahey 66,1 est respect and reverence always Floyd Millson 65, Audrey Burley striving ta nake ber life happier 62. and brightem In is declning years. Sm. fIl-Helen Snell 74, Laurna To your sisiers and braihers you Pearce 71, Alfred Redknap 70, have helped us many unmes, ever Kathleen Randaîl 69. ready and willing wiih your belp Jr. III-Erie Burley 78, Keih and advice. Bumley 75, Rowland Bumîey 74, Yeu realize a home is more Isabelle Bruce 63, Jean Gray 62.1 than Jusi four walls and you have Amy McDonaid 62. labomed ta make ibis home con- II-June Ware 83, Bobby Grayl fortable where lave relgns. At ibisJI76, Mary Burîey 63, Gordon Mc- ie, Jessie and Eversan, we wouhd Kay 60, John Meneeîy 51. ask yau ta accepi ibis gi as a 1I-CNames In order o! Merit). smalî taken a! aur lave and esteen CH) denotes hanours; CF) denotes for yau and we sincerely hope we failure-Bud Jones CHI), Fat Wm may be present ta help celebrate CH), Elgin Savery CH), Bill Cuc youm golden wedding day and that Doreen Burley, Dlck McDonald God's ichesi blessings a! heaîth (pj, George Gibbs CF). and bappiness wlll be yours in the i>.-Jean Miligan (H). years ta came is the best wlshes Laurence Savery, teacher. o! your chlldren, moiber, sisters ___________ and brothers, nieces and nepb- A GOOD TfING ews. Tue happy couple thanked them Mrs. MacTavish: My lile boy in their usual genial and happy bas jusi swallawed a $10 gald way afier whlch dancing was In- piece. dulged in until the early boums Neigbbor: Graclous, is the cblld ai morning. They weme also e- lin danger? cipients o! a beautiful silver Mrs. MacTavish: No, thba n k !lawem basket, sevemal plants and goodness, bis !aiher's oui af town. bouquets. Internal parasites mn the shape i r a! womms in the stonach and I NEWTON VILLE i bowels ai children sap theirvit- -ality and rtard physical devel- apmeni. They keep the child in Mr. and Mms. Jack Moore and a constant state o! unresi and. Howard, Scatland, vlslted hem 1ifloet attended ta, endanger Ille. parents, Mm. and Mrs. Thos. Bur- The chlld can be spared much keIl. sufferinge and the mother mnuch New Year's visitors wlth Mm.j anxlety by the besi worm remedyl and Mms. Wllfred McKay were: t hat can be gai, Mlller's Worm Mr. and Mrs. Harold Barrow- Powders, wbich are sure deatb ta claugh, Wesleyvihle; Mr. and Mrs.1Iwormns In any shape. KERSLAKE'S DRUG STORE Now is the time to take a good tonic to guard against winter colds. Wampole's Cod Liver Extract RIch in Vltamins A a.nd D Nyal Pure Ext. Malt Cod Liver Cod Liver Ou Ou 16 oz. $1.00 59C-98C When we test eyes you are assurýed satisfaction in fit andirice. PHOE 4 R. Co wling, Phm. B. WE FI p TRUSSES Douglas' Egyptian Liniment, Protect the child from the rav- always quick, always ce rt a in. ages of Worms by using Mother Stops bleeding instantly. Cauter- Graves' Worm Exterminator. It izes wounds and prevents blood Is a standard remedy, and years 'oisoning. Splendid for muscular of use have enhancei its reputa- rheumatism. tion. l'Extra Time for YOUi Scott's Emul. 49c-89c Ayerst's C. L. 0. 49c - 89c - $1.50 Ayerst 1O-D. C. L, O. 4 oz 67c - 16 oz $1.69 Neo Chemical Food $1.00 Haliver Oil Caps. $1 Pertussin 57c - $1.35 Cherry Pectoral 60c - $1.00 Mason's "4911 When You Serve Baker's Specials! There's no time wasted in the kitchen, and no chane for failure, if you let Cor- bett's Bakery furnisis a de- licious assortment of bakery goods for every meal! Our Bread and Rolis and Cake and Cookies, aU have the deliclous flavor of the finest home baklng. We'll deliver, too, te save even more tizue . CORBEfor you! R Phone 3 Distrîbutors Dad's Cookies Bowmanville u 4ED FOOD. V#ALU 4r IL5c light syrupIL5 No. 2 sq. tins No. - 2 4 c tn 10<s i-lb Brunswick Sardines Aamieties 3 Tins values are effective Jan. 9 ta 11. r Baysiae om Aylua.r Peac'hes Tom&te Julce CELERY O HEARTS li Bunch HEAD LETTUCE 5c Se-cdIess Oranges 25c oz Large Grapefruit .5 FOR25c "nIit CHOICE QUALITy ALL BRANDS STANDARD UL Y R~WAX or Diced ChoiceNo. 2sq tins CarrotsChice No. 2 sq. tins TurnipsDICED SMART;SCHO1CE Vou r on selection af any Combination. I *l e vaeue s r fetv a.9t l Your own selection of any Combination. Tomato Jiuace No. 2Y2 tins Tomnâtoes N. , tn CO RN COUNTRY KIST 17-oz. tins PEASu COUNTRY KIST 17-oz. tins Evap. Mlk AU. BRANDS ta! tins -SHORT'S Choice Quality i Cut, lgeetsNo. 2 sq. tin Stock your pantry now. at these Iow prices. Domnu.Baki' Powder Huge Sale of Fur, Coats Cilles pie Furs of Toronto Will bring one of the finest displays ever seen in Bowmanville to our store. This company was established in 1868 and has an unequalled repu- tation for fine work. See these new coats or bring your repairs to an ex- pert. A Few Suggestions From the Display Black Kid Caracul Coats $75.00 American Broadtail -- $62.50 to $105 Muskat CatsProcessed Lamb Mukrt oas ------------ $85 to $1-50 Electrie Seal Coats ------ $75 to $95 Rice Lake Hudson Seal $220 to $280 Squirrel Coats ----------- - -- $350 COON, FINE CARACUL AND FANCY COATS AT REDUÇED PRICES. Ail Cloth COATS Drastically REDUCED hneCouch, Johnston & Cryderman Poe104 LIiM1ITED Bowmanville mmm- 1 - ai m Bowmanvine ALL BRANDS No. 2 tins BI dM16 m - -1 w gaulwa r 1« ZOC

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