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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Apr 1937, p. 9

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SPECIAL DIAL TELEPRONE EDITION TU dtt emn With Which Is lncorporated The Bowmanville News, The Newcastle Independent And The Orono News PAGES 1 -8 VOLUME 83 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 15th, 1937 NUMBER 15 WILL $WITCH TO DIAL PHONES ON SATURDAY NIH CENTRAL FIGURES IN BOWMANVILLE'S CONVERSION TO DIALS Weekly Newspaper Editôrs Visit at Premier Hepburn's 1000_Acre Farm in Elgin Enjoy Hospitality With MRS. C.. KENT DIES Mrs. He p bu rn As SUDDENLY IN TOWN Charmin,! Hostess- . .- Hon. Duncan Mar- day - Many Friends Mourn shah is uidein re- at Private Funerai on Tues- mier's Absence day Alternoon With startiing suddenness death The hiehi*iglît of the animal con- removed f rom her fainily circle on Satu.rday night, April lOth, vefltioii of the Oiitario-Qiîebec Div- Alice Hill, beloved wife of Carl B. ision of the Caîîadian Weeklv News- Kent, Po.stiaster of Bowman- hapst Assocatiouelisito ndnoc-ville. Mrs. Kent, who had been in hum ee Fa.'there - of Preier kapparent good heaith, passed ahîd Fr . FthepbrmeofhPremtie away twenty-fou.r houes after an Frank Williams Mayor Ross Strike andINrs.\V F flpbrntohthe attack f rom which she f ailed to Pictueed above are three im- lic ser-vice industries i.n Canada. in thse new editors and their ladies, otenil rally or regain consciousness. portant people who figure prom- His' congratulations on Bowmafl- Frank Wili ber of one hiîdred. were rovahiv cin- vlesaqiiino e Ytmadee tertaiiîcuhon Satîirdav. This farni Mrs. Kent tvas born in Bow- inently i thenews thiswee i l' custo fanwsse n nr which has iin recent- years becoiiîe manvifle, a daughter of the late appeaontipgeAtmnih lpoe faiiuý throughi its illustrons ooier Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Hill. She was connection -with thse Bowmanville on Saturday, Mayor Ross Strike m-anville Ar coiî,ists o! about 1000 acres in Elginî educated, and spent ail her life Districts change over to dial wili have thse honour of inaug- taken a spe coilit, svei mies astof t.he'e. In 1906 she was married in telephones. Mr. Sise is President urating the new system when he eration and Countv seeulmies asto! t.Bowmanville to Mr. Kent. Be-!Of thse Bell Telephone Company, places the f irst caîl topass dia! system ThOma... . hepac. neis.i fore lier marriage Mrs. Kent at- one of the most progressive Pub- - rcaemcai.sm Manager lt meiiateix struck \withî the effective Ieded the Disciple Church and:- hai(sepuwrkabuttu ruiîe f ter her marriage St. Johns 1 A MESSAGE FROM , lanscpc vok aolt te reniýs.Anglican Churcis. where Mr. Kent1 Oliver and John Callagisan. citrance to w hicli is ilade _bv a gate a for some years a warden. Her 1A-mong those attendlng from a itîdv aînuh selh kupt andl thiere i, ai main interest was centu'ed around ldistance were Mr. and Mrs. Wm ' 'I 1 generai air of prosperity and good1 her lovely home on Lowe Street, Prower, Mes. G. H. Anderson, e l T l p o e P mianagemenît abouit the place. an1 h eogdton oite.Mrs. David M. Ross, Mr. and Mrs. The ladie..s wre directed t the iShe leaves to mourn her pass- conliiodiouî.. re.idence whihe the men ing.,lier husband: îtree sons,~ H. H. Earl anai Newby, Me. Fred eiiove atou o iuputioi ! de Jack, Art.hur and Robert, aI 0of Gale, Mr'. D. R. Carman, Mr. Wal- Preiniers harn. and .stables under tue, BowmanviUle; threc sisters MsnTd, Mrs. JaTsGlHis--E BELLTELEPHONE COMPý dirctonof io. uiîai Mr sha. James Gale, of Toronto, Mrs T. Sybil Burk, Mes. John Hyde and diretion i(iftelio! aud A. Brown, Ott.l awa. and Mrs'T. S. Mes. Alan Campbell, al of To- Onai.fiistro \gniculturt n .Bon t oto; L,.C obuhadBEAVER FHA..L.BUILDING then partook of an appetizinz 1hiuch- Holgate, Bowmnanville: and t.wo i'0ts. . . rom OawandM . .SS eon, sers cd buffet style, iii the Hep- brothers, Charles Hill of Buffalo, Mrsc.A rw.Otaa i.e iýan Waler Hll o Chiago. Charles Hill, Buffalo, N.Y.; Mei. J. burni home.ndWlrHiiCuag. F. Rowland, Kingston. L'ilfortunlatuls' Premiier Hepbuirn Thse f uneral, wiich was private, Out of respect tel decea.sed and wa.. unabhe tolieb preseuit. liaviiîe was held from thse residence on her fatnily, t.he stores in Bow- to remain iin Toronto for tsvo con- Tuesday afiernoon. nev. R. J. manville remained closed during f erences onu the Oshîawa strike sit- Shires, rector of St. J ude's the funeral hour. nation. He expressed lus regrets Church, Toronto, and for-mer rec- Intermenî was madle in Bow- through is good wife, who made a tOr of St. John's, Bowmanvi.lle, manville Cemetery. charming hostess. and Mr. Marshall. officiated, assised by Rev. c. R. ___________ It '.% -eegrettable that the PreriSer SpenceT Of Sit. Johin's Cliirch. A seas kï#.îf to be presenit as ie hiad greaft profusion of floral tributes Mr. Ray J. DiLng, CG.A.. 0f lir. George James, retuiriued f roin Florida a weck earlier expressed to -the fanÙi.Ythe deep Sheppard & Gîil Lumber Co. i- Puliaher "The Stateaman", than panned iin order to be wvith the sympathy of a wide circie of fri- ited, Bowmanville, was elected Bowanville, Ont. newspapemeii at his farîn. ends. The pallbeiarers were C. A. Vice-Chairmnan of the Osh.awa Mr. Mrshal Sus fo Pr Oawker, Geo. E. Chise, A. M. Aceountants' Club at its annual Mr.Mashal ubsfo Pemler Thompson, R. M. Ainslie, E. L. Imeeting on Thursday. Dear Mr. James: The Premier chose a very appro- priate personu îo sbfor hum iii n authe suoaeE '\r. Marshlihh. hovusr. f 'r Ille f L Minister of Agriculture is not ol Os awa resuytery Y u g P o l nese of the dial telephone depund an agricutural cxpert bît ie w a,; riglit aiong hi. ohd upal:,. lias iiig ( e e ~ I i on publie underatanding of its pr owe n pbiiedwelvGt e er o eeftenu e sinto record this Comps.ny's apprecia Ipapcr> iin Ontario anid .\hhrta fior____________________ a dliartî r ou a cunutîrx . ile c ienh- Saenaslni oprto cd a few if hisi. îîw -papcr epr GENERAL MA~NAGER Several Hundred U nit e dSaei'splni Oertn îcnce~s dicn Ic adr he tit-îr-Chu.rch Young People to At- 1 uould liks ig hrinicfyinuthie h epiliiil lio. f, - tend Conference Sessions at through you to the citizene cf Bo .',tickiig' uspe andî rlinuîiuîu;î St. Paul's- Inspiring Ser- congratulations on s0 Importanta Wsa,-hingtoui hres., . ettiîig.-I vices and Meetings Planned teisalto fda eeh a*eraitîs l" andlii.. fîtrbelî1uîî s Several hundred meinbers of availahie. -I got the papvr ouit. cv- s the Young People's Union of -the town. W. all.appreciate very mu euî f t sa..a dy hau.~ hi ..id.United Chureh in the Oshawa, tl-- ous, fou iil)cIi PresbyterY will gather in Bow-und support cf our subcribers t Mr. Nlar:hallh n foniveu hi.. icarurs \.I manville this weekend for their thiat if Nlr. HepIuriî had is way annual convention. St. P a u 's tutta h e ytanyb hicil bu hiomeiînaiagiuîg thie farni ii- Cliurcis will be convention head- greateet possible service to tte steath o! carryiuîg the hurdueisoiu se quarters and the Young People of load as Premier o! the Provinice. In- 'tisat chuecli will aet as haosts ýto cidcuîtal. the Nliiter of .\gricuîh- thse visitors. Thse tiseme of tise Yu s ture tol the press harty that Nrs. . conference îiil be "Christian Heuuîiri kiicw as iuulch aboit the Youth. Building a New Person."(3 geucrai imanageent of the farni as The conference will get under lier Iiii.bauîui diii. ni caîîahii super- way with registration of delegatesp intuue<he affair.. when the Preiuiivr ai 9.30 on Satueday morning. %%as. awav frouu hîomei. I witli a get acquainted sing-song Thue I iuhuhuurii fai. couitain 1tI000I to follow under tise leadership of acre'ý. Prutuier hciho1))iri. fa ter, Mes. S. R. Janmes. The opentng \%,,ii anu.iuei Peter llepbu)irii, \va., woeship service at 10 arn. will be D IT I' 'L ' o! Scoiitu.i aieîs.-tr\, auldsettildioi a J. H. Brace conducted by Tyrone Y.P.U. j~t J J~j I I tucr1w faruu I whiehi fmis part ofj Gencral Manager of tise West- Other activities on the morntng A O N H the h h phîuinuii hoildinugs aholit Iîi en Arca of thse Bell Telephone progeani include Temperance Or- vears ago. L'Ip uîîîith tile tilue 11t 'iCompany, who is thse executive atoricai Contest Finals. reading Oitario.. ireseut i'reiir %was.ht responsible for the dcvelopment of minutes. appoinirnent of com- FreNwppr a ilt cýi iii thie (loIsitf Cunuisceveu of the arca in which Bowinanville rmittees, and announicement.s. Af- brecNew apes ulv îight ýar.. agi the fainihv sa. kniewîî s situated. Mr. Brace is sehedul- ter lunch Miss Susie VanCamp of Mcf. J. H. H. jury svio is hoIiîhay ierere ed to address the Rotary Club at Long Sauli scisool will conduot a iîîg at St. Petersbuîrg, H-onida. sent A~rthur Livi (Turn to Page Four, Please) their weekly lunciseon on Friday. sing-song, and the worship set-- uts a cops of The Eveniîg lIndehîcu- Patrol Luead vice will be directed by Claremont dlent o! thiat city. It is o! more tha i.îiPrker. l'an * x.P.u. hassing interest becatîse it hpei onLace i iThse address of welcome will be to be a 'Frec Palier." It is explain- toni. Mark1 W iii Stage-Annual County M sC deliveeed by Rev. Franklin Ban- cd thiat ini 1910 the iiewspaper o! fer- iida, iter of St. Paul's Chut-ch, and cd to give its iiewspaper asvay abso- Scoutniastcr F e tialPo t op M a 1 -1 -1 MssSybil Langmaid will niake lttlv free oi any day thuat the sun charge o! th Festval ort ope y 11 13-1 rmply. Discussion groups, an ad- did not shiue on the city. The issie _____*dress on music appt-eciation yte, hand i h 2t Free Issuie gîvei Ta Rcv. Stanley Osborne. and recrea- auvay in twenty-six anîd a haif years. Todav, Auý Coronation Day Holiday Obvi- finual councert for ail prize ivînuiiers thon completes tise afteenoon pro- wiiichi suggests that St. Petersburg mnent of Bto atesChage n Oigin a i wIhbcli ict on Fridav, Nias' i4thî. gram. In tise evening the con- lias very few davs without sunshine. due and paN atesChane inOrignal resitient J. T. Geo)rge, 13ast Pres- fecence banquet will be held, fol- ii f act it only averages four ai, two wecks ni Dates - Expeot Large Entry ideuit E . P. rault of Bosynianvilie, lowed by the Presbytery plays. three-quîarter f ree papers a year. thenilselv-es( List andl St'cetarv NMiss Helen Morris The Sunday sessions will open Witli thiat in i nid we shah cexpect to paying in adi h o Fretane n wthaSurseCmmuniionr- se,,.. Tur , tri o...lsorI The Durnham Coimits MumItsic Fes- tisaliiliilic held inu Port Ihope, onu NMay I thi, 13tlî and l4thî, accornug to a decisionmuadhe by thie Exeetutive at ,îI9. tiig Nwhiîeht Ia. hehd utPort mi Nlomdav might. \'amiots arranItnents regamdiiig thie festival weme disetusseul amdu erythimg poîints to, a succss!ull thrce-ulay sessîimext mionthi. The Festival Presideuit, J. T. George o! Pormt H ope. îmesiiheu, amnI tueltube rs o! thie Ex ce uti se anid Coinîî nittee chiai mmîeuî roiilPo rt loîc anmid Hio wnmîauvih le atteudi. Comi .i lrahie <isc.ussi ouitook p flace negardimîg thie dates for thue Festival, w hih were origimialvauiuoumced as ,Nias l2thî, I3thî and l4thî. Now, May l2thî. , Coromiatiomi Day, lias beemi de- clamcd a1îîuîblic holiday, andi the ex- ecttive uecided to openi thie comîpet- Sitioms on Tuîesday, 11tayIlîtit. The iah couiuttee to ilcal witlî amiy ques- tionis which mîiglt arise uurimg thie sesions ieme. A. E. Fui ford, Cltairmiami o! the Hlalls anîd Tickets Comumittee. svas (Turo to Page 5, Please> MISS MABEL JEWELL TO REMAUN UN TOWN 'Ii.s Maliei Jesycîl, chue! operator ui thie Bell Teluiomie office, wilh e- ma tin i in ioiis îamîiile %whîemithie chuamigi to dials is mîaue Saturda «v. Mi.sJss eehi svho is a autgitcm of Nirs. Jewehl amnd thie late \V. E. Jecwell, willuhe commercial clerk inu thie nem, office at Chîu.mchî and Temîî- perance Streets. WVitli Mm. Williams, local manager. Miss Jcwell will coinî- prise thie local staff o! thie iaI ex- change. vice ai 7 a.rn., followed by break- f ast. At 9.30 feliowship grcoups will meet under tise leadership of Rev. W. F. Banister. Mes. Bert Wood, Miss Vida Langmaid, Mrs. Stuart James and Mr. Bert Wood. Mocning worship will be conduct- cd in St. Paui's Churcis wien tise special preac.her will be Rev. Rus- sell O'Brien o! Whitby. A wror- ship service will be staged ai 3.30 in tise afiernoon with Gt-eenwood 'Y.P.U. in charge. Tise address will be delivered by Mr. Home- Borland. Evening worsisip will be oonducted by Mrs. Kennletis Wer- ry. wiiis Rev. Franklin Banister as preaciser. Rev. W. J. H. Smyth 0f Port Percy will instaîl tise new- ly elected Presbytery officees. and tise convention whll corne tea f it- ting close wltli a candleliglit ser- vice conducted by Mrs. Ber-t Wood. withî a mîagmificemît coat o! tati and !umly restored to lus formier goîîd hîcaithi and vigonîr. Organ Factory Sale Trustees o! thie Dominiiomn Orgami andl Piano Conmpanîy, umder assîgut- ment oui Tuesdav amîd Wctel conutced a sale o! the stock anud iachiimerv o! tlhe plant. Thic sa a arge crowd o! dealers presemît at thie sale. Full details o! whîat oc- cumreu at thue sale vilhie reiated mext seck. Attend Conference Fournteemn Bowmanville Scout Lead- ers have to-morrow to attenîd a two day Con feretîce o! Scotuters f roin thie district in Port Hope. The bonys wili be biletted in Port Hope on Fni- day nlight anîd will return at the cou- chusion o! the Conference oui Satun- c Mayor R. Strike To Place First Cail at Midnight to' Inaugurate New System CANADA'S STATUS PROVIDES GRAVE RESPONSIBILUTIES Rev. J.E. Ward Tells Canadian Leglon at Vimy Banquet That Canada Must Do Its Share to Further Worid Peace Canada as a self goveriig nation within the British Coinînonwealth of Nations can hardly question or crit- C. F. Sise icise Great Britains's iniaction wvhen wTelephone Building. japaii ainexed Mlanchutria and Italy getic manager of the rector of St. Stephien's, Churcli, o- Company for the BOW- ronto, anîd weii kuoNviî radio speaker. crea. Mr. Williams has itold war veterans at the annual nd mainenaceon t e jon Friday. ere. iîizcd iii îorld circles as a nation,. TH NEîot expeet the 01l Land to take the r es dii as beeîî broadcastiîîg for teps 'ANY 0F CANADA al were received h.v the cultîired people of Eiiglan(i. Tiev were look- cd iip ii as c',oiî i ai..and soinewhat of a cîiriosîtv. Catiada's part iin the [oN-rREAL Great War changed ail that and maiîv other thiiîgs. It changed the caste systcnîiii i Englaiid aîîd brouiglît about a breakdown in the ri(hicuiouis class 1pril let, conscieiîtousiîess wvhich w~as a relic of 1937. feudal Engiand. 1\r. Ward spoke of lus activities during the war. Whien %var lîroke on i e as iii Switzerland aînd lhe never rcallv appreciated. tîntil thcîî, the reai spirit of the Britishî race. He ivas appointed British Consul and svas provided with funds to sec thiat ev-erv Eîglish pcrsoîî in the area, aînd thiere were 1.500 was ru-turned to hoiîîe soil. I kîow of no other couiîtrv, lie said. thiat %soiil(l take the esa andt effective- saille iiîterest iii every iiîdividiial îwho liapperîs to be aîvay froîîî homne anîd .ds in large measure iin daniger. proper use, I irrite The colonîial idea lias alrno..t ci- tirelv disappeared froni Fiiglaîîd. lie ation of The adde(i. Canadians are uiow recoznized uTý- te rP.-t, Il ae ln recent uzonthe. ealso to exprese oz.wanville 57 an enterprisa unesaervice in the ructi tttspatronage thrs and sincerely af ound cf the 3 whoj.e community. Lncerely, Preaident. 1'OWN, Bowinaniville Scouts, wiii mitcd by Troop Leaders ving anid Johnt Grahani; iers, Bill lait. Limnel iii Sflîioî. ii., ill 13rowil, tl, Bill Grcii, DIonî Veni- Laînhourii, Bob Piirdy. itcheil aind Doni Allun. rBert 'Mortlock wvill have lhe local grotit. axes Due Today Lril 15th, the first inistali- owmnivîile taxes beconie avable. Dtirinig the 1past iaiiy citizetis have availed of the op)portutnityý of Avance of the date. Cadet Inspection T'le aniumalinimspiectiomu of Bowmîîan- ville Hligli Scliool cadets svilh ie held oui Wcdiesday mext Primîcipal L. W. Diîiîehh annoumîced. Thie inspectimîg officer lias iot beem i mîmed. Mn. )ipîîehl svihh have change o! the par- atie anîd thie sigmalling corps. Mr. (;mtgtrv t.îiiuer. whîo svas to have tmaiuîcd thie cadlets is absent dume to ulnmess and h Mn. lipîîehh is ca rvm o ut hi5 d(haies. NI ns. Diîîîc 1I las1 bîen sutîply teachier form a few dlavs îhuriuîg Mm. Colmiers ahîsemîce. Can You Help Us? We axée entirely oui o! States- mans for thse issue of Mardi iBthi. If you have a copy o! this date and can spare it would You milnd leavlng or mailing ht te Thse Statesman, Bowmanville. Thanic you. Are Living Midst Economic and E~ Even Fertihity of Soul is Chang- ing Dr. G. I. Christie, O.A.C. Presîdent Tells Men's Can- adian Club Ladies' Night "The il h w o mhIh.,aremu clhai(fiiuîc orles are trI iug to buhI)orti,' dlechamed Dr. G. 1. Chisitie, Prvs.i(lcuîuo! the Ontario Agriculiturme Coiluege. Guephu, addessiuig a ladlius' iighit gathîerng o! tue Nei Caiîadlian Cltub, Tucsdlay at the Balimuoral 1-lotel. Dr. Chîistie fomce!umhy iinpressedl lis audienîce Ivithi the inlevitabIihits o! social aiîui econoiic chanîge w'hicli is in the urocess o! birthî. Thue chiamise lias eveti af !ccted tue land," said due speaker, 'svitli growers ii titis sec- t ionî lia vîig t rotîhl e ohtaiuîinmg hiighi quaity apuiles and othier prodluce. thue creanerymieni fiuîdimig thiat thîcre is souîîethimîg smomg withi tue fred tiev are growing for thîcir cattie whieh iliustcadl o! dcneasimîg thie numii- her o!f poummds o! nîilk mecessamy to uîîake a pound o! chîcese lias rathier imceased it iii spite 'o! scieîîtific developmuîcnts." Dealimig fumther svitli thue quiestiomn o! change ini the world, the speaker inettioned thuat the lands imn the est- eri sectioni o! thie prairie provinces sîcere i a worse state thiis year e- gamdimîg nîoistume thiamu thtc have ever beemi at this tinie o! ycar, and uiless a gneat dleal o! nain fahîs, the crops svilh pohably bie veny poor. Sciemnt- ists claimiu that it is a cy'cle thîmoumghî syhiiehi ue are uîas..img ai thuat thie (Turn ta Page 4, Please) ORONO L. O. L. WINS SHUELD Word has just been receiv- ed via night letter from Ot- tawa that the Orange Degree Teami of Orono L.O.L. No. 409 defeated Patterson's Corners Wednesday night to win the Shipman Shield. The wire was f rom W. J. Riddeil and reads: "Orono boys at Ot- tawa won shieid again 85-82. Ail feeling fine and quite happy. Tell folk<s at Orono in morning and speciafly Ted Morton. Hope to, reach home Thursday." Bowmanville District to be One of Best Equipp- ed Sections of Ontario in Telephone System - Users Asked to Co-operate by Not Plac- ing Curiosity Calis for Some Hours After Change Over Marking the commencement of a new era i the devclop- ment of telephone communication in Bowmanvillc and sur- rouîudcing coutnryside, the Bow.maniville Bell Telephone Ex- cliaiige will be cotîvertcd froni the prescrit magneto systeni to dial operatioîu at. nidnight on1 Saturday, April l7th. In the new Bell Telephione Building. at the cornet- of ahurch and Tenîpeeance Streets, Ils Worship Mayor Ross Strike will place the first cail on the new $100,000 systeni, formally' inaugurating the sYstern iii Bowrnanville. From midnight forward sub- serihers thirougbloiit the area will abandon the old telephones anid Nvil1 operate the incw dial phones. 1 There is noihinez essentially COL. cLAUHLINi difficult about -the operatioei of TO REPRESENT THE the local dial telepliones. Fuil in- LEGION IN BERLIN i f ormation concerning operation A furtiser mp1tntduy contained ini the new director- lias f allen to th'e lot of Col. i P.I lateesSaes nth L. T. McLaughin. D. S. O., Bell Telepisone Company in their C MG of Bowmanvilie, who advertisement cxplained the de- is to represent the Midland tails of the systeni. Public and Regirnen t at the Coronation Higis Sehool students have been of their mai esties The '-ing insiructed in the use of the new and Queen in London on May tlpoeaddmntain l2th. Col. McLaugilin 1ha eepsnssaddmnsrtou rcceived word that lie has have been given in St. Paul's bee scectd a a epesena- United, Trinity United, Hampton beenselctedas repeset and Enniskillen cisurclies. In ad- tive of tise Canadian Legion, dition an 1ýentertaining pt-ogram of to attend the International tligpcue a rvddb War Veteeans Convention in thek1flmpaint5Wa5rovidedbyna Berlin, Germany. following canipaigu at St. Paul's Churcl inl tise Coronation. Imrnediately Bowmanville and at Enniskillen. after tise Cot-onation tise Bti- O ae -01 ilb on tisis Empire Service League nu.merous special faatures dealing will meet i London, and w1il with the local telephone system latér send delegates to a sinoe tise time that L. B. McFar- 1 great war vete.rans gatisering lane, former President of -the in Brli. Tse egin. s a Bell Telephone Co., first came to branci o! tise Britishi Empire Bowmanville to canvass for su)>- Service League, is to be re- scribers in Mtaîrch 1880, up until presented. This unique con- tlie present time. The Bell Tele- ference will bring together i phone Comnpany isas co-operatied many hundreds of former to tise fullesi extent -inthe pt-e- enemies aIl working in tise in- paration of the historical data tercests 0f world peace. col. containedin -this issue. McLaughlin expressed his ai>- Tise company is extremnely anx- preciation of tise two great ious tisaitishe change fi-cm tise old ionours paid him, attieL- e the ncLe-m ilb cr-e gnimyBaqetonFidy oui.without any interruption in nigisi.service or any inconvenience to subscribers. To amsure thse unin- * Social service usrb s Chan ing Socil 1thiougisout tise area served by thse Cn ngngtrngtefrtfwdaso p Aducational W orld to.Uncsayue fth DISTRICT MANAGER the lines.migist cause considerable inconvenience. WITHDRAW CHARGE AGAINST MR. STRIKE .\ ter iax iiîg studied a typewcitten copv of the charge o! the Honour- able Mn\f. Justice Keiler Mackay to 4 ~the juirY at the trial, by the Hon. J. , F. Hughes, K.C., acting foc Mayor Ross Strike. the acting attorney- general, Hou. T. B. McQuesten, K. C.. lias iiistucted G. D. Conant, Crowuii Attomîîey o! Oshawa, to with- draw tue charge o! reckicss driving agaiîîst Mcf. Stnike. The recklesa driving charge ivas laid together xvitli a niianislauughtec charge againît theie Mayor foilowing a fatal acci- detit severai weeks ago. Mr. Stnike svas acquittcd oui the manslaughter charge. W. P. Harris Of Wesion, District Manager o! tise Bell Telephone Company, wiso isas isandled aIl tisedetails in con- nection witis the installation of Bowmanville's new dial systeni. Mrt. Har-ris was guesi speaker on Monday at tise Lions Club when ise gave an intenseiy interesting address on tise Telephone. Mr-. and Mmra Geo. A. McTag- gai-t attended the silver wedding of their son, Mi-. Elnier MeTag- gai-t and wife of Torontuo on Thuursday, Aphrl 8, wthein about thirty relatives a.nd friends as- sebled to o! fer congratulations and jom lin the hiappy event. A ceai wedding suppeir was served and the happy couple'were tise recipients of a lovely silver tea service. Dedicate Selves to Ideal of Peace Rev. W F. Banister Tells Veterans Canadian Legion Comemorates youm, 1,raelites to their eiders at the Battie of Vimy at Annualcebrto of the Passover. The Church Parade--Boy Scoutsl Passover Mr. Banister said was not and Wolf Cubs Also Parade onlv a iernioriai of the deliverance ______of the Israelites froin Egypt, but Uîîless vou mecan b%, this service a also a rededication each year of the (hedicatioli to an ideal, as weil as a people. They dedicated thernselves nmerorial the service is hypocrasv, tii the task o f preventing the cause Rev. Franîklin Banister told inembers for need of deliverance, slavery. of the Canadian Legion, and Boy Thie Viniv niemorial service should Scouts and Wolf Cubs who attended flot onlv be a nieinorial to those the \'inm Church parade at St. brave nien Nvlo laid down their lives 1'aul's IUîited Church on Sunday. at VjmvY, but should also bc a dedi- Mr. Banister prcached on the text, cation for each oie presexît to the Exodus 12: 26, "What ineali ye by ideal of preventing the need o! an- tlîis service?" The speaker recalled tiîat this question was directed hy (TLJrI to Page 4, Please) V-i1 m ýM- m ý 1100ý ImL:m.ý (Turn to Page 4, Please)

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