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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Apr 1937, p. 13

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THJ1NýSDAY, APRIL I5TH, 1937 PAGE THIRTEEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO NO SUBSTITUTE FOR SPANKING CHILO rVnrflT UN tADrÇ Il(Copyright) I AnLK i toA 'fro Clvln es feaders of The Statesman will of multitudes o! us to be born in- mfi aklardlari looked xitiî h x prcivd that maniy o! my to an environiment of poverty and reli 'xveud întecst xvlîen the quîestion ~ lycotrbuios ea wthevil, hatred and injustice. cruelty cf spanking cane nu. His duel) blinep c bry odmtribtroiow Vo ive. and beastliness; and it may be exes fairiy snaîuied. t, brit"gs rofmo so ieanthat we cannot easily. if at al. itigý ýe oresobr tan emoe urslve frm. he nvi- "l'et tak'e an\. stock iii those rr. lso, t will have been reov ousevteflomtheenar 1cie htIadesmsl onment and conditions into whihtîolt vi r eti o ia yo ni eophaleI moreshan sl- we were born; yet we malte our spaikings are out of date,' lie said. Aown lives worse rather th.an bet-"ledotkiv la t'rta- T~t Lso, that I write ter when we become submissive, in îng ahiont. Wns and on thorse h we i our innermost selves, to the forces "A few xell-îlaced. judlicionisix- ~Wfs nd n ars.and influences which make life so appiied, are iîivalnable ini enforcing As for myself, I live in a large hard, s0 wretched, so difficult for discipline iii thie average chiid. To i 1<ty and have lived the larger us. think otherxvise is. tter nonsense." ý,art of my life in large cities; yet ifthugutissn a Cei fnidmtanunts. or31e, ivdi mî perpetual fight against our own the ohs~eration mniglît have beî own. I believe - or tr3' ta make baser inclinations and tendencies iiassed of f iigbtiyý as simply anotlîem -nyself believe - that had I stay- adaantotreeis ocs ii liin u h lr-îie ed in My native town I would bean gis ue nmefrenalsoiin.Btthdrkbrd boter ff n afinncil snseconditions andi circumstances. ittictmari i.. different. than I1 am, and that I might be To be triumphantly lived life He'.. Dr. G. Flimore Reanian. an important citizen in the com- requires us ta have ideals and prinicipal of Giu Lawvrence sebool munity of m.y residence. purposes of fine quality. Fine in Toronito. ua.t president of the Iii- 1 My ratheî'ln ielvdi ideals and purposes become our-s teriatiilai Couîicii oni Exceptiouiai Caad.th ng ieStatead in through reading, observation and Chiidrun, aid oeeof the xorid's8 Cangad as maUntemeta e a ireflection. They are not likely ta lîc.t-kîloiosîciiilps-chiologists. t tengad bi m mdem fmest porsons be ours apart f romt these three Benefit by Spankingr is how talivre, not how to e employmeadvntgos o us tim e. Sa i 'We'x had a lot of superfical 1 Most Persans. I believe. erc.,avnaeu ou hnw are con- make ourselves familiar with the tiiinkiiuî, on tue subject of sparnkings 2 cerned with the matter of how to, stories o! noble lives and when xe in recut ycarý," lie said. get a measure o! comfort and mk usle ecpieo h F rt qta l hlrn happiness ont of life - how ta es- mk uslvspretie0 h h extrî ix that il chîiedre- forces and agencies which can xharun'teteii evubte Cape f rom insecu.ity o! employ- give nobiity ta, one's life. u y a suanking. Its the onc ment - how ta avoid sormows and Ail o! us ought ta read more; xsav e f cuforciiîg discipliine beioxv1 griefs anti frictions. Few persans than we do xead - and read the t lle ages cf 8 or 10. To seek aobedi-( can hope ta acquire riches: yet i right sort o! books. We ought Vo; euîce tlriegb argiuluir a point is aî everybody can hope for happiness read biography and poetry more hleer xvýa.te of time iliiMost iii-t and content, and happiness and than we do, and books which tell -,lances.' content are ta be preferred t o! sweet and triumphant living- .\sked xvhîiat type of. chiidren pre-f rices As rch eole f ichsl the David Grayson type o! books. seitedl the most serions pobiemn.t assure happiness a.nd content. If 'Most o! us shun poetry, which is l)Dr. Rçaîîîan stttied a little <eeper i they answet truthfully. hey willi a personal misfortune. True poe-s: iiiîis chair anid quietiv repilied: È probably tel you that their richesi are seers. They see what hs be- 1Iýfliere' isit aiyý question aboltt. are a cuise - a foe to happiness yand this present, and they see: tlat. lt's the lîighly superiar child.t and onent. Whean ries bde- clearly the meaning o! those -le lias a liarder tilie to adjust Iinî-j core esgo and unemede Itlilngs which may be misunder- slf miotioiîaly\."V sire and cuest, then the humble stood by us and against which we Wiîv .this truce?"r virtues which. in possession. give may rebel. Fine, uplifting. vision- Played Up To By Parents t happiness and content, are scof!- clearing poetry is not just rhym- "Largelv becatise lies lien played f ed at and undesired. ing lines. "John Gilpin's Ride" up t y i arents andi othiers.,"t J C K may have a due place in antholo- th11 cooitsad H itsi In a sense each o! us makes hi gies o! poetry, and "01<1 King bard ta get aiang xitb normal chil- own life. It is true o! course that Cole"; but one would hardly class dren of bis owîî age. the pathway o! aur individual these examples o! pootical coin- "Sa lie goes alang on bis awn,t lives may be determined for us by positions with the poetry o! Mi'- finding satisfaction in obtainingt circumistances over which we have grnaded Dante-fbath 0f the des tloat fa small or no control; 'also that the seers. grasupas toseaflu manner o! aur vocational life bas J C K feIas teeav a"?metn h relation to the impact on us o! It is the quality o! ouir thoughts problem?"f others; but in regard ta oui char- wbich determines the quality of "Onîr througb giving the chilti acter and views of life, these are oui lives. What sort o! thoughts increaseti esponsibiities," Dm. Rea- essentially our own. Our inner have their habitation in my hoad man said. "If that f ails ta work., selves are o! oui own making. -in your hoad? Do high thoughts the child becomes a misfit, and he< What we are in essence is sef or 10w thoughts tiwell thore? emains a misfit in bis aftem if e. made. In this we resemble plants. Both the qualiity and the manner 6~pawn RLaficai Leaders No matter where a seeti is pant- o! our houghts are o! Ou owii "rmti ru ayo u eti IV draws front the soil a sus- mfakflg. 'rmti ru ayo tenncereltet taitsindvidel It may be - probably is certain radical leaders sping. Dissatisfied nature. A tullp bulb procluces a that both the manner anti the wit h oida hyf1dite ulip. Inside the tulip bulb is quality o! eux- tboughts have a di- seek ta reform the wold with anc somthing which is itsolf - a u- rect relation ta our human assoc- af 'heir awn pet theories." lip in embryo. The quality o! the iations. If this is so, thon we Dm. Reaman ecently came inta bulb's developinont into foliage shoutId shun as much as possible prominence tbmaugb bis persanaiity- and flower has relation to tihe those persons havin.g dirty, sinful, rating and characte-building chats, chemnical content o! the soul in bitte r, evil, debasing tboughts, adopted in schoais throughout the whih te ulbis latedandtawhich they communicate j>y couptmy. He is heme for a few days the quahity a! ts cultivation bY ongue or pen or paint brush, and colting 't r amyCeeat buman labour. The soi's ow shoulti, by preferonce, cultivate Myvers, local chilti psychahagist, on powers can be increased by the the companionship o! those wvho iatest devehopments in chilti train- addition o!frtilizer; yet nothing have dlean. uplifting, sweet, In- ing. but a tulip emerges f romt the bulb. spinxng and sunny thoughts.____- Sin ' ly in the case o! a hu- mZ g Inideoneis omeCOWAN VILLE main ich . Isirtois ome- eniontint fomth silin Y OUR EYES (Crowded out last week) which one may be plantoti from. ane's human associations .Anid Miss Marjery Porteous bas been anti vocational activities - what visiting hor sister in Port Hope. on's own distinctive nature de- VIIO Lslie Reid spent the weekend mands for its sustenance or B with friends. He has a perman- grawth. What one is i essence B ent position in Toronto now. is noV changed. Just as a plantC..Tc Miss Myrtle Weatherilt is visit- may be sickly or robust, in lac- . T c ing at Brooks Cowan's. cordance with the character o! Opt. We are gladti t welcome Mr. te chemical content o! the soil anti Ms. Siblock and family to andi with the quality o! the care Eeih our commumity. There are two given it by its growor, so the hu- ciàts boys, Peter going ta public school. man plant may be sickly or robust Dsney Bldg. anti a younger one. about three. in accordance with the character . < .P. 0) Miss Flossie Graham bas had of the soil froin which it einerges Oshawa., Phone 1516 quite a few visitons lately, among and with the quality o! parental ____themn Miss Annie Nesbitt of New- caneandwisdm. lPTCAL EN~S Jtonville and brcther Fred of Bow- care an wis*ommanvICne, ±vEStsses -W+1net.A MvÂ- JC K I was led inta setting down the for xe going roflections by MY thoughts a! a man who caileti on me a few days ago - a man well past muidle age - an Englishman by birth. iV was very obvioua that he was not a successful mon in a worly sense. Ho was try- ing ta, seil me something wich is solti commonly by faîlures - col- oureti portraits o! oneself or kin. When I intiicated my lack o! in- terest i anti desire for this man's mexchandise, he betrayeti bis im- patient nature, anti he lt me see that he is %a very vain anti an oplnionated man. In the course o our conversa- tion ho mentioned pridefully that he had had 50 orerations. some o! wbiceh hati been performed by On- taio's lieutenant - governor. Dr. Bruce. Ho also informed me that ho hati been connecteti. as sales- man, with several important Irms anti publications. Also, ho mnani- festeti a cantentious nature; ho was quite ready to disagree with me on almost any anti evory mat- ter. IV was bis way o! looking at persons andt hings which I dis- liketi most. Tis man's cultivat- eti or practiseti tendency is ta finti fault - te) see blemishes and im- perfections - to sec evil rathex- thon gooti - ta sft si.ns rather Sthan virtues . I fancieti that I &aw why this man has beeli a f alure in bis chasen occupatio- salesm.anship. To be a gooti salesman one shoulti be on opti- ndst. Ho should i am o maice t.hose whom ho canvasses feel gooti - make them sec the brght ide of life - give them visions of btter things antido.ys. JC K A d&'s natureO is o! bis own dete«Wing. it is td'uo that somle o! us have ta flgbV harder titan do some othera in a purpase ta nre- tain anti doveop a gooti nature. It is !earfully bard ta romain sunny-natured anti sweet-temPer- ed when those over us are evil- natureti, sour-natureti, anti whofl they scourgo us wth vlcious or f oui language anti do thoir utmost ta miake lfe boulaitby their i- justice. nialevolence anti bnutallty. Yet our igh duty to ourselves la always to keep ourselves true ta our ideals and purposes - this despite adverse conditions anti circurnstances. It la te inescapable nisfortune Nuinber 2 In the cammon types o! gla-sses it is practically impossible ta be free f rom bubbles, but correct materials anti methotis will ohim- mnate their occurrence because titey occur in the making anti are chie! ly due ta some foreign mat- ter- in the glass itself. Striao is causeti cbiefly by im- propex- mixing anti may occur be- tween the meited material anti te cooling. Strain bas a de! mite effect on quality by making tite Ions brittle anti more subject to breakage anti etge citipping. It may like any o!fte above, affect the power anti precision o! the ions. Perfect surface as ta polisit alone is o! great value ta the clearer vision te te wearer. The superior surface quality permits a higiter transmission o! light anti is almost as important as focus. Ail o!fte abave mentioneti are important factors having a bear- ing upon te accuracy o!fte strengtb anti are aIl tite more cer- tain witoro metitotisa! procision follow evory act. Even every de- tai inte work contributes to the accurcy o! the finisitet protiuct. anti its officiency Vo the woaxer. The best etitical practitionors w:11 only use f ixst quality lenses in titeir prescriptions. (ta, be continued) tan Simpson, Mr. and Mis. W. A. Reid and Barbara Jean, Mrs. Branch, anti others. Sidney Hughes broke an axie in his truck while drawing gravel. Kathleen Simp s on, V elm a Cowan anti Berniece Andrews took part in thte O.EA. musical pro- gr-am at Massoy Hall, Toronto. last week. Friends gathereti at the home o! Mx-. anti Mrs. Erwin Far- row Vo hear the broadcast. Several men from. this district lent a hand te fight the blaze when the straw stack belongingi te Wm. Stapleton was set alighti by a couple o! Young boys. Lorne Martineil, wbose car was pax-keti beside te stack, coulti not wait to find the gap but jumpeti in and drove the car through the fonce. IV was social ntght at League last week. and after the devotion- ai anti business reriods. games 1anti contests were en'jyed. R-- freshinents wore serveti, and ev- eryone had 'ý pleasant evening. Exporience is te best teaciter, but we don't realize it till w'rE to oldt talearn. IV is sometimies btter ta have loveti anti at titan ta be te other fllow. Giving other people te best o! it is a gooti investment. Anti be- sides it may noV cost you any- thing. fYQUR WORLD AND MINE j BY JOHÏN C. KIRKWOOD TEST YOUR BRAKES Test your brakes by applying them as you would when making a quick stop, in the first block a!- ter- you leave your garage, if pas- sible. When testng your brakes. look out for the car that may be following you. This test applied every time you leave your garage will tell yau whether the brake mechanism o! your car is work.tng satisfactorily. If the highways are icy or wet, the test will give you a working demonstration o! what you may expect of your car if you should be forced ta make an emergency stop. An intelligent persan would noV thlnk o! driving at hàgh rates of speed on icy or slippery road- ways after making such a test. because he wquld know that he could not make a satisfactory stop in an emergency. This simple test will prevent you f rom unknowlngly driving wth defective brakes, or exceed- ing your safe speed. Remember, your lif e depends on your brakes. 1937 OLOS Phone 25 10 --T- ï 1 -à i OBILE ROY NICHOLS ROOfiTlew telERIORS o-BTB Courtice r-- 148 Rour Service Direct te Your Door... Your Local Agents la the Dowananville District Are: Bowmanville ALEX MeCREGOR Drug Phone 792 Bowmanvilll. ÇOLE'S Barber Bhop Courtie PIDDUCK'S STORE Phone: Oshawa 332r4 Newcastle HOLMES' GROCERY Phone: Clarke 2620 Newcastle QUEEN'S HOTEL Phone: Clarke 1104 GUARANTEED SATISFACTION ON CLEANING AND DYEING OR YOUR MONEY REFUNDED ________________________________________________________________ *things secem to lower the resistance of the body te infection as qiie] - as w paretiCiai The (Ottawa Spotlhoht iCidrnprtcialt.qir ac b fi] vatcbing. Th'v ilspof t> By:WILFRID EGGLESTON 1 schooi without rubbers andi mittens. the%, iii tarrv cei route te tcst out _________________________________________________________________ cadi stretch of 'rubbitig Ce an(i go Ottawa, April 13. - An aval-1 lowances to veterans during a out of their way to trudge througli ance o coimite reort, sp-limtedperod o! robtioala midptiddle ; then tbcv may bavc anch ofcomutte rport, sp- imied eTio ofproatinalto sit until late afternoon xitiiout plementary estimates, last-minute training under arrangements with an opportunitv for a change. revisions of bills, and the like, Prospective employeTs.7Aslt nitneuo an r cescended uapon Parlianient in the Garnet wheat, by the way, re- Abso luteisipst.ceupon a dr-y last week of the session. For a celved a black mark in the annua feet alxbays aydgs.Wih rsaid day or two it was like a five-ring report of the Board of Grain gvroing bocys and irls uber an< circus. A few days must elapse Commissioners, which quoted Bri- but it is cheaper to bus' a niew pair before one can perceive the for- tish millers to the effect that they than to pay for the costs of an iii- est for the trees. The general wouid flot use it for miUling i fIl es. Shoes shouid have thici< soies spirit was one of wiflingness ta they could get anything better. ini winter or ini wet weather. iaif- co-operate with the governiment The Qerman trade agreement, soi ing whenl reý uired is not a ixurv: in getting through in good time with Sam Factor, Liberal M.P. foron cannot risk puttinir it off, ln for the coronation. But -the usual Toronto objecting, received the OVtr sotwaradohe ot accumulation of odds and ends endorsation of the House Of swînter.cspt wer doter boots held up matters toward the end. COMmons. It provides, one re- wsbo c kept and poesfae. Heav Parliament has a genius for dis- members, for sonie lowering of w ocesar ob covering some neglected cause or duties, and for a better balance of rcmorngng distanes ingd oea controversial tid-b it a t t he trade. Canada having been buy- ter thlongfitancud e inpt dwa eleventh haur. ing quite a bit more than she hasaîas The picture one got at the time been selling. from Germany. aolie (ssentiai pint te keep i iii md was like the view of a town when ___________ is that mnost danger comces, îlot frrom the express can-ies you through il getting the feut wct. but in lettin- at sixty miles an hour. Down in r1 - f rIrf. thelm remnain that wv. There is the Senate Banking and Comn- -erylitle lanerii iïe cnrcang merce Committee the Minister o!f erv ilei<l an rf o cachang National Revenue tHon. J. L. Ils- ~I,/the fnto aren, lldryafowear. If Iey) is defendi.ng his departmnent*\ he oud1rbedutlir- against a 'raid on the treasury' MAr4SRIE0 lation lias been restored and, if which would cost several million -AHEA SERVICE OF Lcessa. awr otahtknas dollars if successful. Imnporters 'rH AADv EICLiYawri ota. ae are trying ta make out that -duinp ASOCITIN AD estllcncrighei.d duties as collectied in recent years IN CANADA ? dressed te the Canadian \Iedical have no legal authority . . . Hofl. Association, 184 Coliege Street. To- Charles Dunning tables the re- rouite. viii le anlswered Ipersoilalii port of the Bank of Canada in KEEPING ONE'S FEET DRY bv letter. the House.ý 1V is on Alberta this ___ time, and recomme'nds that no J ssrrsn o npratI financial assistance be gîven *io t î wsurprîng aroxsoimo thea toV that wayward province! . . . Here o elbigaesm ftea-HAE par ent1v trivial details of our everx - _____ is the elecotions cmieoeorn-g lie. For instance, censider the "The joys of heaven will begin me, neoat e s osies f herecm- simiple ie to keep onie*sfeet dry. as soon as we attain the Charac- medtions ta sieympleifythlessee- Few in<leed are the simple lheaith ter of heaven and do its duties. pensive. eliminate the absentee ules, the observance of whicbi pays Try that and prove its truth - As vote. increase the number of stncb l"i11 dividends. much goodness and piety. Sa namnes in palling divisions, retuin In a climiate like ours wvbere raini; mueh heaven."-Theodore Park- ta the 'open list' . . . Now the coule frequentiy amidxvbere soft snoxv er. farm implement report., asserting and sls are encoulntered miaux timies "The sinner makes his own heli that there is little effective coin- spring and falit is not aixxays easy by doing evil, and the saint his petition between the major coin- te keep the feet drv. Rubbers and own heaven by doing good.- panies in prices, altihough t.here i.s overshoes are a nuisance and it is Mary Baker Eddy. in sales .. . I eomn also, very tempting to go ont xvthout "Neither shall they say. La the free list. that raw materials get xvet. It may bc hours before a J kingdom of God is within you.'_ o! implement factories shouId be change is feasible and <urîug tat. Luke 17:2 1. reduced in duty. It f inds no jus- time the feet get chiiied, the heat re- 'tishae upn ath o tification for the rise in price in guiating mechanism of the body lie- have a man's mind move in char- fax-m implements eaxly in 1936. cormes deranged and before we knoxv ity, rest in providence and turn Surriss nd ebufs it another cold has developed. Fexv upon the pales 0f truth."-Bacon. Along come the supplementary estimates with some surprises and disappointments. Manitoba gets $750,000 as a temporary grant to tide it over the time when a royal commission will report on its powers and responsibilities; Sas- katchewan, on the samne basis, gets $1.500.000. Aberta is 'the s little pig that got none.' Financial provision is madles there, also, for the creation o! the royal commission ta study the basis of Confederation. The gov- ernment is reported ta be ap- proaching eminent econ o mn i s t s across the water ta find a chair-'- man - Sir Josiah Stamp is one o! the naines. Anothe'r $300.000 ie-hwh sgt is voted for gants ta the pro- .oOZsObSCô4 vinces for resettlement. Hon. J. G. Gardiner is evidently going in ~~ strong for marketing o! agnicult- ural products: he hias had $300,- 000 voted already, and now there ................... is a further sum o! $100.000 plac- .... ed ta his credit for this purpose. Present-day stress laid on avia- tion, and the starting o! the. ...... Trams-Canada Airway is reflected also in the estimates. Ani addi- tional $915,000 is there for con- ... struction o! airways, airports and ~- radio stations, also a sum o! $500.000 ta assist municipalities along the line of the Trans-Can- ada Airway Vo build new airports . or improve the existing ones. Fishing Industry Alded .. Here is aid. too, for certain branches o! the fishing industry < Haîf a million dollars is provided .- to assist the "Dried and Pickled Fish" branches of the fishing in- dustry o! the Atlantic Coast. War vetera.ns are not complete-.. ly forgotten, with $250.000 voted jet » ~ ~ 'ta provide for the payment o! al-gà THE BEST AND MOST WELCOME HOME IMPROVEMENT HARDWOOD FLOORS -and it doesn't ceest se much when you think of the comfort and convenlence, as well as a new Joy and pride you'U1 take in your home... . Bring in the measurement of your roons and we'l tell you JuLst what it coste. Don't Buy Grass Seeds -Until yen have examined our saiples and got our pr1ces. We guarantee highest quality seed. When You Buy Paint Don't get an unknown brand just because it's cheap - for eeonemy and satisfaction buy CANADA PAINT - we have it in aU colors and for ail purposes. Blue Coal - Welsh and Scotch Coal Always in Stock. Sheppard & GiLumber Co.~ LIMITED Phone 715 Bowmanville FOR SPEYRLI S PE ER I. brek ...a .....cod -e 'I gouli m ENi O

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