PAGE TWO THE CAN \DIAN ST \TESM 'S. BOWM\NVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAX, APRIL lSTH, 1937 Es*tibi s"ýed *5 A Weekly Newvs'ane'- de'.'ted to the te"ests Of the ton of B-'wman1 r-a11 ci. erdr'g c.Le.try. 'y M.a cns&S".-""sa' s""rs. T" Wee " y NewSD.7a-'-:Si-c il '~trs te Cas, Wee k ,ns 'f A nywhere r C"l.5 '."LrtedSta*ýs, $250 a yea ar, ',bee M :ývr.A S - :c s,5. Hail to the New Dial Phone Systemn in Bowmanville lt' ... r - t i' ' 'i e dheriAi " irgrr<' 'î'î' .. r ce-1rat.C trotal c.r.-il. 'r ' serva'i, r . t'," .~ pih rlh,~.' i la " ' jr l g'ia' i i' a ; -r1r. . *. ý in try aiy in èvp A4"wr a w " r"-' sert j"" vlir"lr il]ie r . 'tfr'î"rrrairlithi prid" Off ti'rocîrivtr raiiv t car'. t, corne. 8v thi.. iri.aiias th e 'le "cîpnx liha, expr"'..scilit.. faitlî i th, fitriri' if thii toinian'd' .t In . cr"lipalii'..of the tvp" of tii" fMIiTi"piî'îe th'-"'art e'xpi'rtvp.. whon mist or prcpbh'.y tteHii nt te future. Tlicv a r" w'ei ll e to I rdzoe Icere- baud '..'at thiir acti 'nî w'iHi nîar. Thus. the experdt] ir, (i f tlis iarLgc suini in ibis distric't. nî'aric that these m'eeutives have everv faitlî i tlîc tabiimy'of the ci'rrîriity and (i the peopl;ce. Seeonîd î'nngratuilations are due to the subsînher.. ofthe dicitiet.Tbev w'il have froni Saturr'av îiglim ionu oe Of the rnost modemrn Pepbone in-tailat iinus in Canada. Ahead ofi manv large cîties. the jBotymnan- ville district lias be"n~ given tbis crîs1.ider- atiori It mevans a 2reat dear, heeatise a eoorinuunitv is. iarîrelv *.udg... .*.itspro- grpss, c-re..-;. A moderni elepbnuc "stern is a SiA OniPrngrss. anrd w'e thiik tPat as so00h as subma'ilicrs bFenuae famniliar with its riper- ation the'. are going A be biglly elated witb the sy.stem., For several vears Bnwnanvile liastva; t- ed a iworenmodem telepliore syjterr. My,,r the la'-t me'juest wiias mnade for this imprrcvpci systeni the ready respouse of the enrnpanv wmas rcîveci A'thî gereral acelaini. lWitil the nipcir ow' eelr farthler irîto the distarrie the oenupaiv bas serin fit tic gra rcit the request oi thle petple. anrd]tIi" ecl}fuiruty-lias everv reason tri lie lronci nifiUs w'n adc iernrt in the aeqnrisitiinof the ne'.. diai sv'.tern. and of the Bell Teie- phon" ('Compauvysvhiebli a-i made it possible. Canadian Labor Unions Should Run Their Own Show The.'strikc' c'i'-k i Oluaw'.a 'wil IJijk' brinLabuut a ;Iliowll 'ri ontire iaiui .t- nation à M(aîda. The nmairn pr'irilin-i '.oivî'î . sw'i'sp iie, îs w'ltlerr 'Moli A.jnreic'a i c'nrtroiled unions jic)iiil citat" to Carîad ian wiorker-. !ider ( ia' iiil lac' the wvrkers have a perfeet rigbt ticnrarî ize. Thfli ave a perfect rilrte aîprcael their' 'rpiuîvers anrd plae their grievaruces. if anv. befoni.tlîcm. W'î fi"l .îiethuai ar. self-respeetiigenmpariy 'AH'îl Ied thlii'dm' inand' ni its enipînvees. a ga. tis depmncs ar'enc'astmcni If. t'Ampé'riiarî inîhir Plesun inar ie hue ui"'îin 1 c'ord i'cl 'woe man ""rr'rithlen tlîu'x'aî' s.' ' ii li' righît tic "cîtrolCci(aavda s c'xpc'r"i'rî.îr'. Thei'x pornt trmdi' of tlîis d omniiin depends largi'iv <orilalor eccnMilitions. Lt' lillucI' and eapitamltiri get tucctic'r <'t h a Mis Sir tri licthi. thl?îî( aicadian iiîii m ' <Nlec r'cr iin"rlijctitiolcirt'.'tlî"'rci tries rrakiigthîcir- loidin i tinwîi ri kets. Iri a eouiirîtm- .iic'lî as ( 'rîiacni '. lir" exp<cnt lhcinil' noftheiuic cspn'it> t eruioii. -n'rt. <crin' trade i' '.'lig ic î'iaii gc'iu r"iJ lrîy laior întc'er'nfnict"cîîthie Uiit" Statrs. Ani'nîeainuintioni "railiz"n"- airen'it ov'erlooîk tue- inîpicn'anît 'au't thlai Caniiti 'witli itss ýliLhti-v <<ten lc'n milionmneo i '<"'uic1i simia ltr)t'.ni pre'ss i'xe'liaig ,es t luiaIt('<cniiitic the <'i cnsnesk is ikc' ste])pini 'uînnoilîî'i -usinirifuînl of vie, jInan imod fasliioneid gard n' i swen't itth laveudar and itbvînii, anrd Ilie svenît of perenrilal 'lcwr<mims. Tîi' pages ni thie hig dailies are fl fniîurder. tiieverv, irnmnoraiity and selfisliniess ibat the beiter news [s obscured hx' glaring shatterings of the Decalogue. One puts lihe 'i'un ' i l;) ~ tii l'aiýr.. ilat roi' cri -Ili- î t' I J a t iii it". 'r ' . t i', fa 0l ) i , ý . '» ýII p ,po. t ih- îiartîa ges. lcirtb'- s'a <'la.. ar. îarc y pub-lic nt' 1 l"w" a ". lit if L ..-, lîaîpptîr.. i î"" t" ir Lgi yen a kîdvt uh tat wth aHioir lt'..T ~-are u dza' "x'1h'. i- 'ar-' a -etf r *i'etarc î.rr'jîîi eut ira' îj" .. br i-, t. 'r"' r til, A Mother's Tender Love and A Son's Childhood Devotion Sir' -John ýinî'n.une of Enîgland 'sont- ..taîuîliin, Iarr'nî,ipcr...a n dineidiex'of nianv "aiiet.rc inoldirigthe pre..ent c"ne. lias ai- atsha d the' repuitation of~'1d ruthless effip cy-- a hunan ieeberg. But t" the arnazernent of tlîîce who knew liîn lA de] ivered at the furiieral of bis aLedl m<tbeî' an addres. so sxvcctly tender and înotinal that it >tirred the audience tu tcars. lic enneluclec as folinw.s: -Neanlv sixtv vears a2o -wc were ak Kg,. mother a nd c'bild. band in band. don the ..treet '.vlieh led tuto<ir Mrclse bomne. A group of suall hyns of about mv owiag.y strcîlliriig alnng ii n iarîlyvinîpr denrî. passccl ns on thle pa vient. andl a glariep froîni ne <of tleie proinpted nie tui w'îtldraw riv yfiiîgers. I liope)ci ..he hall u<ct notîc'ed the 'e<warllv aýtion., anîd xas reliev- td that -lie .aid inî'tlîiinîg about it a.. te xvalked on. "As ' turne(jin iiat nuit' gate I1tlook lîci baud agairi She pami'ec1 andc saici 'iery gent. iv: 'Mylittie boy'. nucv'r lieaslianîtic lo îcI iv lhan&ci.A snu isruver toicoic] to hild ils Imîci îr 'shiand. "Ittt'as >Ocî ike iîcr tii have saic nî'thîinîg tiii lnîy disîiva i tv sounght tict iike i nnilol.. Sheilne'.er' n'ifc'ire<lto ftle iicicenirtcgrinî r1 a u ire thlaI 'ivitit î in t ur Uiluh pa.sfc'i c'iinuiieti'lv finn lier iuinic. ifor ".ithî lcr tic f ,gc- i" u n clc'c'<l to forget. Buit witlî lie'r r,'tiîcrs iii ix-y('ar-old nitheiinienncrv irdum'- ccl. It'rnnc-lack for thluast tfiie' titl thtua liaridcla..îtuatimîîans-.c i nnri'i t'îînî tiie QU'Iu eari speakn rnorc. .Sinmn'i there i.. a de'ep m'ellof loiirg -sentt- meuînut na mnanî 'it'iî -,luî iolci that nieniiirv ail lus liii'. A.s ',v'n'c'uicl thec' iIlîcve .ii"ciryor' tli'uIcilii, 'cof irian \Vîntc . W N. 'Iilic'y. . xviii tht"îgi i treuniiliuisivlcin..v. and sic- i'aiild Icj c,iiil"',Imani lie uns nî'i'c'm gnîci. 111 in ii ltai'iiilihinu lu"iuIito iis egiv "ugLIit yer-i-n iii micthiir t'. unlivv",mun Bii'.- iri;i ni tii c a nîdi t'.'in le -c cin-ýsItoînte ticsel- rii'i'.' l'very' SatuircInv afti'riini. As 'ivi- -att' huit tii rit the' Jcit uoffiii' c'<ui'ii't'la-t Sati'iat' intii 'r'to'i ' 'croni 'cl'iuuîu lx Ilji- i i'Ilu iitIlio.r t.uco li ves on iBe 14.Il iAvef . t", "tic i--i'ili bt icftcM a .icunît praye'nr: t 'cIlb-. touN'întii.anti varir'niothicr'. The Masses Do Not Want War in Germany or Canada \\i"n uc n'il. ti"ni "ui-ii x I c'tc'u cc tlic- 'iili mot- li' aru p'cîtitiucnî t' t1i"u'arntîat n'ililîe<ltict.. 'n-ihiol i illil ir o f i'it'.. l it in. lLccnuî of Hampon , uin. thrat t'lnî ic'. vsitu'î Juiniuit' " 'ccinil ifiat tlic' niiik andcl lil-ý (1r;'lcnt t'ahi. larfmliioft'anict liii' t'. t'arnd tîtat t W'ui..tht" in't tiinug lie' '.vlîitcc. C'tint- alians 'ililien eriup a fervenit ;imavi'n'tlat tho-~ i~ <o- c<n"s lîrîpi'. 'thirt l.iuiiic- lic.u-t hlîcccufirn rîtlîirîg. -' 'ilii h iu- fille'n. I)lîn'uniL, ti' ieîin<'ssmoii itt'.ns saîi tint tc'clcî"'hlul tiîirîk rlo'utsIs"ifcl' tti uiclc'cs.ucIf 1ht1".' tlti#,î-Igît uandrui 'vukec for' icutntur iu . ies "'.' tm'irîicl << l'l"ic' saille ~<i't ili< i icg' ' Iuu ttî Ic i')îlie'gl uni î<'aetandu tt'cr'. h ttii'i c'cu- il i liînk inri nnus "o t " jj t i'.tîic-'t t.'îar i i l r < ire 'ii ir' c'i" '..'ill tînîc ('rit 1ri "- lit 'r' hu t ti"'11-y .. foi. Editorial Notes ofînu 'tct ill't'uu l li ic' dîc îl iuîg tîc i llnîcu is if gn<cd n'r'ccjs mui ge'cjtiic's arer'î' 'i'iI li're. Wu' are sînre radin f'ans were giad ho lueur Glad.stoiue Mtrra ' , Cenerai Manag-er of tIhe ('atadian Broadcasling- Corporation, corne right out ithe open in an address in To- PARENTAL PROBLEMS. Change Your Clothes But Not Your Principles By Scribe G .Nothmr 23 s permnanent b n t change . . . If you havent o!bserv"- ed ths. a zrea: tru:,h has e5caped t'on' A fet'. 'ieek.raro a boidY of nmon and t'.omnen in:e,-e.Žted in Social B3etternent held a d;nner and ev- ening mee::ng in the Sundaty school Hall of a large church mn Toron-o. The,-elDi'esen-a*t4on tva.Ž non- denominam:onal. but the pur-poSf off the neetin., had to do Wthl Parent Education in tvh:ch a soc:all itorkers are primai'fly in- teresteci The clrner'. tas ."erted by the 'ad:es of ýh13 partrcUlilr ch'u'ch. and t'.hen Jt ttas axer the x'.onen az -'tic tab:es z"torurr icr c'Lmarette., andi :he nren. caI:x anci pipes. The m:nis-ter. x.'o vas. rîtLhe kitchen ,'..P'.n.- :o d:Žýh rp 'ho soup. mot -:he .rrrxooff l!x.. ife x'.hen 1tc1look'ed 'n'and a' he Sunday school î'oon ffuli of smîoke. He had seen a!mo.: eve.ry 'bnm rûrîto last vcek and tenurageniir .iy tatecl that sviiile free ',peeeh is to he dosire(l (Canada rnîri:t 1w proteeted agtainst - false propa- Lranda ' over the air. and ilhat ('BC' %vil1 e prti:ir Hue t o ban abusive broadeast att aok- nrreligioni. Y îii tai k abourt lardj tinies anid a di'pre..s-- li in tiis grand and gloriu. Ot ý' tur v of plerrtv arnd nass produit ionl. ciii- fort-, anid Iixuries. Then rca i n t bis i-','ne the artiele -Life in1 the Nor'tbhest in the Eariy* Davs.- bv a former resident of Durhainî C'outv of his trials. tribulations. hiardsliips and privations as lie pionuecred i n Maiitiba leaî'k ini 1882. Porct Hocpe is to be c'<oni(lcci for anliai- gainia iii.t it.,Retail Mereliarits ' sn' ut io witlî thlic arîl nf Trade. 'l'le nîjeet jvc nf Icoili ctaiztc is for the bctterirneitnt o thc 1'cciniunit 'v at large t lirnili puiblie Spi n ted Servi -ee)l'v i t's nembers. 8v mn it iii t w leciw bodijes andid ennîettrat iii ', thli cf- fort .rreatc'r nec' crplisibneits are su r,,Io 1w tlhe resînit. Bownanville iglit wc'll tako a~~ ~ ~~ Icîff'cîite illsi(ic tcwn -a'tci'lv puiliniiiî i,%\-ilvttvn 'iniflar crgnîain out ofthei 'di"c'ar'decI anid rr. attîî' of in- ai'tivit-vîanîd iniff'eriî'e. vake thinu rp. 1111>.t ilîin ff. lîlart aniîalganiati "'î N THE DIM AND DISTANT PAST From The Canaxian Statesman, From The Canadian Statesmuan, April 11, 1912 Aprd. 13, 1887 T'. lie%%'. prri4.Jr I'..itî"Str ..'tt'. At t' azirnral nmeetingitof Citrrcli .".rtrtcar Cirirchi>n inou!trc..rC'iii-'Stre,m ýNtu(iienjt Clirci uci'r 'i i re 'î' iiiic . pljace R,-" C. E. Ntciitvrc t'.a . art rîd t'> .'u'rýii itîr. At ;.3 . 111trr. l'ighr t v t '- '. rrit n îrîrlame, <jrinîrr rît' anotrer cinrfere'rcct ,rr T i' 'rt'. rnci t'. it1tI1 ir,' t i ri a-sIator. Totual'r tihe a clvý i Ar'r tf- r -i aer. ."rr tc..%as S:9>c n%%hile cth'ic(ilittire c','ru lirhtrI i iri,- î '.irenr-Itit.. Nax"r SI 5-'4.<t5, tea'. nit a iiaiatrcu 'n ranici landîil'ex'.il (."ctrrr ci rrrti'r. fthe of SS.00<. t hdr rril'riihc ~dr"i irl. arut 1i-Ni r. 1,t iriMet"e rî TIhrrrr-lcr- r t1ir" cliurrciiu t' il a ti îrrctia..,î tîhe hori p1r'it'rtt ii ' - rr bvr, i i ir tiii ' ilrrfr Allhen 'rc e an irri t' ilr(',-(: tirre "tiortx'.. 'fti ihcik a , h .< iau- .Nlr. t. Q lifi,'.1 . _eîi kr'x.i r Il't'. u ' 1C.". B J lrrî'!1,- f ',e t''..w 'rhta- arr excellenit îr It'r.ia. ;1T1 e" 1'. t-i, t i ai..etr t"'..- -ioni 'f ti'îo îc t lu'n lu-i. l."tT. . \ MIr r . c'î' 'r tîîautlie îaueîx t'rctras"I inri niDr c"ll'hl t..- Iîrrri ltr 't.rîliii'liér M iug-') ac a ýi.'îire laî I rr\rr.rri, îi11 cî -qwnrirre a reptriatîon iia fir.. ci- th Ir, r'ric'rIt11 c ' e "f iii, Ir tir, r R- txcir î irai-M'îart ,îiîr S1,000randcrriî "rtia i"',,il fer tire dlrrcrnt crîartr'ire'-- Ilrlallî S lîc'î r rirr- 'ronr iiîrg. Wi. t' . hingtcar \Vc. :\.-Si-. E. Dr..1.(' ilx rr '. îi.tiii'r~-Rec've .. 1.S.-IL. 1.V'crr'. ; A. R. idhltt "f the ( kitari., A"-"c. i. S.- R. .1. lhicIgt' F. S.-J. H. E"'tcii earre ar!<; ~ V' Jtin. Hcks i. J. T. Vi 'iJr 1t . tic'tir,..iii'ni arrrtir' Linrgliin r;A.-Sis. 'A. NM. IHarris. ti T'r nI. î rie v. 1. . . iric'cck r0. S. C. *t. B' '.'irrrr.'i~l'~~~ia t. r.r'îibWaluer.. r G. G. \.V. P.-T C'r,'er. ,'rLritiirl t t u Ir r iri) I i, i 'r-' ci ianti ua NoI-. r. tF. 't'reii.miri bas-i t re nrx rririt. <)iiir, t 1 icted -r 1tire ntracti fr crilrritir tuîitet P' I. K' tirrt-r t ice- etrarcl . . . .irs.\V'. L. Law ". ali IL tivr '. 'rr r 211(jGeorge Kt'r..takc,.tnirsu'..t'. r, ici I \rr l'e-ciuiî .1.r" Ni' ,rrftr1 11c.e fr'crrftirc' clirirctn.i ont ci tint Sec". -l rcàa. .1[,,!Il 'i .: \11tr s fr. i rtti cu-raîri t I ith iitig e- attacltI. i1 . . ' and îrîl R ,ri M\itciilI . Ntr. W't. 'h'a. anti Ir ilîe I ii.- 1flc 'i-or'.c,î "rîtrc.ritnir 'c thai ibreak Iti..leu irintre cplace. sir;ia--ecIitiii larr" r i l a i i i'r lri \c(th'cr'i uî "tf'i %%'.'.x -i cdrill- i .. li't t ,ti ..i ,rrt' 'cifi NirrcIi t 28 n the ir, ..fe "f NM r. .'Ir ttii' rr 'rf t tr. . r'ltri i 'duO \fcCrclllý'Ii. -Ir .. "f a -1t. 'r r ihr a c, irrîî \%(-l.i'rt iti'i -trw c'c irtin Itîi. ruin fCari'.%% rti,_!1t. "rr rîi iî . rh.i- ' i f'r xc' r it, iT e ctrtll M - -Ilt,i t ,*,,, t' ire t'.if ",i Ntr. W i't- hlit,! auà 't'.t "h c ' tic)v h i " - nid I li . -f i a -t.. i à1l iu icdirr. - i, i . PI, iti rrl' tir,. lx.trttt r Ni" W . ' V. 1i):!, . . .i'n'r.îtix ' rii 7t 1S57. ic . %, ah' .hr ', ! r 1 ,' ' <' \V. îiliah.ctît ' t 'til. IC..î < i Dar i r.ik j ..rh. trc't irc t ' -f 'Irl.,r . &' ' rt' i I it .r .1i'r1'i 'Ir' (rct l <ir, t'Dal r r. cr..N. c r'î i 'thettr r'n'-i tir- ', ti îr" l lt Jrrh tt-. rîtîi a fit.'. etiz/Ir.. it t'.' tii'.' a.. I lit- rtrrîî ri, tri- iv'r 1wh ..cta riîg'it ict' xpres.s car tiens i ."rr r' I r t ;t MNIr. 1"F.. ' c i a l..%î hâve ' arc'! t'. .'reptctrî t rrr ith i firî. , f"rrrc'r i firnt..i 'ttc tas . n.. xtra' te ..ttIcIet h~ i~ "'. h% iI ir irui-a,'phxxriîc'i i e b gfr'rcr te r w"ih ui anncual ocinlay 'f $7M tu, lrcrt'-r jri i'fl ic tcr1 'f ut ,ard- Sii'lifor liglit... '<'<e urnit ilue t"'.'.'r irrg ti i" Srria'. rrcrîrr' \ rs. h iglit 'i 1)<'.v ulectricit'.'butt in iit- Stcxt'nu-cri. lit.. aîu'iarir. Ilhad'rr Ca are> anrtui. andI se"'rvi.oucvd 'r. ii thc' tît hrcoi iia nid '..i tir a - vern g- ellI-w i tIr t no or tlîre nil ln - le ..citerrnnie f fort urrcke', pcu th ie Wîrat great nieed i.. tiere for ecnctric ioc<r and! '.mmnnrroîrc'cl nuenicail heîp. Iighu.. at Hamîcys, The FEsten MNr. Lovell rev.i'.ecl in about four House. Nursery- Corners. Fairiir us11 hours, but anotlrer fit-e minutes Corner. GaIe's Corner (Dunke St.). would bave put hlm heyoncî medical Gea. Haines' Corner and the corner aid. of Scugog and Concession Streets. v'ive and set b'n off airain as one body' onu n net'. anud determinenl effort to do soine- tlîing for tlîe-god of Bowmranville. Ar' ýt'nun listeninî business, professional anud in- lustrial nien? Hou. W. D. Herridg-e. brother-in-lau' <f Rt. Hon. R. 13. Benett, in luis address at Winunipeg on '"The New .' atinnialisui. '* bas -'t the ' enek-e.%ed public ail a-og with be- w'îldernic'ut. clcîîbt andl praise. Inder tluis iie'crclcr <of tb (gs liedcinmuthie W'cil polit- ian-fear thlat tlueir pow'er, pull auc pu'nb- îty '.;iII "g" w'hthie w'indcs:-"w'hîle fan'- sIgited( anci sneere puublije spiriteci states,.- mni ar,' prepai-e(1tri admit thîrt the' ler- i' lplani is the niglut idea andciliir past clure pit'tiriîg into aetunul peratîccrî iin(Canada. tW luilti 'i'u îareiniakinig mp vomir inînd w' li .idi' vo1r arc-gnîugtri filow' .uîst lruîeclitcit" "nititis ocre paragrapli from Mr. Herniclgc-'s n'î iirirkallcand thcuîght prcc".okirîg addcress: "I icitv tee ar'e trappcd in this vciti ircle ? 'We inui.ulbre'ak free at once. Presenut ecn- ditiouns niake refori imperativie. Ftutuire eirtli'tions-. 1' fear. x'.ili niake il inmpocssible, 'Ihinu is whvlîv1Iarn determined upon the re- t cccgî i m ofc a pninciple so real amui rîghît thaI 'ive all eau gel wline-liertediv ý.bellind il. lThi'e înltabe cdistrnibuîtionionf'ilaî tti.. c'crîtrt ab lle tcî prochuce. is a prini'plc' tic'ito i ne seems real and niîrbt.- go on the:'e frorn "Hear the Pen- nies di'opping" ta layer cake sales and magic lajntern'shows... bu-, these parent education folks shed a netv iight on a sw..iftly chang-ing t'.onlci. ",Tineis ain't t'.hat they used to b""' r The old Y.M.C.A. i, now a cabar'et . . . Te hotel Lat wa.s a palace thirty yeaî's ilaa flop house today. Thew mand chîp ,[ore is not'. a Hamburger. And gold t'.edding rings have gone the tway'off the cat iran frYing pan. Our iothers wore aprons but a girl today daesn't kno'.'. teýhat an apron loaks like. Our- irves are greatiy influenc- eci and afffected by trhe blind in- :eir1.1a.ýôof events. Time and chance cease-les-s' play their im- portant part's. But tixere Iý eveî' the dîfference bottvcOn the '.-e and the una-ise 111an ... tlie latter marvels at the uni s,,a' ... *,he w:se man rnarvels a'. the ii0ual. Couch, Johnston & Cryderman, Mt. HEADQUARTERS FOR The finest in Ladies' Ready-to-Wear - M1illinery - Dry Goods- House Fu.rnishings and Men's Furnishings extend Con gratulations To The Bell Telephone Company on the Installation 0F THE DIA L S YS TEM IN TRIS AREA By fair dealing the Bell Company has a splendid record of business for 56 years. For almost exactly the same nuniber of years Coucli, Jobnston & Crydernian Ltd. have been serving the public of this district ninder sixnilar ideals. We hope to continue for xnany years to give the utmost in service and value in this area. MINIMUM REDUCED on our JEconomy Service I12 Pieces Finished 5O Bundie Must consist of ait Ieast haif househol m Ail householcj linen may be sent if desfred. Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning co., Ltd. PHONE 419 A Telephone on the Farm Now Costs Less Neyer a day passes but the faimer or some member of his family needs to get in touch with some neighbour, friend, or per- lîaps with the store. Often the matter is of great impor-tance. The telephone makes it easy. It 1)uts one in instant touch with l)eol)le in your community, in town or in distant cities. And in emergencies a telephone p)roves invaluable. If sîckness strikes your family; if cattie or hoî-ses need the services of the veteuinary; the telep)hone is always ready to sunîmon aid. Foi- the small sum of $1.50 a month you may have telep)hone in your home - the selrvices of a readl messenger-- daiy and night - every day in the year., F. WILLIAMS, Manager. THURSDAY, APRIL 15TH, 1937 PAGF TWO THF CA-'ýAD1AN STATESMAN. BOWNIANVILLE, ONTARIO