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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Apr 1937, p. 3

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THIURSD\Y, APRIL 15TH, 19.37 THEF CA N.DI.\N STATESNIAN, BOW.MANVILLE, ONTARIO *0 Akila ,-aclî siliîtter. Botît Nr. attî LOli mu~Ni r-.. Gilbbs bric fl1v thîaîtkd tîte LONG_________________ Scouts autdlCiibs for their thîoilght- ~ fîîlîîess. Thie giut sp îeaker of tîte N ilrt l Mrs Oto irtile xi-.tedieveniit xxaix NIr. B. H . Nortluick uf i ri ciii, o'nitittiletl iîudav. Tht eCatiadi ait Su att-s tla utstatff, %xxiii N1u oui Ir-'. Peter i tati gatû sîio n itt hie irigi it aitd gro\V'tht of I hisui ts ii' -~.ui Suutih ta N r ti.- îewx'sIalter. andîcl li iii the svar- 1'.hi r,'ut' i tl-s.n ischaîtuels bliroiugli xslticI h îs NI riii Ni -. Cit at le .1 ~ a l ail\sert i.iutg litait îa s s tioc f irel 1-ix ,S'il NîMr. C arlNI 0r1s. Il,: atîtar-. lu inte iesvsîîaper. Sonite t NIt l' ttirt i NIr. ndas - .1-,e Iiiiiii- tisaitecdot e-. af utexi'. tatuer fif vere iitclîiddbu illiastrate tîtat t Ir. and îI \r-. George Hainîes antî xxhuiex'îtîe prodhuctioîn %xas harîl f.utl'(-iîa. ,andl Nrs. N ormiant work itlitaîl ilslhumuoîr aîîd is taý-- \\XXilco,\ ant ifanils - Boxx-namî-ie ciîltiîuuîs. At thie conîclusionî of tht auQ xnd MNr s. George Smitth. îîrugraîa refrcslîîîîeîts ix cuseri, i M, iMrs.Freul Partiier visitcd andî a -ittu-soutg cujoveAl . iote of Nir nesiarcli. Nextvuxilc, ion tîîauks xxas extetîdeal lu thîcse takilte Suittia part iii the rugraitl hi'MNi-.-.Riîtl NMr- an it Nrs,. Doniald Daavcv andt Farrell. i i have niicved back t10 the __________________________ i -rîtu ' s- illeiis teaul. tatel i oc - I dîtl lli luiaîber. Nîr. h-. I)avcv 1 MAPLE GROVIZ xiii lia-. iii seul lu 1 rketo n. ' *X tîiuteiaiidoîis sitîxir \vtus.gît ti NMr. mitl Nîrs. Richtardl Gibbs int Miss.Nilirc(lîhSutuîtslc iii tit tii, i utc cui ilii îitx' hli I - XViiut,' Wee x ckendl x'itht Nii ss Dur i s G rc,mii ixtt .NI r. il NIr-.. Gibbs beit h Toironto. 11lutlki..hl tlitir frio-ud-. for tut-. s -- Nli-.s ClrissiFrecînai .XIMi-- E. 1. tri--tlignt itir huet seii.Day-u a -lcra ft. NlI ss I heletu, 1h s'Ilils., xx a-. eIjix il afuer xx'Iicît11 iîcl u-a-.1 Ti îî.NMisJean Hiogartih i-iia >t rx eil. sîcre vu -toir-. au iMr. Hl. G. Fretuîî.îuî - NIr. ii I, NI r- iîittîii- Ton titi. (iliiSuiila.v Mir. andîî Nr-. Art Tiiîuttîkliit. Ir.. i NIrs. J. 1). Stexens andîlMissl-.Jeanl ut Tuiruti. NMr. tutind îr-. Sto,' andî ISti.e'x'.îî.sisiteul the forittar-. ili- ianitlx Nr-. NMartinitandîlfatîtli ,T, _ter,Nîr-. CliarlieXX hite. (-.iat'a u rutisil IatNîr. Huat fi Nîrtîbs .. Saturia.v. Nir. Robet uSimiis ti.aiiNI Mis-.Grace i r. F. NMil le r -.sput te wsx','îk 1 Faîrrell titre iwtb. of NIr. anîd Nir-. xx it NIMr. JordntShatrtp. Troli. I*raik Xi, xiiîler. hi tttxli. M iss *.1viitNitsui Firesu 1Hill, Si~;at.xii-. lage I u -iinl the i-'i'eii iitlit Nu-- lii Thec vas lage ttudane ilt iti' iuiiutliiîs' uteutiutat if te onllict ~ e -iîtalî' if thii.euiitut antdlSchýIiChut )ini te 11011>uon-, î-exteutuica to NIr-.. Sîts arîl Tsi r. ui t Tie-.uiaa*î\ utiglît. Thioi ' r.--I. it - Nlhe- -r - F rî ut ndiLouu hiockiii i tit NItis>Rith -Farre-ll tr iuleulfuir t1 iîî tulditl ;isij'ig ofti cir hlaif ltrotliur, .'iîauuuîug ct-cuse- andtllte Nfsit \r. \\'i.t. huckiui. Nexx-ca-ul>,i'la - T. e it it x u\ i aito,.recuut1vi,riiue r res idul'ut uthtii s dlii iIIti tutti. îîuîrclîaseîl for tue iii.' - I i- x'a. tu- cil C)air cil-r res idauits \xxiii e li. -tuîk- u0r te fir-t int,-aI i i îii(ýtitiîg. a l u to Iixx'tai Nu-'Higgii-iiut sIi Nil-s Niîîa Fhihs al Ial charge if sias iii lir 81:-t vcar. ptia..uIaxi a:' tlle trcgrai i x'ticl it îe icald tIiret- In bî a r'.t thtie homuîe (i f fir muuuîbers liv iLe-andl AliDarcli oif îIaîgiter, NIrs. Sait Cole if XVt- l'h uiii uittt\i le.xii tth-I r sa tîiiu sa.ki xinî. Har soit-NI r. Tii H ig- andc xsitlî Doit Caîîerouî of Bowissan- ' îi-oît. lias-cda ai n lt ),ceiîibcr. au xillie aithti pîianîo:tBeart R ic e nîer - bis hîuîîte i almotot ut-n, ta.. age tittieal xxitît altîitiiiruiîs recilaîlout 52 . cars. Titev xsere buuulifoîrmîer andîhj inti Sulit ti reîîde red a xvocaîl soloî ir,'sieîîb s cf tliis coi iii taitvu xiîh NIliss Pecarl Smtith t a te piano;)t NIr. and NIrs. I.e-Iic Coliacitt. aitr! Ru v. .A, Ni. \XVottcii. ivto xxvas lia:- NI isses Pearl andilLeiture CufliacuItu îuîg hîs first t isit to te cub agax-,- t utt M Nr. antîMNr-. .1Ji i Hall. Iss uraaiiugs. A featîîrc of tîte I Salcua. oit Sîutua:". mîeeting tuas a îîrcseîtaioîîof a 32- NIn. and NI rs. I1. NI. Law,. XViiithx'. tiece set of iishtes tii Seer, ars Dick enutraiut,-î a îuiîuîher of tiîcir Nîtîtle Gibbs andl NIrs. Gibbîs in -.co gnitioun Groxe fricuals ou it îe-iai ex'eiîtg of thîir recentit uarriage. The lire- ti. a L<u-t hleir îtart:" îî lîcre exer:'- seiitaticultva.,nialle hb- Truup uî caar oueliadiltagcud lle. -igb lîrize Arttur iLivingte pre.. îitg the Bu:'liady ftur ex'eîîîîîe Nrs. Cccii Jeffcry Scoauts andu Cuib. if Botvmaîiviiie. igli lîrize gent, -Nîr. Ross 'Ste v eut-. ivuii halreceiveal coîmiderabi,- belli loti' lriz,' lady,. NIrn. Ross Stc\xeitst antd support fronti Nir. Gibîbs at Camp loti' îrize genît, 'NI r. R. L. XVrulen. TELEPHONE Its Quicker And Easier Now vou have the dials itl --z be still easier to phoneý e r orders and take advant- age of our fast delivery service. KRAFT LOAF OHEESE The Best - lb. 30e fou , TOO, CAN RAISE BETTER CHICKS Irhis is the way. Feed themt Ful- D-Pep Chick Starter. It ivves rJ2icks a sound start so they hav i chance to deveIoi into big, sturdy, profit-p*tyig yen la a balanoed ration thst the cick's di. ;CtiTC a7atean oneaily aamilabt.e. h get fui growing value tram tisfo. SEIEDS Field and Garden IN THE ANNEX Sec us before you buy. Reason- able prices. 'Hlghest q u a 11 t Y. Governnxent Tested. A Wax 2- . Reg. 83c - for 69e Hfa.wcs Floor Gloss Reg. 98c quart - 87c lb. 1 4c Seod 1 Be Hive Synîp Label and 1 Durham Sarch Labe wuîcheyou" name and address t temaks for a finc picture of the King. Queec anm their two daushters. GOLDEN CORISYRUF 5-1. -40c 2-lb. - 19c DURHAM Pkg. - 10c I-J HARRY ALuIN Phones 367 and 368 Bowmanville1 WITH THE WEEKLY NEWSPAPER EDITORS AT PREMIER HEPBURN S FARM Nlats i ii ii a.ît.itcs t tut t'tuit Illue\ - utu tt. farnts fi lrîitier ti, -ici". r f tle hlu iba)irt i t'. leNrs. aa îXXu kinN is-îaît-r.X -..li iut hîiluiri ucar orn-Stîuis- utSat- 1h ,ittrit 'tut iii Ifill tui u oit'i u eîit i0 l tit-ihh.itd ilxii u i Cux I l rîiuî -. Tht abu, ', ti ui rcri. i-1iiC "t iue I llthe îiiiter-. ti-i 'utit-Mail t lu il il la-t xxe, %\xx rt' - tu,' f i.ît'w liîiin ui It Ple ts fu uuî-u \ ýf Sui. h u- acuuiîuttI h.\' 1tut r tl, xi\ îu \I(i uitg..rtuî.hie(jii uitNr-. I ehîIîîîît uit 'illluî , i iîai. tl tl i 't ec T~ t1 I. ivi. a r, tiaî% upu ',rtitttîtie,. is ifi, r 'I iii fsId ipcafitrias atid a TRA I ING FO R LIFE'S W1,O(I)KI( rc-xîîîraîîh xxitertethe siirrIiiu(iiîts i 'ire 1 iîb,.the w îîrk s ir.g;tiizv( HOME ECONOMIOS FOR GIRLS AND BOYS a]timhieisaiiari'ssld iCI iaittareii(i By Miss Nellie L. Pattinson, Central Technical School, of capalaIUof Ibec'îIiîîît_ sil)erisîrof C Toronto ilc.h sia;iiiiut..A iii ail other b Toonb ranchles of cipi)\,Itict tlise \witiîs< _______________________________________________________________________ er-it%-îx hichinitle-. o-oplcr- iiii nd itîi ..tjtrt arec aiîelforA EitIsNote :-U(Ier the above pareil for occuipations ini the coin- îiatil its tciv vith jî)racticai < iteaiigi the Torontto Globe anîd NI ail mnercial field. The work, exteîîdîuzg b lias been ronniiug a xi.rv helfull sur- ovur twovo ear-., deals maiulv xiii leu tes. of -short îalks on hoxx be-tIi boume écouomies suibiects. aI îîg with ti gr\ -iuates (f Ille-:v cuur-.es J prepare iii -cli l for sîteci fie oc- Ealsî art, buisiuess praclice. c hein- htx, eco, SII .cssfiîl tecîtîticiaus ciîpaîiî'us. \\"carc îaking theliîberty î-trv aund hacterioiogy. liti,-ciî iti fic liora o ries xxlien' foodd ut rodr(Iiitîîig the. last article asit .s a rulle. studcuts have aire a nd mii itriîii îrîlileis are beiug is xxritteti lb\NIliss Neilie L. IPattiii- liad somle îriu in i science and iat<. soin. daughiter of oir xveuerable atut lis are able to covi r sifficient Domestic Serice i..tecenecl citizeus. NIr. and 'Ni1r s. orgatie cbeiniitrv tîtat thev have an ! josephl Pattinsoît. if Bowmianvilie. uîîde1(rstaiidiiingof theélirccesses iii- 1Wv have bet t assiJzued the *.ilb- ____________Olvcdin i the lireparation. digestiin jut t o uoiestîc service as a tios- Thevre i., uotbiuig xvlicli a higli andl assýimilation of foods. \Vhile -ible avelnue for the honte econ- -chool boN cr girl îieedxsu lniilua goo(I general e(lcatioiuialong i,îtic-. -tiîleiit. lîfortlîiiate:Ix this as the turge to stîcceedi along soutle homne econoumies lhes is the aimi of îtîlet lbas gradîuaihî becomne reditccîl uine oif iîtercstiug encud.avor. and this îwvo-î car coturse. the riece-.sitv of -.. that at the Ipre.ent îime tiiere i se the feeling that lie is mak'ing grad- its beiuig a wvage-earniug trainiing is i erx little. if anx. coniliectioli beîxvecuît lial prîîgre-.s towaril tîtat ambition. also uckuowledged. ithe houmes a.,enilovers and soc- Acoiipisimn i aprdoliait Th Curefor Boys tiotal sdîtools. \Vhat are the cauises t icunt of sîîcccss. No stiîdent li ars il xxPlatnsdouse fr x i is the Iluetil of domlestic eîtîîî me0utethtuedemulîls of laalu vih thsc-.s fo ervice 'iinstîcbi a he-Iplcss condition?a h fe if lie tirns bis back ou bis Ni îuiîc xometi. a -imilar couirse for file faillit. 1 heliexe. lies vcrv largvv scîtool dax s xiîtlîehé tigmia of boys lias ben establishedl.. \gaiul, xxitb xx ultîit as emploi r-. he re - tailtire. a threce icar-' training ini a hligb uhutîire. at a x crv simali vagze. voing Tierefore. I say at tue îîutset. that sh alls auîîa Irriistil Ti sfor sci uîaleut wt0f "vil îoîîî reliee teclinical and vocatitual sclîoois of- lx îîiauied a mmifo U 11mr, mn ftii ons eiv fer to a large inajority of studeiits vrk aîîî f lciest arse\luV-bthiiiio f alI nîu-t ail re spousihi I tx -and tht ~ -I mîtvn opportnîlitiex.fbr s lii t hi coitîttl e-s mlerrîltiou su (isdux ering thte fielud ini xvici ti"7irjects tiilicdlccorrespîond xith t hoSe 1iliai au organiLe(l .clieiîe ,of vrk, itere-tsanid altilitie-. itax id 1 deait xx itlî iii the coiurse for girls-,-1 im ipossible. It is dîoubtfiîl i f att Eîlucation is a trainiing for h1f lîut. iî. thi-. case. stress-.,.i laid on an tîter o)ccilp)atioiiha,, tiiese draxx is iot clliputedin Ile f e: iîuulr-taudiug of fuinuanrtal prul- lîack-. emiplovers 1knoxv that i f 1tîti si-. îio c letedmoins.tue fexv *cars rcilîles iîîvolved iii cookerv and in ~are lu sliiccceu tlev mîlsî lie able 1t la i iifla otas. ich lîol aI utiilipod îs aîrthaîî 0on direct ,cacdioperationiiittelIligetîtix'o(r lax otx fîudtoî xlil soi eclîîiial ef ficietiex. This coirse. enîgage others xxloo so for tilemi. lieîîf ud a kiîîîltîtat uttonthtlîm xxe believe, offers -irîvaluiable eppor- Inî large lîoiîsehlods xitli a traiîîed tea- he-îîalfeo'ffc nicl- tnities to vi ouîîg imeili ho are in- slexio i hre h esc h est anid eiiti îitt. ter, ted fiit'tie subjects of food pro- tprbeiiis otiffcit.charor th evc This. disciîssicîî deais vitlî pro- i ductioîî. ipoîlei s. tteolt ioîî lies îrthrie visionis mîade for girls an<Ivouîîg 1 Vork Opportunities xitl thte lîoîîsececper:xslî,îi sîte lias xxotruin îIiilte homîe ecoiîoîîîîcs de-1a rcilknwegoftedm partulîcîls of the technicaî scîtools., \Wîîat arc the oullets for stiffents alrcia îoxldz fteaniî and he xt(iitto hici stfflntina 1 110 elec th bone X010ilicsistration iof tîté affairs of lier hoîîîe. lie cqîîiipîed for soîîîe ulgrec of ni couirses oif the vocatioîîal sebools? sewl ci oiint ri Thec i no beter reliii iotîters. ixilI kiiow - vlîat slîomild be dec1eîieîce after leaxiîîg scîool iiarvepeti f hnaie viibv ceri large perceittaîte o î v-traiing for thîe youîîg wolîlaîl stlos expce ftei n ilhv îîîeîî arec marri,]il liefur il rac illnxic e eai ntirse-N\x beîlîer svmnpatieic iîîîderstaiîdiîg (If thîcir aifficIlltia s. Uîîilxi, îî nalize tlie age cf txvelitî' fixe. Howx lîlall a gieral ituirse or dental. SlIe lias lirrsoîiiie-txxadtirn- ut tht iihave coîisiilered il liccexsarv a backgronîîid of 1i113siologi-, food-., ploe es tue îiohleîiî of rdîitî eir - t' prpareîbemslvesfîr te bui ritritioli. clîcîiistrv and bacterioiogv. Pvc ixihéble farf ra iîticier ies-. of lîoîîîe-îakiîig? No eoîîîibrv alîîîg vitb taîîdards 0tfiflnatîe-s s vei is asfar î rniatuile. io i s bette r tiaîîi tlsiilac-., anîd tIi,-1101)v ald cletaîl inltss andî solile explertrie-s si sa h rsrttne oif Canîada lies ini the préervationi of Iini tîte lrcîcessesi of a bîorne. Slîe lias-. Maîii' iew fields arc oîîeîîiîîg tu its horne aîîd faîîîilv lifeuinthtîe liglî- îîîîîroved Iterself as a social iiiit, as for the boîrne eeuolinics stnîdeîtt. (si )osihI leels \Vth o m i lîcre lis î"o better groîîîîî for aevel- Large hrcad firuîîs arc addiîîg lu otiltrtimiliîc for stîdi iîîg té filît- Olilît co-cîperatioli uban thîe lbornie thcir lists of proahîtts elailo-, ande daîieutais (If lîoîîe-mnakiîig, there ix ailcililics laboratrv For the girl are placîîîg îîîî the muarket cakes aînd 10ito rsii-v xerv yii îîg xx'oulauu vlio is interesteal ini the cooking of uastries xvhiclî are excelleînt inii qaI- \vhoasttiie th mangemnt o a tv. For sîucil establishmîeîts tliere bxon a-sorllste ialeagsemlîtof acal benhetter txorkers tlîaîîthose hie ne sliitullîlin ikg.îce o ________________________________ wiîîî eclîîicaî trainîing. Iluifloiir ITh îuîcriîîg tîîills, ini packiîugliotîses, xvlere short- Tuehoîgîîistakeîî iica tlîat bornîe ci.îiîîgs are îîîade. iii caîîîiîîg factorics. elliic s io cutfiîe t i i cuoTheii- ~eperiroental tvork requires thîe foodl îoraceîofcorrectin îcîxv. TleliD kitecbîîiciauî xvbo caîl briîîg bu lier job liorlaîce ofthe eîb c ,raielE f ficieîîcx'iun the processes iîîvolved. hv cverv oile 0o1 its beariîîg on G A RaD EascNutfi _xxede Ycî e îîrîîlleîax <f lîcalîltlîethcare of cîlil- 1Manilaîte n îaltiifficîuoledtivatili l il t îlreuî. efficicuicv iîn aIl kinds of xxork p ih iedo 1îect îîiin . thbomne, appréciatioun of tîtos, ERS il _____vide __fieldsof ____________ tîtinuis xx'icb add heaaîtv lu the bornîe W_______________________ anîdî xsortlîwbhile ilteresafor Icistîre.t Outline of Courses This is the year te improve HAMPTON lui tie Teclîîîical Higli Schoîils., a yu oesroni eoiîrse if foir- vears is of'fered, duir- vu oesrenig îîîg xx'îich ltme. iîn additioîn to stîcli ,and rarden. i MNis L. Horn t\%-as boîs.to.t(,ix- branîjche-. nist i csu liills rî i For Orxianentals - Shrubs SîîxSclîool Class ou iîrsdav raîicltend lîistr .çrlca >ihv. mtlah, îiglîî. Oîî irritai if NIrs. R. Gibbhs. cIllaI e .aucti sci itebre. tituîla'itiiics.ai "T. Vne -Aul i (iéeEtîtel Stcîibeuî- i a lbride of ri- cSnaels a ciiu-e eiii î 11cc li îî i i..-.. andrenial Vegtles pant-aa ccntt date, slite\xas greetec iitdivial- niîcu a o ur-stheuibaisataul and geneal egetbleplan. talît bx- tti- reltiaiîiilg glests Whio ofî f iihs. )ltue buixof iit-. iillc îkiî ing get in touch with Us9. offc'rud corigratiîlatioîis andl lest parion (I f clauuiiîz i îîlits, ir i xxisht.. Sitîrtî' afier lier arrisai a an( firstai. hnshId 111liL!ý- ca a s upply friies at tt,- iluir xx-lichli cl a sîtower of a î î d ~~~~ f i r s taigio ru t o n.h iP lil u t a î a i . . ,n i s e l conî e s a r i c i e s f r o i t h l i e o t i u g mîenît, suhidi ileal-. xiliithe s Iccl i Ib a rto. Pes ut lîistreeî.Nr.1ib.tki aînd car, if cî'îîuîviîaît and oi uîîîet I l Gib. ae firîisliiîgs. Titroitit thue cI ir-.i tbis Phone number out for , îite lY im-tîprise îîîîîackea tilt.- suit- cîiii-isi- laid oni iii flietîci s. cont future reference as it is not c ase andî reail the verses xx-iiclt ac- tribuîtîîtz tli lîealth :te atutu î tIIcuîîîîîanîed tacli gift. Thie box ixas est ahisi bguid standîards u(if liviuil entered in directory. also ilitiedan îd rcveutleaî a set of an( toprinoc, s airas osibllaiîutx'chinîafroîîî fixe of the c lass thue intlerest cf evtcrv girl ini tîteaf- P o e 6 iir tître iasucithîîe r(-rsieît e t airs of thte borneîî. Enîgîish and1( Ph n 6oi-ees vasî;tidlivtl neriItosssvaia mtatîematics cîîîrses art, -.ïiceill\-oe oiîoe Ivtéhses n n lat cd l t-hest aileiit s* alu ir îeît; ssigîet c iaclî oi,. .Adaiîtit îîeîîu théîte 4dv of aI iîîesi'. art. eurrelît Dowm'aD vile .Nursery w- as servedin i a cîîli.r sciiern t e 1lts.-îtlreciatioll uf art. îiiîsiics uîatch the table ilecorations of boluse practice aaîtd îîîaîsic iii the tarlutîs, J. LARMOURlE, Proprietor gross-l Darwinî and Siîîîdcss Read vcrroitîtîs oit a h ebîîîhool lulips, andîltahi i elloxe tapers ut sil- tcair-ewicfi.l i i t P.O. Box 185 Bowrxanville Iver containters, Potteil erilîlsoi(-Goi- tite stridîent:tsite goes (ont ~ deni Fîece andîlRixe ciloîurvd tiili1ts xxitlî resptect for thte xvurkif o i bo-ne. lîeid a pluace ini ter roulais. Thé an iigsMisses Horn were assisted in serv- aitaîlreeiatîun of thtuse tltiît i G anoi ehieli coîttribaite lu satisfactionîin inîg by r.G . anob ii\itg andîl witlî social inîlere s \Irs. G.i arttcoîtîb visite-illier xx hidi sîtotîldi nake lier a val iablei ilta 'ur- i Cuntlîerlaîîî. Toon uto. nictuiner of lier euînîîtîîîîitv. I'hîgli Nîs Bba i P'eterî)turo.lis vstn ,cos ohse s large îîiitîltabrs ioif st i-vutlt t Nr. X. IL Veos assistiîtg inî deantts each vear tItis faet s a cuit- irxing liera-hit.NI ns. Jesse N'eo. sieratioî i ii bbcé aeveîuïiiieîîî of xxho stîf ferda i astnîk-uit Satîuralav. cannti a Coiiai nIe rtîa ialcît 'isxxixuhîîs invaliîî a sîî,'dv ré- calti îîîîîacît tîrîl to sone Wi. \% îîsefîîl1.iceiliatiiîn xsitIt v-r v ittie S * iss uf tilite. Thi is is\iîil iîîel iae Nrs.I K. XX N'terlbîîrîui-i xisitiuig fri- sîîclt occuîîîatiaîîs as xxaitress wîîrk enduas a Inîîîs-u'. iii tia rîîîîuts. slliîtg i fiaI sîtuis. NIanx inh oir cuiliui i y itvlearrica oif rc-tatîraîtîs andI tea roulîts. Paterîuru of NI iss Loiiisa Thonmas, For stxtîîîîs svlo have comîplétécl A t uuîîges a nx ltglter of tite late Nir. ilîreears' xxork, air more, inî regil- adNrs V hacs liedf Iar higîî choolq, extensionl coilrscs Hamtptont it 70s. M.\r. Thîomas tire proxiîed iii soute socat ion-ta1 hcîîg a laa (-sx-îuaker andalIiving iii als, 5 thtnsudets atheep -mnSe d Batîivieh i Po nr Hoe, Shaw's Home and Sa-hool Club,' which was in charge of a corn nittee of young people of the sec-: tion. ivas held Api-il 61h xv:th a Along uanaoa's M nn ih goodiy number inat-endance.ngM n g Hih y President R. K. Sqitair wa.s in he chair. Durîng the business >eriod the folhowing Nomination British Columbia reports in- reports a most inport.ant ore de- Comm.attee was appotntedt.o i-e- dcýefnnigo h ag ..'eomn tdphsuho h tort at the May meeting - Mrs * fnncn fUclag ..vlpmn tdph otho h W. J. S. R'ckaid. Mi-. George AI- Nickel deposit by a Canadian- Macassa lune. The Larder Lake lin. Miss Efla Tamblyn. It. w-as :U.S. Syndicate holeing con-tracts f ield. from fifteen -to twenty-five lecided te invite t.he Lake Shore ýfor disposai of concentrates tai miles east of Kirkland Lake, is Home and Schooh Club to the May Japanes-e interests. the scene of intense activity. Kerr mîeeting. pae a . AddisGn, by diamond drilling, is alarricî. 0f Toronto of the Pro- Alberta reports Brcwmn Oti Cor- enlarging its most important ore vincial Forests and Mines DEptý, poration No. 1 and No. 2 wells limite. Martin Bird continues te v'ho gave a most înteresting and decpening rapidly. also drilling develop new ore on three levels -ducataonal illustrated lecture on urder way on Plains Petroleum's iunderground. 0 m. e g a steadihY Trees and Refore-station. H e .tressed the need of proper care 'No. 2 w-el. A new oil field is in- prepares for future enlarged pro- and preseri-ation of our w-oodlots. dicated by this company's No. 1 duction. Upper Canada has at- and the need for reforeStration. well. Acidizing of the Foundatio'n tained i-fs 500-foot level shaft ob- Musial nmbes cosised o' wll in Turner Valley is taking jective with underground ore dle- nstrmcnal uet byMesrs.place te enlarge production. velopment to begin shortiy. Stanley and Brenton R.ickard, ac- .Cihestenivme reports important companied by Miss Bernice Gil- bank, and two selecticns by the In Manitoba, Sherritt-Gclrdon results in diamond driJi.ing, with. ;chool childi-en. ;is preparing for resumption cf Noranda repoî-ted as having en- A humorous one-act play. 'TheI production. itered th-_ companty's affaira as a Amateurs," presen1ted by Maple!1 substaritial shareholder. Pelangio Grove young people and directed JOtai'filsaemtacveLrdreotsdmnd rlin by Miss Iva Foley. w-as mýuch en-i nai'filsaems atv.ýrd epts imo rlhg joyed. Madsen in Red Lake is meving to commence at once. Armistice Folhowing the recreation Period! ahead with its shaf-t sinking and bas already start-ed to drill. Ar- directed by Miss Ells TamTblyn. development plans. Hardrock in 'ion, adjoining Kerr-Addisçon, is unc w-s srve b th laies ithe Long Lac Campt is developing- preparing for active work and ncw high grade in the wes't shaf t, Barber-Larder h-as surf ace wourk SALEM WOMEN'S 1section. Th-e McLeod sit'uqcn ýunder waY. Oriole bas obtained ASSOCIATION underground is reported to be t-he services of a prominent en- better. Hutchiscn Lake xvill be g:neer tD direct their dianiond The Nîtnil iiiueîiiîat of the Xuîîî\oitn on t.wo levels shor-tly. driihing and surface oPerations. cîtiîg at Nîrs. E. J 1. Silvers lîcuîtte. ;reported on Preston East Domne's %viîlî 24 laîlles lire-i.ut. Nrs. L. But- 200-foot level west drive. The terv took tlue chair xvliîeî the filotv- Virita Pordupine h-as announce-d iiiîL prograîtlis-as aiv,-it Nîrs. Irselî diamcnd driiling arrangements - liacî charge of if te D,-vîtioîîal perloul Pamour reports improving opera'- after xxhichî Nîr-. h aivretîce Sqiuair ing resul-is - K:rkland Lake Gold Quebec areas are making re- cord progress. The Quebec Mai- teu section to the east of Laniaque is deveioping a boom. with manY propert:es obtaining- finances. - (advt i - FGORWARD CONTRUL Chevrolet affers Farwaxd Contrai mnodels ta fi11 out the widest range of trucks in the low-price field. For helpful informnation, speaifications and prices, seG your local Chevrolet dealer. Hie training. plus his accessibility to the vat General Matars research facilities qualify himn as a comnpetent advisor in the purchase of your new truck. 0 DICOGER PALYLOADS are pro- where restricted vehicle length 18 a vided for by simply chcmging weight legal factor- distribution ta the extent that the front __ axle is assigned a bigger portion of 1 EASE OF R HANDLING resuits the payload. from the fact that this type cf construc- tien permits the use cf shorter wheelbases MjSORTES LENGTE and greater per foot cf body length. The "turning compactness are achieved by reducing circie" 18 smaler ... manoeuverability the distance between the back of the basier. cab and the front buniper. From the payload standpoint, space taken up by NOVEL A['PEARANCE...a cab~ and power plant is dead space. product cf the latest transportation Therefore, any reduction ini this dimen- design . . . attracis attention and sien becomes profitable load space. serves as a travelling advertisement Compactuess, incidentally, is important f or your business. INQIR FOM OU N IRST HEROETTRUK EAER & PAGE THREE 11 viited NIr. andl Nrs. C. J. Kers- 1gax e a short reading and Nîrs. ]Ken- iserving of refreshmieuts concluded a lake,. 1ic tlii We(rr\- a fie vocal solo: Mrs. pi(asant x ening. \V.C. T.U.. miit at 'Mrs. Bruce Fer-i F. I iouev n ail sornle îteresting parts a giusou on Fsedav a fturu ool. fluiroul (lie of Nellie lcCluîîg-s books ilite ;î>ence ,i tii Prcsideîît. 'Mi ss wxhidi xvas followed liv a piano solo SC HOOL REPORT Rvx n Is îrcideI N rs. 1;ckiîauî h\ NIn. S. Butteri . A\s a gulesî _____________ liad chari,u of the dev,,tiotiai. I'raxer qstwaker. NMiss, . Grahaîîî. Public tupie oir a couqiurigfaithitliat wilii i-calth XNurse. Boxx ujajîvî-llt,, gaxv vCADMUS ritux1ý\e ut oîîtaîîs. Short îrcigrani a \sere iutcrestiug iaIlk-ou the JPro i ,li\c( : reailtig-,Nir-. <,eoi Barro , iriss umade ini Public liclalth \Wurk Faster report of Cadmnus school: andl Nrs. XW. XW. Ibru:; Ntr,,. C. J1.inirueut xvars, aud] inicouichudîug Jr I-a M lo 79 Dri Kerslaki jfavotîred i x h a liai soli). itlîied a ti pical da.t s \wirk Jin Sr Mrow 7. oi Clip shiet was taksen l)v NfIs, KRis B wuîauvillc, as a school nurse. Nlountj 0v 77, Lydia Ginn 54. nolds and NIrs. 1-e Cbapiau . -',;t.xi A hort business session fiow Sr. I I--Donald Lansing 87, Norah utet iug at iMissR US îîîd s. duti tg wb ic i NI rs. F. H oucv ilii iteti Girnu 47. oadGn60 ~~ u~ic as,(,ciatiiu to lier homie for the jr. IlI-RoadGn 0 _________________i___NI av îueetiîig. NIrs. Welsh imovce<I Sr. 1-Niarion Thoînpson absent. a v 'te of tltaîks to NMiss Graliani for Sr. Pr.-Joliti Veale 81. ISHAWS ýli, r fiue adIdres., andl b Nr, Silvvr 1I Figures denote per cent. forrlber iiisîitalit.v. aftî r xhiciî tii Helet Fowler, teacher. HOME MND SCHOOL CLUB i _______________________ BEE HIVE 9 0 1 --illi E H

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