PAGE FOUR Hepbîunîu residîrncec.onu1Ioxc latri d 1- -icl, tre cîri iilî go onI and the Vek y E iL xx'iich xa- fcrinurmix -xauîp andital xiiidrou.'Su'tich for the 11ti' 'igi't tro bc of îlinxvaille. It x S-ui- (Continued from Page One) ionte ýiie0eestiouI of -sori -it- N îxrx r Iuxu lrîihî thronghout the neiglibuîurbooilas 1tlîaî NMr. lHepbiîrri to' k uup the oiitiiLc',x -a i. TIrPewe iîcîx7 Hee-burn. As 'M. Heîbintu calie roxwiiciidra. but t iix ut reý al.Te rme ws7 int the public eye. he xv'si tvariabîx centu \*cars that the r xperiuuîr it hîa ruCOw - iclat xxe saxi' xere ah Hol- calléd Hepburn axxay frontî houle andl proved a stiicee-- a- lie exp)eriruîcrdl stciiw anîd oîîe of the minu revcîî- the family noxi goes bx that coeuîo- diffieiuitx un îîrouituiz the prop r ites frontî these i- froin seiîing sxveet men. The Premier xxas humirin thee ,rerî. It lias iîeeu foiiuid liat for honse xvheme he oxv re-ide-. b- m-i-.tesedmutuc xýrt- ereaiu. Tbrv are miiked bx liaixc. Parade of Heav-, Herses el frontî Spaimi. Nluîclîof ttirxCo%-rk .And icxxIîîa xel-fcd ierci of I-l- aunî'u tire su caileul hot -vccrutable te is tlîevarce! Axbolit an boîr lie- A fexv minutes aftter-tire press ini ile cruxciuugseason i i-(lonie bx Rus- paty's arrivai there xvas a parade of -la Tî.stîc1 n uîîî fai ore thle press peo pic arrîvedt a coxv, the farm borses. xxliclu coînpi-e _35,iii oîîiîî eîîîîîb-vR uc Pre' itfrom pca eift in ail. Thex are Perchîerons- and îBd-i-n C l fr ail giveti birtii to a dandy caîf, lit gians and are iii splendid shape. 0neuc'for aexîractioofiS o)rder 10 get calxves of a bcefy type beamu of black Percherons~.xith a etaio.wicei cati be sold as baby beef. Mr. Set of ixorv-înioîînted harie ss. xcaý. Onions Prove Popular Souvenirs MIarshuall inforîned thue party that the especially admired. Tliese aniîiîai- \Vc xx mc hrîxn Ilîrotîcli the var- Hoisteitis are crossed ivithu Auber- weigbted over a ton apiece amîd xxere iuîi; buiidiiitcx on the farm xviclî. deeti .ngîms sire, as purebred Hol- as fine specimens of linrse fiesh as xvt slîrîul nîmtntioni,lias Bill Tapseli steimîs arc iot a beefy type. one would came 10 sec. Tîhe Prenmier ia- forenian. First. xve vere shoxxu Peter and Patricia Had aiso bas a îeam of )-ear ouI Per- ulrouîch the cooling barnxvhiclî Chiekenpox cherons, xvich are ai-o -pliffîlid lioiises nruions îîpstairs andl potatot- Tlîoîîglîivwe did mot sec Peter nom animais. Ever siilce lie tuîk over il' x uit.irs. Niamîv nitht pauîerîîîcî Patricia Hephuiri. as we underslood thesgmagement of th.., farna Prcîîî- avaiicd tiiemseixes of tht uppomtumnty tîîev xere gettimîg over the chiekemu- er He purti la- berti str'ng fur iiiu'htaini at lia-t onit of 'Mr. HCp- pox, xve did sec tiueir mietagerie of matcbed îeams, as lic take- creat îuîrm'- oniitn- tritake hoine as apes hv aefordg -a pride in is borses and l laimîî5 lat sotueir. The ouioîî-. ie xere îb ci pes blak ev bndae fourcDogse-a bis men xork bcîîer îcheîî iuinare traîîed for size hv machîine. Ntt blaCkNwfobida th al arn au mabcbed horses. lnciîl-nîillx-Nvîr. tiere w a tht huildîiig for g - txng vo Cbvs besofwii tl e e uulbrî Hepburn enipiovs fifteeui hired uuîeu alfalia. to feec btote stock. Thîis svra.Tiemi there are the tii the. xear rounîd, as li- 101-10acrcs builidinig xa-formmcly itscd bv 'Mr. pne her.amîuutiîuur are îarnîed iîtlensiveiî . Pride-. Hepuîru as a clieese faetorv. and Patsv. a shîetlandd poîîv. Onîe oi thee reseeri îm-i a lf îii- TIîe hbu pen xvas îîext. aîîd lien' the farîn liaiid. gave the iuspaper- wx'o xxork part of his lanid or, share-ivec saxv at lea-t 150 pigs in aih stages nien aiexhibitioni of Iîuxv ti irde Last %vcar the Preniier liad 200 froun a dav oui 10 mature soxxs. Mxc tl* latter. creatiîîg nîci amii'eiliit. acres ot spring erop. 80 acre- of . iarmîed sr' ne tlîiug about hiogs that as the animal "thirexv', thue y otîhi cv- corn, and 30 acrer i ir,ns fý roîn acxvhiclu xve neyer heanci hefore. eral limes atid scnt hiîn spraxcitic xvlicb be iîarvested 30.000 busiel- or in bis informîatixe commntt as xve Sevr'ral 1liotîgraphers xere ou]land more. Tbis vear he planîs onu aviîig vi-ited this building.,NMr. 'Marshiall anI pictîtres xxere takeui aI ire(cîuu 40 acres of 'onion- and 20 acres of drexi partictîlar attenîtion 10 the cîtrli itervals o11 the rr)uuuds. polatees. The onion- arr gr.xvuil in the pigs' laul. "Tiiat's a sign the%. hnIetnecan veutec the farm across.tbe r' ad fromt thte are aliîeaithî," be said. "If a pmg itr erte inîvted mb wththue amu MONARCH OPEN FORMULA FEEDS O.A.C. CAFETERIA POULTRY FEEDS S EED S We offer No. 1 Government Standard AIsike - Ontario Red Clover - Imported Red lover - Grimm Alalfa - Ontario Variegated Alfalfa - Timothy - Sweet Clover, Yeflow or White Blossom - Lawn Grass Mixtures - Garden Se STEWART HIGH QUALITY FEEDS - SEEDS COTTON NIGHT WEAR 98C Wemen's P 1i al Coitton Crepc Pi - jamas xith rui .- lIed collar a n dI siceves. Pautîx havi' yoke front and elastie hack. Smali medium and large. -. 98C pah a iidl hitr ixithi 1$1 49 lwc( 'siic', 2-Piece tnun. i 5u, 8 t-i 14 'itton Creuit Pi - auua-. 1) lu1t ilî 'xii fruit andk lJ i ' iiil Iecek amidi h'l diium, I-lu ~ ,,<~»îriio 'stfr' iii liglit -erite al are tare iciu - i itt irmet'- liani 'or l), it' r g i nîit. ai SALE i nciîut iîîg1 iitx-iit 2pr. $1o I00 ',N*1%(ir a id , LINEN CIJRTAIN TEA TOWELS NETS 25c ea. 15C Yd. Pure Jrish LI en Tea Toxxti 'cti tratv e eis inassomled tovctv col-tsigtsvrv o orcd sîipes, good size. Ver% kite Ieîi fi r eu oiii xxîvi- special at 25C. ioxex. wure presemîteni to Nirs. Hephutrîl. xx bu is a uîî'îst cluariit Zanud eracuul lîsex Thie ttire party nf uearlc 100 huuugrx fulk xerc serxtd a biîf- fet Jjlîuîeloui con-,istimîg nf îcalloped potaltors.]liot vegelabies. Hepbuirn Spatiixh uuioîîî.(u xxlich scecned to lic sîxeter anid nire tender îhîaîîahi uic ever tasted), radishes. ceIemY. green cilon -anîd Pickles; Pie ami clucese coolkies. tea. coffee and choc- olate mints. AIl tIis senxiîîg xas crumplched iii abouit oI 01e otîr. Cigarette Lighter Wouldn't Light 110 top off thîis satisfyiug meal cigarettes xere passed anîd it was thie THURSDAY, APRIL ISTH, 1937 THE CANADIAN STATESMIAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO 1 nexv cilizens in tht ideals for xxliclî it stands. Wxheiî umuelooks aromîd. thîev 'cati- îlot hur'lp but se, exclu xiti is fatu that the Britishî systein of dernoc- racx, of Imade and of citizemîslip i- the bestthe xxorld lias Net evolved. Newcastle Council ADOPT DAYLIGHT SAVING Newcastle Municipal Counicil met Monday evening, April l2th, .vtth Reeve C. R. Carveth presid- .ng and Councillors Hoar, Law, Pearce and Walton aIl present, also H. C. Bonathan, Municipal Clerk and Treasuirer. The pro- ceed.ings were of unusual Import- lance and aignificance. Following is what trar-sprfd in a nut sheli. Council voted to adopt Day- light Saving Time f romn Sunday rnorning. April 25. te Labor Day, September 6. Thtis is t.he eaaliest Newcastle ever went on f ast tinte. Gave the first reading te a by- iaw to lix the heur cf closing for beverage roonis in Newc-astle. Heard Mr. W. F. Rickard, M.P., make the pleasing an.nouncernt that the Federal Department cf Fublic Works would spend Up te $5,000 on a pier or concrete wall te protect Newcastle beaches f rorn f urther encroachments by the lake. signified its wiilingness te spend about $25 on street decora- tiens for the coronat-ion and buy small flags fou' alI the school chil- dren. Suggested holding an amateur concert on the evening of coro- n.ation day instead cf a dance. Raised the pay. and made it re- troactix'e March lat. of municipal workers. Day laborers' wages aï-e increased from 25e to 30e an heur, and rnen wvith teamns f rom S50c to 60c an heur. Discussed the advisability of f aking eut liab-*Ijty insurance for ail municipal ernpleyees the regular sala.ried officers and men ernployed by the day or on a particular job. The prerninn on a $5000 policy would be $100. W. F. Rickard. M.P., home fromn his labors at Ottawa. in address- ing t.he council. said that the De- partment ef Public Works was prepared te extend the present pier at the lake southward 110 feet at a foot lower elevation. A gevernrnent engineer would look over the situation. estirnate the cost and advise as to the use of concrete or tirnber and plank construction. The cest m.ught be lanvherefi-nîai$2500Oflto some-, writer's goon fortune tr iave rs. aYW e-e1_________-_------- Hepbuirn pass them our xay. We thing over $4000. Local labor (Coritinued from Page One) and Sgt. W. L. Borrowdale ot Usli- took one and then slie f ickerdawywul e sasfra%%osbe.aWa, sounded the Last Post and witb a ligbter, but the goslî dam Mr. ickard received a bearty bottom xvîll not be reachied uintil Reveille. thing wouldnti ligbt, so I had to vote off thank.s and appreciation 1940. Event the Red River went. dry Foliowing the service the parade resort to the old-fashionied cuistom frorn the Council. in 1936. for the first tinmecslince moved off again to the Town Hall. of striking a match - no, not on ni\ A deputation of the temperance wh ite men came tii Canada.. wliere President J. A. Living of pats, but oni the sole of mv sboc. forces of the village and anot.her "Event the old tilucatinnal svstem is the Legion, placed a wreath on tlhe One inqutisitive an(l inquiring etitor representin g the hotel men wait- dead and a new one trying to be Cenotaph in memorx' of those whio next 40 ie threw ont a couple of ed on counidil anld expressed their Ihumi." the speaker stated," as auy- perished at Viînv Ridge. Sgt. Bor- feelers to sec if Nirs. Hepbuirn viewvs in regard to hours of clos- one ai the recenit OE.A. convention rowdale again sounded the Last Post smoked, but she xas t00 cuite for him ing for the beverage rooms. The in Toronto. couild ascertain. Soine- and Reveilie, and the parade was as, lie camne awax' still xvunde ring if temperance deputation asked for thing is greatiy needed but nîany ex- then disniissed by President Liv ing. thie lremiers w ie was muiernistie 10 o'clock closing. The hotel men perimevnts wifllibe nece 5sarv bfr or ,)Id-faslbioîiiei i hi regard. exrse ilnnss to, com- we gel the change Wevan n 1Brajitifuil bouquets of fioxxers wvere promise by ciosing at il. Th-ýy vounig nen and xvomen aire tri be more BLACKSTOCK AND 10 iie t Is. I-epbiir ai a are open now until 12 o'clock. and more a part cf t his change ORONO BRANCHES pshr.ttd rce. ti oloi The council bas corne to no de- wbii btind lu comne. the rt.infliormainceremlfofoheoxI ellu cision yet. but wvill fix the hour Dr. Christie explainie( that federai GUESTS 0F A.Y.P.A. thle, Thneîcniiiguboi f of th e d e the bylaw is gven its sec- and prnviicial governmients are ci)______ gaîebud. fTht ltnebOqutrio tIe ond and third reading S on Mon- operating and xill makea .detj iting Young People Frovide rî~ebu~frnitt ntro 1.t day. May 10th. Council is aware iivev of the rrcbard souiinis Vis gates xcas presentud bv NIrs.. A.Lta h dpigo atUn t cto uîxbie Itefna Program - St. John's Iins in I)î, of St\e au anTh al)- la rnuch earlier date than former- mnrtal rearoin for loss of craps. Fenr eins e- precatio rf it iew~pperlln a in ~Newatle materJal!y affec.:-s Tih edea relil iFnl iber cixc~forth sb ,x th1e situation.'nîn' frtb u npiex to bux sced for St. Joh 's A. Y. P.. . îay cd osts Rice, of liinîtx le, tilt lîexs prei- 1-f_________ lntn 1xetr Cnd.tkn .nMna ih. u iiigbace dent ol the As sociation.ltj.1a chance that ex e-rx tIing xil ii bm frontî St. johni'. lîackstock. S t. Mr. ebun'Ifke eyL ESKAKU 1out -ah' iseî 'rilx anîd tlilterop xiii Sax muir'., Oronu atnd St. M\arks, Mrs Hebun MkesRely îe x~iriiclibr Port ho-pe. and ovcr 150 voîtîlu .NI rs.Hepbutrtn unrepi epr'shdI >îr tliascr toucihed lu the speak I Peoffir' ere prescrit to ri (joxthtenr- regret that tuie ,x isitu C'ilot bave Crrrge Raltîb andl Pili Spark- r fi eiiî d iah or h \î -tertainnlt. Mrs. F.. .Diiiing pe bue mae amonli r i xcek.Wr~lii'ilx t-tai x' 'k o th tcanti pan îof ircrvased Production siddand xx rieîd the visitiîîg Iater xhrn the true. xx ould bave bevin P. R. raiilicax -tliroîtiLliP -iixpo 1 wIxvl xx a- e înduicted receeitix. vhen gr'up-. Rex. C. R. Spencer Coni- iii Norung fii.îge and the laiîdscapes Ijaek S betand Toiiiinîy Exan- ' farm< trs xcepaid t' kili tlîtir ogs diîcted the (irvoi 'ti'al exerelses aid( tfields nciiîîmûre attractive. x\Vlit Oni therC. 1P. LR. at 1,'xiianviiie. and l ilt (doxx n îieir crop acreage. xx bleu xeru fi îlxved Ix a snappx I am iitduud sorre that Ni r. ]I l Thr x laxi puît iii a if luporar rd eThtunL'iir d States î vrimli ail -itng u x itlîDon Caîneronnat she hum"i. the I reinier, isirît aillie tu itxx -e t J1ka %%îain te road1m Il b.xxtI eiab' rate xvrkiît'.î'piano1. xitl i toda. sid tlpii* ii îdvCold ir'x r liat it xva, a gou(l ivr, The mi i fatiire rf tht e Ciliiîg Tliîe SebîI heiîi a ' ci'i but ii xxtlicr xare experivîîeiîîg a 1 w i DaiYitrxriî-l îîîaidehiate v-oni neîîîbcri of the îpress xillr iir pri-il. , t. iii e oîî <)nliii'ii xxlivii ibaco n is at suciîa S'txe iS. Mark-'. Po rtI lotie, andî babiy uinderslaîîd it xcas iniperati% c r j îii ccti ighiî u'. tiltaxverage î,îiîîiixcai St. .'bt.Px iîixii.The sîiîb- îiîat lie remininîî Tofro nto lîe ieîr't a f,'rd t" piîrcha-e it anîd the jurt xxa 'Resoivei titat Canada if the strikttlat, onaisrdle'pourluo rîîiig c' id tr lfor -i'iireîîain a piart uf thle P. rit i îl i dîîatîpoiîttd ini îot biîg litre a- vears bîas iîeeîî îî .uet . lEn111irn.- xci iiiPort 'n lopeit î îid iîg lic rrîiirii lfront FI orîia ra iiii IDr. Chisiee atedti îîtîe \gri- thu Af firmîatixve anid lxiiavi 'i rdurt b' luelire xx itlih i .\011.etlxra ic exa-ctluiiîga-t lie Negative. \Affirîîative speakers I xant to .rrpeat ilat I a in uap- Sp ing Is H re îîexcîxvr-î rar cotirse rf -îiilv tii fit 'ixcrrv KueliîLong andîlTed Harxcoil iiy 10 hav e x ii litre anîd perlîap.-IVolilu mcei for thîe cliaîîge -in thte of Port IJolie. xhvlîiie i Negative iatur îîîîî max lhave ail uplortillîitx Icouintrv. "Tue jobi of îtîcfarmer xca- takrîî ivl'y,1. \Inrtlocl,. xvîo tii reîî.rîin xx heîî xe xiilI e a litti -e Here 's your hadurters toda -ismît that f mlk. i cwai-i -ibstittnîeil frrIlispartîler, Pî,i) more irescîtabie. It xiii bc pret-I for Garden Flower and orgrxiiî appie trees. He milst Kentfabnit(file jîdgercxverent its1 th in k s )." V e e t a b l e B e e d s .)Ir"a l o lie a b le iii th i ktiît r o g l î p r o b - 1 tes o îtil . T h n g s w r tier -,ix xx ekslîeîîce -at leaxi\CVeealePicktc. îdGe.L tlik f.Sedlems cîearîv. give leadership andl Patron.rt Port Hope: Rcv. C. C. .Nr. Nlarshîall sail lie fouind t Fertilizers - Etc. liîlp carry ont a definile program uof Davde'Taniî diîtie>of întbbiiîg for Premier progress. Cnltss lie cati <lu that blî1t i geoftePoi'Tang Helihîxîrn quite pleasant as ail lie is one of the plodders. Tîe lig jrb hll t0 do x\vas leail tîe nexspaîîer- DNTFRE MOTHER'S hie declared. is tribîîild -tr'pp[itî A Tip to Our Customers meni arriîidtliqe arti and lards. DY UNA, AY9h. ftue gnetiti-. The Prbcock.,oafor xci- a îleasîîre to do that, lîavimîg A - UDY MY9t. fiuegnrio beeîî keeîîly iîttrested iîî the Hep- Over 60 xvolen aînd îenu fromn TePieo oli humn farms for 12 years or more. Boxvmanviile and tlîe suirrouîuiding GigU Great Training for Public LUfe :é ua Flower district attended tlîixîmeetinîg, the haescna olgfrrtlir Ig WaYV ap i," oe tîmtil laul, aîîd Dr. Christie Right now is the lowest price it 'Yîiî ave.eeî agoiîg armlîce a~ Sop xpmessed picasuire in sceetîg srban will be this year. So our advice lis, tola aid M r. Niarshall. 'Il xvas and miral Peuple getliîug logether. hie- if you bave the moneyptn a îîracticai, priîciiîg farm before PHONE 772 cts vtuulttc-prtit1fyu ex itr u p uto iLU Ill Prmir rîteedpoltiss iîdit Nîghts and Sundays 581 both. îîeiîiîer could advance atd COAL at once. We can't even i vet. 1I uicive that thîe Premiers abnild. guàrantee from one day to the first ilterest remains irî bis farîn and' F. F. Mof(rris. Presidenit of the next when the advance will take iîî agricittre aîîdl1I îliîk it is a fitte cubPascaiînnoftt eeIg, The wholesalers just send îhiîug. Fariniiig, tri im%. mitîd, uî theie lub, w . hippeilofxteeetnu notification and we have to be-t îîracticai training tlîat a manliat ldes.W.Dpe elmdte abide by the price set. have iii public life." Mmie, xIr. E. P. Bra<it. respoîidiîîi The reason for this situation is .ýIr ýIashaI coripinieted .\lu bbcth toast. Donald Gibso, a grad- due to unusual conditions at the NIr.Mahal cilliillltieiMs.unate of O. >.C.. itîtrouceu D r. coal mines. The miners are de- 11< iilirtîi on lier ifficienît nariage- Christie giving details of his aetiv- manding and have heen assured mlent if the rt:etiti'n and ltlîe strv-. ities anti ailitics. E. P. Bradt, aiso of shorter bours and more pay. iiig of thIintclieriti. Itx\vas îlot a an O.A.C. graduat, on helaif Of thu This meanLs higher cost of pro- îtîîail task lu lîrtîare aîîd provîdle ~'club, exletudtd a moîtionu of apprec- ductuon which in due course is tfor aloun i 100 icoflîleiii sucli a eap- iation to Dr. Chîristie foîr iîis adluless. generally passed on to the con- abl miiier Dlrngthe mueetinug.. Virgiti led sumer. L.eaving the I ieîî)lrhîîrli e, tilt in a sing-soirg. That is why we advise BUY noe. iand ueîî in ath \mcii nu lateYOUR BLUE GOAL NOW and get iiiiriipo aîd i i lx l- îr atDIAL 556 it at lowest summer price. We tlliciiitetiliti grsail lut aîlilreIiisvDâ.,ugI have a number of cars on order, Ieclîer iatiîg ie xxantlreeliger Fosntsiae nyurr- Legion IBanqIuet a nd would lbe pleased to take care ir the ]Premuier andîlNirs.heîîî. decorating requirements. Tel (Contînued from page 1) of vour needs now., Blue CoaI %exx ik xx cli trIl îîr readlr' us the measurements of vour as important individials iii thîe great Welsh - Scotch Coal in stock. sineliiitîîg abouit ilr iniîtçîr tripi ii rooms and we iili gî've you an Cunomoxwealthî. 1 thiîîk. lie saiîi, that SHEPPARD & GILL LUMBER ou ai frontîîLondon, 'î soitlîitg aholit accurate estimate of the walî- fewx of nis rr'aliy îtîtdcrstand xx iat CO. LTD. the i î.îîxcitiliand il tti 1 x\%rpaper or paint needed. natiotîlloîti eani ton Catnada. Wvie Phone 715 - Bourmanville ii et. shouid realize that iii cir feireigîu relationrs it xvas Canîada, everv bit as Finals of the Bowm.TanviIle Bad- COMPLETE STOCK mutch as Etîgiand. iclîri]et japaîu mrinton Club wçill be played F'iday NESTLETrON seize Mý\anlclîria andl ltaiv amie\ night. Public cordiaIly invited. SnotyadSiiT m- Ethiiopia. If tiic xas ixv ard -__________________ ________________________ Snworhy nd Smi-Tim- ize ini alioxviîîg îîese ulîimgs, îîîetî Ni atl \ r- <ergeI hrk- Niîîmed Wallpapers Catiada xvas erîtaiiY giitv- of suciî l~ li Nr(iixx Toîronîto, x iid Flo.Glaze Paints, Enamels cîaie .\Ir an \I.,.W . '..Arnstr tig N . W ad did nul belite tlat xar Niroaliri \\ [-i.. \rlimtoi.and Varnishes cnîtll c' abolislueilbv figlîtitîg. lit HKA R E Ylitiigl i iirtbiiîuii iitt i - 'c These are recognized as diii luut thiik îlîat armuaîuîctîts xxotld l1 Sciiiu rxx ti af,îîr bvi Iru. 1 ui'sMs upro revx'tîwam. The grealtîneed, liv $29.50 and up D-iarilm roand xIri,. \I.iýiixie. i1 Canada'smot sup r said, was somuethitig tlat xcîtid lix e Also ail Parts and CoUlars i'îiîl,(iuî-obi l Ni r-. i. i 1erI rdutsylits woth xithontl defetîse. Vs rin stock iiirliîre if I i.. î.lireierl~îîi eadquartcrs for Coronation have lu xceil ronr-ueopîb's intoail hapupy anil Nu(i( i ix oiîi-iiIo supplies. fatiiy. \Vc tîîîst gix'tilue sanle Please bring your repair work irox it 1ioxally anîid duotionti 1thde caitse of in now .ii- lî tii' 'î 1 I-) Nai"iii\ peace-as xce gave tri tle idral .s ve SIIOE & HARNESS MAKER andr"x.îiî \Ir. \~iIrtNarl'x n i fouglit for inî xar. Tlîat coînrade- reaîhiîg i.v Nifrs. l\'. \v.Niaruv J I. I LL slip anîd feliowsliip xxhich îtîe sol- A O F N1I eetig tloscd xith ailîxlitîi atîîi W J W E L diers expcrtenced dtting the xvam NxtA.n WOttL mbe Nlizp. ali t îtîd icI iotî. Bg2 omn e neceds 10 liecar.ried mb cevydav MNAG LnElt, JHNLmEZ NIr. nttîlMmx. Jatmes Philp, Detroit, BiM2A-NAGEanRe ue AcoOHNî brmnLEntNZb vi-it(Mm0. aind Nrs. R. W. Philip. bitill uip, and Canada mutst train its School. Rev. 'Mr. Harcourt deliv- Hamiltoni, accompanied bx' jack ered the verdict of the judges ivhich Smith of Blackstock; and Iwo num- xvas unanimoits gîving the xWin to bers bv Orono visitors. a vocal num- Bowmn icil, which advances them ber bx: \illiain Mitchiell, accompanied to tbe final,. 1be Mrs. John -Morris, and a guitar Otb'r itemns on the program in- 1due b raideonfandeCee Bruto. clll(ed' a vocal solo bv Tack Smith Te1 enaîlancr ofathe e re vs of Blackstock, acconpie)'id bY Nirs. Igîxen over 10dacngad er(h V. A\rcher: harmonica 1olo hl john mllents were served at the close. thou- and tivo dialogues xcas mîîc iiîux cdby ail prescrnt. Tuie Hoiue anîd Sclîool Club xvas uel NiotdaI iiiglît iii the sclîool autd- muîrîîîîn. Tuie prograul was made up ut îî1î1sic hîy Cliarlie aîud Elsie Gax; Kenî Shackieton and Cliarlie Harris: Rax iuiond 'Macdonîald, Cluarlie Har- mis aiid Elsie Gay; a piano solo by Rth Trimn;n a 'piano duet bx' Jim Poîvers aîîd Edna Billings; a finIe duîet liv îte Lowery brolluers : vocal solo- by Jil Powers and Art Bell; musical numnher by George Ralpb, Bill Sparks and Jack Bentley. MIrs. Kcatie cax the gîî est spieaker of the evetling aîîd spoke on Homne Nursing xchiclîixwa- muucb etjoxed by aIl. WeV liope tîtat she xvill coule back 10 visit uts acain in tue future. The lasI iecetiîug of the _seasomu xill be beld .\îrii 26th. Nîr. Jmm Laxxsotî. a fortiier Leskard boî' is to be iii at- tenidance. A good lime is expectcd iv aul. INSTITUTE WOMEN AT SOLUNA THANK TELEPHONE STAFF Hampton, R.R 1. April l2th, 1937 The Editrir. Tht Canadian Statesinan, Duiar Sir. Nlay the uîîemnbers of tlhe Solina Woe iiItstitule, thîroîugh the coi- iimns of Tue Statestnaiî. express tlîcîr appreciationti 10the operators of the Bell Telepluone Comnpany and .N[r. Frank \Villiatns. nianager, for tue coîtcons amîd efficiemît serx'ice thîe% l1ave' gix'en uts iiithie past naîuy vea.r-z. Tht Institîtte memibers ean- not huit xiexx'thie passimîg of the old order xcitiî somre regret, iii viexi of the happy' and friendly associations that have existed betiveen Institute nîeibemî aîîd the patienît and coumr- teoits operators and the obliging mnager of tht Teleplione Company. Oumr 1nenîbers xvisi the bext of good tiiings tu allxvho have served tlîem so xvell on the teleplione staff in past cears. Siened) Nirs. S. E. NVcrry. Pres. Solina WVonen'sInsIl te. Canadian Club Ward said in clositug, to cho xouîr slîare in vouir oxi' community le- xvard the upbiilding of a great nation umilt impoli the very higbest of pritu- ciples. Reg. Hardinîg expresscd the gath- cring's îlîanks to 'Mm.,\ard for lus timely remarks. The speaker xvas imtroduced by Rev. C. R. Spemncer, uladre of the Legion. Col. L. T. Ni\e- Laughlimî uho is attending the Cor- onation on the officiaI Canadian dcl- egation also, spoke briefly. R. NI. Cotton presided at tue piano for the sîmîg-somug ancd J. A. Lix'ing, Presi- dent of the Boxîmamîville Brandi of the Legion pmesided. Dnring the ob- servance of the silent toast te faîlcu comnracles the Last Post amîd Reveilit xvere souuuded. LegionService (continued from Page 1) othuer Vimv Ridge. Tbis service, be samd, shoumld meau both tiiese thîings 10 vont, anîd tiiose ixho died at Vim% are prohîably more iuterested in vour dedication to the prevetîtioti of ami- othier xvar, thial thîey are 10 blie mnein- ormal of tlîeir gloriouus deeds. Rev. Banister formally xvclcomed the visitors before lus sermnom. Ini attemudamîce uvere about 60 nenîbers of the Camiadiami Legion. iveil over IN0 Boy Scouts anud Cuîis. together xxitb the unembers of the Canjadiau Leguoii Baud. filling the clîumrclî 10 capacity. The group îaraded tu the churcb from the Toxwn Hall amîd on arrixal aI the chuurcb ivere placed iii spec- ially reserved scats. A\s tbe service ouîîed the flags of the xarionus utuits uvere reccived ah the front of the fromît of tbechciircli bx Rev. Mrn. Banister. C. A. Carruthiers. remîder- cd a vocal solo dung the serx'ice and the choir sang an appropriale amtbem. «Miss L. L. Bragg uiresided at the organ. Folloxviîg the sermon lîvo minutes of silence ivas obscrved P. R. COWLINGI 695 Specially.... ... Produced Çlîldoods joyland Mvstic merry toyland once yeon pass if.s borders Yen eau nie*(er return ag-ain.* Yeut childr'cn eaun ie' er refurn to toi'lant onuee theY arc g-rown. If the inilk îbey drink bas licen proditced i iiter misanifarv cond(ition1s, if thie cow's which produced it huav'e iin eln fed the proper fCC(1 at flithe ppertule : if tite uilk base uuof lîeti promptlY eooled and aerafed : even with flic aid of the muost mnodler of eomemucreial dari .the uatural quality and flavor of that ilk (-anu ne*er -etirn again. Imuisi on uuilk tbat is ptrodItted espeeially for the rîfail frade. There is a w'ouderfîui differs'nce. And Have Our Driver Cali Daily GLEN R LDAIRY Great Week-End Sale 0f GROCERI ES To Mark the Change to Dial Phones Muffets, Special .......... 2 pkgs. 17e Oranges .......... doz. 29c 35e 40e RIN SO ---- Sm al l 1c; Large 24 e P. & G. SOAP ---- . 5 bars 2 lc VI- TONE -- -s ail 27c; medium 47c -, large 87e CHOW SAUCE ---.- per bottie 10e KIPPERED SNACKS, Gold Medal 3 tins 14e CANADA CORN STARCH ----- er pkg. 1c LICORICE ALSORTS ]-, t. 12 HAWESLEMO OILlarge b.ottIe 23e Supreme Shortening ........ 2 lb. 25e Special Apple & Raspberry or Apple & Strawberry JAM, 32 oz. jar 25e BRASSO or SILVO small 14, Large 23e CORNED BEEF, El Rancho . 2 tins 25e ITALIAN LEMONS med. size 23c, large 29c TIGER CATSUP, 18 oz. Special bottle ROUND CLOTHES PINS 3 d4 TOMATO JUICE, Green Giant taU tins o CORN, Falcon Golden Bantam 2 tins 23e Extra Special Wheen's Carbolic Soap... 3 bars lic Wonderful Soap........... 3 bars llc F. W. Nelles ~1 1 O)ur optical service assures YOU absolute satisfaction inl style, quality, fit* and price. Get your Fornialin now and be ready for sprirtg seeding 1 pt. .. 25c _-1qt. .40c Regular Prices Ç S M R Pinkham's Comp.- 89C Dodd's Pis - 27c TIS SUtEl ýaP 100 A.SA. tabs. 23c Com Ptehte apd Kotex-------18C 700 SH-EETS N. R. tabs. , 17c-34c to the roi1ll IKÈI. Dutoli Drops- 6 for 25C 3 for25L LARVEX-protects your clothing agalnst moth damage. It is odourless, stainless and easily applied. Bottle- $.00 10 cakes 1-1b. 100 Jergen's Pure Castile Moth A.B.S.&C. Bath Soap Killer Tablets Soap 25c 39e 9C cake Sc Alarge glass tumbler with a 1-lb. tini F re 99ofEnglish Health Salts, for - - 39C TRUSSES R. R. STEVENS & SON Bowmanvillê Phone 2665 C jà fr PHONE 596 BOWMANVILLE