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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Apr 1937, p. 5

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e 1TT.iTTPDAY.VAPRIT 15TiT-19.17 'lTE C.X\'.\tt STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Mr. and Mrs. John Worden. Eb- LOCAL MANAGER GYMNAST DISPLAY uk ago. Officiais stated to The enezer. and a graduate of B3ow- Star today that an inspector cannot manville High School. WAS INVETERATE Air B.T.S. APRIL 28'be retircd without the approvai of SOCI L A D P RSO AL he unral-xaslied i Pot D INK R O TE ý tle ieTartincnt. and it is reported SO IA A D ER ON LHope fuea.ral al 6, ofD INKEM0FTEA W uP the coning of Spring another departmclntal chics (10not lonkwiti F A1 __________________________________________________John McCarths', who died nlerL .Swnyard Made Trip Home Training .Schoo i \Il througlhe teachers and principals at 62fo __________________________58t.h year on Sunday afternoon. Every Afternoon For a Wint r the x tri ous clases lbu c cl- wofllCflani 65 for mien with the "A li) Mi'ss Dorot.hy Hoax, Toronto, Interment was in Welcome cerne- Refreshing Cui> joyud îa wî-one program in the main idca heing one of repiacing spent the Weekend at hier broth- tery. She is surx'ived by her hus- gvnnaýiiuuu with training on the ap- Ilim by voinng andi iovr-paidl tea- er's, Mr. E. V. Hoar. band, two daughters. Olive a.nd There are people who, whefl paratis iteingr a major item. Dur- chers, ini ornier to reduce taxation. i Mrs. Frank Bottreli has been Hazel, at home; one son, William, confronted with a knotty probleming tiv iimonth of N.larch the entire No officiai statenient has bcen made We borrow Cardinal visiting hier sister, Mrs. Rinneard, (f) hw;adthe rtes are wont to brew a pot of tea. ro;sagintesonafurai Queen's Park as vet, but it is qaud in Oshawa. E .GonanQ saa i-Ater sipping of th.e refresh.il ic~faprts cie iing tiiere is a possibility of anl inîerc ting to the old Magneto Ph Mis ea uris ornt, iandCae . Goodman f pmavile juices, they gaze long and fiXedlY each ho% his gradung for thu %-ear. deadlock if the dupartinent does iot ment with the new vs J ergan dmrti,heort, Mis.ad hop e .Goda fotat the leaves of the CanelJJ.2.this M~s) o'ntt stepelumavapoeof Dr. M\acDonaid goig Joh.tng Cur adoter.Hp. shirub and gradually the kflo ronnî in the animal gymnastic 'con1- and the board inisisis on it. The (ie The Alice Jackson NMission Band slip out of t.he problem - aIl be- peuh u-.ofartrnent pa s ' aparies.about Rev. R. R. Nicholson, Tweed,, meeting opened with the cail to cornes clear. Semii-finiai. wcrc bid lastTTues- iid-o npcos aais was guest of bis sister, Mrs. G. L. worship followed by a hymn play- L. N. Swinyard, Who was suc- day andi Wednesda\ and the suirvi y- Wagar. ed by Jean Greenfield. and the ceeded as Local Manager here by osaenwiitefnlsae f' Mr. Ralph Washington and Mr. Lordi's Prayer repeated in unison. A C. Price on March 1, 19«6, wa5 thor ra o i t fin al tagi foFOR C UR HE Geo. Peckham. Windsor, wcre Mrs. Daxison explained the 23rd an inveterate tea drinke r. M. finals 11 ~ncniv vening. .\prii aiinLof.>R guests of -the former's aunt, Mrs. Psalmt and had the girls repeat it. Swinyard, a close relative Of 28th. S AL' îTD HRD Raisin Loaf- Rej W. C. Washington. While the offering was being tak- Thomnas L. Swinyard, Who was for This vear the noors are being S.PU' NTDCU H R ii ofRg en the band sang "Give Oh Give.' sorne years Gienerai Manager oftronsie enttepuieucRv.WF.aitrMnsr DIL63hmers F. M. ablynret.und Helen Deitt read the offertory the old Dominion Telegaph Con- 1to tî,in ane rn'queist.. f roin thosc W111 Miss L. L. Bragg, Organist ASrn esr thoe latrweekMr.ander sdn prayer. Collette Ferguson played pany, ha~d cultivated the long- lattenduci the finals in other vears.. \ý Sunday. April l8th: 7 ar.- ASrn Dest tPe inteSoitMr and]MPs. B. the piano for the next hynan. The established English custom of af - titev N1)reýseIilttir ae -a' Sunrise Communion Service; il withFri You Scil ndPesoal . cMrtyToono.minutes were read and approved. ternoon ta "About four oclock penpli m1%ilon h, thriii ai sncb a.m.-Young Peoples Service; 2 items for Thie Statesman Mr. and Mis. James McDougall, Treasurer asked for the fees and eaeh day." reca.l]s an l oi< tàne.feats of 'kili aund naring a. are ex-p.m.-Sunday School; 7 p.m.- WEDDING< -------____________ Toronto. spent the weekend with gave a report which Mrs. P. R. "he would leave the office and, ibit I eaclb car aitue gyminastie Young People's Service. Mrs J Adm as ee viitngMs. aHubertJ McIntyre. Cowling explained in detail. Miss waik three or f our blocks to his mect alflmi win wotuiu appreciate Yotcnbeasue MematJ.eAdan Toronuto. Cottingha.Oh E. Pickard told the younger girls home to imbibe the refreshing cup niato.whicit is 1een xca THE SALVATION ARMY Yucnb sue awa, visited her aunt. Mrs. J. Mc- a st.ory while the older girls heard of tea, as hie called it. Af ter a As in otiter 'cars the officiais Who Captain M. Tilley Corbett's1 Mr. a.nd Mrs. Donald Puidly r yre.the study book read. few minutes hie woulid returfi te - 1SundaJ.Vil centlY visited relatives at Ashburn. Miss Car Ahlee. .. oo- Gen. Carnet Hughes. C.B.; C.M teofieutllsngtm. ecicd croilp of provincial anid ont i- SudY, April l8th: Holiness Mr. nd rs.E. W Foey a- o, spent the weekend with friends G.; D.S.O.; soni of Sir Samin -I don't recollect that "L.N." ion ln.amp;ions. Picaded hy \Mr. Metig p .m.; S n ervic 7p.m pie Grove, spent the weekend with here. Hughes, Canada'snste fmic le rfeselhvn sci Z\zr.woi isote ivor f hoi- .m.TRIN vaiT nIeD rvic ..CHE ther dugherMrs Bet Clwel. Mr. a.ndMr.RyodCe itia during the war years. died 'powers or the ability to read tea- nasties ai unie Utiversit%. of ToRx.rineoansntosorPon.9 and son Billie, Waterloo. Ont.. uddenly in Toronto General Hos- leaves," continues the old tele- These sent me t, 1 v(I six RNT UIEDC RHPhn89 Mi.andMis L S.Duras ndwere 'weekend guests of Mis. Cei pital following an operation Mon- phione pioneer. "bth ure did ii~n tir give a neonstratiotiof1 Sunday Services: il a.m.-"A HrR.aua H se. iton. Co l e. day. Cen. Hughes was command- like Pis tea. It had to be an ex- adacn stuatc n i ic pigieMdtto" .0pm ei of the Canadian 5th Division:tremtely important and urgent of apparatt itttteniiaf;teiefitwtt SundaySchool and Bible Class -___ visitedtle oe ater than would pre- the onngtcf tite Trainîing Sci(I1 e;7pm-TeP eo h Mi. Athur Cully vstdMr. Mrs. Alberta Fee and Mrs. Gil drig hewrl aran s uc n. . e tme;p..-t Tom Dust.an at Trinity Coîlege lsie-hhvvee pndn as the youngest officer holding en-.N ro akn(1sda1bos, ~It artictular alîtaratu . Bsti'ce0fth Toronto, over t.he weekend. 1 the winter at Bradenton, Florida. ýuch :-ank in t.he British Empire. af teifloon trip home." Titis ratot 011V giVes the bovs a break Mis. C. H. Rowan, Vivin ndlefi yesterday for their home here. Hie wa a nephew of <jeneral John '~Cn tests btuI is prov. uies ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN Howard, of Bethany, visited her Mr. A. J. Whalen and f amily. Hughes of Bowmanville. General hilnspcae.Teroanwl CUC moflmer, Mis. J. H. Werry. i Toronto, were in town Saturciay Garnet Hughes' mother was a RELIGIOUS PLAY stan sinarp at 7..30 and tlit date 'ugaitu Mis. J. A. Gunn. Organist _____________________calling on friends and gave The Bowmanvi.lle lady, Miss Nellie WELP RF R E s Aprii 2'8titRv C .SeceRco Statesman a caUl. Burk. daughter of the late Mi. Third Sunday afte r seAp- Mi. ams ilignMagur-an -Ms. Harvey Burk and sster- CONTEST WUNNER LO ALii 18: Holy Commulion 1 aM. ite and Robert, North Bay, recent-n-a of isT.SHoat._ __ FORMERLO A MAN Suriday Sehool 2.30 pm.; Even- ly visited lier brother, Mi. L. S. Mi. and Mis. Francis Sutton Tinity Y.P.U. Presentation "The INT RO TTNWH SMryr .m Dumas. are in Buffalo, N. Y., this week Cloth of Sendony" Wins___ ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN FlagsSM Mr. andi Mrs. E. W. Foley, Ma- attending the convention of the rsyeyAadSaeia cdr ilb HRHFas.ý pl Gov, ndMr ad rs BrtMuic_______Ntina Cn-iuterested in the foIlowviutg itenut Rex'. W. G. Blake, Minister Streamers........ Colwell and son Teddy, spent ference. Eastern Section'. In a The puesentation of the play. froua the Satîurniav Toronto Daiiy Miss Louise Osborne, Organist Pennants ... . . Sunday with Mr. and Mis. MIl- letter to the editor fromt Mr. Sut- "The Cloth of Sendony" by Trin- Star as Dr. \IarDOtii( was a re- Sund.ày Services: il ar.-_ fond Wilkins, Oshawa. ton hie says: "To-mGroroW we go ity United3 Church Young People sideutt of Rownauîviiie iut bis voîîîbl 'Practical Compassion"; 7 p.m.- Bunting, réd, w] Mrs. Athur Lymer and sons, with a group to visitthe le shoOl5* in the schoolroom on Monday ev- andi gradiiaten f rom BS.The "Shelter from the Storm"; 2.30 p. 1 Mother's MOD RNBil13and Ray Oshawa spent i Rochester. We have .iust corne ening was very cleveîly presented Item reanis: o m.-Suniday School; 2.45 p.m.- Dntfogt? MODÊR Tuesay wih herbrothr, Mr fromconcert co givenivebyy theanand ghhyghly ecappneci ailted "onyeailf tehOntrio iscitt iMMen's ibBible s. Class.sryAnniveisary 1 Bert Colwell. pupils of the Buffalo schools anld attended. Rev. S. Davison open- ment of cdncaion 10 te rctirena.uut April 25th. See our complete Une cd Rev. C. C. Washington, B.A., wished with ail my heat,that a ed the program with pnayer and by the Torontto board of elincato1 B.D., Toronto, visited his motimer, repesnitative grou~p fîom Bow- presented -the characters. T he of Dr. N. S. MacDonaid, pu uc A PUSHER'S BLESSING REPA IRS Mrs. W.C. Washigton, onTues- p a ny rtePsoe kho t aiUt l t ve ne O 0blessed is lhe who does not fuss J H S done. I believe that they vwould Tecseicue:Jsp fi cirn i eaueomt g u nwigbsslsnpinde igSre Our repair methods are as Mi. Will H. Calvei, Rochester,have been nspired to use thear AiThea-Ce Alun; SuJsepao n l ii ws tki uuoe a ftha Burt Snin his, oney t rc1 ueneinStee modern as the new dial phones. N. Y., spent the weekend wft'hbis influence to encourage sehol r nahsee-Droth Nin hsn-ls; _________ "'re________i____inhi moeytoree Andou pics orreais re mother, Mns. Minane R. Barton'. cisrawn i u on. or-av, i, freedof tah -Jcohn_________________________________ reputable repair shop Mr.- and Mus. L. W. Dippeil and A large congregation' was pres- ' Ashton; Nîcodemus-W il1 f n id - daughters Peggy and Mary, and cnt at Triinty United Church onI Hamiey; Jaius-Beit Jolinston M Miss Florence Weriy visited Mrs SundaY morning when thle Sacra- Judith, bis daughteî - GertrudeI W.D mith and Miss Sarah ment of the Lord's Suppeni was Wagax; Servant-Marioni Jewell.MD DIAL 463J Start, Curries, Ont. administered by -the paÈtor, Rev. Othes who asssted were: Pro-d case,.E..W. Sissons a.n R.- very suitable address on "Love." iman. Earl Byam; Costume Com. When ou hae Wa c DaelltE.W ins temeng o.!E.A reception service was held Misses Vivia.n Buriner and Ambeî When ou hve Wtch, Dinnwellattedeoithe eetig ofwhen fourteen weie receiveti into, Morton; Directors, Mis.D.F Clock or Jewelry Repairs the Durlism-Onta~o Dental As church membeishlip, six by letter Purdy, Mis. S. R. James. Miss . We Cal and Dliver sociation at, Oshawa last week. and eight by profession of f aith. ý Mazion Wagar; Pianist, Miss Loi- We al ad eler Mis. Henry Eckeiman and son In the evening the pastor gavei na Clarke; Quartet, wlto sang The For Prompt Delivery 0f Russell. and Mi.ss Edith Att.-o'M-xi, an inspiring sermon on "Does It Olti Rugged Cross as a closing P saeSa p Cleveland, Ohio. have been visit- Pay?" A quartet. Mi. W. B. Pol- number. vvere Miss Lorna Clarke. Prescriptions P saeSa p J A ES MADi î~ng the foimei's sister, Mis. L. T. lard., Dr. C. W. Slemon. Mis. T. 1Mis. S. R. James, Boyd Slemon Lw s ikRo upisCgrte JA S MA R MLaughlin. W. Cawker and Ms. J. E. Ander- ni LHubei Hooperplescigrete WZLRMi. andi Mis. A. R. Virgin weie son, sang a selection. Miss Helen 1 Trinity Young People won f ist Medicines Ice Cream ,,W ELE mn the guests attending the Morris presided at the organ and1 place on Tuesday evenimg w-en Prices amonglesFnstSrie mcaio tHmele hecor they presented this play at New- Toilet Ayrticies Chocolate Bars Stornvile ietGift civil SrvceAsocatonAtHoerdthechi. perd n castle in t.he Presbyter- Contest. Store helti at the Ontario Hospital, Tthotaisapardi ie _________ Whitby, on Fiday evening. Montreal Star this xxeek of a, the Degiee of Doctor of Dixiity engagement is announced: MISS I- AR AIN on Rev. Cordon A. Sisco, Secie- Claudia Cortine. daughtei of u i e tv lClrt a y , ~ ~ ~~ , ~~tary of the United Chuîch of Can- Mis. Coristine, and of the late.____NM--'iha ad.and Rex'. Bert Howard. James William Coristine. Montre-: Continued from page 1) Dodd's Pulls Principal of Albert College. Belle- al, anti grand-daughter of theIl1'SFE ýville. late Lieut.-Col. H. Allan Bate, rje.e to utake arrange llct t TEN OUNCE Lifebuoy Soap - Dr. andi Mras. Frank Trebilcock Ottawva, and of Eriec R. Black- sceture tue anditoriini of the L __ i ~ ~ 1 a.nd Miss Florence Trebilcock. To- burn. son of F . H. Blackburn and tinnrchi ns'. incit to itoinitite competi Faiicy Tuuatoer LxSa SI ronto. Misses Jean Hamley and the late Mis. Blackburn (former- tit'otex~. LAJ4L~VIU ~ ~\,, MldredMenye of Peteiboro. ly Julia Wilcocks of Pictonl. The Ms orssu ntaceit o IATIWT AHL.TN' lee were Sunday guests of Mis. P. C. marriage wil take place Apnil 29, iîtnnuiale witli te adjidiucators vSALTSne -- Trebilcock. in Ail Saints' Chui-ch. Ottawva, are availabie-aiithe offici illI ENGLS SYI EgshHe thS tsPn amsonp- Jor ~~~~~~~M. and Mu-s. W. Addinelt Lon- Eric Blackbuirn lias an autit, Mi5. appninteei at the uext mîîeting NIi ci NLS «yE EgihHat at ika' o don. Mr-. andi Mis. J. D. Fluker. Perey Mller îDoiotliy Wilcocks) '.iil ie liîeidit Bowmnauiv.ilc qi tiih Il al{h.. Brockville. Mr. R. E. Cox. To- and an uncle. Lucius Wilcocks eall of the chair. I'"Drutch Drops -- ronto, iecent.ly visited tleir mio- now living in Toronto; aniothe '.\Miss Mforris svas appoiiteni 10 act 1ý« ý .. ' ~~~~~~Theyas iie hi ier, MusBxmnvleterMs. C. Cox, who is quite ill. uncle, James Wilcocks. lixves near as secrelarv Of te Fes.tival it Poti-N CI ) Corega -- 24c CoC (: us Bounisali. _______ secretarv. Fellow's Syrup - Her any ld fiend in ow-The iExecti'. e decided lu redinîce Gooa nville and Darlilgtonl l FO ME M NA ER te admuissioni fec and t Ite Festiv.al IGTTHE MOTH --39c--- complexion- pleaseti to near that Mrs. T. RFO M R NGR tue price fraiIsi the moriîîng oh ierCytl39 Hoar quietly celebiated her B2iud TAKES EDITOR ON w'iii Pc ten cents, whiiicthe adnluuis- Cytl binthd.ay on' Aprîl 9th at Vthe home NEW YORKT U %onintue aftcrutooui andu eveiig Moth Balls - - - - lb. 9c SPRING TONI Like Nothing Else! of lier daughter, ___T_._n ilbcffen et.Cilrnwl derson, Toronto. b ditdfe irn h onn Moth Bags - 15c-25c-49c <Pal For good looks, vitality - Mi. and Mis. Ray Dilling were WVesley Shaw Once Climbed Statue and afenoi hi ueccigBB Lre------- 10 AKS Lvr eere eiosesin Toronto Mond.ay night attend- of Liberty Eitor Statesman vwr' u il con cets.The price LrDI -- -$.0UVRERH i 50c-r pure ieeaedlcoses ng the annual Ladies' Night Of Eio o'tefnlcnetwl c2c etlUE tion of Canada heltt in the Roya.l There's a lot of îeminiscing go- ira ~TN termilk! Doetors xii tell YOU, York Hotel when Dr. J. A. Faulk- ing on in The Statesmnan this OBITUARYilee tad of its miultifoid benefits. Many ner was the gucat speaker. week about Bell Telephone Co. Dentifrice_________ Vermont, droppeti in to renew lac- ed 3t Bowmanville. Seein.g the George Guernsey, Penticton, B.C. Ipana ci FT î skin as their beauty feature, quaintance with the editor wiie photo of -the late Wes. Shaw, a (FgoU" e-ico Hzld » i fcldCtO, Tooth ~ - Mus-Xe wil asur yo threis n su- motoring thiough t.oWn'. Mi.Lo former popular manager, in the <Po Pnico eîl dEX Tube r wa amebe o Pe23thBa- aerbrugt oth.- editor's George Forbes Guernsey, rosi- LSAm8 ra iNtnngquL, u tana tov Y suit. Comifortable worn either with or without a topeoat long after the milk wagons start- Condit, Pasadena, Cal., anti Mis. itown or country. These feature straightline or fitted ed making their early moning . LeBeau, Outremont, Que. io,1-z 9 R S RP IN hipinejacetslon colar orrevrsandconrasing took ye editor of the one boise bu-mn. Sask., Mis. D. MacAgy, To- lacy stiteh pullovers.Bule weekly in bond anti escorted irnÙ ronto, and Eva in the Bank of Fruitatives i 9c-35c Colours include - Squadron BuBu de Lyon, through Wall Street, the Bowery, Montreal, Vancouver, al of a f irst N..Tbet I-4 Cornaio Bue Croaton ed Idin la, rech the Aquarium. Batteiy Park, anti marriage; also Chanlies of Vic- N..Tb"es M-4 Corol Gnat iesoronton ,4n2n.ly Fec then we took the ferry across tPe toria, anti Terence of Vihe R.C.M.P. _____________ Cora, Gren izes32 t ' ~river anti cmnbet ingbt up totPe Moncton', N.B. neck of the Statue of Lberty. It Funeral arrangements are in UiTa T 'U Iwas a great day anti experience the hands of the Penticton IDe- United Cigar StoreL EC I The E VY N ho neyer to be foîgotten' by the wit- gion. The funeral was Poelt at A ci of this episode - thmaks to my St. Savloui's Church on Friday Agency PHONE 792 ____________________________________Wcs S and w os Anlia erne ihte, F'a invle he Wes.Sha. Aglicn Cmetry, airiewRod LREWELL mr farewell tc, ail my tgxeatiiess. -Wolsey Wolsey 's words to say farewell hones - and to mark their replace- Dial Phones we offer these big SPECIALS ATURDAY ONLY Dg. 25ec......... for 22e -lOc.........for 8c -- Silverwood 's Ice Oream or Jam in a real Sundae CAKES A SPECIALTY of absolute satisfaction if you let bake and ice you cake Il's BAKERY Bowmanville [ART DECORATIONS 5c - 10c - 25c - 50c - $1.25 25c -50c ~~........................ 25c - 50 e iite and blue........ yard 20c Day Greeting Cards [other - Sunday May 9th. nf Suntested and Sunworthy Wallpapems W'S BOOK STORE Bowmanffle Next Arcade 2 18C 89C 5c C-39e 89C :e's tone -$l tka 00 ee-Kee 00 89C 98e $1.25 Treat Seed Grain FORMALIN 16-oz. . 25c - 32-oz. 40o CERESAN For 32 bushels - $1.00 Il be paid by the $25 Rewardw- fs. ofLOY' THYMOL A T E D CORN SALVE for any cornm or callous THEY cannot remove wjth this wonm. derfut new scientific preparation for CORNS OR CALLOUSES. It de.sen« sitise and retueves pain with first application. PRICE 40e CASHMERE 1000 She.bs to the Roll 2for25( TWO SIZES - 33c - 69e SPECIALTY DGORs DRUOS PAGE FIVE 1 5

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