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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Apr 1937, p. 6

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THURSDAY, APRIL ISTH, 1937 THE CANADIAN STATESMIAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE SIX Ask us to insure your household goods and Th re eow ttousands wail- ing foy te f irst sale of Iotsata personal belongings iu the Hartford Fire. Qu'Appelle ta malte purchases for future speculation. Yeu have, ne cioubt. iteard of lte crase titere i O js jn'titis country for town pro- 1V! SO NSC)Nperty. Property ir' Winnipeg now J. sella as high as $1.000 a foot fron- tage wilh a depit of abouit 125 INSURANCE AGENTS feet; ths is on lte beat part of Mai Stý*et.In Portage la Prair- ~~ le titey seli as itigit as $300 per Phone 681 Bo m nvle feet. frontage where it was al 1prairie thyee years age, andi at mmw@ ý ýBrandon lots sel et $150 per foot Of Marc.h and I had cleared $8 per day f rom lte lime I landed in the wvoods until the lime I left, besides keeping my f amily. Life In Northwest in Early DaysLu merIbgh a pair of hrse at 300 haressfor$36 ]Recording the Hardships of Pioneeriflg in Manitoba Back and sleighs $40, a cow for $40. in 1882 by a Darlington Man Th.is outlay withth ie alimmers living and the expense of starting another job used up ail my f irst winters money. This summer I (cotinued Fromn Page Fifteen) made a new man of me. 1 suc- broke 40 acres on my homestead When 1 got to Winnipeg I call- ceeded in opening an account and had sown 20 acres on slhares ed on Ryan's superintendent and with a grocery anld provision stOre on rick Brimacombe's place. found hlm te, be a fine. clever. and sent out some provisions t0 From this I had 400 bushels of sensible feliow. He offered me a the mern. I also hired tvo more oats and 150 bushels of wheat as contract for gettiflg out ties at l8 men and sent them in. Thlen 1 my share and 200 bushels of po- cents per tie delivere<l on the line went home and hired a teani anfd ts of my ovrn. I finish-ed my out here. I borroied a few dol- some men, It took a iveek te get house Up in good shape and buiît laàs from jack Murray and Dick re-ady te corne back. a stable 15 x 30 feet. Brimacombe whom I have men- It turned most desPeratelY cold. I lef t home for Whitemouth tioned before and who haci conte We covered the sleigh and put the againi on the lst of November. down about a mont.h before and steve in it. The morniflg we lef t Ths al no man could commence were working on the Pembina IHigh Bluff it was 52' below zero. v'ork without a contract and then branch. You will have no ides, how cold he had te have limits from the I went ouIte lithe bush in search that is but il is not fit for a man government but I succeecled in' of suitable timber. went back and 1 to, be out let alone smnall childrent. getting te best limits in the signed a contract for 6.000 lies1 However, we got to Winnipeg in country. I have two shanties and 500 cords of wood and after Itwo days and then we had te staY with 30 men in each. I have f ive signiitg these contracta I sat in there for three days te get a train horse teama of my owvn and one f l the blues for t-tree days with f ive 10 take us as f ar as Whitlemouth. yoke of oxen. Tw.o of the horse pu cents in my pocket and couid not Ryan ran hi.s f ixe. train out 10 leants and the oxen are païd for. ený get a $100 credit. in Winnipeg. whitemouth loaded withi horses I arn 10 pay for another team, ed I tried Jack again and got $12-00 and men and a supply of prov's- $400. in the spriitg and te other from hint. ail t.he money he had. ions for both. The cold had in- tw*o teams in the fall. My outf il Then Jack and Dck drew Itheir creased 10 59' below. It tvas sO nw icu.n vs .nwa O f time, payable on the 151h of the cold that amn he ol etc.. cost me $2,500 and is wel aR montit. which 1 traded off for freeze in two minutes; not one worth the money. I arn at pres-a some axes and a smali quantity man but everY man: you could ent clearing $20 per day au near i of provisions. not st.rip vour ha.nds for one min- as 1 can figure and 1 am, pretly w Thee to en nda bothr f ue. iook the train 48 heurs well posted on the cost of gettinges Jack Murray's constituted mY to corne frcm Winnipeg te White-- out lies and worxl. My expenses th gan. e otou 1 thetuermouth. 67 miles. There were are about $110 per day. We are P fgaeg.p e of ut the dhtier. about 50 men on bcard and an- drawing wiîh ten teams. having of Sifton, Ward and Co. and got otiter family besdes mine in a f ive teans hired. A man wto -Pas n to work in a couple of days. Jack grain car with lwo cooking stoves hac no experience in titis thing. W took spells and did the cooking. set up. The second day they had about one manth at $110 a day d We worked a mont and then I t0 make a break in te grub a.nd expenses would make him have d concluded te, try o get te f arn- aaI oig the blues pretty bad. wi ily dowm. I borrowed $5.00 f rom We arrnved opposite my shanty I calculate te buy two more ai a young feilow titat wus choppi.ng about 4 o'clock on Christmas teams and two yoke of oxen in lte irl in lte same bush which gel me morning. three itours before day- spring and take a sub-contract on out te Winnipeg. liht 0 ee er n h h h grading. Qoing f rom here a I met a Young fellow from dren aIl sleeping. There was nlo home, I wiIl put tree teamstse Clinton, Ontarlo, with whom I alternative but to pull them out breaking for a montit wiile the formed some acquaintance and1 in the snow but t was only 20 other teams will put in my crop M borroywed $25 from, hini. That $25 rods to the shanty. We got thea'e o y w paean 5 ceso with our- lives and then I corn- Shares on a f ari about f ive milesSU mnced wok in earnest. MY Wie from mine. I want a good man to 'nd my dau.hercoke fr from work on my f arm, one wito under- at 15 te I18 men aU winter; it f act stands farming and a good work- FRIDAY & )Xe alIwerked hard al l hrough lrm oldpyhm 3 e Y" â " .SATURDA the winter. month for the summfler s0 if you fr r know of such a person send himW ffllr-i Matinee Well, i got out. my 500 cords of out t me. fr POR HPE atrda vood, 11,000 tie and 3000 lneal And now. for something about t PORTHOPE Satuday feet of bridge timber. We stayed the progress of the country. In SheGoe t Ton! unlil ýthe first of May and wher te first place there is ail kinds sa we camne out I paid ail my men, of land in this country, from thle my store bills, nty borrowed mon- very best te the very worst. They st pAoolpLE ey ýand had a balance of $675 be- are building railreads in the a - AR RNI- ides gettmng a good deal of cloth- country as f ast as men and money 24 eRY CZPA ,t ig. I certainly feit like a dif fer- can bulld them.s The main line of il / / i nt mn frm whl I a.s hlie C.P.R. was localed by the gov- h, /Ib/& I left High Bluff. I owed $100enet uvywti he here which 1 paid whefl we got miles of cour place but the syndi- ba.ck cale changed lte route a.nd it is About a week after we go. back twnyegt ilst iesu i MONDAY - TUESDAY thle cildreit ail leok scarlet fever. The Portage Westbourne and My oldest daugitter was very bad, Nortitwestemn Railway wiich is at _________________ so bad indeed that the doctor pran;ndrcntucnrn I MGHY GM F ETETAIMETI gave her up. I neyer left her for by Shoal Lakte, nine miles t thte a f ive days and nights for morenottfheeadley rea HM LL than f ive minutes aI a time. present locating lte line for lte0 Thanks to the Almigitly she gol Souris and Rocky Mountain R.R. i UCUEL better. I lest a month attending I expect il wiîî puss wititintw bitechitire an durng hatmiles of us. In fact, as f ar as my ______________________ montit we had an addition 10oOur judgment. goes. I titink it will go f amily of anctiter littile girl. Af - very near us for I know their Ob- WEDNESDAY -THURS. ter they had got over te fever I j'ce points. The main line is took aneîher quiet walk of 150 open for freight and passenger miles back 10 Oak Rver, put up traffic front Winnipeg west ta, the walls of a itouse and returfl- Brandon. 142 miles, ahl bult titis ** d, calcuiating te ltake a contracl past summer. Ryans 100 miles< of grading: but I gol fcoled on wa.s ail abandoned and îtey are VDiim. that. Ryan manipulated lhiitgs at pre-sent pulling up te track. ~~~W WU 1E 1 in sucit a way that he laid track The Syndicate buiît an air line right on the s'od and did flot grade and are aI presenl building a good any. In July titey took lte con- substantiai road. Titey have 50 tract f rom him. The eng:neers miles of track laid wesb of Bran-È _____________________changed lte route running the don and anotiter 30 miles graded. road titrougit a wet country and Nexi. summer operations will be ',Ryan go-. $30.000 extras f rom the between lte Qu'Appelle Valley governntent for working in water. and the South Saskatchewan, a I did net accomplisit much tal distance of 300 miles. They cal- summer, I worked a little in lte culate te put te iran out fliere liere Very harest and on te 22nd of Sep- nexl summer and I believe they tember I moved back mb ite wiil do it. They will have im- wocds at Whitemouth and f ixed mense supplies aI lite west end Shortly up a shanty in gooti shape. I did of lte track by the spring time - flot have any contract but I one million railway ties, iron for .. Uistarled one gang making lies and 300 miles. and grub enough fer Durlhamanother gang dutliitg Wood. I aif- 3000 men and 2000O teams. You terwards sgnfd a contracl for can bet your life ltere will be 20,000 ties and 1,000 cords of seme stir ouIttere. Ib wili.sur- Daainty wcod. During te f olloxing %'In- prise old Sitting Bull. 1ter I actually gel cul 29,400 Ves, It la a great stock-raising 1,430 cords of woa-d and 1,000 lele- country ouIt tere. lte best I have Sgrapit poles. coming out $1200 ever seen and 1 have been Up and ahead. We wound up on t.he 241h domn the country a good deai: _________________________________________also good for grain. My wheat laut summer lurned out 34 bushels * epay ail express charges, 10 lite acre and my' oats 60. If pytop prices promptly, and pro- witeat does as weil next sumrner, ve itexnized accounts showing test I have land now ready tal wiUl give 40 busitels to te acre of alweight of every can. Ask your wheat. My brotiter-in-law's bar- bbanker about us. Write for further ley last year yielded about 54 9nfrmtion and current prices. bushiels te lte acre; il was as Casuplied free. heavy as a crop of f all witeat. I migitt state titat I have just itad a letter f rom titis brotiter-in-law and ite ias gel lite grant of a pesht office-. The office will be: d Tliursdav evening witl' Miss Doris Mnkein charge of the program. Bible reading wvas taken by M\r. E. RE C IT AL Gibson: readings vere gîvi n lv'M r. Lewis Stinson and M.\rs. Fred I)aves; IN PIANO AND ELOCUTION MiIss Helenl Fowier gave the topic by PiiPils Of V'\aine of Good Reading;" M\r. Geo. Mrs. E. Smith FerguSOn T Black favoured Nvitil a vocal solo A. T. C. M. "In the Garden."'n ar Gra ae Mr, amidNîrs. E. S. Fergson and Tand LaSuray G onle.Or Coiette, Bowmanville. visited her ROivSudyShOlBO parents, MIr. and Mrs. A. E. M.\cGill. Friday, April lGth, at 8 p.m. .Miss Helen MeNIcevin. Miss Helen Auspices Mrs. Ella Strike's and Fowler. Mirs. N. Edgerton, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. DinfliWeU's groups. Mrs. G. Fowler. Mr. O. McQuade visited in Lindsay, on Saturday. Adtilts 20e-- Children 10e Misses Helen Me\INevin. Birdie ___________Imm________ Gibson. B e t h i 'cQiuade. Messrs Marvin Nesbitt, Lloyd Thonipson visited 'Miss Leah M.\cQniade in Port Perrv Hospital, on Sundav. i KURBY IR ylT Il loksas houh lte aT h 4j -otage and te f irat lent was visitera Sunday - Mr. and Mrs. ut Up there lasI Juste; and thte Roy Sntith. Mr. and Mrs. Gea. j rid doeý net appear te, be reacit- Henderson. anti Mn. and Mrs. Bill 0 dyet. Reid. In Winnipeg now in bte deptit W. A. met aI thEý home of Mrs. la fwinler there are about 60 ho- 1Stringer. A geod nuinber of la- tj lai w.hich, on lthe average, wil dies attended and enjoyeti an in- A ccommodate 80 guests eaclt be- leresting progrant whicit includeti ies about 300 boarding heuses a recitalion by Mrs. J. Brownt, a t Iiith will average about 30 guesîs reading by Mrs. Perrin, and a icit Ani een wtitailthe e gography match in witich every- L>uses of entertainment witen oeone.Avrynce lunch s he last train comes in f rom. Rat was served. >ortage Ai laalmost imposail TevudySho hl sgt et a bed. They are naw build- Tigits e wSunday Scoo f alli ge ng a large inmnigration sitedt Assngisane wesprig coa-efpint. a ?innipeg anti anoytier aI Bran- 'sitnewloe rn Ion fer lthe immigrants ir' bie paint brusît and have a splasiig mnîing. but I doubt if even titis meaogwtthrs. vil be more titan itaîf enougi to Last week's League was a great Jý tecGmntodale tite people coming auccess. Siuai turneti out in fullI ntle titis country. force anti put on a splendid pro- This is now February 12th, aven grant. Titey are certainly a tal- C. imanlt since I startedtis lt-enteti lot of Young people un tal 0 tr.lb tasben aver buî~part of te country. Our own ontit. tee: mer' are very scarce. members -rntiouand tgeoldws iy i eages have gone up; I amn paying nuntbmrss- ntilityiil as fui-, ý28 a mentit with board. Titeugit . issE.of sybiawangmaid.er unme contractoirs are peying more peieto saaPebtn titink I will be able to pull uro'cf the Y. P. il. gave a very in-< at $28; 1 will until lthe f irstI ef teresting eut line cf wtal Vite or- march any way. Sente men' slip ganizalion has done anti intentts way but I keep running olheirsain ta do. Miss Langmaid was ac-< fromt Winnipeg. I Iravel free t companieti by Miss Dudiey, also Winipeg anti ase pasa men out ef lte Oshtawa Presbytery. Roe- ree wrtenmer leve sianl freshitents were serveti. andi ev- itey go le, Winnipeg but do not eryone aplzarett'ly hati an eitjOY- stay titere long; titey hine again able lime. .nd return 10 Vite bush. However Spring must be itere aî last- Iexpect te malte a pretîtY geod the beys have alarteti sucken fiait- take titis winter. My horses azei-e .Il's stilI bte seine olticrOp ail dcing wefl anti I have already cf f isit tonies titougit, that we've 2.00 ueseu ati e renu.ninglistenedti tefer years - mainlY out aI lite rate of 700 a day. , about te one 'hait gel away- have also ene gang making square- You knaw! timber. Olti Peler Stewart who, Soi-y last week*s news diin't used te live onlte 2nd concess on arrive in lime, but lthe mud was of Minto la iteati of my limiter juat one tee many for lthe mail- ~ang. .man along lthe titird lune. (Se Yau aitouldti ale a trip eut ite-e last, week's news ir' anotîten cal- anti see lte "elephant" f or yeur- unn self; il would be new life 10o you._______________ and you wouid gel your baockii -traigluteneti up for a while. Conte CADMUS out immediately afler itanvest and you will finti us cutting Nr,îî ir ac\ tîie grain itere. r a( is aa Whted Suchit laLie ir' lie Great visited Mýr. anîd NIr,. Nîrinan Greeni. Norlhwest. '\Ir. aiidl Nirs. E. Batteit and fan- Your brother. iivisltawa. sp)ent Siid(av with NIr. P. S.-Ttis la lte warmest, win- ami NIrs. R. C. B3rowîî. ter I have seen int tiis country- Nlr. and l Nirs. Tusner, Toronto. only two, colti days so far. visitedI Nir. anti M\rs. Cook. 'Nm r . S. N[cQuiade, Mý\r. and N.Irs. iDac-e Wilsoni were recent \visitors. J COWANVILLE it l Ir. and 'NIrs. George Fowier. COWANVILLENir. aiffNIrs. Claire Fallis andI filToronto, sp)ent tlie weekend Jean White was rusitedto tahie at bis cottage. SicIt Ciiltiren's Hospital, Toronto, NIr. ami NIrs. J. ThionilnNIr. Sunday morning auffeing w'tit and NIrs. Niarsvood N\IcKeesnn acule appendicitis. Sîîîîdav with '.Ir. and Nî\rs. E. Law- Mrs. Perrin was aIse on lthe sick soin. elv-ertoi. Elalst week. Dr. J. A. Butler NIr. amind.Irs. Gordon Brow\\n. Mr. attendeti ier. Ro.ss Browii. Toronto. speit thle Mn. anti Mrs. W:llis Farrew, s%eekeidf at titeir cottage. Lakeshore. spent Sunday wilh Mn. 1NIr. Nitneke visitedI friemis iii To- anti Mra. Westel Stringer. montto. Viola anti Dorotity Hollinga- NIrs. Juîhn l'\cKee anîd lier brother wortit were home for lthe weekend 'NirArgue atteîîded the fuiîeral of frem Toronte. tii ate Lrs. NieGi. Jaitetv-ille. Mr. anti Mrs. Chas. Ccwan ItatiYoîiig Pe-oples l..Uion mîtet oun lays have arrived. Cheer up )1ks! Mr. C. Powera. Jim, and Mr. - lohn Brown spent Sat.urday in Dshawa. A good crowd attendeti League ati week under lte direction of te culburaI convener, Miss M. flin. Mrs. C. Clemence anti daugit- sr Miltireti, of Oshawa, apenlt te çeekend. aI Mr. Cecil Powers', al- t so Mr. and Mra. John McKeever and Miss P. Cobbledick. Bowmian- ille. The hammner mili owned byi [ampton Creantery wxas in lthe" onmunity lest week deing a few jobs. Congratulations te John and James Lowery on winning second prize aI- the amnateur conlest. Titis week League wili be in chtarge of Mrs. B. Wannan. social convener. Leskard Young People are te attend and provide lte pro- gram. We would like te asee as nany eut as possible la welcome te Leskard. folks. TrYRONE Y oung Peoples Uion opened with worshîp period iin charge of M.\iss Helcen Trimin. Hx mn, foilowed by pray er hv \Miss Edna Cameron; bible readinig. Mr. Alden Hoar ; a poem The Touch of the M.\aster*s Hand," bv Miss Heleni Triîn. Pro- grain was in charge of M.\rs. Russell Virtue: reading. Mfr. Lloyd Hoar; v-ocal solo,. Mr. Gordon Brent; read- ing, MIr. Clinton Bigelow; topic by .%r. L. Mfortson. Mleeting closed with improintu speeches and hymn. Recreation perio<l ii charge of Nfiss Limna Hooper. -Nir. and Mrs. F. L. Byam and Grenfeli visited lier parents, Mfr. and NI rs. J. 1.illicrapp. Cannlington. .\Ir. ami NIrs. . Little and l)ianne aîd 'M\r. Wni. Little, Sr., (>.hava. spent .Sunday dt '.\r. R. MNicCllonigh*s. -Nîrs. \V. Henlder5on who lias been conivalescing at the honme of ber sis- ter. Mirs. A. NV. Annis, bas returned to lier home at Providence. '.Ir. Harold Burgessanaîd Nrs. R. B.urge'ss pent Sunday aI NIr. E. St(-phienis.NIount Pleasant .M'rs. H. Burgess an(l fanîiiv returned home after spending a sveek with, friends at Suittoni and '%iiunt Pleasant. Ms Girace- Stclphens- returned. horne with .NIrs. 1Bnrgess. On \Vednesday evening a goodly ninither of friends attended a sbower andl dance in the communitv hall iii bonour of '.Ir. and N.irs. Richard Gibs' ecent marriage. Nr.G. Park, Mtiss Jovceam Nlaster J inîntiie Park anI balte Ivx Steele have moved to Peterboro. NI r. and M.\rs. Luther Gý)odrnan visited '.\r. and Nirs. John Guv on Siundav. Rev A. NI. and I Nrs. \Vootton and< M\aster John spent the weekend at Belleville. Rev. '.Ir. .\Iarch. Arden, preached ail excellent sermon Siindav taking for bis subject L-istening lIn." The Women's Iiistitute aiid Lad- ies' Aid w~ill hoid tlîeir April mecet- ing iin the Sunidav Scbool rooni on WcednesdaN., April 2lst. at 2 p.m. Special prograni and election of of- ficers. L.arge atten<lance rcqtiestcd. Tyrone Football Club met on Thursdav eveniing and seîected the following officers: President- C. W. Woodley ; Vice-Presi d e ilt- Flovd iidley : Sec.-Trefis.-F. L. Lisant: \Ianager-Frud Paitner ; Coachies- Sid Hioar and Frank \V'err\v Calptaini-\\alter Park, Jr.; Field Ctmmiiiittet- Floyd Dudîce-, Fred Parmnr. Percy Hayward. F. L. Bsanm Finance Committee-A. Hils, presentaivc s at Le&agie-lredl Part- lier. WValter Park. Jr. MION Zi n W\ . A. miet ai the Ih n e, f Ni rs. Ru s lR ibiis on i(l; iit .Sîa v \îurii 7th. Nirs. 'fin Niartin,. Pre..i dlent. svas iin charge and aftîr the usal busi île5 s a gooit prig ran ia- provded bx Ni rs. Roîbîn., and lier gron p. One new ni erriber il ined aind a qilt was itCil T hle cliirch asnd S uinda v lî i have elvctric liglît,. Nr. J.\. Balsoi is able t, he up for a short tinte. M r. Harvey laison i., recoviîîg froni a evere attack of tonsilitis. Nifr. aîîd Mrs. \. J. Trick.,(Xli- awa. vi.,ited ber Pr ther, J. \. liai- soin, on Sulnda.x M r... jaiiesStainton s isited lber ipleJ ohnîîNortic ut t, <s: ,oit Tuesda v. Mfr. Rilsel Perkins s hiaviiîg ls place wired for Ils (ri,. Il -s iisiiav tiîlvatSn Duro-Special Cen ca» be furnmhed fer Casoline Engine opermUion. -Bowxnanville EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO., LTD. London Hamilton Toronto Winnipeg Vancouver DURHAM OLD BOYS' REUNION BOWMANVILLE August 28th - 2fth, 1937 Persons who know of Durham Old Boys anxd Girls at a distance are invited to fi in the name and address below and mai to The Canadian Statesman, Bownianville. This will assist the Com.nuttee in compiling a lust to send invitations to in due course. N a n i e . . . .. . . . .. . ... .. .. . . . .. . . .. . . .... ..... .. . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . .. . ... .. .. . . . ... . .. . . . Street .... - ............ ....... ..... .. .... ..... . .. ..................... . . . . . -. . .. City- or Town .............. -... ..... ............ ...... ...............-. Prov. or S Modernize Your Ho.oe With au Einco fathroom It is hard to believe that îîîany homes are today without bathroonî conveniences, but such is the case. If your home is iacking in this respect, don't nake your family do without any longer. Enîco Bathrooni Fixtures and Fittings are wideiy known for their quaiity, long service and moderate cost. The three pieces illustrated - Bath-tub, Basin andi Toilet -with ail fittings, ready for installation, cost only ......................................................... $80 .00 Duro Water Supply Systems Maybe you have heen without bathnoom facilities be- cause your honte lacked running tvater. If se, a Duro Pumping System wvi1l selve this situation and aise serve the kitchen, barn, laundny, etc. The Duro-Speciai bas a capacity of 250 gals. an hour, is supplieti with a 30 gai. Galvanized Tank andi 25 or 60 cy cle, 110 v o lt m o to r, a il fo r .............. ..... ..... $ 9 0 Three Years te Pay Emnco Bathroom equipment and Dure Pi.*rping Systents car' be I punchaseti unden the Home Im- provement Loan Act. The cost rnay be spread over a period net exceeding thnee years. \Ve ill be gladti t give you full information. Bert Parker World's Most Luxurlous Car Owned by Major Edward Bowes lir , sisslte îugenuuius arr.oîigu:îiii i lie i ilistute ihai 1, i ced inuthte diisiuon m tsen front andI rear couil;irtilteiits. Thlt wt( i lier comnpartmiits bold glasses and betties of iniuue <lsign. Vit uxeer rouîîîartniint stores four decanters of iioileriitic uyîtc and tss'e 'hlou hotties. l'lihe sheif is an anther mrror andi tue coîuîîîarttteitt i>. :Ited il i indi<irect liglîtiutg. A iauser at the liottoni et îthe console is used for sueriuîg fuod. ice cubles anti cold drinks. lere Major Bosses is show-n belping iiniself to i snack. A writiiig îesk is filted l mb the arm rest of the spacious rear seat oi Major Bowes is able <o utilize seme of bis riding lime working eut :. tremnenduous correspouîdeuice. 41 *1 SHORT AND LONG DISTANCE "ruclking OBERI H. CALE Phone 706 Silver Stree(& Pluniber Si ............ statL For Sale By

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