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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Apr 1937, p. 5

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THRDY PI 2D 97THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIOPAEFE evening 'wa spent st the h~ome of attendance. President M,\rs. B e 1l hscousins, Mr. and M.rs. J. W. read and explained the bible lesson Bowmanville Now Served 'Glenney, when relatives and fri - BUSESDIRECOR] YOUR EYES atrwihseldi ryr ec ends gathered to celebrate Mr And resolution was read by Mrs. Bell. and Mrs. Hockln's l3th wedding An invitation wvas extended to the pc a day and inae t.beiu a surprise MU I IIN ladies to attend a sectional rally i RyAPrS Whens Phone werent ui VSO 'Ill Grove, on MNay 2Oth. Pro- reeentl.o Mrs. Bell reda aerSntb Bils yrarï La e tPh n qu p eY livW in the FRANCIS SUTTON By grain was ini charge of \Irs. E. Dor- Operation of Dial Sy- hoWalton but la ter b ough t ed uth inin , ioli andOr. àt fared \1s Beth rad solo bit alohb stem i is O utlined 1 In-to b tl er ou h t e a hoday"; ' Miss Genevieve Beacock, tiaeEquipment in OBUT Aof te od Jacobs proerty Pr-îvate or cass leSSOns. Eyesight accompaniment He Promised Neyer"C ldod'jyan MOITISOne a acmimtiOn. gav antag artcl froml theae ftor Bool Mysic ne tyln New~~~~ ~bit Buligi e- ~~ ~ weeacmotbectaeWS Ppl rprdfrSpecialist to Leave Me" Miss Ferga johnston Iowa M r. Hockin was of a genial dis- Phone 742, Bow mianvile am e l g n C i a r. C iI a artettee Oncte y u p s t o d r cribed position, a man of the highest Tuesday, Wednesday and <opp. PI. o f hna rom rs. C.rrill euson letrOne On Monday, April 5th, there probity and faithful 'to the last Thursdayinec O.hawa Pho P51 0 abe Wroightrs favourril e with a.\clYoIarnse rtr gi. Laeq )kir atidmhte passed away f romn broncl-al pneu- ounce of his strength and endur- o hn 56jbzWih aordwt ,vclYuC tePo"ser-vice o wnLnal oiRbr ersn rteracintedshg fhsdu-sol<o "Swcetest Name I Know." An o!s cut vnlle monia, RoetMrioboteeaa ntedx ag bsdt LEGAL OPTICAL LENSES article was given f romn the Stiidy wa u vrfo anetO tW of Mr. David Morrison, Bowman-, les. For the laist 15 years he has Booon______________oyer-______ilrenea diel operation. The town's eleven ville, in bis 81st year. For many been carrying the mail between M. G. V. GOULD, B.A., LNner3gsn;Ms BrlLrmrgv bis amiy h basre-theC.PR. satin ad lte New- Barrister, Solicitor, Notary served f.rom the new dial central sided in Des Moines, Iowa. In bis castie Post Office, meeting mot-n- Perhapos you. have ntic< bow recitation "M\attie's W\an1ts and Wish- they are grown. I h îkte rn isbe office on Temperance Street in younger days inBwavlehe igadenn tisndPhone 351 e';'\r.Bl eda ril r) which is h ue h ot m d r e r e h carnage pantinlg livering and picking Up mail on _________________T et________olonja a wic w s ws wh eh pr d telepone quipnent.trad wit thelate Hous~ton StOtt Newcastle R. R. 1 betwýeen New- WV. R. STRIKE glass used for optical put-Poses witnb r aaa fs fr The Bell Telephone Compaly's and worked in the Morris Car- castIle and Orono and onl R. R. 1 Barrister, Solicitor, Notary must be quite clear and ofa ion Hill favoiired w.ith a vocal solo. proper feed at the rprtm;i h ikla new building is divided into t.bree niage W)rks, also in the McCluflg out of Orono. His employer, Mr Ioiio o ako otel even colon In making glasses to "Bring Them 1n"; M.\iss Fe-rga johnii main sections - the Switcbing Shops. He begani his school days T. W. Jackson, and residents Moneyito oank of onei1 suit the delicate mnechaism Of ston gave a temperanc( reading and not been pronply ooe an aead; vn Room where the dial equipment is in the old No. 9 School (Lock- along these routes have always owm t Lani. one79io the eye when used in any wra as NîrsA. W\crrv closed the meeting with the aid of thems'oe fcmeca Roomte; adthe Busess Offitoe witien Cark bownhp lear sok isdeend ihpailit of d is u- Bwavle nai itô correction, thbe Purification Ivith prayer. Refreshnients were (lairying, the naturlqayadfao fta loate; adthe Busess Offstoe b.att') hn ark bon i He earspoken i hig praiet anf b is u-BA starts in the selection. o! the dlay scrve(l vhile a social hour was spent. wbere will be handled ail business -widow, tbitee sons and one daugh- efficiency. L. C. M ONB..and is further applied in thle mix- On Thuirsda.v evenin g Dr. Kanna- milk can ne'er retr( aan matiters between the company and ter. For the past few years he He w~as a member of the New- Bat-nister - Solicitor ing machine by magnetic separa- Win showed lantern slidçs taken on its subscribers. bas lived a quiet retit-ed life. cas'tle United Cbuirch and bad ai- Notany Public - Etc. tors whicb succeed in reducing his trip to the \Vorld's Stundav Schinol Most o! the building, O! course, ways shown a warm inte-rest, in it Law in ail its branches. the amnount of iron. Ini comimon Convention at Oslo, Norway. The.% lnsist on milk thatipodedeeialfrth itaken up with the ne&w dial William Couch, NewcaStle services and activities. a membet- Office immediately east of Royal ordinary glass, it-on is one o! the wvere mnuch enjoyed hv evervone. sité geupet h aýswr to oavleL .Lde n o Theatre. things which gleatly adds to its '.\r. and M.\rs. Charlie Severs. Osh- retail trade. Theeiawodfu dferne which lead in from. the street a"e Mn. William Couch, Edwr m iany years wvas a faithful mfelf- Phones: Office 688; Horne 553. darker colon. Potash to a very awa, visited \fr. and Mrs. A. Larmn- connected to a 'Distibuting Newcastle, brother o! Mn. Thos. ber of and bad f iUed many i-m- great extent replaces soda. and 5.0 er. reently.An Hae Frae"whreeah ir i eui- ouhKig t. ad aterofportant offices in Newcastle Lodge DE T Lit is much easier to make a glS Mý\rs. C. M.\arlnw and M.\rs. Jabez ped with a -Protecton or lightning MrLt. Fred Couch, former DepyutY- S .O.E.-B.S. DE TA_______fe___________m-Wrghhve___ iitngfrens i arrstr nda ea Cil, o Reeve o! Clarke Tp. and Mr. John -____________________ entirl free a iportn pbes a ri h aehe iitn insi Cn-she band o! Clake die atbi DR. J. C. DE'VT easbaea motatpr f Toron.to. protect the expensive switchn Cou, btofCakde hsdetermining final lens quality. MýrsSwin haeundhm ER Lea o te niedChrc cn-Graduate o! Royal Dental Col- conttoîe ean tmet-a unr a anderson. Toroto. G.f -\Rf. Here also the cable wines reacbing Lea o!r quiee UniVedvin Candc con-nroldeentmea s froin the telephones ar-e <co.nect-dce tefuerlateboe Aveyqi, meovgad lege, Toronto. office: Jury JI.-srsui r opsto sse- o IE ed to the proper switches. Iu this On T-Iesday a!ternoon, in the re-spected neigbbor and f niend ilee BIdg., Bowmanville. office tial vo confirn true optical char- M r jo hn .C a'rt erite i Toronto R R switcbflg roomn are founid, toO, presence of a large assemblage o! passed away somnewbat suddenly hours 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily ex- acteristics. Extra came and pr-~ recentlv. Poe26 .R TVN O omnil the "Line Finde-s", the intricate relatives and neigbbons. The late on Tuesday, Api-il l3th, in the cept Sunday. caution must be enPhasized to Mis Ada Beech, M-\r. Ross Ricl- mnechanisms whicb find the caîl- Mr. Couch has been a widowe- penson o! Alice Margaret. Bou' Pbone 790. House phone 883. the end. In the annealing process ards. Havdon. \Ir. and Mirs. A'.lmen ing Une and conneot it to a de- since Mat-h 1, 1934, the date of sall, belovedi çwife o! Mn. David X-Ray Equiprnent in Office. as wel. preserving at ail Urlnes Beech and -loyd, Union. M.\r. ail( vicecaled a"seectt-" bic th passing o! his wife, Mary Mornison, in ber 83rd year. De -____________ gives S alt n i so Jo n c ae a e n M a o t a w eO R precision and the elimination o! Nfrs. Ernest Larmer and famil.'. I. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ he al toe be ler id- Jae Spto.HssnJnceadhdbeni buta ee et-s ath a taffi poeliee and -i f anily now live on the farm witb. a cold wich she did not FUNERAL DIRECT R strain. and \rs. J. Larmer visited M.\r. sd Use Statesman Wat ds-Te otX5m !- rsut ats beafi poliineeen anMn rs. A. Larmer. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ruethe outgoing cals to the at Newtonville wicb e farmed considet- serious, but wich devel- tbecniu) selectors. before metiiing tc, Newcastle. An- roped into bi-onchial. pneunionia. FUNERAL DIBECTORS, ___________ W. A. o! St. John's Cburdb, met other son, George, lives in Cleve- Sbe went to bed on Monday at-d Service, any bou-, any day. on Thursday evening at the home eThane pricia oas t Bowm an lndio passed peacefully to i-est on Tues- F. F. MORRIS C o! Mi-s. Par-r. Bible reading was exhne5uha onavlîes _____ MIACKSTOCKdben . .MO RS O taken by Mrs. H. Cagln are penformed bytbe switches Hknewat particularly healthy woman as Modemn Moton Ec4uipment W. A. litany snd prayer was tak- called seetr.The base of thiis William Johnil kiNwcsl she neyer bad to caîl a doctor in Ambulance and Invalid Car Yonlg People's Union met on en by the president, M.rs. Ha-r- ingenious device i-eseinbles an As mentioned last week the nearly f ifty years. CaU Phone 480 or '734, Wednlesdlay evening with a fai- at- COurt. Mns. H. Bailey gave the ambttienmnaue h-'f uneralric foi- the late Wil- Sh wsbn i anetn B Atan E M7 ednc.'iss IIfcCoS to chag report of tbe diocesan boFarders its center muns a vertical i-od with la J.Hcno rl 2hinCrwlngad en ag-BWLTVL ftemeigintebsceof our mneetdig. Rev. C. C. Harcourt wich atceleto oemate in the United Church. was verY ter o! the late Chi-istopher and tîreident. An inv'itation to visit Nest- took the Bible study, taking as i sembleas hewor o! p eatne ae- yatedd Relatives i-e- Ma-y BounsaU. She came to Miscellaneous Jeton Youing People's on A-'pril 26th bis subject "The eleven di.fferent se bther i d rec.n pofl a theinr laeenin atnded. nsv f miy C nd ih bi a nts w en '.5.5 accepte(l. Mn\. Leslie Beacock appearances o! our Lord after His-h pnoei s etin eol.o h connection wene presenit f nom To- about 5 or 6 yeas of age, about WEST END GARAGE AND MA- took the Bible Study, after whichi he resur-ection. A dainty lunch was M - - - prprsas onto, Oshawa, Courtice, HamP- tbe ine wben the Grand Trunk chine Shop - We speclalize in led ini praven. MNiss Brown took sei-ved. * > For example, when you dial ton, W.bitbY, Onono, Fort Hope Railway was being built, and machlnery. repaira, general gar- charge of thle followiing program: Among those Who attended the "3", the mcd nises to the thii-d and other points, came across the Atlantic on one age repairs, welding, tOWlflB reading. Miss Doris Marlow;, nead- Young People's Convention at level. The top mechanism, t.hen Rev. S. MacLean, B.A., took for O! the old Allan Lie safliflg serice. J. L. Denieiliig. lem~ ing. MIiss Brown; topic by Mý\iss Mc- BoWinanvi-lle were: MIS BrNwownL ss automnatically swings the arnm over bis text, Ail these t.bings axe stea.mers. prietor, Bowmaflville. P h o n e Col: instrumental bv Mfiss Beacock Miss Mabel VanCamp. Miss Ferga w to te next veacator. rnint against me, Gen. 42:36. These She was mn~e-d ft0 ber now 781. 23-tf "Cathedral Chimes." Jobnston, Miss Doris MarIow, tthe firt valct beneve runinrlg Vot- Genevieve Beacock, M.essrs. Arn- In caling a nujuben, as you dia vwere the gloony thoughts and beevdhsan y- iand eo _____ .mta hehm fMs n eith Jobnston, Rv. H. uceseltaeteeofor!g woi-ds o! Jacob after listening to years ago last Jau.r amiei ontol1 ih odJ el bucsieytetxeo orfg is elder sons' relation o! their tbem. was born ber only son. Mr. C.OWANVILLE Do1l on fpi 4wt od~~î au s of weu m b eU it. u vii o E y t o y c r . H David R . Morrison , Ch e C __ __ __ __ __ __ W e welcome M . aridd Mrs. T. "fed , an euc i h so l t i t v nt Iiad bost one son, Joseph, sale is ft el cl G o y a ie& Hodge back !rom . thein tnp to ually you at-e onnited to ' jute o, BenJamin, was demanded Mt-s. Motrrisn was a great overha i-es vii-r TIMr Eh TA BLE j be y report aeiyn-On April isti rltlpoert8wr the e obanisan .hc o! hlm. iV seemed that ail things o! !bowers ad ber grtesV de- end: M. and Mrs. MarhallT MTA LMisNim oespnthrdu dby c eTthe caninci n wisc cale ywere againt the patiarh Jacob. liht was in caa-In for tbem and Chatterton, Mn. and Ms. R. Bruce AUweekend irth Nis. S. K. Sinclar, copee h oncini aldBut they were naot. Neithen are lookn after ber home in a mod- and daugters, and Mn. ami j&s Toronto. per year. aor it perfrai tvo ons y oftes ape tht bay i orcdneta cam fom r and Mrs. C. Turner visited ~I~ ~~ G Sronit, visited her parents, Mr. This wiII menasvigoth faresf As you <liai thie second f rom thie times o! bereavement, dist-ess and the extremne south of England at T. J~. Simpson's. Ef cieSUNDAY ani Mns. J. R. McLaughlin. OtroadQee foe 100 cet fre , ! eaano this swiohi dvic while ber husband came f nom the Mn. ad Mrs. Howad C00. April 2Sthq 1937 Miss: Dorotby Stevens and Mn.Onai ad retreo th ssieugdvc hdghilands o! Scotland. clretesanie number o! steps The choir, witb Mrs. E. C. Fisb- The funexal, whioh. was private, Hamilhton, spent the weekend Full Information fr-ont Agents. TJon Vnto.stdfre i er asýý land waits there until er at the orga.n, led in, thbe sinig- took place on Thursday affemnoon with ber mother, Mrs. Perrin. Tananton you ýe hefinl dgi.finatelng diockit. ThaneneUSftbe er îmeregdeNatOnarinMtl Sympaown Orncyano! thtioalSymaoh o thnctymnâisi little metal an-n swings round Lover o! My Soul. Mns. R. T. Street, ami was Conducted by Rev. spent Sunday wttb Mr. and Mrs. exeddto relatives o! Mis Otherrdciosae over to the terminal it seeks con- Rutherford sang as a Solo, The W. FP. Banister. paston o! St. WestOl Strainger. z lrnePot h asdaa ncigthe Uine with a ringing City Foui-square. Pu'UntdC rc, ofwih Mn. Latimer, h istr rs Foi-- in Toronto necemtly. She was machine, which causes the bell at Af ter the service, bnethren o! she was an adaierent. In ber est, ami ber daughten. Toronto, 1bre nS.JhsCmtrHn cal thie distant telephone Vo ring. If the Orange Order carried the younger days she was a niember spent Friday at Mn. Mebvin Gra- D sovÏ2 Mncst.icyNwBusc. reduced frm3cetta1cnsprmot thie lime with a device which pro- many floral tributes !irrom the o! the Wesleyan Methodist Choir bam's. MsEDceNwBusik duces the f amiliar busy signal, chiurch and formed in two limes su ~hl!îi h e- L~ . acle u u-Mm. A. *Stamps. Tononto, visited over Desktpîefciewt a il) bzz .. . bzzz. through, which the casket wa vic of song. day Sohool wais heîd in the Mm. Joh MCarter Ltdi Because of its complexity, sel- carried by the pallbearers, T. W. She leaves to mourn her pas chuch - a, th paitin of Mthean K IsNe lToono Installation cag ecton and connector equipinent is Jackson. Geo. Jamiesori,1 CaPt. J- ing beie ber husband and son. baemn isn yet Tononto.MssHle anap pnt h veny ccstly, sud if it were mot for C. aamey, Fred Couch, F. B. two stepobldren, Mms. Winne We ai-e glad Vo hean Jean C Mis e len V Manm sn T.e Business ebposrdcdfom$25t the "line-finder" referred to ps-e- Lovekin, Howell Rowland. Thompson, Toronto, and Mn. KUi Wlùte's opemation was successful, *weedwt n u is .$.0 viously, considei-ably more central The beautiful floral offeringS Mornison, Blnrmlnghiun, Alabama; andi that she as on thie i-ced WtoEM SH Smith. --$.0 office apparatus, would be reqit-- includeci wreaths fnom, Brothers ome brother. Mn. F. H. B recovei-y ed. Instead o! a separate set o! and Sister, Messrs- Fred and Lou Bowmanvi]ie; and one sister. 3&z. MsE mm Rwln, ewasl Srvc switches for each subsnbe, a Hockin and Ms. Sewaid Tyle, Mary Scrive, Toronto. iss Emma Rwead ekwt e Missic * ** K amlignupo!Un-findens takes Courtice; Mn. and Mn5. J. S. H. Tepî-aer we- Mes. spending the (where insruen iis in place)q on Blusines care o! large numbens o! tele- Jones and farrÉly, Toronto; COW- A. H., Chas, sud Gus Bounisall, Two caml<>ad.s o! f ishermen bad Mn. Mýackinnon and f amily telephones eue rm$11 a$,0 n Phones; one gnoup thus provides anville L.OL. No. 265; Newcastle Herbert Goddard and L. B. Tap- an excit.ing time last week when Amoved into the commruniity onsie oechrsrdue frm$O0t service for a numben of telephone Lodge, S.O. E.B.S.. No. 46; sprays son. Town, and Clar-ke MoiTison. f ive young chaps who had rnWdedy ewlcm hms O uSers. The ine-f inder perfornis and other pieces fi-ou the W. A. Toronto. out o! gas endeavouned Vo dm31n and wish thein good luck. $1,00 (effivApi t) thie task o! conniectinig your lime o! the United Chur<ib, Mrn .Id Among the relatives 8.mi fi thie two cars while the mnen wet-e "KN FPI"Mn. Ashton's drllling machine with the switching mechanisun, Mms. A. O. Par-ker,. Rev. and Mi-s. ends f rom. a distance wene: Mir. fisng. Thy i-an swa when the "6IGO Uis now working at thie school. We Sothu ogDsac al thus stanting your caUl on an open R. A. Delve ami f anily, Oshawa* sud Mms. Wallace Shaw, Mm. mene netumed but aae aIlpl ofwereShr hu tak nefnesd hrwrNecsl ghSohool, Mn. T. W. Louise Harvey, Mr. and Mrs. C. meb euned, u ae Uwr Mn. C. L. Powers purchased a automnatically, and se very quietly Jackson -ami famuily, Newcastle R. Morrison, Mr. Raymond Moi-apéedd Afn os fo r ilas 0cn taiat most telephome users do net Boy Scouts, Mn. Stan.- Rickard's rison, Mm. Louis Bcunsail. Miss 9csHampton. cents. ThIetaca o eesn hre k.mow that such a device edsts. S. S. Class o! the Unîted Church, Mary Eunice Thompsom and Miss S"la Ag 1dF m ong People's League haci a onlydoe it et-oi-ma sitch PotalEmployees o! Newcastle Ruby Willianison. Toronmto. Vanity is wounded but neyer Fags.codo teya attnd tiv Arl l t) im.g operation, but it also passes and Omono, Mms. W. H. Peaxce and k________ _ - esud enoyd a fne peratend-rsuipr along the dial Voue Vo indicate Mms. R. Coiwill. Mn. sud Mms. J. _________________________ aut on y ied Lsai feora mihDafSt that the other switching appara- W. Glenuey, Mn. Howard Glenliey Pput onU HOthBBYad olswh tus is neady for your cail. and son, Mn. sud Mn5. Perety Hare ______R HBB included a vocal duet by Miss Ed- efSt- Unlike the magneto telephones ami Jack, Major anud Mrs. H. W. £A h & n ilnssdMs lc an h pca yeo qimn vial o fomelyinus hre wic hd udey Cnsabe ndMr. Jno. <F'ioii-i su editonial in thie L àanaBligadMssAceaï-Tept !onrl n stbr, bohlm Dudley Cosa.ble. su d Mrs . oara Magazine) stow: recitat ion by Robert Cha- h ar battery at eachsubscniber's se, Oarrod sud !aily, Mn. sudlMW ter; veDcal solo by Arthur Bell, and tehr-fhaigi cue rm$,0t a- patmm by Mis Gqçzwem Ten- $,0prmnh telePOne utomaieutnt-o eb k y reported. For i ns ta nce.e should a fuse blow eut or a switch. stick, au alarm bell rings ami a lamp ligbts.to cal the attentionma o! thie repair man Vo, the U-ouble. Now, a!ter months o! work. both, inside ad outside of the ceta .49 Hour Service Direct to Tour Door uau Tour Local Agents la the Bowmanvile Dit ctA : office, whiich imcluded the rerout- ing o! much telephome cable aud Necsl thie construction o! out.sideblies, Bowmanvillê Bowmanville Courtice Newcastle Bowm8.nville bas a systeni o! commnunication of whlch the boS~lHOMSGOCRQU NSHTE populace may weU be poud. Al ALEX MeGREGOR COLES PIDDUCK'S STORE OMS RC Y talus woi-k was done in suoh a Poe lk 60Poe lre10 carefuly planneci niener that Drugs Phone 792 Barber Shop Phone: Oshawa 332r4 Poe lre22 very little inconvenience asex- peirienoed by teleuduofl uses, a. d GUARANTEED SATISFACTION ON CLEANUNG AND DYEING OR YOUR MONEY REFUNDED made fleOeasary.

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