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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Apr 1937, p. 6

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J..jj PAGE SIX THURSDAY, APRIL 22ND, 1937 THE CAN.\DIAN STATESMIAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO -ê 1'> H -vi' r, Towni. visitetl the formier,. MAPLE GROVE brther. N.Ir. NV. J. Siiosvdeîi. _________________________________ Master Roîinie Ois.on lefî seitji Ilis mother, NIfrs. OI-son Iast Frit!,> Mr. antI Nrs. LeîgNI r. and! for their htomte ini Sai Francisco. Mrs. E. Tve andmî dtî i îagters, Cal Rouai> stîemt the ssimite sit i Irene antI Auna Pat. Toromnto, M,\iss atmni, Irs. Ross. Stes ciiý.. Ruth Armnstronig, T orontoi Hospital. Sec eral froiileeati>e!ii. 'Veston, spent Suidav ws> i Nîr. .R .. R. îll ii St >fledt'. (l.eî H. Armstrong. Chuirchi. Jowvnans uc.t iîr VI'. ru- Mrs. L. C. Snossdeii and NI iss iceivedi !eAtem lamc aimer fo'r the Loui se tIak er spent Su mi day sitli1 liiglicst a tte naie>. C> igrat iii aIion.. f riends in Oshîawa.___________________ Miss Helen Cole, K>îIroi. isie> her cousin, Mrs. H. G. Freeman, on LONG SAULT Stnday anI attenmled îthe Youiig<D People's Rals' iin Bow'nanville. \r~i IrOt' ru itt Mir. and Irs. Norinai Tlickson. aI NIr. amd I'Nrs. faille,, B,îll's, Les- Miss Kýathleen. Oshaswa. rcceatlv ar! visited tlîeir cousin. N.I r>. J. R. NIet- aNr. mlNr.DaiHoIoiam> eau.(;ili, Nu.... jeani Jae, Boseman- MIiss Louiise Baker. Solinavs iit'tl sil!>.'IsitSumilas at -Nr. Doniald ber auint, Nî\rq. L. C. Siiosdemi avx Mrs. Johin Saîiders, NIliss> 1-lele Nî.. ihFrrlvite!Nram! ýNIr t ;ordi Coi liigvisiteî at Nîr. i1>l)u iicaidls. .Niramd i>Nrs. Jo> Iclbrts. vi.. WARNING NOTICE uc>! ai Nîr-. Walaec lilcr's, Smîîî- Corn Growers tOc. Nr. XX iii>r mrjls'sisiteil at lis. are hereby notîfied that the Corn 1îarciit..Nîr. ami>! Nîr..HugliNMir- Borer Act s in force min this tî!ic'ý « county this spring and that the ýNîr. andîîl Nr. . lalco)liîi. Toromito. Provincial Entomologist has in. si'itsî! at Nr. WV. NI. Brosei s. Structed ail inspectors 10 enforce . \ snal atteîîlaîîce ssas at chiircli and see that ail corn fields and >îîî S'imdas duems b ad roads. Rev. plots are properly clearîed up by .X\.\lU XX î'îîttemî delix ercîl a fille' May 20. rml. J. N. McGILL lnsPector for Durham County Love. may 130 blind, but a __________woman is seldom blind to ber own Wallpaper Is Back 10e a Rol and up Johnston' s Book Store Bowsnanville Fashion in interior decorating favors wall- paper again . . . and the new designs justify the choice of paper for the most attract iv e rnoms! . . . You '11 find a complete selec- tion at Johnston 's... new patterns for every roon.i n the house... new colors to comple- nment ever color scheme ...new designs for period a nd modemn roonis. Many designs are washable, and ail1 are priced reasonably to nake re-decorating inexpensive and enjoy- able! See our Display of Coronation Decorations S'IIX9 Ei rs~: SYR PAd Colony 16-oz. SR Maple Bottle CHEESECanada CHEESEOld Cheddar DROOMS Red I-aadled BACON ŽBrmekfa il. PEANUT ;UTTER 25oz. WAX 1-1RI b. Ti EXTRA STUARTS STRAWBERRY Jam ,s'th Pectia 32-oz. jar EACH @25 SODAS Christie's "B"s i-l'oiI JUICE 18 oz Tins 2O R 'GRAPEFRUIT ~F TOMATrOES Tins' No. 2 u'EAS Aylnier jumbo Tins . ORA GECalifora,îge IS-oz. OR NG JUICE Tins AISNS ustralian Seedless M2 Glenwood icecd Carrots or Dîced BEETS N 'o. 2 Sq. Tins OIRANGIES Mandrn Tins ~ TOMATO JU CI nî o 20-oz. Tinsi TOMATOIES N. st PIRUNEiSMed aze lb. MATCHES Japanese 3 FOR M25 12-o . LEMON OIL Perfection Bot.z .17 CHOIGE SLICED Ibo 25c ENNISKILLEN NI r. tîmml r. S. Ptliick visited NI r. Xrtlnr c(Ikilip, Nesetomîville. NIr, andmi! Ir. . ieille Grif fimi. IIlaek'.tick. visitet! Nrs. \\"i. Grif- NI1 r. E. J. H arrisonm visits d friends ini Toromito. Oii Tlîmrsîlav eveig a prograni ws. gis'>miniiitîme clîmrcli basemiiený imiiier tîhe auspices of thme X.NI.S. Tii> pirogramii coiisisted of rcadimîgs, v'ocal tîmet, inistrumntal, amîd a re- ligion..' drainîa emtitled "Barabbas.' NMr. an]MtlNrs. Stamîley NIas'amnI Bis.l 'v iss Nlatllie A'shîton. Toronîto, .NIr. andmiNr... Stewsart Rotîmnan, Port Pr' r,. Nr. Ira Travelle. Oshiawa, visiteil NIr. andmINr... E. C. \shtomî's amnI celelîrated NIr. Xslitoiis birîli- Mr. anid NIrs. C. Staimitom amnI Kax, Oshmawa,. si.ited NIr. L.. Lai's. Ni r. F ' erett BronM . iss G. Pal- lard, Oromo, s isiteil NIr.lx. Ormni..- t>.imis. .NIr. amnI Nîrs. J. Brosw'n, Oromîci MNiss..BurmiiceStaimîtomi, Nis5 NMarioni Blrown,. ).iaasisited at NMr. XW. I.Staiitomi's. NMiss. GlatIsvs Page, Oshawea, visit- c>! lier miitlier, Nirs. Etta Page. Nîrs. F. . \ X'rr v anîd Mr,. C. Crossiiiai recemitîx v îîîcmed 't l e i r b>omie, for a \V'iar-Es'er .\mmimîîîmîmii t!>niiiiisIrat iion n îe r the supe rvi sion of Mr. andMtiNr.. J. Duistv, Port Pecrrs'. -NIr. amnI NIrs. F. Sprs amnI fainil> H amptoni. visiteti Nfrs. XW'in. Oke tî,ii Suifflay. Sorrs' ta report Nirs. Jas. Nîoorev lia.. lî>eî cou liiicd tii h 'r h ome fa r .- me timne. Mr. andMtl irs. -JîîlîmîBarrie an'MtîNr. NMîrras Barrie, Nesetomiville. NIiss NIae WXright:.' Toronito, visited NIr ,S\tîatil.is' ..'.xtemited tii Nrs E j. Harrisonîî amitIi>. tliof lier imîcle. NIlr. .\lex Hemîrv Caneroi. NMr. .\llamî XX'arii visite! at NMr. EarIe Pairrîîît'... Chlîak Lake. Service.s wil! lie lielîl (ia StimlaýN, \pril 25tli at usmuiaî homîr. Ree. J. E. 'iîthli me. miisi.ter. Sîibject: 'je.us andtl JohnîaBaptist-the heat- itude of umifaltering falîlu'. Al mîcmîber.. aad adlieremits rcquîe.ted to be Presemît a.. a ver\' imnportanit let- er seili be reaul at the cemimg ser- 'ice. iHAMPTrON M r- E. J. Clarke clebrated lus 84tm birthday at the hîomîe of his dtigliter, Nirs. .. lliîî, on Thuirs- ma,' es'emiîg, .\pril ISth, wseîcaabout tliirtY fricnds amni relativs e..ejoved a social timne togetlier. Mîr. andl NIr.. \ Iii, Peres amnI Florenîce s isited lier sister. NI-s. Johnm J'rockaand other relatives ia Oshawca tom stmidav. A iumnhîr of aur s'ang rpeople at- tenîdetl the Yoiig I'eop'es Comîsei- tionmiiii Ioscnaiiville. on Saturday andtlSîmitas'. Nîrs. R. l'etles, Iremi ami>!Ral1ih, Toromîto, sisited friemdit n iitîe svil- lage oami Sîmmdas'. NIrs. Gilelîriat amnI son, Tarant>. .lmt thu sceekemi scwitîî lier si.ter. NI rs. Jas. Res iold.. -NIr. andmNrs. E. E. Staples s'isit- clfriemîts in Nîanvers, on Saturtlav. NIr. amduINI rs. WV. Yoiiig andI bah>', Pe(terb)oro. siemît Siimala' sitilîhr fat!îer, Nfr. L h. nsîîm.. .Nîr.. Tom BProsemii, Ottaswa, Ni fr. amnI Nîr.. Elier ,is l. Torointo, Nîrs. L.ev'i llrimit, Eliimii.killeii sisiteul Nîrs. Esthmer Stec'.\.l Mîr. andm rs. C. W. Sîîuîe!îvisiteul friemllin ()s O.hassaion Simimuas. A few of cuir vommîg, lîsîlle tire- semteil a I.aglie pr> gramîlat mre tonmîcliiirc!î la-t X' nlm>'.!a ii glt. Nl r...1 Iula Siialc lsint> e shm~ ilt!e r. Xoiimmig Ico t>!>.. Union 111m.t iii Fr itas'es-emitii g s>it h thle Pr>' s iulmît. NIiss. Il[dei Kmm ix. ini chlarge o f thîe tipiumimig !busines.s uic n >. andt!Coin- mîîîmiîs'- vsif1iiimg olos hivls'sorsliip ses 0ce 'C>XXir..iji the Nimîg. -\l! Gliiri'iis.Xhos'e,- \va. ..mnut.aftc-r WcliheLîcI.ru..finiser s>,as rtiîcat- idii mmî.,'n îile u .i sas rend bs D)ouglas. Racklin :reaulmng %\aas gis-(Ilmi bs'Stîart I logarîi. TIie' tro- graîîinii charge of Nis,..s i l'- martl i as a.fil>îss. :. 'aitliof Our Ettîers Liiig Stijl"" as Sm1m112 fol)s>et! \x a ri'atliig lis liraIt! II!ack NIMis.>sl)trer mi 1'>rett gave ami istrummiental : îthe tan p)i , ho X\'iem"?\Xiireý? tif I..ia. prc- s..I'tcd lis) vRes'. XW. Rackliaiii;NIMi.s Di rîîls' lascIlgave a rearliiigi,. NI'tm~clos,'>! s>itlîsmiiie'chuit if NIvi tuI u' S rrî su'ami>!N iglit' ami> NIisîîali 1ielitim SALEM I Theictheine cho..e.I l bvhev. XW. F. Baîîi..ter for lii. .ulndd surînoni h t-re la t S a îîla %%*a s h>.t roîg shîIoId lhell î e sieak YV. 1. .. meeting ('11 îîesls e ui iîîg, \pril l.4thi, ss a.. couîlucted hs and lopeîcd ssiI!> b> niaI. anid liras er l) M r. L. (ui b hible>.ruad ing. .NI i>s.Lela XeW M .Iissioîîary star,_ý Mr. h. Sqîîair : readiiugs %%>".re given lis \l r.. l l dRicliartl>. .ScS Ninla1 l)arcli anmd NIlia i arclî and lMessrs G. lBarrie andl F. liýlaclîI)rti :svocal dîmt, Nîr.. IJrcli aîî<l Nirs.. Cattîr;1 1.iolin (11et0.NIr. (-C. ollactittî anl Nr. IL. t ombe. A conte..t %%-as coîîduct- cil at thie close. MXIr. and NIrs. J. Reidj, Boseman- ville. were Stunda - vgmests witb Nlr. antI Nirs. G. Cornish as were also their dauighter ai sorn-iiu-law, NMr. and Nifr s. XV. Fitzc (of Janetville. Little N'Mis, Jean Cornisli retîrîieî home sitli lier atnal andti niile after spending a c ule (if weeks at [an- et ville. NIisses EIla Collacot. )Doris Cilla- cott and NMarioni Honev, Toronto, scere sccekend s î..tors at thieir re- 5 pu ivse li 1e,.. Mîr. anîdNMr... E. I1. Sil ver ceIc- bratel a svedding anîîîsersare last Stiînîa -sv se tl a aîîiiilier o f si ster.. amIld rîtler..s itli tIi>ir fainilies were iî'raîilat tlieir buaiitiftills rc- iiiotleld lhomîe tonîthe'N nv sR tI Sev,(i raISalemi folk were in at- tciidane o('11Sîîidav es eeîiiîg at Y. P. V. of Olma P resîs ter %-LUnioniin St. laI. Thi.,ss a.. tîleclosing ieet iig of thleea *ýS(Ila nd wsas a ser rsfini(iii et iiig tIi roîihoîît. NIr. andl NIrs.. LSas e(rsvantI fanm il e, N>stoîilc re Suiia.e visit- ' returned to her home at Shanty' Bay. Sympathy is extended to the ividow and f amily of the late Mr. R. W. Philp who passed away Tuesday morning, Aptril 20, at bis home in Nestleton. < HAYDON MisRuth cil Toronto, visit- ud at honie. -NIiss Nlarv\Vestburv, NMessrs L.ouis antd Bert A'shton, Toronto, visiteil at '.\r. H. Ashton's. \Ir. and M.rs. H. Gav and famnilv. Oshawa, visited at M.Nr. C. Gar- rard's. .\r. and MIrs. \Çn. Giffler, \Ian- illa. visite(l at Mr. T. S. Mount- joy s. NîIr. and Ni\rs. J. Grahami, Oshawva, visitcd at '.\r. D. Gralham\*. Mýiss Ada Beech and '.\r. Ross Richards visited at Rev. E. . Beech's, New'tonville. Our tleepest s%.mpathv is extended to Mrs. D. Hall and famnilv of En- field. iin the death of Mr. Hall which occurred last Saturdavý moriîîig. i EBENEZER Sîmmîlav services sucre scelî attenîd- cil. Pastor Rev. W. C. Sînith con- ducted the înorning service. Sunday Schlîî w as ami open uncetimîg 'with NMr. H. Nîacklimî, Tyromie, adulrcssiuîg thie sclîool oui Temnperamîce. Es'eniuîg service wss. >ithîlrasvuuta allowas' l r suba careil ta attendîthelu services at St. Patul'> tUnitedl Cîurch, Bossmaii- 1 sille, um'mtr tlîe atuspices of tlhe Churcl ini the Osawsa Preshyters'. Oni Fritlax cx'emîimg a scell filleul chuircli greeteu tîme Drainatic club auf tlîe Young People's Uniionu when tîmes lîreseuîteil lîir îplay Take N"M i!- viÎceý.'Tîme characturs suere seell cloecîiamuI each uitl their parts secîl. Folluisuing i.. the cast: BobNaumi i Edtoîr of thie "Eureka Newss Jlarrv XXorulemu, Jimme Samasîmi. sulose bîusiness is usakimug 11)tmp tissm .Xllamî Dosem, JumulFentoni. a tosem c!îaracter subo bas seruilles agaimî,t seorkmmîg; Gordoni Osborne, Jolîm XXargrimn, a Poss'cr in t!îe state wuhîî cimtrol.. amuI tomimates Eturvka; GI>n a icku l, Peggv Acton. seho ar- rive>! in Eirt'ka tîîree aîoatli. Ic- lire: Loiisv Ciurtice. 'sirgie NMatîi ionm. litbs silalili si.ter : R> semia Edlgar, Nîr.N e1stiio> >1, a suolil sith). Kingston. spent the îveekeîîd svith bis parents. Mr. and MIrs. A. J. Balson. Mir. andtl Mrs. Chas. Howsamn and Marv visited at 'Mr. Earl Howsam's. Ston ff ville. Mr. W'alter Rickard and '.\r. \Vill Cleînletice, Shaws. visited at Mr. T. Baker's. Tlhe X'oung Peopfles meeting Mon- dav evening openetl withl President Ruth N[cKessock in charge. Plans werc madIe for omîr meeting next Paint does more than pro- tect and preserve. It brightens all indoors: makes the home a happier place to live in. So, why flot renovate for the shut- in days of winter? Let us give you an estimate on a painting and decorating job for a single room, a group of rooms or the whole house. Finance the work, if necessary, under the Home Improvement Plan. J. H. ABERNETHY PHONE 431 PICK 0F THE SEA SON PRINTED CHIFFON FROCKS With Slips Light and dark floral patterns. Just the dress to wear with your new Spring- coat. Complete range of sizes fromi 14 to 44 in the lot. Extra Special At......................... $.9 New - In Washable Silk Orepes. Distinctive in Style, Pattern and Price. Sizes 14 to 44 - $2.95 each The EVLYN Shop Phone 594 Bownmanville Growlng Mash Headquarters For Fine Seeds We offer No. 1 Government Standard Alsike - Ontari o Red Clover - Imported Ried Clover - Grlmmn Alfal.fa - Ontario Variegated Alfalfa - Timothy - Sweet Clover, Yellow or White Blossom - Lawn Grass Mixtures - Garden Seeds, Se STEWART HIGH QUALITY FEEDS - BEEDS Phone 577 Formerly J. B. Martyn Bewmanvllle ors ssiti lier parents, M.\r. and Mr.,.s he social Power in Eureka and thc A.WeIslî. 1resident of the Uplight Societv: ýNliss S 'vhil Hockin. Toronto. visit- Elsie 01-, %larcia \Vargrim, datugh- e> lier 5151> r, M.\rs. C. Pollard. ter of John Xargrimi Ada .Annis. .Mr. and Mfrs. C. J. Hall andI fami- Three acts: The present Timie: ilv arec moving froin the neighbonr-i Place-the town of Enreka; Sccie- liod to Bowrnanvillc. having soldj Office of the Etureka News. Mý1r s. their farmi to Mfr. Short of Oshawva.GF.Ansad'I JtHnck .\Ir. Short ani familv sill be moving tavoretl with vocal solos hetweeil the ini 500l. acts. Thîe «Nlissioil Circle hield its mecet- Sing at thîe homne of NIrs. Chas. Fouid and opcened %vith livern, all NESTLETON rt-peatinig thie Iortl's Praver: '.1r s. Herh) Nichiols read a pocnî "Nîs Gar- Dr. Kannawin, delegate to ei'.ami the scrilpttre reading was World's Sunday School Conven- given hv Editlh Balson; vocal duiet tion in 1936, sbowed slids of ..jSs as r-idcrcd hv Lucilla \Vade and trip of Oslo, on April 14 under Mduriel E onnd: p)oemn "Our Life is auspices of Ladies' Aid. like a Gardeîî., v' v adelinie FoleY; Mr.Maroo Dikey Tron.oStuid 1Book iva..taken up l'ý \Marion Mr.te hs arents, Mr., orontd Truv-ail. Gaines in charge of M\ad- viste h& arets M. ndMrs. cliii" Fole vwere enjoyed.Rcrs R. Dickey. ~inents were served andasoilhr Mr. and Mrs. Russel McLaugh- ,, pleaICsatls'.- lin, Union, visite d Mr. and Mm. r. orOi sborne %vas, a week- E7larr McLaghliendml isitor ini Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Philp, \IrS. W. G. Rinidle andtIMisses T'oronto, visited. Mr. andi Mrs. R.- Mýarie anI Edytlî Whitc, Bcîlîesda, W. Philp. iie týI.'s O '. Mrs. Walker bas returned homevsttlaMrEs Oe. after having an opeqation in Mýr. Douglas Vecrînilvea svas a vis- Lindsay hospital. itr over the ivecend in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Howard McMul- .en and Marion, Lotus, spent 1 Sunday wfth Mr. and Mrs. Wes. S LN Campbell. 1-ILN Mr. Grant Campbell spent thec weekend with Mr. Carson Howe, Miss. Louis>. Baker visîîed lier aunt, Janetville. M.\rs. L. C. Snowden, M.\aple Grove. Dr. Gordon Malcolm of Ot- Nir. andI Mrs. Harvey Hardy, Rus- awa visited Mr. A. Malcolm. sel aînd Doreen. Oakwood, visited at MrS. Gilchrist, Who bas been NIr. Isaac Hardv's. Switch to Dials <Oontmnued from Page 1) ed. Shortly aften Mayor Stake's call othen cails started -to corne in, but there was no rush. Distxicit Trafflc Superintendent C. A. Mai-- tin nemad-ked that this wa. the easiest. change over be bad wit- neîssed. The subscribers bad ne- frained, as they were asked, f nom rnaking curiosity caîls when the change was made, and tnaffic over the intnicate $56,000 wortb o! equipment in the building was very slow for the first f ew min- utes. Engineers stood by xith testing appanatus and as eacb call came tbrough tey tapped in to make sure that the voices were carnying penfectly. He ne an d there a minor adjustment was madle. The engineers stayed on the job until a! ter tb.ree a.m. maki.ng sure tb-at everything was in perfect working order. Once the new systemn got under way officiaIs retired te the office and there enjoyed a treat > fnom Frank Williams, in the f orm o! cigars. On tbe table was a vase o! buge daffodils, and for the next few minutes the officiaIs and the Mayor conversed about the new vsystem. Among the offilcials pi-osent te assis't in making the change os'er were Walter P. Harris, Distnict ,Manager o! Weston, C. A. Martin, Distiot Traffic Superintendent, W. H. Speare, Division Equipnîent Engineen: W. A. Pattenson, Dis- trict Plant Supenntendent; R. Gamble, Assistant Equipment En- gineer: RaY Ci-ossley o! the Osh-: awa plant; Robent Lundy, Plant 'Wine Chie! o! Oshawa; a.nd D. Book, o! Central Office in Osh- awa. Several other technical mon' were on hand to make the actual tests. Ail in all te "change to dials" was completed just as quietly andI r efflciently as was seemingly pos- sible. It wa3 a credit 10 lthe a.maz - îng skill of the Bell Telephone Engineers, and the ease witb which the change was macle was a credip. to the subsci-ibers, wbo by refra'ning !rom overloading tlis_ sYs:elin in the fin-t f.ew hours macle an ordex-ly switch pDssible. Canadian Club (Continued from Page 1) It eland to that o! Scandinavia is proof of their common origin. he added. As proof o! this thei-e %re the names of most 0f oui- days, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thuxsday, Friday and Saturday which are naned after Norse gods. The, fact that they once spoke much the same language is seen by the fact that the Scottisb Celît can quite understand the Scan- dinavian wit.h %hom hie coines in contact on the seas. As a people the Celts are mys- tics and dreamers. The richne>ss of folk loi-e is always in direct proportion to their imagination Judge Tudhope declared. The Celtic people are very i-e- ligjous, but flot in the generally accepted sense of the word. Th-is is best illustrated, he said, by the statement once madle by a Scots- man that 'I amn not n'îuch 0f a Christian, but 1 amn a daîmn good Presbyterian." You f ind the Celts, he contmn- ued, deep in myst.îcism, supersti- tion and second sigbt. Týheir mythology is like to that of -the Noth American Indians, with wh'om tbey are believed to havei sveck whem se are emitertaimimg two tter Icagimes. -.\r. Fred WXright took charge of the lîrograin. 'Miss Helemi B3aker led iii commmmity singimîg. De- votional, Ruthi NlcKesstîck ;piano solo. George XXVerrv ;readings. 1lier- îîert WXright amid Harvev Vellossîces ; to1îic. NMr. \V. R. XX(stiake : Cmrrcît eemit,. Nir. Perce DeweII. Gamnes werc lilaccîl. MIr. an MtlNrs. Lamiremi Hogarth, Harmomis, NMiss Lena Elford, WXood- ville. spent Sumidav svith 'Miss.'Mary Hogarth amnI Nirs. R. Paýscoe. Nîrs. Sarah Milîler amîd Miss 'Mary Miller, Newbmrg, visited MNr. amid Mrs. Livinigstomne 'Miller. Mir. an MtlNrs. A". Brummnel amnt H-oward, Coltibus, NMr. and Nîrs. Franîk Brav andt Elgini, Emifield, vi,. itetl at NMr. WXalter Parrimider's. NMiss NMuriel Baker. NichoI's Hos- pital. Peterboro, NMr. an MtlNrs. Matir- ice Baker amîd baby Jamiice, Conicord, visitetl at '.Ir. Jack Baker's. Mir. an MtlNrs.. joc Chapmnami, Hainp- ton, visitetl at NIrs. R. J. NieKes- soc k' s. NîadmuINrs. Keni Jemks emnter- tamîmet a numiier of frmemîts at a îiartyý F ridas' eemimg. A\ minher fromii here attemuetî the Oshaswa Preshytere Youmng Pleole's RaIls' iinBoss'mianville. XXe symupathize svith 'Mr. Isaac Harde i-in tîme s of his fine1 barn liv fire Satmrdas' evemîing. Cals o fire mmmkmossn. NMr. Hartîs'iiitcmd.. buildinîg agaimi shortlv. I Temuperance program Sundtay af- ternoomi was iii charge of NIrs. R. 1. NîcKessock. Bible lessoi, NMr..L.. Pascoe; vocal solo, 'Mr. George XXerrv; Miss Pearl Leachi gave a splendtiîl talk "TIie Challenge to sober living." At tlhe clitrcli service Rev. Rackhain gave a splemîuitl discourse amîd Nrs. Jack Baker favouretl sitli a vocal solo. Mir. and Nirs. Jack KivelI visitetl at Nir. Ivan Farrow's, Orono. Osiviag t» the raimie sseatlier aîîd the roadl. the attemîtamîce at the lIn- stitmte mîeeting Iast Thurslas a fter- mioou sas sinaller thami tsumal. The îîrogramîî sas min charge of Nirs. Haroldl Pascoe. leader of gromp 5. Roll caîl xsas ami excliaage of sceuls amîd plamnts. N.Irs. Johmî Baker ledin i cominilits' simîging svitli NIrs. Ever- XXill Ashtonî gave a stlenditl laper "Camîatlas caîl ta lier eomiiem inimis- tare, social amîd pumblic life ;" vocal rînets lie Misses jeami aid Elina Crs'- dermiami. Demomîstratiom iami hon-ie ecoilomv, Nirs. R. J. NlcKcssock. A daimitv Ilumchi sas served hv the gromp and a social time emjoved. Mav mneetinîg wiII hc election of officers. Mir. amîd Nfrs. Kenncth Jenks' en- tertaineti a number of friemîds and ieiglibommrs at a dance at their home Fridav es'emîimg. is not land and buildings, but. an CANADIAN PACIFiC ore in contact long 1eore Col- umbus discovered America. The speaker went on te relate the ancient words and customs now in common use wich are de- rived from the old Celtic foris o! speech and habit. Scots believe in fairies, Judge Tudbope said, and why not for a! ter all f aires are only the crystalizatIon of the ideals in oui- souls. It is a pity, be said, if we cannot believe in the supemnatural. "~Man's reach must exceed bids grasp or wbat is beaven for?"' be asked, quot.ing the poet. We must continue to belleve in these things or xe lose the most cherished things we have. Santa Clauis must remain real. Your count.ry and your bomne MANAGER, JOHN LENZ tii~ 14 i Phni. B. PHONIE P.R.CO WLINII, 695 Bargaln For '1 SATURDAY ONLY( APPLE OR RAISIN PIE Reg. 20e each - Special - Ise . - - 7 - - - - - - - We SDecialize ln Wedding Cakes We "I make and ice your cake most reasonably. Try Granmeal - The New Wonder Health Loaf Silverwood 's Ice Cream for Dessert - 20e Brick CORBETT'S BAKERY Phone 890 Bowxnanville Round Trip Bargain Fares From BOWMANVILLE April 30 - May 1 - 2 MONTREAL OTTAWA Ste Anne de Beaupre $9.70 Good Ieaving Bowmanville 10.19 p.m. April 30, 10.26 a.m., 10.19 p.m. May 1, 12.12 a.m. May 1-2. Return Lànùt - May 3. Tickets flot good on trains leaving at 3.00 p.ni. from Ottawa and Montreal TO THE MARITIMES - APRIL 29 AI] Canadian Pacifie Stations in New Brunswick Ail Dominion Atlantic Ry. Stations in Nova Scotia. Rîeturn Limit: Leave Nova Scotia points flot later than May 5. Leave New Brunswick points flot later than May 4. Not Good on Train Leaving Montreal 3.00 p.m. IilI pair iiu'.uîami iii li l / from mm a u ic . i cut. QUEBEC CANADIAN NATIONA MURUMBUR ALL BED LINEN AND TABLECLoTrHs LAUNDERER 10 lbs. 6c each a( AI other pieces returr Oshawa Laundry PE ýD AND FINISHED a a a 590 idditional pound rned damp ready for ironing. k Dry Cleaning Co.1 Ltd. IIONE 419 1 Next Arcade WEFIT Please order early by phone or f rom our driver. Breakfast Bacon jnvsîble ideal, he said in con- cluding. HIARNESS $2950 and up Aso ail Parts and CoUars in stock lease bring your repair work in now SHOE & HARNESS&KER A. WOL Next Len EUott, Plumber r cnarms. mummumw THURSDAY, APRIL 22ND, 1937 te vi SEMEKerslake's Coming Soon - Nyal 2 for 1 Sale Be prepared to stock up on Toiletries anid Household Drugs at money saving prices. FREE Insure Your' Cloth- This large ing Now glass Againt Moth Damage by ' - twnbler Using Larvex p tin of 1 pt. Bottie - - $1.00 English Moth Killer, lb. -39c Health Moth Balis, 3lbs.- 25c Salts Moth Bags - 15-25-35-60 Moth Gas - - - - 60c 139C Larvex Rinse - - - 25c 100 500 Dodd's 1 100 ABS&C Kleenex Pulls A.S.A. 9C 29c 27c 23C When we test your eyes you are assured absolute satisfaction in quality fit, style and price. Here's A Real 0 PAGE SIX

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