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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Apr 1937, p. 8

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-r-. --~~~~ -~ 4'- ~"fl .4 r,. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE EIGHT 1 in bis Sthyecar. Miîcb svmnpatlyiv i extendeti to the bereaveti ones. M1,r. anti'Mrs. Ivan Cochrane have moveil froîn Burketon to the farmi one andl a quarter miles u(irib of Enf itid. Nirs. 1 iarrv Stinson,. Mr'. Johni Stinsin anti Mrs. Norînan Stinson ae tic th l meraI of Mrs. -1. Mc- Gill at Janetville. I TYRONE Mis. Clara Bya.m. Bowmanville, v, ehewesen M. F. L. Byain. Mis. Gussie Rosevear and Lai- ry are visiting lier parents, Mr and Mrs. I. W. Lamer, Miilbrook. Mi. R. B. McCulough. Toronto. spent Sunday with bis parents, Mi. and Mrs. R. Mcçullough. Miss Viola Shortt, En! ield, spent the weekend at ber home in the village and ca-Iled on a, number o!friÉends. Mis. G. Phair bas returned home after spending several weeks %xit.h her sister, Mis. J. Wight, Bewmnanville. Glad te know Mr. and Mis. C. W. Woodley's f anily axe much improved after heing confined te their beds for several weeks. Mi. and Mis. Mortscn, Mi. H. Wellman and Misses Eveisons. Victoria Square. visited Mi. L.I Mortson at Mis. James Sterie's on Sunday. Glad te know Mr. Morison is able to resume bis schcol duties again having been suffering f rom a sprained anlcle. Mr. and Mis. Earl St.ephens, Jean. Jack and Don. Mount Pleasant, spent Sunday at Mi. W. F. Parks and Mi. W. H. Taylor's. Miss Grace Stephens retuined home with them a! ter spending a week with ber aunt, Mrs. Harold Burgess. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brooks and son, Cobourg, visited bis parents. Mi. and Mis. G. Brooks. Mi. and Mis. Garnet McCoy and Jack, Cobourg, spent Sundy wth Mis. J. H. Mutten. Mr. and Mis. Wm. Cochrane, Kirby. i-pent Sunday with ber parents, Mi. and Mrs. Wrn. Vii- tue. Sonry te report Mrs. Euretta Woodley is confine2d ta lier bed. Mrs. Heard, Enndskillen, is in at- tendance. We hope for a speedy reevery. Quite a number enjoyed a dance in the community hall on Friday evening under the aus- pices o! the L. O. L. A number of Oui young people attended tbe Young People's Con- vention in Bowmanvilie. The April meeting o! the W. M. S. was held on Tbursday in the vestry. The opening eeîcises and Rev. Father Coffey Guest Speaker Weekly Newspapermefl in Annual Conventio At Home and School Club Meeting à"aCommun8m 8 Dangers T o tty ad te next generation of Yout," as opi ofNewctizen shuld be a credit to ther Paator's Âddress- Was Re- Parents and teachers and a glory creaion ightto their country. creatio NightMis.J. Coyle expressed to Rev. A large gatheiflgo mothersFthrCfe veyarorte.'&.. and eacers ~t~~ci a~ Ow-t.anks on behaif of t.he club for manvlle omeand Sehool is instructive address,tote ing~~~~~ Apil141-,m enra male quartet for the numnbers, n ig Arlnsu.the in etinra ee o r.H. B. Poster and ber withO C Tadameing L A.par- ro memnbers for t.heir help n ~r pianA a Mrs. m. A.lark n eking the meeting a success. sided for the business period. Miss Mis. Foster directed the mem- Moore won thie attendance prize beis and friends in severai activeN wth 1mohrs renT his gaines and judging by the keen we.nt by reversion to Mr, A. M. OglPtdOf fdcniuilu Thconpson, 5) cents, and Miss R. igadhncastbe Ciub's first Hobbs, 50 cents, wit.h 9 motheisr ecreainlih was a decided preentfo eab.success as ail presefit are wisbing Mis. J. Coyle, convener of thefoanhe o. evening, took the chair for t1lis A dainty lunch was served by program: A male quarteit in Mis. J. Coyle a.nd group members w'hich Russell. Earle and Orvile and th-is brought to a close an- osborne and Howard Wight renl- other educational and enjoyable dered two fine selections, (O, who evenflg. will o'er t.he down so, free" and _____________ -The savmurs Hand," Mis. M. ' H. Wight pianist. This number CADMUS was heartiiy enjoyed. 1 The guest speaker, Rev. Father Coffey, chose as his subiecJt, Young People's Union xsas held on 'Comnnunism's Dangers te youth.' Tulesday evening wvth 31 present. As Can.adian citizens we should Vorship period was in charge of be proud of oui religlous freedoRil Miss Dorotby W lliamson. .\ i s s and our eduoational system. under "Repentaneo"wler ok heibl ev.ud British demnooracy. As parents Rpntce afr hhRv.H aoed teachers it is our duty to J. BlI led in praver. Program was studj<y caxefully commru.nisrf in al 1n charge of M.\rs. Fred Dayes, and forms and realize its dangers and coiisisted Of: topic by M\iss Doris.. not say, "oh it can flot happen MIuckle "Value of Friends :" violin her."solo "Evening Frayer" bv'. Mr. Fred 'Fhere is cemplete regixneita- Daves; relain ; ucead"hg .y s tien of the youth in counitries iil- Orma \fcKee "Twins"; reading 1wv ed by dictatorsh-ip. Strife be isMrartTopun-aeo inweern Çritnand i nd thesnOld Bachelors.*' inGrayada rigî antre essrs William Proctor and Char- .igious program, in Soviet Russia. leHnesn ootvstd'\r Strenuoqis efforts are being made t edro.Trno iie r to spread anti-reiigious material and i Mrs. R. C. Brown. in the school and in the home. SI. neyvsd rs. Ferguson Ond EDducation lis saturated with na- invistd.\r Fguo Oh tional masterialistic ideas. We do awa. net wish this to happen in Can- Glati to. report '\r. Jim Thoinpson ada as the fundamental principles 1 mproving after a recent illniess. of Christianity are based upon the Messrs A. Wolfe and Philip Geal Cornmandments, One S u p r e ni e ,pent the weekend at the cottage. Befing and human beings. Society hIs .LwoYletn iie is made for man, and net man for her sister. M\rs. M\. McKee. society, as a consequenice tbe NMr. and M\rs. Smith Ferguson antiihTmln dto fTeFru es-scn iei h family is net for thbe st.ate but t.he Colette, Bowmanville. visited ber HghT pin edtroTh FrgsXw- scdtmeite stt i o th aml.parents, .\Ir. and M.\rs. A. E. M\c- Record., was adjudged winner of the Pearce Mcmen- cditor of The Duni tdGilI. orial Trophv far the best weeklv edrl page. at thre AmatEu r Ate, The Conmandmens cmmnd M.r. Geo. Thompson, M\iss M\ary .-etratrc .E ie us to love Ged, te, love oui neigli- Thompson. Bowmanv.ille, visited '\r. the banýiiet at the Hotel London in London, Oin- bo' was elected pi bouirs, and to honour oui parents. and M\rs. Jimn Thompson. tario, Friday. April l6th. in connection with annual W. Sberw.ood Fox children have a dutY towQ.ids 'Mr. Alfred Thornet spent Sunday meeting of thle Ontario anti Quebec Division of the Western Ontario, their parents and parents have a witb M.\r. and Mirs. Fred Daves. Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association. Above banquet; and A. V duty towards their chidren. essrs Elmer and Vincent Archer pictures, -eue hog tecuts f The Loni- The Miount Forest Character must be well develop- spent S un day with their parents, don Fret' Press, show: Top (lcft to right), C. P. the suggestion mad ed by its envuoninents, its activ- '\f is Btb M-\cQuade visited M.\iss Pearce, of The Simncoe Reformer, who presenteti short course be hi ities, and by t.he undeTstanding it Bri ibson. the robywbich is a memorial to his father, the late newspapermen wbe receives. Parents sbeuid do thei.i "fMr. Hrry NMcKee spent Sunday George Pearce : Hugh Templin, editor of The Fer- issues. and stated: best to make the home environ- with is parents. gus News-Record, winner of the trophy for the facilities in your w menal conditions o! their child- Hoe and School Club met on ren correct and hapipy. Childrefl Saturday evening with a f air at- should be given sorte work te do tedn. Prograicnsisted of: devotiorial were condiicted by thed in eider te learn responsibility. vocaldet by Misses Birdie Gib- peieiMs .Hdsn h The youth o! oui country will son nd Beth McQuade, "Rd NFfL progiain consisted of Study Book be the men and women o to e Wing"; reading by Miss Dorotby __41 by as. A. Hflls, a pleasing piano1 morrow and we sheuid al try to Williaimson, "Sit Down Strikers"; duet by Marion and Helen Werry, understand youths' ambitions and is. D. Wilson favoured with a \fr. and M.rs. Thos. Bowman, Mfr. and an Easter reading by Mis. S.j encourage them with the right piano solo: Miss Marjorie Hannah and Mfrs. Godf r' Bowman and 1-\iiss Hoar. Attendance 12. ideals. gave a reading; Mis. M. Mounit- ary Helen recentîx xîsited in '%inunt Parents and teachers should joy f avoured with a piano solo; Forest and Kitchener. staive te pieserve the standards o! Mr. Rland Thompson gave a vo- Mfiss Viola Prescott, Tyrone, isLE K R Christianity in a Christian count- cal solo; Mi. Earl Gr-ey gave an xisiting at \Irs. Alf Precott's. ______________________ tiry by realizing tl-eir responsibil- interesting review ini bis address Mfiss Heleni Stark attended the <Î 2 ities and by teaching the cbildien on the progresOf the Hom-e and Presbytery Convention in Bowmian- A number of Leskard young In the home and in tbe sc.bool School Club movement. A speil- ville, and bas beexi visiting iin Orono. people attended Kýirby Young love o! God, love of neighbours,1 ing match was conduoted and r* .r. onMculîc ni isId epl' eague meeting Thurs- love o! Parents, and love o! coun- 1freshnients were served. NMcCulJohn bav'- ihensnd ing aIday ngh. Th Lskrdpepl ___________week in Orono. put on the program. followed by \Mr. Davidi Hall passel away on ae Telde evdafn Saudy.lela enconfineti to gams. h- a.e evdafn la1; 1_Aturdayveb. He babeni.,.sî.., lunch. We bope we will be able re they might de. :"XVe may be ahl way." to attend nme ure. A nuxnbeî fic the hoc-keY gam tween CeppeCi Saturday a! terx Mi. R.oss R< weekend witb and Mifs. Aiith-i Mr. George B ing Roy at his: The Home ai Iast meeting o! beld next McI Jin Lawson,a boy, will be gue if onily -there banana peels oi success. THURSDAY, APRIL 22ND, 1937 the good of othmr."-H-indoo Ed. and Gordon Flaxman Win Major m7Li bu Win ens SIngBesmandos ClubshplansuapproximatelY t hie Titie - Mn. L. W. Dippel saie tournanients s last yea, Wins Senior Honors in Lad- with the biggest event of the se&- ies' Section - Ail Tities De- s601 She<ied for the August civc cided hliday. New champions were declaredBNEO NC in. several divisions when the E VO NC sinoke of battle had cleared away froin the final cnapioasip Benevolent feeling ennobles tourniament at Bowianville Bad the most trifling a c t ions."- mninton Club last week. Fe-atur- Thckeray. ing the tunament was the play "The huMan affections need to o! the Flaxman brothers, Ed . and be hanged from self te benevl- Gord., who annexed the Mens ence and love for Cod and mnan; Doubles tite, and played off for changed te having but one Qd the honos in the Mens Singles and lovinig im supremey, and division. In this latter match Ed helping oui brother n'an."-M5.ry Flaxmnan won the title. The cern- Baker Eddy. plete list o! champions appears "He who wishes to secure the below: good o! others ha-s aiready secur- Met's' doubles-E. Flaxmnan and G. Flaxman defeated Jack Brougb h and Mayor Ros Strike, 14 te 17, i 15 te 6, 18 te 16. t Mixed doubles-Mi. and Mis. S.V R. James defeated Mis. E. L. Oli- ver and J. Brough, 15 te 10, 15 te W 9.t L ad i es' doubles-Mis. L. W.- Dippeil and Mis. S. R. James de- f eated Mis. E. Oliver and Mis. D. Smnith, 15 te 12, 18 te 17. Men's singles-E. Flaxmnan de- feated G. Flaxman, 15 to 8, 13 te 15, 15 te 13. Ladies' singles-Mrs. L. W. Dip- pell defeated Miss B. Bagnell, 14 te 9, il te 6. Section B. Mixed doubles-Miss Y. Tighe and S. Casbouine defeated E. Bagnell and Miss D. Stevens, 15 te 10, 15 to 12. Men's doubles-J. Parker and S. Casbourne de! eated Walter Go)ode and William James, 15 te 6, 3 te 15, 15 te 5. Ladies' doubles-Miss L. Pick- aid anid Miss M. Sith defeated Miss Y. Tighe and Miss D. Stev- ens, 15 to 8, 12 te 15, 15 te 9. Junior Section Ladies' singles-Miss Kitty Ste- rey de!eated Miss Kay O'Neill, il te 3, il te 8. Ladies' doubles - Miss Kitty Sterey and Miss Dinaieelei de! eated Miss P. Enmett and Miss M. Sterey, 6 te 15, 15 -te 8, 15 te 9. Tadpole Section Miss Betty Bettles defeated Miss P. Dustan. n unîversity for IL B LEU eleinto leading )l oput certain NEW PRESIDENT 0F LAWN BOWLERS Plans for cie approachilig sea- often in the fut- son were fuily discused when the om hre ttededannual meeting o! the Bowmnan- -Sn ere atte ded ville Lawn Bowling Club was held ne in Toron1to.be- at J. j. lMasons offilce on April 8. tif a.nd Winnie The officeis eleoted at the meet- ebbns pn.h ing for 1937 were: Piesident, J. lubis penttMi.oscar LaBelle: Vice President, R. Rebbparns, r.R. Stevens; SereaY-T e5uer, Lir RobilLs. m. B. R.ixen; memnbeisl&P Coin- aIl is down heîp.- rmittee, Rev. W. G. Blake, Alan f.nScolCus Freeman, F'red Crydeimail; Match moi s.-hoo Cl b's Com mnittee, J. J. M ason, M . G . V. the season wiil be CGl ýWe Town Cleîk Jolhn nday night. Mi. Lyle, who has been a mnember o! a former Leakard the club for inany years, was est speaker. macle a ife membei. It was de- cided te a! filiate with bothi the were not se many provincial Lawn Bowling Associa- n thbe pathway of tion and the central Ontario Lawii Bowling Association. Thte DON CHRISTIA&N HEADQUARTERS Electric RefrîigeratOrs 0 25 Models'To Choose From A LL BRA&ND NEW Vist Our Showroom and Here You Wifl Have nhe Choice of Tii...Famou 0EiccRefrigerators. Ce G. E: - CROSLEY- APEX MAYFLOWER - BEACH end FRIGIDAIRE GLEAM iNo RUBBING yNo pOLISHING SjPIY Pour a littie eHawu' l oor Gloas on %--L.1- -*th AthOr<s~a in coin, but in kind. Nothing mi- d,fryavng a beautiful tiplies se much as kindnjess"- wea ros stang poluah. Wray. w'ho employs bis wealth,ý lus .heught, blis speech, te advance "Ily. got ta scrub out the toile? bowi and how 1 hate if."" "'Better use GILL1TT'S LYE and flush off the. stains." J No need to rub and scrub Use GilJett'e Pure Flake Lye once a wek ... It tikes off yellow atains ina jiffy ... keepe cogged draine ~ running freeiy.. . banihea un- '. pleasant odors. Use Giliett's Lye in solution* for aIl kinde of heavy :3"" cleaning taîka. It luit waabea the dlrt away. Save@ you houri of hard work. Aiwayî keep a tin handy. *Never dissolve Iye ln bot water. The action of the Iy. Itteli heats the water. FREE BOOKLET-The Gillett's Lye Bookiet tells how to use this powerful cleanser for dozens of tasks. Send for free copy to Standard Brands Ltd., Fraser Ave. and Liberty St., Toronto, Ont. MAYFLOWER REFRIGERATORS Limited Number of 1936 Models TERMSOn Sale At The lrER M SLowest Prîces in No Finance Company - you deal only with Don CIU'istiaI1 Our History. 1 Wby do su many housewlves so .4uieldy set their hearts on the Electic wo offr th mos libeal trms o sui. flwer-nd paticuarlycompared ave tmpard htw oth trs?? YM undestad wen ou se te Myflweryoursell. Its astlng lovelnesri-Its tlze-savng, food-savlng advantage5--Its A GENEROUS ALLOWANOE ]FOR YOUR efficient, smplfied temperature control sd wlde range derotlng OLD 0E OX.featur -ree cube tray-iarge Ice cube capacty-vegetabIe f reaener- OLD IC BO X .round corners that show qutck and easy cleanng-you w ill see that te Mayflower bas ail the features you want anld dernand In the refrigerator you buy. W, WIU gladly teU you iii about the Mayflower-poinlt out lts many outstandlng features . . . explain the guarantee. See what M4ay- fiower has toa ffer yau t tdayl Oshawa Phono 84 1~ Il 'Il qSY&t01 NEW PANTY CREATIONS WAKE SOES fMI DON CHRIfTIAN 1 1 on at London last four years ; anti W. A. Fry. nville Chronicle anti president of etic Union of Canada; lower pic- :ditor of The Huntsville Forester, )resident for the comning year; Dr. xpresid 'ent of the- University of who was special speaker at the W. Wright, 82-year-old editor of tConfederate. Dr. Fox welcomed ide atthe mrnng ~session that a

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