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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Apr 1937, p. 8

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THURSDAY, APRIL 29, 1937 THE CANADIAN STATESNIAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO cal lodge. There are neaily a I dozen members of Florence Nigit- I ngale holding 50-year jewels. Members of the degree team o! IN THE DIM AND DISTANT PAST OtnbeLde n eebr I_______________________________________________plified tlhef irst degree before a large nMbr. About 40 attend- TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO FIFTY YEARS AGO ed f rom tbe Liftiock City. Fol- ________lowing the lodge sessions re! resh- From The Canadian Statesman, From The Canadian Statesnlan, ments were served and speeches April 25, 1912 April 27, 1887 were made by several of the visit- _______ing bretbren, including D.D.G.M. Wednesday evening about forty Enniskillen: A number cf rela- E. J. Leason. menibers of St. Josepb's Cburcb tions and friends assembled at. the 0 f special interest is the fact gathereel at the residence of Mr. residence of Mr. N. Bvers onl Fri- t.bat the degree team of Florence P. Mara, Queen Street, to Say day. it being thse l5tii or crystal Nightingale bcsdge. beaded by A- farewell to bim anti Miss Nellie 1 anniversary of their wedding. A derman Sid Liýtttle, won the cup Mara previous to their removal t0 large number of suitable presents f or District 44, as tbe best degree Toronto. Mr. Thos. Bottrell read mwer«e given by the guests. teani recently. Ivan Hobbs, Noble, a nicely worded address and Mr - Cour-tice: Samuel M a n n i n g. Grand. b-ad charge of tbe session M. Connors presented Mr. Mara who wa.s drowlxned ats the marsh. last week. witb a gold beaded cane. and Miss s burieti at Ebenezer on Wed- Another member. Bro. A. L. L.ena Chard presenteel Ms M\ara nesday. Nichoils. bas now completeti 50 vitb a gold watch. botb nicel1Y Tyrone: The Order o! Canadian years and xwill be presented witb engraved. Hom~e Circle was organized bere a .iewel in tbe near future. i. J. W. Bradley lias been last week with these officers: granteel six mont'bs leive of ab- Leader. T. H. F.. Hancock; Past PEDLAR PEOPLE IN sence by Newcastle Board of Ed- Leader. Samuel Pollock- Vice- ucation as bis pbysic:anr. reom- Leader. John Hoidge: ii'n. Sec. BUSINESS 76 YEARS mends a complete res:. John ODell: Treasu.rer, Samn Hind.man, Cherry Valley. ha.-: beefl Hooper: Rec. Se'y., Thos. CreeP- ElsewheIre in tbss issue there engaged during his absence. er: Chap.. H. C. Hoar; Marshall. appears the !îrst o! a series of Dr. and Mms. A. S. Tie i T. T. Jardine; Warden. F. A. advertîsement of The Pediar Peo- rEmove about May lst !0.te br Weekes: Guard. J. H. Hicks; Sen- pie bited o! Oshsawa. Tbe bis- new residence purcbased f romn Mr. t.nel. Sa.muel L. Bingha.z. tory of tbis Compa.ny is very in- J. B. Martyn, Queen Street. Attendanfce at Bowm a n vi le teresting rePda Mr. F. W. Kirkendall. machin- .High Scbool is 99. In 1861 the late Georg eeit ist o! the BAnavtl ouir alarm o! fixe was sounded started to manufacture see Company, bas accepted a posidon If rom tbe South Ward f irehalmtlpout, ricalyk- in rlia.o n Friday. Fie bowever was only chen utensils. His metbod of in Orllia.a small affair ca.used from a spark selling these products was very Birth: Munday - At Mapie from thse blacksm-ith shop of Mr. unique and can be remembered by Grove, April 2lst,,te Mr-. and Mis. Wescott. aligbting upoit and jg- some o! tbe old residents o! Dur- Mark Munday, Jr., a daugbter. 'ut.ig thse xindow sili o! the bami County - -tbe principle was Grea Bat.-ic. ouse occupied by Mi. Proutt. It from Factoiy to Consumer. Marieel: Weekes - Keys - At, was put out witbout the aid of In 1892 thbe laVe Mi. Pedlar de- thbe residence o! thbe brie's par- tbe engîne. cided Vo manufacture 'Metal Roof- ents, April 24tb, by Rev. W. N. Mr. Neil McPherson is borne ing and in those days a metal Arnold, Mi. Edward F. Weekes,!frcsm Queen's College. Kingston. rocs! for a bain, bouse or otber Toronto, and Miss S. Helena, 1 He won the scholarshit>prisde $35 buildings. was almost unklnswll. daughtei of Mi. and Mxs. W. b.i for junior matbeanatics. For thse f irst few years the sell- Keys, Bowma.nville. Bowmanville's debt: Debentuies ing o! Metal Roofing was rather About fiity friends o! Mr-. and consolidated, $38.000; Pire pro- an uphili ask but by consistent Mis. Thomas Fasccse met at. tbeiri tection, S2.699:; Redemption by- advertising and building up ar beautiful residence, Hampton, oni law. $2,130; Bridge debenture, efficient sales organisation and Apilil7Vh te celebiate wth hem 1$686: Second D. O. & P. Co. bonus following te original policy of the 5tb anniversa.ry of their $1,815; Total $45,330 at the end Factory to Consumer. the turn- weddiflg day. Mi. A. J. Reynolds 'o! 1886. over in the Pediar plant at Osh- red headress and Mis. H. E. Biitb: Walke - Near Tyrone. awa une omlcni is Tink presented Mis. Pascoe witb April 23, te the wife o! William about twenty tbousand tons per a sunbumst o! pearis and a wed- Walkey, a son. annum. ding ring. while Mi. Pascoe was Buiketon: Mi. T. H. Taylor bas Their products consist of - piesenhteel wit.h a gold watch and bougbt 56 acres o! timber land Shingles, Sidings. Eave Trougb, chain by Mis. R. J. McKessock. joining bis own, from Messrs. Conductor Pipe and Elbows, ttsree Hampton: Mr. W. G. Doielge Werry and Elford o! Darlington. designs o! large sheet Roofing. lad a biack mnoica hen lay twcs He bas now one o! the best blockts Ordinary and "Council Standard", f ully developed eggs on Sat.uiday. o! ba.rdwood tiunber in Durhams Expanded Metal bath, Metal Cul- Wbere's your egg beater now? County. verts and WeUl Curbing. Ventila- Tyrone: Mss. Roland, osaca, $1200 is off eied in prize% at tors for Barns. Barn Equipmreni. mother cf Mi. Richard Hatberly Bowsmanville's celebration cf the including Bain Door Tiack, Hay and Mms. Ha.rry Hoey of this Queen, s Jubilee in June. Car Track, including car, for' place, died April 12Vh, aged 82 _________ and slings Stable Equipmefl' years. i osaddaughters See Sachiosis, Steel Partitions survive. DAVE TOD OSHAWA Box Staîls. Water Bowls. Darlington: Miss Clark, Picton, We have always o a more ou bas been engaged to teach in tis PRES ENTED WITH less extent considered thse Pedîsi school bere in place of Miss S, A. FIFTY-YEAR PIN Company a local organization ae Moise wbobas resigned.____ a number cf their employees ai Formr Bwmanill ManHasDurham boys. outstanding asnor ___________________ FomerBowanvileManHasthem being Ex-Mayor FranskL Been a Member of Florence Mason who bas been witb tbi Nightingale Lodge 1.0.0.F. ccmpany many years. Somneo For Half Century these men bave extensive boit Dave Ted, well known Oshawa ings in tVUs County. As a serie baker prorietr an f or nie cf advertisemlents will appear i propan i ize pe-this paper during the next Vhs- Bowmanvwill i tiz e was r e- or four montbs we suggest tba 4%maa àa o 3iZU Cat the meeting o! Fiorence ýNight- oa wiedeknowedge otheiprduga FIDO WAV ingae 100F.ber let manufactureel by the Pedlar Cor 90wuweek. The presentation te Mi. ay ~4Tod was made by Ex-Mayor J. J. a. 0Mason. Past Noble Grand cf the _____ icdge and a fifty-year veteran Uâ ie ihimself. Mr. Tcd in accepting OBITUARY thLs teken o! long service regret- a ted that bis residence in Oshawa David Hall, Enfield did not permit bim o taire active Thse bigh esteemi in wbich th I part in the lodge's activities, but late David Hall was beld by h he was glad. lie said, Vo support relatives and fri-ends was show th In tewor eing areen by the large number presenti I te reane o! O'OF* bis funeral in Eniaeld on Tuesda: members f rom t.wo Petesboro April 2tb. Friends were presei ledges. Bowmanville b'odge chai- fs-cm Toronto, Oshawa, Agincour iEnged te district to show any Haydon and other points. Re lodge wlde coulel produce more J. E. Whitbame, paster o! Ennu f îity-yeav mnembers than the 10- kiliEn Unit.ed Cburcb circuit. coi Sprang Speclals At the Corner Groceiry Store Attend the Crown Brand Cooking School Crown Brand Corn Syrup, 5 lb. 40c 2 lb. 19c senso n's Corn Starch................ pkg. 12c Canada Corn Starch ............... pkg. lOc Silver Glossb Starch .................... pkg. 12e M azola Cooking O011...............28c and 49c Dr. Jackson' s Roman Mca! - Bekus Puddy Lshus - Kof y Sub Pkg. 33e Northerfl Toilet Tissue............. 3 roils 25C Salada Treal............ 12 lb. 37-c 1 lb. 63c Aylmer Bantam Corn Refugee Beans 2 tins 250 Butter Beans Bulk Cocoa ....................2 lb. 25C Red Rock Canned Pumpkin.......... 3 tins 2Me Five Rases Flour .............. 24 lb. bag $1.10 KuntZ Belfast Style Ginger Aie......... 2 Ige. botties 25e P u rty Oats, regular 25e ........ special 21c Alien Bowmanvllle PAGE EIGHT L. mis O! [d- ies me iat Ën ets m- the is at lay. ent art, Lev. lis - Ms. G. Bwman at the piano led in the inin o Nearer My God te Thee." " The late David Hall, thougb born in Springburn. Sootland, in 1883, was a true Irishman. He came te Canada wit.h bis parents in 1890. settling in Toronto and later moving o Bowmanville, oshawa. Hayelon, and Enfieldl. It was whiie working in thie woollen milîs in Oshawa !i!teen yeams ago that be receiveti an injury f rom wbicbh h never f ully rec-overed. Hîis lon- suffering was breught quetly te a cloe on SaturdaY. April l7th. Le!t to mous-n a beloved bus- band,. !ather and f rienel. are bis w:! e, the former Allie Haire of Tornte, o wbcrn he was married in 1909: tbree sons. William. John and David, o! Enfield:; and two daugitters. Helen and Dorothea, at hcme. Alsso bereaved o! a dear son and brother are bis mother, wbo is living at Agincourt; four brothers. John, William and Ro- bert of Toronto, Richard o! New York; andi enssister. Mis. 0cr- don Lennox o! Agincourt. The paîl bearers were tbree bro- thers, John, William andl Robert, and three sons, Williamn, John and David. Flower bearers Werse Cecil McKnigbt, Artbur Hubert, Gkeorge Hubert. Ceeul Hubert, loyd Fer- guson, Norbet Prescot.t. Fred Samis, and Frank McMullen. Floral tributes received froni cutside bis imniediate family were frscm Women's Association o! En-: field, Hayelon scunday School. Pu- p ls and Teacher o! Eniield. Mi. and Mis. Frank Gilbert, Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Hubbert, Cecil Me- Knight. Mi. and Mrs. Norswortby, Ethel McKnigbt, Mr. andl Mrs. Rober-t Hall. Mi. and Mrs. Will Hall, Jack Hall. Richard Hall. Mi. and Mrs. C. E. ]Buîk, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Lennox, Mis. James Hall. Mucb sympatuby is extended to the bereaveel ones by a large nuniber o! neighbom ,anid iriends. m. J. D. Kestie, Bowmianville There passed quietly te iest at thse home o! ber sister, Mis. (Rev) W. H. Spargo, on April 20tb. Sus- anisa Passmore, widow o!V'te late Rev. J. D. Kestie o! Exeter, Ont. Mis. Kestie -was -tbe !iftb daugh- ter o! the late William and Mary Pasmore, andl was born near Ex- eter, Huron County. on December 20, 1853. in 1880 she meved i- to Exeter and in 1896 was united in marriage with Chazles Snell wbo pa-ssed peacefully -te zest in GOLENOSALTRT IDSUPL2 .....o..ta...t.... . . . . . . . . 2 fo r 5 C 2. for 75c 2e brbnt Cotto.............2fo25 20C auzoIe ndageIn .. ... for S20e e GazeBan a g e 1.......10...d....... for 5Ce HYAL SOC25eoAbsoBtrbent Gze, . 2..for 2OC CHOYEXCOLASOC5e AdhCeie.li. x1.2..........f.. oc5 COD LIVE soc 2 e d e r, 3 s ½in. ..........ds. 2 for 20 (11.00 IdealLxv) 2e Ni, tCon'3 Pades................ 2 for 2e 2 for 251.UDRISOCVnshnrAm ... ..."...2 f O C SOC5 e e t...r.s......o... ...... ........2 fr SOC 2e TMen's Pocket Comb .**"*'*'*«' 2 for 2e 1.00LDTsSOAP 75e Nylo....y....Card ......... 2 for 170e (75e site) 5e oypial W no t o oth................2 for 5e u 20e GaOc n getol inooxh10rush. 2 for 20 15or10 e NCaueandager1 nBras. .. .2 for 5e 25 NCeA-r t ea Penc1al. ...... .. 2 for 5e (250CTbx)Reor 2. for 25c UDISA "2FR1 NYSIS20 Mors o KEob. ........2frSL0 TO LET SAPo7e Sto P t i ng s........... o 5 25e RoyTV al i ndsrToce.s .. e 5 SOC NysepboUle TohBuh....... o O 2 for 150c aSeor 2c uPh rse or 695 . .is .... . . . ..... . ..... o l 0 Slenadi Enelope. Lieu .ndKM Dunrsh....e......... ..... ... ..... 2for 30e Gilia Pa. Nte Sue. nen udKi KFinish................. ...........2 for5e Gensidy aprde, Linen and Fidh Faiis ..t...S.......................2 for 75e Glensida EPsd. U Lnen an Kd Fidh ini.t . ......S..........................2 for I30e Glenaida Porfoo, Linen nsidnsh: Finish ........ ..... for 35C Orange Pekoe Blend 1 1906. In 1912 she wa.s united in .z. ablv reduced. The plan is operated marriage with Rev. J. D. Kestle i ~ ~ u on'a joint contribution basis and is who~ ~ a1 era ongiînN**a *l nderwritten b't theMeItroDpolitani wh fe ogilespa.ssed . Life Insurance Company. Benefits away in 1927. IUinm t o 0the employees include Group Lufe Mrs. Kestle was of a quiet dis- Young People's Uinmto Insurance. Accident and H-lalth cov- position but helped in al of the Tb.ursday evening. Mis. Russell erage, and Accidentai Deati and Dis- church activities. In early years virtue took charge of the wor- remîbrment Insurance. Commientxng she united with the Bible Chris- ship period: Quiet music, Mis. ulpon this 1program, NMr. Stewart tian Church under the pastoral Ross Pooley; soripture reading.; stated that it had proven very bene- care of Rev. G. T. Colwill of reading, Mrs. Russell Virtue; thse ficial to the firm's employees. sainted memory. In Exeter she hymn, O Master Let Me Walk united with the James Street with Thee; prayer, Rev. A. M. _________ Cbuch her sh rndeed wal-Wootton; poem. Mr. L. Mortson. ingrc servie beingresdent oaf the Mr. Gordyn Brent took charge of And manY a man bas built a Ladies' Aid for nearly twenty the following program: Reading, castle in the air %iÙle bis wife years. For twelve years she was 1Mr. Alden Hoar; top:c, Rev. A. M. M'as nailing a board on the back Recordmng Secretary of -the W.M. Wootton; reading. Mr. Lorne Ant- fence. S.. later being appointed presi- nis: vocal duet. Mrs. Floyd Dud- dent, a position she held until ber ley and Mrs. Theo Down; Tead- husband's iliness, and after lis iflg, Miss Eva York; piano duet, deatb she gave Up her borne and Misses Helen and Marion Werry; ~r came to live with her sister Mis. reading, Mi. Percy Werry. fle stu I o Spargo. Bowamanville. . Congratulations t.o Rev. andcigs f ll o Four years ago she fell and Mrs. A. M. Wootton on the arrivai broke drcipn eIastMenan ofra fine baby bhotyh.dd invlideve sice.Sine lst ay On Wednesday evening a nuin- the bas been confined t.o ber bedbe of young people gatbered atth gi r d é and bas had thue constant atten- b orne of Mr. and Mis. Thos. tion of ber niece, Miss Vesta Richards and presented Miss Lla i fENaf Spago woseloin cae f erRichards and M. Clinton i igeloW esENard Spt argo. lyhose lovig aeno!fhinwith a miscellaneous shower. Tbe gi'i5 K imb, fulli higbest terms. remainder o! the evening was Who are healil spent in dancing. Lunch was ser- vital health by serving Sh rec A private funeral was held at ved. the residence of ber sister on Lib- Mis. Gusse Rosevear and Lar- med with Nature's precious erty Street North, on Friday af ry bave returned borne after vi- the system everythlng requin ternoon. Rev. Sidney Davison,' ig reds at Millbrook and Ized. Start them off every m pastor o! Trinity United Churc.h, port Hope. hot or cold milk. lt's thek gave a very suitable and comfort- Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Byamn, ing address from the 23rd Psalm, Yvonne, Clifford and Grenville, THE CANADIAN SHREDD and was assisted in the service by spent Sunday at Mi. L. Robison's, NaraPu Rev. W. A. Bunner. IPeterboro. . The pail-bearers were Messrs., Congratulations to Mr. a.nd Luther Kestie. and son Robert Mrs. Clinton Bigelow, nee Miss -. Kestie, William Passmoire, Percy Lola Richards, on their recent Fassmore. Gilbert Duncan, and ma.rriage. Fetcher Staples.Mran Mrs. Bounsal, Peter Sbe leaves to mouin her pass- and Nancy, Bowmanville, spent ng ani only sister, Mrs. W. H. Tuesday with friends in the vil- rSpargo, Bowmanville, and a sis- lage. ter-in-law, Mis. S. Passmore, csf Exeter. Employees Get Group r Among t.he relatàves present nua e twere: Mi. Luther Kest.le and son, nuac Toronto; Mis. Samuel Fassmore. Mi. and Mrs. William Passmore, Announcement has been made by fMi. and Mrs. Percy Passiflore. Mi. Nfr. W. F. Stewart, Vîce-President and Mrs. Gilbert Duncan, Mis. and General M.\anager of Dominion -John Hackney. Mrs. Clayton Stores Limîted, of the liberalization s Frayne, of Exeter; Mrs. Garnet of the Grotip Irsurance ptogranflSl 'r Passmore, Sarnia; Mr. arlm is covering the staffs of the firm inE Fletcher Staples and daugbters, Toronto. and M.\ontreal, by ,%-Iich the MAD IN C N - of Toronto. tensplo\.ees contribution i- consider- M D N C N NYAL COD LIVER OIL (Stanardtaed) Mit or Plin (16 oz. mize> Spcial 2 for $100 MIUC OF MAGNESIA TOOTH PASTI (25c aize> 2. for 25c NYAL IPHEDRINI NASAL JILLY (SOC aite) 2 for 50c NYAL FACE CRIAM <Wîth Perozide) (50< ine) 2 for 50C HALIBUT LIVER OIL CAPSULES "Fortified' 2 for $100 MYAL DRILLIANT LILAC HAIR OIL 2, for 50#~~ Medicine Cabinet Speciai' !ce Castor 'Oil, Tasteless ................ 2 fer25e 72cBorie Acid (Slfter Top) ........2 for 20e 2c _aphortd01 z . o 5 5 c C a r ' B a s i o . . f r 2 5 5c GlC ernadRs atr. o 5 25e GCap e , 3 ............. 2 for 25c 25e Mrcrochrosm, 1/ oz ........ 2 for 25c 25e Olcit Euaypos tus... .......2 for 25e 25e Seidlitz Powders ..............2 for 25c 25e Spirits Camphor .............2 for 25e 25c Tincture lodine, 517o...........2 for 25c 75e NOURISHING CREAM .....2 for 75e 75e FOUNDATION CREAM .... 2 for 75e 75e FACE POWDER ..................2 for 75e 75e FACIAL FRESHENER .....2 for 75C 75e CLEANSING CREAM ......2 for 75C 35e TALCUM POWDER ...........2 for 35e 1.00 DUSTING POWDER .......2 for 1.00 SUNDRIES AT "2 FOR 1" Wash Cloths <Cellophaned) .... 2 for 15e 35e Ladies Dresslng Cosb ......2 for 35e 1.00 Nyal Shaving Brush . ..........2 for 1.00 1.25 Fountain Syringe .............2 for 1.25 39e Nynaps Sanitary Pada ......2 for 39c 1.25 Windsor Douche Syringe ....2 for 1.25 1.75 Nlmrod Hot Water Bottie ....2 for 1.75 1.00 Nycesi Hot Water Bottie ....2 for 1.00 ty -Friday -Saturday HoT PdT April 29, 30 and May 1 Lotion 2 for 50c IAKE'S DRUG STORE i&aHL P. R. COW LING, Phm.,B. S0< i* ($1.00ai) Bowmanville, Ont. afr500 2 for $100 e Test Eyes and Fit Trusses THf1E NYAL COMPANY AND HUNDREDS 0P NYAL DRUG STORES CO.OPERATE WITH US TO GIVE YOU NYAL REMEDIES, TOILETRIES AND DRUG NECESSITIES AT HALF THE REGULAR PRICE - PURELY AN ADVERTISING SALE. YOU BUY ONE ITEM ON THE SALE; WE GIVE YOU ANOTHER 0F THE SAME KIND OR THE SAME PRICE ABSOLUTELY FREE 1 1 kge -lr Magie Cof fee Mb. 29e Harry Phsone 367 - 368 1 1 TUAie 'd Wheait merry-eyed, strong and firm of ofe f-these are the children :hy. Seethatyourchildreflenjoy lded Wheat regularly. lt's cram- iwhole wheot goodness and gives 1 ed to keep It nourished and vital- isrnlng with Shredded Wheat and Ideal natiMral food for everybody. 20 'aHEAT COMPANY, LTD. a Canada IM A f- l!ý V Y 1- Wr 12 big biscuitsCetorCudn in every box Shredded W.heot every dey1 JD EDWH EAT 6DA - 0F CANADIAN WHEAT

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