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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Apr 1937, p. 10

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THURSDAY, APRIL 29, 1937 'rue'CANVAfI AV 'STATFSM ANV «WVMANVILLE. ONTARIO PAGE TEN 'I- ~ . . . . . ~' - NCAADA uraaLogus for variet;es titat At gracers, ready ta serve. GODS h>rna+ that tî:rn. Laie Fail i<s Yau can't buy arn uher sýcarce tîrne andi I cher- bigger value. .--h the Chrysanthemrns with Made by Kel- %p ride Ltd. ~thýî . laie bloommor-. Plant sorne ogiLn- CR Standard Brandi()f thew slynew vanieties aof lggLiALoS Frasr Ave. & Lbety St., Mmg>d n o ~lhv don, Ontario. Toronto, Ont. uc-rntntilbbche eefrosts Plhase @emd me the free Royal Cme. Veat Bake Book. Orange Pie MADE BETTER... Name Mix ~oîl a haîf cup flour 3ý cup ,ugar I. teaspoon sat PACKED BETTER Addreus witit 1h pý,watc Aii2 TASTE BETTER ... Town - --,.-.- ligittly beaicn egg ylsac oo in double boiler for ten miunutLes. NOTED DIETICIAN COMING TO BOWMANVILLE 'stirring constantly.' Remove from fire and add 12 cup orange juice, TEMP INGMENUAT HE 2 teaspoons lemon juice, 2 tea- C'fYIE1~Iorange rind and 2 tea- spoon lemon rind Chili and put 1 ito 9" baked pie shell. Make a ______ Imeringue by putting 2 unbeaten Capa.city Audience Likely When that will tax the capacity of the egg whites, 12 cup sugar. speck of Mrs. Aitken Appears at ýst. hall. The School will begn ait sait. and 2 'tablespoons mater i.n PauI's Lecture Room 2.30 on Friday afternoon, Dy- double boiler. Beat i minute over To-morrow 'hght Saving Timne, and ithose de- water. Remove f rom f ire and ______siring to attend wouid be weil ad- beat until it stands in eas.Pl on the menu which Mrs. Aiken: vised to be at St. Pauls Lecture on pie. willpreareand cook at The Rooin in good time. The entire nlsSedCk Canda tach ookngSchool o n pr<<ld o es m~~all.admission i cup butter Caad tac Coifgwill go to help the work of thue 1 usga Priday afternoon appear such Women's Institute, ail expenses of i6cup sua tempting dishes as Galatine of the demonstration being borne bY 6 o.eggs a sed Veai; picadilly Salad; chesh.tre The Canada Starcli COMPanY 3 2 oz.rases Cheese Savouries5 George and Limited. Cream butter and sugar thor- Elizabeth Cake; and Savoy Tea _________________one____a____ Cakes. The demonstration Willouhyadegsoeaatre 0aete om f a special Cr- HnsFrHmbde and beat ater each addition. Sf t nation Party anrflot onW willin flour and add ca.raway seeds. those attending the School learflMxnoogl and bake in a how to make these. and mans .1 Wntten for The Statesman moderate oven of 325 degrees. other delicac-ies; some fortunate by ntembers of the audience - cho-.ý Jessie Allen Brown sen by means of! Lucky Number'- MRS. FRED BOWEN prograxns - -iij receive these Wanted, A Home IS COUNTY HEAD dishes as prizeý. vnnwpolfe tai s The same method -ill be used EvnnOpol elta ti F H. AND S. CLUBS in awarding many other prizes in- all right for a girl to get married____ c]uding parceis containing sain- and leave hier parents alone- but if Session Held In Port Hope Tues- pies of such famnous products as she is uninarieci and wants her day Night - Mrs. Fred Bowen Crown Branld Corn Syrup, Ben- own home, it is highly reprehen- Again President son's Corn Starch, and Mazola, sible to leave them. A girl in her which Mrs. Aitken uses in hier late twenties has done this te hier The April meeting of the Home cookery, and for mwhieh she lias own satisfaction and eventually and School Club wus held Tuesday discovered so, many new and de- lier p a r e n t s night. April 13, in the Centrai lightful uses. There will also be were recondil- School, Port Hope, with the Dur- na.ny special prizes, including a ed~ but not hier . ham Council in charge of an in- Birthday Cake for te oidest lady xare broth- teresting prograrn. The ýtepic of in the audience. ers and sisters. ithe evening, "Home Educaition" Members of the Women's Insti- She is a busi-- was developed by a niumber of tute, under whose auspices te ness w o m a n speakers, each giving a particular Sohool wll be held, report thiat who works very view. Mrs. Elia Strike of Bow- sc great interest lias been shojvt in lard alt timnes, manville presented the grand- a the announicement that this farn- with no regular mohr's view; Mrs. Wmn. Clarke, S ous dietitian and radio speaker 'Itours for xneais Bowmanville the aother's; missA was coming to Bowmanville, and and rest. Other M. Archer, the teacher's view; all sgrs point to an attendance urnes she is not Min. Citas. Hancock. Newcastle, ____________________very busy, so thte nurse's view; Rev. Normtan s h rets n esse Alen Taylor of T.C.S., tite minister's; sack t i mn e s. Jî le and Col. E. E. Snider, the in- Her parents are Brownl spcctor's. elderiy and get up at seven on Musical cntertainntent inciuded D on 't R iSk weekdays and at eight on Sun- a vocal solo by Cecil Wite, a duet nute. I was impossible for her Trott, and a song. 'Sweet Ken- W to be on time always and lier tucky Babe" by a group of girls, d work suffered as it worried býer accompanied by Mr. Stanley. rI S p o ile d to be making more Work for lier Mrs. Fred Bowcn presided at fi motiter. If site was out late or the meeting which opened -with B 13 C 3. ! was not particularli' happy at the minutes of the luti council w home and that hier nerves were meeting. The treasury shows a C breaking under te strain, the balance of $6.25 on hand. The e: B KE U Hbest thing to do bath for herseif Durham Council officers for the E BAKE W IT and liter parenits was to have an coming year are thbe saine as last si apartiefit of!lher own. It start- year. being reburned wititout d R OYA L Y EAST i led iter parents au f irai but a.fte-r change, and are: President, Mrs. fi thinking it over, they became re- Bowen; lat Vice President, Mrs. c conciled. But not hier f amily. W. Baskervilie; 2nd Vice Presi- d it S lwaysýI ler sisters were highly indignant dent. Mrs. Wmn. Clarke; Rec. Sec.. il ~ lu'a sthat site sitouild le ave their par- Miss Greta Wickett; Cor. Sec., l'i-srnoh ents alone. It -wxas ail rigitt for Mamie Archer; Treasurer, Mirs. M. A full-srene h titentot get married and leave Gibson* The executive includes s but what right had site to leave. Mr. R: Osborne, Lockhai-t's, and V She says titat it has worked out Mr. G. Marbyn, Lake Shore, wa,'th ý well. Hler parents are happier three members to be chosen. Them FIAI1witht li er as they can do .iust as annual June meeting wus dis- PA I~~ they Uike and SO can she. Her cus-sed and the conittee in PH EW: 5run.c mother itas much less work and' chaige of the display o!fitandi- se actually sPends more free time work by the. children will be ap- 1wmith them than site did before pointed by the executive. There go GH I because whn she gaes home she wiU aiso be an interesting illus- ~HO LP HA E as lime to stay. Her owri healtit trab-ed lecture ai Newcastle, AprilC US P OY L is under the strain of trying ta! speak on Vimy.9 V561P ROYAL fit hier life in to suit her parents' Grandmothers are able to de-v scheduie. She can have hier meals, veiop co-operation between thee when and where she likes. Every-, children. schooi and parents. Con-f one is satisfied but her sisters'" fidence is easily gainedl and a iwho f eei titat she has no righbta sympathelic understa.nding bene- 1 leave home. i flcial to the child is developed.I Condtion Ar Alwys iffeentThey can aiso introduce a picture cf God into the child's ife. Mrs. Parents seemn to find it difficuit Clarke claimed love is more im-a to understand why their children portant in the chiid's life than i arc so different hywl a routine. The mother is respon- /'that the cilîdren are brougit i UPi'sible for tbc child's healtit and$ cxactly the sme. They live in advantage should be take ffe Ite samne house. cat the sm lieauespidby te govern- meais, and have the saine disci- ment. Parents are aiso respon- c pline. Atually te conditions are ible f or the moral and charactert" ' neyer the same, for even flue Pom- building o! the child. Miss Ar- tion in the f amiiy makes a differ- cher asked for a close understand- P ence. The oldeat child is the first ing between te parents and tea- P . ... ... .. ..and is subected to the inexpeni- cher. Courtesy, honesty, seif-re- E ence and fears of te parents. liance are important and te C ... The ncxt child is brought Up bY chiid's healtit is the parents' re- F parents a littie older and prob- sponsibility. Mrs. Chas. H a n- IE abiy not ovcrly solicitous as they c<ck fuliy described the nurse's t] were with their first child. The point of vlew, and Rev. Norman tà older chid may have cxperienced Taylor expressed his opinion that P jealousy of the new arrivai and religious teaching must begin in You g et every cake of the youngcr may be resentful Of the home. Coi. E. E. Snider em- Royal Yeast in an air- Thsec ti aY bo all111C - pexius pekers,% ~ scions but Vthey are present just cauirbesy. epcal figh wrpper...sealed the -samne. Sa no two chiidren are The meeting ciosed with a vote against contamination brought up under similar coitdi- of thanks by Mr. Osborne, sec-T O bke lof uat' swet-different. They may eat the samne __________ ones apparently but if you watch Most people can have a lot of T flavored, fine-textured, andi you will find differences. One nicc îhings said about them - by truy ppeizng ya ned godtables and te otiter cats them A man who looks like a sinner iý yeast ... one that's ful-strength uncier protesu but likes the sweets. ta other men may look iike a E ýind pure. !Parents shoulci recognize tai saint to some woman. E children mus, be different be- The wheel of fortune lias turn- Royal is always dependable. i cueo inherited differences anci cd many a man's head. Eac cke. s ro.c1 d y .n ar-beause O iferntc;_tbon 1 St. PauU's Afternoon1 Auxiliary The lthank-oifçi.tg meeting o! St. Pau'l's Af ternoon Auxillary w'as held in the S. S. roont Tues- dav. Presi41ent Mrs. W. H. Car- lxrv A MEALTM SERVICE OF *THE CANADIAN MEOICAL j\1 ruterprestded.Prayer was of-' 1UBunAtCezcowANIES fered by Mrs. W. F. Banister. IN CANADA Bible lesson. was given by Mrs. Geo. Mason, the tiheme being Tite Power o!fVte Risen ChristVtrougit he giving o!fte Holy Spirit NOSE BLEEDS which, is avadîabic ta, eaOit one o! ?iod's children. The guest speak- Stop t-hase repeated nase bleeds' er. miss Marlon Coon of Citung before you lose your job. Busi- King, West China, gave an in- ns oa ead ratda structive and enligittenmng ad-nefs tedare odemd a rateal dress on China as She kte'w itifyuactkep ou ied if teen yea.rs ago and tewon- abave t.he tide and yau canna-t do lerful progress made, and present titis when your bealthit l being day conditions, also, o! her work undermined by f reciuent itemor- in the school titere. An expres- rhages f rom te nase. O! ten te Èon of t-lanks an behaîf o!fte cause and rentedy are se simple ~uxiiarywas ivenby IirsiL. oa. A smail blaad vessel towards Squair, aiso one by Mrs. B. M.th frno!Venaebrsis htarnica on beitaîf o! Triniiy 1 wall andi bleeds for a 'ie.soon Auxiliary, a num-ber o! whom i+ stops, but befare it is compiete- were present. ly healed it breaks titrougit at ihe? same place again. and ibis may occur a number o! limes. Your TrinityW. A. doctor can cure these nose bleeds Regular meeting of the Wo-m- sel with some farm a! caunteriza- an's Association o! Trinity Uni-ted ticn.It-l takes but a short ime Cburch was beld in tite acliool andi is usuaiiy painless. room. Tuesday, April i3th, wlit a Witen you are f aced wsitVte good attendance. Quiet music alarming picture a! blood po-uring w'as played by Mrs. H. D. Clem- from te nase what are yau te ens. Mn. J. E. Elliott presided do? Well, first o! aIl do> not plug for thte devotional period. Me,1s.bt-e nose witit anytiting, as this WVat.son oifered prayer. Scripture merciy causes furtiter injury ta lesson was read by Mrs. W. c.lthe broken wall o! th.- bleedinig Ives. vess.el. Tigitt pressure writ thVie Mrs. E. P. Bradt presided in te -Vironthe outside o!fte nos- absence o! Mrs. L. W. Dippeil. cntri ith is bleeding will usualiy Vitlthe hernorritage in about M'inutes were read and approved. iemnts T'reasurer reported a balance o!f iemnts $191.03. Parsonage Committee Ail nase bleeds o! course are was asked te pay their annual nat due -Vo bleeding vessels at tite visit to ttc Parsonage. Very en- front o!fte nase. CommOin causes couraging reports were giren by in children are adenods and for- ite Cicles.eign bodies. sucit- as beads and the Cicles.buttons. Titese usually cannot be M-s. F. V. att rendered a very disSere except by your doctor, retty springtime sang, accont- wito also can remove te cause panied by Mrs. Clemens. Mrs. S. and so, stop -the bleeding. Davison gave a very helpful ad- Sm dlsufe fr hg dress on "Neigitborliness." Mrs Sm dissifrfrmiii Bradt cxprcss;ed te titanks o!fte bliood pressure whichit ndirectly ladies Vo Mrs. Davison. "Blest Be ____________ the 'ne that Binds" was sung and the meeting cloised wit thVie Miz- out o! first position by te B. C. pait benediotion. leader in the mature section. However, she was titird.i ite en- AN ODE TO NEW PARK There's a place on the edge o! old Mainvers, Te nanue o! titis place la New Park, 'that's very -iard to beat; Witt tite roadway its oniy street. 'There arc no sbops Vo boast about. No stately c-hu-cites tail. Bu-t titere is peace and harmony tnaoyed by anc andi ail. It bas a lit-île public sohool, Nitere pupils, clerer and brigit, viarci thVro' thte daor witen te bell dotit ring, Andi study witt al i teir migitt. These citildren are a joy Vo hear When they their voices ra.ise; And titis brigit buncit o! ittle f olk Deserve aur tigitest praise. 'Te people are t-be f riendiy sort, Wito try l.heir besite do Some kindiy sot to someone cisc, Eacit day, the whoie year Vtrougt. If anyc>ne needs a helping hand, Or work looms Up too higit, Thc phtones ail ring witb a cheery sounci, And anotiter good deeci is nigb. New Park, te vailey o! deep con- Vent, The home o! goad people and kind, Where love your neigitbour as yourseif, As a motte. you'li always f mci. Sa, wito wouldn'it lire in this iteareniy place? Piiiowed by rolling his, Rather than in a city brigt, With lt-s ciat-tering shops andi mills. -An Onblooker. MiUk Records W hile Easter'n Ontario breeders f ailed te land any firatiproduction scores in recent tests, the 5-yr. old cow. Reta Plus Ve-enuan, witita production o! 22,250 lbs. miik, 830 ibs. fait a.nd owncd by S. W. Crox- aU, Uxbridge, Ont., was crowded A. J. Tamablyn, Orono, held sec- ond position Vo Hayes & Co.'s 4- yr. old leader inte 365-day class, wbiile another en-try fronthVie samne iterd was second in produc- tian Vo the Aberta leader in the t.mee-year-old 305-day class. G. A. McCullough o! Cavan, lad Vte titird best two-year-oid in 305- days, and James R. Henderson o! Portsmouth, hýad an- enta-y in scv-1 entit in a class o! 56 mature cows, milkemiVwice daily. R. Ray Mc- Laughiin, Oshawa, and the Es-1 tate a! Geo. Smithi, Port Pcrry, also had enties weli ta the fore in t-he classification. 1 1 Cooking Materials . Utensils 1 itose bleeds. Here the blo'ad f rom the nase is a warning that otiter trouble la preýsent and btite sign should not be negiec-ted. In old- er people growths int Vite nase cause irregular bleeding and te sooner the tuntour is discovered and treatmeni begun, the greater te chance o! cure. Sa it is very important taît ail persons suffering from repeated nose bleeds sitould be exaznined by titeir doctor in order to, find out te cause and t-o commence reatment before too muait dam- age is donc. OLD SAYINGS As poor as a churcit mouse, As thin as a rail, As fat as a porpoise, As rougit as a gale, As brave as a hion, As spry as a cat, As brigit as a sixpence, As weak as a rat. As proud as a peacock. As sly as a fox, As mad as a Marcit haie, As strong as an ox, As fair as a lily, As empty as air, As ricit as Croesus, As cýross as a bear. As pure as an'angel. As neat as a pin, As smart as a steel-trap, As ugly as sin, As dca! as a door-nail, As white as a sheet. As fiat ais a pancake, As red as a beet. As round as an apple, As black as your hat. As brown as a berry, As blind. as a bat, As mean as a miser, As full as a tick, As plump as a partetdge, As sharp as a stick. As dlean as a penny, As dark as a pail, As hard as a m-Illstone, As bitter as gall, As f ine as a ficdie, As cicar as a bell, As dry as a iterring, As deep as a weli. As ligit as a feather, As itard as a rock, As s tiif as a poker, As calm 'as a dlock, As green as a gosling, As brmsk as a bee- And now let me stop, Lest you weary o! me. -Prom bte Old Scrap Book. HEALTH JOURNAL In te Canadian Public Healtit Journal for April a report o!fte play presented by Miss E. R. Gra- htam, Public Heaitit Nurse, and a group o! otiter Bowmanville peo- ple, at a Toronto convention, is reported as Part of a story on "An experiment in Healtit Teacit- ing in Ontario," In titis article, Dr. J. T. Phair, Chic! Medical Officer of Ontario, Points ouittat it is a big mis- Vtake to place the responsibility af -Appliances Mrs. H. M. Aitken Internatianally knawn cook i n g \V'ornens -Inistittute. M rs. Aitken is shool conductor who is ta caniduet well knlown for lier work at the Can- icooking schaol in Bawmanville, at ;I dian National Exhibition and aver the air. Shie is being sponsored iin St. Paul's Lecture Room on Friday. BnNvînanville bi. the Canada Starcli April 3Oth, under the auspices ai the I Conmpany Ltd. 's' F 'i SATISFIED WITH NOTHING BUT THE BEIT Mrs H.M. Aitken In Her Famous Cookery Demonstration Uses McCLARY Electric Ranges and General Steel Wares Enamelware Cooking Utensils EXCLUSIVELY GENE STEELe *I ..ES 1- -e---- -A - - health teaching solely on the shoulders of the Health Nurse of the coimunity. The regular public school teacher, he adds, is the logical instructor in healt.h, and he expresses t.he hope that the curriculum for school teachers in future will carry health in- struction so that they may pass it on to children in thieir care. Bradley's Schiool 'l Thc closing meeting of Bradley's Homne and School Association for the vear 1936-37 was held iin the schoal on Friday, April 9th. Meeting was well attended and an intcresting and instructive program, pflanned bv Mrs. Everett Crydernian and Mrs. MNorlev Gilrov, consistcd of a chorus by tic puipils of BradleNIs sehool; Irish folk (lance by Ferne Gilrov and Mfargaret Prescott. The gulest speaker af the evening wvas Mr. E. A. Summers. Agricul- ttiral Representative for Durhanm County. 11r. Summers presented colored slidcs af the Ferguson high- wvay thraugh Northern Ontario. Both the slides and Nir. Surnnters' ad- dress were very much enjoyed. At the conclusion af the progran-i Mr. Summers directed an agricul- tulral spelling match after whid lunch was scrved. New officers are: Presideî7 Mrs. Frank Gilbert; Vice-President -M r. Evertt Crydernan; Sec.- Teas.-Nl\iss Fans S1j : Cor- responding Scc.-Miss 1W Smale; Executive Committe- .7rs. Alf. Prescott. Mrs. Gordon Leask,, Mr. Merlin Hepburn and Mr. Norman Xellawlees. y OU 'LL find that a G-E Refrigerator more than pays it@ own way. You save on food bis by preventing food spoilage and buying foods more economically. You save on operating conts. And you ~ save on upkeep-because the General Electric is backed by Five Years' Protection on the sealed mechanisni. Sec the beautiful new models with every modern feature. and ask us about convenient monthly terms. Y87 MADE IN CANADA Bowmanville Public Utilities Commission CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC C0., Lirnited

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